#bardock x reader
geekedoutbunny · 1 year
Dragonball Saiyans x Black Wife Reader Headcanon (without kids)
Goku, Vegeta, Bardock, Raditz, Turles, Black, Broly
Hi....Hey.....How ya'll doing?
Sorry, it's been a while since I last posted anything. Life has been kicking my ass, but then again, it's been whooping all of our asses, some worse than others. But, I'm back, and I'll try to make more regular posts, but it's whatever because life right now is so unpredictable. So, in reality, I'll be posting whenever my mental psyche can handle life.
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Being married to Goku was actually fairly easy. He was so sweet and was always ready to help you. The only downfall was, that sometimes he was too cuddly, he either wasn't home enough or he was just too innocent. But you loved him either way. Some months were lonelier than others because he was off saving the world or off training, but he always made up for it with his love.
Living with Goku is like having a giant child, but it's a man with the body of a god. He has moments when he can be serious, mature, and understanding in adult-like situations. However, unfortunately, his child like and innocent mind wins over all the time.
But that's what makes him unique. Due to his innocence, it makes him the sweetest man on earth. Compassionate, giving, uplifting, playful, and encouraging.
He's a bitter-sweet treat, sexy, tall, and handsome. Yet, too innocent, too sweet, too childlike. But, you love him either way.
In the morning, you're usually the first one awake, although it's pretty 50/50 especially when there is a possible threat approaching the earth, then he's up and out of bed before the sun has even risen. But, whether it's you or him up first, you're still tasked with cooking a decent and edible breakfast. Sure, he can cool some good ass fish, some good smoked deer or boar, and even a few large birds. But you wanted foods like pancakes, waffles, eggs, toast..... normal foods..... with a hint of sweetness.
It was rare to share a shower together, but when you did, you tried to make it as steamy as possible. If you're awake before him, you'll take a shower alone, then you'll go and make yourself some coffee, enjoying your quiet morning to yourself. Once you've drunk enough coffee, you'll begin cooking breakfast.
At breakfast, you'll prep all your foods first, having your pancake batter already mixed, eggs already whisked, and bacon with some sausages already out and pan already buttered or greased up and hot. By the time you're done making about 300 pancakes, you'll be halfway through with the eggs at about 150, your bacon and sausages slowly cooking, about 60 or each already done. Goku would be moving about upstairs.
He walks rather quietly, so it's hard to hear him, but if you listen close enough, you can hear when his heels hit the floor, and you can most defiantly hear the shower running, you'll sigh to yourself, enjoying your peaceful little life, thinking of what you'll be doing for the day. When you place the last of the foods on their large platters, Goku will make his way downstairs. Usually, he's wearing his fighting Gi, but some days, like today, he's wearing a sleeveless white shirt with some loose black sweats.
You smiled at his outfit, mentally canceling all plans that weren't important. Seeing him in that outfit usually meant that he was staying home for most of the day. "Good morning, Goku." You'll kindly greet him. He'll smile back at you, his eyes having that locing shine in them whenever he sees you. "Morning, (Y/N)" He'll gently greet back. "Did you sleep well?" You asked. As you began placing the large plates on the table, he chuckled lightly. "I slept pretty well, actually, but I always sleep well next to you." He sweetly said.
You looked up at him, and you slowly placed the last plate down as a bashful smile came across your face. "Awww, Goku, that was so sweet." You said in a happy voice as you placed your hand over your heart. He chuckled cheekily as he rubbed the back of his head. Breakfast would be, well... the usual show.... at least for you. You usually finish your breakfast quickly, as you usually only eat one or two plates. While Goku would devour all of the food.
You would wash your plates, along with any other dish that Goku would scrap clean. Trying to keep your workload down. Usually, Goku would beat you though, He'd thank you for breakfast, but you'd make him help you with the dishes, because there ain't no way you were gonna clean all those damn dishes, you just cooked a big ass breakfast. Once the large dishes were clean and dried the smaller dishes went into the dishwasher, because fuck that.
After breakfast, you and Goku would usually go off your separate ways. You'd spend time on the couch, watching TV, or up in your room getting extra sleep, and sometimes you'll be in your bathroom taking a lusciously long shower or just redoing your hair because a bitch needs to look good.
While Goku would go off to train with Vegeta, or to do some shadow sparring, sometimes he'll go hunting if he's still hungry after breakfast or he'll chop down some extra wood for the house. Very rarely would he stay home, and if he did, then he'd watch some random show on the couch.
On a day like this, when he had nothing to do and just didn't feel like doing anything, he'd follow you around the house like a lost child. You didn't mind. He was quiet and only really spoke up when he had something on his mind. Other than that, he'll just silently follow you. And you'd use that to your advantage sometimes. You'll make him help out with some chores, like vacuuming, dusting, taking the dishes out of the dishwasher, and putting them away.
While you'll be making up the bed, doing the laundry, cleaning up the bathroom, whipping down the windows. During times like these, you'll play some music, usually, you'll play some Old school rap or some good R&B but sometimes you'll play softer music like Jazz and sometimes it's just whatever's on your damn playlist. Rock, Lofi, upbeat, slow, romantic, nightcore, you name it. Goku doesn't too much mind the music and some songs he even sings and dances to.
Sometimes, he'll dance to a randomly fast song, making you laugh. That'll usually lead to you both just quickly hopping around and just dancing to whatever the beat is. You would twerk or even break it down, but Goku usually wouldn't understand, but that's fine with you. After all the choirs are done, you both would curl up on the couch, watching whatever anime or TV show came to mind. He surprisingly had a few shows that he liked, mainly the fighting ones, but that's no surprise there. At least they were animes.
His favorites so far were;
Kengan Ashura,
Jojo Bizarre Adventure (So far, his favorite was part 3-5 he's kind of wonky on 6),
Jujutsu Kaisen,
One Piece (He likes all the different fighting styles, and Sanji was his favorite character. He said he reminded him of Roshi.)
My Hero Academia
And his personal favorites Yu Yu Hakusho and Fist of the North Star
They were all good, so you'd watch them all with him. You were also into anime as well, and you liked all of the ones that he liked even more. However, you were more into romantic or more serious topic animes, but he'll watch those too.... sometimes. He'd usually fall asleep or get rather active and playful either in a childish way or in a more sexual way. There was no in-between for this part. But you weren't complaining.
Around lunchtime, you'll usually cook half of the meal, and the other half, you'll order it. For the cooking part, you'll cook a few giant pots of Rice, and the rest is taken out. Because you weren't no mf slave, and you're sure as hell ain't gonna be slaving away for no 30 hours just for him to come along and gobble all of that shit up in just a few minutes.
Usually, you'll order Chinese, as that's what he's grown up eating, but other times you'll order pizza. And lots of it. About 10 - 15 boxes. Depending on your budget, and if he didn't get full.... well, that's just too damn bad. He better take his hungry ass to Bulma's.
After lunch, you'll have him help you clean the dishes, drying the pots while you placed the smaller dishes in the dishwasher. You'll clean the table while he goes outside for one of his daily workouts or sparring sessions.
Usually, around this time, if he doesn't go over to Bulma's to train with Vegeta, then Vegeta will come and get him instead. By this time of day, it was truly a hot gurl moment...... Passing your ass out right on your big ass bed and sleeping, or just watching TV.
By the time when dinner comes around, You do the same thing you did for lunch, cook a few big ass pots of rice, maybe add in a few dozen boxes of Mac & Cheese, and order a big ass meal of Chinese takeout. By the time he is flying up, you're already placing the food on plates and making your own plate. He'll come in with a big smile on his face, sweaty from today's activities.
"WHOO!!! TODAY WAS A WORKOUT!!" He'll call out in a happy tone as he takes off his sweaty shirt and throws it on the floor along with his sweats and socks. You would make him take a shower, but you didn't want the food to get cold, so he was just gonna have to eat like that, but you didn't mind the view.
After dinner, you'll make him place his dirty ass clothes in the washer and go take a shower, while you did all of the dishes, you didn't mind too much, as it would give you something to do, because let's be real, by the time when 6 to 7 o'clock rolls around, there really ain't shit to do. Once you've finished fighting washing those big ass pots in that small ass sink, you'll take the smaller dishes and leave them for Goku to wash, as he'll be out of the shower soon. You had his laundry to wash. By the time when you finished placing his clothes in the washer and folded the clothes that you forgot in the dryer like 5 hours ago.
Goku is already loading up the dishwasher and putting away the last of the pots. You'll smile softly at him, happy that he washed the dishes willingly, and he even whipped down the table and the counters and threw away all the empty take-out boxes. He'll be putting the last of the dishes away, his sensitive hearing detecting your light footsteps as they approach him from behind, but he won't move nor react, and he'll softly smile when he feels you wrapping your arms around his waist as you lean against his back. He'll gently hold your hand, gently swaying with you as you both sway to the beat of your hearts.
After your tender moment, you and Goku call it a night, curling up on the bed and watching TV shows or animes until you both drift off to sleep.
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Being married to Vegeta... was rough. He was damn near never home, either off plant throwing a tantrum, off saving the day, or away training. When he was home he was hard to deal with, feeling like he was entitled to act like a bratty prince when in reality he had no damn kingdom or an empire. You sometimes wished he'd stay off the planet longer.
Living with Vegeta is like living with a man with class but not enough style to back it up. He's unnecessarily aggressive and he's constantly defensive, he can be frustrating at times but at least he doesn't smother you.
He has his rare moments when he does want to be intimate and when he actually wants to spend time with you and enjoy your company, he can be sweet and can be a great partner to talk to and cuddle, not to mention when his sexual drive is high, which isn't as active as most would think.
In the morning, it's usually Vegeta who awakes before you, usually so that he can train and meditate, you'll get up about 3 - 5 hours after him, if you wake up 3 hours after him, then you'll take a refreshing shower and actually take your time. If you wake up 5 hours after him, then you'll still take a shower but not so long.
It's 50/50 on who will cook the breakfast, Vegeta isn't the best cook, but at least he knows how to make Ramen and rice, you'll just add a few 100 eggs and sausages to the mix. If you cook breakfast then you'll throw in a proper breakfast. By the time breakfast is over, Vegeta is already racing to the shower, and you won't stop him, just know that he's going to have the smaller plates and other dishes to wash.
You'll whip down the table and the counters, before going to your couch to relax. Once Vegeta is out of the bathroom he'll try and make a beeline to the front door, but you'll stop him. "Uh, where do you think you're going?" You'll ask him in a questioning tone. He'll act like he can't hear you, continuing with his walk. "Hmph, fine act like you don't hear me then, just know you'll be sleeping on that couch tonight and you'll have to make your own lunch and dinner. AND... you'll still have to wash them damn dishes when you get back too." You'll say in a content voice as you'll get back relaxed on the couch and flick the TV on. Flipping through Netflix.
"Tch, GRRRRRR- FINE!!!!" He'll yell in frustration as he spins around on his feet and march over towards the sink. You'll give him a sweet smile in return. "Awwww, thanks, babe!!" You'll say in a sweet tone. "Hmph, whatever." He muttered. Once the dishes are done he'll go about his day, or Goku will pop up and ask for him to come and train, leaving you home alone fo
It was very rare when he didn't want to go out at all, and instead like a cat, he'll just wordlessly lay on top of you, his head on your chest and your legs gapped to fit him and together you'll both watch TV shows or animes. He was a lot like Goku he liked the fighting animes but he also liked to watch documentaries about warrior cavillations that use to exist on earth.
Not gonna lie, this shit alone is boring fuck, but with him, it seemed to become less cumbersome.
By the time when Lunch rolls around, You'll be ordering about 10 - 15 boxes of Pizza depending on your budget, and on the side, you'll cook a big ass pot of rice, maybe even two. If Vegeta went out for the day then you'll be enjoying the house to yourself. Sleeping, cleaning, and watching TV. But if Vegeta is home with you then you'll spend the day with him. Watching TV, working out with him (In reality you're just sitting on his back or being his weight) sleeping, Fucking, and cleaning.
If he's out then he'll be home as soon as you're done setting the table, he'll drop his sweaty clothes on the floor and then he'll dig in, if he's already home then it's straight into the food. After Lunch he'll try and act like he forgot his clothes on the floor, stalking off to the shower, but you'll stop him. "Umm, excuse me? Aren't you forgetting something?" You'll ask him in an annoyed voice, as you place your hand on your hip and point at his clothes. He'll look at it, then he'll look back up at you.
"No, you're already here, place them in the mat yourself." He'll snare back. You'll politely curl your lips in and slowly turn away from him with a deep inhale and then began saying the lord's prayers. "Lord have mercy upon this man, as he knows not what he does, for I dear lord am about to commit a hate crime by finishing off the last of an extinct race." You'll say aloud before you turn back around. He's already gone and so is the pile of clothes. "Hmph, he better had." You'll say with a fire in your eyes as you'll begin to wrestle with the large pots.
After his shower, he'll usually be pretty easygoing and would wash the rest of the dishes, it was rare for him to exit with an attitude, and when he does you'll just quietly pull out his pillow and a blanket and throw it on the couch. "See you in about 12 hours, bitch." You'll say before you'll go into your room and lock it. He doesn't like it when you give him the cold shoulder, so he'll pout on the cough and would come with a peace offering once dinner rolls around with some food he cooked up. Just seeing his effort and his slight puppy eyes makes you soften up and you'll let him back into the room.
However you don't always do that when he comes out of the shower with an attitude, some days you'll just go ahead and wash the rest of the dishes and just let him blow his steam off outside, other times you'll cuddle with him on the couch and sometimes you'll try and talk it out with him. Most times it's just him being stressed, so you'll give a good o'l stress reliever Wink.
Once lunch is over you'll both pretty much go your separate ways for the day, he'll either go sit on the couch, go outside, or go into your bedroom and pretty much take a nap or help with chores. While you'll either go sit on the couch, take a shower, or take a nap. But somewhere down the line you will do the laundry, whip down the windows, and the counters, and clean the kitchen, while Vegeta will vacuum, dust, and hang up his clothes and yours too if he feels like it.
All the while you'll be playing music, Vegeta isn't a fan of rap or rock. It gets him irritated and you didn't have time for that. So you'll either play Lofi, Jazz, Blues, or R&B, but sometimes R&B and Blues can make him feel some kind of way, so Lofi or Jazz it was. It gave you an idea of what kind of man he was.
It was rare when you'll both take a nap together and cuddle after chores.
At dinner, you'll do the same at lunch, cook a big ass pot of rice or two, and order whatever you guys were feeling, you both weren't too picky. Once dinner is over Vegeta is at his most compliant. He's more relaxed and calm around this time of day, so he'll help out without any form of threats. Sometimes you'll both hug in the kitchen and would just sway to some song you were humming.
Once it's bedtime, you'll both get in bed and watch whatever you were feeling. It was usually some kind of anime or TV series. You'll both cuddle, you were always the first to fall asleep, so Vegeta would either turn the TV off or put on some Lofi and turn the TV down before he'll hold you tight in his arms, and drift off to sleep.
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Being married to Bardock, was like not being married at all. He was like a military man, always off doing something to help defend earth or he was at work. He was a strange man, he was extremely sensitive too, and his intuition was amazing, but it's the only thing that kept saving your marriage. Bardock was a working man, when he wasn't off saving the day, he was working. He was a construction worker, he chose that job because it was like a form of working out. Plus he could spoil you, thus is how he kept saving the marriage.
Living with Bardock however, was lovely yet lonely. He wasn't hard to deal with, he was always willing to help, always willing to attend to your needs and you likewise. He was caring and supportive, and he was easy to talk to..... when he wanted to be. He was all of those things, BUT, only when he wanted to be.
He had his days when he was extra stressed or his Saiyan blood would come out and make him hard to deal with, and these days were quite present so you weren't a stranger to this side of him. But he was a more older male, making him much more mature so it was a 50/50 chance of having a day like this with him.
In the morning, Bardock as always up before you, it was rare when you were awake before him. On days when you were, you'd make some coffee, enough for the both of you. You'd get to finish about one cup before you get started on breakfast, you like wearing his shirts to bed so that's what you'd pretty much be wearing for the whole morning. You'll cook Eggs, bacon, sausages, pancakes, and some toast. By the time when you're almost finished, Bardock would be making his way downstairs. He usually only goes to bed in his grey sweats so he'll be wearing that all morning.
He'll come downstairs and he'll either give you a hug from behind with a sweet kiss on the cheeks, giving you a groggy "Morning" As he inhales your natural scent. Or, he'll give you a firm smack on your ass giving you a lively "Morning sexy." It was a 50/50 shot so you never knew what to expect. But he'll always have a cup of coffee. You'll both usually talk about your plans for the day or you'll talk about the weather or how your week has been so far.
Once done with cooking he'll help you set up the table and then you'll eat. After breakfast, you'll both wash the dishes together then you'll take a long, steamy shower together. After showering, is when you'll either go your separate way with him going outside and you off to your own devices, or you'll spend time together going about your day. Grocery shopping, a date, clothes shopping, or just hanging out on the couch together.
Bardock was pretty domestic, but he was still a Saiyan at heart, so he spent most of his time training or off defending the world. So days, where he was domestic, were rare yet common, it was a strange mix-up, but you learned to get used to it. On days when you did go your separate ways after breakfast, you'll usually stay home and do chores, watch TV, or go grocery shopping.
By the time when it was almost lunch, Bardock would be home unless he was off saving the world or at work. When he was home, you'd be in the middle of ordering food while watching TV, he'll silently walk in, coming towards you, leaning down to give you a welcoming kiss on the lips, before he'll silently go take a shower, sweaty from sparing all morning. You wouldn't always cook a big ass pot of rice because he had a good-paying job. Getting paid $26 per hour, so making a pot of rice wasn't needed but sometimes you'll do it if you were feeling it.
