#big mood jack big fcking mood
clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 years
WTF Jack? 😱
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raptorreels · 6 years
Deliver Us From Evil (2014)
a note from the future: more like deliver us from this script. If I had to endure this movie, you have to read about me enduring this movie
also good ol gore warning and one pic of a pretty gross dead cat prop becasue the FX department were the only people who did some fucking work on this movie that is in any way effective
Gotta love how every possession movie since the exorcist insists on having a backstory scene in the Middle East.
Someone fire the sound editor please.
That is zero percent how emt's work
It's not just the start scene. Somebody should seriously have cut the Blatty estate a fcking check for this
Gotta love this complex cinematic language. You know it's a bad neighborhood when they make fingerguns at you and the women are wearing tiny shorts. Such bad. Much decay.
Your radar is gay.
Wow this must be fiction, there's an immediate and effective response to domestic violence and the victim isn't coverin for the abuser.
“that's enough for christ's sake this isn't batman”  CALLED OUT, BRUCE. Yeah geeze guy put on some bat ears before you beat the shit out of suspects
you know he's Intense because he owns a punching bag and it's Worn. Definitely intensity and not a sign you spent a whole fifteen dollars at the goodwill.
What kind of weirdo gets a shot of whiskey in the middle of a run???? Introducing: the weirdest alocholic.
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Oh nooo it's a menacing owl.
For a big budget movie, this shit watches like something a film student put together while hungover for a last-minute participation grade in a contest of how many half-baked cliches they can sew together.
Alcoholic jogger is a jesuit. Hokay then.
This is so. Badly. Written. Like not even at the plot level, just at the everyday klunky ass 'noone on god's green earth speaks like that' level. And there hasn't been a decent extra yet.
The only good thing about this movie are the references. The Doors, Larry Byrd and the Addams Family already.
These guys are terrible cops. Fucking calling people whackjobs to their faces, fucking assholes. And calling everybody whackjobs too, not just the clearly drug addicts. Like no bro their house got broken into that's not crazy. Fuck off.
“You wanna read him his rights or shoot him while he's down.” funny line, made funnier by my desperation to enjoy SOMETHING about this movie other than eric bana's pleasantly handsome face.
Yeah leave your partner alone in the creepy basement, that's both procedure and always ends we
i'm not a doctor but that doesn't look great
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gaaaaaaaaaaaasp not someone wearing a hoodie in the fall. Real sinister intent there.
Ok from personal experience, moble radios pic up weird static all the time
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WELL THEN. and okay i also had to cap this because it’s a great fucking creepy prop, and i can’t believe it got wasted on this shitty as movie.
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this guy is cute but he can. Not. Act. Bana is phoing it in half the time too, which I cannot blame him for, this script is a total fucking disaster. From a wtf-ass plot all the way down to wtf-is-this-dialogue. It's like they shredded the pilot scripts of a hundred dumb horror tv shows, threw in a buddy cop comedy and just taped together any line that immediately made a normal human roll their eyes.
Drank TWO QUARTS of paint thinner. Jesus christ.
Well at least they have the dysfnctional cop homelife down. Insert bitter authorial cops-kid laugh.
Could they really not afford any decent fill cast???? none can deliever a line without it sounding like telepromted BS
“a combat videographer”
sure let's run through the stock creepy sound loops, regardless of whether it makes sense. Everything is creepy if you turn off the lights, right?
“upstairs is for the disturbed, down here is for the dangerous and deranged” that is. Zero percent how it works.
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When you stick your arm in the crazy chick's cell, you don't get to be shocked when she tries to bite it off. Also, with all the biting that goes in this movie you would think it would turn out to Mean Something. It does not. We get closeups for it for no fucking reason at all.
Rough and tumble street cop recognizes latin immediately when he hears it. Shit son I took latin for three years and I couldn't pick it up like that.
“they might kill me slowly but they won't kill me fast” I feel that
“persian pictographs” you couldn't even be assed to find some, those are literally egyptian
this movie is just. It's so bad.
I can't.
“i don't wanna talk abou it” you JUTS SAID you thought something was wrong!!! with you!!!  how is that NOT an invitation/request to talk about it???? ffs
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well that's not great
“those who are suspetable become possessed” by seeing some bad dog latin and cribbed ancient egyptian? No discussion of what susptible means, either. Fuck world building, we stumble through this bullshit plot like men.
I always deeply dislike the “serious evil has no rhym or reason” bullshit it doesn't
oh look, the partner reappears. Now taking bets on his remaining lifespan.
What child has EVER enarestly earned a fucking jakc in the box
“do you have a crucifix in your home?” “we're italian, what do you think?” is THAT the fucking accent you were doing? Fuck I thought that was some bad third generation irish-american shit.
You gonna get eat by a demon and you still can't talk about your feels? Big. Mood.
His magic power is literally that he can hear the soundtrack.
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Guys guys. Guys it's a CLOWN jack in the box. Literally WHAT CHILD????????
gotta give it up to the FX folks at least, they're the only ones who showed up to work for this movie:
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man the reports this guy files must be great. I once filled out five pages of explanation about having to replace a blown tire, I don't even wanna think about what cops who leave the scenes of crime scenes they just called in have to file.
Nice of the cinamatographer to finally show up to work
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“well do the exorcism now” “what the fuuuuck”  giggles
and now we pretend we aren't the exorcist again. Badly.
“god knows your name, knows your number.”  your.....number???
“oh. My. Fuck.” at least we get a realistic response to an exorcism from an onlooker. And oh, I know what you're thinking. Surely this guy watching will be relevant to the plot. Does the demon jump into him? Is he the after-credits scare? Will he later get this cop in trouble for this unauthorized shit? N o p e. It's just a fucking thing that exists to pad out this excerable script.
That's not the Clash, that's The Doors. (this movie doesn't deserve a better joke)
qick and dirty exorcisms, five minutes or less
that movie was so. Bad. Eric Bana you failed me.
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