#bad week probably gang
rawliverandgoronspice · 8 months
for no fucking reason: real life dictatorships in the 20th and 21th centuries are almost always allowed to thrive because of some empire's interests. If not, they get heavily demonized then dismantled by said empire over a relatively short period of time (unless exceptional circumstances, tho it's almost always applicable). the examples are countless; please read declassified reports and interviews from the CIA/KGB/other intelligence agencies across the world to lose your mind about it, especially those involving what happened during the Cold War and what happened in the Middle East (and still does).
characters like ganondorf are the epitomy of the fantasy that colonized/"exotic" countries naturally spawn evil incarnate and must be controlled/stumped/imprisoned/destroyed by the "responsible ones" while the perfect good place is perfect and utterly blameless about what went down and how the local population suffered (which, in real life, the empires of the world are most definitively not that --the amount of dictators that were ushered into power by western interests is staggering and we fucking love to see it don't we). And also, a blameless victim to whichever retribution eventually comes back their way.
It is a rethoric that denies interconnectivity and historical responsibility.
this is what I criticize about the narrative choices of a fictional conflict that *does not exist in real life* and has been entirely made up by human beings: the cowardice of blamelessness, and what little this kind of narrative brings to the table --especially today when we should be looking at the root cause of broken systems of violence instead of endlessly scapegoating minorities.
and well, especially given how effective this narrative apparently seems to be.
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Chapter 28: Time of Twilight
Adalyn glanced around the mountaintop, taking in the fresh air as she felt the breeze through the fur. It was slowly becoming evening, and the Twilight Bell had a faint glow to it. That made sense however, today was a special day for it. At least it seems that way, which would explain why this happens to happen every year. Like something always had to happen in the spirit realm the bell connected them too. She walked up to it slightly.
It was strange. Whenever you mention the twilight bell to anyone not from here, they couldn't seem to believe it. A bell that lets you travel to some ghostly realm? How could such a thing just exist? It was as if not seven years ago an alien just, causally came from space to get her timepieces back. Then again, aliens came often, she heard. Most didn't know that, and her Dad told her to keep it that way when she found out.
She sat down on the ground and got into the bag of food she brought with her. Stolen, of course. She was a lazy paw gang member at the end of the day. Even if she didn't get to do as much stealing. She had some schoolwork and a job that required her to go to Mafia Town. She wished Cooking Cat would open up another place closer to home, and she could switch to working there. Then again, it felt hard enough to get workers for her current place anyway.
It was probably just because of the location of the town. Sure, she could live in a town full of Mafia one day if she wanted, but just because she was also a criminal. It was just easier to steal. The only way to make a full 'honest living' without the mafia messing with them is for members of the mafia themselves. Mu had done all the work she could, but she was almost an adult now and nothing had changed. Almost made her feel bad.
She paused, turning invisible and heading into the bushes as she heard some footsteps. Over the past few years, the nomads decided to build a few bridges to their peaks. Keywords are a few. It was still a bit of a nightmare to get up to one if you didn't have experience. The point was proven by the breaths of some of the people, some just sitting down and letting out a 'finally'. She smirked as she reached for one of their hats.
"Nope." A robotic voice said as her hand was garbed, her letting out a small huff as she looked at the topbot. The toppat backed up in surprise from her, and she could hear Hat Girl chuckling from nearby. She looked over with a smile, rubbing the back of her head as she backed up, her looking at Platinum afterward. "I'm not letting you just take someone's hat again. As funny as it is, we don't need it falling off the edge."
"When did you mature?" Adalyn asked, tilting her head. Platinum seemed to blink as he let out a groan.
"So, this is the twilight bell?" One of the toppats with a blue hat and a yellow buckle asked. Jaques if she had to guess. She still remembered heading to work one day and being brought into a conversation about the formerly trapped leader.
"Yup, quite the sight isn't it!?" Hat Girl said as she looked up at the bell, a smile forming on her face as memories filled her mind. She had only been in it once before, but how would you forget a place such as that? She already had her umbrella sitting by her side and the hook-shot badge on her hat. She just needed a signal from the others that they were ready. "Just wait until you see the other realm, it's amazing! Lots of ghost goats too."
"You can find anything amazing, this all feels like a fairy tale," Sven said from nearby as he sighed, rolling up his sleeves a bit as Calla shook her head nearby. He glanced up at the bell. "Why must we all come today? Couldn't we see whatever it is, anytime?"
"Not with what is happening today!" Adyaln said with a smile, walking up to the twilight bell once again and smiling. "No one knows exactly why, but every year inside of the twilight bell, around this time, strange shapes and lights appear in its version of a sky. Many say even if you come here every time you can throughout your life, you will only see the same light and shapes around, seven was the most reported I believe..." She turned to them. "And most likely, you'll be gone around this time next year."
"Well, something like that is not something we could just miss out on," Reginald said, looking over at the others. Adalyn had told the toppats at the restaurant about the event, and they reported it to him. Many wanted to see it, even if they seemed to have forgotten that on the trip. He then turned over to his daughter. "Hattie, you think you can get us in?" He asked as he looked over at her. She nodded and he nodded back.
"Watch and learn everyone!" She called, as she raced up to the twilight bell. Her badge activated and her umbrella's hook garbed the tongue of the bell. She held on tight as she let herself swing a bit, only letting go once the area around the group changed. Most let out shocked shouts as it happened, and soon she hopped onto the white ground with a smile, turning to the group. "And that's how you access... Woah, it is pretty." She trailed off as she looked at the sky.
"Think I was lying?" Adalyn asked with a chuckle as she glanced up at the sky. It was a little breathtaking at first she supposed. It was almost like the sky itself had come to life. It looked like light was chasing itself, and stars were forming and disappearing. Everything just seemed so magical, even compared to how this place normally was. She picked up her bag from the ground and looked at the group. "Well..."
"I need to get a closer look!" Calla said as she looked up at the sky, walking forward a bit blindly before being grabbed by Sven.
"If you need to get a closer look, I'll come with you." Sven said, adding "I don't want you falling to your death." under his breath. She looked at him and gave a bit of a smile, before taking his hand and beginning to walk forward. He paused as he finally processed what he had said, and then sighed as he turned to the other toppats. He guessed he just had to bring her back later. "Let's just try to be quick." He asked, Calla, giggling.
"Man, it is beautiful," Fredrick said, opening one of the coolers they had brought with them and pulling out a bottle of water. He still couldn't believe he was somewhere like this. It also brought him a bit of strange joy to know the people who had tried to get rid of them would never see such a sight. "What do you think Burt?" he asked as he turned around, only to see the man gone. "Burt? Where did he go."
"Probably wanted to be alone." Right Hand Man said with a shrug. "'e didn't seem like 'e wanted ta come, after all."
"I'll go find him... But I don't want to get lost..." Fredrick said.
"I can help you real quick." Hat Girl said with a smile, Fredrick turning to the toppat leaders to silently ask if it was okay. Before Right Hand Man had a chance to say anything, Reginald gave a nod and the two were off.
"Hey, wait!" Platinum said, heading after his sister. Adyaln chuckled and followed. Van even seemed to follow after a moment.
"Why is t'is our life?" Right Hand Man asked, getting a shrug from his husband.
Sven let out a sigh as he glanced around the place with Calla. Don't get him wrong, the sight was breathtaking and he was glad Calla convinced him to come. But they knew nothing about this realm and how it worked. He didn't want to upset anything by mistake or have whatever they were walking on vanish and they'd fall to their deaths. He knew stuff like that just happened here now, so it wasn't like he was going crazy in his worries.
But Calla just kept wanting to go higher. It was almost like she was put into some trance by the night sky. There was only so far they could go, he kept telling himself. But Hat Girl had borrowed some mask from Snatcher, and everything it seemed like the two of them got to a dead end, Calla would bring out the mask and make a door open or a pathway appears. It was all so strange and he wasn't sure how much he liked it.
Eventually, she did stop going higher. She didn't say anything about going back, still looking up at the sky in a trance. Sven glanced to the side as he sat down, letting his feet rest, still sore from earlier.
"It's a little strange, all the ghost-type stuff on this planet," Sven commented eventually, Calla looking over at him with a slight head tilt. He looked at her and shrugged as he walked over. Partly because he was worried at how close to an edge she had gotten. "I mean, a haunted forest filled with ghosts, a bell filled with ghosts, a legend of a figure that might as well be a ghost," Sven said, looking at her. "I wouldn't be surprised if we find gems filled with souls or something."
"You would don't lie," Calla said with a chuckle, looking at him with a smile. He rolled his eyes a bit as he glanced up at the sky slightly. He then looked at her again, to see her glancing at his foot. He looked at it confused, but something seemed off. "Do you... still, remember the ruby raid?" She asked as he looked at her, a bit surprised by the question. He gave a nod, how could he forget? "Does your foot still hurt?"
Sven glanced down at his leg, completely covered by the blue of his pants. "Now and again, but it's been years since I got shot."
"You got lucky, who knows how bad it could have been if it hit you at a different spot," Calla said.
"Yea... You have a point." Sven said, looking up as he sat down. He heard Calla join beside him, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh. The sky was beginning to take a reddish glow now that he noticed. That must be why she brought up the ruby. "It's still strange, looking back."
"Because of you only recently being third in command at the time?" Calla asked as she looked over, tilting her head.
"Well, partly," Sven said, a slight chuckle in his voice. Calla gave a slight giggle as he smiled gently at her. "It's just, we were strangers. You weren't even in the clan. But you still came and saved me, and got the ruby." He paused as he felt his cheeks warm up, glancing away as he heard Calla giggle again. "Kinda hard not to fall for you then."
"Oh, you're flattering me," Calla said, reaching over and placing a hand on his shoulder as he looked over at her. "Don't act that way, it's not like we haven't been dating for a while. If I was your first crush it’s justifiable."
"Not sure why I ever liked that guy. Sure he was hot but he wasn't my type in any other way." Sven claimed as he glanced up at the sky, shaking his head.
"Hey, at least it meant you met me." Calla started with a questioning tone in her voice.
Sven smiled at her as he glanced at her again. It still felt so strange for him. He was often stressing over the little details, he was always that way. He always seemed to make more work for himself than there was, he thought briefly back to the day in Snatcher's woods. But whenever Calla was around, she seemed to let out this spark of simple joy. It always helped him feel better, even if he was still ranting on the outside.
"Woah, is that an owl?" Calla asked, pointing to the sky as Sven followed her fingering, catching the bird-like shape.
"Looks a little more like a hawk to me... maybe it's both?" He suggested, Calla, shrugging. He couldn't help but smile. He didn't know what he did to deserve her. It felt like he didn’t deserve her so often. That she deserves someone better. But she was so happy with him...
For a few minutes, the two simply talked and joked, taking in the sights of the sky. And the time with each other. Sven wrapped his hand behind Calla's head at one point and began to gently lean her closer.
"Calla, Sven?" A voice almost seemed to rip through the air unexpectedly. Both of them turned around quickly, seeing Jaques there. "Am I, interrupting something?"
"Oh, no not at all!" Calla said with a smile, pushing some of her hair back as Sven helped her up. He was, Sven thought, but he wasn't about to risk starting a fight or anything of the sort. None of them needed to fall into the void.
"What are you doing here, I thought you were going to stay with the others?" Sven asked.
"I was, but the kids ran off with Fredrick to find Burt, and Right Hand Man started to do that thing he does where he's worried but doing his best to hide it," Jaques said Sven nodding. "So I went to try and find them so he would relax a bit, but you're the only ones I found,"
"We can help you look. We should start heading back ourselves anyway." Calla said, Sven, glancing at her with his head tilted.
"Alright, good. I'll be a few feet away when you're done with, whatever." The former leader said.
Sven let out a sigh as he watched him leave, only to pause when he heard giggling. He turned to see Calla letting out a giggle. "What is it?"
"The lights made it look like you had little antlers." She said, and Sven just shook his head.
"Hat Girl, Platinum, Adalyn, Van! Where did you go?" Fredrick called, worry in his voice as he walked around. It felt like they were together just three corners ago, how could he have lost them? If the chief and right hand, mostly right hand, found out, he would be dead on the spot. He was quietly cursing out Burt in Italian. Why did he have to be so stubborn yet so-
He paused as he faintly heard music, turning another corner to see Burt lending against a wall, facing away from the man. Fredrick let out a slight sigh of relief and walked over to him. Burt didn't notice him, allowing Fredrick to glance over his shoulder. Burt's phone screen showed a pale-ish room, with a yellow hooded character moving based on where Burt touched.
"Very Little Nightmares, right now?!" Fredrick asked with some frustration in his voice as he swiped the phone from Burt's hand, Burt turning and giving him a look of faint annoyance. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and you're just ignoring it?"
"Can't enjoy it the same way all of you can." Burt said, almost like Fredrick was stupid. Fredrick paused for a moment to process it, was he in that bad of a mood? He didn't mean to bring that up, even if indirectly. "And besides, if it's so great shouldn't you be enjoying it?" He asked with a huff.
"Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?" Fredrick asked, pausing the game before Burt's character could get killed.
"Possibly." Burt replied, taking the phone back. Looking for a moment like he was about to just start playing again, like a stubborn teen who couldn't look up until they were done for the day. However, he just turned the phone off and glanced to the side, his hands crossed.
Fredrick was quiet for a moment, he wasn't sure he had ever seen Burt like this before. The only time close he could recall was right before Burt dared him to go a day with an eyepatch over Fredrick's eye. Got his point across quickly.
"Ok, well, if you have to know I was looking for you, that's why I haven't been watching." Fredrick sighed, looking at Burt. The man simply glanced at him for a moment, showing the faintest bit of surprise in his visible eye. He then glanced away for a moment. It was quiet, but then a faint humming filled the area. He saw Burt looking at the ground.
"Why me?"
"Huh?" Fredrick asked, tilting his head.
"I know you're more of a loner, but you still have Sammy if you want to hang out with someone during this event. Or, uh, anyone in the clan that's here." Burt stated. "So why me?"
Fredrick felt the faintest bit of heat enter his cheeks as he tried to think of a way to phrase it. But how could he-
"Hey, there you two are." Hat Girl's voice called, both turning to look at the group.
"And you found Mr. Emo, nice," Adalyn smirked, laughing to herself a bit at the comment. Burt simply rolled his eyes, with his hair he understood why she would say something like that.
"We should head back before your Dads get worried," Van said, looking over at Platinum.
"Ehh, if you say so." Platinum said, giving an awkward chuckle.
"Just don't tell them about how I lost you," Fredrick said, crossing his arms and putting on a more serious face. About as serious as a guy wearing a hat made of cheese could be. He got some giggles from the group of teens, and they began to head back.
"So... Are you coming, or?" Fredrick asked, looking back at Burt. The man seemed to think for a moment, then shrugged and started to follow the teens.
"Is it ending already?" Cooking Cat asked as she looked up at the sky, which was slowly losing the glowing, constant shapeshifting glow. "Guess I should have gotten here sooner, but it was such a busy day."
"Sorry about that. A lot of us just wanted to see this." Mr. Thicc claimed as he looked over at her.
"It's more than alright. It would most likely be your only chance to see this." Cooking Cat said as she waved a dismissive paw.
"Sadly. Don't get to hang out with those leader kids a lot." Adalyn said, looking over as Hat Girl helped some members get ready to go. "Would be nice if you could just hop from here to wherever your home planet is."
"It's a shame things don't seem to work like that, even here." The chef replied, letting out a small chuckle. Reginald just happened to be in earshot and glanced over at the group. He then glanced over at his daughter as she went to get the exit to the normal realm working. She did seem to love it here... was it wrong of him to completely take that away?
"Reg?" Right Hand Man's voice called as he felt a slight shake in his shoulder. He turned over as the carrot-haired man tilted his head slightly. "Ya ok? Ya had a look in yer eye for a moment."
"Oh, I'm fine. You did get some footage didn't you?" Reginald asked, gently poking his finger into one of the looser parts of his husband's hair and twirling it.
"Yea, I did." Right Hand Man said with a mumble, gently pushing the hand away from his hair. Reginald just gave a playful chuckle at that and it made him smile a bit. "Now come on, it will be close to midnight by t'e time we get 'ome at this rate, and I want a good night's rest."
"Knowing our luck, Platinum will go into the vent system in the middle of the night again," Reginald said, slowly heading to the exit. Platinum seemed to overhear because he looked over at them and gave an all-too-innocent smile.
"I need to come to your guy's place for real, it'll be fun to mess with that ghost," Adalyn commented to Hat Girl as they left. "Maybe bring Mustache Girl along just to annoy her."
"Hehe, that would be fun!" Hat Girl said as she adjusted her sleeves, looking over at the simple, but beautiful sky. "We'll just have to hope we got the time..." It wasn't like there was something that would stop them eventually.
