#because trying to leash train him is like trying to remove water from a boat with a collander
theeeveetamer · 2 years
Scarlet Blaze Liveblog, Chapter 5
It got rid of my extra spaces when I hit post :( Why do we live? Just to suffer?
SPEAKING OF SUFFERING! Holy shit the new Tumblr beta editor REALLY fucking hates formatting. Wouldn’t let me make any of these sections into bullet points. I have been fighting with this thing for weeks now (it also really hates letting me remove large sections of text as well). Had to turn it off to get any semblance of formatting so I hope it looks alright when I hit post
Explore dialogue
Now we have an NPC saying that there SHOULDN’T be fog this time of year. Make up your mind, game.
Linhardt: Aw my lazy days are over :(
Shez: You know some of us never had lazy days
Linhardt: Yeah but weren’t you just doing that because you wanted to?
Uh, no it’s called Shez is a commoner and had to literally become a mercenary to SURVIVE. They mention that numerous times. In another support they talk about how they were happy to eat rats if it meant their belly got filled. jfc, Lin, the privilege just oozing from you…
There’s a random mage lady who asks you if anyone on the opposing side uses dark magic. Agarthan lady, perhaps?
Ferdie stands like someone wearing one of those babydoll skirts from Style Savvy and I love him
Interesting that they explicitly state that Hrym was wiped out for resisting Ionus’s power centralization here. IIRC that was a lot less explicit in 3H
We also have explicit trade with Dagda, Albinea, Brigid and others. So I guess that’s another point against “Rhea doesn’t let Fodlan have contact with outside nations”
Why does Randolph look like he has a tiny blanket on his shoulder lmao
Wait why was Constance hostile to living in the Empire again?
Oof. Between Dimitri and Edelgard, Dimitri definitely got the superior Hapi nickname
Random Tidbits
Lmao. Hubert being like “I don’t even have to try not to kill you” during training and Ferdie being like “uh. Thanks. I think.”
I really wish the game would tell me when a character maxes out support points even if the letter is locked. It’s really annoying building support and then just realizing it’s not going up anymore after you’ve wasted so many training points and whatnot
I’ve decided that I’ve stopped caring if units like the food I’m cooking. Y’all will eat it and y’all will like it. I’m done coddling your asses.
I don’t care if you’re bad at the tasks either. Caspar, Linhardt, I’m sure you’ll do fine at running this street stall.
Hol up lemme drop everything
I hope he takes me somewhere nice to kill me
Good thing I unlocked all these new excursion spots. Gonna drive me crazy tho since I’m pretty sure there’s different dialogue in each one
“The shorter a leash, the better”. Kinky
Let’s go on a nice waterfront murder date
“Once, two souls took a boat out on the water… Only one returned. A fine story, yes?” oh my god he’s actually going to kill me
I have a feeling he wanted me to propose a competition… No wonder Ferdie is his type
“Ask thoughts on their employer” that’s a new one, I don’t remember that question ever popping up before
Unfortunately I don’t get to stare at his face. I was really looking forward to more murder dialogue.
Support Conversations
Shez/Caspar C - Caspar has daddy issues lmao of course he does they all do.
Sorry, having daddy issues won’t save your appeal from that hairstyle
I was about to comment on Caspar being like “I’ve got to build my way up from the bottom” but then he actually addressed what I was going to say by acknowledging that he at least has his name to lean on. So good for you Caspar, I see you retain some semblance of self awareness in this game so far.
Shez/Linhardt C - Shez: Just so we’re clear, whatever Hubert said you were gonna do to me, I’m not into it.
Shez is not kinky confirmed :(
How is Linhardt NOT interested in Shez’s power. She literally fucking shapeshifts and he’s just like “eh, whatever it’s just a sword.”
Like. What. C’mon dude.
Shez/Monica C - Ok Monica I hate you
Oh my god do not make Jeritza smile
Manuela: Don’t you want to talk to people?
Jeritza: No.
Stop making Jeritza relatable to me
Lmao Manuela realizing she’s still single because everyone views her as a teacher
Come to me Manuela! I have a teacher kink! We can do both!
Caspar/Dorothea C - Caspar: I’m reading
Dorothea: You can read???
This support is weird. Caspar is like “I wanna study” and Dorothea is like “You need to study!!!! Here let me lecture you on how you need to study!!!!!!!!!!” Caspar: “WOW I NEED TO STUDY!!!!”
