#best episode I don't know how to express the hype I'm feeling
tame-a-messenger · 6 days
you know what stings me the most about sword af if they are doing this audio only thing because they don't get that much revenue back? (which I and lot of other people are assuming, and that's another thing that bothers me about smosh and how they handle things: they don't tell us the reason why, they just do things and don't explain the reasoning behind and then never talk about it again but that's for another day) they may not get an equal amount of views as others games videos (and I think a lot of that came from instead of taking the excitement fans had when it started and releasing the episodes faster they went in the opposite route: making it be biweekly. that time without new content made some of the excitement died down) but they had a very passionate loyal fanbase. like how many fan works have we see about these characters? fanarts and edits and fics and cosplays. and yeah it may be a smaller amount than they are used to but the fans that enjoyed the series were so loud in their love. it's a shame that if this is the reasoning behind they are telling these fans that the love and passion doesn't matter. that at the end of the day loving what you are doing (like the cast does with these characters) or what you are watching don't make a difference If it's not going to get you enough money.
and I also totally agree with you about having the fans help and such. any time they do a charity live stream they raised so much money, which for me says that the people that watch their content would love to help them make the stuff that they love. like i'm sure some would love to have merch of their favorite characters in sword af. some would love to help get them the tools needed to make the best out of their beloved series.
with audio only we lose so much of the reaction and emotions that these talent actors can bring to the table. without even mentioning people that are hard of hearing or have auditory processing disorders. like me for once, english is not my first language and I learn all by myself meaning that sometimes I need help of the body language and expressions as well as captions to help me truly get what they are saying. you can't do that with a podcast. at least not one without visuals.
I totally agree with them making it bi-weekly killing a lot of the hype around it.
So many missteps with it and it still has such a great fan-base. (I'm seeing red again)
The money excuse is something that I don't even want to entertain. They KNOW that the fan-base is willing and able to fund most anything they want to do (if they ever decide to crowd fund that is..) so that's why I'm so confused about why they went this route?
It just feels like they don't care enough to put in that much effort, which hurts me. I can only give them so much leeway for fumbling Sword AF...
(the biggest problem is how they are going about it, if they had explained why they couldn't do it for whatever reason I could at least respect the fact they explained it, like they actually cared. But they obviously don't)
There's so many reasons why having visuals helped tell the story, it's so maddening even thinking about how disparaging it is they got rid of it.
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epickiya722 · 5 months
Haven't done this in... a while! I'll be real with you, folks I forgot about the OVA coming. Like completely until today.
Okay! So, be aware of spoilers (of course). Genuine reactions and most of the time, it's jokes! Given this is an OVA, there is no doubt there's going to be jokes.
Also, don't be that person to take this seriously. Don't take the fun out of this. Don't reply or reblog on this and be like "but actually..." or any other condescending attitude. Don't even come be like "I know you said to not comment but...", don't even do that if you're gonna follow up with being a jerk.
With that being said, ONWARD!!
Battle Heroes... that reminds me of Judai Yuki. Wait... Battle Heroes... DUEL MONSTERS!!
"We can play more card games." Didn't I just make a YGO reference?
Kaminari with his hair pinned back, adorable!
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Yaomomo and Iida coming in like "just find something to do, we can't leave the campus". Like, go outside and build a snowman! Or nap! Or watch TV!!
It's moments like these is why I'm glad Yaomomo and Iida are the vice class representative and the class representative.
Tokoyami's expression is killing me here. Too cute!!
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Midoriya explaining the games just gives me flashbacks to the New Year's Tournament arc in Nanbaka. Funny enough, Justin Briner (Midoriya's dub VA) voices Nico, another crazy strong, green haired adorable fanboy.
"MOCHI!" Uraraka, please, sweetie! Stop being so cute!!!
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I love it when Midoriya gets all passionate when he goes into a ramble about something.
Aw, Sero hyping Sato was just so wholesome. I love 1A interactions like that!
Ain't no way Mirio just hopped his ass in here IN A SNOWMAN STILL INTACT!! 🤣🤣🤣
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Oh! I know what the big eyes are referencing !!
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Hatsume Mei cameo! Aaayyeee!!!
I just realized Bakugou hasn't shown up. Hm.
Hatsume is a savage for using the match between her and Iida back from the Sports Fest as an example on how to play the game. 😆
Midoriya VS Ojiro, my two fave 1A boys!!
OMG, Battle Hero Jiro didn't have to do Battle Hero Sato like that! 😆
BH Kaminari didn't have to do BH Jiro like that!! Ojiro really wanted his get back!
Ojiro using himself to push BH Aoyama out of bounds in the most gentle way will always be funny to me! 🤣 Just a gentle tap from his tail!
BH Todoroki freezing BH Ojiro making a callback to their first battles is just... I love callbacks.
This is the second OVA in which Mt. Lady crushes Sero...
"Because you deserve it. 😁" Ashido, have I told you how much of a queen you are?
The girls are really kicking the boys' asses! I love to see it!
Present Mic cameo as a Battle Hero!!
BH Koda, you wrong!! 😆
Oh, it's Bakugou!
"Which card is the strongest in the deck!" You must never seen YGO. Strongest cards aren't always the best cards, my guy.
Honestly, I feel like it's a jab at the whole joke about how "it's a card game, don't take it too seriously" in the YGO fandom... this whole episode is just a whole YGO reference, isn't it?
I'm on Team Midoriya!!
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Of course, it's a tie!!
Bakugou didn't just put All Might on the field!!
Midoriya pulls a dog... oh, wait. BH All Might is... yep... he did it... Bakugou, you're not a true AM fan. He would have known that All Might wouldn't punch a dog!!
Overall, I liked it! Obviously, the OVA was made to be a "feel good, wholesome, funny" segment and I like it! With everything going on with the manga right, yeah, needed that.
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bengiyo · 1 year
My School President Ep 10 Stray Thoughts
Last week, we went to the beach! Sound learned about Gun's relationship with Tinn while they worked on songwriting, and revealed his feelings for Win to Gunn. Yak was there seeking redemption vicariously through his juniors, and managed to help them in spite of his overbearing nature. Tiwson was also there, and as far as I'm concerned was there for Por. Sound managed to confess his feelings through music, and Win acknowledged them. Tinn and Gun want to kiss so badly, but they are still holding to the rule. The unattached characters performed a cover dance.
Tinn had such hopes for dates with Gun during this break. I hope he managed to prepare for the entrance exams at least and didn't just regress to expressing his feelings through Scrabble.
Tinn's family home seems way too big for just three people. Glad they're doing well?
I can't believe Gun mushed Tinn in the face as a hug denial. Still, it's probably the right call begun Gun is falling hard for Tinn too.
I'm sorry, but the wireless earbuds just don't feel as intimate as crowding close together to share wired ones.
Tinn's mom woke up, sensed Tinn not focused on schoolwork, and had to come check.
These two are just so endearing.
New intro hype!!
Of course Kajorn is the reason she confirmed Tinn lied.
That's right, Sound. It's time for Gun to ask the big questions: Who are you? And What do you want?
I agree with @kyr-kun-chan that Gun playing along with Tinn about the holy Chinzilla, and then teasing about having many boyfriends is fun, because we don't often get playful pairs.
Gosh, I really love these two. The Wave 3 BL boys are doing a great job.
I'm glad we were warned in the preview about Gim falling at work.
Meningioma? A tumor??
I wonder how the secrets he's been keeping will blow up for Tinn.
Por knew he had to look cute to ask a favor of Tiwson.
Aof cameo? 1000Scores??? A Tale of Thousand Scores?? What is happening?!?
Can't even enjoy the boyfriend meal because Tinn is being eaten up by this secret.
Lot of head slapping and shoving this episode.
Tiwson remains the greatest supporter. Just the absolute best boy.
The Tiwson/Por crumbs continue to confuse.
Aw, and now Gun is thinking that he's not a priority, before even worse learning Tinn knew something about his mom.
Fourth is good.
I'm glad Gun knows all that Tinn has been doing for him, because I doubt Tinn would have ever told him.