"Autiomaa?" The voice felt like a sudden rush of wind through the being's cloak. They turned over and glanced at the figure in the doorway of the old, sandstone house. "I know it's been a while, but I'm sorry about your old home."
"How do you know my name?" Autiomaa asked, their voice shivering despite not having anything that would have made it shiver. But then they paused. This aura... "You know... Please, tell me!" They said their voices filled with sudden desperation. "The girl, from the story. I only have pieces, what's going to happen next."
"I'm afraid the next major part in our tale won't happen for quite a while." The man said, the mask they wore seemed to shake a lot. "But when it does, I will note to stop by and tell you."
"...You're another like me, aren't you?" Autiomaa asked. They lifted their hood slightly. Not with proper hands, and not revealing any proper face. They were just sand, keeping themselves in this form with the magic they had since they took their first 'breath.' "You're a part of..."
"You never know who might be listening." The masked man said, reaching their purple hand to his mask and pulling it faintly to the side. Autiomaa floated back a bit at the sight, and the figure placed the mask back on.
"Please... What is your name?" Autiomaa asked. "You know mine, I feel it's only fair if I know what yours is."
"A simple name, the Badge Seller. Nothing fancy." The man said, offering a hand to the cloak figured. "You should try to come out more, you missed quite the sight tonight."
"I'm sure you fear the fire as much, perhaps more than I do," Autiomaa claimed. "I don’t wish to come across it."
"A fair point, I suppose..." The Badge Seller glanced at the moon slowly rising in the distance nearby.
It was only a matter of time.
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theafrochick · 8 months
Oh boy it's feeling a lot like I don't want to do the activity I planned tomorrow.
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wolfiesmoon · 4 months
I can't sleep
Ran x good girl!reader
Do i want a bad boy (literal criminal) bf? Yea but i would probably cry if he insulted me or got into trouble in any capacity at all
(i am totally not unironically vibing to pretty little psycho while writing this)
edit: i made a part 2!!
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"I dare you to kiss Haitani Ran." Your friend nudged you.
You knew you shouldn't have agreed to this stupid game of truth or dare. You knew your friend was going to make you do stupid stuff like this.
"Like... the big scary delinquent guy?" You asked, hoping you heard her wrong.
"Yeah, that Haitani Ran." Your friend smirked mischeviously.
"How about I don't do that?" The last thing you'd want to do is get involved wth any delinquents or gangs. You have no idea how dangerous Ran could be and even if he wasn't you'd still refuse to kiss a good for nothing delinquent.
"Are you trying to get me killed?" you followed up, realising just how bad this dare could end up.
"You do know that refusing this dare means that you have to do anything I say for a week, right?" Your friend had a horribly evil look on her face. You don't even want to know the things she would make you do if you refused this stupid dare.
But is kissing Ran any better? Pick your poison, you suppose.
"Fine, I'll do it." You said behind clenched teeth, not at all happy about this outcome. You've never even kissed before, and now you have to kiss freaking Ran Haitani. You might actually die.
Why did you agree? What is wrong with you?
This might just be the worst day of your life.
You ended up being a little unfocused in class, making your teacher worry.
"Haitani-san." you call out to him, your voice dying off slightly at the end due to nerves. You're the only ones left in the classroom, with your friend watching from behind the door to make sure you actually do it. He looks back at you and you feel a shiver run through you.
Oh my god, you're actually doing this.
He stops, waiting to see what you want with him. You move closer to him, and his eyes narrow slightly, as if he's getting a good look at you.
"Now, what could the class president herself possibly want with me?" his tone was slightly mocking and you would have showed him you're not to be messed with but honestly you'd probably be the one losing in that scenario.
You inhaled sharply, pulling him down by his braids and planting a kiss straight onto his lips. This feels like a bad shojo plot, the "good girl" falls in love with the "bad boy" and kisses him all of a sudden. Except there's no romance involved here. Just a dare.
Is this how you kiss? Why does it feel so strange? That should be enough, right? You can feel your parents shaking their heads dissaprovingly already.
Ok, now you're just kissing him for way too long. It's time to let go. And you try to, you really do. Since when were his arms wrapped around your waist, anyways? And why isn't he letting you go?!
You can feel your friend's evil stare burning into your back. This is not amusing!
He laughed a little into the kiss, pulling you impossibly closer. Oh, so they're both going to enjoy your suffering now, you see how it is.
Still, kissing him isn't half ba-
Ok, you're actually losing it. You need out and fast.
You wriggled out of his grasp, running away as fast as your legs could take you. You heard both Ran and your friend yell something behind you but you honestly don't care.
Why did you ever agree to do this?!
That same thought persisted even as you tossed and turned in bed that night.
"Oh god, he's going to send his goons after me and I'm gonna die... And then I won't ever get to become successful..." you muttered to yourself.
"Or maybe he's gonna come and kill me myself after school tommorow... Ugh..." you can't come to school tired, you won't be able to pay attention in class that way. You can't ruin your perfect record by falling asleep in class.
Who cares about the perfect record?! You should be worried for your life!
"And what is that stupid noise, anyways?" you muttered, grumbling and getting up to inspect the source. Another stone hits the window, making you jump slightly. You walk to the window and open it, narrowly avoiding a stone that was thrown your way.
Wait. You'd recognise that voice anywhere.
It's Ran.
"What are you doing here? How did you even get my adress?" you half yelled, not wanting to wake up your parents.
"You shouldn't sweat the little things. Come downstairs." he was smiling calmly, but you still couldn't tell if he was threatening you. Actually, is that his motorcycle parked next to him?
"You should probably put on a jacket too. It's real cold." he added on, and you nervously closed the window, quietly sneaking downstairs and putting on a jacket. Your pyjamas are not the most presentable, but you really don't want to test his patience right now.
You met him outside. What is he going to do to you now?
"Get on." he pointed to his bike, catching you off guard.
"Not without a helmet, riding a motorcycle without one can be really dangerous and you could lose your life." you couldn't help but bring up safety regulations. It's in your nature.
"I told you, don't sweat the details and just sit down." he completely ignored you, pushing you in the direction of the bike. You complied, sitting down on it awkwardly, not sure what to expect. He doesn't seem violent...
He sat down behind you, revving up the engine and just driving off without a care in the world.
"W-Wait!" you were shocked at the speed, grabbing onto him by instinct and missing the way his lips curved up at that.
"Where are you taking me?! I never consented to this!" you had to yell over the sound of the engine, shutting your eyes. He was right, it really is cold when you're riding on a motorcycle.
"And you know what I didn't consent to? That kiss." he replied and your face scrunched up a little, cringing at the not so distant memory. "But that's fine, because that means you're mine now."
"Huh?!" you finally opened your eyes, looking up at him. His expression was a little hard to make out since the only thing illuminating it was street lights that you were speeding past. Is he even following the speed limit?
"I value my sleep, you see. And that little stunt you pulled made me unable to fall asleep. So I figured I might as well give you a little visit." he placed a hand over you protectively, making you worry about your safety even more.
"Who would have thought the top of the class good girl would fall for me?" he looked down at you.
"I did not fall in love with you! It was a dare!" you shot back.
"Oh well, doesn't matter. You're my girl now. And that's that."
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captain-barnes-writes · 9 months
Summer break (Charles Leclerc)
Summary: Charles Leclerc and his girlfriend enjoy making the grid uncomfortable with their PDA on Instagram.
Type: insta au
Pairing: Charles leclerc x fem!reader
Warning: sexual innuendos, the grid being traumatized by them (I love them and their commentary) 🤣
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Liked by DanielRicciardo, CarlosSainz55, LewisHamilton and others
LandoNorris Looking forward to summer break! Just not looking forward to the atrocities @ charlesleclerc and @ yourusername got in store for us these next few weeks 😓🥱
CarlosSainz55 Agreed 🤐
DanielRicciardo Scrolling through insta is gonna be stressful
MaxVerstappen1 ^^ 😥
PierreGasly I’m staying out of insta for a while
LewisHamilton I think last summer’s posts left all of us scarred 😾
YourUsername leave us alone!! We love each other
LandoNorris Keep it pg!
CharlesLeclerc no 😐
EstebanOcon let’s hope it’s not as bad as last summer
YourUsername 🥱
User not the whole grid ganging up on them lmao
User they can’t keep their hands off each other
User I love that about them 😭
User you know it’s bad when even max comments
YourUsername posted a story
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MaxVerstappen1 please no
YourUsername 😡
LandoNorris we’re not ready
YourUsername you started this 😶
CharlesLeclerc I love making people feel uncomfortable😏
YourUsername Babe you’re sitting right next to me
PierreGasly off to taint another place 🤢
YourUsername so are you and kika my friend 🙃
PierreGasly true
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Liked by LewisHamilton, PierreGasly, YourUsername and others
Tagged YourUsername
CharlesLeclerc I could watch her all day 🤤
YourUsername bikinis all day with you baby 🫶
CharlesLeclerc or none at all 😏
DanielRicciardo noooo it has begun!
LandoNorris 24 hours haven’t even passed yet 😭
EstebanOcon I think this summer is gonna be the worst
PierreGasly I hope your phones fall in the water
CharlesLeclerc Thanks Gasly
PierreGasly you’re welcome mate 😉
GeorgeRussell God help us all
User I’ve been waiting for this lol
User ready to see the grid feel uncomfortable 🤠
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Liked by CarlosSainz55, GeorgeRussell, CharlesLeclerc and others
Tagged CharlesLeclerc
YourUsername my two favorite things to eat 😼
DanielRicciardo no
DanielRicciardo stop
LandoNorris I’m sure they have worse things in store for us 🤧
YourUsername you’re right 😏
LanceStroll that’s cannibalism
CharlesLeclerc she’s my little cannibal 👀
LanceStroll 🫤
ScuderiaFerrari 😳
User she’s so well fed
User she eats good everyday im so jealous
User same ^^
User they have no filter lmao
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Liked by CharlesLeclerc, LanceStroll, DanielRicciardo and others
Tagged CharlesLeclerc
YourUsername I’m sorry @ scuderiaferrari I’m never letting him off this yacht 🤤 Can’t get enough of him👅💦💦
ScuderiaFerrari Don’t do this to us 😭
YourUsername I’m sorry in advance :)
User not Ferrari begging her to give their driver back lmaooo
CharlesLeclerc 😳
CarlosSainz55 this would’ve been a perfectly fine post without the caption
CharlesLeclerc it’s a perfectly fine caption 🤨
GeorgeRussell that’s considered kidnapping
YourUsername That’s not what he says ;)
DanielRicciardo this was cute until the caption
ScuderiaFerrari agreed 👀
LanceStroll why the tongue emoji out of all emojis seriously??
CharlesLeclerc you know why 😼
LanceStroll I’m logging out
EstebanOcon and to think we’re not even a week into summer 😖
User Ferrari is calm on the gram but they’re probably planning to press charges on the low lol
User 🤣
User her captions always cause chaos omg
User our chaotic queen
This was fun to make lol probably a second part coming soon! I love me a chaotic inappropriate couple 🤣
Inspired by filth by fxxkemall 🫶 but in Charles form lol
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evergone · 28 days
Star-Crossed Lovers
Rindou Haitani x Reader
Warnings: 18+ content (Allusions to sex, drinking), references to underage drinking (I do not condone or promote these behaviours), angst to fluff
Description: Everyone knows that when Rindou and the reader break up, they always end up back together, but this time something feels off.
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You and Rindou broke up every other week.
When people asked how long you’d been together, you’d argue for hours on end about which break-ups counted and which didn’t. You liked to say you’d been together five years — ignoring the break-ups that occurred in the middle. Rindou, on the other hand, was adamant that every little break-up counted.
Yes, that included the time you broke up with him because he wouldn’t let you buy two of the same dress just in case something happened to the first one. It included the time he broke up with you because you absolutely demolished him in Monopoly. It included the time you broke up with him because he didn’t come home for five days straight. It included the time he broke up with you because he didn’t want to see you get deep enough into his gang business that you couldn’t get out.
So, after five years of dating — or three weeks, by Rindou’s standards — it became relatively obvious to everyone including yourselves that no little issue could actually spell the end of your relationship. The two of you were invariably intertwined. Star-crossed. At any given point in time, the most important person to you was him, and to him was you. There was nothing, truly nothing, that you couldn’t overcome together.
Except this break-up was different.
You could taste it in the air. Bitter. Empty. Soulless. There was hatred there, between you and Rindou, and it seemed that star-crossed lovers were truly just a thing of fiction.
It started out as just a petty argument. You had pointed out an engagement ring at the local jewellery store that you thought was just the most gorgeous thing in the world. It was vintage, from the mid-nineteen-twenties, and it was perfectly your size. You suggested, only half-jokingly, that he buy it and keep it in his pocket for the right time. Afterall, you were twenty and neither of you were getting any younger. But for some reason, some stupid, stupid reason, he completely freaked out.
“I’m not ready for that, Y/n!” Rindou’s head whipped around so his cold, violet gaze bore holes right through you. “How am I even supposed to know you’re the right person for me?”
The very same eyes that had just sent a chill through your entire body then betrayed his composure. Like a mirror struck by bad luck, they shattered, softened, and tried to reason with you wordlessly.
“We’ve been together five years and you don’t know if you want to marry me one day?” You asked him, both furious and heart-broken.
“Three weeks,” he said. Muscle memory. That was always his response to the whole ‘five years’ accusation, it was supposed to be funny, but in the moment it reeked of this sense that he was sick of you — ashamed of you, even.
Rightfully, you stormed out of the store, but he was hot on your heel, pleading with you to just stop and listen to him. By the time you had your keys in the lock of the driver’s door to your car, he was practically on his knees. It was a mistake, he didn’t mean anything by it, you had to understand that he was just so caught off-guard!
“Caught off-guard?” You scoffed, “How could you be caught off-guard when we’ve been together this long?”
“We break up so often, Y/n, I just didn’t think…” He didn’t know what to say, or how to justify his reaction. Rindou knew that at some point in your lives the two of you would probably be married, but he hadn’t really thought too seriously about it.
You rolled your eyes, “Take your brother, and get out of my house.”
For the next month, Rindou and his brother, Ran, crashed at Madarame’s. Ran had been whining the entire time about how much of a downgrade their living situation was since Madarame’s apartment stunk of his horrible cologne, and none of them were as good at cooking as you. You’d received about a dozen phone calls a week from him, each one begging you to either forgive Rindou, or at the very least, drop a meal off for them.
“We aren’t friends anymore, Ran, Rindou has ruined everything. Don’t call me again,” you told him eventually.
Everyone was feeling the effects of the break-up. Gang violence in Roppongi was at an all-time-high because Rindou was beating so many people up just to expel as much of the anger as he could. In meetings with the rest of Rokuhara Tandai, he was hardly focused, and would walk out having no idea what had just been discussed.
Rindou’s friends had tried in vain to convince him that this break-up was just the same as all the others — that the two of you would be back together in no time — but even they weren’t sure it was true. The days were getting longer, they were being drawn out into an agonising picture of the proverbial end, four horsemen and all, and it was becoming increasingly obvious that you weren’t interested in getting back together with him. It had just been so long.
It was unsettling to Rindou when he saw you for the first time since the day he moved out of your house. You didn’t notice him as he took in the dark semicircles under your tired eyes, and the slight limp you were carrying yourself with, and he was glad you didn’t. He could tell you hated him — he could feel the hatred oozing out of your pores and spreading all across the grocery store you were shopping in. There was no chance of you ever getting back together. He had just fucked up way too badly.
The past five weeks had been hell for you.
You had sprained your ankle really badly when you kicked your couch violently only moments after throwing all Rindou and Ran’s things at them from your front porch. Daily living had become far too difficult to handle on your own. The shelves in your kitchen were always too high to reach, so Rindou would grab things from them for you, but with him gone you had to maneuver yourself onto the counter with your one good leg and pray to God that you wouldn’t fall. The doctor had told you not to drive for as long as it took to get full rotation back in your ankle, so you were having to walk everywhere. You’d been late to work almost every day.
Despite everything, it would’ve been at least helpful to have Rindou around. Whenever something like this would happen to you, he was always there. Once, when you broke up after he got put in juvie, and you were having a rough time adjusting, he sent some of his friends (goons) to help you cook, and clean, and stay on top of your homework. You sighed at how nice it would’ve been to have that kind of support.
Between the constant calls from Ran, you’d also spoken to Madarame and Kakucho on the matter. Madarame had called before he realised the severity of the break-up to ask when you’d be “having your boys home” because he was sick of not being able to bring girls back to his house. Kakucho, on the other hand, had shown up at your door in his Rokuhara Tandai uniform, disrespecting a rule you had put in place that they weren’t to bring their gang affiliations anywhere near your house.