Like he was already doing it Dorothea, geez.
Shez/Manuela C - Lmao we stan a messy queen
Y’know Manuela we can smash. I’ll never leave you
Shez/Hubert B - Uh wow weirdly abrupt start. Am I supposed to take this as happening directly after the last one??? They’re standing in the same place and Shez starts like Hubert just said something
Like. Really weird way to do this
“Sever ties” so that’s what the kids are calling it these days
Shez: You have emotions
Hubert: *confused Hubert noises*
Lmao he just had to insult my intelligence there at the end. Never change, Hubert
I know this is a lot of supports but since I’m playing on NG+ I have like 8 activity and 8 training points so it’s stupid easy to get supports. I didn’t even talk about all of them. I imagine future posts will have less as I start hitting time gated supports
Side Battle/Story Content
I’ve been putting this off by playing free mode battles with the renown unlockable characters lol.
Omg Maximum ambulation. Ferdie runs so fast. He’s got the zoomies!!!
Oh no Hubert wants to kill talk to me
Hubert: It’s cute how u thought I would let you live, tho
Man first Seteth now Rodrigue? This route really hates DILFs I guess
I mean I’m not surprised. Look at Count Bergliez
RIP Gustave is here too. Guess they’re making him fight in this route
Main Battle/Story Content
Everyone: *whispering*
Ferdie: WHY ARE WE WHISPERING!!!!!!!???? :D
Ferdie you lovable himbo
Ok do we really need three rounds of “why is everyone so quiet” so everyone can get their dialogue about being quiet in?
I wonder if this conversation changes with permadeath. It’s kind of written like it
Maybe I should do an “everyone dies” run in the future just to see how the story changes lol
Lmao I don’t even like Ingrid that much but I already miss my Lions :(
Oh I guess Jeralt is in the Kingdom now
I mean they’re trying to do the whole “oooooh mystery who could it beeeeeeeee” thing but I know Ling Tong when I hear him
Oh looks like Ashe is a traitor. Can’t say I’m surprised
Honestly fuck Lonato. If you have a problem with sexy dragon lady you have a problem with me
I haven’t talked about this but honestly the colors are fucking me. It’s a good thing Warriors games don’t have friendly fire because I keep running right past all the soldiers in blue to try and kill all the soldiers in red, because like. Fire Emblem do be like that normally
I keep finding big purple circles on the ground. What is that. What does it do. Who is doing that
I actually feel like a bad person for recruiting Ashe here. I mean Lonato is literally willing to kill the poor kid
Edelgard: Family should not fight family
Also Edelgard: Unless it’s Dimitri fuck that guy lmao
Also Also Edelgard: Also Rhea, since she probably banged my great great great great grandaddy a thousand years ago (and maybe is my great great great great grandmommy). Fuck her too
“I could not bear to lose another son” Ok then maybe don’t try killing him, Lonato???? What the fuck?
If saving you weren’t a requirement you would be so dead right now, Lonato
Byleth was kind of a pushover on NG+ lmao
… I’m sorry does Monica have jiggle physics
Ok her boobs don’t have jiggle physics, but her bow does. Which makes it look like she has boob jiggle physics. Why.
JFC Bergliez is so ugly
She was surprisingly absent from AG I’m glad I get to see more of her
I’m sorry, Bergliez got all the way to Deirdriu????? When???????? When did we do that?????
Damn we killing daddy Gloucester, aren’t we? This is dead Fire Emblem dad dialogue
Oh even this guy gets a first name. Not the moms tho. Fuck the moms I guess :/
I’m surprised Fleche got a name and wasn’t just “Randolph’s sister” for the entirety of 3H
Kinda awkward to hear Petra complimenting the dude that murdered her dad
“The head of House Ordelia is one of the Five Great Lords” am I misremembering? I thought Lysithea’s family gave up their seat at the roundtable to Marriane’s uncle because they knew their house was in decline thanks to Lysithea’s condition
I went looking through her supports to see if I was right and apparently Lysithea/Hilda support confirms homeopathy of all things exists in 3H. No wonder these people still die of the plague.
Ok I couldn’t find anything and I don’t care enough to keep looking, but I got my eye on you, continuity guy
“Consider why we chose not to dismantle House Aegir” goddamn Hubert is just going straight for Ferdie’s throat
Ferdie: Haha I’m in danger
Also RIP Ferdie basically blatantly admitting that he’s only still around because he’s willing to “toe the line” regardless of how he feels about anything. Why am I supposed to be rooting for the Empire again?