When he was off saving the world or at work, you'll just order enough for yourself, before taking a nap or watching TV. Sometimes you'll just make yourself something to eat. When he was home you'd usually order about 30 pizzas, 20 cheesy garlic bread, and sometimes with some Chinese or a couple of burgers from Whataburger. Depending on what you were both feelings.
After Lunch, you'll both clean the dishes and maybe even clean the house if it needs it. Since it was usually you just home, it wasn't much to clean.
But if he's been home for the week because it was a special holiday or it's been raining, then you'll both do chores. Dusting was always needed along with vacuuming, but laundry wasn't always a constant. So while he's busy vacuuming and dusting, you'll be off washing, drying, hanging, and folding clothes. You usually played music while you did chores, whether he was home or not. He liked old-school rap and R&B, it was rare when he liked music like Lofi, he also took a liking to heavy metal so you'll sometimes play that for him too.
If he finishes his share of the chores, then he'll help you with the laundry, but if his Saiyan blood was pumping, then he'll either blast off to go train some more, or he'll want to come 'help' when in reality he just wants to fuck. After all the chores were done, he'll either blast off to go train or he'll cuddle with you on the bed after an 'eventful' hour. Usually, you took a nap so that's what you did whether he was home or not. If he was home but couldn't sleep, then he'll go watch TV in the front, not wanting to wake you up.
At Dinner, if he was out saving the world, off training, or getting off of work. He'll come home sweaty, ready to eat, take a shower and fuck. The sleep. So that's what he'll do, he'll either take a shower before he eats, if he was too hungry he'll just throw his clothes on the floor somewhere the eat, or he'll just pounce on you, his adrenaline from a battle, training or work still pumping through his blood, forcing you to reheat the cold food.
When he comes home, he always greeted you with a loving kiss and embrace, you hated it when he did that, but you also loved that he was so eager to get home to you. The only time when you didn't have dinner together, was when he was off the planet saving the day, at that point, it could be weeks to months before he came home. But he always greeted you with that passionate kiss and embrace.
After Dinner, if he wasn't too tired, then he'll take a quick but damn good shower, before coming in the front and helping you clean the dishes. If he was too tired, then he'll take a shower and then go straight to bed. You didn't patronize him, understanding that he had a long day unless he was just training then you'll hound him to at least wash half of his own damn dishes.
When it's time to go to sleep, you'll usually either take a long bath or head straight to bed, but it depended on Bardock. If he was too tired and was already passed out, then you'll take a long bath, but if he was already up, then you wouldn't even try, because when he's awake he'll end up crashing your shower, either to keep up hell and bug you about something that you really didn't give a shit about, making you fuss him out. Then your mood will be ruined and you'll be irritated about him or to come fuck. It was rare when it was for a romantic bath instead.
You usually took a long bath in the middle of the day when he was out and about, but it was rare when you wanted to because you had to be there to watch the house, never know when someone would try to break in. You lived in a nice neighborhood, but you couldn't tell with people nowadays.
After your bath, you'll either cuddle up with one another and watch TV or talk about your day and plans for tomorrow until you both fall asleep, or you'll silently crawl into bed with him, gently cuddling up with him, while looking at whatever on your phone before you drift off.
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Being married to Raditz, was bittersweet. He was either the sweetest man on earth, or he was too damn mean and demanding, it was never in between. He was either home all the time, which was fine, or he was never home. Off saving the world, working or just training with his brother.
Living with him was sometimes annoying, especially when he was heading. His hair was kind of like fur, and it would sometimes fall out to accommodate the weather, leaving a big ass mess for you to clean. Mainly when he took a shower, good lord. You'd refuse to clean it, making him have to clean it himself if he wanted a clean shower to use that is. Sometimes he'll try and give you a hard time but a simple threat was always the solver.
"That's okay, we share a bed, and when you lay your big ass pretty head to rest, I'll get the sharpest pair of scissors that I can find and I'll chop all of that shit out of your damn head. Do you wanna lose that main?" You'll threaten, and he'll just huff but he won't talk back and instead stalk off to clean his mess.
Other times he was easy to work with, he was domestic yet he also wasn't, he prefer to be hard to deal with rather than do as you say because of his pride, but he tones it down. In the morning, Raditz was always the first one to be awake before you, since he either had to go to work, had to get up to train, or was already gone saving the day. Either way, he was usually gone, meaning the whole morning was yours, but on his days off and when he wanted to enjoy it, he'll sleep in, allowing you to wake up before him.
You'd wake up, and will immediately take a shower. Due to his hair sometimes randomly shedding heavily, you'd practically rush into the bathroom, and will have a quick shower, trying to hurry up before he woke up. You and Raditz never take showers or baths together, because he likes the play 'Shot Gun' Meaning, whoever got out of the bathroom last, has to clean up HIS mess. You simply refuse.
If he's awake before you, then be prepared to either clean up a load of hair or be surprised to wake up to it being spotless, sometimes he was considerate. When he was home, you'd make a pot of coffee, enough for the both of you. You'll cook a large breakfast, he loves pancakes so there will be lots of those. If he wasn't home then you'll just make yourself whatever.
When he's home, he'll sometime either immediately take a shower so that he can go to work, or he'll come straight downstairs on his days off to come to greet you with a hug, or with a good O'l smack to the ass. He didn't always drink coffee, but he only really did when he had to go to work.
After breakfast, you'll both usually go your separate ways. He'll either be going to work, training, or off to save the world. It was rare when he stayed home with you.
But he always helped with the dishes, but only on his days off, he didn't exactly have time when he had to go to work or go save the day. He'll usually wash all of the dishes on his day off, while you can tend to the laundry and with mopping the floor. Sometimes he'll even clean the whole kitchen, but he didn't always. He'll give you a kiss on the cheek, telling you. "Whelp I'm off to go train, I'll be back in a few hours." He'll say before he'll blast off.
You won't know if the kitchen is all cleaned or not since you'll either be somewhere mopping or doing laundry. You'll want to be mad, but at least he cleaned the shower and the dishes, so it's pretty fair. On days when he wasn't home, you'd laze around the house, call your friends, and go grocery shopping, but you didn't always go grocery shopping because he liked shopping with you and he'll throw a fit if he found out, but he won't whine if he's at work or off saving the day.
If he's home, then you'll both go grocery shopping and probably even clothes shopping, he also loved hair products so expect to be in the hair aisle for a while. But that gave you the excuse to shop for skincare products. Once home you'll both usually cuddle on the couch watching some TV show or a fighting anime or he'll drop you off at home after helping out with putting stuff away before he'll blast off to go train. It was rare when he stayed home the whole day.
At lunch, you'll just simply order a big ass meal, whatever you both agreed on usually, if he wasn't home then you'll just order whatever you wanted.
However, after lunch is when he tends to become hard to deal with. When it's time to clean the dishes, he'll want to get brand new and will try to leave the house to go train. "Uh, where are you going, Raditz?" You'll ask him as you're cleaning off the table. He'll just simply look back at you, giving you a short reply. "Going to train."
You'll cock a brow. "You had all damn day to train, why you wanna go train now? At least help with this big ass mess." You'll say as you gesture to the dishes behind you. He'll 'hmph' at you crossing his arms. "You can do that yourself, you're acting like a few dishes will kill you." He'll fire back. You'll pause, and place your hand on your hip. "I clean this big ass house, with no complaints, I sometimes even clean your thick ass hair out of the shower with no complaints, the least you can do is wash the damn dishes, with no damn complaints."
You'll say in a slow yet angered voice. "Hmph, I did the dishes this morning with no complaint and I even cleaned my own mess in the shower with no complaint. If anything you're acting like a child." He'll argue back. You'll take a deep breath, taking a step back while looking around yourself. "Where me a damn heavy ass object so that I can throw it at your big ass head because you playing with me now. See, see, see you don't know me, I'll beat your monkey lookin' ass-" You'll say under your breath as you'll pick up a rolling pan from a drawer turning around to point it at him, but he'll already be gone.
"Where the hell?" You'll ask as you'll look around in the area he was in before the sound of plates and pots banging in the skin behind you will catch your attention. You'll look back at him before you'll slowly nod your head. "Mmhmm, that's what I thought..." You'll say in a low voice as you'll stick the rolling pan under your arm as you'll walk off to go find something to do.
After all the afternoon chores are done, is when you and Raditz will officially go your own ways for the day until dinner. He had to get a few hours of training whether in the morning or in the afternoon. It was this time that you'll take your chance to watch something on TV, take a nap, or take a long shower. He'll be gone for about 5 to 6 hours, giving you time to yourself. If he hasn't been home all day, then you'll take this time to take a nap or just watch TV.
Dinner is usually when he's home unless he's off the planet. But he'll always be home from 6 - 8, if he's work then around 6:30 to 7:00 and if off saving the world then around 7:30 to 8:00. So you'll usually order dinner by 5:00, by the time when he gets home, you've already eaten and is just watching TV now. He'll come and give you a welcoming kiss before he'll either immediately go eat, take a shower or go straight to bed
Sometimes if his adrenaline was still pumping from an intense battle, then he'll pounce on you like an animal in heat. Meaning he'll be eating around midnight. But most days he'll either drop all his clothes off on the ground before eating or he'll just go take a shower. After he's done showering he'll then eat, but you'll clean the shower and take his clothes to the laundry room, seeing how tired he was. On days when he went straight to be, you'll wrap everything up, saving it for when he'll come up to eat around midnight.
After Dinner, you'll wash the dishes, and he'll try to help if he isn't too tired, before you'll both head on off to bed, if he's already asleep, then you'll quietly get into bed with him. If he's still up then you'll both cuddle before falling asleep.
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This one is somewhat based off of another fic that I read before called; "Turles's Triumph" It's a great fic and it takes a deeper look into Turles's personality in a way I never thought to look at it before, and they captured him so well. Give it a read if you'd like, but it's a long fic, about 172 chapters I believe. But it's a great read and it's worth it.
AH, Being married to Turles is like living the dream life. He's a man with elegant tastes, he's a space pirate and he just simply refuses to live on one planet, so he made you pick. "Either you stay here, and be one of my many ladies of the nights, whom I'll only come to visit when I am in need of something from your plant and I'll treat you like a queen as long as I am here. Or, you can come with me and become my permanent queen and I'll take you all over the galaxy, while I shower you with the most lavish of things and only treat you to the fineness of cuisines... The choice is yours."
He was straightforward with his words and with the choice, and he only gave you a few hours to think about it, but eventually you can to a conclusion, so on that same day, you packed all your most valuable things, and just like that you were leaving your home planet, forever. You were saddened by that fact, as you never got to say goodbye, but he reassured you. "Not to worry, My Love, for you will be able to visit your family and friends whenever we circle back around in this solar, until then. we are your new family." He told you, and for some reason, that actually helped you to not be so sad.
Once you agree to go with him and be his forever queen, he'll cut all contact from all of his side hoes, and will make you his main one and only. He'll even propose to you to seal the deal, and allow the wedding on your home planet so that your friends and family could see and attend.
Living with Turles was actually worth the hard choice. He was a beast but he was a gentleman towards you. He was gentle with you, he was patient, protective, and loving toward you. Some days his Sayian ways were stronger than others and they do causes arguments, but you both always made up wink.
It was rare when Turles wasn't on the ship, if he was off handling dangerous business he'll usually leave you on the ship with Diaz or he'll drop you off on a well-trusted planet. If he was planting a tree, then he usually wouldn't tell you shit, he'll wait for when you're still asleep in the morning, or he'll wait until you're too busy taking a bath. You didn't like seeing a planet being drained of life, and it always leads to an argument and he didn't have time for that.
In the mornings, Turles was always awake before you. Being the leader of his space crew, he needed to be in charge and awake before them to keep order. So you'll usually sleep in for another few hours before you wake up. When you do, a pot of coffee is already made, either because Turles made it for you or because Diaz made some for both of you, it was 50/50.
You never had to really cook breakfast, it was rare when you did. You only had to cook breakfast when the ship was so far out in space, 'The Void' as they liked to call it, or 'Dead Zone' was another name they called it, but it depended on what was in the area. If it was nothing but blackness for miles then it was called 'The Void' but if it was full of dead planets or just giant asteroids, they called it the 'Dead Zone' You never realized how scary space can be when it's full of planets with no life. It was eerie. It was like an abandoned town and everyone left everything where they left it.
When you did cook breakfast, Diaz liked to help, he enjoyed cooking breakfast, and he found it relaxing. He was originally the only one who would cook breakfast, but now that you were here he had extra help. Out in space, they didn't have Earthling food, so you got to learn how to cook a new form of breakfast. Diaz would usually finish off with cooking breakfast, as he would tell you to go and freshen up for the day since you immediately came to the kitchen for coffee.
If you didn't have to cook breakfast, then you'd still come down for some coffee but you'd enjoy it with Turles. He despised coffee, he hated the taste and smell of it, but he'd still sit with you until you finished it. You'll both usually talk about the plans for the day, and he'll give you a run down on what the history was of the planet that you lot were landing on and how he came across it. Once you've finished your coffee you'll tease him by trying to kiss him but he'll just keep you away. He loved you, but he couldn't with the coffee smell.
So you'll take a luxurious bath, as he liked spoiling you. He makes sure to always obtain the best of the best for you whenever he landed on a planet. Making you feel like a true queen. Before you left to live in space with him, he used to gift you with these same luxurious products for your skin and hair, clothes, and makeup, but now that you lived with him, this was now a permanent lifestyle and you've learned to love it.
Sometimes he'll even join you, it was rare when he did so early in the morning, but he kept it romantic. After your bath, he'll have you dress like a queen, as he claimed. "I practically rule over these planets, making me some form of a king, therefore as my queen you shall dress and be treated as one." And dress as one you did. After landing on the planet, he'll guide you all off the ship, you'll be holding onto his arm, close to his side, one as his queen and two for his protection. You'll all be immediately introduced to the leader of the planet, and they'll greet you with open but nervous arms.
"Ah!! LORD TURLES!! So - Lovely to see you again. Are you here for business?" The little alien would ask in a nervous fashion. Turles would answer with a smirk. "As a matter of fact, yes we are, for me and my crew are here for a fulfilling breakfast." He'll answer in a confident tone. The alien would arch a brow, but a glare from Turles would make it straighten up. "A-AH!!! YES OF COURSE!!!! Right, this way...Lord Turles." It'll say nervously before it'll walk through the crowds.
Breakfast was as luxurious as ever, it was always a fancy restaurant with some of the finest dinners on this edge of the galaxy. You'll all eat and will get full, you tend to cuddle into Turles's arm enjoying being full on the strange yet tasty food. He'll still be in the middle of eating his large meal. some of Turles's crew were also still eating, as their race also eats in large amounts, but eventually, it'll just be Turles. Even though Turles eats in large quantities, he still ate with such grace it was strange.
After breakfast, the rest of the crew will wonder off to their own devices, while Turles with either bring you with him on his business trip, or he'll entrust your care to one of his crew members. Either way, he'll go off to take care of shit. After that, he'll take you around the shops, allowing you to buy whatever you wanted. Once all that was done, he'll board you all back onto the ship and will leave heading off to the next planet he had in mind.
Once on the ship, you'll immediately run off with all of your newest goodies, Diaz caring all of your heavier items following behind you. You'll place them all in their new place, getting them used to their new home. Then you'll change out of your outfit and will settle for a more relaxed outfit, usually a hoodie and some tights or a large shirt that Turles owned.
There weren't usually any chores on the ship, since Turles's biggest rule was. "If you make a mess, clean it. If you see a mess, clean it." He stuck to that rule like gold. So usually, there was no mess to clean. So you'll either be in your shared room doing your hair and makeup or dressing up in potential outfits. Or you'll be in the front with Turles, cuddling up in his lap as he sits in the front seat steering the ship. Most times you'll hang with your best friend Diaz, talking bout your formal lives and experiences.
At lunch, if you're still in the 'Dead Zone' or 'The Void' which is rare, then it'll be up to you and Diaz to cook a shit load of food, but you'll both have fun doing it, you'll have some music on, and Diaz enjoyed some good R&B and some new school rap too, so you'll both be dancing and singing to the songs. The other crew members will join in and will also from time to time dance and sing with you two. Turles will every now and then come and dance, especially when you'll be twerking and breaking it down.
If you weren't in the 'Dead Zone' or 'The Void', then you'll once more be dressed like a queen but in a different color, it'll be a different planet but with the same routine. The nervous ruler will approach you all, asking Turles if he was here for business and Turles would confirm that along with the fact that he was here for lunch as well. This restaurant was much more luxurious than the last one, on the walls, there were fishes swimming in the crystal blue waters and under your feet was a coral reef, the colors were so strong and luscious, you could stare at it for hours.
"Oh Turles, this place is beautiful." You say in a voice of wonderment as you'll hold onto his arm. He'll chuckle, as he'll tighten his hold on you. "Yes, I figured that you'll love this place, My Love. For I was fortunate enough to have business upon this planet." He'll say in a pleased voice. The lunch was just as luscious as breakfast was, and Turles is the last to finish his meal. Much like the first planet, Turles will either bring you with him or he'll leave you with his crew, then like usual, once he's done and has regrouped with you and the rest, he'll let you shop till your heart's content.
After Lunch, you'll redo the process of putting your newly acquainted items in your room, and then you'll usually lay down for a nap, hang out with Diaz or cuddle some more with Turles on the ship somewhere. However, a nap was more common at this time of day since Turles would tend to 'whoop his men into shape' as he liked to call it, or basically train.
