strawlessandbraless · 2 years
Giant Siphonophores really out here doing the most, and somehow also the least
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Love to sea it
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vestaignis · 20 days
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Сабеллиды – семейство сидячих многощетинковых червей, распространенных в донных сообществах всех океанов. К сидячему образу жизни сабеллиды приходят не сразу. На стадии личинки червь безмятежно дрейфует в океанических водах. Взрослые особи живут в песке или в илистом грунте мелководной зоны. Сабеллиды - социальные животные, образующие большие колонии в тех местах, где достаточно пищи. На переднем конце тела сабеллид расположена пара перистых, покрытых ресничным эпителием пальп. С помощью этих перьеобразных щупальцев-жабр черви собирают из толщи воды и с поверхности грунта частицы, которые затем используют в пищу или для построения трубки. Кусочки грунта они смешивают со слизью и строят трубки из материала, напоминающего пергамент. Длина трубок в зависимости от вида колеблется от 2 до 10 см. Пальпы одновременно служат и органами дыхания, так как через их поверхность осуществляется интенсивный газообмен. Кроны этих щупальцев выступают из торчащих на дне трубок подобно лепесткам великолепных цветов. Однако при малейшем движении воды «цветы» мгновенно втягиваются, оставляя на поверхности лишь низкие серые «пеньки». Окраска щупальцев-жабр червей разнообразная, но чаще всего это бежевые, желтые, коричневые, черные, темно-красные, лиловые и белые цвета. Зоологи обнаружили более 10 тысяч видов этих животных.
Sabellidae are a family of sessile polychaete worms common in benthic communities of all oceans. Sabellids do not immediately adopt a sedentary lifestyle. At the larval stage, the worm drifts serenely in ocean waters. Adults live in sand or muddy soil in the shallow water zone. Sabellids are social animals, forming large colonies in places where there is enough food. At the anterior end of the sabellid body there is a pair of feathery palps covered with ciliated epithelium. With the help of these feather-like tentacles-gills, the worms collect particles from the water column and from the surface of the soil, which are then used for food or to build a tube.They mix pieces of soil with mucus and build tubes from a material resembling parchment. The length of the tubes, depending on the type, ranges from 2 to 10 cm. The palps also serve as respiratory organs, since intensive gas exchange occurs through their surface. The crowns of these tentacles protrude from tubes protruding from the bottom like the petals of magnificent flowers. However, at the slightest movement of water, the “flowers” ​​are instantly retracted, leaving only low gray “stumps” on the surface. The color of the tentacles-gills of worms is varied, but most often they are beige, yellow, brown, black, dark red, purple and white. Zoologists have discovered more than 10 thousand species of these animals.
Источник:https://m.vk.com/video-177833227_456240992?list=f6ce210ae901f2fd35&from=wall-3724862_1674, /ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сабеллиды, /vk.com/volgbioclub //www.gismeteo.ru/news/animals/raspushit-perya-kto-takie-sabellidy-i-zachem-im-nuzhny-pjoryshki/, /muzei-kholmsk.shl.muzkult.ru/Sabellids, //pofoto.club/32013-sabellidy.html, /zoogalaktika.ru/photos/invertebrata/annelida/polychaeta.
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ketrinadrawsalot · 5 months
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Decapocember Day 11: Members of the infraorder Polychelida live in depths between 100 and 5000 meters. Since the sun doesn't reach where they live, they are all blind. Polychelids are named after the fact that they either have chelae (claws) on four or all five pairs of legs.
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critterzoology · 1 month
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A Hybodus that I illustrated for an upcoming issue of the Steinkern Magazine under guidance of Sebastian Stumpf. Most reconstructions get the horns wrong. (image ID: A watercolour painting of a slender shark with serrated spines on its dorsal fins and four horns on its head.)
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pseudo-ersatz · 1 year
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Benthic Zone art, small little 2-color poster I'm working on with color breakdowns shown here. I'll print on blue paper stock using light blue ink, then overlay a metallic silver ink in several areas.
