#bb 99 prompts
bobasheebaby · 4 years
200 Brooklyn 99 Prompts
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1 “Talk to him, that's what friends do.” “Nope. I'm gonna wait 'til I'm on my deathbed, get in the last word and then die immediately.” “That's your plan for dealing with this?” “That's my plan for dealing with everything. I have seventy-seven arguments I'm going to win that way.”
2 “I'm already seeing somebody, NAME.” “Oh, and just like that, things got interesting.” “And just like that, I left.”
3 “NAME is even wearing his/her formal leather jacket.” “It's the one without any blood on it.”
4 “Right, that's the guy/girl you said the lame stuff about. Like he’s/she's a good listener.” “Sorry, what do you look for in a guy/girl?” “Real stuff, like the shape of his/her ass.”
5 “Sorry I'm late. I had to go back to the deli and return my Everything Bagel. In what world does everything not include beef jerky?” “All of them.”
6 “He/She also likes to look up recipes online and go, "Who's got the time?"
7 “Thank you, NAME. Your entire life is garbage.”
8 “NAME , tell us about your family.” “I have one.”
9 “Anyone over the age of six celebrating a birthday should go to hell.”
10 “I am dating his/her nephew/niece. Now we are hanging out on weekends. What is next? Oh! Small talk.”
11 “Wait, is that a smile I see?” “Possibly. My immune system is too weak to fight off my smile muscles.”
12 “Whoa, what happened? You know what, forget it. I'll just read NAME’s notes.”
13 “NAME? Are you stuck in there?” “No, I'm in here by choice.” “Oh, 'cause I hear some banging noises as if someone was struggling to open the door.” “No. That was the pipes.” “Or, is it the sound of you learning how to ask for help? You know, you can't spell ‘independent’ without ‘dependent.’” “And you can't spell ‘Go [bleep] yourself’ without ‘[bleep] you.’”
14 “I've said "excuse me" more times this morning than I have in my entire life. Twice!”
15 “Oh, nothing better after a long shift than coming to BAR NAME. It's like Cheers, where everybody knows your name.” “A place where everybody knows your name is hell. You're describing hell.”
16 “So, what is this? Casual, serious? I need to know how to make fun of you.”
17 “NAME and I broke up. He/She ate soup too much.” “What, like every day?” “It happened twice.”
18 “So, what are you drinking?” “I'll have a margarita. But, like, a skinny margarita. So, like, tequila, lime, and a tiny splash of agave.” “Mm. I refuse to order that.”
19 “What are you looking all wistful about?” “Just thinking, about relationships and love, and how I'm way better at them than I thought I'd be. Should I do a TED Talk on it?” “Doesn't seem any dumber than all the other TED Talks.”
20 “Why didn't you tell me? I had no idea things were getting that serious.” “Yeah, it's very embarrassing having feelings.”
21 “So are you bringing someone to the wedding?” “No, I'm taking a break from dating for a while.” “What?” “I'm sick of asking people how many siblings they have. Oh, is it somewhere between zero and two? How fascinating.”
22 “I grew a goatee and it looks amazing, and I know you can see it.” “Of course we can see it, NAME. It's horrible.”
23 “It feels like you're being a little harsh.” “Thanks, good note. I was going for extremely harsh. I'll turn it up.”
24 “Are your senses heightened?” “I think I might be pregnant, not bitten by a radioactive spider.”
25 “You're what sneezes are!”
26 “Seriously, you guys should stand up once in a while. You know, for your hearts.”
27 “NAME, this is dumb. I'm just gonna go.” “No, no, no. You promised me more time. I still have seven minutes.” “I really don't want to miss my flight, and I cannot physically stand the way that room smells anymore.” “Just breathe through your mouth.”
28 “You know, some people say, ‘Mo money, mo problems,’ but those people are idiots. Money's amazing.”
29 “Dude, just admit you ruined everything and turned our lives into a living hell. No biggie.”
30 “We don't want anyone getting alcohol poisoning, so if you throw up, you're disqualified.” “I never throw up. I just tell my stomach to deal with it. My body is terrified of me.”
31 “I also have a hairline fracture in my thumb. Mankind's least important finger, am I right?”
32 “I wasn't hurt that badly. The doctor said all my bleeding was internal. That's where the blood's supposed to be.”
33 “How much could I possibly owe you? Fifty, sixty bucks?” “Two thousand, four hundred and thirty seven dollars.” “Dollars?! Wait, of course dollars. Why was that the part I was surprised by?”
34 “So, I'm going to grab a healthy breakfast.” “Are those gummy bears wrapped in a fruit roll-up?” “Breakfast burrito, but yeah.” “I pity your dentist.” “Joke's on you. I don't have a dentist.”
35 “I'm talking to my credit card company. I tried to get an online subscription to the New Yorker and they declined me. Apparently, based on my previous purchases, they assumed it was fraud. That's crazy. I'm fancy. One time I had coffee-flavored ice cream.”
36 “Rules are made to be broken.” “They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.” “Uh, piñatas.” “Glow sticks.” “Karate boards.” “Spaghetti when you have a small pot.” “Rules.”
37 “Hey, can I ask you something?” “Mm-hmm.” “If the toilets drain into the ocean, does that mean a tiny shark could swim up and bite me in the butt?” “No, not at all.” “Psh, lame.”
38 “NAME, super important question. Which one of these shirts should I wear to dinner with your dad/mom tonight?” “Those are exactly the same.” “I have a signature look, NAME.”
39 “Hello, good sir, I'd like your finest bottle of wine, please.” “That will be $1,600.” “Great, I'd like your $8-est bottle of wine, please.”
40 “I am straight-up depressed. NAME’s been doing her best to cheer me up. He/She gave me this sticker this morning just for waking up.” “Ew, it's like you're dating your teacher.” “I know, it's so hot.”
41 “Wait. Before you say anything, I want to guess what happened based on your face. Someone died. No! You won a prize. I'm not getting better at this.”
42 “What is the bandwidth on the wifi here? We have much content to stream.”
43 “Oh, you sweaty, chair-spinning morons. You're gonna get us out of here.”
44 “Sir, I think I speak for all of us when —“ “He/She doesn't.” “He/She doesn't.”
45 “So, your brother/sister's a bit of a nightmare.” “I wouldn't say that. I mean, at most, he’s/she's a daymare.” “Those are so much scarier.” “Yeah.”
46 “Look, NAME, I burnt two hundred calories.” “That's your heart rate.” “Yeah, that checks out.”
47 “I don't slump, people. I opposite of slump. I pmuls. That's slump backwards and it's what I do. I pmuls all over this bitch.”
48 “Excuse me. We were just looking for a place to —“ “Boink.” “Yes, boink. That's my preferred term for it, too.”
49 “Thank you for doing this. I love you.” “Noice. Smort. I love you too.”
50 “Adult parties? I believe they're called orgies.”
51 “I have a sexy voice!
Mountain range.
52 “Has anyone ever told you you look just like a statue?” “Yes.”
53 “NAME, you're smiling. It's very weird. Like seeing a turtle out of its shell.”
54 “You look happy. Let me guess. Your egg sandwich fell on the floor, and they gave it to you for free.” “No. Can you do that? Why doesn't everyone just drop their sandwiches on the floor?” “I was trying to insult you.” “And instead you gave me an amazing life hack!”
55 “So, we gonna talk about what happened back there? I haven't seen someone cry that much since NAME heard they were remaking ‘First Wives Club.’”
56 “Hey, there, NAME. Everything okay?” “No, I'm having a meltdown.” “Props. That was amazing.” “Thanks. It was a lot of work.”
57 “Almost makes me wanna take things seriously all the time. But then I'm like ‘boobs, farts, boobs, whatever’.”
58 “Ahh, babe, this is so nice. There are hot stones on our butts for no reason.” “Not on mine. My butt stones keep falling off, because I'm so tense about NAME being here and ruining everything.”
59 “Okay, don't shoot! That's how people get shot.”
60 “Rule number 3: Let's not have sex right away.” “Cool. Cool cool cool cool cool. No doubt, no doubt, no doubt. Good rule. No sex. Good rule.”
61 “Okay, but I thought since you were in charge, maybe I could be your right hand man? Your Tinker Bell?” “Tinker Bell?” “Let me tell you something about Tinker Bell. Tinker Bell is a loyal lieutenant and a real thorn in the side of Captain Hook.”
62 “NAME, why don't you show Danger what a fax machine is.” “Okay. Imagine a letter had unprotected sex with a phone.”
63 “Hey, NAME, are you ready to go streaking?” “What?” “That's what my dad/mom and I called getting blonde streaks in your hair. We used to do it to our ponytails on road trips. You just take a little lemon up top, and let the sun do the rest. We called it giving each other road head.” “You just said you called it going streaking.” “It had a couple names.”
64 “So we have good news, and we have bad news.” “My Nana always said, ‘Bad news first because the good news is probably a lie.’ Fun fact: she made me cry a lot.”
65 “What about me? What if something happens to NAME, and he never gets to meet my baby? I don't want to hang out with some stupid baby who's never met NAME.”
66 “Oh, you're right. I'm gonna tell him/her. It might not be today. It might not be tomorrow. It definitely won't be later than tomorrow. So pretty much today or tomorrow then.”
67 “No! I was eavesdropping. I'm always eavesdropping.” “I don't like it.” “Look, I didn't spend the last seven years watching your love ripen, only to have it sullied by a city hall wedding. You're getting married right here, right now.”
68 “I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like him/her a little bit.” “You doodled your wedding invitation.” “No, that's our joint tombstone.” “My mistake.”
69 “How many times have I smacked you in your face?” “Lost count.” “And you still have no fear of me.” “I'm trying to read your womb vibe.” “Exactly. Knock it off.”
70 “Okay, first of all, NAME, you look amazing. Secondly, I made an appointment at the salon with Nikki, for you, under the name Gabriella Fuentes de San Miguel Estrada. I had fun with the name.” “Clearly.”
71 “He’s/She's got a type, which is really any one but you.” “Yeah, that was my ex-husband/ex-wife's type, too.”
72 “Sexy train is leaving the station. Check out this caboose. Later, sluts.”
73 “I can't wait to see you, my luscious little breakfast quiche. I just want to draw you a bubble bath and spoon-feed you caviar. I think we should open up a joint checking account. I love you. [pause] What am I doing?” “It's okay. I hung up right after ‘Chucklebunny’.” “Help me. I've gone Full NAME.”
74 “Do you desire a crispen potato?” “Oh, don't mind if I do-ble. Wait a minute. Crispen potato. Why are you fancy talking.” “How dare you, sir/madam. I speak the common tongue.” “There it is again. You only do that when you're lying or hiding something.” “Hiding? Ha. Pish-posh.”
75 “Hey, donut holes. Don't mind if I do. Eurgh! Fish? Fish donuts, NAME? What is wrong with you?” “It's takoyaki. I'm drowning my sorrows in octopus balls.”
76 “Put on a T-shirt for all I care. It doesn't matter what you wear.” “Of course it matters. He has to wear the smaller checks. Big checks wash him out. Where are you, NAME?”
77 “Ooh, if they have your phone, we can track where they're going. I have ‘Find My Phone’ set up to track you. What? I do that for all my friends, not just you.” “Show me.” “There's no time!”
78 “You okay?” “Yeah, no burns. The doctor said I was lucky my body was so damp.”
79 “You guys have been down here for two hours. What, did you have sex forty times?”
80 “What? You don't need closet space. You have, like, one outfit.”
81 “You just graduated pie school, bitches. [pause] Sorry I said bitches, I'm just really worked up.”
82 “So, I know you're NAME’s best friend, and —“ “Did he/she say that? Did you get that on tape?” “No.” “No, he/she didn't say that or no, you didn't get it on tape? Doesn't matter. Either way, you screwed up big time.”
83 “What you did is the culinary equivalent of unprotected sex.”
84 “That's right. Boom. Just kicked Santa in the testicles.”
85 “No, there's no one in my life. [wink] Sort of a sad thing to wink about, I realize now.”
86 “NAME! Were you dreaming about NAME again?” “Why did you wake me up?! I told you never to wake me up!”
