#basically what im saying is that her poker game is unbeatable ASDHFKSFKSJDFD
sparkerinparadise · 2 years
something about queen that i haven’t really seen ppl talk about yet is that she’s actually pretty good at bluffing and hiding her emotions behind her own self-confidence, and at improvising her way out of situations where she gets caught (ie: calibrating her cages, the scene where she captures the fun gang + berdly)
like yes she’s brutally honest but at the same time she hides quite a bit about herself?? the only time that she’s ever really emotionally vulnerable is during that scene with kris when she’s drinking battery acid (i think the other is during the car ride when she’s talking about noelle???).... not that she’s NOT a super emotional character normally but she seems to have a really good handle on her Image™ and how other people perceive her and i find that interesting
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