“Walk with me,” he ordered, and ignored you as you started to preach about how he had no right to speak to you that way. Together, you walked silently through the city, your eyes stuck to the concrete rivers you navigated through.
“Where are we going?” You asked him eventually, bored of the awkwardness and of being told off by some kid.
“Whatever’s happened, you need to forgive him,” Kakucho said, “You know you’re going to anyway, so I really don’t understand what all this mess is about.”
You scoffed, “He hasn’t apologised.” He frowned, so you continued, “Kakucho, he hasn’t so much as called me! I’m terrified that I overreacted, or that I didn’t try hard enough to resolve it… I - I really don’t know what to do. I think he hates me.”
When Kakucho didn’t say anything in return, you left him in the middle of Roppongi by himself, and went home to drown your sorrows in the beers still left in the fridge.
The alcohol relieved some of the pressure of the tense break-up, and that was more than a good enough reason for you to decide to get drunk every night for the next three days. Some of your friends from high school invited you out clubbing that Thursday, and you hadn’t the mind to refuse them. So, you got dressed up in your shortest black dress, and your best pair of heels (you had to redo your makeup after remembering they were a birthday gift from Rindou), and you skipped the line at a club owned by an acquaintance of Mocchi’s.
Inside, you were passed shots by every guy who managed to get within a one-metre radius of you. Nothing like that had happened to you in so long since it was just common knowledge through Roppongi that you more or less belonged to Rindou. You supposed that everyone knew that you were completely, definitely single for the first time in five years, and were taking the opportunity presented to them.
As you threw back another shot of fireball, cringing at the taste, your arm was grabbed by an all-too-familiar hand. Violet eyes made contact with yours, and a spark of electric panic — or perhaps it was passion — jolted through you until you took in the rest of the person’s appearance and realised it was not, in fact, Rindou, but Ran.
“Y/n!” He shouted over the ear-destroying-ly loud music, but you couldn’t tell whether you were actually hearing him or just reading his lips. He was grinning with delight. “What the hell are you doing here? Are you here to see Rindou?”
You bit your lip and frowned as you stretched your neck to search behind Ran, “Is he here?” You asked.
“Yeah, duh, we always come here. I’m starting to worry that you won’t get back together at all, the rate this is going!” Ran chuckled, but you just stared at him, mortified, and stole the wallet from his pocket. “Wait — Hey!”
Turning back to the bar, you ordered another three shots with Ran’s card, and downed them all as fast as possible. By the time you were done, your eyes were beginning to water, and you could feel the last three, or four, or maybe it was eight shots starting to settle in.
“Oh… Princess… Come, let’s sit down somewhere,” he cooed and you tried to scrunch your nose at the nickname, but you were falling way too far and way too fast into the alcohol spiral to have full control of your facial muscles.
Ran carried your stumbling form to a circular booth on the side of the dance floor, and slid you through to the back, resting your head on someone’s shoulder to your right. He rubbed circles on your arm as a couple tears escaped the pool at the bottom of your eyes. Above you, you could vaguely hear the owner of the shoulder trying to quietly yell at Ran, so you pulled your head off of him to give him some space. As you did just that, you caught a glimpse of the shoulder-owner in question.
“Rindou?” You gasped, your voice so loud it was clear over the music.
A glance back at Ran who was sitting there with a shit-eating grin, then you were right back to looking at Rindou. His pupils were just as large as yours, and his eyes open so wide that his irises were just spots of violet in an ocean of white. His blue and blond hair was so gracefully framing his cheeks, neck, and collarbone that you thought you might faint just at the sight, and he was wearing an old Adidas tee that sat perfectly on his body.
“Y/n,” Rindou breathed. He reached a hand out towards you, and you let him stroke your cheek with his thumb.
“You didn’t call,” you pouted, and your tears started to pour down over his fingers.
Rindou signalled that it was time for the other people in the booth to leave, and they did so with an ounce of hesitance. Boys were always more nosy than they were given credit for, especially the ones Rindou was friends with.
“I thought you hated me,” said Rindou in a sombre tone.
The only thing keeping your head from rolling backwards was his hand holding you up, and you were glad for it, as it gave you the visibility to squint at him. After the many, many, many times you had taken him back, how could he possibly think that one fight about a possible marriage would make you hate him? You were angry, sure, but only for a couple days. It had softened to sadness so quickly that you’d given yourself whiplash.
You reminded him of a half-dozen of the past break-ups. The time he threw you into a puddle of mud right before a school assembly, the time he joked about sleeping with one of your closest friends, the time he forgot to get you a birthday present, and all the others. He was prone to mistakes, but he always learnt from them. He was always trying so hard to do right by you. And you always took him back.
“I could never hate you, you’re the most important person in my life, Rindou.” His face lit up. “When you didn’t call me immediately, I thought I’d completely overreacted and pushed you away! I thought you hated me.”
For every break-up caused by Rindou, another had been caused by you, you were a dysfunctional couple like that, and both of you always resorted to the extremities rather than just sitting down and talking about your emotions. When you were twelve, you misplaced the study notes for the maths test he had the next week; when you were fifteen, you would flirt with adults outside of liquor stores to get them to buy you drinks; when you were seventeen, you stood him up on your anniversary. He broke up with you each time, and each time you always ended up back together.
“I shouldn’t have said what I said. I do want to marry you one day,” Rindou explained.
You slipped your hand under his, and shooed him away from your face, “You had a point, though.” He tilted his head in confusion. “We break up all the time. We’re not exactly stable enough to be thinking of marriage… In truth, I think we’re a bad couple. Toxic, even.”
“Don’t say that. We’ve been together five years!” He said with a mix of anger and light humour.
“We’re not even together right now, Rin,” you told him matter-of-factly, though your words had slurred together a little, taking much of the authority out of them.
“Take me back, then,” he suggested, but you shook your head and then gagged at the motion.
Rindou helped you up and out of the club, and the two of you sat on the side of the building, feeling the vibrations of the music beating through your bodies. The streets were busy with people, but it was so quiet in comparison to what the last few hours had been for you that you revelled in it like silence. While you vomited a couple times (you got a bit of it on one of your heels which prompted you to vomit once more), Rindou held your hair back.
Once you were finished, you leaned against him, and his hand wrapped around your waist to hold on to you so securely that you could tell he was scared it would be the last time he ever got the chance to do so. You looked up at the sky, but the lights of the city were so bright that there were no stars up there to guide you.
“Do you think we’re meant to be together?” You asked Rindou, “Like, do you think that, in another universe or timeline or whatever, we’d be together as well?”
He took a deep breath in, “All I know is that if I got the chance to live my life all over again, I would choose to do it all the same.”
“You love your life that much?” You smiled softly.
“I love you that much.”
In a predictable turn of events, you would find yourself waking up in your bed the next morning, Rindou by your side. Your house would be full of his and his brother’s things by day’s end, with a letter of gratitude placed in your mailbox by Madarame, and the very ring that had caused the whole mess sitting on your breakfast bar. You would ask your boyfriend to explain himself, and he’d shrug and reply that it was just a promise. He was going to put it somewhere safe, and one day, when the two of you had been break-up-free for a sufficient amount of time, you’d get the chance to wear it.
But in that moment outside the club, you didn’t much care to think how your morning would be. The breeze was cold, but you could taste the air, and it tasted like bliss.
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miniwheat77 · 8 months
Bunny. (Dark!141 x Reader)
*REPOST* (A comment if this reached your feed would be amazing.)
!CW! NSFW, Smut, Gang bang, 141 being creepy and dark, Virgin!reader, reader being innocent, implied consent, oral sex (m&f receiving), coercion, drugs & alcohol, roofies, double penetration, unprotected sex, pure filth. (Sorry if I missed any.)
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You were excited to be chosen to be apart of Task Force 141.
You felt special because you know only the most skilled are chosen for the team.
Your first few weeks on the base was awesome. It was pretty hands on, missions every week. There was always something around every corner, but once Hassan had been eliminated, there wasn’t much to do other than your chores around the base. You did your fair share of research but there weren’t any new leads on the next target. It was boring and most of your time you spent inside your room on base.
You noticed that everyone was pretty quiet on base. They didn’t do much talking and they seemed to have this dark look in their eyes when they looked at you.
You ignored it and always made conversation with them anyways, not wanting any tension between you. You noticed sometimes they made jokes about you right in front of you, mostly about how innocent you are. You didn’t like that they made fun of you, but you always just laughed it off.
You did your best at being patient with them.
Sometimes you didn’t like what they had to say about other women on base or had previously been on it with them. They usually said pretty derogatory insults. Or gross ones you didn’t want to cause any trouble so you stayed quiet, usually just excusing yourself from the table. You didn’t want to hear it.
You sat at your desk in your assigned room. It was quiet. You were looking through a stack of paper, looking for any leads on a next target. A knock at your door brought you out of your thoughts, turning to look at the door. “Come in!” You called.
“Hey. We’re playing a drinking game. You want to play?” Gaz asks. “Uh.. I don’t know about that.” You laugh. Knowing that something like this probably wouldn’t go too well. He crosses his arms. “Oh come on.. don’t be such a prude.” He rolls his eyes. You sigh. You had a bad feeling about this. He continues to pressure you for a few minutes before you finally cave in. “Alright fine.” You stand up from your desk, following him out.
Everyone is already waiting. They have everything laid out on the table. It’s the large oak table in the meeting room. They’re all sitting around it. “Alright. We’re starting with one on one. You and Ghost will go against each other first.” You look confused. “Just so you’ll get used to it, yeah? You have to throw the penny into the shot glass while blindfolded, if you don’t make it, you have to drink. Whoever drinks all 5 shots first loses.” You nod your head. They pass you a blindfold, Gaz helps you tie it behind your head. The small shot glasses are lined up in front of you.
You don’t see that they never put a blindfold on Ghost.
Ghost takes the tiny vial of white crushed powder out of his pocket, he’d come prepared. This had been planned out for some time.
He taps the vial until it’s empty into the first shot glass, allowing you to go first. You miss the first shot, and they pass you the shot glass. Evil smiles playing at their lips. You had no idea what was about to happen. You tip it back, flinching at the taste of the liquor as it burns your throat. You miss all 5 of your shots and somehow, Ghost doesn’t miss one. You’re 5 shots in, feeling out of it. They catch up a little bit, taking shots here or there just to give themselves a little bit of liquid courage. “So. How long have you been in the military?” Soap asks. You smile. “Few years.” Your words are slurred and you’re almost exactly where they want you. “Yeah? You were on bases before this obviously. Got a favorite?” He asks. “Not really. Aside from this one.” You shrug. “Yeah?” He smirks. “You a barracks bunny Y/N?” He asks. “What’s that?” You ask, confused.
He laughs, he just can’t help it. “So innocent..” he mumbles. “It’s a girl who has sex with everyone on base.” He smirks. Your eyes go wide. “Oh.. no. No I’m not.”
“Hey, I’m not judging.” He laughs. “I’m not a… barracks bunny.” Your cheeks are on fire. “I’m just fucking with you darling, relax.” He places his hand on your thigh. “Here. Drink more. Loosen up.” You start to notice the amount of pressure they’re putting on you. “I don’t know. I think I’m done.” You laugh nervously. “Oh come on. Don’t be such a buzz kill.” He rolls his eyes. He convinces you to take another few shots, your face is hot and the heat between your legs is becoming too much to bear. You notice they’re passing around a joint.
When they offer it to you, you shake your head. “I don’t really think we should be doing this.” You breathe, going to stand up. You find it’s pretty hard to move. “All is good here. It’s my base after all.” Captain Price reassures you. You’re so close to where they need you.
After about an hour of passing around the joint, convincing you to take more and more shots of liquor. You’re ready.
“You ever met a barracks bunny before?” Soap asks. You shrug. “Heard rumors.” You giggle. “Yeah. Must be pretty fun I imagine. I mean.. getting to fuck that much in one day.” He smiles, tipping back a shot. “You ever fucked more than one person in a day Y/N?” He asks. You shake your head shyly. “No.. I’ve never had sex.” You mumble. “Why not?” He asks. “Religious?” He smirks. “Oh no.. it’s nothing to do with that. Just.. never crossed paths with the right person.” You shrug. “I was always bullied for being ugly in school too so..” you laugh. “Really?” Gaz gathers your attention. You nod your head. “Jesus.. that’s fucked up. And not true, you’re stunning.” He smiles, resting his hand on your thigh. “Oh.. thank you.” You smile. “Yeah, I’d fuck you.”
Your cheeks burn and you avoid his gaze. “Yeah I’d fuck you too.” Soap winks. You laugh, looking away from them. “Maybe you should let us.” Gaz lifts your chin to make you look at him. “W-what?” You ask. “Yeah. Maybe you could be our little barracks bunny hm?” He smiles. “I… I don’t know about that.” You breathe. “Oh come on.. we’ll take good care of you sweetheart. Nothing to worry about.” He moves himself closer to you. “I just.. I don’t know. I thought maybe I’d start slow for my first time.”
“We can start slow. Come on.” He tilts his head. You take in a deep breath as he takes your hand, helping you up. “Gaz.. I’m really not sure about this.” You swallow hard, your words are unstable and you’re unsteady on your feet as he lifts you up onto the wooden table. “Hey. Just relax alright?” He brushes your hair back behind your ear. You’re so far gone you can barely think straight. “Nothing to worry about. We’ll be real gentle with you.” He pushes you back by your chest gently. You’re tense as he reaches for the waistband of your pants. You can’t help but like the attention you’re getting from them. Maybe it’s the weed or liquor. Your blood feels hot in your veins, body warm and fuzzy as they surround you. “Fuck.. look at you.” Ghost mumbles. Running his fingers down your chest. You look up at him, the sweet look in your eyes has his stomach curling. It’s almost as if you have no idea what they’re about to do to you. The filthy things running through their heads, about to play out like a film.
“So pretty. Such a good girl.” Ghost mumbles. You close your eyes, biting your lip lightly as you relax into the table. He grasps the hem of your shirt, pulling it up and over your head.
You’ll be the perfect bunny after this.
Gaz has your panties at your ankles and they’re drooling, like a pack of wild dogs. “Captain. She was your idea, get in here.” Gaz nods at his Captain.
John smiles, moving between Soap and Gaz. He moves himself up until his clothed crotch is pressed up against your bare pussy. He sighs. Running his hand over your chin. “You are pure sin my darling. So fucking pretty.” He breathes. He slides a finger into your mouth and you take it, sucking gently at it. He groans out. He pulls away from you, Unzipping his pants just enough to where he can free his cock. "Are you ready darling?" He asks. His cock is standing at attention. The tip is blushing red. Begging for release. He's huge. You don't know how he's supposed to fit. You're looking up at him, he can tell you're nervous. "It's alright. Relax for me okay?" You nod your head, resting on your arms.
Not only are you about to give your virginity to your captain, but your entire task force is watching. Waiting to be next up. A whimper leaves your lips when he glides his tip up through your folds. You’re dizzy, everything feels fuzzy.
Your reaction speed is off, only feeling the tightness from his cock after he’s already buried himself inside of you. You shift uncomfortably, whimpering and trying to slide your hips away from him. “Hey. You’ll get used to me. Calm down.” He soothes. He holds your hips steady. Another whine leaves your lips, tears filling up your eyes. Ghost is quick to soothe you, helping you lay back on the table. Soap is running his fingertips over your stomach, soothing your skin. Ghost cups your face, his warm breath on your face distracts you from the tearing you feel from your Captains massive cock. You weren’t ready but you would be. “Shhh. S’alright. Should start to feel good soon.” Ghost mumbles, kissing your tears away.
They’re evil. Devils standing around you, waiting to devour you whole. They’d had this planned from the start. They planned it all out. What they’d do to you, how they’d get you to give into them.
You’re starting to pant, your legs are numb but you can feel the pleasure of him sliding into your pussy. “Cmon, prop yourself up.” Ghost helps you. “Watch him. Watch him fuck your pussy.” You gasp out, clutching at the sides of the table as you see it. He’s slid his shirt up over his hips, and you can get a good look at the way he slides into you. Hands gripping at your hips. It’s intense. You tilt your head back, moaning out. Your brain is a blur, all you can think about is how good he feels. You wince when you feel something building, pushing your hips into him more. “F-feels weird.” You whimper. “S’alright. Just get used to it.” You whimper, holding yourself steady so that he can get the perfect angle. “Feels.. it feels- ah!” You cry out.
You soak your Captain’s jeans, and his eyes are wide.
You’re panting, pulling away from him. “I.. I’m sorry.” You whimper. He grasps your thighs, pulling you back down. “Fuck.. didn’t know you could do that.” He breathes.
Their eyes are blown wide with lust, cocks throbbing behind cargo pants and jeans. They all want a piece of you. They all want to make you squirt on them.