Please drink the product placement water to feel better, not the nondescript water from the meal scene earlier.
Sometimes it's especially interesting watching stories like this when you're older. You know what the answers are for the characters, but they're young and it won't matter until they believe it themselves. Where is Natasha Bedingfield?
Not me crying over how much I love Chinzhilla.
Why is Tinn's phone unlocked??? Maybe it's just because he's at home. I will applaud the mom for not digging through the phone, but still she knows it's Gunn now.
Now Tiwson is making them scramble for shirts in 4 days? Look at the hustle on these boys.
Of course Gun's at the hospital. He might lose his mom.
Oh, gay boys and their moms. I love Gim and Gun so much.
I like Gun's song for Tinn.
Okay, I cried at Gim watching the performance before her surgery.
I'm so relieved they didn't leave us in limbo about Gun's mom.
I think I get the cliffhanger. It's the primary emotional hold of the show.
Back to the beach next week I see.
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BLEACH: The Thousand Year Blood War Ep 2 Reactions and Thoughts
Overall reaction:
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MY BOY IS BACK! MY GIRL IS BACK! AND THE HYPE JUST KEEPS BUILDING UP! However...I do have one concern which I'll get into down below.
The opening: in terms of style, animation, and content, it's an absolute banger! I loved everything that was shown, from the captain-lieutenant duos with their division's insignia flowers all the way up to Ichigo vs Yhwach. I'm not a fan of the song, but I think it'll grow on me. It's definitely not an opening that you skip!
Nel: she brought so much needed levity and also somberness to this episode. I loved her interactions with Ichigo, from her almost killing to Ichigo covering her eyes to her covering Ichigo's eyes. When she told Ichigo Hueco Mundo was in trouble it was affecting, hinting at the devastation that awaits them when the Karakura gang finally go there.
Yhwach's victory over Halibel: Yhwach hovering above his soldiers with Halibel and the Arrancars defeated was an incredible image. The music, sound editing, and animation absolutely sold this moment as one of shock and horror. It not only showed how powerful Yhwach is, but how bloody and dark this arc is going to get. This was a great addition! Which leads me to...
Yhwach is being built up as a credible threat: the beginning of the arc definitely does this much more than the second half, where I feel Yhwach's threat level becomes based on the freaky eyeball mess he becomes rather than his character, his role in Ichigo's past, and the bloodshed committed in the name of his quest. The anime absolutely shows just how threatening Yhwach is by taking advantage of sound design, music, and adding in moments like him fighting and capturing Halibel. He's without a doubt a massive threat to BLEACH's world in terms of what he commands [in numbers and powers] and the carnage he is causing.
Tres Bestia vs Quilge and the Quincy: I don;t mind Halibel's fraccion, but I've never been big fans of them. also didn't have many feeling toward their reappearance in the manga during this arc. However, the anime made their fight against the Quincy awesome! It made them look like such badasses! I found myself cheering for them when they told Quilge to not underestimate them, and then I found myself sad that they got defeated.
I was more emotional watching the last episode, while this one hyped me up more. They backed a lot into it Like the previous episode, the animation and style is fantastic, with most scenes looking stunning and captivating.
I was also surprised by the level of violence and gore. I know I shouldn't be, seeing as they deliberately picked a later airtime just so they could get away with making the series as violent as the manga became, but it still came as a surprise to me when the Karakura Gang happened upon the corpses of the Arrancars and just how graphic it was comapred to the original anime. It's not a complaint by any means, just an observation.
However, there was something I wasn't a big fan of: the cremation scene; I have very mixed feeling about it's adaption.
On one hand, it's amazing to look at (like much of the anime) and I think the drums fading to complete silence does give it a more somber tone, especially when it comes to Yamamoto seeing an image of Chojiro showing his loyalty and the fact we don't see his expression when he commands for the pyre to be lit.
On the other hand , I felt it was too short, the cut to Yuzu cooking was so abrupt I unintentionally chuckled in confusion, and I was shocked that they cut Byakuya's monologue to Renji. @shirohyorin put it best here as to why this moment between the two is important, but I remember when I first read this scene it surprised me. We were hearing Byakuya speak about a lieutenant most fans weren't familiar with and gave us some insight into Yamamoto too, and the way he spoke was actually pretty emotional for him. It was also as if he were reflecting on his own relationship with Renji as a captain-lieutenant duo who both achieve bankai but the lieutenant remains loyal and doesn't run off to try and become a captain himself.
While I most definitely hope they find a way to incorporate this moment down the line (perhaps as a flashback during the As Nodt vs Byakuya fight), I must admit it worries me that they were willing to cut this for this scene. It's got me wondering what other moments have they decided to change or take out.
Overall, I'm still excited for the anime and can't wait to see how they'll adapt the first invasion. While I am concerned about what content has been cut, I'll keep my hopes up and withhold judgement until this quarter of the anime is finished.
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dans-den · 1 year
My Top 5 Best Shows of 2022
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Hey how's it going everyone its Dan here and today I'll be giving you my Top 5 best shows of 2022!
Just like my Top 5 worst shows list, this is all my opinion, you can agree or disagree with me and that's okay! are we clear? lets begin!
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Number 5 goes to Primal Season 2 on Adult Swim/HBO MAX (8/10)
Now this was made by Genndy Tartakovsky the creator behind classics such as Samurai Jack, Dexter's Laboratory, Symbiotic Titan (that show deserves to be brought back), and the limited Star Wars: The Clone Wars series from the early 2000's. When I heard he was bringing this show out, I was interested and I watched the first season and it slapped! This show will give you unfiltered nuts to butts action and make you sad at the same time despite that the characters don't actually speak, the facial expressions, tone, body language tells the whole story of the show. Season 2 kept that momentum going with expanding on the world and the characters Spear and Fang. Even the introduction of Mira was a great inclusion into the series as she developed a friendship with Spear and Fang, especially with Spear. They gave a lot of side characters such as the Vikings, Celtics, Witches, etc. The end of the season was action packed to the brim however ended with the loss of Spear which honestly made me sad. However, the season concludes with a time skip to where Mira and Spear have a daughter (they conceived one before his death) and with Fangs children grown as well. I don't know if were getting a season 3 for sure, but even if we don't this is an overall good conclusion to our main characters. I'd recommend watching Primal, it's one of the best in adult animation today.
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Number 4 goes to Spy X Family the anime on Hulu/CrunchyRoll (8/10)
This anime was hyped up and it definitely deserves and lives up to the hype. With anime being more mainstream and honestly saturated nowadays, it's hard to watch them all and figure out which ones are good or bad or which you should invest time into. But Spy X Family stuck out to me because of its plot and the main characters. People compare Loid and Yor to Mr. and Mrs. Smith but I feel that it's quite the opposite, I find Loid and Yor's relationship to be wholesome despite their professions and how they have to fake being a couple with a child. Despite the plan being a setup, they do slowly grow to care and love each other as well as Anya their daughter. Anya truly is the glue that keeps them together bringing out the human side of both Loid and Yor and hoswing them theirs more to life than their work. The situations they get into are hilarious and can be action packed at times. I definitely like the Spy and Assassin elements in this show and keeps it from getting too stale or mundane. I'm sure it'll get a second season, in fact I don't think season 1 is over just yet but even so, 25 episodes means were eating good.
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Number 3 goes to CyberPunk: EdgeRunners on Netflix (8.5/10)
Now this is what I consider to be the apology of CD Projekt Red after the disaster that was CyberPunk: 2077. After that games disastrous launch, CD had lost money in both revenue and even made their stock go WAY down! They did fix the problems with the game but the fans were still upset (and rightfully so). Luckily someone at the HQ had the brains to bring CyberPunk into the world of anime and my god, it's a banger! I literally binged this show on Monday and it was quite a ride. It's a ten episode limited series and surprisingly Netflix picked it up (smart move on their part). The show gives me cowboy bebop vibes only more futuristic and a lot more...mature content shown if ya catch my drift. Despite its limited ten episode run, it does an amazing job immersing you into the world and showing you the characters and the struggles of living in such a corrupt city. Reminds me a lot of a Neo Gotham City from Batman: Beyond and it has a surprising amount of Hispanic culture in it which I personally appreciated. I would have enjoyed two more episodes since there's a time skip between episodes 6 and 7 where months pass and Davis goes through character development and appears bigger and stronger than before but it is what it is. It is sad that the main cast gets killed off one by one, reminds me a lot of Akame Ga Kill where it happens to one out of nowhere and slowly one by one, each member gets killed off leaving one of the main characters left. It's a bittersweet end but that's also what makes it a great series.
