#bb catwoman au
somereaderinblue · 11 months
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Moodboard inspired by @theycallme-ook BB Catwoman AU ft. Batwoman!Dana.
1 | 2 (Catwoman!Terry/Stray)
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vivelesricaps · 7 years
Game of Thrones S7E4
Précédemment dans «Levrettes et conquêtes»:
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- Les scénaristes ont réalisé qu’il ne leur reste que 10 épisodes pour finir la série du coup tout va beaucoup trop vite
- Arya a assassiné littéralement 45% de Westeros
- Arya a ENFIN décidé de revenir à Winterfell 
- Jon Snow a rencontré Daenerys
- Daenerys arrête pas de dire à Jon de s’agenouiller c’est relou
- Daenerys est en train de perdre la guerre mais genre violemment 
- Toutes mes meufs sûres sont mortes ou capturées: Olenna, Ellaria et Yara :’(
- Bran est devenu une corneille et depuis il a oublié toutes ses bonnes manières
#TBT de la semaine
On démarre avec le personnage le moins sympathique de la série depuis que Ramsay est mort: Littlefinger.
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Il est en train d’essayer de manipuler Bran, mais heureusement, Bran ne perd pas le nord:
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Bim. Souvenez-vous, «chaos is a ladder», c’est un discours que Littlefinger avait prononcé dans la saison 3 pour expliquer qu’il adorait foutre la merde partout. Du coup là Bran est en train de lui faire comprendre qu’il est une corneille magique qui voit dans le passé et qu’il sait que Littlefinger est une grosse merde manipulatrice.
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Et honnêtement, rien ne me procure autant de plaisir que de voir Littlefinger faire cette tête-là. Rien que pour ça, merci Bran.
Gros vent de la semaine
Meera annonce à Bran que c’était bien sympa de le traîner dans la neige pendant 2 ans, mais que là elle va y aller en fait.
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Et Bran n’a vraiment pas le temps de niaiser: 
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Okkkkkkkkkk merci Bran pour ce commentaire chaleureux on reviendra vers toi dans un instant.
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Bon voilà Bran c’est fait maintenant passons au VRAI début de cet épisode: Arya est de retour à Winterfell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Réunion de famille gênante de la semaine, partie 1
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Les retrouvailles entre Arya et Sansa, qui sont désormais des FEMMES, sont mi-émouvantes mi-gênantes. Beaucoup d’années ont passé depuis leur séparation, et elles n’ont aucun moyen de savoir ce que l’autre a enduré depuis. Imaginez la discussion au prochain repas de Noël:
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EN MÊME TEMPS, ces retrouvailles méga gênantes sont tout à fait raccord avec la relation distante que les deux sœurs avaient avant d’être séparées. Et franchement, vu comment elles sont toutes les deux devenues des SAUVAGES depuis, je pense qu’elles vont finir par bien s’entendre.
Réunion familiale gênante de la semaine, partie 2
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Ok merci Bran.
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Meilleur écuyer de la semaine
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Podrick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😍 Il est toujours aussi nul mais c’est pour ça qu’on l’aime.
Matrix de la semaine 
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Yassssss Aryaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Podrick est tellement impressionné.
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Et Brienne est tellement impressionnée.
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(Mais aussi un peu flippée, et on la comprend).
Sex and the city de la semaine
Misandei raconte à Daenerys son rencard avec Grey Worm...
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Peut-on avoir un spin-off où c’est juste Misandei et Daenerys qui parlent de leurs coups d’un soir autour d’un cosmo svp?
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Et puis parlons sérieusement: est-ce que Misandei est la meuf la mieux sapée des 7 royaumes ou bien? Ce petit look Catwoman-pirate-des-Caraïbes lui va à ravir. 
J’aime à quel points les costumes de Daenerys et de Misandei (et de beaucoup de personnages, d’ailleurs) se sont assombris tout au long de leur parcours. Elles sont passées de robes très claires et féminines à de véritables habits de guerrières... Une évolution parfaitement en règle avec la fin de cet épisode, MAIS ON Y REVIENDRA.
