#baek gi
tomochii-chan · 2 years
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I found this stock image of a couple and a third wheeler and thought "oh.. that's Gav/MC plus Minor" then it just escalated adding more memes on top lol. The stock images I used are in my replies on my twitter post ahah
Please enjoy my stupid before I go bury myself into commission mode lmao
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favficbirthdays · 9 months
Happy Birthday
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Gavin (29th July)
Mr Love: Queen's Choice
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cuddletime-blog · 9 months
Gavin's Birthday Poem (2023)
Happy birthday Gavin! Happy birthday to you, my Senpai, my hero… A hero's job is never easy, but the best kind of hero is a humble one who is just doing their duty and isn't doing it just to take credit for it. Thank you for being so fearless in the face of danger, but you're still human underneath those amber eyes that have to be fierce and battle-ready at times. You're just a guy that wants to enjoy a simpler life spending time with the one you love and eating homecooked meals when you're not working so hard on undercover missions.
I never knew those amber eyes and your smile could be that sweet. You make my heart melt with just calm reassurances and I would feel safe with you even in the middle of a storm or when I'm hanging onto your back while riding on the back of your motorcycle. You make my heart race too just like the breeze rustles the ginkgo leaves up into the air, stirring all of my emotions up onto the surface, making everything as transparent as my reflection in your honey-like amber eyes. You make me feel warm and loved under your gaze and through your actions time after time. You're so reliable and you inspire me to be stronger too. You do so much to protect others and all I want is to protect you and your happiness.
Thank you Gavin as always for being someone I can count on to give me strength. I hope you have the happiest of birthdays, STF Commander. I hope you smile more. You're the one that helps make my dreams and miracles come true. It's a blessing to have you in my life and let's make even more precious, treasured birthday memories together year after year.
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love4hinata · 2 years
"Seulgi destrancou a porta ouvindo o som de altas risadas. Com a testa franzida, caminhou a passos lentos até a sala, apenas para encontrar uma mulher desconhecida, seminua, parecendo bem à vontade ao lado de seu namorado.
Ok. Baekhyun não era exatamente seu namorado. 
Seulgi nunca foi capaz de esconder o crush imenso que tinha no irmão de sua melhor amiga. Obviamente ela foi alertada sobre o jeito cafajeste dele e ficava evidente que o rapaz nunca se permitiria ficar preso a alguém. Mas quando ela finalmente confessou seus sentimentos e soube que era recíproco, foi inevitável que surgisse um pouco de esperança. 
Os dois resolveram não se rotular, apenas curtir o que estavam vivendo juntos. Com o passar dos meses, a seriedade veio naturalmente, Baekhyun foi conhecer os pais da Kang e até tinha dado uma cópia da chave de seu apartamento para ela! O que os levou a situação inconveniente que agora se encontravam.
Ao ver Seulgi chegando, Baekhyun não demonstrou um pouco de vergonha, diferentemente de sua acompanhante, que fez uma rápida reverência e deixou os dois, provavelmente indo em busca de suas roupas.
Seulgi respirou fundo e tentou não chorar. Não era a primeira vez que se deparava com algo assim. Baekhyun sempre estava envolvido com alguma outra pessoa, recebia comentários sugestivos em suas postagens no Instagram, tinha encontros durante a semana e sua casa frequentemente tinha rastros de uma terceira pessoa, fosse um sutiã ou uma escova de dentes, ele e Seulgi nunca estavam sozinhos. Por um lado, ela sabia que não podia culpá-lo, afinal os dois não tinham um acordo estabelecido, nada que os impedisse de ver outras pessoas. Mas…poxa, ele era suficiente para ela, por que a recíproca não era verdadeira?
Pareceu muito curto o tempo que se passou entre a saída da estranha e o jantar cotidiano no final da noite, pois Seulgi estava tão perdida em seus pensamentos, que acabou fazendo tudo no piloto automático. Baekhyun não deixou de estranhar a falta da tagarelice típica da Kang, juntamente com suas perguntas, muitas vezes capciosas, sobre o seu dia. Ele mesmo pediu a pizza nos sabores favoritos dela e montou toda a mesa, esperando que  ambiente agradável fizesse com que tudo voltasse ao normal, o que obviamente não ocorreu.
 — Seulgi. — Precisou chamar seu nome para que a garota retirasse os olhos da fatia e o encarasse. — ‘Tá tudo bem? — Perguntou suavemente, esticando a destra para que ela a segurasse.
