#bearded ftms
transmunsons · 5 months
Steve traced Eddie’s scars, long since turned to white. He grazed his fingers over the ragged marks on Eddie’s stomach, the neat lines under his pecs. Light filtered lazily through their blinds and danced across Eddie’s skin in golden stripes.
Steve had woken up first. He loved moments like these where he could just look and touch, remind himself that he’s not alone. He got to see this every morning but the novelty had yet to wear off. Eddie’s face was relaxed, half smushed into a pillow and his hair tumbled wildly out his bun. He’d found another gray hair the other day and made a fuss to Steve about it.
Steve pressed closer and wrapped an arm around Eddie’s thick waist, almost lying on top of him. He buried his face in the space between Eddie’s neck and shoulder and focused on how warm he was, the way his chest rose and fell. Still alive.
Eddie stirred and rumbled out a, “Mornin’ to you, too.”
“I had that dream again,” Steve murmured into Eddie’s neck. The one where Steve couldn’t save him.
Eddie dropped a kiss on his hair, wrapping him in an embrace. “I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart.”
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magnetothemagnificent · 3 months
The older brother trans man struggle of your younger cis brother achieving all the gender goals you want
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
Periodic reminder to trans people who use minoxidil/rogaine on their face:
Make sure to wash your hands afterward, especially if you have cats. Also, please keep it off your lips. You don't want to ingest it (it also tastes like hell, take it from me). If you're prone to dry skin, invest in a good moisturizer, something that agrees with your skin and will keep it feeling nice.
Carry on. I wish you all the best of luck in whatever you do to promote hair growth 💛
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irishtransbear · 8 months
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amurder-ofcrows · 1 month
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1 day on T vs a month away to being 5 years on T
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willwritesagain · 4 months
Brollercoaster 2.0
Beth was a solo thrill seeker as none of her friends nor family enjoyed theme parks or rollercoasters. Last week she travelled across country to a new park that had opened. She was so excited, loving rollercoasters as much as she did was great but the feeling you get right before the very first ride of a new coater was immense. Nothing quite beats the first ride. She had queued for quite some time, all the while watching the train rumble around the tracks, dropping, spinning, looping. She couldn't wait. Finally it was her turn to ride.
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As she sat in the seat and pulled the harness down over her long blonde hair, she felt slightly uncomfortable, as if she was sitting on something. She fidgeted a little and this seemed to solve the issue. The harness was tight on the breasts, not helped by the ride attendants who pushed it down, checking it was secure. She didn't care all that much though, she was well acquainted with how these things were and knew she was about to have the time of her life. She watched the teenager at the desk give the thumbs up and push the button and off she went.
The track turned round the the right, down a little dip which propelled the train towards the chain-lift. The seats of the train rattled as it was lifted higher and higher. unbeknownst to Beth these vibrations were tensing her muscles, expanding them even. the restraints were already so tight that she didn't notice.
When the first drop came, her long blonde hair flailed in the wind behind her. However the flailing was becoming less and less and her hair pulled back into her scalp and grew shorter and turned a much darker shade. Beth could see the first of the loops approaching a braced herself for the thrill of it. the pressure of the incline pressed the harness against her chased even tighter than before. so much so that it felt as if her breasts had been pushed inward. this is in fact exactly what happened. By the time she was coming out of the loop her breasts had been pressed into firm, muscular pecks, and the harness was now feeling looser. Her legs had also grown longer and packed on muscle. Beth could have sworn there was more leg room before.
As the ride continues the uncomfortable feeling of sitting on something returned, this time she couldn't shift in her seat to resolve it. Going round a sharp bend she felt a squeezing and popping sensation between her legs as if she had a giant pimple down there. This was her new 8 inch cock breaking free and her two cum filled balls. Beth felt a wave of heat hit her after her new genitalia arrived. An almost orgasmic rush filled her as prickly hairs pushed though the skin on her chiselling face. the prickly hairs proceeded to grow down her arms and legs. But by this point she was enjoying the rush of the coaster and the rush of the transformation too much to care.
When the ride slowed down and re-entered the station. Beth stood up much broader and taller than before. A slight dizziness overcame her as she re-adjusted herself to her new form. After Exiting the ride she, now he, went to the bathroom to find a mirror. A mixture of shock, intrigue and horniness enveloped him. Though now she had to reinvent her life to suit this body.