At dinner, if you were still in the 'Dead Zone' or in 'The Void' then once more it'll be up to you and Diaz to make a big ass dinner, and much like lunch, you'll be playing music once more, but this time it'll be either Lofi or Jazz, getting everyone ready for bed, because as soon as dinner was over it was usually straight to bed, it was rare when it'll turn into a game night.
If you weren't in the 'Dead Zone' or 'The Void' then you'll once more be making a stop on another planet, and once more will the food be just as luscious as before. You'll once again be dressed like a queen and will be holding onto his arm. The same routine will happen once more, the ruler of the planet will nervously approach Turles and will ask him what his business was here, and Turles will give his answer. This restaurant was encased in rubies and gold, it was a beautiful mixture and the rubies seemed to shine like diamonds. "These rubies are so beautiful, just imagine if I had some jewelry with rubies."
You'll say with wondering eyes. Turles will turn towards you, a brow arched and an ever-handsome smile upon his face. "I'll be sure to obtain some of the ever-gorgeous rubies for my lovely queen." He'll say as he'll gently kisses your hand. Once more, Turles is the last one to finish his meal, and he'll once more either bring you with him or will leave you with the group. Once he's done with his business, he'll rejoin you and he'll gift you with a velvet jewelry box. Your eyes will sparkle with life once you see what's inside, there'll be ruby stones imbedded into silver earrings, a bracelet, and a necklace. "Oh Turles, boy you sure know how to hook me up." You'll squeal as you'll close the box and ill bounce around happily.
Once you've done your usual shopping trip you'll all get upon the ship and will blast off the planet.
After Dinner you'll take a long relaxing and luxurious bath, usually Turles will join you, he'll usually allow you to take a bath alone the first time, then he'll make new water and will join you in the second bath. Having an argument with him was extremely rare, so the love was rather prosperous between you both. Once the bath is over you'll both either join the crew in the front and will enjoy some family time or you'll both go straight to bed. Cuddled into one another's arms.
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Just like Turles, I was also inspired to write his character in a slightly different light, due to this Fic "Thin Line" showing a deep form of Black's psyche if he were to fall in love with a human, and how he'll begin to have internal conflicts with himself both mentally and physically. I don't remember this fic being that long, but if I had to guess, I'll say around 30 to 40 chapters long. It may seem long, but it's worth it.
Being married to a Black is a very tough yet enduring thing. He's a mass murderer and he's a psychopath, at times he can be very hard to read, with his intense stares that he'll give you, his gaze deep and dark yet calculating and intelligent. When you first met Black he was known as a terrorizer, a destroyer, and a murderer. He was going to destroy you, but the way you approached him made him stop.
Because to you, he was just a normal guy, a man who was wandering the streets of your neighborhood, checking out the scenery. He was cute, and you liked what you have seen, so you approached him. You spoke to him like he was any other man, and you even offered to give him a tour of the place. He was perplexed by you, he wanted to push you off and call you a 'Filthy mortal', he wanted to end you and this entire neighborhood.
But the way you treated him, the way you spoke to him, made him want to see where this new .... 'Friendship' would go. So he came back, every day, at the same time. He would pay you a visit, coming through with gifts and with sometimes coming by to ask you for a date. Eventually, he even started living with you, due to having one night of passion that led to him spending the night and the entire day. You became a form of a 'stress reliever' that he would take on dates, before eventually just becoming your boyfriend and soon husband.
Living with Black was like a whirlpool, one moment he's fun and he's enjoying the 'Mortal Life' and the next he's distant and deep in thought, keeping to himself and snapping anytime you get too close to him. But he's always calm and collected, he loves extravagant things and he always treats you to the most luxurious of things. He wants to continue his 'Zero Mortal Plan' but with you in the picture, it's gonna be kind of hard to do that.
He'll eventually become too entranced with you to want to continue his plan, too busy spoiling you, loving you, and just learning to be 'Mortal'. But some days he'll be too busy compilating his ideals and wanting a 'New World Order.' But he'll want to live a domestic life with you, he'll want to be your husband, he'll want to be your lover, thus forcing him to drop his plan altogether.
In the morning he'll always be awake before you. It'll be rare when he'll sleep in, extremely rare. He isn't much of an eater, which was strange to you, but you learned to accept it. Usually, he'll have coffee and breakfast already made for you. He'll either come to wake you up, or he'll just wait for you, patiently drinking his coffee.
If he comes to wake you up, it was either breakfast in bed, coffee in bed, or just kisses. If he waits for you then he'll already be halfway done with his second cup, and he'll have your breakfast done and in the microwave waiting for you. You almost always took a shower by yourself in the morning, but it was rare when he took one with you.
If he sleeps in, then those are the days where you'll take a shower together, or you'll bring him coffee in bed. He doesn't always eat breakfast, but when he does he could put away some food if he wanted. His apatite was a mystery in itself. Some days he could eat for a whole army, other days he'll eat the amount of a newborn, some days he'll eat a regular amount and sometimes he doesn't eat at all. In fact, he could go weeks without eating and still be normal.
For breakfast you'll both usually talk about your plans for the day or just the weather, somedays you'll even get a sweet treat of him telling you about his home, which was in the realm of the Kais, you didn't exactly know what a kai was, just that they created things and they watched over their respected universes, and you loved hearing him speak about his time as a kai. It was different.
After breakfast, you'll both begin your day together, going grocery shopping, going clothes shopping, doing what little chores you both had, which wasn't much, Black was a clean man, and he didn't make much of a mess, in fact, it was you who was the messy one. You made the most laundry, the most dishes, and the most messes, so it was usually all of your things that you were both cleanings. Unless it was just dust to vacuum or to dust off the walls and whip down the windows. It was an interesting yet eye-opening lifestyle. Somedays you'll both even cuddle on the couch for hours, either in silence or watching TV.
When you did turn on music, he practically forbid any form of rap, rock, and some R&B songs. But he didn't mind Jazz, Blues, and Lo-fi, and he highly accepted classical. The only time you could enjoy Rap, Rock, and other R&B songs, was when he was out and about with his life. He never really explained what he was off doing, but he would always say. "Let's just say, I'm off to...exterminate." He'll say in a menacing tone, you'd want him to explain, but then you feel that if he did, that the way life is it wouldn't be the same. So if it isn't broken, don't try and fix it.
Besides, you were living the life of a rich bitch, and you weren't going to risk losing that, so fuck it.
At lunch, you wouldn't have to cook at all, since you had a free meal coming to your door. You weren't sure how Black got it to be set up like this, but you weren't complaining. All you had to do was call whatever restaurant you wanted food from, and they'll be at your door with a free meal. Since Black practically never ate, all you had to do was get enough for yourself.
Somedays he'll take you out to eat at a fancy restaurant, and he'll make sure that you were treated like a queen. However you didn't like it when he would mistreat people, so you'll fuss him out, telling him. "Be nice, Black. There's no need to treat others like that, you don't like being treated like that, so don't do it to others." He'll roll his eyes, but he'll do as you say, by being, slightly nicer. It wasn't exactly nice, but it'll work.
After Lunch, he usually tends to either be home or still out and about. It's never in between. If he's home, then he'll be either taking a nap, or he'll be drinking tea with his friend Zamasu. If he was out and about, then he'll stay gone till Dinner. Leaving you to your own devices for a few hours, you'll usually go and visit friends and family, take a nap, and watch TV. Honestly whatever you could get lost in.
When Black was home and if he brought his friend Zamasu over, you tend to keep your distance from them. When you first met Zamasu, you immediately felt uncomfortable. He was scary, he was intense and he always gave you a deadly glare, when he first met you, the first thing he literally said was. "So this, is the pet you've been entranced by? Hmmm, she's just another filthy mortal. And the fact that you haven't eradicated this part of the world yet must mean that you've grown quite attached, Black." He said with a nasty glare, and he glanced around the neighborhood.
Black glared at him. "Silence, for you know nothing, you should feel speshed, that I'm even allowing you to meet her, Zamasu." He'll fire back at him, they'll glare at one another, a tense air will fill the area, and you could practically feel the killer's intent coming off of them, so you tipped back into the house, going to find some kind of refresher for them to tune down with. You eventually thought of his favorite beverage, tea. So that's what you offered, and it seemed to work.
Honestly, that was your first and last interaction with Zamasu, after that you avoid him like the plague. Plus Black made you stay inside when zamasu was around. He'd refuse to let you come out for no reason. He'll make the tea himself, and he'll warn you to not come out, no matter what. And you'd gladly listen too.
They'd stay out there for about 4 to 5 hours, sometimes even less. You'd never ask questions, but you'll ask. "Did you have a good talk?" You'll ask with innocent curiosity, he'll be filling up the now empty tea cups with water, getting ready to wash them. "It was a successful talk, we got to our points and we found an even playing field." He'll respond in an even tone. And you'll accept that.
If he took a nap, you'll usually either take one with him or will just quietly watch TV downstairs. If you took a nap with him, then you'll usually massage his scalp, he liked laying on your chest, listening to your heartbeat, he said. "Heartbeats, aren't common where I come from, for they aren't necessary for my kind." He'll say in a somber voice. You'll hum in acknowledgment, gently combing your fingers through his hair.
"Kais don't have heartbeats? Why?" You'll ask, not having a heartbeat means it was dead, so would that mean that kais are dead? You couldn't wrap your mind around it. "Us kais don't need hearts to live, for we are created to make things, we are created to watch over the mortals and to hope that they can continue on with their gifts of a form of creation, but instead all they do is take and destroy." He'll say, his tone dropping in anger as he'll hold you slightly tighter. "But not you, not you (Y/N). You're different from all those, other mortals. You're special." He'll say in a soft voice, as he'll nuzzle closer to your chest, almost like he was trying to merge with you.
You wouldn't know what to say to that, so you'll continue messaging his scalp, thinking about what he said. "Did you ever create anything?" You'll innocently ask him. He'll lay there for a moment, silently embracing you, you'll think he fell asleep, but then he'll speak up in a small and slightly sadden almost regretful tone. "No. I never did, and now I never will."
At dinner, he'll usually take you out to eat, but someday you'll want to stay home and order free takeout. If he takes you out, then you'll eat at only the finest of restaurants, but if you wanted to stay home, then he'll order only the finest of the foods, but sometimes he'll let you have pizza. Most fancy restaurants don't do take-outs, but for Black, they'll jump at his every beck and call, with a nervous chuckle and they'll be there in a flash.
After dinner, he likes to have a bath with you, it was a ritual at this point. But some days, when he was deep in his feelings, he'll be off to himself, snapping at you if you tried to approach him. His mood swings have calmed down over the course of your relationship, but every now and then he'll have one.
Once it's time to go to bed, Black wouldn't always be in the bed with you, some nights he likes to stay downstairs and sit in the dark, you hated it when he did that because it was his way of pulling back and receding back into his dark thoughts. It was so dark and deep, that you feel overwhelmed whenever you come down to get him. He wasn't exactly himself when he was like that, so you learned to leave him be.
But some nights you'll be able to gently coax him into coming to bed, it was hard, but it was worth it unless you wanted him to be like that for the next week. On nights when he'd come to bed with you, he'll cuddle with you, and will tell you stories of his life as a kai, he always sounded distant and saddened but also hateful and vengeful, you could tell there was some dark history there, but you wouldn't try to bring it up.
You didn't know much about Black, in fact, you knew almost nothing, and you feel that it was best to keep it that way if you wanted to continue being his dream of what could've been. "The only thing, he could create."
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Being married to Broly was enduring yet tiresome. He was the sweetest man and he was so adorable, but he was far too innocent till it kills you at times. But he was gentle, he was sweet, he was adorable, he was caring, he was considerate, he was all the positive things.
Living with Broly was like having a child who was learning everything. He was always asking questions and he was already ready to learn new things that didn't involve fighting or violence. He was always home and he barely left home.
Broly always tried to help, but dishes weren't his best and so wasn't laundry, so he'd usually stick to vacuuming and with enough focus, he could wipe down windows. Broly loves animals so much, he wants a dog, but you feel that he wouldn't be responsible, but he'll plead and beg, so you'll cave and you'll get him a puppy.
In the morning, you were always awake before Broly, he was never awake before you. You'd let him sleep, allowing you to make some breakfast and some coffee, but since Broly ate so damn much, you'll have to cook a shit load. by the time you're done with cooking breakfast, He'll be stumbling downstairs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he'll come towards you. His little friend bounced down the stairs behind him happily. He'll stop at the door and he'll let the little one outdoors to use the bathroom, once it was done it'll happily come back inside and he'll close the door.
He usually likes to lean his chin on top of your head or he'll sit at the table. "Did you sleep well, Broly?" You'll ask him in a soft tone. "Mmhmm, I was warm." He'll mumble. You'll just lightly chuckle at his words, but you'll agree. "Yeah, the bed is warm huh?" You'll chuckle as you'll speak while setting the table. "Uh-huh, I wanna go back now." He'll gently respond, you'll just chuckle and give him a sweet kiss on the cheek. Before you eat, you have to feed the puppy, so you'll give it a small little scoop, and a sweet little pat on the head.
After breakfast, you'll both wash the dishes, well more like he'll pass you the dishes, and then put them all away while you clean the table and counters. You usually take a shower with him, because even though he understood how a shower work, he still didn't always properly do it, so you'll wash his hair and help him shower, he'll do most of the work, but you'll help with his hair. Once your shower was done, you'll pretty much either laze about all morning or take care of daily tasks.
Grocery shopping, perhaps clothes shopping (which was rare), and chores. You weren't too messy, but Broly was. He wouldn't do it on purpose, but sometimes he'll drop stuff, or he'll accidentally spill something, he didn't like wearing shirts so he'll always peel them off and throw them on the floor. Sometimes he likes to have snacks, but he'll always leave crumbs behind. Other times it was the puppy making the messes, either it'll use the bathroom on the floor, or it'll accidentally spill its water bowl, or it may be trying to drag around its large bed and will accidentally knock something over.
But other than that, he was sweet and was always willing to help. If you had nothing to do for the day, you'll both do one of his favorite things, sleep. He loved sleeping, and you wouldn't complain. Your furry little companion would even join you both.
At lunch you'll either cook or order takeout, it really just depended on your energy and your budget. He'll help you set up the table or he'll help with cooking. Usually, he'll just pass you the ingredients, standing around like a child waiting for instructions. You'll find it cute but you wouldn't stop him.
After lunch, he likes to go to the dog park, petting all of the animals that come towards him for attention. He was a gentle giant, and some of the local dogs learned to love him, coming towards him for head pats, catches, and cuddles. Some other animals in the area would come towards him as well.
You'd sometimes join him in petting the animals, enjoying their furry hugs, and other times you'll sit on the bench and watch him from afar. Making friends with some of the pet moms in the area. Most times you'll be walking the puppy, getting it acquainted with the other dogs, and sometimes the other pet parents would let Broly walk all of their dogs.
It was a comical sight, seeing Broly holding 10 leashes in each hand, his little puppy on his head while he'll happily run with the dogs, his stamina never really running out. After a trip towards the dog park, you'd both come home and watch TV or take a famous 'Broly Nap'.
At dinner, you'd order Pizza and cook a big ass pot of rice or two. He loved Pizza and so did you, so it was a win-win. He'd try to help with the Rice, but there wasn't much to do so he'll either watch you cook it, or he'll sit in the front waiting for the pizza man while playing with his little puppy, sometimes they'll knock something over, making you call out. "BROLY? WHAT WAS THAT?" You'll ask in a motherly tone. He'll quietly peak around the corner, his little companion sitting upon his head. "Nothing." He'll answer in a nervous yet guilty tone. You'll do nothing but sigh, yet you'll smile at him tenderly.
After Dinner, he'll help you clean the giant pots, and clean the house for the night, it was rare when you'd even have sex with him, due to him not really having a sexual drive. So when you did, you'd get to experience and will enjoy his 'Wild Side'. but other than that, you'd just enjoy his presence as you'll watch TV.
At night, you'll both cuddle in the bed, and Broly will always fall asleep before you, cuddled into your chest, he didn't have a mother growing up, so you were the first thing he ever had closest to one. He loved falling asleep to the sound of your heartbeat, calming his nerves. Your little puppy cuddled up in between you both.
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carnal-lnstinct · 9 months
May I please request wedding day (and possibly wedding night) hcs with the Saiyans?
Let’s do Bardock, Goku, and Gohan.
☆☆ Content: ( au, female reader, wedding day / night headcanons, fluff ) ☆☆ Warning: ( implied marital sex )
☆☆ A/N: Went with FoG!Bardock for this one! And an au version of that since it's an earth-style wedding
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Knowing what to expect after all the planning and rehearsal dinner, he has no worries and is looking forward to today
Goku most likely visited his grandfather’s old home/shrine early in the morning or even to watch the sunrise as he “spoke” to his grandfather about how excited he was for today, hoping to make him proud going into this stage in his life.
His best man Krillin, along with his other friends, are somewhat babysitting him to make sure he doesn’t ruin his suit trying to help out where he really shouldn’t.
He wants to help make sure everything is in place for the way you all practiced it, but he does sorta want an excuse to take off his suit jacket and tie for a bit. It was tailor-made specifically to account for his muscles, but he still fidgets in the fabric.
His friends and some of yours are filling him with all sorts of marital advice for your future life together. Goku’s not sure how to keep it all in his head as fast as it’s coming at him. It’s appreciated, just too much all at once. But keeping you safe and happy is his priority.
He stood at the altar pretty stiffly when it started, trying to look his best. When you finally come down the aisle and he sees you, his demeanor relaxes entirely. His bright beam toward you is visually no different than his usual big smile. But meeting his eyes as you approach and are given away to him, you can feel it in your heart that his is racing at the moment. Goku can’t seem to stop grinning looking at you, being in your presence. He wasn’t prepared for how breathtaking your beauty was going to be when you appeared in your dress and adornments.