Aquela momento foi como um encruzilhada, Seulgi escutava a voz de sua mãe, de sua terapeuta e de suas amigas, inclusive de Joohyun que, mesmo sendo irmã mais velha de Baekhyun, e talvez por esse motivo, rejeitava veementemente o relacionamento dos dois. Todas as mulheres de sua vida concordavam que ela merecia mais. Seulgi decidiu que era hora de ouví-las.
— Não, não ‘tá tudo bem. — Foi difícil dizer isso olhando nos olhos lindos, e agora claramente afetados, do Byun, mas a tristeza era insuportável. — Não tá tudo bem há muito tempo e você sabe disso.
Com um longo suspiro, Baekhyun recolheu sua mão e a colocou na testa, já prevendo o início de uma conversa bastante problemática.
— Olha…me desculpa. — Antes que pudesse continuar com sua argumentação, foi interrompido por um soluço alto, percebendo que lágrimas silenciosas já estavam caindo há um tempo.
— “Desculpa” não conserta tudo — a afirmação saiu num tom fraco. — Você pediu desculpa quando levou outra garota como acompanhante pro casamento da Joohyun, pediu desculpa quando perdeu minha festa de aniversário e está pedindo desculpa agora!  — Sua voz ficava mais alta há cada lembrança dolorosa, seu semblante tomado de raiva como Baekhyun nunca havia presenciado. — E muda alguma coisa?!
Após o último grito, um silêncio formou-se entre os dois. Não havia nada a ser dito. A única resposta possível era dolorosa demais para se aceitar. 
Uma risada soprada quebrou o vazio sonoro do cômodo. Para Seulgi, não havia mais nada a fazer a não ser rir de sua situação.
— Você só pede desculpa quando eu choro. — A risada deu lugar a mais um soluço, enquanto suas mãos alvas tentavam, sem sucesso, secar o próprio rosto. — Você pelo menos é sincero?
Balançando a cabeça suavemente, Baekhyun negou. Falando a verdade pela primeira vez, partiu o coração de Seulgi, apaixonada por suas doces mentiras."
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ydotome · 2 months
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letthefairyinyoufly · 1 month
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It is a gift only you can give me.
part 2 ⸸ part 1
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wannaeatramyeon · 9 months
May I request viral hit characters reacting to their s/o wearing something naughty? If not naughty, just wearing their clothes instead?
-Thank you <3 ‼️
Hi anon! Wew I'm so sorry. We are nearing the 3 month mark. How's your V Hit interest? Fading? 😅 Thanks for requesting and the thank you and heart is SO cute. Hmm. Let's go for wearing their clothes...All generally quite innocent.
HTF Boys reacting to you wearing their clothes: Munseong, Wangguk, Yeonwoo, Seongjun, Taehoon
G/N but assumes you're more petite than they are.
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Kim Munseong
You have a habit of taking his tracksuit jacket.
At first he never used to think much of it. He had a two track mind: one on Bomi, the other on MMA.
And then Bomi became spoken for, and the track became singular.
You still continued to take his jackets. Talking, laughing along with him, as natural as anything. Because it was. He's grown used to it.
So much so, that whenever he sees you without his clothes on, he feels a pang. There's something missing that he can't quite put his finger on.
He watches you. Wondering why you look... off.
Then it hits him. You're not wearing his jacket.
In addition, his jackets just smell like him. Of deodorant and aftershave. Without your scent and his mingled together.
And here comes a double KO. His feelings, the second realisation, hits him full force too.
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Han Wangguk
He handed over his hoodie when you said you were cold.
Maybe that wasn't the best idea (or perhaps it was) because the sight of you in his clothes. Chin tucked in at the collar, sleeves hanging over your hands, length reaching down to the top of your bare thighs.
This is really something else.
Wangguk blushes furiously. Thinks about you in his hoodie and nothing else. Chastises himself for his lewd thoughts but shit, he can't help it.
It's just so fucking sexy.
Oops - you've broken him.
Or... that's what he thought. It's actually much worse when he gets the hoodie back from you.
Your scent, your perfume. He can't get enough.
And if he sleeps with it, so he can be reminded of you? Well that's only between him and his hoodie.
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Ji Yeonwoo
You put on Yeonwoo's karate gi as a joke.