87 “You used all the touching time, NAME. I get 100% of the goodbye touching time. 100%.”
88 “Do you wanna know why he/she went out with him/her and not you?” “Yeah.” “Because he/she actually asked him/her out.”
89 “NAME, will you taste this batter?” “Mm-hmm. Hmm. I think it's a little off.” “You know what's off? Your mouth! Why NAME lets your stupid tongue anywhere near him/her I'll never know. Nope, I forgot the sugar. That's on me.”
90 “There's no need for NAME to see me unleash the beast.”
Captain Holt
91 “Look at you. Always working. What happened to my fun big/little brother/sister?” “Fun? I was never fun. You take that back.”
92 “It's the most fun day of the year. Something you wouldn't understand because you're not programmed to feel joy.” “Yes, but my software is due for an exuberance upgrade.”
93 “Sticks and stones, NAME.” “Describing your breakfast?”
94 “NAME, how are you feeling?” “Better today. I even managed to eat some plain toast this morning.” “Smart. Something bland.” “That's my favorite breakfast.”
95 “Joining us for lunch, Sir?” “Oh, no, I've already consumed the required calories for this day period.” “Yummy.”
96 “You all right, NAME? Tough weekend?” “I went to Barbados with my husband/wife. We wove hats out of palm fronds and swam with the stingrays. I've never been happier.”
97 “Maybe I should wing it. Love, it sustains you. It's like oatmeal.” “Okay. Okay. Not bad for winging it.” “I lied. Took me two hours to write that.”
98 “I do not have a problem. If I want to play Kwazy Cupcakes, I will play Kwazy Cupcakes. Kwazy is a difficult word to say in anger, but I think I've made my feelings clear.”
99 “This place is so romantic.” “Yeah, and so intimate.” “Don't worry. I'm not listening to you. I'm just thinking about how this sea bass is cold but not as cold and cruel as the hands of fate that have thrust my entire life into darkness.” “Ah, damn it. I just ordered the sea bass.”
100 “Yeah, and your new shirt is very aggressive and confusing. Is the pineapple the slut, or is it calling someone else a slut?” “Clearly the pineapple is the slut.” “Huh.”
101 “Oh, I've caused a problem. I think I am getting a text message. Bloop. Ah, there it is.”
102 “So nice of you to greet us, NAME. I thought surely you'd still be crushed under that house in Munchkinland.”
103 “So, do you NAME --“ “Yes.” “And do you --“ “Yes. Yes. We do. We're married.”
104 “I mean, don't people call you NAME?” “How dare you.”
105 “So you lied to me? Out of pity. You pity me.” “I wouldn't put it that way.” “I would. I am offended. I am angry. I am very tired. So I'm gonna take a nap, but when I wake up, oh, you are in for it.”
106 “Look at that. You've helped me find my smile.”
107 “Huh. Meat from the street. Sounds like a fun treat. Hah. I'm a poet and ... I didn't even know I was rhyming those words. But it happened anyway.”
108 “Oh, look at that. An alert. I'm probably trending already. What? My account has been deactivated?” “Twitter thinks you're a bot.” “Why? I am a human. I am a human male/female.”
109 “Care to sit? I'm sure you'd like to take some weight off your cloven hooves.” “Call me the devil, NAME? How original.” “Actually, I was calling you a goat. You goat.”
110 “NAME! I'm coming with you.” “Thank you, NAME.” “I'm also coming.” “Not necessary.”
111 “Spot checks are done. Needless to say I'm thoroughly underwhelmed.” “Huh. From your expression, I would have guessed constipated. Or chilly.”
112 “NAME, you have a pretty low bar for what you consider drama. Once, I used an exclamation point in a email. You called me Diana Ross.” “I assure you, in this case, I do not exaggerate.”
113 “I know they say it's not good to have a TV in the bedroom. Which is why I don't.”
114 “NAME, did you just laugh?” “Uproariously.”
115 “You know when you play along with the robot jokes, it kinda ruins my enjoyment of them?” “Yes, I know.”
116 “And what do you hope to get out of this, NAME? Let me guess revenge on Dorothy for killing your sister?”
117 “It was a good game though for a dumbass.” Okay, you're kinda overusing that one. Maybe switch it up a little bit.” “Oh, good note. You dick.” “That landed good.”
118 “Dancing over. Situation defused.” “No!”
119 “All right, NAME, I'm sick of you wasting time. So, yes, I spilled some minestrone on my pants and I'm sitting in my underwear. Happy?”
120 “You found me. Drinking seltzer in the shadows.”
121 “It's a sloppy Jessica. Mac n cheese, chili, pizza on a bun. Its everything I've wanted to eat for the last 48 hours.” “What happened? I thought you were gonna 'last forever bitches.'” “Turns out I gave up easy. You hear that bitches? I gave up so easy.”
122 “If NAME had a twin, he/she would have eaten him/her in the womb.”
123 “Wait a minute, I think I just figured something out. I got to go.” “Aren't you forgetting something?” [person a gives Person b a kiss on the forehead] “Uh no, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?”
124 “The English language can not fully capture the depth and complexity of my thoughts. So I'm incorporating Emoji into my speech to better express myself. Winky face.”
125 “All right, gang. Diet day 4. How's everyone holding up?” “Honestly, I'm going to last forever. You hear that bitches? I'm gonna last forever.”
126 “If I die, turn my tweets into a book!”
127 “The only reason I didn't tell you is I don't value you as people, so why be honest?”
128 “Breakups are a cartoony thumbs down. They make people feel face-with-Xs-for-the-eyes.”
129 “I'm sorry. I just don't think this is something you're good at.” “What? The only thing I'm not good at is modesty, because I'm great at it.”
130 “Click. I just captured the exact moment you realized you had failed. I guess we all got something out of this.”
131 “It's so addictive, right? I play so much that when I close my eyes at night, I just see cupcakes instead of my normal dizzying array of flashing lights.”
132 “Forget your ex with meaningless sex. It rhymes because it's true.”
133 “NAME. NAME. NAME, I screwed up, big time.” “NAME, given your daily life experiences, you're gonna have to be more specific.”
134 “So, talk to me, goose. How are we looking?” “Sexy, but not like we're trying too hard. Like, sure, we're trying, but it's almost effortless.”
135 “Give me the ring.” “You sound like Gollum.” “That means nothing to me. I don't see those movies, I'm too pretty.”
136 “Oh no, six drink NAME isn't fun. He’s/She's just sad. Damn it!”
137 “I never have second thoughts. That's the luxury of having great first thoughts.”
138 “Ugh, constantly getting NAME’s approval is the worst.” “Yes. I can only imagine.”
139 “You think you can just bully people, but you can't. It's not okay. I'm the bully around here. Ask anyone.”
140 “This just might work out after all.” “You're damn right it will, 'cause we're a ragtag, scrappity, fart-dumb, moron parade, smart-ass team!”
141 “Okay, NAME, stop freaking out. I have the day off. I can step in and help.” “Yeah, me too. I'm not off, but I come and go as I please. It's part of my charm. I'm like an outdoor cat.”
142 “Gina, please keep an eye on NAME today. He's/She’s gonna say something to the wrong person and get himself/herself punched.” “Sure, I'd love to see NAME get punched.” “Try again.” “I will stop NAME from getting punched.” “Correct.”
143 “Oh, I want him/her out. But I'm too scared to tell him/her. “ “All right, listen. I know that your spirit animal is a caterpillar that's been stepped on —“ “Mm-hmm.”
144 “What are you creeps doing? You made me look away from my phone. You better pray I didn't miss a text.” “In the two seconds you looked away?” “Seventeen texts. All of them important.”
145 “What is my favorite soup?” “Chicken noodle.” “Potato leek.” “Corn frickin' noodle. I mean, chowder, damn it.” “You're all wrong. I've never had soup.” “Don't bother. They all suck.”
146 “Okay, so that plumber was useless. But we are two smart and capable people who can definitely figure out how to fix a toilet.” “Of course we can. The internet will tell us what to do. She always does.”
147 “It's crazy how much he/she flirts with me.”
148 “Good morning.” “For whom?” “For you-m.”
149 “So he/she didn't say what happened, which can only mean one thing.” “He's/She’s in a fight club.”
150 “What's up? How can I help?” “Well, when I was a kid, I invented a magnetic flashlight clip so I could read under the covers. This clip and I went all around the world together the Shire, Sweet Valley High, Terabithia.” “But never to a friend's house, huh?” “Uncalled for.”
151 “That stuff with us is in the past. We talked about that.” “I know, but that was before you saw me in this dope ass tux. I mean you must be freaking out.” “Oh, I really am. I'm really into rented clothes. I love how many butts have been in them.”
152 “You know, we're birds of a feather, you and I.” “I hate cliches.” “Cliches are the worst.”
153 “And now I don't know what to do.” “I think you do know what to do.” “Thanks, NAME.” [leaves the room] “I have no idea what he’s/she's gonna do but that's the safest way to give NAME advice.” “Yep.”
154 “Insult me all you want, for I have only this to say —“ “Victory shall be mine!” “I heard you practicing in the shower. You can't surprise me. Letting me into your life was the worst mistake you ever made.” “Cool, fun take on our relationship.”
155 “NAME, where you at?” “Four drinks.” “What's four-drink NAME again?” “Why don't you come over here and find out?” “Right, Horny NAME”
156 “I'm sorry. We only excluded you because you're kind of an over-texter.” “Over-texter? That's not even a thing.” “Oh really? So you don't remember the time you sent 97 unanswered texts in a five-minute span?” “My phone vibrated itself off the desk. I think it was committing suicide.”
157 “What the hell? I used NAME's exact recipe. I know I'm not a great cook, but I love following instructions.”
158 “What's going on? Is this a dream? No, I'm not holding a label maker.”
159 “My power went out last night and my alarm didn't go off.” “Your alarm is power dependent? You brought this on yourself, son.”
160 “I'd also like to apologize for my friend. His /Her parents didn't give him/her enough attention.”
161 “I'm in! A bet which improves someone's manners? Double score.”
162 “He’s/She's scared.” “He’s/She's not scared. With all due respect, NAME, NAME has no feelings.”
163 “I'm so cold even my fiery dance moves aren't keeping me warm.”
164 “I'm sorry. I tried to be myself and they hated it.”
165 “All right, someone's gotta go out there and kill that feathery bastard. NAME, you're always looking for an excuse to behead something.”
Sergeant Jeffords
166 “It was like taking candy from a baby.” “Why are you giving candy to a baby in the first place? Don't give candy to a baby! They can't brush their teeth!”
167 “I was raised on disco. Little NAME loved to hustle.”
168 “Or is your favorite artist really Taylor Swift?” [Scoffs] “No.” “Lie.” “All right, fine, she is. She makes me feel things.” “She makes all of us feel things!”
169 “Urgh, what's in these?” “Potatoes, butter, a little milk. Oh, and I ran out of salt, so I used baking soda.” “Why wouldn't you? They're both white powders. Of course they're interchangeable.” “Yeah.”
170 “I warned you against using donuts. They're my trigger food.”
171 “Hey, NAME, you know how you're really good at doodling?” “I know you think you're complimenting me, but calling them doodles is an insult. You a big fan of Picasso's doodles?”
172 “Your tone's braggy but your words are real sad.”
173 “See, NAME? Tough love works.” “Damn it! NAME proved the wrong point.”
174 “Now, be respectful and grieve your asses off.” “I don't know why this is happening.” “NAME, I love it. Everyone follow his/her lead!”
175 “Everything's spoiled. My lunch is ruined. My chicken, my potatoes, pasta, my meatballs, ham, my yogurt.” “Wow, that's a lot of yogurt.” “I love yogurt.”
176 “Kind of seemed like you were gonna get up and leave after saying all that.” “I was, but I think I hear NAME.”
177 “You better look cute in this picture, or no one's gonna want you. Do something with your damn paws!”
178 “My tolerance has really changed since I had kids!”
179 “I'm hungry!” “Oh, you're in luck; the fanny pack is filled with granola.” “Mmm! Loose granola.” “I don't want fanny granola! I want steaks and whiskey!”
180 “You probably can't tell, but I'm flexing my brain like crazy right now.”