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Number 2 goes to Demon Slayer Season 2 aka The Entertainment District Arc on Hulu/CrunchyRoll (9/10)
Now I know technically it started in December 2021 even when you cut out the Mugen train movie being chopped up into episodes at the beginning of the season. It still didn't finish its season run until February of this year so I still count this as more of a 2022 season to a show. I love Demon Slayer and Season 2 did not disappoint, it started out with the events after Mugen train, we got more depth for one of the pillars which was Tengen, more depth about Muzan and his plans, battling one of the upper moons and all action in it! The final battle was intense and the animation was on point! it was so beautifully done and while I'll admit some of the battle scenes felt dragged out, it didn't take away from the animation and visuals we were getting. The ending gave us a hint of what's to come next season and I cannot wait!
Before I go into Number One, I want to shout out some honorable mentions
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First mention I want to shout out is Sonic Prime on Netflix (7.5/10)
Netlfix has truly been getting it together if I have more of its shows on my top 5 best shows list than my top 5 worst shows. I wanted to put Sonic Prime on my actual list but unfortunately it only has 8 episodes released at the moment despite it being slated for 24 episodes. This is Netflix still using that binge model that hasn't really worked since the pandemic due to people not being trapped in their houses anymore. It is what it is but despite that, Sonic Prime shows a lot of promise and is entertaining to watch. As a Sonic fan, its great to see him doing well this year with a successful movie, successful game and a potentially successful show! Were truly in the Sonic Renaissance right now. I love the multiverse idea for Sonic, there is plenty of potential for great storylines but again we'll have to wait until the other 18 episodes get released for a real verdict. It said to have three seasons with eight episodes a pop so we got season 1 with a cliffhanger and hopefully we will get the other two complete seasons. But so far, going strong, going fast!
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My other honorable mention will go to The CupHead Show on Netflix (7.5/10)
Why can't Netflix just keep giving us good shows like this instead of cracking down on password sharing? I do enjoy this show but it also used the Netflix binge model. This show had all three seasons come out this year and while I do find Netflix's binge model annoying, I still enjoy this show. I love that old rubber hose style of animation used back in the early 20th century. The game itself is fun and they made a great adaptation with the show just like CyberPunk: EdgeRunner and hell even Sonic. I don't know where the show goes from here but I will say its had a great run up to this point.
And now for the moment you've all been waiting for, the Number One Best show of 2022 goes to....
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Number 1 goes to Smiling Friends on Adult Swim/HBO MAX (10/10)
This is how you do adult animation that everyone can enjoy! I've mentioned each of these shows have plots or storylines they follow, but the thing with Smiling Friends is, there is no set story or plot. The main purpose of the show is to make people smile not only in the show, but also the viewers. Zach Hadel and Michael Cusack are internet content creators/animators and they managed to something that no one from the internet space has been able to do, make a great TV show! Many have tried and failed to bring internet content to television, but these guys managed to do it thanks to time, effort, proper budgeting, and overall great understanding of what makes this transition possible. Smiling Friends is a simplistic show with various animation styles, realism, great writing, hilarious humor, and overall is in touch with the audience its going for. It never feels like something huge or complex, its a simple show that makes it feel like you're having a fun and relaxing conversation with your buddies and I think that's where the charm and appeal comes from. The best part about this show in my opinion is how it's able to subvert your expectations. Now people thought the first episode was weird but as they watches it, it grew on them. The first episode came out in 2020 and people were waiting for the full series. The first season came out this year and left fans wanting more. Now the crew gave us a little surprise with the Brazil episode and if you read the description, you'll think "oh it's just a nice beach episode" but when you actually watch it, it throws a complete curveball at you. They spent the entire episode in an airport just arguing with each other and it was the funniest surprise anyone could have asked for. No one saw that coming and everyone loved it. I'm so glad this show is getting another season, this show is a perfect example of adult animation done right as well as transitioning internet content to mainstream television and that's why I believe Smiling Friends is the Best Show of 2022!
Thanks for sticking around till the end, I'll get my Top 5 Best/Worst movies out starting tomorrow.
See ya!
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xj-16 · 2 years
Hey!! Did you hear about the recent announcement from the Helluva Boss Twitter account? They gave an update on not only S2, and a release date, it'll be released this summer on July 30th. But, also on episode 8, and apparently this whole time, we've been waiting on an episode that concludes NOTHING To the main story and is just filler and a waste of time pretty much. And it's pretty much been revealed that Episode 7 was pretty much the season finale and episode 8 is just a filler episode, with pretty visuals.
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(Oh, they also thrown in a small sneak peak for S2, which is Baby Stolas. And I have a feeling, they're gonna show a flashback of Stolas, to make us feel and have sympathy for him even more, like this show has been doing and making up hate and just have the fandom have hatred towards Stella even more. And possibly the upcoming character, who is Stolas's Peacock Brother in law, they'll probably have Stolas be this sympathetic character, even tho he's awful, he's a bad father and just isn't a good character.)
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This made me so annoyed and upset, and just thought this all wasted our time!! And it's a slap to the face and I don't really know what to say, because I don't have the energy to really get angry and upset, I don't understand why Viv hyped this up and says this is gonna be the best episode ever, if it's just gonna be filled with filler!! S1 Was Nothing BUT FILLER, So why did we need more of it, it's pointless and there's just no point getting hyped or really watching episode 8 or really S2, because they're nothing to get excited or look forward to. Plus, this show has had many issues, along with shoving a toxic and unhealthy pairing like Stolitz in our faces and just being forced overall, Ect. Honestly, I'm just waiting for Hazbin's release at this point and hope that it's AT LEAST decent and watchable, and just not as messy as HB is, overall..once Hazbin is released I'll be done with Helluva and move on, I just don't find myself interested in the show anymore and just don't find myself getting excited or even caring, there's honestly not much to look forward to, IMO.
(Along with that, some Fans and people who work with Viv are basically telling some who are angry and annoyed by Viv's actions and basically how she hyped this episode up, and just messed up, are telling us to stop be untiled and to STFU, Ect. It's like we're not allowed to be upset and express our annoyance and anger, and just opinions in general, especially in The HB/HH fandom. My gosh, this fandom..thank god I left it, and moved on, because it can be toxic, especially when it comes to criticism and shipping. NOT everyone in the fandom is bad, I'm just pointing to the toxic ones in the fanbase and the ones who just can't handle hearing any Criticisms and problems people have with the show. But overall, I feel bad for the animators because they pretty much wasted their time, and besides..Filler should be in the middle, and the story should come first. You know what I'm saying? Like, Viv really shouldn't be overworking herself, it's not good for her or her team, both mentally and physically and plus, it's especially not good on Viv's health, since she's working on two shows at the exact same time!! But, has probably been mostly working on a spinoff to a show, that's not even released yet and only has a pilot right now.)
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Ok, first things first. I indeed have seen the posts and they bring more questions than answers (which is no surprise to anyone since Viv and co are messy and inconsistent when it comes to planning.) I still don't understand why the fandom hypes these episodes as if they're telling some breathtaking story. They're nothing more than filler and fanservice of the fandom's favorite characters. The characters constantly switch personalities to fit whatever situation they're in, the worldbuilding is all over the place, and the "comedy" is just middle school level immature and unfunny. The most it'll get out of me is a snicker. The fans are either easily impressed or they're just as unaware when it comes to writing a decent story.
Also, Stolas was a baby? So does that make him Hellborn? I hope they're not trying to use cuteness to make me pity him, cause it's gonna take a lot more than that Viv. At least for once we finally have a date for Season 2 instead of "Coming Soon 😈". I'm assuming that there were some legal issues when it came to Ep 8's production which may explain the delay.