It’s definitely captured on video and in your pictures how he missed his cue to start speaking his vows because he couldn’t stop staring at you.
You repeat the traditional vows to each other and then finish the ceremony with a warm, loving kiss and (if you decided to include it) a traditional custom of your heritage as well.
Keeping it traditional, Goku carries you over the threshold into your honeymoon suite or your now-shared home.
The next thing he does is remove his shoes, his tie and his suit jacket removed long after the food was served at the reception. He couldn’t wait to get out of his formal clothes.
The excitement for the day might not have worn off, but your body sure felt exhausted from it all. With help, you switched to a more comfortable pair of shoes at some point during the reception, but due to your dress had issues reaching your feet to get them off. 
When Goku noticed he knelt down in front of you and carefully held your leg up to help you out of your shoes. He was very careful loosening the straps and removed them, but his touch lingered on your leg.
He reminds you again how beautiful you looked today and kisses your shin up to the top of your knee in appreciation for your love and beauty, and that you pledged to share with him. He vowed to honor that and do what he can to take care of you until the day he leaves this world.
It was when the innocent act of helping you out of your wedding dress did his touch become more frequent and slow on your exposed skin, leading you to consummate your first night as husband and wife. 
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He’s been excited about today since he asked you to marry him, or maybe when you both grew comfortable after moving in together. But now he’s just as nervous and keeps pacing around to triple-check that everything is as it should be.
Gohan’s been with you through every step of preparing for your wedding like a true teammate. Except for your bachelorette party if you had one. Hell, he completely overlooked his own bachelor party not wanting a single thing out of place for the big day.
Since it was her firstborn’s wedding, Chi Chi was also very present and helpful. It brought you and her closer, though most of her advice was a little too orthodox for the life you and Gohan planned together.
Regardless of his age, Goten was Gohan’s original choice for his best man but the responsibility of it was just not what his mother would allow for him to take up. His little brother was still present and supporting Gohan as his best man through every step except for the bachelor party, however. 
The groom’s section for the seating arrangements consists mostly of Gohan’s parents, his grandfather, and their friends, but also Gohan’s friends from school and Earth’s own guardian, Dende. If Piccolo wasn’t defaulted to be the Best Man, then he’s definitely in the section as well or is a groomsman with Goten.
There was no doubt Gohan was thrilled to officially become your husband, but the wedding was also important to him because it was the first time in years his entire family was together. He’s filled with so many happy emotions about his own father being here to witness him become a husband as well. His family grows with you being added to it, and eventually (if you both agree on it) he’ll have his own family and he can’t wait for that.
Seeing you come down the aisle left Gohan fighting through his emotions to try and keep himself presentable. 
You were a beautiful vision unlike he’s ever seen before, and by some luck, you’re offering to share all that you are with him for the rest of your life. And you accepted everything he was. His glasses smudge trying to hold back his tears and clean his face before you were given away to him. 
Gohan knew he’d be too nervous to exchange his own vows out loud to you, so you both wrote them in letters and read each other’s out loud instead. Instilling everyone around you with emotional tears and romance. Except Vegeta and Piccolo.
Your own traditional wedding customs are included as well.
Even when you're alone, you and Gohan share another slow dance with each other as husband and wife. Driven by your official love song that currently only played in your minds, but rang clear in your hums and the warmth of his arms. Maybe you’re holding each other up at this point as well, neither of you is exactly sober or filled with the same high energy you started today with, but pulling apart now feels impossible. 
He eventually helps you to the bed where you could finally get off your feet. You sat in front of him and pressed your forehead into his abs behind his shirt, your arms around him waist. Cherishing the highlights of your day with him, the pure expression of his love for you, and this amazing body you get to have forever. 
It’s not like the two of you exactly waited for your wedding night to explore each other’s bodies for the first time. But Gohan was very particular about taking his time with you. As if being married now made it your first time all over again.
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Your wedding with Bardock isn’t particularly a large one, mostly due to the fact the guest list consists of mostly your friends and family. Marriage by human customs isn't that different from saiyans: a little ceremony, plenty of food, and congratulations from those that attend. You agreed to be his wife and now he’s making good on his word to honor your devotion.
The majority of the planning is handled by you simply because of the more notable differences. And Bardock expected to at least be married to you the very next day after you accepted his proposal.
He’s slightly embarrassed by the attire on the day of the wedding. But any stiff or formal clothing usually made him uncomfortable. Bardock likes to be able to move freely and he can’t really do that the way he wants in a tailored suit.
Bardock won’t wear his red bandana on his head for the wedding. He made the decision himself and wore it around his left arm instead, similar to Tora. 
While getting ready, he is comforted by imagining the business his friends would give him seeing him dressed like this, and poke fun at how a “dog” like him could end up with a human like you. 
That being said, if he has his red bandana then that means none of his teammates or anyone from his past are at the wedding. But he keeps their memory and his oath alive by keeping the bandana on his person. 
Being able to keep moving forward and commit himself to another living being, to love and be vulnerable with you, reminds him that he is capable of living a life outside of the obsolete way he was conditioned to be. He still wants his revenge, but he finally sees a future beyond that for you and him.
There is one person from his past that is able to be there. Bardock’s youngest does show up to the wedding, however, they get mistaken for each other a lot. The benefit of aging slower than humans makes them look like they could be twins. It happened enough that Bardock is almost replaced by him at the altar when the wedding begins. And he does make a fuss about it.
Not that he has to fight anyone to marry you, but he’ll find a reason to get his hands dirty if he feels disrespected. Since he promised you not to, he’s gonna glare and growl at people he doesn’t want in his face or keep mistaking his son for him. As if the scar on his cheek and tail didn’t make it clear who was who. Bardock then wears his bandana on the outside of his suit to help him stand out. 
The natural harsh look on his face lightens when you finally come down the aisle toward him and he seems entranced by the sight of you. It’s very much the woman he is entrusting his heart to, but somehow you look different to him. As if you yourself were from a different world and you had revealed your true, superb self to him for the first time. You can see his tail slowly slip from around his waist as he stares at you approaching him.
Similar to Goku, you exchange traditional vows and complete the wedding custom of your heritage to complete the ceremony itself.
When you share your first dance as husband and wife, Bardock does seem more stiff than usual with everyone waiting to watch him dance with you. But you’ve practiced with him leading up to this moment and he just keeps his eyes on you as you go.
The sense of community and praise celebrating the two of you left him in higher spirits for the rest of the reception.
Bardock may be a bit on the reserved side of showing his affection for you in front of others, but he’s not shy about claiming you as his. Especially now that, by human customs, you’re married. You belong to each other. 
Once you were alone again, very few words were exchanged between you. You spoke to each other through your kisses and touch. The way you helped him out of his suit and fondly stroke the arm that hugged you close to his bare skin. You don't think you have ever seen his gaze so soft for you. 
He helped you loosen your dress, but he didn't wait for you to slip out of it before he claimed you for the night as his cherished wife 
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s1ckh1mb0 · 9 months
Oh so true…
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Toji,Onyankopon,Getou,Vegeta, Sukuna, Levi, and Bardock
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actuallysaiyan · 11 months
For your 5k Followers Event, May I please request NSFW Prompt #5 with Bardock being Person A and a fem!reader being Person B?
warnings: smut, unprotected sex, mentions of mating/breeding cycle, reader is Fem!Saiyan, reader takes on the role of Gine/Gine doesn't exist in this story, cunnilingus/fem receiving oral sex, somnophilia
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It's mating season on planet Vegeta, and all the Saiyans are getting ready to breed. Your husband is due to return home any day now, but you are left wanting. Every night he does not return, you toss and turn in your shared bed, ready to snap. You try pleasuring yourself, but it only seems to make things worse.
In the daytime, you try putting up a front, seeing all your fellow Saiyans be all lovey-dovey together. It only seems to further your own frustrations and your problems. Eventually, you get news that Bardock is returning home that night. You know you need to prepare for your husband.
In the bath, you do all you can to relax and ease your frazzled nerves. The water smells of flowers and makes your skin so smooth. You even lit a few candles for ambiance. And all you can do is wait and wait and wait with bated breath. Oh how you long for your husband to come home and ravish you.
After your bath, you settle naked on the bed. It won't be long now, you keep telling yourself. Eventually it becomes your mantra, and the only thing keeping you going at this point. Your own heat was reaching a boiling point and you were ready to tear this room to shreds at this point. But you fall asleep before you can stay awake for your husband's return.
The following morning, you're awoken with a very familiar wet sensation between your thighs. You shudder as it continues, leaving you wondering what is happening.
You sleepily look down to see a disheveled Bardock between your thighs, your arousal clinging to his face. He smirks when he notices your awake. He presses teasing kisses to your thighs.
"Sorry to have kept you waiting," he says before diving back in to lap at your sweet cunt.
"Oh...Bardock," you reach down to grip his hair. When you tug on it, it makes him growl. He looks up at you with a wild look in his eyes.
It's not long before Bardock has you pinned to the bed in a mating press. You look down to see just how throbbing his cock is. It's an angry red color at the tip and it's leaking so much precum.
Without waiting, he slides into you roughly. A wanton moan erupts from your throat. Bardock is ready and aroused, you know he's making up for loss time at this point. And he's not going to stop until you're both completely overstimulated.
Everything that comes out of your mouth are just moans and whines at this point. This makes him smirk, knowing he's already got you fucked stupid without even trying too hard. He'll spend days fucking you stupid, as long as your pregnant by the end of it.
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bitebitesnap · 7 months
I don't talk about Bardock much despite how much I love him.
He's not a cuddly type. He's worse than Vegeta, because even Vegeta can push down his pride just enough to let Bulma (or you) snuggle up to him every once in a while. Bardock doesn't-he just gives you a look of confusion and wariness before taking off with a hasty excuse of training.
But he won't lie to himself. It feels....wrong..that you want to be so close to him.
For Vegeta, he's been around countless others who want to do him harm. Anyone coming close to his personal circle is certain to be up to no good. In the Frieza Force everyone was trying to climb up bodies in order to make their own lives better. It's something he's used to and knows how to deal with.
For Bardock...it;s a bit different.
He had a team. Built up from scrap, with blood, sweat, and tears as the glue. They were people he trusted, Saiyans through and through who wouldn't ever turn on one of their own when the Force was already breathing down their backs. They destroyed together, conquered together, there was nothing else but them in his life.
And now here he is. With you-a weak, bird-boned freak willing to get within arms reach of him. Knowing what he is-what he's done, how many have been slaughtered at his hands. With anyone else it would strike sheer terror at just the sight of him.
But you don't. You push back-some half brained concept of making him calm down because your planet was full of weaklings who couldn't even stand a single punch-you argue, you outright attack him sometimes. If anyone else even tried, he would have reduced them to space dust.
You also keep him company when he retreats into the woods for training. You tell him of remote places where he can get away from everything and be truly alone, where the larger reptilian game roams so he can feed himself plenty. You bandaged him when he bled, fed him when he couldn't do it himself.
You're just like......a Saiyan...
But they're gone. All of them. Because he failed. Because he was weak.
He can't just accept your presence. It would be as if he were relinquishing all his drive just to replace what was already lost. He can't let himself be distracted.
Yet he can't ignore himself when he glances to the side, expecting your surprised face when he tears into a mountain with his own hands, and cringes at the deep emptiness inside as he finds nothing but rubble.
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Whumptober 2023
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Day 10: "I trust you." "That was your first mistake" [Reader x Bardock] {Dragon Ball Z}
Flying through the air on this planet was much easier than any other Bardock had ever been on. The idea that he would be here until further notice was doing a number on his psyche. Knowing that his own son was respected by the same menace that destroyed their home planet was both harrowing and confusing.
It felt like the only solace he could find was that his son had several allies. The fact that he had gotten close with one of the natives was a little concerning to him, but it was somewhat nice to have someone that wanted him around.
Even if it was a foreign concept to be cared for to this degree.
Bardock landed in front of your house, surprised to see the Nameckian walk out your front door. It left a bad taste in his mouth, not that it would be that unbelievable for you to be overpowered.
Except that didn't seem to be the case, not with how much was piled on your little kitchen table. Bardock kept his mouth shut until the Nameckian flew off, entering your house and eyeing over the table full of things he knew his son grew on a large farm.
Not something Bardock understood, but the whole group of fighters on this planet seemed to be friendly with one another and helpful enough with excess things. If it were up to him, his son would just be a fighter. But this whole planet was like this... and it wasn't like the Saiyan people didn't also do something similar. It was just a different form of society with small groups of people looking out for themselves instead of the whole planet.
It was a lot of adjustments.
"Bardock, try this."
You handed him something that looked like a piece of chocolate. Bardock didn't hesitate to pop the whole thing into his mouth... Only realizing how much of a mistake he made as he chewed. A hidden jalapeno slice was burning his taste buds while you tried your best to stifle your giggles.
"I trusted you!" He spat the chocolate covered spice bomb in the trash, "How could you!?"
"That was your first mistake," You stuck your tongue out at him, "I knew you wouldn't question if I gave you something."
Bardock turned away, pouting, "And here I thought Frieza was a villain."
He tried to ignore you, tried staying upset at you; but you made this extremely difficult. Leaning into his view with a cute little smile, Bardock knew you were just playing around... that this was just a prank that humans usually did to one another. Given his pension to add spice, it wasn't even that big of a deal. It was the principle of putting it into chocolate.
At least he could always prank you later... after he consulted his son about what wouldn't seriously hurt you. That wouldn't be very fun for him, or anyone since you were the only other human besides Vegeta's wife to be this big of a helper with things beyond the battlefield.
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yeowangies · 1 year
Hiya! Same anon from last time. I wanted to make my request a bit more specific. Can you use nsfw prompt #78 where the reader edge Bardock but she happens to go a bit too far by not letting him come at all?
PAIRING: Bardock/Reader
RATING: Explicit
CONTENTS: Explicit sexual content, edgeplay, orgasm delay/denial, rough sex.
I mean, there are consequences for taking things to far...
You gaze up at him through your lashes with a cheeky smile on your lips. Bardock is struggling, legs writhing by your sides and hands fisting the sheets underneath. Your hand is holding his erection in place, pumping it so slowly and so carefully, you know it’s frustrating him instead of pleasuring him.
It’s been a while since you started this; you have already brought him closer to the edge twice by then, and this is going to be the third time. 
“Fuck!” He growls when you pull your hand away from his dick as it twitches in the air, seeking more friction. 
“What’s the matter?” You ask, feigning innocence. “You cannot handle a little delay?”
“You’re an evil woman.” He huffs and smirks down at you. “I didn’t say I couldn’t handle it.”
Running your nails up and down his sides, harder than you normally would if he was human, you lean down and press kisses to his stomach, trailing down. 
“Good, because I have more to show you.”
Bardock groans and twists the sheets in his fists when you lick a bold stripe all the way up his cock, from the base to the tip.
It surprises you he’s holding on for so long, you would for sure have assumed he was going to give up earlier. Though give up is probably not the right word; he would probably grab you and roll you over to take you at once. But he hasn’t done it. Saiyans sure are arrogant, and you wonder how long it will take until you break him. You don’t think you’d win this one at all, you’re just waiting for the moment he’ll snap and pounce you. 
When you wrap your lips around the head of his cock, swirling your tongue around it, he grunts loudly, hips snapping upwards into your mouth. You let him do it, and when he starts rutting against you, you keep your head in place, knowing well that he wouldn't make his dick reach the back of your throat unless you slide your lips down. Bardock is groaning louder and louder, obviously frustrated at your lack of moves, and you chuckle quietly around him.
“Fuck- Move…” He says through gritted teeth, looking down at you with a glare.
You pull off with a loud pop, wrapping your hand around him when he huffs, throwing his head back.
“You told me to move.” You smile cockily at him.
He’s practically growling, and you start pumping his dick a little faster than you did earlier. When he starts panting and the muscles in his abdomen tense, you know he’s close once more. So you pull away altogether. 
“Son of a-” Bardock lets out a strangled groan. 
You chuckle, amused, and quickly straddle his waist. He looks at you through hooded lids, eyes so dark and hungry that you feel hot all over your body when he stares at you. Teasing him for so long has affected you as well. He must know, he must smell how dripping wet you are. This is the only moment you feel a little bad, because you’re not going to let him have his release this time either.
Knowing that if you touch him again now he will come too soon, you sit back on his thighs, peppering kisses on his chest to somehow soothe him from his frustrated state. Bardock writhes underneath, legs going restless, and you smile against his skin.
You pull back, smiling sensually as you take his cock in your hand once more. His gaze is fixed on your face, and his eye twitches when you start slowly stroking him again. He breathes loudly, chest heaving, as you take your time torturing him. 
“Are you going to sit on it?” He asks with a shaky voice, and you arch your eyebrow at him.
“Is that what you want?”
“Yes.” He smirks, leering up at you. “I want to come inside you.”
Bardock is certainly making it more difficult for you to keep up with your resolve. 
But you both want the same thing. Raising to your knees, you position yourself above him, holding his dick in place as you carefully sink down. He groans loudly, his hands going to grip your hips so hard you know he’s dying to fuck you. It’s amazing he’s holding on for so long. He’s not even trying to turn you over, or even thrust into you the minute you sit on his cock.
You hum when he’s fully sheathed inside you, taking a moment to revel in the feeling of being filled up to the brim with his impressive length. Bardock groans and huffs, his fingers in your hips digging into your skin just as his tail wraps itself tightly around your thigh. You smile sweetly at him this time, leaning down to kiss his lips. He kisses you hungrily, like he’s desperate for more, and you sigh contently against his lips, returning the same affection. His tongue slides against yours just as his hands on your hips travel upwards towards your waist and back, and you take the opportunity to roll your hips.