181 “What's that smell? That's lavender. NAME loves lavender.”
182 “Okay. Excuse me. Can we please eat? My body is starting to digest itself. NAME needs nutrients!”
183 “Don't look at me. NAME wastes all that time building muscles, make him do it.” “Oh, come on, you all know these are just for show.”
184 “Sorry? You bumbling son of a bitch. You just ruined my life. I hope you get hit by a truck and a dog takes a dump on your face.” “Nothing to see here. Just a little hypoglycaemic rage. Move along.”
185 “I feel like a proud mama hen whose baby chicks have learned to fly!”
186 “NAME, why do you have your shirt off?” “Can't spill food on your shirt if you're not wearing one.”
187 “What bet? What are you guys talking about?” “Seriously? The bet? They've been keeping score all year. It comes up all the time. What are you doing all day?!” “Nothing. Why, you want to hang out?”
188 “So you just want us to lie on the ground and do nothing like a bunch of losers?” “Yes, precisely.” “No!” “Jackpot!”
189 “I don't like it. Something stinks.” “Well, I'm sorry, but I refuse to mask my natural musk with a bunch of chemicals.”
190 “My God. NAME, are you the only person still making sense?” “Yeah. It's bad.”
191 “All right, food is ready, decorations are set, guests should start arriving any moment, and the chairs are still perfection.” “He/She said they're perfection. I'm so proud of you, buddy.” “It was you. You made this happen.”
192 “Who do you think it's gonna be?” “I've no idea.” “I bet it's me. I just hope I'm ready.”
193 “Okay, look, this was maybe a weird way to start the night, but the good news is, we can still make our dinner reservation and no one got hurt.” “Actually, I cut myself real bad.” “Of course you did.”
194 “Oh, so your plan is to not take this seriously at all?” “Oh, I am as serious as a heart attack. No offense, NAME.” “Nah. Mine are never that serious. I call 'em ‘oopsies’.”
195 “I miss my home chair.” “You miss a chair?”
196 “Are those thumbtacks? What the hell, NAME?” “I thought they'd make good confetti.” “Why?”
197 “All right, anyone else have questions? NAME, NAME, you've been weirdly silent.” “We didn't want to say anything that would get us uninvited.”
198 “Okay, first of all, I want to say that this was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make. There is so much talent in this room.” “Just tell us, bitch. Act as if you already have the role.”
199 “I'll be back. Don't move.” “Not a problem. I hate moving.”
200 “Where should we begin? Do you have any experience with puzzles?” “Yes. I've never solved one.”
41 notes · View notes
cuddlyscribe · 3 years
Had to jump on the alphabet train because for some reason I love it when people do this?? Like it’s such a good idea and clever 😂 ANYWHO, let’s get C, K, W for itachi? Hmm? I had another letter but completely forgot as I was writing this so sorry! Ahaha thanks bb!
KALIAAAAA!!! thank you so much for this request! 🥰❤️ I love the alphabet too, it’s one of my favorite prompt lists EVERR. I hope you enjoy, my dear! 😍
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c ➜ cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
if you’ll let him, Itachi’s favorite place to cum is either inside you or on you 
giving him a blowjob? please prepare yourself because when itachi cums he cums buckets 
he feels really bad about it if your gag reflex kicks in; but if you can take it all and swallow without blinking, he’s hard as fuck all over again 
....can you say cum eating kink?? cuz he’s got one of those. speaking of which... 
k ➜ kink (one or more of their kinks) 
Itachi is obsessed with tasting you and having your cum on his tongue. doesn’t matter how, he just wants to taste you 
this goes hand in hand with his praise kink, which is mostly giving but he wouldn’t say no to receiving 
he could talk for hours about how amazing you taste to him, honestly 
Itachi likes to mix his praise kink with his slightly sadistic side, teasing and punishing you while reminding you how good you’re taking it all 
w ➜ wild card (a random headcanon) 
I headcanon itachi as a bit of a switch in bed, and lemme just say that this is my own kinks talking LOL that his ahegao face is TOP TIER 
His main goal like 99% of the time is to please you, and he will gladly take the strap if that’s what you want 
Don’t be surprised if he moans very, very loud when you’re fucking him from behind. He can’t control himself 🥰
He’s got his eyes crossed, tongue out, drooling, the whole nine yards. it’s heavenly 
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imagineyourworld · 3 years
Congrats on the 100! That's fantastic! :) I was wondering if you could do prompt 2 with BB era Echo, please?
Thank you so much <3!
I hope you'll like it.
Love, Charlie
Echo x Genderneutral!Reader
Warnings: None
2. Friends to Lovers
So far you didn't regret your decision to leave Kamino with the Bad Batch and Omega, but every now and then you questioned it a bit. Though whenever you were in one of those moods, as you liked to call it, there was Echo. Even just looking at him, hearing his voice or, even better, his laugh, in the distance helped you realize that you had in fact made the right choice. Before you left you had been a medic on Kamino, often assigned to Clone Force 99. That's how you met Echo, shortly after he joined the group, and how the two of you became close. After his rescue he had to spend a lot more time in the med bay than his brothers and you quickly came to the realization that he wasn't too fond of the droids that usually took care of the smaller injuries, which is why you made an effort to be there for him the second he entered the cold and sterile environment. To say that Echo instantly warmed up to you would be a lie, but once he did it was like the two of you had been friends forever. He told you everything, not only classified facts about the missions he went on with the others or the habits and characteristics of each member of the Bad Batch, but also about his other brothers. Fives, Rex, Jesse, soon you felt as if you knew them as well. His voice grew fond when he spoke of them, and you couldn't help but feel for him when he told you about everything he and his brothers had been through. In retrospect you should have known that you were in love with him way earlier, but the realization only hit you when he stormed into your small room, asking you to run away with him. You knew the right thing to do would be to alert the Kaminoans, the Empire, any sort of authority figure and to lock Echo in your room until they arrived. But the way he held out his hand, his human hand, for you to take and the hopeful look in his eyes made you throw your few belongings in an old backpack and follow him to the Marauder. Since then you've been through ups and downs, and the only constant in your new life was Echo. Echo, who had grown from your favourite patient, to your friend, to your best friend and now the man you were hopelessly in love with, something that Omega, with her childlike curiosity and emotional intelligence, seemed to have picked up on. "Why don't you ask him out?", Omega asked you, a question she seemed to have every now and then. "Because I don't know if he likes me", you told her. With a sigh that was just a bit louder than intentioned you closed the drawer of medical supplies you had just been sorting through. "Of course he likes you, he's your best friend", the girl replied. You now leaned against the drawer and looked at her. In the short time you had been travelling together it seemed as if she had grown already, you'd have to buy her some new clothes the next time you stopped somewhere. "I know he likes me, but I don't know if he likes me like I like him." You jumped as a new voice entered the conversation. "If you're talking about romantic feelings, I'm certain Echo has those for you", Tech told you matter of factly. Omega shot you an I told you so look, which made you roll your eyes. You liked every member of your small group, you really did, but did they have to get involved in this? "You really should just talk to him", Tech added before he left, a bacta patch in his hand.
Talk to him, echoed in your mind all day. Easier said than done, but you knew that the more time you spend with Echo, the more inevitable it became. Maybe this was your opportunity. The two of you were out on a supply run, alone. The planet was small, but peaceful and you had time for a conversation. "Hey, Echo", you started, not even knowing what you were going to say next. "Mhm," he replied while shifting through a stack of second hand shirts. "I... You... You're my best friend, right?", you stuttered. You could see him nod absentmindedly from where you stood behind him. "Do you think Omega would like this?", he suddenly asked, turning around holding a cozy looking grey jumper with a black skull, not unlike the Batch's symbol, in the center of it. Your eyes went from Echo to the jumper and back to the clone. So much for a confession. But maybe it was a good thing, maybe you shouldn't tell him in a market, surrounded by so many other people. After all, telling your best friend that you were in love with him was supposed to be a private affair. "I'm sure she'll love it." A small smile made its way to Echo's face. You knew he didn't have much to give, not in the way of credits or material things at least, so he valued every small gift he could give. You still had a shiny rock in your backpack, which Echo had brought back for you just a few days after you met because its colour reminded him of the colour of your eyes. Looking back at it you should have known that you would eventually fall in love with that man right that moment. Or when he had returned, bloody and beaten with a malfunctioning right leg, but instead of focusing on his injuries the only thing on his mind had been to give you the necklace you now wore every day. It was simple, a silver chain with a star at the end, but it was the most valuable thing you possessed. "I still have a few credits to spare, would you like anything?", Echo asked after he paid for the jumper. You shook your head. While there are things you would want, you knew that you couldn't, shouldn't, ask for them right now. And you also knew that asking Echo to buy something for himself instead would lead nowhere, you'd tried often enough. "How about we get something to eat instead? I saw this cute little bakery on our way into town." Echo agreed and just a few minutes later the two of you walked out of the bakery, each with something called a star explosion in hand, as well as four more in your pockets for the others. "I understand the star part, but why explosion?", you asked as you looked down at the star shaped treat in your hands. Your eyes went to Echo, who had just taken his first bite and now looked at you in wonder. "Ochet", he mumbled, trying to chew and speak at the same time. You couldn't help but laugh. Most of the time Echo was serious, sometimes bordering on stern, but every now and then there was a hint of the man he might have been before his entire world went to shit, a humorous and lively side of him came to light. "Chocolate", he said again, this time with an empty mouth, but a bit of creamy nougat clinging to his bottom lip. Your laughter died down, but the smile remained. You knew that Echo loved chocolate, and rarely ever got to eat it. "A treat as sweet as you, it seems", you said, half joking and half serious. Echo didn't reply, he just looked at you in a way he's never looked at you before. Colour was rising to his pale cheeks, a sure sign that he didn't quite know what to say to that. "You think I'm sweet?", he finally asked. Now blood was rising to your cheeks as well. Maybe now was the time to confess. You had left the town behind, now walking along a flowery meadow, some might say this was the perfect opportunity. "I do." You decided not to say anything else for the moment, waiting for Echo's reaction. He smiled at you. A smile that was so sweet and genuine it warmed your heart. "I think you're sweet as well." Your heartbeat started to quicken at his words. Could this be it? The moment of truth? The point of no return? "Yeah?", you
asked, deciding in the last moment to delay your confession a bit longer. "Yeah", Echo confirmed. He looked at you and then at the star explosion in your hand. "In fact, I think you're a lot sweeter than chocolate." There was humour, but also sincerity in his voice. The hopeful part of yourself had a feeling where this was going to go, so you played along. "I think your heart is warmer than the jumper you bought for Omega." Echo laughed as he looked around, clearly trying to come up with something else. "I think you smell better than all the flowers in the galaxy combined", he told you, his eyes flitting between you and a flower on the edge of the path you were walking. Within a few quick seconds he had bent down and picked it for you, securing it behind your ear. "Good one", you told him with a smile. "I think... I think you're hotter than the twin suns on Tatooine." You knew this was a bolder statement than the ones before, but judging by the look on Echo's face he didn't mind at all. Instead he brushed the pad of his thumb along your jawline. It was only then that you noticed that not only had the two of you slowed down, you had stopped walking all together, now standing alone in the middle of the meadow with the setting sun in the distance. "I think you're more beautiful than the first ray of sunlight after a long night", he said, his voice now close to a whisper. This is is, the voice in your head told you. You took a deep breath, leaned into his soft touch and looked him deep in the eyes before you finally confessed. "I think I love you more than anyone else in the galaxy." For a moment Echo didn't say anything and you began to fear that you had ruined everything, this moment, your friendship, your future with the Bad Batch. But then a smile broke out on his face, brighter and happier than any you had seen before. "I know I love you more than anyone else in the galaxy, cyar'ika." Now it was your turn to smile. You leaned a bit closer, closing the last few centimeters between the two of you, and brushed your nose lightly against his. "Good, because I know too." "Yeah?" "Yeah." It only took that little word for Echo gently press his lips against yours. That first kiss was short and sweet and perfect. As was the second one. Only when your lips met for the third time did it turn a bit hungrier, more pressing. Echo opened his mouth to allow you to take the last hint of chocolate remaining on his tongue. Now that you've tasted both you could confirm that Echo was in fact a lot sweeter than any chocolate in the galaxy. "We should get back to the others", you whispered against his lips after yet another kiss. "I know", Echo mumbled, his lips now pressing soft kisses on your jawline. "But they can wait a few minutes, I've waited way longer for this, for you." Who were you to deny him? After all, you had waited for this moment just as long as he had.
