#bamom x batfamily
ragingbookdragon · 3 years
If You Wonder 'Bout The Lightning, I'm Coming Back With The Thunder
Tamaranean!Batmom x Batfamily
Word Count: 1K Warnings: None
Author's Note: For the ask I received! Enjoy! -Thorne
It had been pure luck that she’d met Bruce that night she’d fallen through the portal with the Psions following too. Koriand’r hadn’t been with her, and she was fearful of what had happened to her, but the main concern had been the man in front of her communicating in a language she didn’t understand.
It’d taken a few moments of them mumbling and gesturing back and forth in their respective languages to effectively communicate that she needed to kiss him to understand him. And as far as first kisses had ever gone, it was amazing. Language upon language flooded her mind and she collapsed from the strain of it all; he’d caught her, asking if she was okay. She could finally understand, and she’d smiled, nodding, Yes. Thank you.
She explained all she could to this “Batman”—Bruce was his name underneath the mask; she was a prisoner of an evil scientific experimenting race, only escaping with her Princess Koriand’r, but they’d gotten split up. I am Princess Koriand’r’s Lady-in-waiting. And it is my duty to be at her side but so much was happening then, and we have been split up. She’d taken his hands, pleading his help and he agreed.
With no place to go, he let her come to his own manor, though she was loathe to intrude. I should not overstay my welcome, Bruce. If I am, please tell me. He’d merely laughed at her, a whole-body laugh. You haven’t even been here ten minutes. Relax R'hyathiss, you’re more than welcome to stay as long as you’d like. Then he’d paused and looked at her. You might want to find a human name to blend in. R’hyathiss might be confusing for some people and could possibly draw attention.
She’d agreed. What should I name myself then? Bruce took a moment to look her over. (Y/N) Athis. The name sounded strange on her tongue, unfamiliar, foreign, but the longer she said it, the more she liked it. (Y/N) Athis. I enjoy it greatly. He’d smiled at her. I’m glad.
Of course, it’d taken a few months to even track down where Koriand’r had landed, another few to find her. When (Y/N) finally did meet Koriand’r again, it’d been an entire year and Bruce and her had already gotten married. She certainly wasn’t expecting to meet Koriand’r as her son’s girlfriend, but Dick loved her, and he’d grown confused when the two Tamaraneans pointed at each other and embraced like long lost sisters.
Oh, Richard, Kori was apart of the modeling company I worked for! She and I have been friends for years! (Y/N) lied easily enough, though she felt bad for doing so and ushered Kori into another room where they could talk it out. The fact that (Y/N) had hid her alien nature from her family save Bruce. Kori, bless the Princess, had understood whole-heartedly, and agreed to play along, though (Y/N) never forgot her place as Koriand’r’s Lady in Waiting. And she was always there when Kori needed her.
Dick groaned as Kori crashed into him and he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Are you alright?” he asked, and she winced, getting off him.
“I am fine.” Her green eyes found her sister’s. “Komand’r will not stop. She is too angry.”
“Tell me about it,” he grunted, climbing to his feet before dodging another attack. “We need help. Even the Justice League is taking some heavy hits.” His gaze drifted to his father and the JL, watching as they fought viciously against Komand’r’s forces.
“We need (Y/N).”
Dick blinked in confusion, glancing to his brothers who were equally confused. “What? Why would mom be needed?”
Kori didn’t answer, flying to Bruce; she punched a monster coming his way and looked down. “Call her. Now.”
“We’ve got this.” He retorted and she grabbed his arm tightly.
“Call R’hyathiss. Now.”
Bruce stared her down, but she didn’t flinch, and he raised his hand to his ear. “We need you.”
Moments later, a streak of ivory shot across the sky and hit Komand’r with the force of a freight train on steroids. The queen flew back, crashing into the road and when the smoke had cleared, everyone in the street was in pure shock as (Y/N) stood before them, a mighty look upon her face.
Komand’r scoffed. “I knew you would show up soon enough, R’hyathiss. Our ever-punctual Lady-in-waiting.”
(Y/N) stared her down. “I was never your lady in waiting, Komand’r. I am Princess Koriand’r’s.” Her hands shined with a pure white light. “Your betrayal of her lady, scrapped any chance of me caring about you as well.” Bringing her hands up, (Y/N) threatened, “You have once chance to retreat from this battlefield with your army or I will kill you where you stand.”
“You wouldn’t dare, peasant.” Komand’r shot back.
“You have threatened my lady and my family.” (Y/N)’s eyes glowed a sharp ivory. “Koriand’r is the strongest of us, but I am stronger than you.” She let the white aura surround her. “Make your choice, Komand’r. Face me, or retreat from earth. Now.”
The two locked gazes for a solid moment then the queen called for a retreat, rising high into the sky. “I will come back.”
(Y/N) huffed. “And I will wait for the day in which I fulfill my duty of slaying you. For the suffering of my lady, and myself.”
Komand’r disappeared in a cloud of black as did the army and the entire street rejoiced. (Y/N) lowered to the ground and looked to her family that was staring at her like she’d grown three heads. She winced. “Believe me,” she murmured. “I did not tell you because I was afraid of this occurring.”
“You’re a Tamaranean, mom?” Dick asked.
She smiled warmly, nodding her head. “Yes, my sweet boy, I am.” Fingers touched her palm and she looked down at Bruce who was gazing at her, but even she could see the care in his face. “Hello my darling.”
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