He grunts, agitated when you keep grinding down at a lazy pace. You pull away from him, breaking the kiss and bracing your hands on his chest. You smile playfully as you raise up until only the tip remains before sinking back down carefully. His face twists in frustration as you repeat the same moves, showing no signal of speeding up any time soon. His tail tightens its grip on your leg at the same time his fingers dig into your waist, surely leaving marks. You moan quietly, thoroughly enjoying his reaction to the slow torment you’re putting him through.
The steady pace is good for a start, especially considering his imposing size, but you can’t resist wanting more. Increasing the intensity and speed, you lift your hips before rapidly pushing down onto his cock. You both moan in unison, feeling him hit inside you just right where you need him to. 
His gaze is focused on his dick going in and out of you as you start to eagerly ride him, dropping your hips down as hard and fast as you could. A growl rumbles through his chest, and as you keep your eyes on his face, gauging his reaction, you realize that you have probably teased him for way too long, because Bardock already looked close to the edge. You recognize the signs; he’s panting hard, his hold on your waist getting tighter. 
For a second you consider letting him have it, but that wouldn’t be as fun. After all, you can have yours, even if he doesn’t. You keep moving your hips, sinking down on him roughly until you know he’s about to come. 
His face is pricelessly bewildered when you suddenly raise up and let his length slip off. You lean down, pressing your lips to his briefly as you reach between your legs to stroke your clit. You keep your forehead pressed against his as you stimulate yourself earnestly, knowing you’re close to your release, the heat in your lower abdomen so close to bursting. You can actually feel his eyes set on you, on your face and then on your hand moving against your folds. His hands are grabbing your waist tightly, but that only spurs you on, and you reach your climax before you know it, moaning breathily against his lips and closing your eyes tightly, mind going blank. 
The irritation on his face is to be expected, and when you open your eyes, blinking a couple of times, Bardock looks incredibly pissed, glaring right at you. You snicker breathily and kiss him, and it worries you slightly that he’s not kissing you back. You pull away, sitting back on his thighs, and running your hands up and down his torso. He’s flushed on his neck and upper part of his chest, probably for the amount of times his muscles had tense, and you smile, amused.
“You’re so fucking hot when you’re made.” You say, running your nails down his sides. He only grunts in annoyance. 
His cock is swollen, leaking at the tip, and you gently wrap your hand around it, stroking it slowly. His eyes are intense, staring directly at you as you move your hand up and down. 
It takes a while until you realize you are on your back against the mattress, pressed flush. Bardock is holding you down with a tight grip on your waist, and you gulp when he smirks down at you. 
“You’ve had your fun, woman.” His voice is cold, and chills travel up your spine. “And I’ve been more than lenient with you, but it’s enough.”
You can’t protest at all when he suddenly presses your legs together and pushes them against your chest, leaving you completely exposed to him. You gasp when he shoves his cock all the way inside you, filling you completely. 
With your legs firmly kept in place with his hands on your thighs, Bardock starts thrusting into you at a brutal pace. You cry out loudly, his dick hitting inside you hard, and making you see stars with every move. Your hands cling to the sheets desperately, every snap of his hips making you slide abruptly against the mattress. 
The bed is creaking loudly as he speeds up quickly, chasing his own release. You start feeling your newfound arousal rapidly bloom again in between your legs with every slide of his cock. Having come only seconds ago left you sensitive, and your legs are twitching, just as close to an orgasm as he is. 
Soon enough, you hear a loud deep growl leave his lips, and his hips jerk against yours when he comes. His cock throbs inside you as he fills you with his load, triggering your own climax, and you stutter a moan, toes curling as he rides out his orgasm, making your entire body shake.
You’re panting through your haze, your eyes blurry at the edges as you slowly come down from your high. You peek at Bardock when his hold on your thighs eases; relief is all over his face as he steadies his breathing, and you chuckle breathily. 
When you reach your hands out for him to cuddle with you, you’re surprised to see his eyes are still incredibly dark. And when he smirks, your stomach sinks. 
In the blink of an eye, Bardock turns you over, pressing your chest to the mattress with a hand on your back. You wail when he promptly pushes inside you again. 
“I’m not done with you.” He mutters lustfully against your ear. “I’ll take everything that was mine.”
He tightly holds your wrists against the bed, his body looming over yours as he starts pounding into you. Your cries and whines are muffled against the sheets, and you can’t do anything but take the brutal fucking he’s giving you. 
Your heart is beating fast and loud as your mind is filled with the worrisome wondering of just how much he will fuck you when you had edged him so many times.
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imjustsaiyan-ing · 2 years
I’ve always thought of how Goku’s father has his own fandom but like, what about King Vegeta the 4th? Like guys, there’s so much room for fanfic ideas!
Not me begging for fanfic writers to show Vegeta’s dad some love too
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mystories141 · 2 years
Chapter One
Low-class Saiyans and high-class Saiyans were constantly at each other’s throats. No matter if they passed each other on the street or were at a ball/ceremony for the king. They would fight about anything, who is stronger or who is more lightweight. It didn’t matter, because, in the end, the high class would always win, they were the lower-classmen boss. Ranking always came first, that was how everyone was taught on planet Vegeta, home of the Saiyans.
Bardock hated the ranking system. He always entered the election and the higher class always sabotaged him. Bardock knew he wasn’t weak, he was stronger than the lower-classmen and even some of the high-classmen. Bardock knew he could take a fight and so did everyone else, so why would they constantly ruin his chance to be better? King Vegeta, was the cause, he knew that if Bardock was given the chance to get higher in ranking he would continue to grow in strengths. Bardock has extreme potential and it was clear to King Vegeta that if Bardock would turn his back on his people Bardock would be a great threat to them. But king Vegeta was also rethinking Bardock's position, he would make an amazing general for his army. It was then decided that he needed Bardock to pass the election. Vegeta thought of ways to help Bardock in passing and could only think of assistance in his training as the answer.
Davina was a good friend of king Vegeta, a high class. They grew up together, trained together, and were there for each other. Vegeta knew that his request from her was pushing limits but he needed this. Davina grew up hating the low class, she believed they were scum and air-headed, weaklings, and that's how her thoughts remained as an adult. So to say she was mad and surprised when king Vegeta ask her to train one of them was an understatement. It was also so much worse as the person she was assigned to train was Bardock, a hot-headed buffoon.
“Choose someone else to do it not me,” she said trying to remain calm.
“I would but you’re the perfect person for this assignment, this will also require him to go on your missions with him.” The king said sighing.
“There are plenty of high-class Saiyans, Anxo for example.”
“I’ve already made up my mind, Davina. Please do not fight with me on this.”
“Fine, but do not think for one second that I will at all be easy on him.” With that, she walked out of the throne room and into the streets walking to Bardock’s house.
It wasn’t long till she made it to the male’s house. With a knock on the door, Davina mentally prepared herself for the headache bound to come. The door opened and there stood Bardock, in his armor, hair untamed. She sighed and said, “as much as I hate this, it’s given orders from the king. I am your mentor to prepare you for the election coming up.”
“Could he not choose someone else? And why send someone now? Especially you”
“Look I hate this as much as you do believe me, if I had the choice I would be enjoying a bubble bath, but here we are.”
“I refuse to train under you.”
“You’ve always been under me, maybe not directly, but as of now I rank higher than you, and you will show me respect.”
“I. Refuse. And we both know, that in a match I would win.”
“Then why aren’t you above or on my level.”
“Cause unlike you I was born with royalty!”
“Yeah you were born as a peasant, and if you don’t do what the king says, that's all you ever will be!”
“God, you’re such a bitch!”
“Must’ve been all that time with you as a kid!” They both then stopped yelling at one another, knowing that they have to work together. “Training starts tomorrow at 5:00 am, in the royal training grounds, don’t forget.” And with that she walked away, leaving a very pissed-off Bardock.
The next morning Bardock woke up early, around 4;30 am, when it was getting close to 5:00 he started walking to the place with a frown on his face, thinking about the black-haired woman. Soon enough he was in the yard and saw the girl punching a tree, in a sweat. Sighing, Bardock walked over to the female and cleared his throat, announcing his presence.
“You’re a minute late Bardock.”
“Fun, so what are we doing today?”
“10,000 push-ups, sit-ups, and running 10 miles we’ll have our lunch then have an afternoon spar.”
“Sounds good to me.” The pair then began their workouts, finishing just in time for lunch. Davina saw one of the place guards walk over and bring them lots of food, for their big appetite. Bardock was in awe as he saw how much food there was, it had been some time since he eat so ravishingly. He quickly started eating as much as he could. Not only was it because his appetite was big, but it was also because he didn’t want the girl beside him to eat it all. After lunch, they began to go to a clearing and get ready to spar.
Both got into their positions and waited for the other to attack. Seeing this Davina raced towards him and started throwing punches. With each punch, Davina would throw Bardock would block. This went on for a bit when suddenly Davina went to punch him again but kicked Bardock off his feet instead. When he fell Bardock grabbed her ankle and brought her down with him. They rolled around for a bit trying to get the other pinned down, that is how they ended up with Davina’s legs wrapped around Bardock's neck, slightly choking him. Bardock grabbed her legs and rolled with them, making her release him. Bardock got up and kicked her in the face before she had a chance to get up as well. Groaning, Davina felt blood running down her nose. Bardock took the chance while she was down and put his foot on her throat, slightly choking her.
“Give up yet?” Bardock asked.
“Go to hell.” And with that she pushed his foot off of her, causing him to lose balance. Taking this chance she quickly sat up and tackled him to the ground. She slammed his face into the ground, her knee digging into his back, while she pinned his arm above his head. “Give up yet?” She asked him, smirking.
“Go to hell,” Bardock told her, groaning as she put more pressure on his back. Davina smiled as she finally got to three minutes of him being pinned down, making her the winner. She got up off of him and put her hand out for him to take. Sighing he got up without her help and walked back over to their leftover food, to start eating again. Rolling her eyes she joined him and eat as well.
Later that night a Saiyan Davina known as, Avel, came up to her, giving her a new mission paper. Sighing she grabbed it from him and put it on her desk, she couldn’t be bothered, all day Bardock and her had been fighting, not just physically. He was like a child who always threw tantrums. After she got out of a refreshing shower she grabbed the paper and looked over it.
A thief had stolen armor from the palace and was to be caught and the stolen items would be brought back immediately. Putting down the paper she would look over the information on the thief in the morning, as of now she would be getting rest.
Morning could not of come sooner as the light shown through the windows and onto Davina face, waking her up. Sighing she got out of bed and woke up, doing her morining routine and putting on her armor. She picked up the paper and read the description on what planet he could be and what he looked liked. Leaving her home she went to go and receive Bardock. It wasn’t long till she was infront of his wooden door.
Hearing a knock awoke Bardock, scrambling out of bed he ran to the door and opened it, only to be met with the girl he saw yesterday. Groaning and banging his head against the door he asked, “what do you want?”
“I don’t want anything from you, but it is mandatory you go on my missions with me so suit up.”
Once Bardock was dressed the two were off.
Snapchat: xstoriesx.8
Wattpad: mystories141
I hope you enjoyed this chapter if you have any ideas you would like to share my Snapchat is above, you can also comment and send a message throw Wattpad. The next chapter will be out shortly. This chapter was 1,444 words I will try to post longer chapters in the future, but as of now in the beginning it will take me some time to make them between 3,000-5,000 words.
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askginenbardock · 2 years
Gine x Bardock
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To all the Bardocks I’ve loved before :)
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exsqueeze-me · 1 year
How would the saiyans respond if their s/o flopped on top of them and refused to move?
(Also I love your writings, keep it up 💖)
(After 9000 years I'm here to pop in for one or two requests and then dissappear indefinitely again probably! I apologize for the long wait and I hope you enjoy!)
Goku: His braincells would be fighting over whether to be confused or very happy. He's not sure why you flopped down on him while he was taking a small nap, but hey! Now he gets free cuddles! Probably gets too happy to lay still now tho, so have fun getting comfy on the squirming Saiyan.
Vegeta: Very confused, likely to complain but thoroughly enjoying the attention, even if he doesn't like admiting it. Won't let you get up, after his half assed complaining he gets comfy and if u move at all he grumbles and glares at you. Although it's not often he finds himself laying around anyway, so enjoy your cuddly prince while you can.
Raditz: Very happy, tail wagging, your not moving whether you want to or not. Might tease you for wanting his attention depending on his mood. Highly likely to get squirmy but unlike Goku, will probably just pick you up and carry you around with him wherever he may go. With Raditz, probably to a more comfort place and you wind up with him snoozing on top of you. Make sure your comfortable before letting him fall asleep, he's all muscle, very heavy, and lives for cuddles.
Bardock: Probably let's you guys lay there for a bit before scooching you off of him and doing whatever it is he does in his free time ( probably training more tbh). Unless you're mad strong, your probably not gonna be able to fight very hard for your position. If you whine about it enough he might lay back down but it'll take some borderline groveling. Will ruffle your hair before he goes back to train tho.
Gine: Def wraps her tail around you. She loves cuddling (honestly probably runs in the family) and will happily let you lay on her for as long as you please. Might ask about your day and tell you about hers as well. Honestly very peaceful. If she's in a particularly good mood she may hum little tunes and such.
Broly: More confused than anything. You flopped on him kinda hard, are you okay? Did you mean to do that or did you just fall? Oh, does that mean we're cuddling now? Happy tail wags ensue. He's still not used to the silly little things humans do, but he appreciates them nonetheless. Makes him happy when you give him attention, and it gives him a sense of calm to have you lay on top of him. Probably becomes a regular occurrence.
Turles: Angry. How dare you lay your disgusting body on mine? Highly likely to just shove you off of him. He doesn't enjoy human affection at all. Unless you're ready to fistfight him til the sun sets, he doesn't want it. (He really enjoys the attention but would rather die than admit it, his tail wags for a whole half a second before he wraps it around his waist cause ew, emotions other than hatred and rage.)
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z0-ne · 8 months
Hii!!(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
I have a request!(⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠)
Goku has a step sister, that's stronger then Beerus and they need her help to deaft the enemy but no one knew that Goku had a step sister till Whis said that they needed her and will go looking for her.
Have a nice day!!! :D
Okay! Since this is a character stronger than Beerus I'm gonna try to keep it along the canon rankings for now! So the reader will be part angel! Bardock being the father!
Here we go again (GOKU X READER PLATONIC!!)
"Say that again?" When given the news Goku was aghast. The last time he had heard he had a sibling...well he was killed. So to hear he has another that's a lot stronger this time. What is he gonne do if they're evil too?
"what can't hear? He just said you have a sister stronger than me."
Beerus snapped, clearly a bit butt-hurt by the sound of it which is why his voice seems extra harsh. It's in everyone's interest to just leave him to his pudding cups for now and not talk to him at all which is why Goku apologizes and turns back to Whis.
"Ah- Yeah sorry Lord Beerus, but you said she was older? Just how many years are we talkin? Why didn't she come with Raditz? Is she anything like Raditz?"
Goku has so many questions that just desperately need answers or his brain might blow- or he'll loose what's left of it after all the head hits he has taken over the years. Throwing caution to the wind is usually his go to, but considering his family has a knack with kidnapping his children he cant take the risk especially with Goten being so young.
Hearing Goku become so frantic causes Whis to laugh, trying to stifle it back but failing in the end when it should have died down by now.
"Oh hoho! You needn't worry, she's only a year older than you."
Just as fast as he started laughing his fit came to an end and he became serious his eyes relaxed and his smile dropped into a serious frown.
"However, I would imagine her mother was disposed of for breeding with a saiyan. I am not sure what exactly happened but I do know that she likely would've been killed immediately had she been found out."
Goku doesn't like the sudden shift in the atmosphere, and he's not sure what's more unsettling, Whis's laughter or his seriousness. What he does know is the most disturbing part of this conversation has to be the slightly unknown threat that is his step-sister especially if she supposedly has half the strength Whis does.
Then Whis turns around, and after a while he glances back at Goku as he waits for him to grab onto his shoulder to locate and find his sister. The one that's gonna fix this slip up of a monster.
"Now lets go, You'll be helping me retrieve her For your sake. Hope that she is nothing like Raditz."
His voice is full of warning, and Goku swallows a large lump in his throat. For some reason this feels like trying to find his sister might go wrong and be a big mistake, like he's aware he's getting into a fight he can't win.
"I also hope she has no animosity towards her father..." He shivers at the thought which really doesn't help with Goku's stress that's already building.
You were a violent woman. You are a violent woman, it seems like it's just in your blood. Everything seems to upset you but nobody you know really understands why. it made childhood so lonely but even then for some reason, it hardly bothered you.
Getting through life you were quick to realize that you should isolate yourself from everyone else, and they were fine with that. Afterall you're basically a safety hazard and the people of your "home" can't take it anymore.
Thinking about your mother? Now you've gone and tore a city down. Thinking about your no good father who cursed you from birth with his blood? You almost blew a hole reaching towards the planets core. It was a constant problem, so when you were old enough you made sure to distance yourself more.
Don't get it twisted, the people of the planet don't exactly hate you. Afterall without you they're sure they would've been enslaved to one of king cold's armies or even worse on of his son's armies. Its trusty to have an unforgiving "hero" so they show their appreciation by bringing you part of their yearly crops, which is more than enough to be completely honest.
Its not bad. At least that's what you tell yourself. It could be worse, you could be dead like your mom, and probably like your dad.
He'd better be dead at the very least.
