#be a person and establish your comfort. set boundaries around it. being yourself isnt just being Out its also being comfortable
creacherkeeper · 3 years
happy sleepover saturday!!! i will be honest i am So Confused on how to talk to the girl i like i feel insane </3 do you have any advice o wise one
so i think the thing that has been most successful for me like, both in romantic relationships but also just in general, is just earnesty
and that sounds very scary and it IS scary until you get more practice at it. and earnesty and honesty does NOT have to be the same thing, like you arent under any obligation to just spill your guts to this girl or overshare or anything like that. but if something she does makes you happy, say that. if you like something about her (especially something she has control over or does on purpose) say that. and on the FLIP SIDE TOO if she does something that you feel youd like to set a boundary around, or something she does/says makes you uncomfortable, dont get defensive or blamey or angry just. say it.
i am going to preface this by saying that earnesty is VERY EFFECTIVE for the RIGHT PEOPLE by which i mean if someone is not very mature or tends to rely on a decent bit of toxic behaviors this is LIKELY TO DRIVE THEM AWAY. mature people value honesty and they VALUE BOUNDARY SETTING TOO (i know this one is still something im getting better at learning, but talking about boundaries and needs and upsets actually makes mature people MORE happy and comfortable in relationships because they dont feel so stressed they have to pick up on/guess if something is wrong, and they know that THEYRE safe to bring up things that bother them too. setting boundaries makes relationships STRONGER). immature/toxic people tend to rely on big, showy displays of emotion, both positive and negative, to establish cycles of getting you to fawn over them when theyre upset, then pulling you back in when that wears you down. dont fall for that bullshit. look for earnest people too. the people who are complimenting you because they mean it, not to win you over. learn to identify mature earnesty vs lovebombing and what the difference feels like to you
being earnest often feels very vulnerable but after a while it starts to feel really good because you start second guessing yourself less. so much of personality is just deciding you want to be/do something and then making a habit of it. earnesty doesnt look like "i get lost in your eyes", it looks like "i liked what you said to X earlier, i thought that was really well thought out" "i think its really cool you know so much about X, it makes me happy when you talk about it because you get so excited" "i really appreciated when you told me X, it feels nice to know you trust me, i feel the same way about you"
and honestly earnesty feels REALLY AWKWARD at first because we're so used to media where everyone is cagey about their emotions and their intentions and then just happen to have everything fall into place (because writing is intentional but life is not so you have to be the intentional force in it instead). but i promise most people are not gonna be thinking "god i just wish he'd beat around the bush a little bit more" "god he was really up front when he told me he liked this thing about me" "god its more FUN if he doesnt say what he means, its not exciting if i dont have to guess constantly". like. so many people, especially your age, are CONSTANTLY nervous because SO much about life is changing so quickly, and youre figuring SO much shit out, and a lot of times it feels like there isnt a guide book or a safety net. let yourself be the person whos just. sturdy. you know? say what you mean and the right people will find you. and the right people are not always going to be who you expect. sometimes that hurts, but the end result will be worth it. just understand that most people also dont know what theyre doing, and most people are also nervous, and most people are also shier than they try to let on, and most people are trying to look cool and dont know if theyre doing a good job at it, and most people feel very, very deeply and just want someone who can acknowledge that. vulnerability is rough but the fruit of that labor will come back tenfold, i promise
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anonil88 · 3 years
Generation hbo ep. 8 liveblog; midseason finale
Let's get into this episode before I loose my train of thought:
He dressed like an entire funeral. Of course he's listening to Bad Religion by Frank Ocean. I do love that the song is in the catalog.
As Sam should. Accept the consequences Chester you were in the wrong and you're lucky no one knows besides administration what you did.
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Wow no need to be rude Chester, Riley is just trying to be nice. This isn't about him setting boundaries, this is about how he brushed her concern off.