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back before i could grow a beard, i'd always get sad and jealous when i hung out with a friend of mine who has the most beautiful red lumberjack beard, so he started sending me this every time i got down about it:
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and it helped a lot
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that-trans-lad · 1 year
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Giving you guys all the selfies.
Starting my bulk again hope we see some good shit.
You already know they’ll be a before and after.
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aspiringsextoy · 3 months
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did someone say t4t puppy
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bonojour · 4 months
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selfies around nye (hence the 2024) from 2018 to now. 2018 was the year i got my first appointment at the gender clinic. 😌
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irishtransbear · 1 year
Some beard inspiration for my fellow trans mascs 😘
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pymanderprosthetics · 7 months
The Journey of Beard Growth: A Guide for Transgender FTM Men
For many transgender FTM individuals, the desire to grow a beard can be a crucial part of their gender transition. However, the process of beard growth can be different and sometimes challenging.
In this blog post, we'll delve into the intricacies of beard growth for transgender FTM men and offer some helpful tips and advice along the way.
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Understanding Hormonal Changes
One of the primary factors affecting beard growth is HRT: Hormone Replacement Therapy. Testosterone, the hormone prescribed to transgender FTM individuals, is responsible for promoting masculine secondary sexual characteristics. It plays a crucial role in facial hair development. However, the rate and pattern of beard growth differ for each individual.
During the first few months of testosterone gel or injections, some might experience faster facial hair growth, while others may need to be more patient. The extent of your natural hair growth patterns, genetics, and hormone levels all influence the process. It is essential to remember that everyone's journey to beard growth is unique, and comparing oneself to others should be avoided.
Patience is Key for growing an FTM beard
Beard growth takes time, regardless of gender. It's important to embrace patience and let nature take its course. Don't be discouraged if you don't see immediate results. It may take several months, or even a couple of years, for your beard to fully develop. Consistency and perseverance are crucial during this period.
Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Though it may not directly influence the speed of facial hair growth, adopting a healthy lifestyle can contribute to overall well-being and hair quality. Here are a few tips:
1. Balanced Diet: A diet rich in protein, vitamins (A, C, and E), and minerals (zinc and magnesium) supports hair growth.
2. Hydration: Drinking enough water keeps your entire body healthy, including your hair follicles.
3. Exercise: Regular physical activity helps regulate hormone levels and increases blood circulation, potentially promoting hair growth.
4. Skincare: Taking care of your skin helps maintain a clean and healthy environment for beard growth. Cleansing, exfoliating, and using moisturizers can enhance your facial hair's appearance.
Minoxidil, also available as Rogaine (foam), is a medication originally used to treat high blood pressure, but is now commonly used to treat hair loss. When applied topically to the skin, it opens up potassium channels and increases blood flow to the hair follicles. This increased blood flow can help stimulate beard growth in FTM men.
To use minoxidil for beard growth, first make sure to get the 5% solution. Using a dropper or a cotton swab, apply a small amount of the solution to the areas where you want more beard growth. Rub the solution into the skin using your fingers. Please be sure to ask to your endocrinologist before buying and proceeding with the usage of Minoxidil. Also notice that it can be dangerous for animals living in the household.
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In addition to using minoxidil, microneedling can also be used to stimulate beard growth. Microneedling involves rolling a device with tiny needles over the skin, creating tiny punctures. This microtrauma stimulates the body's healing response, which includes the production of collagen and the release of growth factors. This process can also help increase blood flow to the hair follicles in the beard area.
To use microneedling for beard growth, first make sure to get a microneedling device. Using gentle pressure, roll the device over the skin in the desired beard growth areas. Apply minoxidil immediately after microneedling to further stimulate beard growth. Repeat this process once a week for optimal results.
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While both minoxidil and microneedling have been proven effective for stimulating beard growth, it's important to note that results can take several months to appear. Additionally, it's important to use the products as directed and to talk to a doctor before starting any new medication or treatment.
Extra tips
These tips will help you to take good care of your beard once it starts growing.
Wash your beard regularly with a gentle cleanser: It is important to keep your beard clean to prevent build-up of dirt, oil, and bacteria which can cause skin irritation and beard dandruff. Use a gentle cleanser that is specifically designed for facial hair and avoid using regular soap as it can dry out the skin and beard hairs.