I don’t get why people are like “We went to school with these people for 30 seconds maybe they’ll listen to reason” like? Why would they, exactly?
Like it was stupid in 3H but at least they had a whole year in 3H. In this game they were all literally at the academy for like a month
Recruiting Ashe also feels weirdly OOC for him after he spent the entirety of AG’s prologue and parts of part 1 talking about how Lonato would want him to do what he thinks is right and how he believes Lonato has gone off the rails, and while it hurts him, he believes it’s right to stop Lonato. Here he’s just like “Ok fine I don’t want to kill him I guess I’ll join you. Fuck my dreams of being a knight.”
I guess they had to make someone from the BL recruitable and everyone else makes even less sense than Ashe. I mean can you imagine if they let you recruit Ingrid here? Lmao
Anyways wrapping up
Spoilers for recruitables in this route here here.
Can I just say, the spread of recruitable characters, from a gameplay perspective, is kind of weird?
On SB, of the characters you get automatically, half of them are mages (5 of your starting 11 are mages).
Not including the wolves or other characters, you get Ashe, Ignatz, Lorenz, Raphael, Lysithea, Marianne, Mercedes, and Leonie (under special circumstances) in addition to the SB characters. But like. That means on SB you get two axes (Caspar, Edelgard), two swordies (Shez, Petra), three mounted lances (Ferdie, Jeritza, Lorenz), one brawler (Raphael), four archers (Bernie, Ashe, Ignatz, Leonie), and eight magic units (Hubert, Dorothea, Linhardt, Monica, Manuela, Lysithea, Marianne, Mercedes). If you include the wolves you get ten. Ten magic users. What do I need ten of these guys for? What is this game’s obsession with mages (the Lions also had way too many, though it wasn’t this egregious and at least Annette can be a serviceable axe unit once she gets Crusher)?
Made even worse because there’s only two magic master classes, and only one magic master class per gender which means you’re going to be ending up with two dark bishops and eight gremories. You can’t equip tomes as a dark knight or holy knight either, you have to use the lance, which is not optimal for many of these mage units. No idea why they decided to take out Valkyrie and Dark Flier if they were going to create so many damn mages. Basically every other weapon type (aside from archers and brawlers) gets at least two different options for master classes, and there aren’t nearly as many archers and brawlers as there are mages.
I guess I’ll use Constance and Hapi more on GD, since at least they only come with Marianne and Lysithea to start
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itsstickball · 5 years
Could you do a prompt about Jean going back to see his parents? I’ve always wondered what he would do!
I have lots of feelings about Jean, so this got really long. Most of it is under the cut, but really the only things you need to know is that I created a summer professional Exy league in Europe and Jean, Jeremy and Neil are all playing in Lyon, France. (All conversations are in French unless otherwise specified)
It’s been seven years since he left Evermore.
Twelve years since he last set foot on French soil.
The steady stream of French that washed over him as they stepped off their plane and into the CDG terminal calmed the apprehension Jean hadn’t noticed growing in him until that point.  Whatever reservations he had about joining the Euro league and playing for Lyon faded away. He was one of the best backliners in professional Exy, and France was his homeland.
Seven years was a lot of time to recover from the damage done to him by Riko and the Master, but that didn’t mean Jean’s version of friendliness was the same as the other players who’d flown with them across the ocean. He nodded or waved in acknowledgment as the majority of them dispersed to catch connecting flights or trains to other parts of the continent until it was only himself, Jeremy, and Neil Josten.
“The manager says there’s a car waiting for us at the South pickup.”
Jeremy informed them in English, breaking Jean out of his reverie. He smiled back at the striker and gestured for him to lead on. The motion earned him a blinding grin from Jeremy and a raised eyebrow from Josten. He likes to think he’s grown a lot as a person since the last time they played together on a team, but it’s second nature to roll his eyes. Josten must be thinking along the same lines because he just answers with a grin full of mischief and good humor.
Jean didn’t necessarily want to go see his parents, but they were playing in France, there’s a full week between games, and somehow Neil and Jeremy double teamed him (though with very different sets of intentions). Jeremy has always wanted good things for him, even if that means pushing him into potentially uncomfortable situations.