Oh he really disregarded this entire kid and has now found himself a new talking buddy. Of course now that he doesn't have his head in the improbable clouds, he can sees around himelf. He still should talk to his friends though and his new counselor. The person you date isn't the solution to your self fabricated drama.
So he did get suspended, good.
Ay Legends of Zelda and DND. Whoever did that chaotic good chart placed Chester pretty correctly haha.
Get his number. Yo Chester you need to get his number or his IG.
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These kids are kind of dicks but I'm glad everyone including his teammates are like we love you something is wrong and we can tell. It just feels a little heres our token gay entertainment moment.
This is so stupid but they did make him smile and laugh again because he can't stay in this rutt forever. Kind of wild how when you are the loudest person in the room just being yourself and you are off people notice.
The joy was good for some time but it doesn't last because he needs to face the root of his loneliness. Alone in a room full of people.
That doesn't mean he likes you so you need to slow down. But, also he needs to get the rejection so he's not stuck on the crush.
This message is awful and awkward start, but its become long and awkward.
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I guess there was no pregnancy intro because we are going to the mall. This mall day seems so fun minus the pregnancy.
Some solid people and the fire station is the best location to go to.
Its been 4/5 days and you haven't talked to her, come on now the two of you. Euphoria and this show remind me of how much I hate teenage communication issues. The number 1 reason you could not pay me to go back and redo my teen years.
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Tiktok dances to make the baby go yo sleep lmfao how gen z.
Why is Chester being kind of an asshole to Nathan all of a sudden?
Oh fuck that kiss was uploaded oh fuck. No Chester now is not the time.
I would of hung tf up if that woman was my mother, because you're not gonna be a homophobe to me and then ask me to come home. It's coded but she's really just upset her son does actually like women AND men, and probably anyone under the realm of nonbinary that he deems attractive.
Just say thankyou. Sisters ? When did y'all get that close?
Girl its not funny to tell your adoptive parents, who treat you like gold, that you'd rather they didn't adopt you. It is fucking cruel especially to two gay parents who likely had to fight to get her. They just let her get away with it in the name of teenage angst.
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Delilah is setting this baby up to be so conscious. Aw his beanie.
They are really all gifting the baby charms and tokens. A proper sending off. Maybe not so much the cbd oil lmfao but everything else is so sweet. Those things will stay in the babies possessions too.
I really don't like Ariana, that was not the time to talk about the hot firefighter. She is used as the inappropriate comic relief character and it grinds me up for multiple reasons.
What us Riley? 🤨 There was no "us" established, yall didn't even share a kiss kiss. How the heck is a quick couple of pecks turning into saxophone time, but also how do those quick peck without talking about anything constitute a relationship or even situationship. Mutual feelings exist but they aren't even in a relationship. Also, Greta needs to apologize to Riley for how she spoke to her. Theres a correct way to say, "I'm not comfortable instead of you sleep around I'm not like you." Greta barely spoke in this episode and didn't even look at Riley or utter an apology. That's real strange.
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Chester is gonna find someone his own age, awesome, and break Nathan's heart in the process. Oh the drama.
Mid season thoughts: This show isnt bad it just needs some refinement and work. The issues I had throughout the season did not get cleared up in this episode at all. I really like some of these characters and others are not for me at all. Some of the other characters could use more solidification of their interactions. These characters just felt very different in this episode specifically that we've seen them previously. Ariana was still consistent as were Riley and Nathan in comparison to the others. This is only the mid season there are 8/9 episodes coming soon, the cast is currently still in production. Sigh if only we could get a Euphoria cross over in one of the eps they are filming right now. I say this since Euphoria starts filming this upcoming week. How cool would it be to see Chester, Riley, and Greta coming out of a corner store and Chester holds open the door for Jules and Rue. Then in the foreground Riley and Greta awkwardly talk and in the background Chester says I like your hair or outfit before running up behind his friends like "Stop bring weird let's go."
Anyways I'll be here to watch when the series does come back.
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