“Didn’t take long to make her do that Cap.” Gaz laughs. “Course not. I know exactly what girls like her like.” He smiles. You’re looking up at him, a look in your eyes they haven’t seen yet. Your chest is rising and falling with every deep breath you take. “Did you like that baby?” He asks. You nod your head lazily. He smiles, sliding himself back inside of you. Seeing your eyes close. You tilt your head back, moaning out at the way he fills you up. Eyes are burning into you, the tension in the room is thick. John is not as gentle as he was to start, thrusting into you with more force than before. It was clear you were going to be a wreck when they were finished with you. He’s got a tight grip on your thighs, head tilted back as you wrap so tight around him. “Fuck.. so fucking tight-“ he hisses. “Not going to last long with you darling.” He chuckles. You’re gripping the table hard, knuckles turning white. He lifts your legs up onto his shoulders and you cry out as he bottoms out, your lower stomach cramps up slightly from the new angle. “Ah- fuck!” He growls. He pulls out of you, pumping his cock fast with his hand. He pushes your legs apart slightly, finishing on your stomach with a groan. You tilt your head back, panting out. “Did so good.” Ghost mumbles, brushing your hair out of your face.
“Sit up.” He breathes. He helps you adjust yourself. You’re propped up on your hands and knees. Feet hooking over the edge of the table, ass on display for them all to see. “W-what now?” You breathe. “Just going to get you ready darling. Calm down.” He rests his gloved hand onto your back. He’s trying to soothe you. You hear what sounds like a cap clicking shut, turning to see Ghost putting lube on his aching cock. He’s massive.
Thank god your Captain stretched you a little bit.
“Cmere.” Ghost pulls you back into him. Pushing your back down until you’re low enough to be lined up with his cock. You feel him nudging at your ass, jumping away from him. Your reaction time is slow. “I- woah. I don’t think I’m ready for that-“ you breathe. “It’s okay.” He grasps your hips again, pulling you back. “Be a good girl and be still.”
“Ghost I-“
“Simon.” He growls. “Simon I don’t think I’m ready.” You whimper. “Relax. I won’t hurt you.” He breathes.
You suck in a sharp breath, feeling his bare fingers circling your tight hole, nudging into you deeper with each pump. At least he’d ditched his glove. You flinch away from his touch as he seeps deeper into you. You take in a deep breath. “S’alright. Doing so good lass.” Soap moves next to Simon, circling his fingers over your clit at an attempt to make you relax. It works and you relax into Johnny’s touch, body relaxing slightly. You make it easier on Simon as you relax, his fingers sliding easier into you. The feeling is foreign. It doesn’t hurt and it’s not bad. You relax into him more. Johnny keeps rubbing gentle circles over your clit. You’re a mess already.
You feel Simon’s cock nudging at your entrance and you’re nervous. He’s much bigger than his fingers. A whine leaves your lips when he pushes into you, cock burrowing deeper into your ass. The feeling is too much. You lean forward away from his aching cock, but he follows you with his hips, reaching forward to stop you and hold you still. “Relax into me.” He breathes. “Keep rubbing her clit Johnny.” He spits on the base of his cock, working himself deeper. Johnny does, keeps rubbing gentle circles into your clit so that you’ll relax more. You let out a mewl, the sensation was too much. “Halfway there darling. Just.. a little more.” He breathes. You’re clutching the table, whimpering with each small circle Johnny runs over your entrance. It’s so good. They’re pushing you so much. When your ass finally presses against Simon’s front, he groans out. You’ve taken him all of the way.
You whimper, moving your hips forward and back into his cock. “Oh fuck baby. You want it that bad huh?” He smirks. “Don’t worry. Me n Johnny are gonna fill you up real nice.” He breathes. You can’t say anything, your vision is blurry and you’ve got tears in your eyes but all you know is that whatever this is, it feels amazing. Simon lifts you up off of the table, Johnny moving to your front and grasping hold of you by your thighs. Sliding his cock into your pussy. You straddle Johnny and Simon still had his cock buried inside your ass.
You tilt your head back with a cry, so completely full of them.
Your eyes roll back when they slide out of you, starting to thrust themselves back into you. You’re a mess, can barely stay quiet as they fuck you. “Fuck.. you’re so tight.” Johnny growls. “Been waiting fucking months for this sweet pussy.” He chuckles, teeth gritted. “How does it feel hm?” He mumbles, lips right by your ear. “Went from a body count of 0 to 3 in just a few minutes Hm?” He taunts.
You’re sobbing. Hands are clutching Johnny’s shoulders and your body is shaking. You’ve absolutely soaked them both in your cum, unsure of where you even are anymore. You probably can’t even say your own name at this point. Everything is blurry and fuzzy, you can’t move your body anymore. They’re holding you exactly where they want you. You wrap your arms around Johnny’s neck, laying your head on his shoulder. “Can’t be done yet sweetheart.” He chuckles. “Gaz hasn’t had a go at you yet. You don’t want him to be deprived so you?”
You shake your head, looking over his shoulder at Gaz. He’s pumping his cock, you lock eyes with him. You lick your lips and he nearly cums right there. “Ah- getting tired.” Soap complains. “Here.” Ghost grabs hold of you. Johnny slides out of you and you whimper. “Relax.” Ghost smirks. He lays you onto the table, pushing your face into the cool wood. His hips are hammering against yours, thrusts getting sloppy. He’s close. “Oh yes- fuck I love fucking this tight ass of yours. So fucking good.” He growls. His hand slapping against your ass makes you want to jump forward but you can’t. A whimper leaves your lips, tightening down around Ghost. “Oh fuck- I’m going to cum.” He pants. “Fuck- oh fuck!” He gasps. His hips halt and you gasp, the foreign feeling of something flooding inside of you. You finally raise your head to look at him. His hands resting on your hips. Cock nestled inside of your ass.
He slides out of you, watching his filth spill back out of your hole. He smiles at the work he’d done. Soap is quick to flip you over, burying his cock back inside of you. “Just one more. And than you’re going to treat Kyle very well darling.” He smirks. You nod your head lazily. Johnny pinches your nipples, smiling at the way you cry out. “Fuckin tight pussy baby. Give me one more hm?” He smiles. He rubs circles over your clit with his thumb. A whine leaves your lips and you try to wiggle your hips away from him but he holds you still. You can feel another orgasm building. Right on the edge. You push his hand away from you, running circles over your own clit. You’re going quickly. “Yeah that’s a good girl.” He grips your hips, pounding into you. “You rub that little clit for me. Nice n fucking wet for my cock.” He tilts his head back, swallowing hard. His skin is sweaty and red and he’s right on the edge. Your moans are getting louder and more frequent. Your hand is moving quickly as you rub your clit. “Fuck yes!” He growls. Your eyes roll back, body lurching as you cum again. Soaking him completely. He holds you steady until you’re worn out, sliding out of you and finishing right on your stomach, just like his captain had.
He’s panting, and your eyes are droopy.
“You can’t sleep yet.” Soap tries to shake you awake. “It’s fine. I’ll get it out of her one way or another.” Gaz laughs. Soap nods his head.
“I’ll take her to her room, get her cleaned up.”
Gaz made sure to do a good job. You were already undressed so running a bath for you and using a small towel to clean your skin was easy. Washing your hair was a bit harder. You were out cold. He redressed you in one of his shirts, helping you into bed.
When the light just began to show through your window, he knew it was his turn.
You’re still out cold but he knew this would wake you.
His face buried between your thighs, tongue lapping at your entrance. Sucking your clit and flicking his tongue over your clit. You’re stirring in your sleep, moaning. Your eyes open and you’re still dazed, but you know whatever you’re feeling is amazing. You push your blanket back, whining out at the sight of him between your thighs. “Gaz?” You whimper. He draws himself away from you. “You still owe me princess.” He breathes, returning to devour you. “What do you want me to do?” You whine. Your pussy is sore, but he’s soothing you. “M’gonna fuck this pussy. Nice n slow.” He pulls away for a second, sucking your clit between his lips and drawing away from you. “Show you who you belong to.” He breathes. You nod your head. He sits up, his cock is throbbing hard.
He pushes his sweatpants down his legs, pumping his hard cock as he lines himself up with your entrance. “Actually..” he mumbles. Pulling away. “Why don’t you show me what you’ve gone hm? Get up.” You listen, standing up. He lays down. “Get up here. I’ll help you.” He mumbles. You nod your head, straddling his hips and sinking down onto his cock. Your thighs shiver at the size of him, a mewl leaving your lips. “Ah- too much.” You whimper. “You’ll get used to it. Ride my cock baby.” You nod your head, rocking your hips into him. You rest your hands on his chest, raising your hips off of him. He circles your clit with his fingers, he needs to cum soon. He’s been waiting all night for this, he’s not going to last long.
You’re rocking into him faster, moaning out. You’re enjoying yourself and that’s exactly what he wants. “Who do you belong to darling? Who’s barracks bunny are you?” He smirks. “Y-yours-“ you whimper. A sharp slap to your ass has you whimpering. “Wrong, who do you belong to? Who’s barracks bunny are you?”
“141.” You whine. “Hm? I didn’t hear you.” He breathes. “Task Force 141, I’m task force 141’s barracks bunny!” You cry. Your hips halt as you soak him, and he cries out, pushing your hips off of him as he finishes. “Shit!” He growls. Pumping his cock quickly, costing your ass in his cum.
You relax into him, panting.
He once again helps you clean up, but leaves you alone this time. You needed to rest.
While you were on base with them, you were always going to keep them busy.
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earthtooz · 2 years
in which you give bakugo katsuki the silent treatment
warnings: 2.3k words, fluff fic, slight hurt but mostly comfort, bakugo is sad :( he doesn't like being ignored, i wrote this weeks ago i can't remember shit about what i put in this. UNEDITED ASF!!!
a/n: this was not supposed to be a standalone fic, this was actually meant to be a multi-character thing about giving them the silent treatment but that didn't turn out as planned bc i have no time so i only have bakugo ready lol! hope you enjoy
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there’s a pair of crimson eyes burning holes in the side of your head and you can feel the gaze penetrating further and further into your skull with each passing second.
you almost have the nerve to ask when bakugo katsuki learnt how to use his armour-piercing shot with his eyes. 
but alas, you bite the inside of your cheek and continue ignoring him, fingers tapping away on your keyboard to finish up your report.
it’s now day three of your silent treatment. your boyfriend has endured 48, painful hours of the punishment that he rightfully deserved and he’s been restless for all 48 hours. it’s a miracle that he’s survived this long because you totally would’ve expected him to blow up already.
how ironic that he’s acting sensible now yet couldn’t hold his tongue when you two were taking down the villain.
the event that caused bakugo’s predicament was actually the report you were finishing, a gang of villains - experienced ones, had broken into a high-end jewellery store and stolen majority of their dazzling diamonds and you and bakugo just so happened to be on site.
you were expecting a robbery chase that happened at least every three days. what you weren’t expecting, was that they were good. like, really good.
one of the thief’s quirks kept grazing you and it didn’t help that the communication between you and bakugo was off that day, so when you meet up with him again after splitting up, unconscious villains in tow with a few injuries to pair with it. 
he failed to stop the big words that tumbled out of his mouth.
“what the hell was that? you seriously failed to listen to some simple instructions? you might wanna go back to being a fuckin’ sidekick because of how shit that was and you have the nerve to call yourself a pro?” thundered the explosive blond, whose face was getting closer and closer to yours with each passing second.
your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. you took down the villain, what was the big deal? “excuse me?” you muttered lowly.
that seems to tick him off even more, “you heard me! that was embarrassing to watch, kept getting hit and injured by some shitty extra. we don’t need heroes like you to screw things as simple as a robbery chase up!”
bakugo had been ticked off the second he first entered the agency this morning, so you were aware he was in a bad mood and you probably were the final strike to him letting loose of his temper- but that was not an excuse for the venom he was spitting. no matter how desperately you wanted to retaliate, you kept your cool for the sake of your relationship and also because you were in public. you didn’t need anyone listening to realise that it was you that bakugo was shouting at, so with no sound, you turn around and meet up with the police, villains in hand. 
that seemed to shut him up pretty easily, thank goodness to your eardrums.
“we took ‘em down,” you said the second the police scrambled out of their cars. you tried to keep the frustration and anger out of your tone but the way you threw the villains with a little more force than necessary against the police car caused the officers to flinch. 
a certain blond appears not long after, now calmer and more guilty-looking.
“thanks you two. we dug through our records and found out that these criminals have been wanted for a while. kept escaping under our noses,” one policeman says with a grateful smile. you don’t bother to return it, blaming it on the cut on your cheek.
“no problem. just call us if you ever need us again,” you tell him with a proper nod. 
you and bakugo watch the policemen secure the villains, not moving until the last car leaves your sight.
he turns to you and finally says something to break the suffocating tension between you two.
“you should probably get some first aid for those cuts.”
bakugo tries to sound normal- really, he tries, because the second you turned around and left him in the alley, he realised the magnitude of his stupidity and felt his heart drop to his stomach, fearing for the worst.
with a small ‘tch’ from you, you’re gone the next second from his sight, probably flying back to the agency.
you don’t speak to him. even when he spams your phone with check up texts, even when he returns after patrol, even when he walks into your office whilst you rapidly type away at your laptop furiously, making more typos than you’d like to admit. 
“hey,” he says sternly, trying to capture your attention with little success. “c’mon, talk to me.”
bakugo rounds the table and bobs down beside you, careful not to aggravate you by touching you even though it was hard to resist the temptation. natural boyfriend instinct.
“y/n, i didn’t mean what i said back there, i swear,” he continues, “i was just, fuckin’ mad at- i don’t even know, and i shouldn’t have snapped at you like that.”
it’s beautiful how he can say everything beside ‘sorry’.
“please don’t ignore me.”
he’s frowning, and you really wanna look at him and respond, but you don’t and this dance continues for the next two days. bakugo asks if you want coffee; no answer but he brings it for you regardless. bakugo asks if you need help sorting through the mess of papers on your desk; no answer but he cleans it up regardless, in the exact way you like it. bakugo asks if you need him to run by the support gear department to check up on your costume; no answer but he does it for you regardless and tells you all the updates as well. (he’s not doing it for your forgiveness. this is a usual routine you two have so even without your answers, he knows whether you’ll say yes or no.)
now he’s sitting in your office whilst you finish writing up the report you’ve been neglecting for a while because often, to speed things up, you and bakugo split up the paperwork but with you pretending like he, your boyfriend, doesn’t exist, that wasn’t really possible.
at the 67th hour of no speaking, he snaps. now that you two were officially off the clock and could return home or do as you please, bakugo spends no time picking you up from your chair with little to no effort as a noise of surprise slips past your lips.
you want to ask where he was taking you as he glides through the halls with determination and vigour, his shoes clanking against the marble floor with each step he took, keeping you secured in his arms, pressed against his chest.
there’s a string of curses that you could yell at your boyfriend right now and don’t be mistaken, you could very easily take him down, if it weren't for how much you had missed him.
(you feel slightly terrible for keeping up this silent treatment because that pout on his face is growing by the second, but it’s what he deserves and you wouldn’t relent until a proper ‘sorry’ is given.)
in your moment of zoning out, bakugo has reached his car and seated you in the passenger seat, leaning over you to secure your seatbelt. the kiss he places on your face practically radiates with his complacency at getting you safely in his car. 
you huff and cross your arms as he rounds the vehicle to the driver’s side. bakugo hands you the aux and you take it, plugging in your phone to find your shared playlist and you don’t miss the smirk he has when he sees the familiar playlist name pop up on the screen.
the drive is painless enough with no words being exchanged, the music muting the silence that still had some tension lingering in it.
bakugo’s taking you back to his apartment and sure enough, the second the car is parked (perfectly), bakugo tells you ‘don’t move’ before exiting and jogging around to get to your side.
you let him pick you up again with a sigh but it’s all for show, especially the way your heart flutters when you notice he’s hugging you a little tighter this time. 
he’s probably afraid you’re gonna run off (he’s had that fear since you first started dating).
sure enough, the explosive blond doesn’t set you down until he steps foot into his bedroom and from there, he throws you on his expensive ass bed with ease, clambering atop you before crushing you with all his weight.
a little ‘oof’ escapes you.
“‘m not getting up till you speak to me,” he lazily threatens, wrapping his arms around your middle. “so you can either get comfy or stop messin’ around.”
“i’m still mad at you, y’know,” you murmur, bringing your hands behind your head whilst staring up at his ceiling. the man lying above you stiffens, taking his head out of his chest to look up at you.