And last but not least, will the stans grow the fuck up? It doesn't matter how hard Viv and her crew worked on Helluva Boss, that's not a get out of jail free card. And because it was "done for free" is the most dumbest reason to dodge criticism. Nobody told your asses to help produce Helluva Boss, you willingly accepted the offer, and you're mad cause you didn't get the results you wanted? When you put something out in the public, people are allowed to point out the both the pros and cons. This isn't a one way street. These people act as if nobody is allowed to talk about Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss without it being praise and giving Viv more credit than she really deserves. Viv clearly doesn't understand that and it applies to the toxic fans as well who can't tell the difference between Hate and Constructive Criticism.
Viv can do either of two things, ignore it and go about her day or hear out the criticism and attempt to improve instead of taking it as a personal attack. I can tell that just by how she handles negative opinions that she's been lied to by everyone about her own skills. Granted, she's a good artist, but a godawful story teller and she should atleast awknowledge that not everything she makes is perfect.
Also, who the hell is harassing Viv? Cause last time I checked it was the fans (the toxic ones) going out of their way to harass and doxx people over stupid ass fictional ships or for not thinking so highly of Viv and her shows. It's people like that, that are doing Vivziepop the greatest disservice by lying to her, making her believe that everything she touches turns to gold, not calling her out for bullying smaller artists, getting pissed at people for redesigning her characters (which I can only assume she does out of spite and jealousy over better takes of her own characters, unless she says otherwise).
It won't be just Viv's stubborness and ignorance that'll be her own downfall, but the fandom (toxic ones) actively encouraging her to believe that she's entitled to nothing more than praise, not being honest about the flaws and toxic behavior that both Hazbin and Helluva push, and treating her like a machine rather than a person (hence making her overwork and overstress herself in order to appease their ungrateful asses.) To which I'm still not over them giving Viv shit over Angel Dust simply getting a new VA.
Overall, there's not much left I can say. I wanna believe there's hope for Viv but she surrounds herself with yes men like Sam and Raph who do nothing but make her believe that there's nothing wrong with how she presents herself.
And now that Hazbin is in the works, I'm even more afraid for her because the REAL Critics will not hold back. Saberspark and the rest of those self proclaimed "cartoon critics" who act as if their verdicts are the end all be all, will not be able to protect the show's image no matter what they say.
But only time will tell how this will all end.
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thewriterowl · 2 years
Okay but, after 3 episodes will we see Hayden acting?
Like saying at least something.
Don't get me wrong, I love John Earl Jones, is the goat, but they created a lot of hype aroud Hayden and I know is not the best actor around (let's be honest) but come on give us what we are here for. What do you think miss Owl?
I'm sorry but I had to express my disappointment XD
I think we are going to get something more. In that episode, Obi-Wan hallucinates Anakin unburnt so, i feel like we may get something more. I feel like there is a lot building up to things (Qui-Gon, seeing Anakin--but coming to a realization he is gone, etc). And though there is a PR-pull in seeing the two together in interviews and such for sure...i dunno if he'd be so heavy in them (despite the love Ewan and Hayden have for each other and how I think Lucasfilm is trying, on some level, to give Hayden a positive experience again with Star Wars) if we didn't get more Anakin, not Vader.
I wonder (I hope) that they have a Force connection/dream and they talk a bit that way.
A sort of prelude to the Qui-Gon interaction we know we have to be getting.
I won't be disappointed yet XD we got three more episodes. I have been disappointed in things before but...I dunno I guess I am Star Wars' bitch, cause I keep coming back to them without wide-eyed hope and wonder lol
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stillwanderingflame · 1 month
Now several days out from my viewing of Dune Part Two I think I'm ready to put down thoughts about it. Musings with very vague spoilers under the cut.
Visually, it's a fucking phenomenal movie. Villeneuve always blows me away with his directing choices and style (not a month goes by that I don't think about Arrival) so I have no complaints there. It's the ending and the cast that left me a little wanting.
I've seen a couple interviews where Villeneuve explains why he made the changes he did and I do understand them on a logical level, but I'm just bummed with how the movie ended. I'm the type of fan who wants to see what was in the book on the screen, with few changes. I get that creators want to have their own take, or try something new because "you already have the book". Yeah, and that's what I wanted to see!
Good Omens is one of the best adaptations I've ever seen because up until the last episode it was almost word-for-word what was in the book, and I can't express my joy at watching that play out. (I'm actually fine with the changes made in that show. Maybe it has something to do with knowing one of the original creators was there making those changes in a thoughtful way?)
I'm not saying Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya weren't great, but I can't see past the actors to the characters so it was hard to be fully immersed. Also, I'd seen interviews where Chalamet or Zendaya admitted they're such close friends that the romance was weird to film and I could not get that out of my head. When they kissed, I saw two friends filming a scene and not two characters in love, which sucked because I have Big Feelings about Paul and Chani.
With that said, I didn't hate the movie. I enjoyed it (as much as my disrupted viewing could be enjoyed because we had a fire drill in the middle and then had a full scene with no sound once the movie restarted) but it wasn't the overwhelmingly glorious experience I'd hyped myself up for it to be. Loved Siltgar, loved Gurney, Butler was sufficiently disturbing as Feyd. I'm not sure why Margot Fenring got so much screen time, given how much she's in the book, but possibly Villeneuve just loves Lea Seydoux. NEEDED MORE USE OF THE VOICE. Every single adaptation has nailed that and I eat it up.
Also, can someone please get my man Bautista a role where he's not evil and/or getting killed (and isn't Drax)? I really think he's the best to transition from wrestling to acting (not to mention a sweet guy) and I want him to land a really cool role that shows that. Don't make him the next Sean Bean, I'm begging you.
I don't know if we'll get a third movie but if we do, I'll definitely go see it. I think I'll just try to tempter my expectations more, given the changes made. And at least we'll always have the original movie and miniseries.
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walkingstackofbooks · 5 months
DS9 4x15 Bar Association thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!) [5 July ‘23]
So hype for episode. I love Rom to bits.
"Mister Worf, you're in love. With the Defiant." "You exaggerate, as usual." But he huffed in amusement and that was almost a smile, he doesn't do that with anyone else
Julian is so disgruntled about this outfit, aww :3
Leeta is awesome, advocating for Rom like that <3 I look forward to seeing more of her!
"It's all part of our generous employee compensation package. No sick days, no vacations, no paid overtime." Such sarcasm, Rom, I wasn't expecting that!
"I don't think Julian would approve." "We could ask him." ...I do actually like Rom, Leeta and Julian as a ship tbh
"Isn't this your tooth sharpener?" xD how proud was Worf of that purchase, that Jadzia knows what it is?
"They did not happen on the Enterprise." "Really?" Odo's grin - he's been waiting for an opportunity to reel off the Enterprise's biggest security breaches, right? XD
"We're going to form a... a..." Oh Rom, you're being super brave, I believe you can say it!
Miles perking up at the mention of Rom's union and being super supportive... And then telling Rom about how his ancestor died
It's always fun seeing iconic lines in action. "He was more than a hero, he was a union man."
"After that, it'll work like a charm." "Until the next time it breaks down." "That's the problem when you combine Cardassian, Bajoran and Federation technology." Love Miles being sarcastic at Worf, and Worf being so put out at the idea of things breaking down - poor guy, it's a good job he's not an engineer!
"It's a lot easier than working on the Enterprise." Worf's so confused by this XD
Quark's laughter before realising Rom actually means it
Hologram Quark!
Quark trying to call the cops on the strikers is so very him :/
And Odo agreeing! - never has he felt more police-like.
"But I have strict orders from Captain Sisko not to impinge on your employees' freedom of expression," he sighs, disdainfully. COP
"Wait a minute. I can't believe it! He's an enter." "Not for long!" I'm so here for O'Brien going after Worf
The three of them disgruntled in a holding cell is hilarious
Julian looks like a nervous school boy
"Captain? Can we leave now?" "I'll tell Constable Odo to let you go... in the morning." I love Sisko's "sense of humour".
