#best part of injustice (only good part??) was when he kicked superman's ass
grumpyhedgehogs · 4 years
Bruce: Alright, now that I'm back from my training, we can take down Gotham's worst criminals nonlethally.
Alfred, slowly unloading his gun: Nonlethally?
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
The show is called 'Supergirl'.
OK, I couldn't think of a good enough title for this post.
I've never been a massive twitter fan, but recently I've been reading comments on the weekly official Supergirl posts and/or looking at #supergirl and a lot of what I'm seeing is people calling for the show to be more about the other characters.
One in particular character people are calling for more of or stating IS the show is Nia. Now I LOVE Nia!! I also think it's fantastic they have the first Trans superhero! But no matter how good, funny, adorable etc Nia is she isn't what makes the show good. She's part of the show, not the show itself. Supergirl survived 3 seasons without Nia and should Nia ever leave (I hope not) the show would still survive without her. To say that Nia is the show and you only want more Nia is a bit of an insult to Supergirl herself and the previous seasons.
Another character is Lena. Now anyone who follows me or even reads my posts will know I LOVE Lena! I would watch a Lena Luthor solo show or Katie McGrath doing Ted Talks as Lena, and i will defend her to the very end. Now we've got that out of the way, Lena is like Nia, she is an additional character who makes the show great but isn't the heart of the show itself. We all survived watching Supergirl season one without Lena and as much as I would be devastated if she left I wouldn't stop watching the show if she did. We know Lena was only meant to be in a few episodes but was so popular she became a season regular. That makes her amazing and obviously a fan favorite to a lot of people (me) but the show would still be Supergirl if she wasn't there. I love Lena but it isn't the Lena Luthor show.
Mon El was another one, he was a love interest and an additional character. Again, anyone who has read my posts will know I'm not a Mon El fan, but I don't attack him or his fans. But the show did feel like it became more about him than it did about Kara. Every post I see on Twitter or Instagram has demands that the show should or NEEDS to bring him back. That the show isn't the same anymore without him. Now you're entitled to miss your favorite character but to demand the show NEEDS to bring him back is another insult to Supergirl herself. Supergirl was a great show before Mon El turned up and it is still a great show now that he is gone. Before anyone says 'no it isnt' I would counter that argument with 'well your obviously still watching it or following it to know what's going on, so you have to have some interest in it'. If you're not watching it because you miss Mon El or demand he should be back then all i can ask is did you even watch Supergirl before he turned up at all? Have you even given it a chance now he's gone? The show wasn't and still isn't called 'the Mon El show'.
Those who want more James Olsen? Now we ALL know I can't stand James. So less James for me or no James at all would make my day! And no I'm not racist before anyone bothers to jump to that conclusion. It is possible for a character of color to be disliked because people don't like the character and nothing to do with skin color. I read 'we want more James!' 'give us back Guardian Corp', 'they did James dirty' . All I can say is again this isn't The James Olsen show either. James' storylines have sucked for the past couple of seasons, even the writers don't seem to know what to do with him. There was that one episode with Marcus that was good. He had that story he told to Lena about racial profiling but then when he had that moment to empathize with him they then wrote him as being a complete dumb ass and revealing his identity and we all know where that led. The whole Guardian storyline was atrocious (to me) but demanding more of him?
I saw someone say that they we're happy Lex Luthor was in the show because now the writers will see that Superman is who people really care about 😑 all I can say to that is if Superman is all you care about why the hell are you watching a show called 'Supergirl'? My guess at best is that it's a guy who is actually 💯% devoted to watching Supergirl and he enjoys it but can't admit that even to himself which is kind of sad. Then again it could have been a girl.
I was never a fan when Superman turned up. I like the guy that plays him and I don't hate the character or the episodes he's in. I just preferred it when he was just a siluette or someone Kara spoke to via instant messenger. Bringing him into it as an actual character kind of took the shine off of Supergirl for me. Thought I'm glad they had her kicking his ass.
The same goes for Lex Luthor, I like Jon Cryer's Lex, but the moment I heard he was coming into it I wasn't happy. He isn't Kara's villian. It felt like the writers just wanted to go down the cliche Lex V Superman road but since they couldn't do that without bringing on Superman for multiple episodes they decided to just swap him with Kara. He doesn't even real feel like Kara's villian. To me it feels like the real fight is between Lena and Lex with Kara just getting in the middle of it. The writers have always had a Luthor V Super storyline since season 2 when they brought in Lillian Luthor. That's what was so great! We knew Lex existed but he was in prison, so we had another big bad Luthor and it was a woman. I've digressed.