This design is not finished, and I might try adding some typography to experiment with is as a drink packaging label (beer/wine/whatever). But I'm getting close enough with what I'm experimenting with that I might need to rework some other details that were completed - to make it more print-worthy. For example: now that I look at this, I don't think I'll be able to make the background lines in the upper area register properly, so the blue ink films will have to have that removed.
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He is like a blorbo to me
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weissengel · 1 year
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bluntblade · 1 year
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While the Andor finale's still reverberating, this feels like a good time to mention that there are some stories where the OT heroes rub up against the murkier side of the Rebellion. Twilight Company is one great example, courtesy of an unnamed Han cameo (and it's so much better than the novel of a game with no story mode has any right to be), but I particularly want to spotlight the bookends of Kieron Gillen's comics, Ashes of Jedha and The Scourging of Shu-Torun, which throw Luke and gang together with what's left of Saw's Partisans. There's something really interesting in seeing the golden boy having to reckon with people like Benthic.
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jedi-valjean · 1 year
Tognath is such a cool language I'm very salty we have so little info on it. Not even some basic vocabulary
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calochortus · 2 years
Hawaiian pom-pom crab
Hawaiian pom-pom crab by BarryFackler Via Flickr: The remarkable Hailey from Kona Diving Company found this tiny pom-pom crab (Lybia edmonsoni) for us.It carries a stinging anemone (Triactis producta) in each claw.
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mordicaifeed · 2 years
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strawlessandbraless · 2 years
Just some underloved and overlooked deep sea creatures 💙
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🌊 First up is this deranged muppet - The Deep Sea Telescopefish
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🌊 Hatchetfish - they’re actually really fun at parties
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🌊 The Sarcastic Fringehead - cool outfit, horrible personality
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🌊Siphonophores - asexual, mostly keep to themselves
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🌊 Barreleye fish - lights on but no one’s home
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🌊 Vampire Squid - I’m weak for those blue eyes
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🌊 The Frilled Shark - excellent hugger
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🌊 Giant Isopod - always plotting
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🌊 The Umbrella Gulper Eel - bet he’d beat Joey Chestnut in a hot dog eating challenge any day
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🌊 The Goblin Shark - sensitive about the size of his nose
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🌊 Deep Sea Anglerfish - this is a female, the males are tiny little guys that latch onto the females by biting them, they then meld with the female and basically become a spare set of gonads so the female can reproduce as she pleases. Love that for her
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🌊 The ultra black Pacific blackdragon- soul eater
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🌊 We’ll end it with the Sea Angel who was captured on film living under the ice of the White Sea in Russia
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vestaignis · 11 days
Перевернутая медуза-Кассиопея Андромеда. Upside-down jellyfish - Cassiopeia Andromeda.
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Кассиопея Андромеда – медуза средних раз­­­меров( максимальную шир­и­ну 30 см) в процессе эв­олюции перешедшая от свободноплавающе­го (пелагического) об­ра­за жизни к прик­ре­пле­нному. Скопле­ния Кас­сиопеи Андро­меды мож­но видеть в теплых водах по всему миру, на мелково­дье, в защ­ище­нных от волн бух­тах и лагун­ах, в мелких заводях и каналах,в мангровых болотах и других подобных местообитаниях. Неискушенные наблюда­­­тели часто принима­ют этих медуз за акт­и­н­ий .
Эти красивые медузы переворачиваются кверху вниз и плывут на дно, прижимаются к нему желто-коричневый с белыми пятнами куполом и продолжают мягко пульсир­овать создавая восходя­щие токи воды. У Кас­сиопеи Андр­оме­ды ветвистые щупальца, иногда довольно яркой синей окраски, но чаще бледно-зеленые или светло-коричневые. Своими вытян­ут­ыми щупа­ль­цами медузы стараются выл­овить из потока пропускаемой через себя воды, чт­о-нибудь съедоб­ное . Кассиопея Андромеда питается – зоопланкт­­­оном, однако подоб­но другим кишечнопол­о­с­тным, в тканях они выращивают зоокса­нт­ел­л( симбиотическая водоросль), которым нео­бхо­дим солнечный св­ет. Эти водоросли поставляют свои излишки пищи медузам, которые ими питаются.