Quark does not understand Rom's position at *all*, expecting an offer of private Latinum to sway him.
"Workers of the world, unite!" ❤❤
Oh Brunt's looking forward to this, isn't he? UGH
Love seeing the other ferengi getting involved and speaking up
"Spare me. I'm old, I'm fragile. I'll push the rest of them off myself." Classic.
"Don't let him intimidate you." ROM <3
The venom with which Brunt looks at Leeta, as he says "living on this station has... corrupted you."
"Standing tall like Sean O'Brien!" it's so cute how that story has inspired Rom
O'Brien's little thumbs up at Rom :3
"But you'll be living out there all by yourself!" "I know." Oh, Worf. smh
"What you were trying to do was make yourself feel important. Making me feel dumb made you feel smart. But I'm not dumb and you're not half as smart as you think you are." YES ROM
"If brunt gets rid of me, all your problems will be solved." This has really been the making of Rom
"You're here to help me, right?" "Wrong." Hah! Really, Quark?
"Let's see. Who else does Rom care about...?" Quark.
"If Odo hadn't come along when he did... "
"You have to dissolve the union... At least officially..." Yeah, an idea's coming
"Six months!" "It's the best I can do." "No, it's not. All you have to do is make up one of your fake business ledgers for the FCA. They'll never know the difference." "Shush! All right, you'll get your raises by the end of the week." End of the week?! Good negotiation, Rom, I love how well you know your brother - but also Quark was uncharacteristically generous with that haggling?
I'm sad the union couldn't last
"Better?" Hehe, Worf is so annoyed that even here, someone has found him to interrupt his peace XD At least it's Jadzia, am I right?
"Sooner or later, you're going to have to adapt." I guess he does when he moves in with Jadzia? I can't imagine she moves to the Defiant...
"You're quitting?" "Effective immediately." "I gave you everything you wanted." "I know. But if the strike taught me anything, it's that I do a lot better when you're not around." Quark is so nonplussed XD But I love this for Rom
"Think about it from my point of view. If I keep working for you, all I have to look forward to is waiting for you to die so I can inherit the bar." Yep, that's sure a take to have
"Now get me my snail juice! ...Brother." Aww, he's so pleased with himself - and well he should be!
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nikailustracion · 2 years
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I’m not even going to talk about the battle because I can’t even begin to describe the animation and how damn good it was, but this scene that I was already looking forward to is just a masterpiece, THE USE OF COLOURS, THE LIGHTNING, THE ATMOSPHERE?? They look like they literally are in hell.
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beevean · 2 years
I apologize if i already asked this, but thoughts on all the sonic cartoons and anime?
I don't remember either lol
AoSTH: never watched it. I think I watched only the first episode ages ago? Anyway, it looks like Discount Looney Tunes to me so I never bothered. To be fair, there wasn't much material to work with back then so a wacky cartoon was more than okay. And Eggman was genuinely funny! And of course this iconic scene <3
SatAM: never watched it. Again, considering there was very little to work with back then, I find the concept interesting: it's a serious evolution of something that in the games is merely a background item, the fact that Eggman "turns animals into robots" - in the games he uses them as batteries, but in the cartoon they're straight up converted into machines. And Robotropolis at the end of the day is similar to the Bad Futures in CD! Can't really speak for anything else, though, I only know that Robotnik here has barely anything in common with the canon one.
OVA: watched it. The only thing that has aged poorly is that Eggman's plan hinges on having children with Sara - I don't want to hear anything about Sonelise's creepiness when this happened 😬 everything else is still fun, and while the setting is a little odd (who had the idea of the Land of the Sky and Land of Darkness?), this was for years the most faithful adaptation of Sonic in spirit. Also this is, by far, the best Metal in the series - you can't tell me you didn't get the feels at the end.
Underground: never watched it. And I don't think I ever will.
Sonic X: watched it, except for Season 3. I'm a bit torn on it. I was, of course, super hyped when I discovered a cartoon about my new favorite series was airing, back in 2004, but something about it felt disappointing and I didn't have the words to express what. Now I do: the first season was rather formulaic and focused more on Chris' adventures with Tails an Amy than actually Sonic (and yeah, I didn't like Chris, but not because I felt he was a bad character, I simply didn't wany any human stealing the spotlight lol). I remember being confused and irritated at the fact that Sonic needed a Ring to Spin Dash, and being even more confused when I learned that the idea came form SatAM (me? being a canon stickler since my childhood? who would have thought). The second season was a little more intriguing because it adapted the Adventure duology + Battle, but it also had a clear budget drop and, well, Chris stealing scenes. I think the main fault of X is that its interpretation of the characters bled over the main series, especially Eggman, Amy and Knuckles. And of course I personally had to deal with the shitty Italian dub of the shitty English dub ("l'arca della colonia spaziale") 😬 that being said, it has its moments, it's entertaining, and the episode with Sonic and Helen is '06 done right
Sonic Boom: watched it. If you forget that it's supposed to be Sonic, it becomes one of the funniest cartoons I've watched recently. The writing took a handful of episodes to evolve, but when it did, it didn't stop. The fact that Boom was supposed to be an AU made me warm up to how different Knuckles and Eggman were from their canon counterparts, and they became my top faves lol. The second season was even better (the Roger gag is iconic), and we discovered that Cindy Robinson is also a good writer! Speaking of which, I'm grateful that this cartoon showed that the 2010 cast is actually good if there's a proper voice direction, especially Roger himself that gives his best here.
I really can't say anything for the manga because I know almost nothing about them lol. I know a little about that manga where Sonic was Nikki's superhero alterego, and he was Amy Emi's boyfriend, and Charmy was there, but that's about it.
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maschotch · 2 years
hello my friend, wanted to ask you to rank the team from least favorite to most favorite. and to tell you i hope you have a good day!
ahh ok ok ok like the whole team or just the core 7? fuck it: all of them
jj: explanation here but tldr? white pinterest mom vibes and im nota hashtag feminist girlboss
kate: same reasons as jj but i thought she was funny while she lasted and i liked the human trafficking episode with her niece that was crazy
rossi: racist wealthy italian. "i used to be in the mafia" and "im a war veteran" are his only other personality traits. need i say more? his best moment was when he gave hotch a gun to kill himself ajsdlghsjg
seaver: wattpad energy im sorry gamergirl
matt: breeding kink. my vietnamese and filipino friends have had too many interactions with kpop stannies and koreaboos for me to support wasian kids with white moms im sorry
reid: he's not low on purpose i just don't really like any of the story arcs that surround him specifically and hes the most annoying ab his daddy/mommy issues than anyone else on the team (why cant he be normal about it like morgan lol) and i know enough other people love him to make up for him not being my absolute favorite
alex: another low empathy legend. i find her fascinating and i love lveo lveolevoevlevoelvoevleovelvoe her relationship with reid!!! thats his mom right there!!! (no disrespect diana- a boy can have two moms<3)
stephen: he was such a funky little guy. had that weird dad energy that we've missed since gideon left. didn't deserve to go like that, the scene with monica brings me to tears everytime, i wish he could've been there longer and had a chance to develop his relationships with the rest of the team more
tara: i loooove her she's so cool and smart. i wish she had more storylines about her tho :/ but thats the racism ig lmao
gideon: literally just a fucked up guy he's so goofy and weird. and it's kinda like the opposite of spencer--he's higher on my list bc i know he's low on so many other people's and honestly the weirdo freak deserves better. i want someone to hannibal him so so bad
jordan: ok i thought she was fucking awesome??? i really wish she had stayed longer but i also loved how she always struggled with the job because of how personally she took everything. she looked at this nightmare of a life and said "no thanks :) not for me" and i respect that. but i love her relationships with the team especially emily morgan hotch <3
penelope: ????do i even need to say anything she's gorgeous and funny and literally the glue that holds the team together like this show would not be shit without her in it
morgan: another one i feel like goes without saying he's just such a good man so gentle and sweet and kind and loving and protective. he takes all the hurt he's experienced and uses that to fuel his love and devotion for others. and he's so so smart he just doesn't need to rub it in everyone's face all the time. he's just got that tmasc swag and his tits always steal the show<3
luke: baby boy baby he's my absolute golden boy fr. he's going higher than morgan/penelope which seems a little off but i'm grading on a curve: he didn't really get any storylines and he wasn't there for that long. latino king and im a sucker for sign language. his crush on garcia is sooooo cute and just the way he was always there for her emotionally even when she didnt want him to be.. .giving him infinite gold star stickers
elle: badass cuban?? the way she instantly settled into the bau family?? putting everyone in their place?? how her leaving left a permanent scar on everyone who cared about her?? the potential for vigilante elle?? haircut in the second season?? her smile??? teh gUn HoLsTerskasj j??? what's not to love?? i wish she lasted longer :((((
hotch: hes my boring white man i will hype this bitch up so much!!!!!!WILL defend southern boy hotch to the death. trans man autistic man trying-to-be-better-than-his-father man <3 hes sooooooo expressive and emotionally open especially when he goes -_- i love him so so much
emily: she's so so so smart and hot <3 i love my low empathy queen <3 normally i dont really like ~rich white girl with mysterious international connections~ trope but she manages it perfectly bc its not her whole personality you know? she's all about second chances and trying again and building a new life for herself out of the ashes of her old one and it doesn't always work but she keeps trying anyway and i love love love her
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herzlak · 2 years
Let's talk about Tatort 2022...