I don't know what it is about Echo that always makes me want to write the softest fluff for him, but he deserves the world after everything he's been through (as well as lots of chocolate and kisses)
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dameronology · 3 years
1. From the angst prompt list with Poe??
ok this was a super popular one for poe, like 3 or 4 people requested this oof time to hurt !! even tho this one is a little more light-hearted than all the others i have planned muahaha 
poe dameron + “i needed you and you weren’t there.”
It had taken Poe Dameron no less than five minutes to work-out that you were being off with him. But, with that said, it would have been fairly fucking obvious to practically anyone that you were less than pleased with the pilot. Maybe had been the way you were staring daggers at him across the canteen in the morning, or the way you’d completely blanked him when he’d tried to greet you. It had been then that he realised you’d never sent him a good morning text - as was customary when you slept apart - or even a good night one. On the whole, he was a pretty smart guy, but 99% of the time when it came to you? He was clueless. You could have held up a sign that said ‘POE, I’M MAD!’ and he still wouldn’t have got it. 
So, he was proud of himself for picking it up so quickly - then ensued the challenge of working out what exactly was wrong. Once he’d got his breakfast and some caff down him, he resorted to his office with his beloved droid to investigate.
“Was it our anniversary?” He peered down at BB-8, who was parked under the desk. The droid beeped back a quick no, not till next month.
“Damn,” Poe muttered. “How about a birthday?”
That was also a negative. 
“Maybe just try asking them?” BB-8 chirped. 
Poe sighed to himself, before grabbing his datapad and standing up. According to your calendar, you didn’t have any important meetings til that afternoon - that meant that hopefully, just hopefully, you might be willing to give him the time of day. 
Your own office was just down the corridor, a few doors down from his. Everyone on the base and their mother knew that you had a strict no knocking before 9AM rule, but it had never applied to Poe - at least not when you were on good terms. He was willing to risk his head to talk to you, especially when you were already so close to biting it off anyways. 
“Babe?” He gently called. “Wanna talk?”
You glanced up from your datapad, thinning your eyes at him. “How nice of you to make an appearance.”
Poe sighed, stepping inside and carefully shutting the door behind him. He tossed his own tablet onto the desk, taking a seat opposite you. In his experience, you had two kinds of mad: loud mad and quiet mad. Loud mad was always a little less dangerous than quiet mad. That was usually when you were seething. 
“I know I’ve done something,” he began. “I just need a little help figuring out what.”
“Are you serious?” you scoffed. “That sounds like a you problem-”
“- c’mon,” he whined. “Don’t be like that.”
Leaning back in your chair, you folded your arms across your chest, glare boring further into the depths of his very soul. He tried to offer you a smile, but it was immediately wiped away by the deepening of your frown. Before now, Poe hadn’t realised how tired you looked, which was weird, because you always made a point to get an early-
- fuck. 
Now, he remembered. Now, he got it.
He was supposed to - nay, he’d promised to - help you fix the fleet of X-Wings that had gone down last week. Because not only was he the dumb-ass whose recklessness had let them get damaged, he was also the dumb-ass who had managed to get forgiveness from you and Leia by promising to fix them. And god forbid she ever find out, because if the General had it out for him, your anger compared to hers was practically nothing. If your fury was like a lion, Leia Organa’s was a fucking tyrannosaurus rex. 
“The X-Wings,” Poe let out a loan groan. “I was supposed to help fix them, wasn’t I?”
“There we go,” you gave him a phoney grin. “Now you’ve got it!”
“Did you fix them all yourself?”
“Every. Single. One.” 
“Babe, I am so sorry-”
“- I needed you and you weren’t there!” You cut him off. “Do you know anything about internal combustion engines? Because I certainly don’t! I’m pretty sure all those jets are worst off than before I got my hands on them-”
“- probably. You aren’t the best engineer,” Poe absent-mindedly muttered. Because that was going to help, right? “Wait! I mean...no, there’s nothing I can say. You definitely made them worst.”
“No, keep talking,” you huffed, “you’re doing a great job! See how deep of a hole you can dig yourself.”
He sighed, reaching out to hold your hands across the table. “I’ll help you tonight, I promise. And I’ll teach you all the workings of the engines too, so you can be less...awful.”
“Counter proposal,” you shot back. “You clear your free time this afternoon and help me then, and I won’t snitch to Leia that you forgot, or that you were the reason they even needed repairing in the first place.”
“Deal,” he grinned. “I really am sorry.”
“I know,” you gave his hands a light-squeeze. “You’re a dumbass, but I love you.”
“I love you too.” 
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ladyvesuvia · 3 years
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Thank you to everyone who participated! All interactions are under the tag #vesuvia’s 100 followers tea party
UM I- OMG JDJFJEKAOA haha writing this while at 99 followers because nothing can amount to how validated i feel right now
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I’ve only been here for about three weeks and within that time I have met a bunch of sweet and talented people. UM DO I HAVE THE PERMISSION TO TYPE INCOHERENTLY JDHRIWQ THANK YOU GUYS I LOVE U SM THIS IS ALREADY SO MUCH FOR ME 😩💗
I consider this a very valuable milestone, so I’ll be doing something for you all in return. We’ll be having a mini-celebration — a tea party! (I’ve been dreaming of this omg I have a collection of dishes, teacups, and teapots that gave me the idea for this)
ENDS: April 30, 2021 11:59PM
Note: ok i started this around tuesday but i only got the chance to upload now because of school dofjwiaoa thank you again guys i was looking forward to this!
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Here’s a set of mini-games I’ve prepared. All you have to do is send the specific emoji to my asks, and I’ll try and answer right away!
i’ll be opening my requests for the first time! it has limited options tho huhu sorry. i’ll be doing songfics, click here to see my requesting guide.
🍰 - send just one to two random facts about you and i’ll tell you who i’d ship you with! (and if you want a male or female ship) || i’m probably gonna ask my friends for help because i suck at this hHAHAHAHA
☕️ - this or that! make me pick between two things :))
🍪 - request a songfic oneshot! simply send in my asks the character + the song you want. (ex: harry potter + downtown train by everything but the girl) request guidelines | prompt lists
🌸 - request a oneshot. just send in my asks the character + a random word + fluff/angst if you want, you may also add 1-3 one-liner prompts. (ex: harry potter + cupcake + fluff) request guidelines | prompt lists
🧁 - fmk! you know what to do huni, send me characters from the Harry Potter Universe or The Lunar Chronicles and i’ll. . .you know.
🥞 - get to know me and ask me anything! (nothing too personal tho)
🫖 - rant to me and tell me some tEAAAA mhm yes let’s dish. jk just tell me something random — literally anything bb
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@mendesxruel @just2bubbly @fjorelaant @amourtentiaa @mrzweasley @samineisntmyname @isolenmlyswear69 @avrilstaro @hellohellook + everyone else who was nice to me, hyped up my stories, gave me advice, and more i wanted to write something but I worried that one message would be longer or shorter than the rest and I started to panic I love you all 🥺💕
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vanosslirious · 3 years
BBS Dialogue Prompts #99
BBS Dialogue Prompts & Sentence Starters: [10]
I need my security partner.
I was so scared, I thought you died, and I came back and you're here.
You literally copied what I drew.
We didn't talk about this.
Oh shit, somebody died.
Are you sure?
He's my pet.
This ain't spooky.
The meeting room area...what the fuck that's called.
I feel safe when I'm with you.
You son of a bitch, you didn't think I would be alive, huh?
He fucking came out of nowhere.
Holy shit, what the fuck is that?
You popped up and gave me a Christmas gift.
They're probably talking...
They're at the table doing nothing.
I feel like he's going to look here.
How are we going to survive this?
Which way are we going?
I'm going to sit on the outside of the building.
I wanna look back on that.
I heard her throw shit, but not the door.
Hold on, there's a ghost calling me.
She only wanted you, or she would've grabbed me.
I brought every possible piece of equipment.
Okay, I threw a grenade.
I'm meeting you at the end of the generators of death.
This is too tall for me.
Let me get a running start.
I don't know, let's do it.
You might be the worst villain.
No, you're doing a shit job at defending yourself.
But I caught you on the cameras!
Why can I still hear you?
We're a thruple, baby.
Am I alive? Am I alive?
Well, let me tell you what just happened.
Give me your powers, bitch.
That's some fucking dumb bullshit!
Are you buying Pokémon cards or something?
Oh, that's where I'm going.
This is the one.
Ow, my head.
I fucked that up.
That looks way easier.
How the fuck did I do that?
Alright, come on, you-you son of a bitch.
I might as well get it over with now.
She's beginning to threaten me now.
Is that a threat?
I'm cancelling this.
Then fucking report it then!
How many fucking people do you want to claim that it was?
Let it slide, it's his first time.
This is so intense.
Thank you, I appreciate that, now stay the fuck away from storage.
I don't want it to end.
Talk, bitch.
What a mess this place is, my God.
It's very original.
Why is everyone pointing at me any fucking way?
Jump in my hands, man, jump in my hands.
I didn't prepare for this.
I found a dead guy.
I'm going to go into a dark alley with you.
Yeah, you better follow me.
Nothing happened here.
I would like to know what happened.
I guess we know who it is.
Did you stab him?
Oh, that was me, I was opening a Pepto Bismol.
How do I shoot?
I'm pointing at him.
I know I can stay with you forever now.
He's probably dead, it's fine.
Who does left to right, you weirdo's.
He doesn't like me, so...
It's a shit question.
Bring it on, fuckers!
It’s okay, everybody makes mistakes.
My sweet sensitive eyes!
We have keys, you dickheads.
He talks to his little fucking bear too.
You’re a grown man!
I know where one isn’t anymore.
Together, we’re strong.
People are going to fuck us over.
I hate my life right now.
We’ll get that made, that’s quite good.
Yeah, it’s inevitable.
You're just realizing that now?
I'm in the bathroom, I'm scared.
I paid dearly for it.
I got arrested!
I'm in, I'm going to knock this person out.
I didn't do anything.
Let's have a duel.
I know it's one of you two, cause I know it's not me, I just walked in on that.
I think we look great.
That's not the guy.
No, I meant the thing in front of you on the floor.
He's giving them so much time, just run, book it!
What is happening?
Yo, they're in there, by the way.
He's looking right down that barrel.
You're not supposed to walk in, you fuck!
So we don't know who did it though?
He's swinging that shit around.
I can hear you, fuckers.
Is it working?
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hutchhitched · 3 years
Camp Nano April 2021, Day 19
It’s Camp Nano again! Here’s to a productive April. Total word count goal is 35,000, which is 1167 words a day. I’m plugging away and am not quite a full day’s word count ahead of schedule.
Word count: 23,097 (65.99%)
Today/since the last post:
completed EFE prompt 2
completed EFE prompt 3
completed 35% of MTH1
completed 99% of Shrunkyclunks BB second check-in
completed 45% of Star Spangled BB author’s summary check-in
completed 60% of Stucky BB first check-in
completed 40% of EFE prompt 4
completed Stucky Bingo, A2
completed EFE prompt 1
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Okay but i could 100% see Tom not having a lot of free time when he’s filming meaning he couldn’t really take his S.O on proper dates so they end up just having a bunch of nap dates?? And I could also see him feeling really guilty about it but they end up being his S.O favorite type of dates??