Стрекательными клетками эти медузы тоже не обделены и хоть и не сильно, но могут «ужалить» и человека. Кстати, стрекательные клетки Кассиопея выпускает в виде облачка полупрозрачной слизи, так что взбалтывать воду ластами при погружении рядом с этими медузами крайне не рекомендуется.
Cassiopeia Andromeda is a medium–sized jellyfish (maximum width 30 cm) that has evolved from a free-swimming (pelagic) lifestyle to an attached one. Clusters of Cassiopeia Andromeda can be seen in warm waters around the world, in shallow waters, in sheltered coves and lagoons, in shallow backwaters and channels, in mangrove swamps and other similar habitats. Inexperienced observers often mistake these jellyfish for anemones.
These beautiful jellyfish turn upside down and swim to the bottom, cling to it with a yellow-brown dome with white spots and continue to gently pulsate creating ascending currents of water. Cassiopeia Andromeda has branched tentacles, sometimes quite bright blue in color, but more often pale green or light brown. With their outstretched tentacles, the jellyfish try to catch something edible from the stream of water flowing through them. Cassiopeia Andromeda feeds on zooplankton, but like other coelenterates, they grow zooxanthellae (symbiotic algae) in their tissues, which need sunlight. These algae supply their surplus food to the jellyfish that feed on them.
These jellyfish are also not deprived of stinging cells, and although not much, they can "sting" a person. By the way, Cassiopeia releases stinging cells in the form of a cloud of translucent mucus, so it is highly discouraged to shake the water with flippers when diving next to these jellyfish.
Источник:https://www.youtube.com/watchv=4S9dT2nSYOg&ab_channel=vitaliy6447Kalutskyi,/www.projectnoah.org/spottings/17179815/fullscreen, /www.whatsthatfish.com/fish/upsidedown-jellyfish/2145#8, seaforum.aqualogo.ru/topic/54092-кассиопея-андромеда-cassiopea-androme%C2%ADda/, /rtraveler.ru/photo/337448/, /ok.ru/moychetv/topic/152205231908215, /ru.frwiki.wiki/wiki/Cassiopea, http://www.lensart.ru/picture-pid-6fb7f.htm, /lysmata-shop.ru/meduzyi/meduza-sidyachaya-kassiopeya-6-8-sm#prettyPhoto.
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barstoolblues · 11 months
scientists have discovered a new lesbian organism at the bottom of the ocean
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tlmtwelve · 1 year
April 23, 2023: Benthic "Two Tubes"
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chicagobeerpass · 5 months
Chicago Beer Pass: Turkey Turkey
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Welcome to the Chicago Beer Pass: Your ticket to all the great beer events happening in and around Chicago.
On this episode of Chicago Beer Pass, Brad Chmielewski and Nik White are pretending that winter isn't right around the corner by drinking Little Wings, a pilsner from Horse Thief Hollow. Horse Thief Hollow is always one of those breweries the guys try to make it out to, but time got away from them this year. But it's great that you can pick it up in cans. As the guys knock back a couple of cans, Brad shares his recent adventures with his family in town, where he hit up Metropolitan, Burning Bush, Adam's Street, Eris, and Off Color. Nik was able to hit up Half Acre for the latest Benthic release.
With Goose Island's Black Friday this week, it really means stout season is here. If you don't pick up any bottles, try to make it out to one of the brewpubs or bars to try some of these big stouts.
Having issues listening to the audio? Try the MP3 (61.2 MB) or subscribe to the podcast on Spotify.
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