“i’m sorry,” he gruffly confesses, unable to look you in your eye when you glance back down at him with your jaw agape and eyes widened. 
yes, he should have said the apology ages ago. yes, it’s been long overdue. yes, you were still surprised that he managed to get those two syllables out of his mouth.
above all, bakugo katsuki is stubborn, unrelenting and powerful, and you’re surprised he succumbed without you suggesting for him to apologise.
you sit up on your elbows, recovered from your brief moment of shock to tell him, “you’re not forgiven.”
“what?” he gawks, outraged, “what else do you want from me?”
“it’s been two days! you could’ve said ‘sorry’ two days ago and i would have forgiven you!” 
“fuckin’ hell, i didn’t think of that.”
“bakugo katsuki, are you really that stupid?”
“take it back!”
“not until you take calling-me-a-lame-hero back!”
“i’m sorry! i take it back!” he winces, “you sure know how to kill a man, huh? i’m sorry, i didn’t mean what i said, now talk to me again, y/n, these past few days have been torture!”
you can’t help but smile at his desperation. he never acts like this for anyone so you’re going to enjoy these rare moments of vulnerability for a little longer. 
“told me to go back to bein’ a side kick,” you huffed, “that’s not a bad idea actually, maybe i’ll listen and apply to be midoriya’s. or todoroki’s. they’re climbing the ranks quite quickly-”
“-y/n!” he’s whining now and you’re afraid you have a manchild lying atop you now.
“i’m joking.”
“you’re mean.”
“oh so now i’m the mean one? what about when-”
“-shut your mouth!”
“is this another one of your instructions? telling me that i’m unworthy of being a hero to the extent that i need to shut my mouth-”
“-stop it!”
you fall back on his pillows in a fit of laughter and as your giggles fill the room, bakugo can’t help but feel his heart ache. this is what he’s been yearning for for the past few days, moments that are so unexplainably, unabashedly you that he realised he doesn’t want to go another day without it. now that you’re back in his arms, he knows everything will be okay, especially with the familiar feeling of your hands carding through his hair.
“i’m really sorry. i didn’t mean to be that mean,” he begins after a moment of silence. it takes a few more seconds for him to continue, “i was just freaking out seein’ you get hurt and i was really fuckin’ panicking because those injuries were totally avoidable. i should have protected you and i shouldn't have gone at you for just doing your job. i was scared.”
you can't help but melt a little at his confession, and the way you can feel him frown into your skin whilst tugging you closer, you feel more loved than ever fathomable.
“thank you, katsuki. i appreciate it but you know i can take care of myself, and i know you’re always going to protect me when i need it. i trust you, more than anyone else.” 
bakugo closes his eyes in content as he tugs himself closer to you than what should be considered possible. you welcome him for all of his roughness and raggedness. he just might be doomed if he didn't have you.
“we should really move in together,” you suggest.
“yeah, yeah we should.”
after a few minutes of silence, you begin to speak up, “i have my night patrol soon, you have to let me go, babe.”
he squeezes you tighter, “but i literally just got you! i’m getting my three days worth of attention, fuck your patrol.”
“that’s not very heroic of you,” you murmur, “now let me go.”
above all, bakugo katsuki loves you. 
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hai hai :D thanks so much for reading!! if you enjoyed that PLS CONSIDER REBLOGGING!!!! i hope that i didn't fuck anything up too much lul i'm so tired but anyways, YAH REBLOGS HELP OUT SO MUCH SO PLS!!!!! one click 🗣🗣🗣
that's all from me, hope to see you around the blog! - earf
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still-with-koo · 11 months
Stay | JJK
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summary: when a creepy stranger follows you to your new job, your best friend jungkook makes sure he never does it again. but now he’s hurt and you’re determined to tend to his wounds, no matter how awkward if feels.
pairing: jungkook x reader
wc: 5,778
warnings/genre/rating: 17+, best friends to lovers; swearing; mentions of violence and bruises; insinuation of stalking; emotional distress; kissing; romantic touching; a bit of jealousy; vague reference to family estrangement; in this world, jungkook likes coffee but you don’t; and this is all obviously made up, none of it’s real
a/n: look, idk what this is. it just happened while i was missing a cute someone. having a really hard time writing rn so apologies if this isn’t what you were expecting. maybe you’ll like it (i hope so!)
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The last few hours of your shift pass quietly.
You weren’t expecting any customers at this hour, especially given the warming temperatures, although convenience stores do tend to have some weirdos walk in at odd hours.
You duck below the front counter to clean the glass encasing the lottery tickets and hear the front door chime.
Quickly removing your hand, you start locking up the case when you hear something land on top of the counter. Tilting your head up, you see two Starbucks cups sat atop the counter.
“We don’t—“
When you meet the eyes of the customer, you realize it’s Jungkook.
“Done yet?”
“Not yet,” you reply, sighing as you glance at the clock behind you. “Nearly an hour left.”
Jungkook sighs. “You need a different job,” he says, looking over his shoulder before stuffing his hands in his pocket. “ I have a bad feeling about those dudes hanging out front.”
You look past him and shake your head.
You recognize one of the guys, the same guy that asked you out a few weeks ago. The one you’re certain belongs to some gang or mafia or something. You wonder if he thinks you may change your mind if you see him around enough times.
Little does he know, he’s the reason you’ve been applying to dozens of jobs to get out of this hellhole and as far from him as possible.
But you haven’t had much luck yet and you can’t afford to be jobless.
“Don’t worry, Jungkook. I can handle them. Anyways,” you stop for a second, pointing at the cups. “One of these for me?”
“No, I need both of these if I gotta listen to you.”
“This one better not be coffee or I’ll—“
You grab the one closest to you, sniffing the warm chocolate aroma and sighing in relief.
“I asked them to spike it with espresso.”
“Jerk,” you reply, smiling with the knowledge that Jungkook would never forget your drink order. He knows how much you despise coffee.
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One by one, customers leave the coffee shop and you don’t blame them. With the number of mistakes the new barista is making, spilling drinks on the floor, on himself, on customers, you would be inviting a burn just to stay within 10 feet of him.
But you remain standing, grimacing every time one of the customers walks out with rather harsh parting words.
Too harsh, considering that his face probably drew in far more customers than the small shop usually sees.
Finally, you’re next in the line.
Well, you’re now the only person left in line.
When he sees you, his face brightens up tenfold.
“Y/N!! I didn’t expect you here. Hi!”
You step forward and smile at the beautiful boy behind the counter, hoping and praying that the warmth in your cheeks is not translating onto your skin.
“Hi Taehyung! Jungkook told me today was your first day so of course I had to come. How is it going?”
“Good,” is the first word out of his mouth but when you glance at the carnage of spilled drinks being wiped up by another worker, he quickly adds, “But it could be better. I guess I have much more to learn.” The way he scratches the nape of his neck is unexpectedly endearing.
“Let me make you a drink. You hit me as an iced Americano drinker, right?”
Iced Americano. The most repulsive, rancid drink on the menu.
“Yep, mhmm. That’s my drink.”
This is a new low. You’re not proud of yourself for folding but after all the mistakes he made today, you don’t have the heart to add another one to the list.
He prepares it quickly and regretfully manages not to spill it on you. As you take your first sip, the door to the coffee shop opens up behind you.
“Jungkook! You made it, buddy.”
You wish the ground could swallow you whole when you notice Jungkook in your periphery, staring at the drink now leaving your lips, your throat twitching from having to push the vile liquid down it.
“Is that… coffee?”
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“Haven’t seen much of you lately. So this is where you work now?”
You drum your fingers along the counter of the coffee shop, trying not to let your panic show on your face. You don’t even bother looking at the guy, the same one that fuelled your desire to leave your old job. You assumed you would never have to see him again once you found a new place to work but you were wrong.
With some effort, you manage to muster up your best customer service smile. “What would you like to order?”
He steps closer and you can almost imagine his smug expression as you look past him, trying your best to avoid eye contact.
“What drink can I buy you, beautiful?”
You flinch at the last word, scrunching up your nose as if something smells. You can smell the bullshit on him.
You take one deep inhale and straighten up to face him head on, locking eyes with the creep.
“I don’t want a drink from you. Ever. So either order something for yourself or leave the shop.”
He chuckles. “Don’t get emotional, beautiful. It’s just one drink.”
You scoff, amazed at his audacity.
“Look, I’m not interested. Please leave me alone.”
“Come on, it’s just one drink—“
“She asked you to leave her alone. That means you leave her alone.”
Taehyung is now standing between you and the man, his arms crossed over his chest.
“Why don’t you butt out, man. I’m just talking here.”
“No,” you interject, pushing Taehyung gently aside as you face the creep again, “I’m done talking to you. Are you going to leave or would you prefer the cops escort you?”
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“Open up, Y/N. I know you’re home.”
You run to the peephole in your apartment and see Jungkook standing on the other side, pacing back and forth with his hands in fists.
“Now, Y/N, or I’m breaking the door down.”
When you open the door, he practically jumps at you, grabbing your shoulders as he scans your face and then looks at the rest of you. “Are you ok, Y/N? Did he hurt you? Give me his name.”
You realize Taehyung must have told him what happened. You grab Jungkook’s wrist and bring him to your couch, guiding him down as you sit down beside him.
“I’m fine, Jungkook. Perfectly fine. He just asked me out again and I said no. Nothing else happened.”
Jungkook looks relieved. Then he turns back to you.
“Again? You know him?”
“It’s… no, not really. Just some guy.”
You avoid his eyes, picking at a thread on your jeans. He puts his hand on yours.
“Tell me.”
“It’s no one. You don’t know him.”
You sigh. “It’s that guy you saw hanging out in front of the convenience store. He had asked me out back then and somehow found me at the coffee shop today. But don’t worry, I told him…” You pause when you notice his eyes clouding over, seemingly in a trance as he stands up, hands tightening into a fist.
“It was the same guy? You’re sure?” He’s looking at you but you know he doesn’t see you. He sees him.
You stand up to face him directly, trying to wade through the fog in his eyes. “Don’t do anything stupid, Jungkook. He won’t—“ He doesn’t wait for you to finish as he pulls his hood over his head, slamming your door behind him.
You run out into the hall but he’s already gone.
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Jungkook isn’t responding to your texts or calls. You’ve spent the last two and a half hours walking the streets trying to find him, terrified he might do something incredibly dangerous.
He has a habit of being overprotective and you’re worried he might land himself in the hospital again.
Or worse.
You scan every possible spot he may be, checking in with Taehyung every few minutes ever since you asked him to join the search, but so far neither of you have had any luck.
It’s cold and you can’t stop the disturbing thoughts, the ones with a badly hurt Jungkook. You’re hoping Jungkook doesn’t find him. That asshole is undoubtedly dangerous and if he happens to be with the thugs he usually surrounds himself with, you can’t bear to imagine what they’d do to Jungkook.
A few more hours pass and Taehyung’s roommate forces him to come home, leaving you to continue the search on your own.
You feel helpless and completely alone, letting your feet guide you as you continue to beg the universe to let you find Jungkook safe and sound.
Without realizing it, you’re in the middle of the park where you and Jungkook first met. You look up, almost pleading by now and feel droplets hit your face. You didn’t even realize it was raining.
You turn around to see Jungkook standing a few metres away. Without warning you cry out, hot tears free falling onto your cheeks. Through the tears, you can only see the outline of Jungkook standing in the moon light and wonder if he is really there or if he’s just a beautiful mirage.
“Where were you,” you shout through the tears, nearly wailing at this point. “Why didn’t you answer my calls, idiot? I thought you…you might…”
Jungkook had started walking towards you at some point because his arms are now wrapped around you, his hand cradling your head against his chest. “Shhh, I’m here.”
“I thought you might…might be hurt,” you mutter between breaths, your tears spilling onto his chest and you’re not sure if he even understands what you’re saying.
“I’m ok. Really.”
You sniffle, and Jungkook tilts his head back to look at you. But you immediately pull your arms out from his hug and punch him on the chest. “You jerk, you could have—“
You pause mid sentence when you notice Jungkook wince in pain, far more than you would have expected. You blink a few times and notice the cut on his lip. His eye also seems quite a bit more red and swollen than you remember.
You pull back and stare at him. Although he attempts a smile, it doesn’t fool you, especially when the action causes his cheek to twitch.
“What happened, Jungkook?”
He scratches the back of his neck, looking away now. “Nothing.”
You tilt his face back to you and run your finger over his cut lip. His lip twitches though you know he’s trying to keep a brave face. You trace up to his eye and catch another flinch, and the very beginnings of a bruise.
“You’re hurt.”
“You should see the other guy.”
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It takes quite a bit of convincing to get Jungkook back into your apartment. He keeps insisting he can clean himself up and you know it’s because it’s past midnight now.
But you can’t let him take care of himself. Especially when you’re the reason he’s hurt.
Jungkook is sitting on your couch and looking the least comfortable you’ve ever seen him, his leg bouncing so fast you fear he may take off.
“Stay still. I need to get the ointment on your lip or it’ll scar.”
“Wouldn’t I look handsome with a scar?”
Jungkook laughs when you huff in annoyance, but immediately winces in pain, reaching for the cut.
“You’re lucky your lip ring wasn’t ripped out, Jungkook. I can’t believe you would stoop to violence.”
You’re leaning into him now, tilting his chin up so you can get a closer look at the cut.
You notice your heart racing and can’t figure out why. Then you realize Jungkook is staring at you.
“It might be easier for me if you close your eyes.”
“Who says I want this to be easy?”
Groaning, you leave the couch, returning a few seconds later with a bag of frozen peas. You press it against his blackening eye, a little carelessly given his last comment.
“Such gentle bedside manner,” Jungkook mutters, taking the peas from your hands and gently pressing it against his eye.
“Shut up.”
You stand back and survey his face, noticing a crusted cut above his eye. Grabbing the wet towel, you start wiping it off when he grabs your wrist.
“You’re shivering.”
Looking down, for the first time you notice you’re drenched, having been far more preoccupied with getting Jungkook cleaned up.
He reaches over and pushes a wet strand from your eyes. You’re staring at him now, swallowing when he wipes away a droplet from your cheek.
“Maybe you want to change into something warmer?”
“Yeah, ok. Give me one sec,” you reply, jumping up to grab a change of clothes. You pause mid-step and look back. “I’ll bring you the hoodie you left last time.”
You let him hit the shower first, standing back in awe when he emerges 20 minutes later in his old hoodie (it’s yours now, but whatever) and a pair of your baggy sweats. He really looks exceptional in sweats, you think to yourself. When he catches you staring, you clear your throat.
“Right. My turn now.”
His reaction to you after your shower is not nearly as… complimentary. You had grabbed the first pair of clothes in your drawer and maybe that was a mistake.
“Duckies?” He looks like he’s fighting back a laugh, but you don’t see anything wrong with the pyjama set. “It looks like someone barfed ducks on you.”
“What? These are normal pyjamas,” you reply, eyes narrowing. “What do you wear? Ironman shorts?”
A grown man is now giggling in your living room. You’re livid.
“How did you know I was wearing Ironman shorts? Did you peek?”
“What the heck? Seriously?” Ease sets in again as you laugh freely, walking over to playfully shove him. He winces in pain again, prompting you to stare at him. “Are you hurt here too?”
You place your hand on his chest and slide it over to where you shoved him. He sharply inhales, the action answer enough for you. You blink a few times and consider the options before landing on one. You realize you need to go with the one that feels the least comfortable.
“Take it off,” you say, vaguely gesturing to his chest.
“You heard me,” you repeat, grabbing the layer covering his top half. “I need to see what I’m working with.”
“What, again? You really like making me take my clothes off, huh?”
Despite the annoyed groan you let out, you’re actually grateful for his attempt at lightening the mood.
He struggles for a few moments but manages to remove the hoodie with your help. Once it’s completely off, you can’t help but stare at his chest.
“What the fuck, Jungkook. Your boobs are bigger than mine.”
When you look up, you expect to be received by a smug grin or at least a smirk. But he seems to be avoiding your eyes, his ears turning an impressive shade of red.
Instead of teasing him further, you lean in to examine the injuries. Thankfully it’s not as bad as you feared. There is definitely the beginnings of bruising, but nothing major.
You run your hand over the bruised spot on his chest to check for swelling, noticing him jump a little.
“Too cold?”
He nods.
Rubbing your hands together, you try again, resting a fingertip on his skin. He looks up at you and nods. You slide your hand lower to his ribs and Jungkook groans in response. The bruising is a bit worse there and you decide to apply an ice pack to reduce the risk of further swelling.
Unfortunately, ice is not very comfortable.
Every time your hand glides over his chest, he jumps, pulling away from your touch.
“I need to hold this in place for it to work.”
“Fine. Be quick.”
He inhales but the second your hand touches his chest, he jumps again.
“Sorry, try it again.”