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Ship Request Guidelines
He really does not have time for anything at all
He’s super stressed like 99% of the time and even if he has actual free time they’re like oH rEsHoOtS 
Tom is honestly getting so so so frustrated with it he’s really tired of not having time for you
But then you’re like ;-; it’s ur dreaM
And he’s like o yea
So he lives with it
Near the middle and end of movie shoots he gets more free time because they’re not all like oH so many more sCenEs 
But then come the reshoots
So there’s this very specific window of time in a literal few years of shooting where he has actual time to take you out on real dates
But most of the time
It’s just casual ‘can u hang out for an hour’
‘k thanks bb’
So you go to his trailer or to his apartment where he’s in sweatpants and a hoodie and just looks dead
You feel so bad you just want him to be okay :((
So you greet him with a hug and immediately guide him to the bed
You wriggle your way under the covers and then hold them up so that he can get underneath too
He slides in and is like oh heCk this is a nap not a fancy dinner and I’m sorry that I can’t give u that
One time he starts crying because he feels so bad
Please just hold him
He needs lovins
You hug him and tell him that his job, however taxing, makes him happy, and you’re only happy if he’s happy, so you’re okay with not going out to dinner every night
Naps are better anyways :’)
Is that baby that ends up sleeping on top of you
His head is buried in your chest and ur :’)
His lil hood gets flapped up and covers his head a bit
He’s so soft
Sometimes you kiss his lil noes
Sometimes he wakes up from said noes kiss
and smiles sleepily at you before going straight back to sleep
This ends up being your favorite type of date because he always wakes up so refreshed and happy because he remembers that acting is worth it and he gets to be all snuggly with you and you get to be all snuggly with him
Its lots of lazy affection like a kiss that barely reached your lips or didn’t even reach them at all
Quality time between the two of you is basically just being in each other’s presence, it doesn’t matter how fancy the night is or how much money you guys spend
You just want him to be well rested and snuggled
Thank you for coming to my Tom Talk
Taglist: @peachybabykxo @5aftermidnight @spideyyypeter @book-wyrm-snacks @loki-sharpe-hiddleston-imagines @set-phasers-to-cuddle @thecurlyhairedwinchester @lou-la-lou @ilostcount-helpme @snazzy-posts @meisiisem @stevieboyharrington @clean-and-claire @peter-null @embrace-themagic @yafriendlyfangirl @fandomnerdsarecool @ellie-emb @soniaxmsj @avngersunite @m4shtyx @sparkling-gayyy @nervous-shawn @americaswritings @robinkat3 @buckybabyy @mrsstarkstrange @servamp-addict @Darkworld-Student @alexiamiky2003 @freightcarcap @dumbasscorn @cordelia-sagewright @multifandomshitblog @stickybuckybarnesmarvel @dorcasmeadoweslupin @chloe-geoghegan1 @remusfreakinglupin @lostnliterature @chaospossum @closertothesunwhenimwithyou @serpent-tea @marvelouspottering @karanliginkizilovato @swansong321 @xinyourdreamsx @melannchoholic @swansong321 @xinyourdreamsx @melannchoholic @deathofthethrones @tylerposeforme @infinitywarrior @1penryn @spideymood @hp-hogwartsexpress @marvelandsuchstuff @cmweikle37 @marauders_trash_forever @lensedwriter @khaleesiclifford @gaylactic @southsidespidey @positiveparker @thisismysecrethappyplace @bellamyblakemorley @flower-holland @coonflix @not-jay-cosby @stardust.and.glitter @ink-bottlebouquet @mamarhee @marcymakemagic @tomshufflepuff @obsessedfangirl4lyfe @jade7he9em @spiderman-n @psychofangirl @lush-bby @delicately-written @tnrthings @goldenariana @gummyhoneybees @panic-at-top @captainbuckyy @mysticracoon @dumbass-sandwich @crushed-velvet-nothings @iwritemaybe @ariagrillart @hiddlestonstansworld @raavka @maraudersandco @lokislilcarribbeanprincess @sock-and-sandles @potterhead-of-ilvermorny @spencer-is-too-perfect @my-babies-are-ash @whysoseriouspadfoot @mysticalsandwichseeker @existingovertherainbow @laurenicochran @graciegxo @silverquartx @peetieparker @smhavengers @nefelimalfoy @sedanleystanley @yallgotkik @jessicaklehrwinchesters @keey-lime-pi @screeching-student-unknown @soakingandsoaring @chrisstabme @sovereignoblivious @itsanarttodie @hollandhours @multifxndom-avxngers @galaxyoffangirls @just4muggles @everything-s-comin-up-aces @binki-g @hbknati @tomhollandhasnolips @awkward-useless-unicorn @justinekomwriterkru @boomtownboy @sedanleystanley @starryeyedsupernova @mcu-potter-pirate @mikylxhh @parkersingfinitywar @the17resa
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unanswered asks~
this post is solely focused on asks [that are not requests/reacts]  i haven’t been able to answer lately due to me being busy working on requests or just my personal life in general. if you know you sent me an  ask, my reply to you will be under the cut! i didn’t want to leave anyone’s ask unanswered and if you don’t see yours under the cut, please resend them! i’d love to see what you have to say to me. thank you guys for continuing to  support me. i love you guys very much! <3 
i havent been very active during november so if you know you sent an ask to me during this month and never received a reply, it is more than likely down here! im so sorry about the wait, ive been insanely busy.
1. are asks still open for prompts?
yes! it is. :) it is open till further notice! <3
2. Not a request, just wanted your thoughts. Ok, imagine a soulmate au where when the SoSu finds Kellogg and they find out they’re soulmates at fort hagen. My friends say I’m fucked up for playing around with the idea but I think with a certain backstory it could work. Maybe if SoSu’s spouse was abusive it wouldn’t be bad. But also Kellogg was just doing a job and he’s not actually that bad of a person given his story. I just think it could be an interesting idea. What do you think?
- i think its a really good and interesting idea, as much as i dislike kellogg on my end! i dont find a lot of sosu/kellogg fics so i think its pretty amazing you want to write a story based on an soulmate au trope and if you do end up posting it, link it to me! i will be more than glad to read it. personally, i believe kellogg is really traumatized and broken from his past and doesnt know how to express nor heal from it. instead he allows his bitterness to seep through his actions which is probably why he does it with no care and little to no signs of sympathy. so, i dont personally believe he was always an asshole and does have a soft side to him like everyone else. of course, this does not excuse his actions but it does create character in some way shape or form and i think its great to work around and has the potential to form a really detailed and well thought plot. i think soles spouse also being abusive can also aid in the progression of the story. good luck with it and please do share it with us when you decide to do it! im very excited to see you work with this.
2. do you write for longfellow?
- sadly, not at the moment. i haven't been able to play the far harbor dlc to its full potential and i haven't recruited old longfellow as much as i should have. maybe when i do come around to finishing it, i will add old longfellow to the list!
3. Nuooo! No more sad man Danse!  He needs some happiness too! Maybe after BB he developed some comradeship with a platoon of minutemen he could actually laugh and have a drink with. Find a new purpose in aiding and protecting fellow minutemen and their communities and families. Only people I can realistically see him being buddy-buddy with is either Struges, Preston or if you’re lucky the ex-BOS scribe that can be your armor merchant at your settlement. Dude NEEDS an emotional support system!
- UGH, you are so right! danse deserves nothing but happiness post blind betrayal!! i do strongly believe hes recruited into the minutemen a little later after the events and is immediately accepted into the faction as family, regardless of his past actions. i like to think that he gets along with almost everyone and humbles down as an individual, eventually letting go the ideals of the BoS. the minutemen is truly his first step into another chapter of his life.
4. I hate you😜nah I’m totally kidding😁 I gotta reeeeeally try to find anything subjectively bad to say to you honestly🤔. You’re friendliness comes off naturally like you’re not trying too hard to cater to anyone. You come off as genuine enough to just enjoy the fandom and the interactions you have with fans is very refreshing and inviting🥰. It’s always a pleasure to have some fun banter about a video game series we all love among each other as fans.💕
- THIS GENUINELY MADE ME SMILE!! im glad i dont come off as too rude of unfriendly to others and its reassuring to hear that! i try to be as nice as i can to everyone and im always happy to interact with anyone in the fandom so dont afraid to shoot me an ask or message. thank you for your message anon and please have an amazing day! i appreciate you! <3
5. your writing is amazing and super comforting and I love the work you do and you and you're wonderful 💖💖💖
- youre more wonderful and amazing! thank you for supporting my writing and continuing to read my works! im glad i can provide you guys with content that is comforting and i hope i continue to do so. <3 please have a wonderful day, anon and i appreciate you so much! <3
6. I’m actually a little jealous of you😖. You seem to have so much going on in your personal life yet still have time to have a little fun in the fallout fandom. You’re 19 now right? Ugh and yet you’re doing more in life than what I was doing at that age😞. It’s rather inspiring really, tho’ I’m a little envious I still wish you the best in all your future endeavors. Good luck and take care!❤️
- don’t be jealous, please. everyone moves at their own pace and thats perfectly fine! take your time and you will get where you want to be in no time. im 18 and im still trying to figure out my life day by day and lets be honest.. i wing it 99% of the time, LOL. im more than certain you will achieve a lot in your lifetime and i will be wishing you nothing but happiness and success! please take care and don’t be hard on yourself! good luck. <3
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anasticklefics · 3 years
maybe dianetti (gina/rosa) or amy/rosa from brooklyn 99 for the wlw prompt thing -- (if suggestions were what you were looking for, ignore me if not lmfao :') ) but honestly same, wlw pairings are so hard to write for because the prompts are either too vague or fetishised :( i feel ur pain bb <3
I only watched one episode of b99 :/ but yeah I just. I always get worried when I get wlw prompts because the ask can go in Any Direction Imao
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love-rangi · 5 years
lifetane part 2✌
hiiii and sorry for the long wait ahah, i hope the quality of this update compensates for the long wait oml anyways i'm gonna stop talking ty
characters: lifeline | ajay, octane | octavio, gibraltar | makoa
Lifeline hadn’t been in his squad for a good few games, and he knew the bun-wearing combat medic still participated in the Apex Games. The absence of Ajay by his side made Octavio a little jittery. If she was participating right now, he hoped he wouldn't bump into her any time sooner. Hopefully she was watching him on TV in the comfort of her own home. Safe and away from the bloody event that has become a sport for the Outlands.
His gaze extended through the cluster of trees, sight cut off by the darkness of the forest stretched out around them. It was only him and Makoa, with the shielded fortress rotating a couple of fish over a dimly-lit campfire. They had set up camp for the night, not a word being said about the new teammate they lost to a random triad a few hours back. Any death was just as serious, whether it occurred in the games or not, yet the remaining members of the squad couldn’t do much but loot and move on. 
A silence lingered in between the two, Octavio taking a light jog around the campsite a few times, trying to clear his mind a little. “So, what seems to be on your mind, brother?”
“Ah, no! Nothing at all, amigo.” Octavio bluffed, clearing his throat. He almost tripped over a stone being caught off guard. Octane stumbled to a stop, digging his heels in the ground before snapping his gaze back out into the darkness. “Yeah, I’m all good.”
“As someone who tried to avoid his own feelings, I’m pre-tty good at detecting others.” A hearty laugh escaped Makoa’s lips. “So. What’s the matter with you, son?” A comforting smile stretched over his mouth, the wrinkles of his face carved into his features. The welcoming expression left a warmth lingering in Octavio’s chest, and he felt obliged to confide in the armoured giant. His legs moved on their own, and soon he found himself sitting a good few feet from the small fire.
“I just had a falling out with a friend,” Octavio rested his elbows on his lap, eyeing the dancing flames. He was still struggling to piece his words together, not sure how he was going to project his issue onto his squadmate. Makoa is great for emotional support, and Octavio wanted to reach out to him. “Ajay. I guess I said some stuff that worried her too much, and she hasn’t talked to me in a few months. I mean, stuff like this has happened before, but we’d be talking after I left her to cool off for a couple of days. She’s my hermana, and has been there for me through everything. I guess I was a bit too careless with what I said this time.”
Silence filled the air for a good few moments. Octavio used this time to reflect on the conversation between him and Ajay.
“You have a lot of apologising to do,” he spoke with a humorous tone, “you have to tell her how much she means to you. Judging from what I hear, you don’t do enough of it. Ajay is one of the most realest friends you’ll ever come across, so it’s important to keep her close to you. She helped you through things that may have costed her something else.”
Gesturing to Octane’s legs, Makoa continued. “And as tough as she may seem, she might need a bit of a reminder from you to reassure her of the friendship between you.”