Another day, another hole to patch in your home, which is really just a cave you stole from the odd creature that lived within it now part of it having made a home within your digestive system. Big enough to fill you up luckily.
Unfortunately it's cave can't withstand your spurs of rage, and you have to use a bigger rock to patch the hole in the cave. Easy work, at least for someone with your abilities.
"I guess I'm done...I should go look for some food, I'm hungry.."
You mumble under your breath, your eyes absent mindedly still tracing over the odd looking patch-job on your wall. It's "home" it has been for a while now but looking at the hole makes you feel something that for once possibly isn't anger or hunger but it still feels as bad as those two.
"ugh...what is that..." Gripping your stomach you groan and sigh before turning away from the wall, its bothersome to stare at it long. That off feeling will go away, it usually does...
So you leave your cave, and take a deep breath of the fresh air coming from outside. You look ahead and see the weirdly bent trees that go for miles. They are endless, you checked. The grass is purple and as you walk through it, its quiet.
Eventually you made it to a lake, its water clear and you can see the rocks underneath as you kneel to sit down, putting a hand on the soft purple grass beneath you, cupping a free hand into the water, its chill refreshing against your rough scarred hands. You bring it to your lips and drink, taking in its soothing coolness throughout your body and letting it relax your mind.
You close your eyes, enjoying the peaceful sound of the odd creatures of the planet, honestly the good thing about being alone is the gentle peaceful noises of your nature. The barks of the birds, the croaks of the frogs in the lakes, the light splash of the fish in the water, and the-
"Hi!! I'm Goku!!"
Without warning a loud disturbance rang through your ears as you quickly fell into the pond, letting out a string of curses as you fell in.
Whis saw you fall into the pond but makes no efforts to help, his eyes go wide and his mouth goes into an 'o' shape showing how surprised he is that Goku would suddenly do that. He then turns to Goku and glares at him.
"...oops..." Goku mumbles as he looked at the pond you just fell in.
The cold water engulfed your body. It almost put you in shock had you not caught it, your eyes opened as you take in your surroundings underwater. The fish as colorful as usual but then your eyebrows furrow as you remember the interruption.
'Who the hell-' You start to think as you look up, but your thought is immediately cut short as your eyes widened at what you see.
That spikey black hair...those big black eyes... that guy...looks like...
"Hey, They haven't come up for air yet- do you think we should-" Goku starts but Whis cuts him off rather quickly
"no no give her just a moment I would know if she drowned or not I'm sure." He reassures although he's just about as unsure as Goku at this point, but he refuses to ever admit he's as clueless as Goku no matter the situation. No hate towards him, its just...its Goku.
Suddenly they both have to jump back as the water from the area spurts up in a sudden blast of sorts, temporarily impairing their vision as to what's going on.
Without any sort of warning all Goku sees last minute when he looks to his left is your fist a little too close to be anywhere near safe. It makes contact with the side of his head and in short
it hurts
Don't get him wrong, he's been hit before and it hurt like hell, I mean he's died before and obviously that hurts too but that- it hurt way too much for his comfort, in a way that makes him feel like the sense just got punched into him that he can't win this fight.
Usually he can bounce back even if he knows deep down he can't win, he'll have some hope, but that hit felt different than any other. It almost knocked his head off for petesake.
He is knocked far, fairly far. When he finally gets to his feet his head feels like its spinning, god, even Beerus didn't hit him that hard... and its Beerus, the same cat that almost destroyed the earth.
"Ah- Damn...what the- what was that!?" He asked nobody in particular before he floats above the ground, to fly his way back to where Whis hopefully still is.
As he flies over he cant help but think to himself 'This isn't good, she's stronger than Beerus, and it's like she's trying to kill us right off the bat!' His eyebrows furrow as he tries to think of a possible way to go about fighting someone like you.
As far as he can think he's gonna have to wing it for now, until he gets a good grip on your fighting style.
He can't.
He can't do it. He can't get a grip on how you fight, all he knows for now is you're good at close range but when he thinks he's got it down pack at tries to get a distance you end up behind him, and it doesn't help that he cant sense you.
"I'm gonna kill you for even thinking to come here!" He hears you yell in the distance of the trees and he's just so confused on what he even did wrong.
This is a disaster, and what's even worse is the fact that Whis doesn't have much of a plan either. 'Just distract her! Like that's so easy to do!' Goku thinks to himself, feeling his frustration growing and his blood draining from the many wounds you've left on him.
He tries to get some distance again, bringing you back around Whis but you're fast, just as he thinks he's gonna turn left, here you are landing a rib-shattering punch to his side.
"Ack!" Blood and spit spurts from his mouth as he's knocked through trees and rolls on the ground just hardly able to catch himself as he slings himself up before you try and crush him with another hit.
"We just wanna talk!" He tries to reason and dodge at the same time.
"And I just want your stupid king to leave the planet alone!!" You snap at him, your eyes giving way to your rage as you charge up an attack.
"WHAT KING?" His words only fill you with more rage as you yell at him for his false stupidity. "Don't play dumb! I know you work with king cold!"
He barely dodges your blast without getting burnt a bit. "Who!?"
He seems genuinely confused, because he is. It makes you stop attacking, but you keep a stance just in case. You raise an eyebrow at him. "You Don't know King Cold? what about cooler? Or Freeza?" You question him, your voice still loud and your tone harsh albeit the confusion layered within it.
"What?! no! I beat the two of them! They hate me! They're terrible people I would never work for them!" He says, sounding out of breath and offended at the thought that you assumed he worked for them, because he was a bit offended.
He beat them? "You beat them?" You asked, your tone a lot less hostile and harsh, now more confused than anything as your stance falters ever so slightly.
He slowly lowers himself to the ground, falling on his knees as sweet and blood drips onto the soft purple grass and he takes deep heavy breaths, he's heavily injured more than he could've expected to be and you- well he landed one good hit.
"I'm...your brother...Goku... Sayain...from... planet earth...need help..." He attempts to explain but Goku has passed out from bloodloss enough times to know what he's about to black out and right now he's not gonna stay up for much longer if he can hardly get out a correct sentence.
The amount of bloodloss and pain gives him a familiar nauseous feeling, he blinks slowly before his eyes close and he falls onto the soft grass with a thump.
"My brother?...Oh." You look down at the guy, his body bloodied and battered and his outfit torn, at least his pants somehow stayed in tact.
You look over to see the one with blue skin and white hair approach, a neutral expression on his face despite how you just brutalized his acquaintance.
"If you're done, we came here for your help. A threat even the god of destruction himself can't defeat-" Before he gets into the big details you just cut him off.
"Is it a threat to this planet I'm on?" The rest of the universe isn't a big concern, but when it becomes an inconvenience to the decent life you've got going on here on this planet then you'll actually care to put in an effort.
It's all you have really and it'd suck to loose it.
"I- Yes and we-" Once again you interrupt him, he doesn't need to do all that talking when you already made up your mind when you heard the word 'yes'.
"I'll do it." You shrug and he looks at you with a raised eyebrow as you've interrupted him twice now, but after a few minutes of staring at eachother with unchanging expressions he sighs, rolling his eyes and smacking his lips in annoyance.
He waves the staff over Goku's unconscious body and heals his more intense injuries before hoisting the man under his arm and walking a few steps away from you.
Then he stops and looks back at you. "come on, put your hand on my shoulder." He sighs as you surprisingly listen.
"You Sayains are so rude." He huffs, but you pay little attention to his words as you can only think of one thing.
'They better have meat where we're going.'
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
Saiyans going to Black y/n's family cookout
Pairing: goku x black female reader | vegeta x black female reader | raditz x black female reader | bardock x black female reader Rating: E ( everyone ) A/N: Because it's summer and the grill smoke and summer cookout jams are in the air.
Goku -
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Feels awkward in matching outfits with you, but overall he's feeling awkward because you made him dress up for the occasion.
Gets ogled by the older aunties for his physique and personally chaperoned to meet the rest of the family by them until you save him from their frisky behavior.
He's excited to meet everyone, but he's more into what everyone brought to eat.
Shows off some of his abilities that really draw him to be the center of attention (flying, instant transmissions, turning super saiyan), so everyone was quick to put him on their teams for some of the events
He also cheated at musical chairs to win
Honestly has more fun playing with the kids than having repetitive intro conversations with the adults. Gets forced into learning all the hype dances from them but he shows them some fighting posts too.
He's the star of the kids table. They try to mimic how fast and how much he can gobble down his food.
Doesn't join in any of the line dances, but cheers you and everyone else on for how exciting you all make it look.
Asking if he can take all the leftovers home because he absolutely loved all the food so much and can't believe how much was left untouched after everyone ate.
Vegeta -
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Hates the fuss you put up for matching outfits, but will make an effort to look his best whether you convince him to match you or not.
Comes off as unapproachable from the start so most of the introductions are handled by you.
No, he is not safe from the hairline jokes. But you warned him beforehand of how your family likes to show their love and acceptance by throwing a few harmless jokes around. It doesn't fix the growing frown on his face.
He ends up sitting alone to eat but that's how he preferred it, he doesn't want to deprive you of your family time. His demeanor has been offputting thus far to everyone else.
Really starts to open up when his competitive spirit can shine during games. Touch football? Relay race? Capture the Flag? Pie eating contest? Childs play, but he's making an effort to win each one. You actually see him start to smile with his teammates. Starts taking on team captain roles and strategizing the games to an assured victory.
Your cheering motivates him to make sure he wins. He's down for every competition except playing with water balloons.
Definitely not dancing, don't even try. Can't look away from you enjoying dancing with your family if you do.
His competitive spirit gets him roped into a drinking contest and wins, but now he's not minding his strength. Not quite drunk but not quite sober, and he's scaring people again.
The highlight of day is when he amazes everyone by helping you get your blocked-in car out. He does this by easily lifting your car from its parking spot and setting it in the middle of the street so you can drive back home. He gets to show off a bit more of his abilities ( ki blast, flying, transforming into a super saiyan ) where everyone is actually excited for him to come back for another cookout to show off what else he can do.
Raditz -
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Not at all bothered by matching outfits. He understands the importance of looking like a unit and he's ready to make a lasting, perfect impression on your family.
Even matching you, he's sticking out like a sore thumb with his height and muscular build. The aunties are gonna take notice of him quickly and try to get handsy with his hair.
Gets asked over and over what he does for a living to be so in shape. It's easier to say he was in the military
Also not safe from hairline jokes
He's drawn into the grilling process. It's the most important job of the whole event after all, he's gotta know what makes cooking food this particular way so special. Somehow ends up running the grill for a while and takes it seriously. Shoos you when he feels like you're distracting him.
Has a bad time when he doesn't pay attention to the kids sneaking up behind him and they snag his tail to see if it's real or fake. He "helps" keep them occupied by chasing them around for it.
Of course, his tail being revealed as real does allow him to show off some of his abilities ( ki blast, strength, flight ) and scares the kids from trying to touch it again. Honestly scared a lot of people with his display, but you reassure them he's just kidding. He's definitely getting into all of the physical activities after that RIP his clean outfit.
He's not participating in any of the dances either, but you catch him tapping his foot to some of the songs. But everyone looked like they were having fun doing them, maybe you can show him how to do the steps for next time when you're home alone.
He may have been mad at the kids, but winds up catching lightning bugs with them. If you're freaked out by them then he's going to tease you with them, but if you're not then he's awed by how beautiful you look when you let it crawl around your hand before it takes off into the night
Bardock -
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As long as he doesn't suspect you of trying to make him look silly, then he doesn't really care about matching outfits or not.
Is pretty standoffish in meeting everyone, uttering a few words here and there throughout the occasion until the food is served and he starts to open up to everyone more. Granted, with a mouth full of food. Not hesitating on going back for seconds, thirds, and so on.
Gets really into the vibe of playing spades once he figures out how it works. Really into it.
Sticks pretty close to you for the most part, but you lose sight of him when all the physical activities start to get going. He ends up taking them a little too seriously until you remind him they're just games. And also kids are playing.
Absolutely not going to dance no matter how many aunties encourage him to join them on the dance floor. Definitely tapping his foot to a few songs and just chilling in the fun and inviting atmosphere of the party. Enjoys you dancing beside him or holding onto him while you sway your body to a song, it puts a little smile on his face.
Exposes his abilities when you volunteer him to make a quick run to restock a few food items that ran low and he just flies off to get them, back before you could even give the full details about the other things he can do.
Underestimates his ability to drink beers and then a mix of cocktails being handed his way to try. Sleeps it off by sitting next to you and using your whole body as a pillow, arms around your waist to keep you close and head on your shoulder.
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
Lost Part Two | Vegeta x Reader |
part one | part three | part four | part five | part six
author's note: ok this has to be more than two parts bc i can't stop writing. i apologize if you find this to have too much 'filler'. i just want to flesh out relationships. also reminder that the canon timeline is not relevant in this story
pairing: vegeta x fem!reader
warnings: light nsfw mentions but nothing explicit or graphic
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You brush your son's bangs from his eyes. He's got the same hairstyle as his father, except for one loose section of hair that curls down right between his eyes. He's small for his age, like his father was, but you're sure he'll hit the growth spurt Vegeta never did and resemble his grandfather King Vegeta.
You sigh and wait for your husband to return from his mission briefing, gazing out  at the lower-class Saiyans from your balcony on the castle. You'd heard some troubling concerns from Bardock, the planet's perhaps most reputable scientist. Though his reputation had taken a hit several years ago after sending his son Kakarot off-planet and being unable to locate him again, you couldn't ignore the genuine concern in his voice when he'd spoken to you last.
"I believe Frieza means to eradicate the Saiyan race."
You look down at your sleeping son, Vegeta the Fifth, and sigh. You'd expressed your concern to your husband before, but he dismissed you, having little trust in Bardock's conspiracy.
"Do not concern yourself with such foolishness! Frieza will not do a thing to us, I promise you that!"
"I don't think we can ignore this." You whisper to the boy in your arms.
The door to the bedroom busts open, and you turn to go back inside. Vegeta's back, gathering his few items for his latest mission. He glances at you while you lay your son in your bed before carefully picking up your lady's favor and approaching you.
"My lady." He murmurs, offering the handkerchief. You sigh and take it from him, placing a kiss to it and tucking it in between your breasts.
"This mission won't be longer than a week." Vegeta shakes his head, knowing you'll just bring up that stupid conspiracy theory again. "I will be back before you and the boy have a chance to miss me."
Your fists clench, but you don't press the issue further, due to the sleeping toddler and the fact that if Vegeta were to die on his mission, you wouldn't want an argument to be the last conversation you have with him. Vegeta cups your cheek with his gloved hand and softens his eyes.
"Do not worry, my Princess. I will return."
You place your hand atop his, looking into his eyes. "Say goodbye to V."
Vegeta turns to the bed, picking up his boy. His eyes shine with his outstanding pride. "My son." He whispers, brushing that loose bang from his face. The toddler stirs at the movement, opening his dark eyes and blinking at his father.
Vegeta's smile is small, though genuine. "You will be a great warrior when you are grown. Father will be gone for a short while. Be good to your mother, understand?"
"Pa…" The boy yawns, stretching and snuggling closer to his father. Vegeta chuckles softly and squeezes gently.
"Yes, it's me. Get your rest, my son. I will see you again in a week's time." Vegeta lays the boy back in the bed, tucking him in snugly on his own side of the bed, to keep it warm until his return.
"Nigh'-nigh'..." V waves at his father, opening and closing his chunky hand adorably.
Vegeta brushes the backs of his fingers along his baby's chunky cheek, standing straight again and looking at you. "I need to hurry now and go."
You take his hand and remove the lady's favor from your breast, tucking it into his fist now that it's sure to have your scent for a while. "I love you, my Prince. Please keep yourself safe, and mind that ego of yours."
"Tch, you still underestimate me after knowing me for over twenty years." Vegeta shakes his head and leans down for a brief kiss, only for you to grasp the back of his head and pull him close again for a longer, passionate kiss.
The bad feeling in your gut hasn't disappeared a bit.
Vegeta kisses you back with equal passion, his hands clutching your waist. He inhales what he can of you. His wife. His mate. His child's mother. Your smell intoxicates him, and if he doesn't let go soon he'll certainly be late. With only great strength and willpower is he able to remove himself from you entirely. He tucks your favor into his skin-tight suit, placing it right over his heart.
You sit at the end of the bed, rubbing V's belly soothingly while Vegeta finishes dressing himself in his armor. He's settled into his normal, battle-ready demeanor, his eyes hardened and ready for his mission. He spares you one last glance and salutes before he walks out of the bedroom and to the war room.
You lay beside V, watching his chest rise and fall. He's so young, has a whole life ahead of him… Heir to the throne… Your baby boy…
Your jaw clenches tightly as you make up your mind. As soon as Vegeta's out of orbit, you and V are leaving Planet Vegeta until the end of your husband's mission.
And on the day you were set to return, the day Vegeta was supposed to have been home, you hear the news that Frieza did exactly as Bardock said he would, wiping out your entire glorious Saiyan race and taking not only Planet Vegeta with them, but your chances of reuniting with your husband.
You may never forgive him.
You burn gold right before young V's eyes.
"Let me go." You growl, Vegeta behind you with a hand on your tail and his other arm around your shoulders. He's pressed tightly against you still, his grip not slacking even a bit. He's certainly gotten stronger in the twenty years you've been apart.
"No." He says against your shoulder.
"I need to fight." You strain against him, fists clenched. "Now."
"You can fight me!" Goku grins.
"No, I want to fight him." You seethe. You wrench yourself away from Vegeta, but he's also faster than he used to be. He's in front of you and grasping your wrists before you know it.
