cultofthewyrm · 1 year
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Freya by ALiteralCAR
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fraubrandstifter · 2 years
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Even though Battlerite is dead, I just love this guy
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sapphic-haymaker · 6 months
it's so tragic how many unique and fun games will get the plug pulled due to not being able to compete in the volatile, hostile games-as-a-service era we're in
I swear everyone has their "I wish this was still alive!" game that couldn't survive and nothing since can scratch the same itch
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mari-the-hedgiewolf · 8 months
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While I don't play both games anymore (RIP Battlerite), I still think Lillia and Blossom could be friends!~ :D
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zathong · 1 year
Battlerite Tier List 2023
Hey, I’m Zathong and is will share about Battlerite Tier List (S, A, B, C, D) for 2023. I will help you choose the best champions in the current meta and ranks every hero in Battlerite from the least viable to the best.
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Tier S:
Ashka, Jade, Taya, Alysia, Poloma.
Tier A:
Rook, Shen, Varesh, Croak, Raigon, Rao, Shifu.
Tier B:
Pearl, Pestilus, Thorn, Blossom, Freya, Ruh Kaan.
Tier C:
Iva, Jamila, Sirius, Bakko, Destiny, Ulric.
Tier D:
Jumong, Lucie, Zander, Ezmo, Oldur.
Source: https://zathong.com/battlerite-tier-list/
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throw-your-boat · 8 months
So, I was going to throw this at @ryunumber, but I couldn't figure out how to make a submission with multiple images in it, so here I go putting it to my own blog I guess
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Beatrice the Tailor from V Rising has a Ryu number of 4-5 4, unless she doesn't
As far as I can tell, V Rising has no links save for a single, rather obvious, one: it shares Jade with Battlerite (and Battlerite Royale, but we can pretend they're the same game). I can find no other way to start, and it isn't a start that's full of promise.
Because as far as I can tell, not one of the champions from there appears anywhere else. Unless you want to argue that Thorn is also in Bloodline Champions, but that game contains exactly zero unique and identifiable characters, so going there isn't useful
But looking beyond the champions themselves, we can find a possible route, even if it's a bit of a stretch. There's an unlockable mount called "the mighty white tiger". One could, if one is so inclined, argue that this is supposed to be the white tiger, the mythological one, Baihu/Baekho/Byakko. Seeing as the mount was designed as a promotional thing originally only available in South Korea, it doesn't seem to be an entirely unreasonable claim that it's at least somewhat inspired by that particular tiger - and I think that might be enough to say they're the same, if we can establish that the mount counts as unique
So, does it? Not all mounts are unique and identifiable characters, certainly. But at least a few of them have individual names, like "Barky the delighted doggo", suggesting that at least they can be unique. And seeing as this mount is called "the mighty white tiger", I'm inclined to lump it in with that lot, rather than the clearly generic ones like "agile furrycorn" or "emerald moon raptor" which don't get to have a "the"
If we do allow that, we just have to make our way to Ryu from there. Thanks to @demifiendcruithne, I've learned that Baihu/Byakko (the name varies between installments) makes repeated apperances throughout the Megami Tensei franchise, including in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, which would seem to give us a grand total of 4 thanks to Dante of Devil May Cry fame
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shuttershocky · 1 year
Every now and then a game makes a specific character moveset I get obsessed over from how much fun and unique it feels to play. Even after those games have long hit end of service, I still feel the craving to taste that bit of game design.
If I had to name a top 8 (in any order) I remember fondly, they would have to be
Captain Spark (Super Monday Night Combat)
Tyto the Swift (Gigantic)
Rubick (Dota 2)
Nero (Devil May Cry 5, I loved him in 4 but Devil Breakers are SO cool)
Shoichi (Eternal Return)
Hsien-Ko (Marvel vs Capcom 3, she's weaker there than in Darkstalkers but I have way more time in UMVC3)
Gunslinger (Killing Floor 2)
Poloma (Battlerite)
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linuxgamenews · 2 years
V Rising open world vampire games now has a Steam Play fix
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V Rising game has 1 million copies sold and a Proton support fix for Linux via Windows PC. Along with the impressive creative efforts of developer Stunlock Studios. Which doing very well via Steam Early Access with 87% Very Positive reviews. Swedish game developer Stunlock Studios have announced that V Rising has 1 million copies sold. The open world vampire survival game was Just released into early access on May 17th. With official servers of up to 50 players. While you enter the ravaged world of the vampires and build an impressive castle. Doing so in the mystical continent of Vardoran. Now there are a couple of methods of running V Rising on Linux via Proton. All thanks to the community and people testing different options. You can try using the latest Proton GE with the DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command% Steam Launch Option. There are reports on ProtonDB as well as a Steam Discussions thread that it works. But not from my experience. Yet following Plan B, this does work with Proton 7.0-2. Install "Battlerite Royale" on Steam (free to play): steamapps/common/Battlerite Royale/BattleriteRoyale_Data/Plugins/stun_steamnetworking.dll Paste the file to following locations: steamapps/common/VRising/VRising_Data/Plugins/x86_64 steamapps/common/VRising/VRising_Server/VRisingServer_Data/Plugins/x86_64 After this, V Rising will launch the intro. From here you can tweak your settings and start a solo game. But due note, things like accessing and using skills will lag the first time. Also, if you lose mouse clicks in the Main Menu, Alt + Tab is the fix. While PvP and online co-op are untested.