For the people on Twitter and Instagram demanding on every post that Supercorp needs to happen? Or 'make Supercorp canon you cowards!'? I'll probably make myself unpopular with my fellow supercorp shippers here by condeming comments like that but all i is can say is 🖕. I LOVE the idea of Kara and Lena as a couple, but I'm well aware its a head canon and is extremely unlikely to ever happen. But I feel the fans (not all of course, me being a clear example) spamming the comments with demands and insults isn't the way to get what you want.
I think the biggest problem that shippers have, Supercorp, Karamel, Karadox, Karaolsen, Agentcorp, Reigncorp, GuardianCorp all seem to forget is that the show isn't about ships. The show is and always has been about Supergirl herself. When I see comments on the posts/previews the majority of comments are about SuperCorp or Karamel and not about what is actually going on plot wise. I feel you are missing out on the show because you're to wrapped up in what you want to happen.
Yes I know that the show has often moved away from Supergirl, an example being the above when it became more about Mon El, that's something I'm not on board with either. But sending out hate to the writers isn't going to fix that issue.
If you're going to be in a mard about something be in one in regards to what is actually happening plot wise. Like disliking the COL, the snow expects you to hate on that.
I went off track in a few spots there, but the point is the show is called 'Supergirl' so why not talk about that rather than ignoring her completely and demanding more of other characters? Or making Kara's whole storyline important only due to who her love interest may or may not be. Also it's obviously fine to comment #supercorp endgame, it's not hurting anybody. But when you cross the line into 'make Supercorp canon you cowards' you've taken all the Innocent fun out of it and you start making everyone who likes the ship look like an ass. The same goes for writing about Karamel. I'm sorry you miss them but demanding Mon El come back in every post isn't going to make it happen. Lastly to the actual trolls? Shipping Supercorp or Karamel or whatever isn't a crime or hurting anyone so f**k off! Supercorp shippers, the Karamel shippers are allowed to miss Mon El, the same as you would miss Lena if she was gone. Having useless arguments about him being a slave owner or not a slave owner or if he's an abuser or not an abuser anymore etc etc. Is old, tiresome and completely irrelevant now that he's gone. You've already won because he's gone, so let people ship in peace. Karamel shippers? Let the Supercorp shippers ship in peace as well, commenting consistently that Lena and Kara aren't gay and it can neverer happen isn't achieving anything at all. Commenting under a simple Supercorp comment with negativity isn't big or clever.
Lastly I get that when you see what you perceive to be injustice on social media you feel the need to attack those people head on. The fact is you dont. This is a TV show, no one gives a rats ass what you have to say and you will pointlessly argue and no one will change their stance. Whenever I see someone say something about Lena that is completely untrue just to justify not liking her it annoys me, at least use a real reason. But I don't attack them personally or comment on their comments. I block them, and then as I'm doing now I let my frustrations out on here. Try it, it's very therapeutic and less drama involved.
That was a jumbled mess of words for 2am but don't send hate, if you do you'll have missed the point entirely.
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blackbatpurplecat · 7 years
My Thoughts on Injustice 2
Watched Injustice 2 last night. Yes, watched, not played. After all, the story is the most interesting thing about this sequel no one really asked for, isn’t it? And what did I think of it?
Well.... I was... kinda disappointed.
First off, what’s the story: Some time’s gone by since Injustice and Superman’s incarceration. His allies went into hiding, and Bruce Wayne’s still working on restoring people’s faith in their safety and in heroes. But when Brainiac attacks Earth, the good and the bad must join forces to stop him from destroying their planet. Even if that means freeing Superman...
Sounds like a cool setup! But the execution is not on Injustice levels. The probably best part about the game is the voice-acting! That was absolutely solid! I can’t remember one line that sounded off. I applaud the voice-actors for this. Apart from the voices, however, the whole thing is hit-and-miss in my eyes.
I already didn’t like the new creepy animation in the trailers. In the game, it does have its moments though. Sometimes, the characters look and move almost exactly like real people. But a split second later, they look off again, cold and have the deadest eyes you can imagine. What also doesn’t help is the “camera” work!
They apparently were SO proud of their real life like animations that they kept cutting to extremely awkward close-ups. Whenever a character was talking, you could bet your ass that any moment you would be counting their eyelashes. That was really distracting and killed the scenes’ mood. It’s hard to get invested in the story’s thrill or characters’ emotions when you’re uncomfortably close to a dead face.