Condition your beard with a beard oil or balm to prevent dryness and itching: Using a beard oil or balm can help to moisturize and condition your beard hairs, making them softer and less prone to breakage. It can also help to prevent itching and irritation that can be caused by dry skin.
Brush your beard daily to remove any tangles or knots: Brushing your beard daily can help to distribute natural oils throughout the beard, which can help to prevent dryness and breakage. It can also help to remove any tangles or knots that may have formed in the beard hairs.
Trim your beard regularly to maintain the desired length and shape: Regular trimming can help to keep your beard looking neat and tidy. Use a good quality pair of scissors or clippers to trim your beard and be sure to trim it evenly on both sides.
Avoid over-washing or over-brushing, as this can damage the beard and cause split ends: While it is important to keep your beard clean and well-groomed, over-washing or over-brushing can actually do more harm than good. This can lead to dryness, breakage, and split ends.
Stay hydrated and eat a healthy diet to promote hair growth and overall health: Drinking plenty of water and eating a healthy diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals can help to promote hair growth and overall health. This can help to keep your beard looking healthy and strong.
Embrace Your Journey
Remember, the journey of beard growth is just as important as the end result. Give yourself permission to celebrate each stage, regardless of how fast or slow your beard develops. Your beard growth is an important part of your self-expression and personal journey.
Surround yourself with a supportive community, seek advice from experienced individuals, and always remember that your worth and masculinity are not solely defined by your facial hair. Embrace the process, cherish every milestone, and most importantly, be proud of who you are becoming.
Now, go forth and embrace your journey to beard growth – You've got this!
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willwritesagain · 11 months
You're Nicked
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Leaving the house and heading to the gym, Samantha saw some commotion up the street. It looked like someone was trying to run and hide from the police, using people's gardens and cars to stealth their way down the street and sirensscreamed and officers on foot ran down the middle of the road. Seeing this Samantha decided to go the long way to the gym. She could jog and it'd become part of her workout. Her heart was pounding and she was glad she was wearing her activewear. She was determined to stay focused and reach the gym safely. 
About 5 minutes into her jog she became incredibly itchy, as if someone had filled her clothes with itching powder. She scratched her chest and gasped in shock. She stopped on the spot and looked down at her chest. She had grown chest hair, neatly trimmed chest hair. She screamed and cried out for help from anyone that could hear her. Zipping up her hoody she sprinted back towards her house. Her long hair receded into her head under her hood. She burst through the door, her face pale and sweaty. As she raced to the bathroom mirror, she saw that her jaw had become more angular and her eyes had become a deep shade of blue. She was no longer the same person she had been five minutes ago. She watched as dark stubble began to grow on her face, she tried to brush it off but nothing she did would remove her facial hair. She was terrified. She pulled her hood down revealing her shortened hair. She couldn't believe what was happening. Her entire head and face was that of a man. She felt pressure in her chest. She unzipped her hood and opened it up and watched as her already quite small breasts shrunk away and firmed into pecs and abs rolled out beneath them. She looked down in shock, unable to comprehend what was happening. She felt her body becoming stronger, more muscular, and her voice deepening. 
There was a banging at the front door. She zipped up and ran down to open the door, thinking it was someone here to help. It was not. It was the police officers she saw chasing the man earlier. Once she had the door open the police stormed in shouting for her to get on the floor. She yelled out in her new deep voice and ran to the back door to escape. Why was this happening to her? With her new strength and agility she managed to hope the garden fence into the back alley, which headed towards the park. 
She seemed to have lost the police for now so she stopped to catch her breath and process what she could of the situation. She felt something slide out of her crotch and from what she had already gone through, she knew exactly what it was. Shereached down and felt her fresh cock, huge, sensitive and wet. Her hand was still down there exploring when she felt two testicals drop out and hung below as a wirey pubic bush began to surround her new genitalia.
Now fully transformed into whoever she was she let out a cry of confusion and fear. The police were at the other end of the alley so HE started sprinting in the opposite direction. However, police were waiting at the other end too and had the guns raised. The new man fell to his knees not wanting to be shot at. He didn't want to die any more than he wanted to be a man. 
"You're nicked"
A police officer said behind him.
As he was arrested and approached the police car he saw his fully transformed reflection again and realised it was the man being chased down the street she saw not 15 minutes ago.
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Somewhere on the other side of town, stood a smiling woman. She looked exactly how Samantha used to look.
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naquey · 20 days
i want my voice "ruined" by testosterone
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