And maybe it was a little disrespectful the way you just casually wrapped it around you. You thought maybe Yeonwoo was pissed when he noticed. His mouth was hanging in shock and body frozen.
"Sorry," you grimace, sheepishly taking it off.
"No! Don't!" Yeonwoo clears his throat, cheeks dusting with pink, "...No it's fine. You can wear it."
Seeing you in his gi is combining his two absolute favourite things. It's a crossover he wasn't expecting.
His thoughts are innocent enough, it's more the idea of being able to have everything he wanted. Kyokushin karate and also you.
Yeonwoo stammers and blushes, not able to concentrate on anything else for the rest of the day. Not on his studies, not even on his training.
Because the idea of you by his side, joining him, is everything.
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Baek Seongjun
You like to wear his haori casually around the apartment (when it's clean, of course).
It's something easy to grab and slip on. A cover up for when you're feeling like you need a light extra layer.
Especially for the morning after you've spent a night entangled in bed together.
The first time Seongjun sees you in his haori and little else, stepping into the kitchen for breakfast he has prepared-
His heart stops and stutters. Pauses mid movement to fully take in the sight of you in his haori, the traditional japanese attire, and little else.
Breakfast is forgotten about as he strides towards you, hands wandering over your body and lips on your skin in an instant.
Maybe he can convince you to wear a kimono next.
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Seong Taehoon
You stole his jacket.
Taehoon should stop spoiling you so much. He only has himself to blame. He's very attached to his green bomber. It's his trademark.
"Hands off! Get your own-"
His eyes adjust and he fully takes in the sight. Oh.
Taehoon hates hates people touching what is his (only child syndrome huh) but you in his jacket - ok maybe that he could learn to share.
The way it drapes over you, large and oversized. Your hand tucked into the sleeves... It's fucking cute, ok. His stomach does little somersaults at the view. Shit. He doesn't even care how cringe he sounds, he loves it.
Like a megaphone telling everyone to back off, you're spoken for.
Still. Taehoon is Taehoon and he's a little shit to the end. He'll make you plead and beg a little for his jacket. Whine a bit about how cold you are or how comfortable it is.
He'll throw it at your head every time but preens when you slip it on.
And... bonus: Wedding bands
Taehoon never gave it much of a thought, never gave marriage much of a thought. If you wanted to, sure that's cool with him. No? That's fine too.
Once married though, there's something about wedding bands that he absolutely loves. The matching set, two halves of a whole.
He finds himself playing with yours a lot. Taking your hand in his. Spinning, touching it on your finger.
And when he can't play with it, he looks at it. Yours or his. It seems to always catch the light just right and he can't look away.
Quite simply, it makes him happy.
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fewwordsmanyriddles · 10 days
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yourann · 3 months
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get them together already!
Marry My Husband (2024) | 내 남편과 결혼해줘 Episode 11
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Egg tarts are your favourite. You're my favourite
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gabrielokun · 10 months
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tomochii-chan · 2 years
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"As you wish, milady." 520💙 "I love you." 
Based this off of Gav's 520 R karma in 2021  Yes I know I'm late. When am I not lmao. Guess it could count for Kiss Day too lol
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favficbirthdays · 2 years
Happy Birthday
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Gavin (29th July)
Mr Love: Queen's Choice
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cuddletime-blog · 2 years
Gavin’s Birthday Poem (2022)
Happy birthday to you, Commander Gavin.
You already command my gratitude, respect,
and you can command every cell and fiber of my heart.
Happy birthday to you, you basketball superstar,
track and field champion, all-around athlete,
and motorcycle racing superstar.
You complete your missions and fulfill every duty
to the very best of your abilities.
You shine and stand out from the rest of the crowd
whether you’re out in the field,
on a racing track, or on the basketball court.
Thank you Commander Gavin for
being so brave, determined,
sweet, and valiant.
You’ll always be my Gingko White Knight.
I have so much to thank you for
today and even in the future.
Thank you for being my great Senior/Senpai.
Seriously, I hope you know that you’re such a good guy.
I hope you’ll have many more
fun memories and birthdays.
You deserve all the love, honors,
awards, and recognitions.
I hope you know that you’re loved
and special day after day.
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tsuumei · 1 year
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WHEWW is it hot or is it just Gavin...??? Commission for @/Jr344278 from twitter!!
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fluffycrow · 2 years
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Our Blues (2022) – episode 16
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