V Rising - Early Access Launch Trailer
In V Rising, you need to survive as a newly awakened vampire. Doing so in a world ruled by humans and rise to become the next Dracula. Feed on blood to gain new powers and hide from the scorching sun. Then engage in real-time PvE and PvP combat set in a dark fantasy realm. Raise your castle and invite friends to join as you explore a vast open world. Then loot villages, skirmish with bandits, and delve into the lairs of supernatural beasts. Attack other player’s castles, or become a diplomat in a game of blood, power, and betrayal. Stick to the shadows during the daytime, or the burning sunlight will turn you to ashes. Roam the night and prey on your victims in the darkness. As a vampire, you must quench your thirst for blood while planning your strategies around the day and nighttime. Although Stunlock Studios need to create a native Linux build for the Unity 3D game. V Rising is currently available on Steam Early Access. Priced at $19.99 USD / £15.49 / 19,99€. But now you can play the Windows PC build on Linux via Proton.
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V Rising kostenlos spielen
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V Rising ist ein Multiplayer-Survival-Spiel, in dem wir in die Rolle eines Vampirs schlüpfen. Entwickelt wurde es von den Stunlock Studios, einem schwedischen Team, das unter anderem für Bloodline Champions und Battlerite verantwortlich zeichnet.
Die Geschichte des Spiels
V Rising entführt uns in eine fantastische Gothic-Welt. Im Spiel schlüpfen wir in die Rolle eines Vampirs, dessen jahrhundertealter Traum zu Ende gegangen ist. Nun versucht der Protagonist, seine Kräfte wiederzuerlangen und ein wahres Imperium zu errichten, das von den Bewohnern dieses dunklen Landes, den Monstern, die die Wildnis bevölkern, und anderen Blutsaugern gefürchtet wird.
In V Rising beobachten wir das Geschehen aus der Vogelperspektive. Die Produktion stellt uns eine riesige offene Welt zur Verfügung. Hier finden wir dunkle Wälder, kleinere und größere Siedlungen und weitläufige Untergründe. Da wir in die Rolle eines Vampirs schlüpfen, können wir uns nur nachts frei bewegen; tagsüber sind wir dazu verdammt, uns vor dem Sonnenlicht zu verstecken und durch die Schatten zu schleichen. Im Laufe des Spiels machen wir Jagd auf Menschen, die uns mit lebensspendendem Blut versorgen, plündern Dörfer, töten Banditen und stellen uns feindlichen Soldaten. Außerdem bekämpfen wir verschiedene Kreaturen und treten gegen andere Blutsauger an. Die Kämpfe sind dynamisch und erfordern Geschicklichkeit und Reflexe (rechtzeitiges Angreifen und Ausweichen). Die Gegner werden mit Nah- und Fernkampfwaffen oder durch den Einsatz verschiedener Kampffähigkeiten und Zauber ausgeschaltet.
Im Laufe des Spiels entwickelt man seinen Charakter weiter, indem man stärkere Fähigkeiten und bessere Ausrüstungsgegenstände erwirbt; neue Ausrüstungsgegenstände kann man selbst herstellen oder anderweitig erwerben (z.B. von besiegten Gegnern). Unterwegs erhalten wir auch Rohstoffe, mit denen wir unsere Burg ausbauen können. Die Burg dient uns als Basis, als Lager für unsere Beute und als Sammelpunkt für unsere Truppen. Wir müssen also dafür sorgen, dass sie nicht nur schön aussieht, sondern auch möglichst praktisch ist. Wir rekrutieren unsere Soldaten aus den Menschen, die wir zu Vampiren machen wollen. Wir brauchen eine Armee, um in die Festungen anderer Spieler einzudringen und unsere eigene Festung zu verteidigen. Aber nichts hindert uns daran, uns mit anderen Spielern zu verbünden und uns gemeinsam allen Gefahren zu stellen.
V Rising wurde ausschließlich für den Multiplayer-Modus entwickelt.
Technische Aspekte
V Rising hat eine düstere Grafik. Das Spielerlebnis ist insgesamt auf einem guten Niveau.
V Rising kostenlos
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jeuxgratuits · 6 days
V Rising jouer gratuitement
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V Rising est un jeu de survie orienté multijoueur dans lequel nous incarnons un vampire. Le jeu a été développé par l'équipe de Stunlock Studios, une équipe suédoise qui compte à son actif des projets tels que Bloodline Champions et Battlerite.