Octavio mulled over his piece of advice. He never really came across a time where he properly appreciated Ajay’s efforts being there for him. Sure, he threw a few “you’re a great friend”’s here and there, but they were lighthearted and usually exchanged when he was saved after pulling off a dumb stunt that the medic told him to not do. He really loved Ajay like a sister, and he started to coin the possibility that maybe he hasn’t been the best friend Ajay has had beside her.
“Oh, and try not to be too careless with the things you say to her. Stick to what you promise her, and try not to pull yourself into too much trouble now.”
The rest of the night was filled with conversations about various things over the cooked fish Makoa prepared for the two. They took shifts to guard the campsite during the night before waking up in the morning to pack up their belongings. Octavio felt refreshed and optimistic. He had just gained a new friend over the course of one night. The two exchanged smiles before continuing their journey to the zone.
Upon their trek, Gibraltar held a hand up to signal for Octavio to stop. The two listened silently to catch the quiet sounds of gunfire coming from the north-east direction in Containment.
“Maybe we should rush in, take ‘em by surprise!” Octavio gesticulated some extreme scenarios to support his suggestion. Makoa took a moment to respond in an attempt to reason with Octane’s suggestion.
But before Makoa could even open his mouth, Octavio was already sprinting in the direction of the firefight, determined to go along with his unsolicited plan. The large man could barely keep up with Octane, the gear on his outfit slowing him down as he kept a steady pace after the daredevil. "Hey-- wait!"
Bang! Bang!
Octane turned around just in time to see Gibraltar's torso ripped open from a barrage of bullets flying through his form. The shielded fortress stumbled forward before falling onto his knees, tugging at his weakly holstered weapon before another shot was fired to his head, tearing into the back of his skull and leaving him to lie in a pool of his own blood.
Octane froze, but only until his eyes met the murderer of his newfound friend. They raised their weapon towards the junkie, and that's when his feet started to move on their own again.
He darted behind a boulder, unholstering his r-99 before standing up to rest his elbows on the coarse surface of the rock. Two enemies were in sight, yet he took his aim at the more animated one, squeezing the trigger as if trying to rid himself of anguish from the loss of his friend.
He's not really dead.
Octavio pressed his eyes shut as a scream escaped his lips.
But I lost him too.
In the darkness behind his eyelids, the loud, repetitive sounds of bullets dulled. Once he realised he emptied his magazine, he opened his eyes to throw the empty weapon at the other enemy, pulling out a peacekeeper before squeezing the trigger out of haste. The shells were forced into their skull and they dropped limp to the ground.
Octavio heaved above the two bodies. His eyes were growing hot and his vision started to become blurry. The daredevil clenched his teeth as his hand grasped tightly around the barrel of the peacekeeper. He elicited a short, frustrated scream as he sent a forceful kick into the side of his most recent victim. Tears started to fall and stain his cheeks as he collapsed to his knees, quiet sobs barely audible to hear from all the thoughts racing in his mind.
The crumbling of earth accompanied by rustling sounded from behind Octavio, and he made the prompt to stand and twirl around, raising the peacekeeper up to the face of his attacker. But once he caught the familiar face of his intruder, his muscles froze and he found himself unable to move.
Brown eyes stared back at him, wide with shock and curiosity as Ajay too found herself frozen in place. Her gun was lowered, yet she looked as if she was searching for something. Judging by her solo appearance, Octavio could guess that it was her teammates he must've taken out.
He lowered the shotgun. The atmosphere between them was awkward and filled with a thick silence. His breathing was even as he tried to make himself as still as he could, but only because he was too afraid to make the wrong move in case he would scare her enough to bust a cap in his head.
Just tell her you're sorry.
Shock dominated her features, then it was anger - but then? Worry, concern, regret. She held herself back from saying anything, trying to read the expression behind Octavio's mask. A few seconds of silence felt like hours before the medic slowly back away from Octavio, weapon raised towards him until she was far enough to turn around and sprint out of his sight.
Octavio only watched her until she was gone from his view. By then, he started to follow her footsteps, increasing his speed by a little the more he followed her. He wasn't sure why he was following her, but something was pulling him towards Ajay. A mixture of feelings were brewing in the pit of his stomach and running after her seemed to be the only way to control the emotional jumble.
"Wait, Ajay." He desperately called, "Aja-"
as u can tell I suck at action and can't write it for poop - most of the scenes for this fic with be taken out of apex games for this reason :""") rip gibby the thickie even tho he isn't really dead but writing a scene that kills him off made me sad:"""0 i'll never do that to u again bb i promise
might upload this to ao3 if u guys want buuut i haven't decided yet ajsjfbs hope u guys enjoyed the read!
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crimsonbluemoon · 6 years
52 and 99 for H2OVanoss if you’re still taking prompts—- I really love your writing!!
Aw thank you so much! Glad to hear it! =)
52) Marriage of convenience and 99) Magical accidents with H2OVanoss
Okay, so this story would be in the harry potter universe, with all of the BBS boys being students. They’re both really popular in the school, and Evan may have a tiny itty bitty crush on Jon. Evan is also known for being one of the best spell casters on the campus, and so Jon convinces him to cast a spell for him which will allow him to learn at a faster speed (as the two have a midterm coming up). While they’re in the forest looking for the rare ingredient that Vanoss needs for the final piece of the potion, the two get attacked by a dark elf. Apparently, Jon stepped on her garden and crushed some magical plants which sent her into a magical rage. It’s not hard for them to defeat the woman, but before they knock her out, she casts a curse on Jon that neither of them have ever heard of before. 
They don’t think anything about it until they go to school the next day and...everyone is trying to flirt with Jon. Everyone. And though Jon finds it kinda flattering at first, it soon turns bad when people start grabbing his ass and trying to kiss him in a very non-friendly way. Evan’s feeling the pull of Jon’s attraction even more than normal, but he just kinda ignores it (he’s been ignoring it for years why stop because it got a little more intense?) but when Jon literally has to crawl out a window to get away from a student too needy to listen to ‘no’, Evan knows they have a problem. Turns out that the woman put a betrothed spell on Jon, which makes everyone want to be with Jon, and the longer that he’s not ‘betrothed’, the more the desire to be with Jon will increase until people start losing their moral conscious. Evan knows they can’t tell the headmaster about what happened because they weren’t supposed to be in the forest after dark, but Jon’s really shaken up from the last attack. 
So Evan decides to marry him; “just until we can find a permanent cure” is the stipulation, and Jon doesn’t seem nearly bothered as he should be over marrying his best friend. Cue the weeks of them being married, looking for clues to get rid of the curse, and the slow realization from Evan that maybe his one-sided feelings aren’t so one-sided. 
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shadowsong26fic · 5 years
Coming Attractions!
First Monday of the month (and year!!), which means it’s time for a Coming Attractions post!
(This has been crossposted to my new Dreamwidth fic archive here.)
So, overall analysis--I didn’t get as much done as I would’ve liked, either over the past month or the year as a whole, but I think I did produce some decent content, so there’s that!
Yep, I’m super behind where I wanted to be, lol…Arc Six took me almost the whole year, damn. Uh. I think what I’ve learned from this experience is next time I plan out an arc, however plot-necessary, that is going to be 99% fluff, I need to re-evaluate my life choices and not do that because this is really super not in my wheelhouse. Not on that kind of sustained level, at least. Saw is also not particularly easy for me to write, so hiding in the other half of the plotline wasn’t really an option either. It probably didn’t help that I changed where I was going with that half partway through (in my original version, he was actually behind the bombing/kidnapping attempt, but then I realized that that made absolutely no sense while he still has custody of Jyn…). Ah, well. At some point, I should probably sit down and reread the entire arc because maybe the finished product, with some distance from the uber-frustrating process, won’t feel as forced/not-good as it does to me now…
Anyway. Now that my whining is out of the way...there’s one more chapter in this arc! It should go up sometime in the next couple days. Featuring the Jedi reuniting and comparing notes; and Padme finally reading her parents and sister in on a few important details. And then we get to Arc Seven, which has had like five working titles over the past month, and I still haven’t settled on one, lol…This arc will pick up roughly three years after Arc Six, and involve more Infernalis, a key turning point with Luke and Lavinia, and Anakin and Leia probably going to Jedha to achieve a specific milestone. (Because I decided to stick closer to canon than Legends on this particular topic and I don’t want to straight-up invent a planet…should be fun!)
As I think I’ve mentioned before, after Arc Seven, (which I’m guessing will be roughly 15 chapters; as amusing as it would be to end these first seven arcs on Chapter 75, there’s way more to cover than I can fit in nine chapters), I’m going to split the fic into another document. Partly for length/convenience--this thing is going to be over 200k by the time I’m done with Arc Seven, I’m 99% sure--and partly because there’s something of a tone/focus shift for arcs 8-14. Also, there’s a longer timeskip than usual--six years between Arcs Seven and Eight. (Which, if you’re counting, you can probably guess what’s behind the shift… :D )
Also, as per usual, I’ll probably do a couple bonus fics this year--not sure when, exactly, or under what context, but I like bonus content.
Other Fanfic Projects:
I’m hoping to actually get back to Distaff and/or Auxiliaries and/or Phoenix!Verse this year. And put out some more Valdemar AU, probably--I do still need to write, at minimum, Hera, Obi-Wan, and Ezra getting Chosen--maybe some more Handler AU, too. Plus an AU outline or two--finishing Let’s Go Steal a Crossover; adding more to Ventress and Her Tiny Time-Travelling Conscience; a few other concepts kicking around in my head...
In terms of other long-form/fulltext projects, I am participating in SWBB again this year, but I’m now finding myself without a plot. I was going to do either our faces like a mirror or the Untitled ObiAniDala AU Epic, but over the past few days I’ve come to the conclusion that these are both massive undertakings and I am vanishingly unlikely to finish even a rough draft of either by the time said rough drafts are due. So, as much as I’d like an extra Incentive to finish OFLAM before the new Clone Wars episodes air and potentially Joss significant chunks of it, this is not going to be it.
The reason for this is that, for OFLAM, I have to do a lot of buildup if I want the ending to pay off. Plus, I have a whole bunch of white space to fill in during the eight years between when Bo comes back to Sundari after the civil war ends and when she leaves to join Death Watch. …most of which would involve that buildup. I mean, I could probably finish the first chunk, which covers Bo-Katan’s experiences while she’s on the run/actually during the civil war, but that doesn’t feel like a complete story to me? (Also, 95% of it would basically be Bo-Katan and miscellaneous OCs, with a brief appearance by Pre Viszla and maybe Jango Fett will turn up? Anyway, I’m not sure that kind of setup is appropriate for challenge purposes.) So I’m reluctant to do that.
(The title for this project, for anyone who’s curious, comes from Vienna Teng’s “Antebellum.” The first verse doesn’t entirely fit, but all the rest…)
As for the Untitled ObiAniDala AU Epic, it, uh. Look, the timeline diverges 25+ years before AOTC. I actually have a lot more of the plot worked out for this one, but it involves a) a crapload of worldbuilding and b) a primary-focus courtship narrative, which is also not super in my wheelhouse. I can do it, I just don’t think I can do it in the couple of months I have, you know? Especially since about half of what I’ve written so far deals with the backstory around the breakpoint, mostly focusing on Bail. The other half does deal with the main plotline, but…yeah.
So, yeah. I’m working to come up with a new concept that is simple enough for me to finish in time but engaging enough to keep me Invested without wandering off into too many recursive AUs, lol. One possibility would be to turn my Bail Unfucks the Timeline AU outline into a fulltext fic, but it doesn’t really have an ending, even in my head…ah, well. I’ll pick something, hopefully soon, and get it done. I do pretty well when I’m working to an externally-imposed deadline, at least…?
Anyway. As a bonus, some teasers for OFLAM and the Untitled AU Epic!
Satine wasn’t in the main audience hall, or our father’s old study. She was, as it turned out, in the little cramped closet of a room she’d always liked, when she was doing homework or writing letters or whatever she decided she needed privacy for.
I took a breath, wondering exactly what I’d find--if she’d changed as much as I had, if she’d…
I shook it off, raised my hand, and tapped on the door four times quickly, then twice slow, just like I always had. To let her know it was me.