Grotte de la semaine
Pour convaincre Daenerys de s’allier à lui, Jon Snow lui fait le coup de la grotte. 
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On espère tous que ça finisse comme avec Ygritte, malheureusement Daenerys est toujours aussi relou et redemande à Jon Snow de plier ses genoux et de lui prêter allégeance. 
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Meuf la seule raison pour laquelle il devrait s’agenouiller dans cette grotte c’est pour t’offrir un petit cunni des familles, comme il sait si bien les faire.
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Jon ne te fais pas avoir mon garçon. Ne lui laisse pas le trône!!!!! (Ouais désolée tout le monde mais je suis #teamJon).
Jean-Marie Bigard de la semaine
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Mdr Davos jtm 
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Retrouvailles gênante de la semaine, partie 3
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En fait rétrospectivement les retrouvailles entre Arya et Bran étaient vraiment chaleureuses hein.
Trou du cul de la semaine
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Je n’ai qu’une vague idée de qui est Randall Tarly* dans cette histoire mais une chose est sûre: c’est vraiment un trou du cul.
*ok c’est le père de Sam
Meilleure conclusion de la semaine
Bon il était vraiment sympa cet épisode, l’intrigue avance, y a eu plein de retrouvailles, vraiment c’était complet...
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Ah c’est... c’est pas fini?
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Ah ok.
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Ah oui d’accord.
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Meilleure chorégraphie de la semaine
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Le respect est total. 
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(Suis-je la seule à trouver ces GIFs de Drogon très relaxants? Oui? D’accord.)
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Oh mon dieu.
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Questions et observations:
- Désolée de commencer par l’épisode 4, mais j’ai une bonne excuse j’étais en vacances dans le désert pendant le 1, le 2 et le 3.
- Si vous avez déjà lu ce tumblr vous avez dû comprendre que j'ai un peu du mal à publier régulièrement (désolée désolée désolée), mais je vais essayer de finir cette saison promis.
- Le moment ou Tyrion regarde l’armée de sa famille se faire massacrer était vraiment émouvant. En fait, toute la mise en scène de la bataille était parfaite. 
- Littlefinger, je veux pas te stresser mais je crois qu’Arya vient de t’ajouter à sa liste là.
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- On est d’accord que ni Jaime ni Bronn ne sont morts hein?
- Que pense-t-on de la ~dague de Tchekhov~? Est-ce qu’Arya va s’en servir pour tuer Cersei? Ou Littlefinger?
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- Et quel est le but de Littlefinger d’ailleurs? Le voir sourire comme un pervers dans des coins sombres de Winterfell me met super mal à l’aise j’ai très peur.
- Entre son frère qui est devenu un piaf à 3 yeux et sa sœur qui est devenue ninja, Sansa doit clairement se demander ce qui est arrivé à sa famille.
- Si Tormund et Brienne ne couchent pas ensemble avant la fin de cette saison je vais envoyer une lettre de réclamation à HBO là.
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- Écolo, ultra-rapide, le dragon est-il le nouveau moyen de transport du futur?
- Les Dothraki = moi après trois mojitos
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À la semaine prochaine (j’espère) (promis) (peut-être)!
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todokori-kun · 7 years
(remember how I kept mentioning that my computer has been weird?
 It finally just broke down and I feel like I’ll have to wait a couple of days for it to be ok again…currently using dad’s computer that he never uses, but since the keyboard on this one is a bit wonky there may be more typos than I usually make. Sorry OTL)
It’s quite the heartwarming moment. Look at how happy Draco looks
She was PUNCHING her stomach??? Idk how I missed that when I was reading the chapter, gotta go reread it now…but why, Touka. Why would you do that.
I’d much prefer an Uta/Touka child tho. Kaneki's kid might not be able to escape being involved in a tragedy, but any child of Uta’s is destined to be the one writing that tragedy. At least they’d be safe(ish).