“What happens when we go home and you regret not taking the chance for reconciliation?”
He asked. Jeremy was safer not knowing the full extent of Jean’s leash to the Moriyamas, but he was intelligent to take note of the extra hoops he’d had to jump through just to play in the summer league. They both knew this might be the only time Jean got to be in France in a long time.
Jean doesn’t know how to tell his boyfriend that he probably won’t ever be able to forgive his parents – that he was long past needing or wanting them in his life.
“I’ll think about it.”
Jeremy looked like he wanted to say more, but pressed his lips together and nodded. That patience, the willingness to wait and accept his decisions, it was one of Jean’s favorite things about him.
In the end, Neil’s the one to convince him.
The short man didn’t smoke, not without his goalie, but Jean noticed in the few weeks they’d shared and apartment that he’d take a cigarette and just let it burn away in front of him on the balcony. The habit often coincided with Jean’s evening coffee, and they usually shared the time in relative silence.
“I disagree with Jeremy.”
Neil said once they’d both settled in for a minute or so. Though proposed out of the blue, the statement wasn’t all that odd. On the court, he had a great deal of respect and cooperation with his fellow striker, but the two had very different views on the world outside of it. It was perhaps strange that he seemed rather contemplative about this disagreement, but that could be attributed to the setting.
Jean prompted him to continue with a hum.
“I think reconciliation if too weak of a thing to hope for.”
Jean turned towards him at that, interested to hear his own thoughts echoed back so clearly. His interest furthered when Neil continued, but refrained from looking back at him.
“But, I think you should still go.”
An angrier, more raw Jean would have snapped back, huffed out his anger and then belittled the red-head for trying to understand him. Currently, Jean just took another drink of his coffee and waited. Sure enough, Josten continued, staring at the burning ember of his untouched cigarette like it held the key to the universe.
“If my mother were alive, she’d be furious with me. Everything she did was to keep me away from my father, but in the end, it hadn’t mattered. If she were here, I’d want her to look and see what became of me. I’d want her to know that I broke every one of her rules and still made it out on the other side – because I didn’t need them anymore. Before, we just survived, but now, I’m living and it has nothing to do with her.”
He went because, well, mostly because he misses Marseilles. He’s not fully healed or willing to forgive, but Neil was right. He deserved some damn closure – to be able to look his parents in the eyes and say “this is what you did to me” to be able to walk away and say “you put me through hell, but I found my way out of it.” He wanted to see his sister; to know that she, at least, got the normal life he’d been torn from.
Despite his relationship with Jeremy, Neil is the one he takes with him. As much of an asshole and a pain in his side the petit striker continues to be, Jean knows he won’t ask questions – won’t pry in an attempt to help Jean. And sure enough, he’s silent almost he whole train ride, only speaking to be an asshole about their lunch choice or point out Exy posters.
It turns out to be a good thing, having Josten with him.
He probably should have thought beforehand how unlikely it would be that his parents still lived in their little rundown apartment. Neil lets Jean take the place in silently, however and takes over interrogating the neighbors to try and find out where the Moreaus went. He follows the various leads across town while Jean stares at the city he grew up in, cataloguing what has and hasn’t changed. The crime was still heavily prevalent, multiple knives and guns flashed at Neil during their search, but he never flinched away. He found the pockets of good were still there too, though. Little sail boats dot the coast as they ride the bus alongside it, a corner bakery employee hands out free samples to children, a group of teenagers giggle until one of them asks him and Neil for their autographs.
The city was a soothing lull until Neil stoppped walking abruptly in front of him. Jean almost collided with him out of spite, but he doubted the middle-age woman working on the small flower garden on her porch would have appreciated the tussling that would have followed. Instead, he adjusted his stride to step up beside the short man just as he called out to that neighbor.
“Pardon moi, do the Moreaus happen to still live here?”
He asked, his accent having melded near perfectly over the course of the afternoon to fit the natural speakers, whereas he’d been imitating the Lyonnais for the past several weeks.
“Ah, oui.” The woman responded, nodding her head towards the stoop they had halted in front of. “Why do you ask?”
Jean didn’t know if it was a natural proclivity to suspicion or if his parents still hadn’t rid themselves of the habit of getting into business with unsavory people, but Josten smiled and waved his hand at her regardless, making up some story complaining about being given and incorrect address. It was only half-false and the woman seemed to relax.
