#bc i swear some people post this wvery 10 min
littlepuffy4ever · 3 years
what the fuck??? well for one youre definitely NOT toxic for disliking him, you know, a creator who donated to a racist and transphobic fuck? like he used OUR merch money to donate to someone who wanted us to not have rights?? I don't understand why people are so nasty over it, you're definitely not in the wrong. It's not going to blow over anytime soon, unfortunately, even with smaller events that happened, this fandom will go on for MONTHS. I wish that was an exaggeration.
Legit, twitter is more okay-ish at the moment (at least from what I'm seeing, but i havent been much on it bc I've been studying lol) but Instagram is constantly "hes not bad stop being cruel to him"
I even saw someone calling him a hero
I hope AT LEAST the fandom stops biting each other for having different opinions
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