I didn’t wait for her to answer, because I couldn’t bear the suspense anymore. (Also, I had never really waited for her to answer, why start now?)
Satine had half risen behind her desk, even paler than usual, and--stars above, her face was a little leaner, her eyes a little darker, but that was my sister. Still my sister, my beautiful, charismatic, powerful older sister.
My Duchess.  -- our faces like a mirror
“Look, you need someone to break into places, I’m your guy. And Ahsoka fits into ventilation shafts,” [Anakin] went on, before Obi-Wan could actually object. “I may not have tried anything as complicated as an Imperial prison, but I can do this. And you’re gonna need all the help you can get.”
“Face it, Obi-Wan,” Ahsoka said. “You don’t get to do the noble lone-wolf Tragic Hero thing on this one. You’re stuck with us.” -- Untitled ObiAniDala AU Epic [based on this prompt from @obianidalasuggestion]
Original Fiction:
Definitely hoping to do more in 2019 than I did in 2018. Starting with writing stuff outside of the big Summer Challenge on rainbowfic…
Last year, my goals/New Year’s Resolutions were:
1. Keep up with Precipice updates, complete Arc Seven by the end of September. …yeah, this one, uh. Didn’t happen. 2. Write at least 15k of original fiction Closer to 2k…Lux and Farglass Cycle archives. …nnnnope.
And here are my 2019 goals:
1. Finish Precipice and at least one full arc of Protectors/Precipice II. 2. Write at least 7.5k of origfic content. 3. Start posting OFLAM and/or Untitled ObiAniDala Epic AU. 4. Revive a semi-hiatused fic (Distaff or Auxiliaries or Phoenix!Verse) 5. Update Lux and Farglass Cycle archives, and transfer tumblr archive to DW. 6. At least for AU outline installments of some kind. 7. Complete BB submission, and keep an eye out for other challenges/exchanges/whatever.
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embersrevived · 3 years
merely some arbitrary CV game musings. and a bunch of positively rubbish and hackneyed ponderings in the form of word vomit pls ignore. my apologies in advance lmao
some thoughts I’ve pondered  here and there about things I either wished the games had explored more in depth, or had entertained the concept of at some point (other than very obviously one that centered on the great battle of ‘99 and the other fateful actors who played a part in it besides young Julius and Arikado): 
1. explored/developed more werewolf characters and/or protagonists , or expanded upon Cornell’s lore from the Castlevania 64 game, or even expanded on the concept of protagonists/Belmonts afflicted by such a curse 
2. more of a crack-ish concept, but for some reason the thought of Death somehow having had some sort of half-offspring is somewhat intriguing to me? influenced by master he had something that one time with that one ephemerally-special someone, and some grim reaper-ish offspring with a mostly humanoid appearance was conceived, but with an overly morbidly elaborate scythe in hand (though very reminiscent of Undertaker’s scythe from BB)? and perhaps this issue was at first an antagonist to Belmont, Alucard & co. and then proved to be something of an antihero/more neutral party depending on circumstances, whim, vested interest, etc. (also I feel said offspring’s name would be something very on the nose like Thanatos or even something like Charon or Mortimer idk kslfjsf)
3. a game that somewhat explained at least some of what Dracthias was doing to gap the bridge between the Leon-Trevor Belmont eras. when matty c decide to rock and grow out that facial forestation huh I want DEETS 
4. this thought draws inspiration admittedly from that idea of the horcruxes in the HP series, though the idea of a game in which Drac had somehow left symbolic/significant items with shards and pieces of his essence/soul trapped across various crucial points in the CV timeline, and whoever the protagonist happens to be (Belmont or other) and the result is that various versions and takes on Drac throughout the CV series have to be encountered and fought (starting with Stage Zero Drac AKA Le Maths) powered by memory and caliginosity magicks. Though perhaps unknowingly, each time the character(s) believe they have vanquished the threat, their seeming victory only has resulted in that shard of Drac’s soul having created a sort of ‘memory’ of that hero’s power and abilities, all of this information which is relayed to other elusive dark actor and orchestrator of this vast timeline machination (perhaps Galamoth or yet another future organization, albeit with malicious intent). though this does somehow feel like a rip-off somewhat McDonald’s version of Judgement and elements of GoS combined ngl also I explained this very poorly sdklfdsjf. 
5. a game based in the era of Soleil Belmont? I know he is perhaps the more obscure Belmont ever, but it is still something to think about lmao 
6. some sort of focus/explanation on the exact transition Alucard had into taking on a position in the government agency and assuming his Arikado alias, what prompted this, etc. and what part he had been playing in the decades leading up to this more modern role 
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dearestjaemin · 6 years
26 Questions for the Saniwa
a question meme i saw from wikia and wanted to answer it here!!! since this is where i mostly put my tkrb posts....
q&a under the cut!
Q.What is your name and which server is your citadel on?
A. 桃井 さつき + see battle record uwu;;;;
Q. When did you start serving as a Saniwa? Please display your battle records.
A. April 22 of 2017!!! I recently celebrated my first year anniversary and it was nice uwu
Tumblr media
Q. Which starter sword did you pick? What is he doing now?
A. Kashuu Kiyomitsu!!! Um, well, he’s just there... waiting for his kiwame... Actually uwu;; I used him for a recent VOT thinking exp accumulates and carries over to kiwame! Did that to him because he’s the only one I wouldn’t get angry at haha
Q. Who is the first among your swords to reach the maximum level? What do you think of him
A. If i remember correctly, it is Hotarumaru!!! He arrived pretty early but I’m sure he got to 99 hella quick because of VOT AHHAHAA I love him!! He’s relatively fast for an ootachi + he’s cute!!!
Q. Who do you have in each of your squads, and how do you use them? If you haven’t unlocked all four teams yet, briefly describe how you plan to organize them.
A. First squad varies depending on event! (WTE is either all kiwame or newbies, VOT is tachi + ootachi; if it isn’t battle regiment?? all other squads are on expedition!) Currently: Second squad is 97 akita, 99 tarou, 99 micchan, 24 tomoe (extra haha a...) 97 yagen (for the naginata expedition!), third squad is for yari expedition, with 55 ote, 99 mutsu, 35 (extra) fudou (he levelled up by sheer force of expedition HAHAHAH) 99 ishi, fourth squad is 99 kashuu, 99 sayo, 99 kousetsu, 53 nihongou
if it’s battle regiment, it’s either all kiwame team again for first squad then the rest goes on exp. if not, first team is night battle, then tachi team, then uchi team.
Q. Without considering the performance of the swords, which type of sword do you prefer?
A. I love tantous!! They’re so cute huhu I also love my naginatas!!
Q. List the swords that you like and your thoughts on them.
A. i this is a lot ahahhaa um i love kashuu’s art style and everything about him. he’s so cute and im a sucker for his voice!!! i love my baby gokotai imma protecc him. I LOVE FUDOU i love his drunk self but i never knew i could love him more until he kiwame-d! i love horikawa so much i would give him all the love ;; I LOVE KANE-SAN he’s so handsome aaaaa and i like idiots like him huhu MONOYOSHI he’s so pretty imma cry for his kiwame ;;;;; mICCHAAAN i love his voice and his mom-ness. i love tsuru’s art so much!!! also such a playful boy ;;;; I LOVE HOTARUMARU SO MUCH bb rest well ;; IWAIWA i luv him so much ainsaksnaks and and otegine is slowly having a spot bcos i always hear him for expedition ahahhaha...
Q. Are there any pairings that you like? If there is, please list them.
A. Kashuu and Yasu!! I love these two!! KaneHori but also KashuuHori owo I love MikaKogi and MikaTsuru uwu MitsuKara!!! I also love TsuruKara hehe and IwaSouza!! (haha zoku’s tiny moment of them...) AND YAMABUSHIXJUZU BOI U CANT CONVINCE ME THAT THEYRE NOT CUTE and sweats.... a lot of tachis x saniwa.... .////.
Q. Is your Citadel an employee-friendly Citadel or a black-hearted Citadel that works your swords to the bones?
A. I- ;; maybe black-hearted? I only repair swords when they get to red for resource + instant token purposes (unless im not gonna use them for a long time) I do only work with gold troops because i think they deserve gold troops uwu;;; Or work to the bones mean fatigue?? I never let them out non-sakura fubuki (if you lose the flowers, you get to be leader!)
Q. Have you ever done anything weird to your swords?
A. I what?? 
Q. Have you ever broken a sword? What happened, and who did you break?
A. I’ve mentioned this a lot but I’ll say it again haha I broke Gokotai on a run on WTE Map 4?? I was at school (whoops) and I was playing during a seatwork?? since it only needed clicking. When I looked at the screen, Gokotai broke!! I didnt even hear his line! I thought he had an omamori but it turned out that he was the only one without it! I was horrified as he was already 90+ (ready to be sent out for kiwame! so thankfully not yet a kiwame) and i was near in tears! I got another gokotai and on the same day i level-ed him to 30?? ye. ahaha-
Q. Who looses troops the most in your Citadel? And who is the most skilled at making troops?
A. I think it’s Daihannya? And it’s Kousetsu! Or, well I believe he makes good troops...
Q. Have you ever done something with all your might in order to get a particular sword? Please describe what you did and the results.
A. Good story: I used up all my ofudas and resources were almost less than a 100k?? and it was night time already!!! God i needed to sleep. then tomoe came home!!! Juzu too!!! God I ran thru 7-4 long route so many times i think i 99-ed a set of tantous + almost another set of them before i got him uwu;;
Bad story: same thing and I was down to 50k??? yep i think that was it. koryuu still didnt come home. ;;
Q. Are you superstitious? (wwww)
A. I believe that Nakigitsune brings swords home as he brought Juzu home (and he brought Juzu home as well for my sis! Also Shizukagata for her!) Also back when I sucked at VOT, I believe that screaming beads repeatedly while pumping my fists helps (no it doesnt but well im desperate for an ichigo)
Q. What made you join the TKRB fandom in the beginning? How about now?
A. I saw fanarts of it from an artist i love and im like WHAT IS THIS?? at first it was only the game and i heard it was pc + jap only so i gave up. when hanamaru came out, i watched and got hooked!!! i then started playing. i stay for the art + i actually enjoy the mindlessness of this game. perfect for someone with bad attention span like me ^^;;
Q. What do you think of the current maps? Which map is good for training/grinding, which maps do you get lost in the most, which map do you want to burn?
A. They’re ok now that they updated the less clicking thing! I love 7-4, long route for my tantous + 5-4 for my tachis. I get lost a lot in 7-1??? and this map in 6... ID BURN 7-2 AND 7-3 WOW I LOST A LOT OF RESOURCES FOR THE DAMN REPAIR
Q. Are there any game systems or improvements that you hope DMM will implement?
A. I would mention the less clicking but they already improved that! Honestly the recent updates were real nice! Maybe something like auto play? Like it would only prompt you to click if there is an injured sword or cant scout? haha less clicking again ^^;;;
Q. If DMM cooperates on an event with another game/anime/etc., what would you like to see?
A. Since this is about swords, I kinda want something like FFXV bcos noctis and his swords... Or final fantasy in general!! Actually I also want Natsume Yuujinchou hahahaha.. and sanrio... ah ahaha.
Q. Have you ever spent money playing TKRB? Is so, how much? If not, do you plan to?
A. sweats... I’ve bought two sword slot expansion and two troop slot expansion (check the store for price!) Outside the game, I’ve bought some mostly Kashuu merch because he’s def my favorite!
Q. Is there any merchandise that you would like to buy or see?
A. Mini-sword keychains? haha or maybe a music box?
Q. Have you done any fanwork? If so, what?
A. I’ve written some short oneshots! It’s either here or on quidumps
Q. What do you think you are like as a Saniwa?
A. I think I’m the type who spoils them a lot (esp the tantous and anmitsu uwu) and plays along with Tsuru’s pranks! Maybe doting is the word? Ah some swords might not be ok with it but i might be cuddly! I imagine hugging ishikirimaru a lot bcos he looks soft ;w; ishipapa!!!! warm uwu also i feel like ill be close with micchan! i dont think ill get along with mika tho HAHAHA JIJI!!!! 