He thanked her and then led the way up to the door. Neil came to stand a few steps behind, there for support, but not hovering. When he knocked, it was his father who opened the door.
He took a moment to wonder bitterly if the man recognized him because they shared the same facial structure or if his parents had followed his story in the news. The older Moreau’s expression shuttered slightly when his gaze landed on the three tattooed into his cheek and then flitted anxiously back to Neil.
“Uh, come in, come in! Let me get your mother.”
He seemed to remember enough of himself to offer them a seat and some water. Neil accepted both, picking the armchair furthest from the others and then immediately pulling out his phone. Ordinarily, Jean would have snorted, but he appreciated the semblance of privacy.
Jean still stood when he heard his mother’s footsteps and voice coming down the hall.
“Thierry? What is it? Do we have visit- oh.”
The backliner stayed put until his mother ran out of words and steps. Only then did he tear his gaze away from the scattering of pictures on the mantle – from the small frame in the corner that showed a grinning boy holding his first Exy racquet. As he turned, the whole room seemed to fall silent.
“Hello mother.”
The words sounded odd and formal in his mouth. For a moment, he was thrown back into a media room with red and black walls a smiling psychopath breathing down his neck – ready to pounce should he misspeak. He blinked slowly washing the memory from his mind. Riko was dead.
Riko was dead and he was here.
His mother stuttered, lifting a hand to her mouth. Where his father had been quietly accepting, pale and meek, Nadine Moreau was all emotion. He had her to thank for his complexion and his stubbornness. He remembered that she hadn’t gone with them to the airport, but that she’d cried in his doorway the night before when he’d been pretending to sleep. He’d thought she was proud and scared that he would be playing across the ocean. He had no idea of the horror that she’d sold him into to remove her husband’s debt.
“Are you -. You’re.” She stopped and started. Jean waited for the words “I’m sorry” to come, hoping silently despite what his heart and Neil had told him. When they never arrived, and the awkward silence of his mother trying to find words as her gaze skittered across his face and frame, and his father not even doing that, Jean put them all out of their misery.
“We’re here for the summer league, playing in Lyon.” He explained, motioning politely towards Neil. “This is my teammate.”
He saw the questions flit across his mother’s face once more. Was this another boy condemned by the mistakes of his father? Turned into a champion by the horrible machine  of abuse at Evermore? Neither player moved to explain themselves or their scars – though Neil had most of the ones on his arms covered by armbands anyway. The striker did offer a polite hello before going back to his phone.
When neither parent offered anything of value, Jean continued.
“We won’t be able to stay,” He said, no regret coloring his voice. “But a friend convinced me it would have been rude not to stop by.”
At that, Neil did snort behind him – though Jean didn’t know if it was at the return of his on-court arrogance, or the oversimplification of their conversation and his conversation with Jeremy. He found he didn’t care much – though it did help to snap him out of the awkwardness that had permeated the room.
“Well,” His mother said, sad but accommodating. “We don’t want to keep you if you have other places to be. I’m sorry Amelie wasn’t here to say hello, she’s out at the university most days.”
Her words were bland, but Jean saw in her eyes that she understood that she had no right to keep him, even if she still wanted to. His father’s eyes, as he escorted them back to the door, were as blank and numb as ever. Jean almost thought, in a quiet flash of anger, to ask if they’d replaced his heart with a machine yet. Instead, he allowed his mother to place a gentle hand on his shoulder and followed Josten out the door.
“Where are you going?” He called when he saw that the striker wasn’t headed back towards the bus stop they’d come from.
“To the university.”
Neil called over his shoulder without slowing down. Jean muttered about tiny assholes and lengthened his stride to catch up. When he was once more walking beside the red-head, Josten pocketed his phone and pulled out something else to hand over to Jean.
“What -?” He stopped himself when he saw that the small slip of paper was a picture. A picture of him and Amelie. “You stole this?” He tried to sound indignant.
Neil just shrugged.
“They have about twenty, I figured they could spare one for you.”
He did not thank the shorter man. But the striker didn’t comment on the way his eyes traced the photo of the two young children reverently either, so Jean figured they were even.
The university was apparently close enough that they could walk to it, though it was definitely well into the afternoon due to their circuitous trip to find his parents’ house. Still, Neil led on, occasionally checking the map on his phone until they stood on the edge of the school’s practice football fields. Jean didn’t bother to ask how Neil knew to go there, he’d seen the picture of Amelie proudly displayed in his parents’ front hall, holding a football and an acceptance letter.