Alright, due to personal reasons 2022 is going to suck and I'm anxious to only think about all this. This will be drifting from one depressive episode into the next featuring anxiety attacks and borderline-ish stuff. BUT there's Tatort and Tatort 2022 is gonna be fucking LIT.
ARD giving us a treat by starting the year with TWO Tatort episodes. January 1st is Stuttgart, which I'm not rly into but the critique so far is good so... Then there's January 2nd with Dortmund "Gier und Angst" AND I'M SO HYPED. This episode is gonna be Pawlak centered and I love Pawlak. There should be a fair amount of Rosa too, couldn't be better. Also WHUMP. And hands down, Rick Okon is superior at those sad, heartbreaking scenes. Last episode I cried just because of his facial expression, anywAyS-
Then only two weeks later shit's about to blow because we're going back home, y'all! Tatort Münster fucking finally! "Des Teufels langer Atem" is something I'm extremely hyped for because it's "Alle für einen, alle für Thiel" to quote Tittelbach. Family content. Everyone sticking together. Thiel whump - yeah okay, that's gonna break my heart, BUT STILL! Alberich (and Boerne hopefully?) is gonna take criminal paths and there's gonna be her and Vivian Peters roasting Boerne. I miss badass Alberich!! I miss Alberich in general. The rest of the lot too. And I desperately need more Mirko content.
Only ONE week later the epic return of Germany's most depressed gays. "Das Herz der Schlange" and that shit's gonna hurt. Yk I feel like Tatort is giving us a lot of hurt and whump in 2022.
Tatort Dortmund is literally killing us, folks! Another episode coming up in February. "Liebe mich" sounds like some Bönisch x Faber drama. Also: I don't think Pawlak's personal drama will be solved within one episode only so...
TATORT MÜNCHEN, Y'ALL! I hate Fasching, but I'm soo excited for a Faschingstatort. "Kehrhaus" is gonna be amazing, that's it. Good chance Kalli will dress up or something, remember how hyped he was for the Oktoberfest?? Yeah some good gay dads and their son content hell yes.
Let's talk about March!!! March 6th is Tatort "Propheteus" time and I'm pretty sure Boerne will finally get his shit together and comfort Alberich at least a little. AND LOOK AT THOSE BEHIND THE SCENE PHOTOS CHRISTINE ALREADY LEAKED!!! Hyped as fuck tho the storyline is wylddd. Gonna be messy but great and there's a dog.
Yeah by the way... Tatort Münster "Recht wem Recht gebührt"!!! Yep three episodes this year, fellas! Gotta be great!
Summer should be Tatort München "Flash". They're serving... Love it.
The year ends with Tatort München as well. As a period drama Downton Abbey fan I'm super hyped for "Krimidinner". That's gonna be the best Christmas present ever!
BUT that's not it! Cause there's a lot of episodes coming that we know about, but that don't have a date yet. Look...
TATORT KIEL, FINALLY! I'm deprived as shit. My bi ass needs more Mila content. Also: I love Mila's and Borowski's friendship whatever relationship. "Borowski und die große Wut" has been shot in 2019 already and it's finally gonna air... Mila looks like a fucking snack omg AND THE STORYLINE IS COOL, THERE'S GONNA BE WHUMP YAY! Next two up are "Borowski und der Schatten des Mondes" (apparently the first Tatort Kiel to air in 2022) and "Borowski und das hungrige Herz". Second one is still pretty blurry, there's gonna be kink and sex stuff for all I know. But the second one leaves me screaming because it's affecting Borowski privately and I always love them. Aaand it's already known that Mila is gonna have his back (at least for a bit).
TATORT WIEN FUCKING FINALLY, IT'S BEEN MONTHS!!! 2021 was too little old married couple content. "Alles war recht ist" already sounds so nice idk I'm just happy to have them back!! But Heinzi is gonna be an annoying brat again so let's see what Eisner says about that lmao.
Last but not least there's gonna be more Tatort Bremen. Idk when, idk what. What I know (and that breaks my heart) is that the next two episodes are only Linda and Liv. Because for wHaTeVeR rEaSoNs Dar Salim said NOPE. Gahhh I'm such a sucker for Liv and Mads, just the trio in general actually. Liv and Linda are great yk, but I want Mads there too...
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juneviews · 3 years
just finished itsay and bruhhh that was an experience. gonna be a bit of an ass here but i don't like bl dramas (not gonna get into it too much but jesus they are often such trash IM SORRY- i'm sure you can come up with a few reasons), so i had a few reservations. i only ended up watching it because i came across some gifs randomly and the cinematography was immaculate. i need to just express why i love itsay so much.
the positive female/side characters, there is no misogyny and the love triangles aren't made to make you hate anyone, they get you thinking. everyone in the show acts like an actual normal person lol I just love them all and want good things for them. the guys in the friend group not all pairing up like this is matchmaker. the cinematography. the certain realism and simplicity, between the filming location, script and editing (no slowmo and same 2 ballads repeated every 5 minutes god bless). the chemistry between the two actors and lack of awkwardness that generally make me cringe in these shows, cause some of those actors look like they want to be anywhere else lol
you just know this show wasn't created to pander to cishet audiences, even if it's overshadowed by the BL drama label (not saying bl dramas can't be good like itsay but they get lumped in with the many other bad ones sadly). you can just tell the creators set out to make something good. you see companies pumping out these like (im sorry) porn-quality (though full respect to those on a budget, it's more @ those who dont put in effort) low-effort dramas simply because it's what gets views.
this is not some bl drama it is a piece of art and i wish it wasn't marketed as such because i would love to recommend it to other people and not be associated with fetishisers. i would LOVE to see it be given the same respect/hype as films like call me by your name. to you know, see some mainstream lgbt rep that is not white and doesn't have a gross age gap. speaking of which the MELANIN thoughhh omg and it's not presented as a flaw or made fun of by any of the characters i love it, just adds to the realism.
now i know a lot of people criticise the crying in this show but it honestly made sense so i didn't mind it, it wasn't like a constant thing. mind you this is coming from someone who legit cannot take tears seriously in films/shows like i have to look away 95% of the time because i will laugh lmao. during the first few episodes i was like huh? is this just a wholesome trauma-free gay story? which can definitely be good!! but i think a lot of these dramas just get it so wrong so i was like ehh, i think this show found a good balance though personally.
i think my favourite episodes were 2 and 3.
I also just want to talk about how this show resonated with me personally.
1. ya girl's actually a first year uni student studying communications so i was like ayy. tbh the series made me kinda find passion for one of my study units (film studies) because damn i understand what it is to appreciate cinematography and good direction now.
2. my signature scent is coconut as well!
3. i am in love with the filming location. i love those beachy towns with colourful buildings and kids running around/biking. it's truly my aesthetic and the type of place i want to live.