Q. If the government asked you to choose a sword to kill yourself with in terms of emergency, who would you pick?
A. hm... I would say it’s Kashuu because he knows me the most and he is the most mature among everyone. If it’s going to be a tantou, I would say someone like Atsushi because he looks strong emotionally. Emotionally, I would also say Kiwame!Fudou as I think he finally understands what it means to be a mamorigatana. (not imano... ill break his heart ;;)
Q. The government has asked you to write a report: how would you describe the situation in your Citadel?
A. Everything is under control! We’re fighting off the Retrograding Army quite well! Horikawa has Kane-san under control!!!
Q. What do you think of the Retrograding Army?
A. maybe if they were cuter... ah no haha. I wish they would tell us why theyre changing history >< And maybe stop for some time??
Q. Lastly, please say something about the TKRB from the bottom of your heart!
A. Thank you so much for existing!!!! I never knew I would be this hooked! No plans on leaving and hopefully it stays like that! Please stay popular so when I get to Japan with enough money I can support full on!! HAHAHAHAH
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avani008 · 6 years
Tumblr-Exclusive Fic Index
Hitopadesa, 6 years later
Hitopadesa, 1 year later
Snippets from the future of “Amukha” and “Nidhana”
Amarendra and Devasena watching a teenage Mahendra flirt (badly)
Nidhana! Mahendra’s first steps
Four years before and eighteen years after Nidhana
A reformed Bhalla reflects in the future of a Nidhana AU
Sivagami POV, after the end of Chapter 2 of Nidhana
Two more things that never happened to Amarendra Baahubali
Dhivara, one year later
Nidhana-verse, four years before Chapter 1
Nidhana-verse, Bhalla, two years before Chapter 1
Nimaya, one year later
Kathaavali, Chapter 14, the darkest future
Kathaavali, Chapter 14, the brightest future
Vilomita, Amarendra/Devasena courtship x 2
Vilomita, Amarendra/Devasena happily ever after x 4
Bidaai, one month later
Amarendra/Devasena in Marsa
Five Times Amarendra Tried to Kiss Devasena in the Nidhana Verse
Five Things Amarendra Never Told His Mother
Five Things Avantika Wished She Could Be
Five Times Nidhana-verse Mahendra Sneaks Away
Five Decision Sivagami Regrets
Five Things We Never Learned About Bhallaladeva
Fic and Graphic, Grandmama Baahu backstory
Sumitra, Poetry Fic Meme
Devasena, Poetry Fic Meme
Amarendra, Poetry Fic Meme
Kumar Varma, Poetry Fic Meme
Bhallaladeva, Poetry Fic Meme
Sivagami, Poetry Fic Meme
Sivagami and Baahu Canon Divergence AU
Sivagami & (Grand)mama Baahu Drabble x 2
Amarendra/Devasena, Mamihlapinatapei
Devasena & Sivagami, Strikhedonia
Sivagami & Mama Baahu, Capernoited
Five Things About Varuni (Nidhana-verse)
Shakti & Mahendra, Vanmost, (Asi-Verse)
Bhalla, Storms
Mama and Papa Deva, Latibule
Devasena & Jayasena, reunion in the rebel camp
Devasena, Five Kisses That Never Were
Sivvu, Five Things She Learned
Five Things Kattappa Left Out of His Story
Amarendra/Devasena, Happiness
Sivagami & Bhalla, Gamble
Gopu & Mahendra, post-Nidhana
Bhalla, Nimaya-verse drabbles x 4
Three Promises Devasena Broke and One She Did Not
Three Ornaments Mama Deva Valued, And One Weapon She Had
Three Ways Sumitra Did Not Die, and One Life She Never Lived
Three Lives Sivagami Saved, and One She Destroyed
Three Letters Grandmama Baahu Sent, and One She Never Did
Three Names Mama Baahu Considered Giving Her Children, and One She DId
Three Ornaments Devasena Valued, and One Weapon She Mastered
Three Ways Sivagami Did Not Die, and One Life She Never Lived
Three Ways Avantika Did Not Die, and One Life She Never Lived
Three Promises Sivagami Broke, and One She Kept
Three Secrets Sivagami Kept, and One She Revealed
Three Conversations Sivagami and Devasena Should Have Had, and Once They Should Have Stayed Silent
Three Times Baahu and Bhalla Laughed Together and Once They Wept
Baahubali/Devasena, missing scene discussing the three-arrow trick
Multiple 3+1 fills, Devasena
Multiple 3+1 fills, Mama Baahu
Multiple 3+1 fills, Mama Deva
Mama Deva, Fairy Tale Fusion
Mama Baahu, Fairy Tale Fusion
Devasena, Fairy Tale Fusion
Fic and Graphic: Amarendra/Devasena, Remington Steele fusion 
Fic and Graphic, Devasena, modern AU/Abhinav prequel
One Sentence Fic Index Post - various fics, often AU, for most of the main characters (Now expanded to include non-BB fics/characters, too!)
Headcanon Meme - Not an official fic, but collections of head canons each on various characters, mostly in the Baahubali Universe.
* Also check out the Pongal Prompt-a-thon Index Post, which lists even more of my Tumblr-only fic, as well as the amazing things my friends wrote which should not be missed!
Brooklyn 99
Ensemble, 10 sentence fic meme
Jodhaa Akbar
Bakshi Banu Begum, 10 sentence fic meme
5 Times Jalal and Adham were Brothers, and One Times They Were Not
Graphic: Movie Star AU: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Five Things That Never Happened to Ataga Khan
Bakshi & Jalal & Adham, childhood
Five People Bakshi Banu Begum Never Loved
10 Sentences, Jalal, Jodhaa, and Sujamal
Jaidev/Jalal  x2   x3   x4   x5  x6   x7  x8   x9  
Bakshi & Sujamal, Hogwarts AU
Sujamal & Bharmal, Oneirataxia 
Salima & Neelakshi, Psithurism
Bakshi/Sujamal, Post-Canon AU
Five Gifts Jalal Gave Jodhaa
Three Promises Hamida Broke and One She Did Not
Five People Who Taught Bakshi Banu Begum Something
Three Places Rani Padmavati Wanted To Visit, and One She Did
Jalal and Jodhaa, the swordfight scene
Salima, backstory
Jodhaa, just pre-Azeem-O-Shaan-Shahenshah
Fic and Graphic, History AU, Akbar and Elizabeth Tudor Form an Alliance
Arjuna, Poetry Fic Meme
Subhadra & Draupadi
Kunti & Others
Brihannala & Uttara
Five Scars on Draupadi’s Body
The Mythology Alphabet Fic Challenge Index Post
Bhanumati, Amorevolous
Devaki/Vasudev, Tenderness
Uttar & Uttara, pre-Kurukshetra
Five Things We Never Learned About Sudheshna
Savitri: Five Sentences
Lakshmanaa: Five Sentences
Devaki/Vasudev, Trembling Hands
Rukmini & Draupadi, Friendship
Balarama and Krishna, Good Cop/Bad Cop
Five Things the Pandavas Took With Them Into Exile
Sudeshna & Her Children, Happiness
Bhishmuka & Krishna
Rukmini & Her Mother
Five People Who Visited Bhishma
Five Kisses That Never Were- Karna/ His Wife
Krishna/ Rukmini
Krishna/Rukmini, Celeberrimous
Krishna & Balarama
Five Times Draupadi Trusted Yudhisthira
Flower Meme, Multiple Couples
Three Things Draupadi Learned From Her Mother, and One She Taught Her Children
Three Secrets Kunti Kept, and One She Revealed
Five Times Arjuna Surprised Subhadra
Parikshit’s Favorite Family Member
Three Lives Kunti Destroyed, and One She Created
Three Gifts Radha Gave, and One She Received
Three Letters Rukmini Never Wrote, and One She Did
Three Names Draupadi Wanted to Give Her Children and One She Did
Three Ways Draupadi Did Not Die and One Life She Never Lived
Three Promises Bhanumati Broke and One She Kept
Three Conversations Krishna and Arjuna Should Have Had, and Once They Should Have Stayed Silent
Three Ways Karna and Arjuna Never Met and One Way They Parted
Three Times Arjuna and Draupadi Dreamed of Each Other, and Wish They Made
Three Conversations Draupadi and Krishna Should Have Had, and Once They Should Have Remained Silent
Devaki and Ugrasena, after their release from prison
Vaivasvati (Savitri & her siblings, gen)
Miscellaneous Movies
Om Shanti Om: Shanti, Five Sentences
K3G: Pooja, Five Sentences
Sholay, Radha, Pillar
Sholay, Basanti, Unclaimed
Untitled and unfinished Padmavati & Mehrunissa fic
Padmavati &/ Mehrunissa, cultural differences
Untitled Padmavati &/ Mehrunissa & Nagmati follow-up 
Untitled Nagmati & Padmavati &/ Mehrunissa follow-up
Another Padmavati & / Mehrunissa followup, after the Compass Rose entry (see link below)
Canon-verse, Soulmark AU
Mehrunissa and Malik Kafur
Five Names Mehrunissa’s mother could have had
Five People who Noticed Padmavati/Mehrunissa Before They Did
Padmavati/Mehrunissa, Hunger Games AU
Padmavati/Mehrunissa, Mahabharata fusion
Pride and Prejudice
The Bennet girls turn into their parents as they age—but not as they expect
Five Sentences: Urmila
Sita and Her Sisters, Nightfall (Now with beautiful art by @allegoriesinmediasres)
Rama and His Brothers, Accost
Sita & Rambha
Five Scars Sita Has
Five People Who Taught Lakshmana Something
Kala & Indrajit
Indrajit & Sita
Lakshmana & Angad
Angad & Ruma
Three Ornaments Sita Valued, and One Weapon She Mastered
Kaushalya & Dasharata & Kaikeyi & Sumitra, Soulmark AU
Kaikeyi and Sita’s exile
Star Wars
Han/Leia, epistolary 
Five Times Rey Felt Lonely
Rose & Rey, TLJ AU
Multiple Fandoms
Five Headcanons About an AU Index
Platonic Relationship Headcanons Meme Index
An Alphabet of Legendary Ladies
Four Seasons Meme Index
Compass Rose Index
Mythological Character Headcanon Meme Index
3+1 Fics Index 
Trading Places Meme Index
Six Squared Meme Index
Another, Multi-Fandom Headcanon Meme
Baahubali/Jodhaa Akbar Crack Crossover
Baahubali/Hogwarts Crossover, McGonagall and Sivagami  x2
Fake Movie Meme Index Post
Shakespeare, South Indian Style: x1  x2
Racebent Arthuriana: x1  x2     x3
Devil’s Cub by Georgette Heyer
Women of the Ramayan x1  x2   x3
Baahubali Photosets   x1     x2    x3  
Fancasting Meme: Mary Rose Tudor Bala and Ambika Baahubali
Star Wars: The (Racebent) Skywalker Family
Female! Krishna AU
Ramayana Cafe AU
bhaginī       x2
Vaidharbi    Kaushalya     Kashi-yatra
The House of Panchal, daemon AU
Kishkindha Royal Family, Harry Potter AU
Sita, Urmila, Ruma, Mandodari, daemon AU
Lanka Royal Family, Harry Potter AU
Harry Potter AU:      Abhimanyu & Pradhyumna     Arjuna        Subhadra 
                                 Mohini            Krishna              Rukmini      Panchal Siblings
Draupadi (& Arjuna), after the war
Rukmini/Krishna, the shadow of her beloved
Rukmini/Krishna, Bollywood AU
Devaki/Vasudev, half sick of shadows
Sarama, Katiya Karun
Yudhisthira/Draupadi, the rubble or our sins?
Shakuntala & Pramadvara
Female! Pandavas
Urmila & Nidra Devi, Soulmark AU
Jodhaa Akbar, Daemon AU
Bhanumati, Soulmark AU
Subhadra, Soulmark AU
Satyabhama, Soulmark AU
Golden Girls AU, Soulmark AU
Jodhaa Akbar,  Jodhaa & Jalal Soulmark AU      
The Mothers of “Jodhaa Akbar”, Soulmark AU
Savitri, Daemon AU
Rama/Sita, Space AU
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