"You mean to maim me." Vegeta growls, looking at your face once again. Your eyes lock with his and you swallow thickly. He's… Everything you remember. Strong. Striking. Handsome.
"As you deserve." You whisper, pure heat behind the words.
"You have a wife?!" Bulma shouts. Vegeta ignores her, but your head snaps in her direction as you remember where you are.
At Goku's home. Surrounded by his friends. With Vegeta's apparent new wife and son.
Your teeth clench so hard you may break them when you lay your eyes on Trunks. Your mate has laid with another, leaving your son a bastard. You gaze at Bulma with hatred for her existence, at the woman that slept with the man you've loved your entire life. That carried the Prince's new child. Your replacement.
You cry out the scream of a broken heart, your throat raw and lungs empty. How dare he. Your body burns with anger, hair uncontrollably going in and out of the glowing gold of Super Saiyan, bile threatening to come up at the idea of what your mate had to do to produce that halfling. You rip yourself free of Vegeta's hold at the idea of it, blasting off into the sky. Vegeta sneers and clenches his fists, flying off right behind you.
"Oh no you don't!" He yells. "You are done running away from arguments, woman!"
Bulma sits down, lightheaded and only barely holding onto the baby. Chi-Chi swiftly takes Trunks before he can be dropped and sits beside her friend, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Bulma…"
"I… I just can't believe it. He's never said anything about his life, except that he's tHe PrInCe oF aLl SaIyaNs. I…" She puts her face in her hands. "We were really getting somewhere. He started being more present for Trunks; he even held him last night. He's been sleeping in the same bed as me for almost a week now. And now he suddenly has a wife?! What the hell do I do about that?! He's mine!"
Chi-Chi sighs. She doesn't know what to make of it. Bulma obviously gets a claim on him, as the mother of his son… But you are the man's wife. He's the one you were missing, even when you didn't know yourself. And Vegeta did say he believed you were dead, and was evidently ready to move on… But the way he held you was unlike anything she's ever seen of him. He was soft. Intimate. You aimed to kill him, and he never laid a harmful hand to you. No doubt about it that he holds love for you. Even in the way he yelled at you, indicating your habit of running away, held familiarity and softness, easily seeming to pick up where your relationship left off.
She looks around at the rest of the guests, who are awkwardly standing around and trying not to talk about what they just witnessed. "The food is going to get cold, everyone. Eat!"
Chi-Chi looks to the baby and sighs again. Her only true hope is that Vegeta won't abandon him again, and that you won't do something drastic and try to destroy the Earth.
But all she can do is hope.
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Vegeta glares at Nappa as he speaks into his scouter several feet away. He's ready to go the hell home and see you and V once again, hoping you'll be over that damn Bardock's conspiracy theory. He sighs in annoyance, a growl emanating at the base of his throat. He holds your lady's favor to his nose, closing his eyes and biding his time to go home, while the scent of you intoxicates him just always. He's been hooked since way before you were officially mated, been keen on your pheromones longer than he can remember, been yours since the day you met.
He never expected to actually fall in love when his father introduced him to his betrothed, an upper-class Saiyan girl that was the daughter of one of the king's most trusted advisors. But when he offended you with the first sentence he spoke, you'd punched him squarely in the jaw and dared him to do it again.
Vegeta smiles blissfully into your handkerchief at the memory, opening his eyes and tucking it away when Nappa's shadow forms before him. He stands and sneers at the man. "What the hell is the holdup?!"
"Prince…" Nappa sighs. "Frieza destroyed the planet. That's what the call for regrouping was for. All of the Saiyans are gone."
Vegeta zones out, his ears ringing. Bardock… Wasn't being ridiculous? He was right?! His father, the Saiyans, the planet…
You and V.
Vegeta lets out a roar so heartbreakingly raw and emotional, his entire body tense and feeling like he'll burst into flames. His eyes water and his hair begins to glow. Nappa's eyes widen.
"My baby boooooooooy!" Vegeta howls, his throat burning while he falls roughly to the ground, knees thumping into the grass. His breathing is heavy and labored, the desire to kill Frieza his number one priority now as his heart is clenched in the jaws of his grief. He sees your face in his mind, the way you looked at him before he left for the last time, and his poor heart overflows with too many emotions to handle, emotions he's never felt before. He lets out another scream that's passionate, angry, one that leaves his men's ears ringing across the entire planet they'd just pillaged.
He glows gold right before Nappa's eyes.
Vegeta's right behind you, close enough he can feel the tears flying from your face and onto his. His heart pumps furiously as his head still comprehends what's happened. How could he not sense you from the moment you came to Earth? Has he become so numb? So broken of a man, of a mate?
And what of his son? Is he still alive?? Had he become the strong, strapping Saiyan he was primed to be since birth? Where is his baby boy?
Trunks flashes through his mind. Vegeta grimaces; does he feel ashamed now, for his action of creating the boy in the first place? With a woman he isn't sure he loves? His son will be strong, no doubt, halfling or not. Though as he watches each time Gohan fights, every time Gohan's emotions rage, he's begun to believe perhaps half-Saiyans could be… Stronger. They're far more prone to their emotions than full-blooded Saiyans, hence why there were no Super Saiyans on Planet Vegeta.
But what of Vegeta the Fifth?
"Where's V?" Vegeta shouts as he trails you still, boosting into Super Saiyan to catch up. "Where's our boy?!"
"He's a boy no longer." You growl, powering up yourself and flying away faster.
She is one sexy Super Saiyan… When the hell did she become a Super Saiyan?!
"Woman, so help me if you don't get back here…!" Vegeta threatens.
"You've already destroyed my heart, what more could you do?!"
Vegeta cannot ignore the pang in his heart at your jab. Had he known you were off planet that day, he would've searched every star until he found you, Frieza's consequences be damned. But you've lost your trust in him, your own mate. It's unlikely you'd believe him at this point, when you're in a state of such shock and heartbreak.
"Listen to me! I have answers for you, and you have the answers I need too. I am your husband, dammit, not your enemy!"
You stop in your tracks, Vegeta nearly crashing into you. You feel his breath against your neck, feel the aura of his transformation tickle your spine. He doesn't hesitate to hold your hips and press his warm body to yours. Your bodies shiver as you come together, fit just like puzzle pieces. Perfectly designed to match, always.
Vegeta moves his face to your neck, nosing the mating scar from his bite nearing a quarter-century old. He's woozy at your scent, nearly drunk at what faded from his lady's favor many, many years ago. Your eyes grow heavy at the contact, your fangs itching to bite his scar, craving to reconnect right down to your very soul.
"I know." He whispers. "I know you're hurt. I don't ask for or expect forgiveness, but I do believe I deserve a chance to explain myself and what I've done for the last two decades. Hate me all you want, but hear me out first. If I deserve anything, it's that. I assure you, I haven't been hiding."
"Fine." You whisper, powering down and hanging your head.
"Just relax, princess." Vegeta murmurs and next thing you know, he's swung you into a bridal carry and started flying off to somewhere.
You close your eyes, exhausted already from all the cooking, and then the rush of memories, the adrenaline, the fighting, it all only drained your energy more. Before you can convince yourself not to, you drift off to sleep in the arms you've dreamt of for far too long.
You hum softly as you dry yourself off from your bath, thankful to get a moment alone. Vegeta's been on a string of missions lately, and you rarely allow a servant to handle your boy. You're the personification of a typical Saiyan mother; protective of your baby to the point where you even hesitate to allow his father to hold him sometimes. But after a week of being the only caretaker for V, you're worn down and your guard is low enough to leave Vegeta alone with the baby for a while.
You pull a robe over yourself and leave the bathing room, tucking your hands in the pockets as you head back to the bedroom. You peek inside and smile; Vegeta has the baby on his belly, while he lays before him, doing push-ups as he speaks to his boy.
"Now, son, watch closely. Your chest shouldn't touch the ground but should be close. Keep your body entirely straight and drop down until your elbows are at this angle, see?"
You chuckle to yourself as warmth blossoms through you. Oh, if the boyhood Vegeta could see this! "Darling, he just learned how to hold his head up." You step into the room, sitting in Vegeta's armchair and crossing your legs over.
"Tch, he's learning anyway. He even tried to do one earlier!"
"Riiiiiight." You wink playfully, leaving your husband to salaciously smirk at you. He moves to his knees and crawls toward you slowly, grasping one of your feet between his hands and rubbing carefully.
"You take me for a liar?" He questions. One of his eyebrows perks at you, a clear warning in the movement.
"I take you to be a man who exaggerates often." You challenge.
"Oh-ho. I see."
Next thing you know, you're ripped from the chair and pinned beneath Vegeta. You smack his chest, glaring daggers his way. "You filthy beast of a man!"
Vegeta just laughs darkly at you. "Such foul language, with our son right in front of you."
You tilt your head back against the hardwood flooring and look at V, who is smiling at you, his first tooth crowning in his bottom gum. You smile at the boy as Vegeta resumes his lesson.
"Alright, son. Back to business."
And as Vegeta does his push-ups with you trapped beneath him, kissing you each time he lowers himself, you realize that this time, Vegeta wasn't exaggerating a thing.
"I'll be damned, he almost did a push-up."
"I told you, woman!"
Vegeta swallows thickly as he patiently waits for you to wake from your dreams. His entire body is buzzing inside and out, heart thumping in a rhythm sure to kill him, should he not relax. But it's hard to see you before him, alive. Alive and well, and just as beautiful as you were the last time he saw you. His head still spins at the whole thing, his beloved lady's favor carefully clutched between his fingers.
He'd spent nearly twenty years alone, the ideas of love and sex far from his mind. Never mind that he had no time for it while under Frieza or his time spent on Namek trying to kill the dictator, he simply never thought of it. He was thoroughly in his plan of staying alone and mourning you and V for the rest of his days. He'd even managed to collect the Dragon Balls one time and wished you both back alive, but all that damned Shenron said to him was that his precious family could not be brought back to life.
That damn dragon sure liked to pick and choose when he'd monkey paw a wish.
He closes his eyes and holds the handkerchief to his nose, an action that'd been comforting him for years on end. He'd stopped using your favor sometime ago; if he chooses to be honest with himself, he can pinpoint exactly the day he stopped.
It was the day he first hooked up with Bulma.
He'd never tell her, but when he was in that bed with her on that night, he thought of you during his climax and it completely ruined his mood, vomit clawing up his esophagus when he finished. He felt like a filthy animal, doing something like that to you. Dead or not, you were still his beloved, etched into his heart and soul completely.
Vegeta exhales shakily, a headache throbbing against his skull. He's tired; it's to be expected after such overwhelming contact with his bonded mate after twenty years. Yet he won't allow himself any rest, doesn't feel like he deserves to lay down while you're here with him. He especially doesn't want to risk you changing your mind and sneaking away while he's asleep.
And he needs your answers. He so terribly wants to see his son, all grown up and a strong Saiyan warrior like his father. His fatherly instinct has been questionable at best, he knows that. While V was planned, desired, his heir… Trunks simply…
Vegeta sighs. Trunks deserves a better father, and as he is his father, he's no choice but to man up and be that better father to Trunks. When Bulma revealed her pregnancy, he spiraled and abandoned her for months on end, off in space and spazzing so much he spent weeks at a time in Super Saiyan.
He'd made a personal vow recently, to be present for his son and Bulma. His feelings surrounding the woman were another thing entirely; too complicated for him, and he's failing running away from the webs stringing inside his heart. Does he love her? He doesn't know. He's come to care for her, certainly. She gave him a home despite his terrible deeds, has fallen in love with him, a dangerous, awful man, and continues holding that love even with his horrible attitude and shitty behavior.
But then, as life always did, a monkey wrench was thrown into his plans and you came back from the dead! Only you were never dead! Wonderful! Great! He's so happy to be alive!
Every time I try to turn over a new leaf, the LEAF FUCKS ME.
"Stop screaming, I can hear you." You mutter. You were surprised your bond was still that strong after all this time, that you can be half asleep and feel his internal emotions, just know out of pure instinct that he's having one of his famous rants. You've always sworn you could almost hear a whisper of his voice when he was like that.
"Go back to sleep, woman." Vegeta rubs his eyes, his quip rolling off his tongue with ease. Somehow it felt like no time passed between you at all.
"Who can sleep when you're strung out this badly? You should take a nap of your own."
"Sleep is-"
"FoR tHe WeAk." You mock. "Sleep is for annoying husbands with too many thoughts."
Vegeta falters. If one was to get technical, your marriage didn't exist the second Planet Vegeta was lost. But you still call him your husband… Just as he always thought of you as his wife, even before marriage and long after he thought you dead. His heart sears, the throbbing pain in his skull amplified by just how much more complicated the situation became with just a few sentences.
"I won't say a word if you don't get in this bed and rest." You mutter, laying on your side to turn away from him. "You're frazzling my nerves all over again."
Vegeta sighs, though ultimately doesn't debate the morality of if he should or shouldn't for long. He kicks off his boots and peels away his armor and gloves before sliding under the cover with you.
"Also… Where are we?" You mumble, able to feel the heat of his Saiyan blood even with the gap and the clothing between you.
"I found this cabin sometime ago. It's where I go to clear my head now, instead of space. Nobody knows about it." Your husband murmurs, closing his eyes.
"Mm." You feel the haze of sleep washing over you again, and your tail attempts to twine with your mate's.
Your eyes fly open and you've rolled him to his back, straddling him and gripping his neck in the blink of an eye. You bare your fangs at him, the primal, feral side of you threatening to jump out.
"Where's your tail?" You growl, mere inches from his face.
Vegeta's eyes are wide, briefly pausing at just how arousing that was. But he's soon baring his own fangs and pushing against your hold.
"A fat bastard cut it off years ago." He seethes. He definitely misses his tail, no doubt. He feels less of a Saiyan this way, feels embarrassed that you've witnessed him so naked and lacking.
"I'll kill him." Your words ghost over his lips, your faces even closer now.
"Be my guest." Vegeta smirks.
"These humans have mutilated you." Your eyes are clouded, caught in your feral biology and distaste for a weaker race.
Vegeta smooths his hand up the curve of your back, stopping his hand at the base of your neck and squeezing gently. "Come down, princess. I can't stop you if you turn into your Great Ape."
The shiver down your spine is unable to be repressed, chilling you head to toe; his long, nimble fingers have just the right spot, the perfect pressure to calm you without weakening you, like when he grasped your tail before. As far as he knew, it wasn't due to any specific Saiyan biology; it was all you, one of the things that made you so unique and had kept him exploring your body and mind for years, never risking a dull moment.
"I promised you rest for answers." He reminds you. "You'd better hold up your side."
"Mm, yeah, fine… Whatever…" You yawn and collapse when he releases you, your face lined perfectly to tuck your face into the crook where his mating scar is, nuzzling his neck as the powerful perfume of him leaves you hazy, too lightheaded to be angry at the situation for now.
Vegeta's arms come around you, and below his lids his eyes shimmer. He always tried bargaining with faith, offering plenty of ridiculous things like changing his ways, or promising to actually save someone, always asking to trade himself instead.
And here you are, and he didn't have to do any of that shit! Relief isn't even the word.
When you wake up, the sky is only illuminated by the stars, and Vegeta has done the exact thing he'd always done; he's flipped you over and covered your body with himself, protecting you even when he's deep in slumber. You smile at the warmth he's giving, and he stirs lightly, pushing his face closer to yours, and without missing a beat you press a kiss to his cheek.
As much as things change, they remain the same.
Vegeta rests against you, stomach rumbling. You groan and realize your own hunger, poking at his shoulder blade. "Get up… I'm hungry."
He groans and with a huff, pushes off of you and out of bed. He only slips his boots on, and walks to the door. You're up and adjusting the straps of your tank top, slipping into the flats Chi-Chi's gifted you before following Vegeta out.
You grimace. Are you even welcome anymore? You've run off again, and your friend has more than shown her distaste for that habit. How close is she to Bulma? Has she sided with her, viewing you as opposition now?
You shake your head and walk alongside Vegeta to a stream. Frankly, being accepted by your found 'family' wasn't the biggest priority. You build a small fire and, while Vegeta practically depopulates the stream, ready the fish for cooking. You wait patiently for his first line of questions, mind ready to explode now that you get to ponder, for the first time, the events that led you to this planet.
"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving Planet Vegeta?" He mutters calmly as he waits for another fish to swim on by.
"You didn't believe Bardock. You already thought I was ridiculous, and I didn't want to fight with you before a mission. If you died and we lived, how do you think I would feel?"
Vegeta's sigh rumbles in his chest. He knows himself, and while it's hard to not view the past with the 20/20 hindsight, he's well aware of how he'd have behaved. He's got enough shame to duck his head and give you an understanding nod.
"I'd have come for you." He murmurs. "I would have spent the entire rest of my life searching for you, if I knew there was a chance."
You look at the fish you've cleaned. "I didn't know if you were alive or not until the news about Frieza's death got around." You just know he's smirking, proud that you found Frieza dying synonymous with himself.
"Good." Oh, you missed that ego…
It's quiet again, but companionable. Your husband catches a few more fish to cook; it's not the best meal to be had, with no seasonings, side dishes, or wine in sight, but it works enough. The fire crackles between you, flicks of ember flying around each time your eyes meet. Vegeta always looked striking in the moonlight, you felt, though something about the dim, warmer aura that surrounds him now speaks to you more.
"How did you end up on Earth?" You hum, twiddling with one of the sticks you'd used for a skewer.
Vegeta grimaces at the memory, eye twitching at the memory of the journey with Nappa. "Radish-boy failed in his mission to recruit Kakarot. And before he died, we heard him speaking of the Dragon Balls, and we came for them."
"The what?"