You place your hand on his chest again and notice him tensing his body, his abs distracting you momentarily. As you glide it over to his bruised rib, you hear his muffled groans. A few minutes pass as you continue holding on, noticing how cute he looks with his eyes squeezed shut and his self restraint as he bites his lip, willing himself to endure a bit longer.
You let go one hand to reach for his face when you feel him grab your other wrist again.
With his eyes still shut, he whispers so low you almost don’t hear it. “How much longer?”
You blink at him and when you don’t respond, his eyes flutter open.
Suddenly there isn’t enough air. His breath sounds shallow and you wonder if yours sounds the same. With how close he is, you almost forget he asked you a question.
Clearing your throat, you glance into his eyes momentarily before averting your gaze to his hand wrapped around yours. “A few more minutes. Think you can hang in there a bit longer, hmm?”
He sighs, grip loosening but staying where it is. You chance a glance at him again and he is looking at you. The intensity of his gaze runs through you, an intensity you assume stems from his pain. Pain you wish you could take away.
Your eyes drift to his chest and your mind to somewhere further away. You would have never guessed he looks like that under all those baggy clothes. He’s always been so shy about showing his body, and now you can’t help wondering why.
You’re pulled out of your thoughts by the sound of thumping. Jungkook’s leg is bouncing again and you reach over to rest your free hand on his leg. Your eyes meet and he gives you a small smile before looking away.
You lift the ice pack and press it higher. He hisses, biting his lip again, so hard you fear he may draw blood. Suddenly his hand squeezes yours again, eyes snapping shut. “Ok, enough, Y/N. I can’t take it any more.”
You exhale the breath you’d been holding, removing the ice pack from him. “Ok, fine. I guess that’s enough.”
A shiver passes through him and you watch as he rubs his arm, looking up at you with a sheepish grin. “Thanks.”
As you wrap up the ice pack, Jungkook reaches over you to grab his hoodie. With his face so close to yours, you notice how long his eyelashes are, and how cute his nose looks sitting above his pretty lips.
You quickly look away and wait for him to put on his hoodie. Once it’s on, you look at him again. He looks really tired, the very picture of how you feel.
“You can take my bed. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
Jungkook quirks his brow and then shakes his head, pushing himself off the couch very slowly. “I’ll be way more comfortable in my own bed.”
You quickly run to your door, covering it up with your body. “Absolutely no way I’m letting you walk home in this condition. Besides, I’m taking you to the doctor first thing in the morning.”
Jungkook reaches behind you but in his exhaustion he ends up collapsing onto you. You let him lean on your shoulder, cradling his head as you imagine what he’s been through.
He slowly wraps his arms around you, and you two stay like that for a little while longer, standing perfectly still in each other’s arms. These last several hours have been hell.
“Ok fine, I’ll sleep here,” he whispers onto your shoulder, inhaling deeply before pulling away. “But I’ll take the couch.”
You manage to convince Jungkook to share the bed with you, something that Jungkook fights you on even as you’re guiding him under the covers. But you insist, especially since it means he can tell you immediately if he feels worse.
After you tuck him in, you leave for the washroom. When you return, Jungkook is already asleep.
You chuckle when you notice the little pillow barrier he built between you two. You flip off the light and get into bed, leaning over the barrier to give Jungkook the lightest kiss on the head you can manage. “Love ya, dork,” you whisper with a smile, flipping onto your side.
Before long you’re fast asleep. He chances a look over the barrier and confirms it.
Sighing, he lies back down, staring at the ceiling.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
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You toss in bed, realizing you’re now awake. With a few blinks to adjust to the darkness of the room, you tilt your head up and catch the red glare from your clock. 3:42am.
Not morning yet.
Blinking some more, memories of this night float to the front of your mind.
With the utmost care, you twist towards the other side. The breath you’d been holding releases as you see Jungkook laying peacefully beside you.
It wasn’t a dream. He’s still here.
You prop up on your elbow as you lean towards him, reaching over the pillow partition to brush a strand that has fallen over his face. He stirs a little, one hand coming over his stomach as the other twitches under the covers.
You watch him breathe.
In and out.
In and out.
He’s such an idiot.
You shiver as that thought hits you. The thought of what could have happened to him.
Behind that rough exterior lies the gentlest person you know.
To the world, he is the bad boy. The tattoos and face piercings. The bruises on his knuckles from boxing. The sound of his motorcycle in the dead of night.
To you, he is the only good thing in your world. The bunny nose scrunches and elmo giggles. The giant hugs when you have to let go first. And the way he always shows up when you need him.
When you two first met, your father warned you away from him. He went so far as to threaten disowning you.
Well. Turns out it wasn’t just a threat. And when the final bell rang, you chose Jungkook.
He has no clue, though. He just knows you as that annoying rich girl who now struggles to make ends meet.
And he’s always been way too considerate to ask what happened. Instead, he offers his ramen whenever you come over and always gets two cups of Starbucks.
And he doesn’t need to know. All that matters is he is the best friend you could ever ask for. The one person who has stood by you through it all.
And the only person you have ever been in love with.
You only wish you could be brave enough to tell him that.
Maybe you could…
You feel an urge to lean over and kiss his forehead.
That should be ok, right?
You stare at him a bit longer, watching his chest rise and fall, soft sounds escaping his lips.
You lean across and rest your hand at his side, taking care not to touch him.
He is still as night itself.
You dip down and let your lips hover over his forehead.
His eyes are closed. Even with his eyes closed, he’s the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen.
You wish he could see it too.
It’s comical, actually, because he truly is beautiful. But when you told him so, he made some offhanded comment about Taehyung being the handsome one and asked you not to lie. You just brushed it off but at this moment it bothers you. What does he mean?
Look at his cute lil nose.
If you had a nickel for every time you wanted to boop it, you’d be rich again.
And those perfectly pouty lips. Like rose petals on top of each other. You’ve always wondered how…
Only a split second and suddenly your lips are on his. Just the gentlest touch but it’s enough.
You gasp the slightest bit before you pull away, embarrassed and ashamed. But your hand remains planted at his side. When you look back you see Jungkook’s fingers circled around your wrist.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Jungkook’s eyes are still closed but he’s smirking now. With a quick tug at your wrist you fall on top of him and he groans, prompting you to prop yourself up again.
“Jungkook—,” you gasp but his other hand pulls you down, your lips crashing onto his again. He sighs against your lips and then kisses you, soft and hard all at once. You smile, kissing him back. When you finally pull away, his eyes are still shut.
“If this is a dream,” he murmurs, his hand making its way up your back. “I’m never waking up again.”
“Jungkook,” you whisper again, sliding your hand up his chest and he groans when you touch a sore spot, “oh, sorry,” you add, glancing down.
He hisses, pulling you onto him and wrapping his arms around you. “Hold me. Even if it’s just for tonight.”
You press a kiss against his chest before snuggling into him.
Then it hits you.
Just for tonight.
You wonder if he wants this to be a one-off thing.
Or he could still be half asleep.
Worries cloud your mind as his arms envelope you. You feel him press a kiss to the top of your head.
You inhale deeply and lift your head a bit. “Just for tonight… is that what you want?”
He sighs, pulling you in tighter. “I want this forever. Just you and me.”
You notice he hasn’t said your name once. Maybe he is still dazed. You did give him some pretty strong painkillers.
He groans again and you lift your head. “Maybe you could…,” he starts and when he doesn’t say anything else you rest your head again.
“Wha—,” you exclaim as Jungkook then pulls you across him, dragging you over his body to his other side, the less bruised one.
“There,” he says, kicking away the pillows and nestling himself into the centre of the bed. “This is perfect. You comfy?” He looks down at you with the biggest smile and warmth spreads across your chest. You can only nod. He chuckles, pulling you in tighter.
And somehow you fall asleep like that.
Like it’s the most normal thing in the world.
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Morning comes much too soon.
You blink open your eyes to white and yellow haze. The blinds must be drawn.
Fear creeps up your throat as you run your hand across the bed. The tangle of white sheets are just that. Sheets.
He’s gone.
The doubts start to swirl in your head as you remember what he said.
Just for tonight.
He probably regrets it. The kiss. The cuddling. Everything.
Was it too much? Are you too much?
Lost in your own world, you don’t hear the sound of footsteps growing louder as they approach.
Or the sound of something hitting your night table.
But you do feel the arms that snake around you, a hard body gently setting against yours, and warm breath on your neck.
“Mmm,” he hums, kissing your neck, “time to eat.”
When you open your eyes, Jungkook is staring at you. Contrary to the soft and easy way he spoke, there is uncertainty in his eyes. A searching look. A car waiting for a green light.
And it hits you.
He’s just as worried as you are. This is new territory you two are exploring.
He opens his mouth then shuts it, his teeth peeking out to catch on his lip ring. You watch, fascinated, as you wait for him to speak.
He comes in a bit closer then hesitates. “Is this ok? Should I leave? I didn’t know if what happened last night—“
You lift your head and kiss his nose. “More than ok. I want you to stay.” And just like magic, the lost look disappears. His nose scrunches up as he smiles down at you.
He helps you up and pulls the sheets from your legs. You can’t help noticing the ease with which he’s moving.
“You seem a lot better than I expected. You’re not hurting still?” When he gives you a quizzical look, you gesture to his chest and ribs. His eyes widen and then he grins.
“I’m JK, remember? Here, I made these special,” he replies, setting a plate of pancakes on your lap. He then pushes off the blanket and sits next to you, setting a plate in front of him. “Do you wanna… maybe take a shower with me after this?”
You nearly choke on your bite, pancake spraying all over the bedspread. “What?” You manage to turn to him and he’s smirking at you.
“I ran home to check on Bam before you woke up and now I’m kinda sweaty. And too tired to wash myself,” he replies, throwing in a quick wink that almost stops your heart, “Don’t you wanna help me wash?”
You groan. Jungkook might be the best person you know but he’s also the most annoying.
Maybe that’s why you two are a perfect match.
“Here,” he says, reaching over to grab the cups from the tray. “Thirsty?”
“Yep,” you reply, taking the cup he’s holding out to you. You sniff it.
“Wait, what is this?”
Jungkook giggles as he takes a sip of his own drink.
“Try it.”
You bring it closer but one sip has you gagging and nearly spitting it out. “Fuck, Jungkook, why?”
He’s laughing, but the moment you look back at him, his expression turns serious. “What? You drink coffee for Tae but not me? I see how it is.”
He starts to get up but you grab his arm. “One sip! I had one fucking sip! You can’t possibly be angry about that,” you yell back, reaching for him. When he turns back around, he’s grinning.
Then he holds out his own cup. You eye it suspiciously and he laughs. “This was yours,” he says, smiling, “It’s hot chocolate. Your favourite.”
He swaps the two cups and pulls you in for a hug.
“And you’re my favourite. I love you, Y/N.”
You’re startled by how suddenly and easily those words fall from his lips. Then you realize you might not have imagined those same words last night.
You wrap your arms around him, feeling the warmth of his hug and the way it engulfs you in a feeling of safety and security. The way Jungkook always makes you feel.
“I love you too, dork.”
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so…? did you like it? ♡
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zzleeper · 23 days
Jason Todd x Nurse!Reader
MAJOR hurt/comfort
authors note: tbh i do not put as much effort as i should when i write these fics so pls forgive any errors. ty to the internet for providing me with tutorials on how to heal burns :)
ALSO this happens after the end of under the red hood. if you dk what happens basically the building everyone is in explodes and jason is probably incredibly emotionally vulnerable
CW: wounds and burns
words: 2227 . playlist/vibes
There’s the squeak of your window opening, and despite the fact you know it’s Red Hood, you pick up the baseball bat you keep beside your nightstand. 
You had met Red Hood at a side job of yours. As a nurse in Gotham with dogshit pay, sometimes you’ve got to have some more questionable sources of income. You were stitching up some criminal who’d been beaten to half a pulp by Batman in the back of some sketchy club/drug dealing front, and he had caught your eye. Later, you realized he was probably there to fuck with the guys in the area once the men you were patching up started muttering about “The Red Hood” like if they spoke too loud he was going to hear them.
He’d played into your advances, flirting back with as much enthusiasm as you had arrived with. It was flattering having such a fine-ass man show interest in you. It didn’t matter how genuine it was since he had proven how good a lay he could be a week after that when you two had found each other again at another base of operations for another gang.
Every other time he always found you. He probably knew where you lived before you brought him back to your apartment. And he never took the mask off. It was a little weird, how attached to it he was, but it’s Gotham, and you’re fucking with a criminal. You’re lucky that, as far as you can tell, he’s not an escapee from Arkham. He didn’t touch the mask, and you didn’t say anything. Maybe he was super disfigured or something. You didn’t care; he looked good and fucked good, so nothing could’ve been that bad.
Red Hood always left before you’d even fallen asleep. The post-orgasm haze was enjoyable until he untangled himself from you and left without saying goodbye. It was always a silent affair every time he left. He was so committed to leaving that he refused to stay the night during a thunderstorm, deciding to brave thunder and rain instead of sleeping in the same bed with you
It didn’t hurt, but it was a little disappointing. You had never defined your relationship with Red Hood, but you knew he wasn’t interested in anything but sex. You were, though. The dull ache in your chest every time he left was nothing unexpected; catching feelings, or at least thinking you are, is a natural progression of fucking someone once every week or two. It’s a pattern you’ve found forming every time you’ve tried to have a no-strings-attached sort of relationship, even if you haven’t even seen his face before.
Creeping out of your room with socked feet, you shuffle toward your window and flick the light on.
Your bat clatters to the ground, and you can see Red Hood flinch slightly.
“Oh my god, what the fuck happened?” You gasp in shock at the state of the man who’s just broken into your apartment. Red Hood is beaten and bloody and clutching his side. You can see blood oozing out from the gaps between his fingers, but that might just be from how burned his hand is. His mask is just gone. But he’s still wearing a domino mask over his eyes. Bruises bloom everywhere on his face; his eyebrow is sluggishly bleeding into his eye, which is puffing up under the mask. He’s leaning against the wall beside your window, looking more like he collapsed. 
He groans quietly in response as you rush over to him, collapsing on your knees next to him, “Got in an–” He coughs quietly, that’s not good, “An explosion.”
You want to suggest a hospital, but you know that he would immediately refuse and–if he could walk–probably just leave. Talking to Red Hood in vulnerable moments was like coaxing a feral cat.
“Okay,” You mumble, “Okay,” You know how to do this. Maybe with more people and more hospital equipment and not in your apartment, but you know how to do this.
“Alright,” You shuffle next to him and wrap an arm around his torso, maneuvering his arm to rest on your shoulders, “I’m going to lift you on one, okay?”
Red Hood nods, his eyes fluttering closed.
“Hey,” You snap, nudging him with your shoulder, “Stay awake–and deep breaths, alright?” Shuffling into a crouching position, you adjust him slightly, “Three, two, and one,” You both grunt in unison as you lift him up and off the floor, “Up we go, come on.”
Stumbling to the bathroom, you nudge the door open with your hip and carefully sit Red Hood on the toilet with you crouching between his legs. He droops in a way you’ve never seen before. Red Hood has always been so confident, holding himself high, but right now, he looks bone-tired, something sleep can’t fix. 
He feels raw and broken open, something thick with sadness and tragedy oozing out of him, and that’s not just the blood. You cup his cheek to make him look you in the eyes, “Tell me what hurts, honey,” You say, the endearment slipping out as if you’re talking to a patient. Or someone you love.
Red Hood pushes his face into your hand, making your heart squeeze in your chest, “I think I broke a few ribs, definitely a concussion too,” He lifts his hand, it’s bloody and burned, blisters forming in spots that make you cringe, “And my hand is burned like crazy,” He rasps, “Shot my gun with some shit blocking the barrel.”
“Okay, can you take off your shirt, or do you need help?” You ask, standing up to start running the water and grabbing two cloths made from old t-shirts from the hamper next to your tub. Red Hood shakes his head and pulls off his shirt in your peripherals. Glancing over, his chest looks just as bad as you thought it would, with bruises scattered everywhere. It makes your stomach drop just a little more. At least there aren’t any deep abrasions anywhere. 
Once the water warms up enough, you wet the cloths and offer one to Red Hood, resting the other one down on the sink countertop, “Wrap that around your hand and keep it there. I’m going to go get some ice for your ribs,” You say quietly, leaving the bathroom to walk over to the kitchen. 
Why was Red Hood even here? He’s the most secretive person you know, and doesn’t he have an entire gang to patch him up? He must have a lieutenant or something somewhere. You grab the towel you keep in your kitchen and stuff it with ice, heading back to the bathroom where Red Hood awaits you. Honestly, fucking one of the most dangerous men in Gotham and a notorious crime lord was not your brightest idea, but patching him up after he got into a fucking explosion? What the fuck.
This isn’t what you two do, especially with Hood being so vulnerable right now. He’s breaking the boundaries he had firmly set completely on his own.