4. this show really made me kinda think about my sexuality. like i don't identify with any label i'm just vibing (leaning on the male side though). watching the two yearn for eachother and be confused was kind of comforting? definitely helped me paint a clearer picture regarding how i feel about girls.
5. listen childhood best friends to enemies to lovers is my shit so that being the basis of this beautiful show is just *chef's kiss*
i just enjoyed the series a lot and as i said i wish it wasn't labelled as a bl drama because i feel that it got so many things right, a lot of people could benetit from it.
Okayyy it's over im sorry hahaha
my face when I saw your long ass message lmaooo, I didn’t even know you could send messages that long :’) okay so this is gonna be a long ass response as well. as a bl drama fan, let me just defend bl dramas for a minute jiduiudedsj! so while bl started out as a genre for straight women, today I’d say a great majority of the fandom is lgbtq+, meaning that the writers have started to realize that people want actual representation. and don’t get me wrong, while a great majority of bl dramas are mediocre as hell, some even trash, more & more have started being REALLY good. so I understand your reluctance but for me it’s not bl that is tainting itsay with its label but itsay that is showing what bl truly is & can do. at the end of the day bl is still mlm representation no matter the quality of the show & it still promotes love and equality for all. yes there’s a long ass way to go for every show to be good but I believe we’ll get there someday lol. NOW, I agree with everything you say about this show, I won’t go back on every point you made but yes everything was genuinely immaculate. I must admit I freaking laughed at the ‘porn-quality’ shows reference bc a few shows popped into my head jknshnjqhb. also when you say ‘it’s not a bl drama it’s a piece of art’, I just have to answer: why can’t it be both? at this point the definition for a bl drama would be ‘a show that focuses on a love story between men.’ it’s said or written nowhere that bl shows are bad, or can’t be art. again just bc the majority of bl shows are bad doesn’t mean the whole genre is synonym with being bad. it’s like saying that bc most horror movies are trash the whole genre is trash. also the bl label is what made itsay so big, if it was just labeled as a gay series or idk what else it wouldn’t have been as seen & appreciated. which now that I think about it could not happen bc any thai gay series falls under the bl label. the crying on the show was a lot, but it’s what made it special in my eyes. it wasn’t crying for the sake of crying, it wasn’t angst for the sake of angst, it was all there for a reason & to show us that those are teenagers who are growing, learning & evolving. and that usually comes with some tears. my favorite episodes were also 2 & 3! also my signature scent is also coconut as well lmao, I never realized :’) and yes the childhood best friends to enemies to friends to lovers trope........... PERFECTION. anyway it was fun to receive such a long ask lmao, but I do hope I can change your mind about bl, bc at the end of the day you can decide not to watch it or to dislike it, but at least know that itsay being associated with bl is not a bad thing by any means. it doesn’t lower its quality at all, yet it increases the percentage of good shows there is under this genre. have a good day!
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damejanai · 3 years
Dame janai radio
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~Ishikawa Kaito's birthday episode~
Guest: Nishiyama Koutaro
Soma: Ummm
Kaito: Yay! oops
S: wwwww
Koutaro: Did you hear that, Saito san?
S: Ummm, it's not time for that yet
Ko: I see i see, please wait a little will you?
S: Even if this is a radio show, there's also a programme to follow
Ko: Yes especially one for this episode
Ka: Got it got it
S: So after this we have several things to do
Ka: Got it, i didn't really understand
S: Umm, I heard your CD
Ko: Ahhhh, thank you!
S: The way the songs were inserted was also really great
Ko: Thank you
Ka: Hey that album looks like a different size from what I got
S: wwwwwwww
Ko: wwwwwww
S: You know I guess, mini albums are great
Ko: Yes yes yes
S: Like
Ko: It has 6 songs
S: It's not too few and not too many
Ko: Yes yes yes
S: Like you could have more songs but, it satisfies you too
Ko: That's true that's true that's true
S: Umm, Could I have an autograph?
Ko: Ah that yes, I actually wanted to sign it earlier
S: For reals?
Ko: But it wasn't the right time for it, when I passed it to you
S: That's true
Ko: Alright so, is now a good time? Pen?
S: Amazing! There's a pen!
Ko: Thank you!
S: As expected, amazing
Ko: Right?
S: Mikami san wwwww
Ko: Okay so
S: Could you right, "I like you"
Ko: "I like you", okay here!
S: Thank you! Shall we begin? This is Saito Soma's
Ko: And Nishiyama Koutaro's
S/ Ko: Dame janai radio!
S: Happy birthday!!
Ko: Thank you!!
S: Shall we?
Ko: No way! For reals?
S: Alright and so it's Nishiyama Koutaro's birthday!!
Ko: Wow! thank you! I really didn't expect this
S: This (shirt) goes really well with corduroy pants
Ko: Really? Can i open it?
S: Yes yes please do
Ko: Right away, wow wow wow! It's a shirt i think? a top. Ahhh, it's so nice! From Cullni
S: From Cullni yes, a long sleeved one
Ko: A top, a white one, i shall wear it now
S: wwwww it might have some CITY feel, i thought
Ko: This would totally match
S: wwwww It really suits you! www
Ko: This is great isn't it? This is
S: It's nice!
Ko: Good for the coming season, I could put a jacket over too
S: The size is not too tight fitting
Ko: It's awesome!
S: I don't know, it just, fits you so well wwww
Ko: Nah you have good taste
S: Wow i think it's good to end the radio for today here
Ko: Right? It was really really a good one, thank you
S: Happy birthday
Ko: I think there is, a guest whose birthday is today, and is debuting as a musician
S: Ah, I think i heard about that too
Ko: That's somewhat similar to me
S: That's true. So we don't know what kind of person is (he) yet but, (he) is already here so
K: Let's begin shall we, please continue listening to "Saito Soma and Nishiyama Koutaro's Damejanai radio"
Ko: Let's welcome the guest for today then, it is this person!
Ka: (In a debuted musician's voice) Good evening everyone! I am Ishikawa Kaito. I am very very very pleased to be invited here this evening
S: Ah, so Ishikawa Kaito san, am i right?
Ka: That's right
S: Your birthday was just around the corner am i right
Ka: That's right, it's one day before the on air date of this radio if i'm not wrong, not JUST around the corner
S: Ohhh! A very happy birthday to you! Is is true that no matter how old you become, you'll still be glad?
Ka: Ahhh yes it is. I guess as you grow older year by year, your songs get more deep. That's a good thing
Ko: Ohhhh I see! What did you do? On your birthday itself (It was the very day they were recording this)
Ka: Ahh, on the day itself, I was spending it with my listeners
Ko: Ahhh, you really think for your fans huh
Ka: Well it's because of our fans that we musicians are here
Ko: Ummm, yes, sorry, there's some stuff I do not know but, I would like to hear about your album in more detail. What kind of songs will you be releasing?
Ka: Ah right, in detail. Personally, I don't think the artist is supposed to be explaining about his own music in detail
Ko: Ahhhh I see, so Ishikawa Kaito just equals music, that sort of thing is it?
Ka: It's just what I can deliver to you guys
S: wwwwwww ummmm
Ko: wwwwww
S: For example, the music that you will be releasing soon, could you give us title of a song?
Ka: Soon? title?
S: Yes yes
Ka: Ahhhh, well today I am here to promote it as well so
Ko: Please tell us more
S: Could you tell us
Ka: Ah well, there is not much I can say but
S: wwwwww
Ka: But I'll answer your questions if you have any
S: Okay we will ask as we go along
Ka: Sure sure
S: By the way, Nishiyama Koutarou has released his debut mini album, "CITY", on October 7th, and in his album, he has sung songs from genres that he likes
Ka: Ahh, it's a great CD yes
S: What sort of music do you listen to, Ishikawa san?
Ka: .....
S: wwwwww
Ka: It's that... I listen to
S: Yes?