Vegeta blinks. "Odd that they hadn't thought of using them for your memory. Hell, a Senzu Bean likely would've worked." He shakes his head, bringing two fingers up to his throbbing temple. "Idiots. Actually, what they should have done was tell me the instant they found a damn Saiyan, not two months later after I'm invited to a damn cook-"
"Vegeta." You deadpan. "Get on with the explanation already."
"This planet has Dragon Balls. You collect all seven, you make a wish to a dragon and it grants it. Supposed to grant it." He grinds his teeth together as his mind pours over the logistics at the possibility of killing Shenron.
You blink. "I already believed in the magic beans, Vegeta. A wish-granting dragon? Come on, now."
"I've seen it myself, princess." He mutters, staring at the stream. The sound of it running is calm, his heartbeat following suit. "It's brought me back to life. I attempted to bring you and V back with it, but the rat bastard just told me it couldn't be done, and didn't say it was because you weren't dead in the first damn place."
"I should kill it." You mutter. You miss the quirk of Vegeta's lips. He loves when you want to kill things. He bites his lip, losing that gentle pacing of his heart quickly.
"You know what I'm going to ask next." He whispers, turning his head only slightly to look at you.
The stick in your fingers bends at your touch; any more pressure and it'll snap entirely. You're hesitating. Vegeta knows it. And he's dreading the answer. He looks back at the water, the question on the very tip of his tongue, anxiety weighing it down. But you very obviously won't answer him until he specifically asks.
Your chest burns, heart pumping hard and your jaw clenching. Your arms feel light, fingers almost airless as the anticipation builds in your body. You close your eyes and see your son's face. He looks just like his father, minus that one little swirl of his bangs… And that made it all that much worse.
"Is V alive?" Vegeta spits out, his knee bouncing up and down. His tongue slips between his teeth and he bites down, his clenched fist slamming down on the log he was sitting at.
The stick snaps, and suddenly there's a bright light shining above you both. It's Goku, glowing in his Super Saiyan form. "I found them!" He calls out, and there's suddenly a helicopter beside him, with Bulma, Chi-Chi, and baby Trunks inside. Gohan flies by his father, a very worried look on his face 
It's loud now, the sound of the copter drowning out even the thumping of Vegeta's heartbeat. Your husband growls and stands, damn near ready to strike. "Why are you here?!"
"You guys were gone for three days!" Gohan yells back, and Vegeta blinks. He hadn't realized the 'nap' had been that long; the science on Saiyan mating wasn't well-researched in the event of parting. It was widely believed one would simply die if they lost their mate, as they'd merely lose their energy and drive until they wasted away from the loss. At least, that's all that had ever happened in the rare case a pair of mates did not die together.
Are Saiyan elites simply built different?
He also has no idea what you were going to say, what was so close to being revealed, and he panics. "Answer me, woman!" He looks back at you, fingers twitching with urgency. He needed that information now, before the moment was entirely ruined by Kakarot and Bulma's pushy presence. "Is my son alive?!"
You toss the twigs in the fire, your eyes mirroring the flames. "Who do you think beat me to a pulp in the first place?"
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shuukichan · 1 year
Goku x Vegeta Fic Recs
I've been spoiled with Sherlock, Good Omens, and Star Trek fic recs on this site. But after reigniting ye old flame for the particular paring of Goku x Vegeta, I've found a scarcity of fic recs (on Tumblr at least), so I thought I'd add my 2 cents on the off chance anyone might find this helpful. Fic summaries in italics are from the author and I’ve added some comments of my own to most of them. So here goes - the fic rec list no one asked for!
The Boys in Space
Contamination by @cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 14/14 | Words: 63,045): Hands-down the best DBZ fic I've read. A breathtaking piece of sci-fic horror with all the sophistication of a novel, combined with a profound understanding of Goku and Vegeta and the ability to render them perfectly in character. @cosmicmewtwo gives them a depth and a magnetic passion that keeps me revisiting and re-reading this amazing fic.
High Tide by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Teen and Up | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 3,270): A touching companion piece to Contamination.
Let’s Jam by @vakaara (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 5,613): Goku and Vegeta get separated from the Galactic Patrol, and crash land on an alien planet. They have plenty of time to get a little closer. For such a short fic, this one is saturated in rich description that immerses the reader in the crush of an alien city, the scents and tastes, the subtle feelings blooming sensually between our two heroes. Hits all the right notes perfectly.
Properties of Darkness by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Mature | Chapters: 5/? | Words: 10,366) Vegeta pressures Goku into teaching him how to use Instant Transmission, but the technique comes at a sinister price. In true Lovecraftian style, this fic explores the horror of the unknowable and incomprehensible. What exactly happens when you rip at the seams of reality to jump across space? And what's lurking in the in-between?
Vegetasei AUs
Strange New World, That Has Such Creatures In It by GoblinCatKC (Rating: Teen and Up | Chapters: 10/10 | Words: 59,354): An imaginative fic full of world-building. Vegeta's wish to restore Vegetasei reveals the Saiyan homeworld as a misunderstood and divinely-chosen planet, as well as the surprisingly sinister role of the Kais in its downfall. Several religious allegorical references might be familiar to fans of CS Lewis or Tolkien, but (as a review of the fic puts it) the author uses allegory "without going all 'Pilgrim’s Progress' on us."
Irrevocable by akaparalian (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 8/8 | Words: 39,961): Traditionally, the rulers of Vegetasei determine their consorts by way of a tournament and when can Goku stay away from a tournament? Our clueless hero enters for a good fight and wins an outraged Prince. Goku’s ignorance as to the intricacies of his own people’s royal customs and etiquette make for a hard road for them both, but a good slow burn for the reader!
22 Years, 5 Months, 20 Days by zuzallove (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 19,026): Kakarot is Vegeta's assigned sparring partner when they are 4 and 6 years-old. Vegeta absolutely hates him. But as the years go by, Bardock's brat seems to be the only one who can hold Vegeta's attention for more than a minute. He hates him, but he can't live without him. Only two problems with that: there's a war on, and Vegeta has to mate whomever his father picks out for him.
Burn to Ash by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 2,476): Hours before his wedding, Prince Vegeta receives an unexpected visitor. Beautiful passion and excruciating angst.
Full Moon by Vakaara (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 7/7 | Words: 18,046): Goku’s tail is back, but he’s not sure he’s happy about it - especially now that he knows what he could become at the full moon. This fic complicates Goku as a character by seriously considering the emotional impact of killing his grandfather, exploring his fear and panic as he tries to accept his Oozaru form as an adult. Vegeta helps him through the process of embracing his Saiyan nature, which leads to another kind of embrace between the two.
Budoven by GoblinCatKC (Rating: Mature | Chapters: 5/5 | Words: 15,524): Vegeta's past comes back to haunt him every day-memories of a lost culture, vulnerabilities he can't shake, a royal bearing crushed under cruelty. Now his past returns in the form of old enemies that destroy worlds, not a single warrior but an entire swarm. An insightful treatment of Vegeta’s past trauma, Goku’s understanding and love of this scarred man, an understanding none of the Z warriors share. Masterfully written with nothing overly maudlin, and bracketed by a gripping battle for Earth, it remains one of my favorite multi-chapter fics.
Feel You In My Bones by @teamdamon (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 9/9 | Words: 62,042): What starts as a fun romp with some great humor and steamy scenes, develops into a fic that explores so much - sexual dynamics, family dynamics, poly dynamics, etc. Vegeta's got one convoluted inner emotional life, Chi-Chi is relatable and understanding, Bulma is hilariously vulgar and loving, and Goku discovers a piece of himself he never knew he needed.
Remote Possibility by Vakaara (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 12,011): After Goku and Vegeta’s first battle, Vegeta’s pod is accidentally called back to Earth. When Goku learns about Frieza from Vegeta, they need to decide what to do next. As usual, Vakaara’s characterizations are spot-on in this AU - Vegeta’s dread of Frieza, Goku’s bottomless optimism, and the magnetic pull between the two Saiyans as they learn to train together against the common threat.
Under My Skin by Vakaara (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 11/11 | Words: 20,162): After eight years dead, Goku returns to Earth for one day at the Tenkaichi Budokai tournament. He left unfinished business between himself and Vegeta when he died. Vegeta isn’t happy about it. The bulk of this truly excellent fic explores the fallout with their families after Buu, the aftereffects of fusion, and how they make sense of it all in the end.
as if i could ever by MsFluorescent (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 7,784): Like many stories,  sparring leads to something more physically pleasurable between our two Saiyans. But Goku suddenly cuts things off. Something is crushing our hero’s irrepressible spirit, and even our stoic Vegeta can’t stand by and let that go on.
Standing in Reverence by orphan_account (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words | Words: 5,033): The fusion during the fight with Buu broke down some walls between Goku and Vegeta; Goku tears the rest down in an unprecedented gesture of apology and fidelity to his prince.
Aegis by orphan_account (Rating: Mature | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 3,154): While relaxing after a long day of sparring and hunting, Vegeta remembered the day he finally saw past the mask Goku held up to the world. A rare and satisfying vignette of Vegeta studying, understanding, and taking care of Goku.
Take Care by orphan_account (Rating: Mature | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 2,051): Goku knew when Vegeta wasn’t okay, and he knew what to do when that happened. In the early stages of their relationship, Goku studies his mate like he’s prepping for a fight, and it pays off for them both.
Kuvusa by orphan_account (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 7,967): This is in my top 5 for off-the-charts hotness, but with a fair dose of tenderness from Vegeta that is written in a wholly believable way for his character. I'm a sucker for the "heat" trope, but this fic is special in its convincing incorporation of the concept into Saiayn biology.
Side Effects by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 4,779): Vegeta accidentally exposes himself to a strange chemical in Bulma's lab. And really hopes he can expose himself again!
Blame It On Moonlight by gutterbunnyx for Dulcinea (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 2/2 | Words: 5,589): The super moon makes Goku go into heat. Vegeta helps out in his own way. Veggie gets all dominant and Bulma and Chi-Chi are fans.
Toxic by orphan_account (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 7,353) It’s a love-potion-as-revenge/aphrodisiac fic, where poor naïve Goku gets tricked into drinking it. So, not really a “heat” fic but a lot of similar elements (multiple-orgasms, self-lubrication, Vegeta-tenderly-taking-care-of-Goku).
In the Time Chamber
Inside by @schlopreceptacle (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 3,301): Vegeta teaches Goku a little something new about male anatomy in the Time Chamber. Kakavege Week Prompt #22: Teacher’s Pet. They’re only a few months into their stay in the chamber and already Goku’s asking if it’s weird to like another man. Vegeta shows him how fun it can be.
New Ways of Dealing With Idiots by dragonspell (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 3,734): The first time that Vegeta crawls into Kakarot’s bed, it is in sheer self-defense. (Or Vegeta resorts to desperate measures to gain some peace and shut Goku up in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.) Goku is taken by surprise, but Vegeta’s method works well - so well that he may do it again. ;)
Training on Beerus’ Planet
Left Hook by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 7,176): Goku and Vegeta attempt to put Whis's suggestions into practice, but their training does not go as expected. Vegeta is wound tighter than any backrub could loosen, but Goku tries anyway! Some massage, a frank conversation, and a panicked punch still leads to some explicitly rated results.
You Need To Relax by Yammy_kooki (@eggdoodles) (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 7,59): Vegeta can't relax. Goku has a way to help. Another case of Whis “helping” move things along between these two by providing a very special kind of relaxation aid, as only a crafty angel could!
Curiosity by @tristaml (No rating | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 6,203): Goku learns Vegeta's been with men and he's curious to know what that's like.
One-shots and PWP
Worthy by TristaML (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 2,547): Goku and Vegeta roleplay for the night. Written in a script-like style which detracts nothing from this hot gem.
mistake.jpeg by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 2/2 | Words: 7,110): Vegeta embarrasses himself over text message. You might imagine our ragey prince going incandescent over his blunder, but Chapter 2 will surprise you.
Simple Needs by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 5,173): While sparring with Vegeta, Goku has an unexpected reaction (or: Great, Now We Gotta Kinkshame Goku) Sometimes, wires get crossed and pain and defeat get mixed up with other kinds of pleasure. One of the more imaginative uses of ki-rings I’ve had the pleasure to read.
Plain White T by schlopreceptacle (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 1,950): Kakavege Week Prompt #35 - Costume: Casual Wear. Hilariously sexy. Poor Bulma puts up with so much.
Wild by schlopreceptacle (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 3,660): Vegeta sees something wild inside Goku and decides to give him what he craves. Graphic sex, violence and some BDSM themes. Kakavege Week Prompt #15: Uke Goku. “If we go down this road, Kakarot, then things may never be the same.”
Untamed by schlopreceptacle (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 2,628): Follow up to “Wild.” Kakarot comes back to Vegeta for more. Explicit sexual content including bondage, spanking, blood. Kakavege Week Day 3: Bondage
Fight with Denial by schlopreceptacle (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 4,244): Vegeta never was satisfied with his fight with Kakarot that led to unleashing Majin Buu. So now that there are no more distractions, he has the perfect opportunity for a rematch. Kakavege Week Day 2: Hostility. This one reminds me of a few fan comics (Kabu’s Skyworld and Nakamori’s Fair in Love) where Vegeta’s rage and hatred are transformed during a fight. Bloodied and in the dirt, the two fighters finally, explosively, passionately connect after so much wasted animosity and denial.
Red Cheeks by @zennagreenwitch (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 4,210): Goku returns from Yardrat and tries to interact with Vegeta, but Vegeta doesn't seem to want anything to do with him. And what's up with that shirt? For Kakavege Week 12 Prompt Day 5: Embarrassed For once, Chichi knows what her Goku needs and makes sure he goes for it! Goku’s got a bit of internalized homophobia, but it’s no match for Chichi’s and Vegeta’s patience in this fun little fic.
By Accident by zennagreenwitch (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 2/2 | Words: 9,346): Phantom tail pains wake Vegeta up in the middle of the night. Set after the Buu saga. Kakavege Week 12 Prompt Day 4: Underwear Series: Part 4 of Kakavege Week 12. Due Goku’s private, yet poorly-worded wish, Vegeta and all the half-Saiyan children are surprised to wake up with regenerated tails! After a bit of panic, Vegeta takes the situation in hand and explains what tail movements and scents communicate. Little does Goku realize what his tail betrays to his long-time friend and rival.
Training by MadamBiscuit (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 4,839): Vegeta's been having strange dreams lately involving his long-time rival, Goku. When Goku shows up for an impromptu training session, Vegeta tries to turn him down, but it isn't a fight that Goku wants . . . he wants to learn how to kiss properly!? Goku is super clueless and Vegeta has convinced himself this must be a dream. Silly hot PWP!
Signals by TristaML (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 2,938): PWP Vegeta/Goku. The wives have passed and Goku didn’t realize that anyone else knew that he liked Vegeta until adult Goten and Trunks pointed it out
The Proposition by GoldenMama (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 10,154 ): The Saiyans have their tails back, and Bulma’s questions are relentless. She asks the boys to enlighten her (for the sake of science, of course). Will they satisfy more than just her thirst for knowledge? A perfect blend of Saiyan possessiveness and a willingness to share. Vegeta is his smoldering self, but get ready for a more adult Goku than you might be used to!
Pace Is the Trick by GoldenMama (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/2 | Words: 4,082): Sequel to The /Proposition. It's Vegeta's turn to be the center of attention. Even when the Prince of All Saiyans is the bottom, he will always be on top.
Three's Company by herpb4uderp (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 6,295): Goku and Vegeta turn an interruption into an invitation. On top of an expertly hot fic, what I love about this one is how the author explores the magnetic bond that Goku and Vegeta share – a bond that draws Broly towards them but one that will only ever be uniquely their own.
Dizzying Descent by gutterbunnyx (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 3,819): Day 1 for Bottom Goku Week 2022 - Fantasy! Goku fantasizes about Broly... And Vegeta is also there. ;) And then suddenly the fantasy materializes! Sloppy sexy fun.
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bitebitesnap · 7 months
Bardock is that kinda guy who can sleep on the floor. You can give him a nice, comfy bed with a room all to his own and he'll still find a reason to be on the floor.
At first it's out of sheer stubbornness. He;s a Saiyan, he can rough it out in the woods. He doesn;t need all this prissy comfort stuff to be happy. Just give him a section of the woods to himself with plenty of food and he'll be good.
But as it goes on he starts to change. Sure, he still stays out in the woods, but he slowly appears more and more around your house. At first just for a few moments, saying he wanted something cooked instead of raw for once, then longer as he gets more and more food to eat. He gets hooked on the taste to the point he can't really eat the way he used to-raw food turns his stomach now and anything cooked over a fire isn't enough. He needs it to be cooked and done well-he needs your food.
The more he sticks around your house the odder he is. He finds really weird places to be and just...exist? Planting himself in an odd empty corner just watching the room or you bustling about doing whatever it is you do. He'll add in the odd comment or two but mostly he's just spectating. Even if people come in he won;t stop, but somehow he gets even more intense if they're strangers. His eyes narrow hard, wrapped tail flicking at his hip. You can't have company anymore because he chases them off through sheer 'fuck off' energy.
Then he gets comfortable around you. Your company is....welcomed. After all this time, losing his team, he can somewhat admit that you've grown on him. Maybe you aren't a Saiyan, but you aren't annoying either. You're a blanket of comfort in a desolate life of hardship he faces alone as the last of his people.
And he finds he can;t lose that to chance.
So you'll wake up one day, ready to get back to work now that your weird, weird guest is able to stand on his own. With him able to sustain himself maybe you can get some peace and quiet again.
And you find the Saiyan sound asleep, thick forearms covering his face as he lays stomach down on the floor in the entryway with his back to the door.
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