L'histoire du jeu
V Rising nous emmène dans un monde fantastique et gothique. Dans le jeu, nous incarnons un vampire dont le rêve, qui a duré des centaines d'années, a pris fin. Le protagoniste essaie maintenant de retrouver sa force et de construire un véritable empire, qui sera craint par les habitants de cette terre sombre et par les monstres qui pullulent dans la nature, ainsi que par d'autres suceurs de sang.
Mécanismes de jeu
Dans V Rising, nous observons l'action d'un point de vue aérien. La production met à notre disposition un vaste monde ouvert. Nous y trouvons des forêts lugubres, des colonies plus ou moins grandes et de vastes souterrains. Comme nous jouons le rôle d'un vampire, nous ne pouvons nous permettre d'explorer librement que la nuit ; pendant la journée, nous sommes condamnés à nous cacher de la lumière du soleil et à nous faufiler dans l'ombre. Au cours du jeu, nous chassons les personnes qui sont la source du sang vital, pillons les villages, tuons les bandits et affrontons les soldats ennemis. En outre, nous combattons diverses créatures et nous nous mesurons à d'autres suceurs de sang. Les affrontements sont dynamiques et il faut faire preuve de dextérité et de réflexes (attaques opportunes et esquives). Les adversaires sont éliminés à l'aide d'armes blanches et à distance ou en utilisant diverses capacités de combat et des sorts.
Développement du personnage
Au fur et à mesure de votre progression, vous développez votre personnage en acquérant des compétences plus puissantes et un meilleur équipement ; vous pouvez fabriquer vous-même le nouvel équipement ou l'acquérir par d'autres moyens (par exemple en le prenant aux ennemis vaincus). En cours de route, nous obtenons également des matières premières qui nous permettent d'agrandir notre forteresse. Le château nous sert de base, d'endroit où nous pouvons stocker notre butin et de point de ralliement pour nos troupes. Nous devons donc veiller à ce qu'il soit non seulement beau, mais aussi le plus pratique possible. Nous recrutons des soldats parmi les humains que nous décidons de transformer en vampires. Nous avons besoin d'une armée à la fois pour envahir les fiefs des autres joueurs et pour défendre notre propre fief. Par ailleurs, rien ne nous empêche de former des alliances avec d'autres joueurs et d'affronter ensemble toutes sortes de dangers.
Modes de jeu
V Rising a été développé exclusivement pour le jeu multijoueur.
Aspects techniques
V Rising est doté d'un graphisme sombre. L'expérience globale est d'un niveau correct.
V Rising gratuit
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pc7ooo-ru · 19 days
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Последний шанс: к выходу из раннего доступа вампирское выживание V Rising подорожает почти вдвое
Вампирский экшен с элементами MMO и выживания V Rising от шведской Stunlock Studios (Battlerite) находится в раннем доступе уже почти два года и за всё это время ни разу не подорожал, однако всему хорошему рано или поздно приходит конец. Источник изображений: Stunlock Studios
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/04/04/398-posledniy-shans-k-vyhodu-iz-rannego-dostupa-vampirskoe-vyzhivanie-v-rising-podorozhaet-pochti-vdvoe-grss-296167500.html
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7ooo-ru · 1 month
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Вампирское выживание V Rising вырвется из гроба раннего доступа через два месяца — дата выхода и стильный трейлер с Дракулой
Разработчики из шведской Stunlock Studios (Battlerite) посредством портала IGN раскрыли дату выхода из раннего доступа своего вампирского экшена с элементами MMO и выживания V Rising. Источник изображений: Stunlock Studios
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/03/13/641-vampirskoe-vyzhivanie-v-rising-vyrvetsya-iz-groba-rannego-dostupa-cherez-dva-mesyaca-data-vyhoda-i-stilnyy-treyler-s-drakuloy-grss-290140969.html
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ouroborosorder · 7 months
really happy for all the gigantic fans out there now if we could have the same thing happen to battlerite please please please please please maybe please
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wiggz89 · 10 months
Top 5 video games?👀
Aw man this is so tough 😭 of all time?
1. Half-Life
2. Portal 2
3. Metal Gear Solid
4. Battlerite
5. For Honor
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zoishi · 1 year
El Hermano perdido del Battlerite | FANGS
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kazvent · 2 years
El desarrollador de V Rising muestra su sorpresa por el éxito del título, que ya suma un millón de unidades vendidas
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El último e inesperado fenómeno de Steam se llama V Rising, un RPG de acción y supervivencia con construcción de bases protagonizado por vampiros. El primer sorprendido por el éxito del título ha sido su propio equipo de desarrollo, la compañía sueca Stunlock Studios (Bloodline Champions, Battlerite), que poco se esperaba que una semana después de liberar el título mediante el acceso anticipado habría vendido un millón de unidades y registrado un pico de 150.645 jugadores simultáneos. “En absoluto esperaba a tanta gente”, dice Jeremy Fielding, responsable de la comunidad en Stunlock… Leer noticia completa y comentarios » from ElOtroLado.net https://ift.tt/m0fKUwp via IFTTT
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