Speaking of emotions, the sequel can’t really deliver on them. While you had quiet moments, well-written character developments, and chances to connect with the characters in Injustice, Injustice 2 fails in those departments. There are only 2 very good scenes between Batman and Superman where you catch glimpses of who they once were, glimpses of their lost friendship and partnership: when Supes lifts the table cloth off the JL symbol and at the end, when they’re talking about how they miss their old selves and each other. Those two scenes were beautiful! The game finally made you feel something on a deeper level - but you won’t get any more scenes like those, even though the cutscenes in movie form are around 2h 30min long. 
You’d think that it’d be enough time for depth, especially when you remember that part 1 wasn’t even 2 hours long and yet so entertaining and satisfying. But nope, Injustice 2 feels both rushed and patted at the same time. After the plot kicks off, it takes around an hour for plot advancing stuff to happen. Uuuuugh. They reduced characters talking to each other, reflecting on their actions, and simple bonding but stretched out moving those characters from one location to another. Also the pacing can be pretty off. You’ll get some awkward pauses now and then, often before a scene cuts to the next shot - but not fast enough.
Hmm, what else...
Harley was the most fun in this! Her scenes with Black Canary and Arrow were awesome and just the best. I wanted more of those.
Some suits looked okay, some looked horrible. Especially Batman’s suit was WAY too bulky, there is no way he could have moved in that thing. And why does Superman need armor? Why couldn’t they make up their mind about Aquaman’s shirtlessness?! What kind of dominatrix mask was Selina wearing?! Why add pink and blue to Harley when she’s only wearing black and red?! What the flying fuck was that Joker design???!!! SERIOUSLY, WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK?????? If Scarecrow had gassed me, THAT Joker would have been my worst fear as well! That design was terrible!!!
The music was generic and completely forgettable. I don’t remember any melody or theme. But I DO remember how it kept on booming during a scene that was intended to be emotional. Man, those loud clashes in the background didn’t go well with the compassion we were supposed to feel... Apart from that, you’ll soon forget that there even IS music.
And what really got me angry was that the game doesn’t follow its own canon! Right at the beginning, we get a completely superfluous flashback to that vomit stain rape result Damian leaving Batman for Superman. In the comics, Bats’ team and Supes’ team clash at Arkham; we see a kid Robin side with Supes and kill Nightwing because Damian is the biggest piece of arrogant shit ever, but in Injustice 2, only Batman, an adult and extremely annoying Robin, and Superman meet at Arkham, Robin kills Zsazs and after Batman wipes the floor with him, he leaves with Supes. It was one of the most emotional scenes in the books, how could the makers forget it?! They remembered that Green Arrow was from another world/dimension but not what Robin looked like or why/how he took Supes’ side? 
And again, why did we need that flashback? It’s not like it’s there to get players up to speed about what happened in the comics because there are so many other book references that clearly show the game expects you to have read them.
Now what I liked and appreciated is that you can actually pick a side towards the end of the game; either you’re siding with Batman which results in Superman being stripped off his powers and being sent into the Phantom Zone (but we won’t find out what they did about Brainiac and the lost cities) OR you’re siding with Superman to see him kill Brainiac, take over his ship, and enslave the entire universe - including his cousin Kara and Batman. THAT was a very dark ending that gave me the chills. Well done!
Now, the most important question you’ve all been asking yourselves: WHAT’S IN IT FOR US BATCAT SHIPPERS???
BatCat talk to each other maybe twice and it’s only battle tactics. Hell, they never even look at each other. And when you beat the Arcade mode as Batman, Catwoman doesn’t appear nor is she mentioned in his ending. You beat the game as Catwoman and her ending shows us BatCat kiss only to have Selina getting bored and leaving Bruce to go back to stealing. The End.
WOW, what a horrendous ending! Injustice did a way better job back then! Even though BatCat didn’t get back together at the end, her Arcade mode ending at least implied that they’d find their way back together eventually. The sequel alludes to Bruce bailing her out of prison after the ending of the first game and BatCat seeeeeem to be together again but I’m not sure about that because they never interact or actually talk.
All in all, I think it’s a pretty mediocre game. The story is very interesting and bears LOTS of potential but it didn’t get me as engaged as its predecessor. The characters’ interactions which made Injustice such a good game were completely glossed over. Now they feel rather two-dimensional. The Arcade endings were quite nice; some were good and hopeful (OMG HARLEY!!!), some were sad and dark. They balanced each other out rather well. The animation.... well, that’s probably a matter of taste but to me, it was too distracting way too often.
If you want it, go ahead and get it but I would strongly advise you to wait until it’s on sale. Injustice 2 really isn’t a game you HAVE to play.
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