Ugh I’m imagining Eto passing on the title of OEK to the Touken kid as she’s dying like
“If I say goodbye, this world will learn to move on. Our legacy outlives me when I’m gone…”
Ok, but wait. What if. Uncle Hide meets Eto and the child at the airport and drives them to their new home, where a tall man with a serious face, white hair and a pink flower-patterned shirt is waiting for them…
“Who’s that, Auntie Eto?”
“That’s your grandfather, sweetheart.”
(No idea whether I should smile or sob over those Hide gifs)
My sister is the girl who claims that she’s the queen of Korea.
“Sweetheart, Korea already has a president.”
“Then I’m the queen of England.”
“You’re not from England though…”
“I can speak English!”
(five year old logic. This is an actual conversation we had once. She’s also read a bit of Black Butler’s more kid-friendly arcs with me (I’ve altered canon to make her believe that Sebastian is like Ciel’s fairy godfather or something lol)…and is convinced that whenever those pictures of Sebastian pulling off his glove with his teeth pop up he’s actually eating his glove.)
Well, as you can probably tell I’m still a masochist/sadist when it comes to characters and stories XD
And since I sent Naomi and Louisa, I hope you liked them! :) Louisa’s still in development so there might have been too little info, sorry about that ^^;;
Yeah, you’re right, it’s pretty op. However, I was actually trying to make her a bit op, if that makes sense? I thought it might be good to make her naturally a super powerful ghoul so that it would really show how much she’s holding herself back.
(You might have noticed that I ended up scrapping the kakuja anyway though ^^;; Naomi and Tatsuo are both old OCs I decided to remake and I couldn’t remember the backstory behind how she got her it. I didn’t really want to make a new explanation so yeah, no kakuja XD)
Honestly, my personal opinion on OCs is that being super powerful is fine as long as you can have it make sense (example: if you have an AoT OC making them a really strong soldier is fine, especially if they’re a new member of the MP or a Survey Corps veteran. However, you cannot make them as strong as/stronger than Levi and Mikasa unless they are a dead member of the Ackerman clan, and having them on the same level as the Titan trio is also pushing it unless they were also trained to be warriors/potential titan shifters). Angst is fine too as long as it fits (dead parents and a violent childhood spent alone on the streets is the average backstory for a ghoul in the TG universe, but not for a skater from YoI) and you know how to pull it off. I mean, Kaneki’s story is basically 99.9% tragedy but Ishida nailed it. I think it depends on the writer’s skill level and understanding of the character.
And I definitely did not have the required skill level/understanding when I created that Catwoman OC lol
It seems we’ve both improved a lot since those dark times though, so that’s great! :D (still, sometimes I’m not quite sure if I’m doing it right haha…but from what you’ve shown me you’re being a queen again. How do you do it. Please teach me your ways).
I can relate to that…I make OCs just because I like developing them. The only ones who ever actually get used are the characters for my original stories (like Louisa) ^^;;
Well, I did imagine some of his role in TG canon and I planned for him to die in Re…probably because of Naomi, because he has a very strong sense of self-preservation until his baby sister gets involved.
It is a perfect gif. And yes, that’s usually what happens when I try to explain my fandoms to my parents/acquaintances. (Aot is especially awkward because in the Korean version titans are just called ‘giants’, and whenever I talk about it with other people not in the fandom I can just FEEL that they’re imagining fully-dressed fairytale giants like the one in Jack and the Beanstalk lol)
You’ll probably have to use it again soon because I’m working on that Kaneki/reader Heathers AU ;)
Btw, Shuu/Kaneki song list that I just thought of (you probably know a lot of the songs on here too, but I just felt this weird need to show it to you. It’s mostly from Shuu’s POV):
Part 1
Blank Space- Taylor Swift
Irresistible- Fall Out Boy
Kiss with a Fist- Florence + The Machine
Fire meet Gasoline- Sia
Love the way you lie- Skylar Grey
I don’t wanna live forever- ZAYN & Taylor Swift
Part 2:
Dark Paradise- Lana Del Rey
Ultraviolence- Lana Del Rey
Jet pack blues- Fall Out Boy
Breath of Life- Florence + The Machine
Colors- Halsey
Okay enough yelling. But damn, I am McFricking emotional right now, because damn, it was expected but unexpected and holy shit I can not calm myself down because  w h a t  t h e  h e l l  Idk if you’ve read it (sorry if you didn’t, this probably doesn’t make any sense ^^;;) I just. Wow. woow. I wanna put the panels here, but if I do, it’s a spoiler and I don’t wanna spoil it for you. When you do read it, please come scream with me.