“Hey,” You say, Red Hood’s leaning back against the toilet, his eyes closed, “Wake up, I’ve got your ice.” Thankfully, he opens his eyes and takes the makeshift icepack with his good hand, pressing it against his ribs with a slight grimace. You pull the t-shirt-cloth off the counter and stand in between his legs to clean his face.
Nudging his chin with your hand to make him look up at you, you peel off the domino mask with some hesitation, but Red Hood just closes his eyes. He rests his head in your hand when you carefully grip his chin to nudge his face in the direction you want. Starting to clean the cut on his eyebrow, you think about how familiar he looks. His eyes look like those you’ve seen before, but you have no idea where.
“What happened?” You ask, wiping the blood off his face as carefully as you can. You know he won’t answer honestly, the few times you two had talked about anything close to emotions he had fled or changed the subject as soon as possible.
“I told you,” Red Hood responds like the avoidant fuck he is, “Explosion.”
You tut, whacking him lightly with your t-shirt-towel, and he huffs good-naturedly, “You know what I fucking meant, dickhead.” You scold, but he just shakes his head minutely in response, a furrow forming between his brows. 
You swipe your thumb over it, soft in a way you two have never been, “You don’t have to tell me, Red. If this is the best way to help, then I’ll fix you up and send you on your way.” 
He takes a shaky breath, and his eyebrows scrunch together more. You’re scared he’s going to stand up and leave your apartment, but he pushes through your hands and presses his forehead into your stomach. He falls apart against you. You can’t tell if he’s crying, but it’s something close.
“Oh, sweetheart,” You mutter, curling a hand into his hair. 
You both stay like that until he calms down, the sobs wracking his body slowing to a stop. Cupping his face in your hands, you push until he looks up at you. 
You don’t have to push very hard. Wiping away the tear tracks with your thumbs, you smile sadly down at him. There’s a small wet spot on your shirt.
“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up,” You crouch down and start wiping the dirt and blood off his chest, pushing him until he leans against the back of the toilet. Repeating this on his back as well, you try to soothe as best you can with a hand stroking up and down his side with the least bruises.
Once you’re done you pull him around to face you, “I’m going to wash your hair, bandage your hand, and then you’re sleeping for a very long time.”
Red Hood visibly tenses at that, and you level him with an unimpressed stare, “Stay,” You say quietly, resting your hands on his biceps and avoiding his gaze, “I want to watch you if you have a concussion, and I can’t do that when you’re having a seizure in an alleyway because it’s given you brain damage.”
He deflates, but still rolls his eyes, “It’s not that bad,” He argues, “I’ve been through worse.” How bad, he doesn’t say, but from the amount of scars on his chest and back, you can pretty much tell.
You patronizingly pat his cheek, “That sucks for you,” You tease, your hand sliding down to wrap your fingers around his wrist, avoiding the burns on his hands, and gently tug him towards the shower. He follows without protest, and you both sit against the tub as you wait for the water to warm up. It’s calming, sitting beside Red Hood, your sides pressed together.
Once the water is at a heat you deem acceptable; you pull down the showerhead and maneuver Red Hood to kneel over the tub, still icing his ribs, and start washing his ashy hair with generous amounts of shampoo and conditioner. You can feel his breathing slow next to you as you massage his head with your hands, suds falling into the tub under him.
You wring out his hair with a towel and push him back up into a sitting position. Kneeling on the ground, you lean over to pull open the cabinet under your sink and carefully take the first aid kit from its precarious balance on top of your medicine hoard.
Wrapping his burn is easier than you thought, Red Hood pliant and willing under your hands. You do a once over of him and judge him fit to sleep. You lead him out of the bathroom with a hand on the small of his back.
“Sorry, I don’t have any underwear for you,” You whisper, scared to break the quiet vulnerability you two are sharing.
He smiles at you for the first time since he arrived, which really means it’s the first time ever. It’s soft around the corners with exhaustion, and he looks at you for a little while before responding, “It’s okay, I didn’t expect you to,” He whispers back, just as hushed as you.
You chuckle at his late reply, “Your concussion must be pretty bad if it takes you that long to process words,” You goad, slipping under the covers. Red Hood goes to follow after setting his icepack down on the nightstand, but you hold out a hand to stop him, “Pants. Off. I’m not getting your grime and soot all over my clean sheets.”
He smiles brighter, “Well, you could’ve asked nicer,” He huffs, unbuckling his utility belt and letting it fall to the floor. He undoes his real belt and kicks off his cargo pants, nestling down into the sheets with a groan that’s half pain and half satisfaction.
You’re lying on your stomach, your face smushed against the pillow facing Red Hood, who’s lying on his back, as he fucking should, staring up at the ceiling, “Good?” You mumble, more at the pillow than the man beside you, and he laughs slightly, turning his head to look at you.
“Yeah,” He whispers like a secret in the dark of your bedroom, “It's good.”
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illvmii · 7 months
Home For The Weekend.
TAGS: DBF!Miguel, Nsfw, a little fluff ig, pining Miguel, I gave you good parents because you deserve it, oral (fem receiving), praise, p in v, unprotected (use protection gang), a little exhibisionism (people are in the house), Miguel is pretty soft in this one, LMK if I forgot anything
A/N: Because I had to swap accounts and all that, I decided to write smut as a sorry (cause I know that’s what most Miguel fans want LMFAO) so here you go!! It’s Dad’s best friend cause GODDD I love DBF Miguel lemme tell ya. Also not proof read (I’m really fucking tired rn I’ll proof read tmr probably)
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You’ve been away from home for a good while at this point. Your college really wasn’t all that far away, but you’ve been so freaking busy it’s unbelievable. You called your parents at least three times a week, even at that point you were failing to do so. You were completely overwhelmed and it was awful.
But finally, finally you had a weekend where you were free. You didn’t have anything to do, so you decided to drive home and spend the weekend there. You knew your parents really missed you, so it was the best choice for all of you (plus you’d been killing to taste some of your moms cooking once again).
You had called your father to let him and your mom know you were coming, but were told a very interesting surprise. It was for sure a welcome one, though. Your father’s best bud, Miguel O’Hara, was staying with your parents for a week. Apparently the man’s house got termites which fucking blew chunks for him. But for you… well, aren’t you just lucky?
That man is HOT! We all know it, he’s absolutely stunning. So when you figured you’d be in the same house as him for a whole weekend, your entire stay seemed to get much more interesting.
Of course it was a ‘Look don’t touch’ scenario, you couldn’t even imagine the hell that would let loose if you made a hit on your dad’s best friend. You knew your father and Miguel were super close, they have been since you were a little girl. Miguel and your pops met when you were in third grade, because you were on your schools little soccer team. Miguel was the coach, since his own daughter Gabriella was on it.
You and Gabi actually became pretty good friends, still are to this day. She’s fun to be around and you text her whenever you have the chance. Of course she doesn’t know about the absolutely disgusting thoughts you have about her father on the lonelier nights. You think nobody but you really needs to know those. God forbid if your dad found out.
You haven’t seen Miguel in… what was it? Nearly three years at this point. He didn’t come around the house much after you turned 19 for some reason. Your dad and him always hung out at bars and such. So you haven’t seen him in a long time. The barbecues Miguel always had once a month were strangely on days you had told your dad you weren’t available, either. It’s very strange. You never have had the best of luck with men, so you just assume god is playing a cruel trick on you.
You eventually pulled into your childhood home driveway, the second you entered your mom pulls you to the side and presses kisses all over your face.
“Oh my gosh! It feels I haven’t seen my baby girl in ages! How have you been, honey?!”
Pressing a kiss to her cheek, you smile, “Been good. Busy, as I’ve said on our calls. But finally got some free time!”
Your mother grinned and pulled you into a hug, “I’m so glad your home, sweetheart. The house just isn’t the same without you here.”
“Dad already getting on your nerves, huh?” You snicker, hugging her back tightly.
Your mom chuckles and shakes her head, “He’s still the same ol’ grump. You should have heard him and Miguel when the soccer game was on… my goodness I was worried we were going to get a noise complaint.”
“Are they really that bad? Geez. I know Dad is bad, can’t imagine two of them.”
Your mother chuckles, “Your father is in the living room. Go say hi, hes been waiting for you all day.”
You give her a nod and walk off to the living room to greet your dad. He’s on the couch, so you plop down next to him. “Hey, Dad. How’s it hanging?”
He turns to look at you and bumps your shoulder with his, “There you are, squirt. Where you been for so long, huh? Outgrown us regular people now you’re a big shot at college?”
You smirk at his tease, “Don’t worry. I won’t forget about you. Least not yet.”
He flicks your forehead, chuckling to himself.
“Miguel is out in the pool. You should go say hi.”
Your face immediately heats up. He’s in the god damn pool?! With probably little shorts? Oh god…
You nod and stand from the couch and make your way to the pool. You slide the glass door to the patio open and dear god.
You see Miguel, hes swimming laps in the big pool. As long as you’ve known him, he’s worked out a bunch. No wonder he’s so fucking buff.
Stepping down into the patio area, you send him a wave, “Hey, Mr. O’Hara?”
He pauses his swimming and looks up at you. He flashes a smile, “My god, that you, pequeña?”
Miguel shakes his head to get the excess water out, swimming too the stairs of the pool to get out. You see now that yes, he is in little swim trunks.
He grabs his towel to wipe his extremely chiseled chest down. He smiles at you as he does, “How have you been, chica? I haven’t seen you for a while. Your dad sends me photos of you sometimes, but they really didn’t show off how much you’ve grown.”
You blush as he runs his eyes over you to really take in your growth. “I’ve been okay. College is keeping me busy. How about you? I’ve heard your house has termites.”
Miguel let’s out a loud groan, “Mhm. I could hear them in the walls at night, it was hell. At least they’re getting taken care of now, ‘Eh?”
“Yeah. I could imagine that would be hell,” You add on, not helping the conversation at all. You really couldn’t focus on conversing well. The man who has plagued your mind since you hit puberty is standing right in front of you, wet and in tiny shorts.
Miguel fully dries himself off, “I’ll go in and change, alright? Then we can talk some more.”
He walks off and you follow behind. You sit next to your dad in the living room and patiently (not at all patiently) wait for ‘Mr. O’Hara’.
Miguel walks into the living room wearing some loose shorts and a white t-shirt. He sits on a free chair and looks to your dad, “Man, look how big your girl is now! Can’t even believe it. Can’t believe how big my Gabi is, either.”
Your dad chuckles and groans, “I know, right? Time really flies when you get old.”
Miguel shoots you a smile, “I’m not that old, am I, cariño?”
You shake your head quickly, “Of course not.”
Your father chuckles, “You don’t gotta lie to Miguel, honey! Let him have it.”
Miguel leans forward to smack your father’s shoulder, “Ay! You aren’t young yourself.”
Your father and Miguel banter back and forth for a bit, before the soccer game starts out. They shut up immediately to watch, though once the plays start happening they shout at the TV like mad men. You chuckle whenever they do. It brought back memories of you and Gabriella having a play date and hearing them go nuts over the match in the other room.
After the match, it was dinner time, and holy fuck did it smell good. Your mother knew how to cook man, let me tell you.
You were sat in between your mom and Miguel. Your dad and the hunk were talking about the game, while your mother asked you questions about how college was going. You told her all about it, from the gossip to how the vending machine in the lobby stopped working again, which pissed you off to no end.
While you were talking and ranting about “those damn machines”, you felt a thigh press against yours. You glance down, seeing it was Miguel’s. Strange, because you didn’t remember his chair being this close. You shrug it off and keep talking to your mom.
After dinner you were stuffed, so you head up to your bedroom for the night. You were currently sitting on your old bed, snuggled up all nice and cozy while watching some YouTube. That was until the door creaked open. You figured your mom had done your laundry like the lovely lady she is, but indeed it was Miguel.
He stepped into the room with a soft smile, closing the door behind him, “Hey, pequeña.”
You sit up immediately at the sight of him, plucking your earbuds from your ears, “Hey, Mr. O’Hara. What do you need?”
Miguel sits himself on the edge of the bed, “You can just call me Miguel, sweetheart. Mr. O’Hara makes me feel ancient.”
“Alright, Miguel.” You smile, which makes him chuckle. He looks up at you and speaks;
“We haven’t had much time to speak one on one. I just wanted to catch up with you, hadn’t seen you in a while.”
You tilt your head endearingly, “Yeah, it has been a while. College has kept me from coming home, plus you and dad don’t hang out around the house as much as you used to.”
Miguel’s face actually pinks a little at the statement, to your bewilderment. He scratches his head, “Yeah. Just gettin’ out on the town as you kids say makes us feel young, I guess.”
Cuddling your blankets a bit closer to you, you grin at him, “You really aren’t that old. You had Gabriella decently young, right?”
“I guess so,” He shrugs, “It feels like forever ago, yet also yesterday. Can’t believe my flor pequeña is in college now.”
You nod, “Oh yeah, I can’t believe we’re in college either. Gabriella texts me all about her college days. She rants about her boyfriend constantly, she seems to really like him.”
Miguel groans, “Don’t even get me started on that boy. He is not worth my daughter, not even a little.”
You giggle at his protective nature. You’re positive that no matter who Gabriella dates, Miguel will never deem them as good enough for his daughter.
Miguel looks into your eyes, “So, you got a boyfriend, niña?”
“Oh, no. I haven’t really met the right person,” Which was a total lie, by the way. You’ve gone on dates and met super nice guys, but in your head you constantly compared them to your first crush ever, Miguel. They never shaped up, so it never went anywhere.
His eyes widen, “Really? You’re so beautiful now, I’d figure you’d have tons of boys chasing you.”
The statement makes you blush fiercely, “Ah, no.”
Miguel lets out a thoughtful sigh, “You really have grown into a lovely young woman, you know.”
You blush even harder, “Thank you, Mr. O’Hara.”
He places a hand on yours with a chuckle, “I told you, it’s Miguel.”
“Right. Sorry. Sorry,” You take some deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down. Miguel sees this and smiles.
“Why so flustered, cariño? Is it because I called you beautiful?”
You end up covering your face to hide said blush from him. Geez, your heart could not take this right now. You were dressed in some baggy Spider-Man pajamas, yet he is calling you beautiful?
“I-I’m not…”
You can’t believe you’re stuttering. The things this man does to you is insane.
Miguel reached a hand forward to take your hands away from your face. He doesn’t remove it, though. He rests it on your cheek.
“Do you want to know why I stopped coming around your house?”
You nod, staring into his chocolate brown eyes.
“It’s because of your 19th birthday. Do you remember it?”
You think back to those years ago. It was a pretty fun party. You got a bunch of friends and family over and swam in your pool. It wasn’t anything extravagant, but just a fun time.
“Yeah. What about it? Did I do something?”
He chuckles and tucks a lock of your hair behind your ear, “Nah. It’s just me. You… that day, do you remember what your swimsuit looked like?”
You think back again and blush. Not one of your smartest moments, buying a white swimsuit. It looked cute online, the thought of that it was supposed to go in water and get wet not really cementing itself in your head.
He nods and chuckles, “I saw you step out of the pool, and rushed over with a towel to cover you up. Remember? Sure, it was because I didn’t want you to expose yourself like that. However, I had a selfish reason.”
You look up and tilt your head a little.
“I didn’t want anyone else to see that part of you.”
“Huh?” Your brows furrow.
He smirks, “I was confused by the thought, too. I left right after the party and went to my house. I figured I’d stop having such strange thoughts after a day… but amor, I haven’t stopped thinking about you once.”
Your eyes widen, “Wh- Huh?”
“You’re so beautiful, I don’t think you understand. You grew into this woman who I admire, not just for your looks. You’re wonderful, absolutely wonderful. You’re kind, you’re thoughtful, you’re funny, you’re perfect. I can’t get you out of my damn head.”
You can’t manage to speak at this point. You stare up at the man in shock as he moves his hand from your cheek to the back of your neck.
“Please, let me kiss you, niña,” He basically begs, his eyes look full of desperation, “I’ve wanted to do it for years.”
You manage a tiny nod, so he rushes forward to kiss your lips. He holds you very close against him and kisses you hard. He lets out a groan at the contact. His tongue prods at your lips after a while and who are you to refuse such a man? You let him in, letting out a little groan of your own when he explores you.
After what felt like too short, you have to pull away to catch your breath. He doesn’t stop being on you, though. When you pant, he moves to kiss your jaw and neck.
You let out a little groan, “M-Miguel…”
“No good?” He speaks between kisses, “I’ve wanted to touch you for years, you don’t understand…”
You let out a little whimper, a god damn whimper.
“Please, let me touch you. Fuck, please,” He begs again. You manage a small nod once again. He dives back in to keep kissing your neck.
You wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer. His hands move downwards towards your shirt. He tugs it over your head and moans. His hands immediately reach down to squeeze your tits, and you have to cover your mouth to keep your moans in.
He mumbles out a soft “Fuck…” when he uses his thumbs to glide over your nipples. After a few seconds, he leans down to press kisses all over your soft breasts. He still uses his hands to softly prod at them.
You let out a low whine and he looks up at you, “Be quiet, my girl. Can’t have anyone hearing you.”
You nod and keep covering your mouth as he leans down to keep pressing soft kisses to your chest. After a few moments, he tugs at your bottoms and looks up at you. You nod embarrassingly, and he takes them and your underpants off in one fell swoop.
You hear him audibly choke a breath, which makes you blush more. He manhandles you so your thighs rest on his shoulders, and just goes to town.
You let out a loud yelp when his tongue presses against your clit, so he reaches down and puts his fingers in your mouth to silence you. He keeps his mouth going, sucking on the bud to bring you pleasure.
Miguel pulls back with a long breath, “Tastes so good…”
You whimper against his fingers when he leans down to insert his tongue in you. You cry out as he holds nothing back, forcefully having his way with you.
His one hand that isn’t in your mouth is softly caressing your thigh, which is driving you crazy in its own right. It feels like everywhere he touches you is pure heaven.
Though that one hand leaves after a moment, instead he moves to insert a finger in you. You clamp down on his fingers, which makes him chuckle.
“Feel that good?”
Against his hand, you mumble, “Fingers so thick…”
He smirks and curls his index finger, making your hips buck up and you let out another whine. He can softly hear you beg for more.
He complies, of course. Hes waited for this for years, no way he won’t give his girl everything she wants.
He inserts another finger, moving them around a little until he eventually finds your most sensitive spot. He presses the pad of his fingers up against it suddenly, making you jerk and squirm around.
His mouth dives back down to suck on your clit, which drives you absolutely insane. His fingers in both your mouth and inside you, as well as his skilled mouth was far too much for one woman to handle.
Miguel looks over at one of the thighs placed on his shoulder, seeing it shiver and shake. He breaks away briefly, “Are you close already, amor? You’re so sensitive for me. Have you been wanting my touch too?”
You nod frantically when he lowers his head to your clit again. You cry out, “Uh-Huh! Y-You were my first crush!” Your words were mumbled against his fingers, but he understood them just fine.
He sucks on your clit hard and curls his fingers at the same time, which causes you to let out a moan and your thighs shake more. He breaks away,
“Look at me when you come. Look into my eyes as I make you come. You understand?”
You nod and keep eye contact with him as he inserts a third finger, pressing over and over to your g-spot. He uses his tongue to swirl around your inflated bud at the same time.
His gaze, his mouth, his fingers, it was all far too much. After one harsh suck, you came with a muffled shout.
Miguel drank it all up immediately, seemingly absolutely satisfied to be covered in your juices.
He lets you catch your breath and removes his fingers from your mouth. He also lowers your hips back to the bed, being delicate as he does so he doesn’t hurt you. You were panting very harshly, still coming down from your high.
Everything was a bit fuzzy at the moment. Though you refocused a few seconds later- holy shit.
His shorts have been discarded, along with his shirt. He was naked just as you were, and god damn was he big.
He leans down to press a kiss to your stomach, “You think you can go again? Can you take me, pretty girl?”
You try and speak only to realize that you, in fact, can’t. You settle for a thumbs up, which just makes him laugh softly.
He gives you a few more seconds before aligning himself up with your pretty pussy, pushing himself in agonizingly slow.
You let out another moan, so he quickly puts his fingers in your mouth again to keep you quiet. He really, really did not need your parents who were down in the living room to hear this.
He kept pushing himself in, holding his own groans back. He’d used his hand and imagined how you’d feel in the past, but it was nothing like this. This was perfect.
Once he was in as far as he could go, he stopped and let you get comfortable. Of course it was a battle for him, he was fighting his primal instincts to just take your hard and fast.
You keep letting out the most adorable little whimpers, which even though he’s currently fucking you, make Miguel’s heart melt.
You hum against his fingers, “Ready…”
He nods and begins to move very slowly. He focuses on your face as he watches it contort and squeeze with his movements. You were so pretty when you were experiencing such pleasure, he thought.
He whispers, “Good job, pequeña. Such a good girl for me.”
The praise makes you bite down on his fingers a little. Your hands travel upwards to scratch on his back, too. It was taking all your willpower to not be loud.
He moves a little faster, leaning down to kiss you as he does. He keeps mumbling “My pretty girl” And “So perfect, just for me” as he increases his speed.
He knows he isn’t going to last long. He’s been dreaming about you for years at this point.
He begins to sweat as his hips snap against yours. His free hand moves down to rub on your already abused clit. You grunt on his fingers, pursing your lips against them.
“You gonna come for me again, amor? Come on my cock. Can you do that for me?” He speaks very softly. Both to keep it down, but to also be intimate with you.
You breathe heavily as you feel him pound into you. You can feel tears brimming at your eyes from the sensation.
He licks his thumb and places it back down on your clit, rubbing circles over and over again. At the same time, his hips were slamming against yours. Soon enough, you reached a second orgasm. He let out a moan that was nearly too loud when you did. The sensation was his end, because a few thrusts later he pulled out and came on your stomach.
You and him sat there, panting like you’d just ran a damn marathon. Though after a few minutes, Miguel stands and walks over to your nightstand to get the wipes there. He begins to wipe you of his cum and your sweat, cleaning you off so you can sleep comfortably.
You were so fucking exhausted it was insane. You could barely register as he carefully slid your pajamas back onto you, then changed back into his own clothes.
He leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead, “If I could sleep in here, I would.”
“Mhm…” You mumble, a little upset he wouldn’t be cuddling you to sleep. But you obviously understood his reasoning.
He pressed a soft kiss to your lips,
“Let’s do this again sometime, pequeña.”
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Hope you enjoyed you rabid Miguel fans!! Feedback is always welcome. I used spanishdict so please correct any mistakes you see. Reqs open too!!
This was my first time posting anything NSFW on any site ever so I’m sorry if it’s bad LOL
Don’t repost or claim as or own and all that stuff please!! ❤️❤️
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scariddler · 10 months
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sunny tumblr u guys are AWESOME!!!! this art is almost 2 years old so i rlly don’t like it but ummmm i wanted more to give you guys… quality sucks because i don’t have the original ibispaint file anymore so i had to screenshot from my instagram lol. will probably delete this one because it’s embarrassing!!!!! but i love the gang… been wanting to redraw this for about a year.. maybe sometime this week ^_^ who else excited for “the gang breaks bad” tmrw i mean uhhhh celebrity booze
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iww-gnv · 9 months
This is part of a series of frank accounts of the strike from Hollywood writers at different levels in their careers. I guess the AMPTP forgot the first lesson privileged parents quickly learn: Do not short-change The Nanny. Carol Lombardini did just that, and now SAG-AFTRA will strike. First, let’s rewind: The pavement was as hard as it’s ever been. The heat, unbearable. Numbers, thinning. The loneliest place on earth, the picket line by Universal’s Main Gate — where the sidewalk literally fucking ends. Paramount was all airpods and sunburns. (Some gracious restaurant handed out lemonade. God bless them.) Even the family-friendly line at Disney felt a little like a chain gang.  Not gonna lie, we knew it would be hard. But by day 72 our souls were cracking. The distant horizon of the strike loomed long and large. But then the AMPTP fucked up. Big time.  Quite possibly the stupidest exec in the business fed Deadline the most monstrous article, in which they finally let the mask slip and said the unsayable: Let the writers starve. “It’s been agreed for months,” the anonymous source confessed. The studios want to break the WGA, drag this out until the writers are “losing their homes.”   “A cruel but necessary evil” to protect their bloated, unjustified C-suite compensation. Those are real quotes. Even Marie Antoinette winced. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. Writer Twitter lit up with rumors of a morning-after Zoom where screaming studio heads pointed fingers at each other. Whatever moronic flack allowed that to happen will soon be living thousands of miles from Los Angeles, probably printing up flyers offering 2-for-1 Blizzards at the Bangor, Maine, Dairy Queen. The fun, new parlor game on the picket lines this week is guessing who was dumb enough to say the quiet part out loud. But thank you, whoever you are. Because those quotes turbocharged us. They reminded every writer why we’re doing this. Why we can’t give up — and now, you better believe there is not a single writer who doubts this is possibly the most important strike in the history of our craft and our industry. Nothing unifies like a Big Bad. Nothing makes heroes like an unrelenting villain.
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constant-brain-fog · 1 year
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Cooking with Hunter ✨
Last week or so has been a little bit hard so I didn’t really get to draw anything, but I am back! And with some more Bad Batch!
I saw a few headcanons going around that Hunter would probably be the cook of the gang, and I wholeheartedly agree! He’d also totally teach Omega how to cook and bake as well 😌🍳🍰
Remember to Hug the Cook! ✨
Crosshair and Hunter cooking
Also here’s a link to my Patreon! I post my drawings there early and sometimes they’re exclusive! You’ll also get some behind the scenes from other projects! ✌️✨
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hawkinsmethlab · 10 months
Part Two
Read on AO3
The first time they kiss, Eddie is technically dead. Or, does CPR even count? Steve’s tempted to say no, because that’s not how kissing works. (He would know the best out of any of them, right?) The cracking of ribs under his hands and the taste of blood in his mouth, how desperately he’s blowing air into too-heavy lungs and listening to one of his best friends cry so hard he’s dry heaving.
But he doesn’t stop, not until there’s a pulse, however weak.
Eddie dies twice on the way to the hospital. They tell Steve later that he died again when he was on the operating table and nearly didn’t get him back.
Steve runs himself ragged over the next month, between volunteering at the community center, donating blood and making sandwiches, helping to clear the streets of debris, patrolling for Upside Down shenanigans and playing chauffeur for his gang of kids who aren’t acting so much like kids these days. He visits Max and Eddie as often as he can. Max still hasn’t woken up and nobody’s sure when that might be, but he gets to have his first conversation with Eddie about a month later.
He’s only been awake for a week, and still can’t do much of anything but talk, and even that’s hit or miss most days. Even when he can kind of hold a conversation, he gets tired too fast for it to mean much, but everyone Steve talks to is upbeat about his recovery.
He hadn’t been planning on actually sitting with him, there’s still so much to do, but Wayne had asked him to hang out while he ran to grab himself some lunch. Who is he to deny that man anything, especially something so easy as watching a half-comatose idiot?
Eddie wakes up after about a minute of Steve being there. When he notices him, Eddie’s eyes go glazed and he’s got a dopey smile.
“They’ve got you on the good stuff, huh?” Steve says.
Eddie nods, but his muscles are loose so it’s more of a roll. “Oh, yeah. I’d make a fortune off the stuff if I could get my hands on it. But, shh, don’t tell. I’ll get in trouble.”
“Okay, man, whatever you say. My lips are sealed or whatever.”
“Mmm.” Eddie squints at him then, frowns until he’s pouting. “Sorry you had to do that.”
“Do what?”
“Lay one on me,” he says, eyes closed now. “Bet you hated it. Bet it tasted awful.”
Steve rolls his eyes, fights back the smile his lips are trying to pull up into. “Appreciate the concern. Lucky for you, it wasn’t anything I hadn’t tasted before. And I didn’t. Hate it.”
Eddie’s eyes open so fast Steve worries they’re gonna fly out of his skull. “You what?”
“I was saving your life, dude,” Steve says. Duh. “Hard to hate something like that. I mean, maybe if it hadn’t worked then it might be a different story but--”
“Oh. Right.” Eddie relaxes back into his pillow. He’s trying to keep his eyes open, on Steve, but it’s a fight he isn’t going to win. He’s like a kid trying to stay up past his bedtime, and this time Steve can’t force down the smile in time.
“Just go to sleep,” he tells him. “Your uncle will be back soon.”
“Been sleepin’ forever, I’m sick of it. Keep havin’ weird dreams.”
“...Yeah, I’ve been there.”
Silence settles between them, broken by beeps of machinery, distant footsteps and announcements from the hallway. Eddie’s eyes are closed again, his brow still creased. Steve thinks he might have actually fallen back asleep until he sees his lips move.
Steve scoots a little closer. “Are you trying to say something?”
Eddie sniffs, make the face like he’s pouting again. “I said, I’mma make it up to you.”
“Make what up to me?”
“Bad first kiss.” Eddie shakes his head. “I can do better. Wanna do-over.”
Steve freezes like a deer in headlights. Like he has a gun to his head. Like he just heard the front door open and he knows it’s his parents coming home. He knows it’s the drugs talking and that Eddie doesn’t know what he’s saying, not really. At the end of the day he probably isn’t going to remember this conversation.
Eddie is in a hospital bed, hooked up to about a dozen different machines looking like he’s been hit by a train, his skin so pale that Steve can make out every vein, every bruise and cut and stitch. Long fingernails and peeling scabs that crawl up his neck like a fungus. He’s drooling a bit from the side of his mouth and his eyes are still crusty with sleep and he’s got a smattering of acne that’s cropped up on his forehead and nose, along the edge of his chin. His bangs are pinned back because they’re so greasy.
Steve’s heart races anyway.
There’s a correct answer here, the one he’s been raised with, the one beaten into him. The instinctual urge to brush it off as a joke (ha, good one, man) to take it as an insult (remember who you’re talking to, Munson) to ignore it altogether (just go back to sleep).
Then there’s the incorrect answer.
“Alright, Munson,” he says, softly, terrified. “Once you’re all better, you can show me what I missed out on.”
Through the exhaustion and the pain meds, Eddie grins. “Watch out, Harrington. I’m about to rock your world.”
Steve smiles. He doesn’t fight it this time. “Can’t wait.”
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bigfatbimbo · 1 month
small announcements + brainspew about Vox —
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I’ll get to the actual important stuff soon but this idea alone wasn’t enough for a full fic so… anyways the idea of getting Vox flowers?
Like especially with a fem!reader because he’s from the 1950s and probably has never received or even considered the concept of receiving flowers.
But say you know he’s having a relatively hard day, probably swamped in meetings, loaded with paperwork and mishaps while filming one of his tv shows. So finally, you text him and see that he has a moment of free time to spare.
So a quick trip to the store and you pick up his favorite flowers, that are NOT roses because that’s too obvious. He likes bleeding hearts and stargazing lily’s.
Anyways, say you get there and pay a visit to him in his office. He doesn’t even look up at you for a long moment because he’s totally locked in on work. But then finally, with a huff, he turns his chair around to face you and begins to ask why it is your bothering him when his schedule is so packed—
But then he notices the flowers in your hands and falls silent. He kinda just stares wide eyed for a moment, before asking “Uhm, what are those for?” And you explain obviously that you knew he was having a bad day so you wanted to get him something special.
And then he’d stay quiet for another minute before bursting out into laughter, remarking how dumb the idea was, how useless the flowers are, and how you interrupted his work and… but then his laughter turns into giggles and he’s turning away from you because his pupils had dilated into tiny hearts and his screen was beating up so obviously.
His feet curl up to his chest as he takes the bouquet from your hands and giggles like a school girl.
And he’s covering up his screen with his free hand to cover his obvious smile as he admires the flowers with the other hand. He’d still tell you how idiotic the whole idea was, but then he’d clear his throat and ask you to fetch him a vace.
Plopping them in the vace dismissively, he’d kiss you a kiss, thank you for the thought, and wait for you to leave. As soon as his office door closes, he’d fetch a few of the flowers out of the pot, and hold them to his chest. Keeping them near him to smell the sweet perfume and be reminded of you while he finishes his work.
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OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TIME!!! So basically, I think i’m fading out of my Hazbin obsession. Like slowly but surely, I feel like this is the final month of the fixation. Honestly, I give it two weeks at best.
So because of that, i’m welcoming you to go ABSOLUTELY HAM on the requests. Like i’m granting you permission to request characters that aren’t necessarily on my list of the cast that I write for.
Feel free to leave the nastiest, wildest, deepest desire type requests in the world, to be honest. (except I will literally never write for a dom male character sorry gang.) Or feel free to leave the fluffiest, tooth rotting, embarrassingly cutesy request ever.
This is practically the bimbo going away party and you guys should leave NO stone unturned.
Also, this is just a guess because i’m slowly becoming interested in other things. So if I don’t end up fading out of the fandom… yeah um happy 2k guys?? I’m literally like two months late but— This would probably just be considered a celebration. But I do have a sneaking feeling.
IN OTHER NEWS, those silly ‘Low Effort ____ headcanons’ I do? Yeah, some out for Velvette and Sir Pentious tomorrow, probably.
Anyways, i’m super duper exhausted, so this is probably good night. <3
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