They stood there quietly at the edge of the grass, watching the girls dribble, pass and shoot the ball around. Neil seemed content to ignore him until the players took a water break, and even when he spoke, there was no real judgment in his voice.
“So how much longer are we going to stand here watching?” Okay, maybe there was a little judgment, but it seemed to stem more from amusement and boredom than anything. “Jeremy wants to know what time we’ll be back.”
He tacked on more seriously, showing Jean the text on his phone. Neither of them commented on the fact that it was time-stamped twenty minutes ago. Jean let out a huff and steeled himself to walk over to the group of women. Neil followed until they got to the bleachers and then made himself comfortable on one of the benches. Jean stopped awkwardly several feet away, drawing glances and a few whispers from the closer players. He turned to look back at Neil, suddenly unsure of himself. By either miracle, or design, the striker was already watching him. Less of a help was the single-finger salute he gave in return.
Still, it made him turn around and take the remaining few steps.
“Uh, sorry to interrupt. Is Amelie here?”
He asked, trying to sound pleasant for once in his life. A few of the girls looked at him weirdly, which given his imposing stature, strange tattoo and scars was fair. But ultimately, they called out her name and Jean caught himself craning to try and get a look at the woman his sister had become.
She was laughing and breathless, jostling her teammates as she stepped up to join them.
“What’s up?”
He knew he was standing there staring for longer than was probably polite, trying to take her in and fight down the urge to wring his hand. It was getting to the point where Amelie’s friends had told her he had asked for her and the silence had stretched to become quietly awkward. It had been so much easier with his parents, whom he hadn’t expected anything from. But now, with his sister, he felt like he was standing on the edge of a chasm, with no way to see the bottom.
“Do I know –“
“Sometime today, please, Moreau! I want to watch Kevin’s dreams for the Sharks die in real-time.”
Jean whipped his head around to glare at Neil, who didn’t even have the decency to look up from his phone to catch it. He’d spoken in English, but names translated regardless of their context and the use of his brought a reaction from the footballers. The girls around Amelie bristled, having clearly not liked that some strange, foreign man knew their friend’s name. Jean’s sister looked pensive, however, when he turned back to face them. It soothed some of the anger and panic that had boiled to the surface with Josten’s intervention and allowed him to calmly bear the weight of her gaze.
She seemed to take a deeper look this time, not just mildly interested, but actually searching. After a moment, she stepped away from her friends and reached up towards his hairline, for a notch in the pattern that had existed long before evermore.
She said questioningly, like she didn’t dare believe it.
He swallowed, his mouth dry with emotion at the gentle brush of her fingers against his childhood scar.
“You kicked me in the head with your cleats, jumping off that swing.” He said in confirmation, the corners of his lips turning up just slightly at the memory of that day. Their shape became more mischievous as she pulled her hand back.
“I’m not quite sure I’ve forgiven you for it, yet.”
“Oh my god! Jean!”
Where shock had barely touched his father and had rendered his mother motionless, it spurred Amelie forward until she practically tackled him. The force probably would have taken them to the ground if Jean hadn’t had years of practice bracing against much more determined assailants.
“I can’t believe you’re here!” She said into his t-shirt. “How?”
She pulled away, just enough to look up at him.
“How are you here? They said you wouldn’t be coming back.”
“I didn’t think I’d ever be able to.” He said honestly, rubbing a hand over the spot between her shoulder blades, uncaring of the sweat stains. “I wasn’t supposed to, but,” He glanced back at Neil. “Some friends helped me find a way.”
Amelie couldn’t talk for long, they were actually practicing for an upcoming summer tournament, but it was…nice. He shooed her off with another hug and his phone number. She texted him before returning to the field. Jean heard the crunch of Neil walking through the grass to join him as he stared down at the message.
[hey big bro! I know you said you’re busy, but maybe I can visit you before you go back to the states? Go to one of those fancy games of yours or something?
Neil asked once he looked back up, gesturing in the direction Jean presumed there was a bus stop.
He said, a small smile pulling at his face. The day hadn’t gone at all like he’d thought it would, but maybe there was room for both Jeremy and Neil to be right. His parents had no bearing on his life now, no place in his heart – but maybe he could carve out a little room for his sister.
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Heading to bed early to try and sleep for the next five years cuz depression goes brrrrr
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