Aw, that’s a shame :/ Hopefully it gets fixed soon!
The joy on his face is unmistakeable. Just look at it
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No, no, I’m not sure if she was punching it, I just said that it’d be bad if she did punch it, since she had punched her stomach in the anime when her friend delivered that food. Also, in the school’s bathroom stall.
Uta/Touka child would be the ultimate troll. Damn, now I’m wishing it’s their child as well :P
That would be sad, but completely honestly, Eto’s death wouldn’t phase me all that much.
And now you’ve melted my heart to the end. Congrats on not breaking it for once :)))
I like your sis hahah Give her the newest chapter of BB and we’ll see how she reacts *sadistic grinning* Bassy eating his gloves certainly is an interesting thought, though.
I like both of them ^^ I definitely want to hear more about Louisa, though
It seems we have different views on OCs here ^^;; Honestly, op characters haven’t been my favourite after I finished my phase of making them hahaha How I see it, having an all powerful characters erases a lot of great opportunities for character development and sometimes even makes the plot pointless, since they could solve it at any time, by themselves. Not to mention it can make them very unoriginal. This is especially present in my views of AoT OCs. Most of them are either Titan Shifters (which is also canonically impossible considering the recent chapters, unless you add a new titan type (also pushing it)) or as strong as/stronger than Levi, which makes them all bland and hard to distinguish between. Why not make a character strong in their own way? Instead of being an expert with blades (just like Levi), why not have them be someone extremely skilled with 3DMG, so they can serve as distraction for titans until others finish it off? Sure, that doesn’t mean the character will have a ton of solo kills (which is something OC creators seem to value a lot), but it still makes them important to the team. Also, one of my biggest problems with those OCs: they all join the Survey Corps (despite being in top 10 (also pretty much a requirement for OCs)) and are extremely brave and yadayadayada Let’s be honest, if we were in that world and managed to get top 10, chances are we’d join the MP. Or at least the Garrison. 
As for angst, I’m fine with an angsty backstory, as long as it doesn’t go too far. Sure, kill the parents and have them wander on the streets, but for fucks sake, if you do that, there’s no reason for the character to be molested, experimented on by a cult, have a best friend who dies purely for the plot and then make the see the undead or something, so they are more Edgy™
Whoops, that turned out quite long ^^;;; This is just my personal opinion, though.
Well, when making my newer OCs, I try to focus on character flaws. What makes them human? What would break them? Why do they have powers, yet aren’t able to defeat everything with a single kick (ONE PUUUUNCH)? I guess making 'flawless’ characters in the past made me take the opposite approach today :p
Well, Titans do look ridiculous. I mean,
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Not fairy tale material, but enough for the whole fandom to make fun of them.
Oh my, am I going to get my feelings destroyed again?
Actually, I don’t know a few of the songs ^^;;; I’ll go listen to them now ^^
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gavinchan0714-blog · 7 years
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somereaderinblue · 11 months
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Another moodboard for the BB Catwoman AU ft. Catwoman!Terry (Stray)
1 (Batwoman!Dana) | 2
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somereaderinblue · 11 months
Omg looking at your mood board makes me think of creating a batcat beyond au playlist, my first contribution of which being Ballroom Extravaganza by DPR IAN and I welcome further thoughts if you have them👀👀👀
Oh my god, I'd definitely listen to that playlist.
Hmmmm not a music expert but for some reason, these songs come to mind:
-High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco
-Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift (Catwoman!Terry on a revenge high fr)
-Teeth by 5 Seconds of Summer
-Poker Face by Lady Gaga
-Circus by Britney Spears (this song always gives me phantom thieves-vibes)
-The Baddest by KDA
This is all I've got. Hope I managed to help! : )
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