Ka: I actually like anime, and manga
S/Ko: Uh huh
Ka: Among those Otaku culture, i actually like voice actors
S/Ko: Oooooooooooh
Ka: That's also why I am here on this program
S: Yes yes yes
Ka: The one i listen to often is Uchida Yuma i guess
S: wwww
Ko: Ahhh i see
S: Ahhhh, yes he is quite close to us in terms of age and we're quite good friends with him too
Ka: Also there's the artist Saito Soma too, well i guess i listen to him
S: You guess you listen...
Ko: Ah i seeee
S: So you sort of listen
Ko: Could you give us one more?
S: Yes
Ka: Well speaking about recent releases, Nishiyama Koutaro's album, that was released around last week, the songs in there are splendid
Ko: Is that so?!
S: You're really updated huh!
Ko: Really updated!
Ka: Of course I am
Ko: So you have been listening to it
Ka: I guess for things you love, speed is important
S: Which song did you like? (laughs)
Ka: Which song?
S: Yesss
Ka: Which song?
Ko: He has a really bad expressions now
S: wwwwww
Ka: Welllllll, for that CD, there are songs that suit different times of the day
S: Yes
Ka: Out of those songs, the morning song is nice
Ko: Ahhhh okayyy
S: Okayy
Ka: I... don't remember the title
Ko: You already got your message across quite well
Ka: Soto wa hikari ga odotte iru, this is a good song
S: The song name
Ko: I'm glad you like it!
Ka: You know when we leave the house for work, it's morning
Ko: Yes
Ka: So i'll listen to it alot
Ko: Ahhh, so for Ishikawa san, you listen to songs in the morning to wake yourself up. So, among the songs you have released, there are also morning songs right?
Ka: Ahhhh, of course
Ko: What song was it?
Ka: With morning as the theme, it's that, "Tenshou Dynamite” (his character song from Dame x Prince)
S: wwww!!!
Ko: First thing in the morning! Dynamite!
Ka: Like going hunting and stuff
Ko: First thing in the morning!?
S: They're such mornings too right?
Ka: To pump it up and be on the move! sort of, That is a good song
Ko: You like those huh..
S: Thank you very much
Ko: There is something i would like to ask Ishikawa san
Ka: Ohhh what is it?
Ko: I don't have much experience performing live, do you have any secrets?
S: That's true....
Ka: Well, you know, it's good to have a catchy song that the audience get get hyped up on
S: That's true~~
Ka: That would make a lot of difference, after all everyone comes together to make the live experience better
Ko: What's the best song to hype up the audience?
Ka: Ummmm, one of mine you mean?
Ko: Yes
Ka: Well, yes, "Tenshou Dynamite"
Ko: Alright that's all the time we have for now
S: Ahh yes that's right
Ka: Before that, let me give you some advice
Ko: Yes
Ka: Your Chikipu, is really awesome
Ko: Ahhh thank you! I'm so glad to hear that!
S : Yeahh~
Ka: That's a word that really sticks
Ko: Thank you very much
Ka: If any Nishiyama Koutarou fans are listening now, please remember this and get hyped up during the concert
S: Wowww
Ko: Thank you! Lastly a word from Ishikawa Kaito san
Ka: I have a Youtube channel, so please subscribe and give it a like!
S: Well you know, this artist is quite quick to ride on trends...So lastly, could we get Ishikawa san to introduce the next song?
K: Hey
S: Huh?
K: Can't you tell from where this convo is going?
Ko: Huh?
S: Huh? Yuuzo? (Kaito's character from the Omikuji Yon Kyoudai reading live)
Ko: From Omikuji Yon Kyoudai?
S: Wwwwwww
K: You guys don't get it huh? I don't have any song! no matter how you try to put it
Ko: You mentioned "Tenshou Dynamite"
Ka: That is someone else's song! I just randomly introduced it as my own
Ko: Ahh... I see
Ka: I don't have music artist activities at all much
Ko: Then shall we play one of my songs ?
S: Shall we do that?
Ka: Can't help it then
S: So could you please do the honours?
Ka: Well, well well well well well, here's "Time Machine" by Nishiyama Koutaro
S: wwwwwww
Ko: And that was today's guest, Ishikawa Kaito!
S/Ko: Thank you!
Ka: I'll never come on this show again! hahhaha
Presents for Kaito~
*Soma gives Kaito his present*
K: Let's see... ah it's a blouse jacket! I'm really glad to receive this hahaa
S: Yayy!
K: I was just looking for something that would fit me just nice!
S: Yes yes yes something that would nicely fit
K: It does fit nicely!
S: I bought it to fit you just nice according to your current slimmed down build now
Ko: Amazing
Ka: It totally fits nicely, the sleeves too, oh wow
S: wow
Ka: Do you have a life sized figure of me at your house or something?
S: wwww
Ko: Right... it's like that huh
S: Hey stop telling lies that make it sound like I like you or something
K: Huh? That goes the same for you!
S/Ko: Hahahaha!!
Ko: You guys are really...
*Koutaro gives Kaito his present*
Ko: I got something that you can wear too
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bebecue · 2 years
It's not about the slander. People really go overboard with everything. I mean all the hate that's expressed.. they don't even know what exactly they are talking about. I wonder how sad their lives are or how detached they are from their life.
Well, when idols take up acting roles, I don't think there's a need to reduce the 'standards' or 'qualities' necessary for being an actor. You can try things out and progress. But in my opinion, if you take up an acting role, or join a movie or drama or whatever, at that point, you become an actor. There's no 'idol turned actor' or 'im not really an actor I'm a singer forgive me'. If you take that role or position or job whatever, you need to be good at it.
Okay and the opinion of "it's fine if they don't give a legendary performance in every scene. They just should not stand out in the scene or show the wrong expressions" .. uhmm.. there are lots of people who go through hours of training years of training and practice and maybe even college, to become an actor, to play the role the idol is playing. These people are exceptionally talented to showcase the right emotions and evoke the right feelings in the audience. Acting isn't about just not messing it up. It's about doing it right. Like every other job. You can't just grow ignorantly while not doing the right thing. As the viewer, you might feel that you don't care unless they act crazy. But listen! If you're watching a story presented in the form of a video, whether it's drama or movie, and if you don't care about the actor expressing the right emotions, then what are you watching it for. You could just stick on to books.
It's about becoming the character they portray. Most idols who get roles in dramas, gets it because of their popularity or looks, to give the hype. There are many out there who might not fit into these less important criterias to be an actor but who has exceptional talent to be one. Atleast to give justice to those people, and to the audiance who are hyping you up, one needs to bring out the best in them. And not just "not mess up" stuff. And ofcourse the responsibility of all this does not entirely lie on the actor. There are many involved.
okay so we may have differing opinions and thats okay!
of course acting is still an art, and that being said. art is subjective. and whats the only way you get better at it? you practice. you take on more roles. you cant get better unless you keep going. and unfortunately that means that some of your performances arent going to be the best, and thats all part of the process. i think whats come across is that we think that just because these actors turned idols aren't trying their best because well.. they're idols.... i'd hate to think that just because they're idols, doesn't mean they don't take their jobs as actors seriously. of course some of them have trained in acting and some of them have natural talent, so they nail their first few roles immediately. but some of them just want to venture into acting, which is valid, and they dont necessarily have to give out oscar winning performances for a 6 episode web drama. its more of a lack of experience, not a lack of respect for, the art, and i don't think the criticism some of them face warrants that.
and while it may be disappointing to see some of your favorite media get interpreted into something you weren't expecting, thats not necessarily the actor's fault. they, or the director, may have interpreted a certain scene differently, and it may play out differently than what you had imagined or how the book/comics/original media may have portrayed it. and some of them do purposely change the scene or the emotions evoked to maybe shed a different light on the media or make you view it in a different way. again.. art is subjective. and, whats the point in portraying something exactly the same way as the original media?? if you wanted to experience it the same way, then you might as well stick to the books 🤷‍♀️
listen, i used to be one of those fans who were adamant about the adaptations being 100% copies of the original media, but then i learned to separate them as being completely different pieces of media. and honestly, i dont blame people for choosing movies or shows over books, not everyone has the time/attention capacity to sit down and read, even if it is enjoyable. i say let people consume media the way they want to.
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