#biker!curtis everett
thezombieprostitute · 1 month
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I'm gonna let myself seriously indulge on this one.
Reader is Tall and Plus Size woman.
Word Count: ~1.2k
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, Language, Size shaming
Part 2
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Every time you went out with your friends you felt like you were babysitting a bunch of toddlers. They would whine for another bottle, swear they weren't tired, and get angry when you suggested it was time to go home.
You're certain the only reason they ask you to go with them is because you're always the designated driver and your size could scare away some of the seedier guys trying to get with them. You know the reason you keep going out with them is to keep them safe. You'd genuinely feel awful if something happened to them the one time you said you weren't going to go out with them.
Elena had found a new dive bar for everyone to try. The place, named Snowpiercer, gave you bad vibes from the start but your friends were wanting to try to find a place the group could become regulars at. That meant every place deserved a chance.
You were actually heartened to see the motorcycles outside the bar. Bikers may have a mean reputation but they have rules, especially towards women and children. Hopefully, if your friends do something stupid, that'll save them without you having to endure another asshole calling you "a fat she-hulk" or "the ogre Fiona".
You all line up at the bar to order. As expected the place didn't have the best assortment of drinks but you'd let your friends work through that. You were just happy to find out they did serve food. You swear that greasy bar burgers are some of the best tasting in the world.
Tanya, the woman behind the bar, seemed ready for your group to become annoying, belligerent drunks. Her smile widened when you ordered a soda, telling her, "designated driver," by way of explanation.
"Well then that soda is on the house," she replied. "We like to reward people who look out for others."
"Thank you," you smile back. She yells out your food order to someone in the back named Andrew.
Everyone gets their drink and sits at the table (you can't fit into the booths with your long legs). This is the part of the outings you actually do enjoy: catching up, discussing struggles, congratulating wins. Most nights it makes the several hours of wrangling exhausted toddlers worthwhile.
As the designated driver it was also up to you to get everyone's food and drink from the bar. This was yet another safety measure since some of the places you went to were so crowded anyone else would get lost in the crowd and never return with the beer and nachos. As you thank Tanya for another round the door opens and a line of, what you assume to be, bikers pour in. Not wanting to be in their way you quickly duck back to your friends.
The last person to enter catches your eye. You're not used to seeing other people your size or bigger. He's at least as big as you, but with muscle instead of pudge, like yourself. He's got a nice beard, piercing blue eyes and a grumpy look.
As the bikers get their orders they start to fill in the tables and booths around the place and the bar really comes to life. Your initial concerns are gone and you really feel like this place could be comfortable. You're still going back and forth between Tanya and your table. Still on the lookout for the usual skeevy characters that hit on drunk women. Still trying your damnedest to not get into anyone's space.
It's only because you're on alert that you notice the big and tall guy looking your way more than once. It makes you feel more awkward than you know you are. You may be big and tall but you're surefooted, especially in crowds. You have your own gracefulness but he's making you feel like it's more ridiculous than you think.
Another couple of hours pass and your friends have fully reached the level of drunk that requires adult supervision. Some of the other patrons seem to take notice and pick up on the leering looks. Every time they get caught looking you give them your “don’t fuck with us” look. It’s pretty effective. You’re not a fighter but you can definitely look the part. 
Unfortunately, it’s not 100% effective. You come back with another round and a guy has intercepted Mason on her way back from the bathroom. You set the drinks down and walk towards them. She sees you and gives you a look that says, “please help me.” 
“She’s not interested,” you tell him. “Please leave her alone.”
He turns and looks up at you, “the fuck you know about what she wants?”
“I’m her friend,” you reply. “Please leave her alone.”
He laughs, “ain’t nobody friends with a fucking sasquatch like you!”
“Sasquatch,” you contemplate. “Not the usual I get called. I’ll give you credit for creativity. But the woman is here with me and a few friends. Leave her alone.” You grab Mason’s hand and pull her around the guy, getting her behind you. 
You can’t look away from him lest he take that as an attack of opportunity, so you miss that the big and tall guy is walking towards the both of you.
“Fucking cunt,” the guy booms. “Just tryin’ to have a little fun! Such a bitch! Can’t get laid so she doesn’t let anyone else get any!”
“Egg-head!” A deep voice booms from behind you. “Leave the ladies alone and I won’t tell Gilliam about your skimming.”
The man angrily mumbles, “yes, Curtis,” and shuffles off back to his small group.
You turn around and see that Curtis is the big and tall man who’s been watching you. “Thank you for the help,” you nod in appreciation. 
“Shouldn’t have needed to help,” he grumbles. “Curtis,” he says, holding out his hand. You shake his hand and give your name in return. His hands are strong and heavily calloused. 
He watches you go and settle the tab for your group, being incredibly polite to Tanya. You know that with Mason being scared like that, all the girls are going to go into support and comfort mode which means it’s time to go home. 
He’s been watching you all night, even when you didn’t notice. He watched you being kind to Tanya and Andrew. He watched you move gracefully between the drunkards. He watched you look after your friends. He watched you protect them. 
As he watches you drive away he motions to Edgar, “have someone follow her. I want to know everything we can about her.”
“You think she’s the one,” Edgar questions.
“Yeah,” Curtis nods. “She’s the one.”
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Tagging @alicedopey and @icefrozendeadlyqueen because I promised I would!
Part 2
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
A Permanent Claim: Part 2
The twin beds set against the wall were made in perfection, a task that you speculated was taken on by the maids Pari said Curtis had hired to look after the twin mess.
The dark grey blankets were pulled taut against the bed with lighter pillows placed at the top of the mattress with a stuffed bear on one bed and an alligator on the other.
The closet doors that were placed across from each bed were closed, the frosted glass giving you a limited view of their clothes inside, although you could depict the black and white soccer ball sitting on the floor by the door hinges.
The room was clean and well organized though it hadn’t looked like a typical little boys’ room, there was a distinctive lack of toys or games, the walls were decorated with generic canvas pictures but nothing that would have related to their personalities. It seemed as if their room was ripped from the pages of some interior design magazine, copied and pasted into the house. There was little here that was conducive to Theo and James, or it had appeared that way to you.
“I’ll show you the nanny suite.” Pari directed you out of the room, closing the door behind the two of you before she stepped further into the hall, the extension of the crisp and clean aesthetic of the boy’s rooms continuing into the hall.
The carpet beneath your feet was soft, and you found yourself curling your toes into the material briefly before you followed Pari down the hall toward the next set of doors on the right side of the long hallway.
Pari had given you the rundown on the twins’ schedule, the latest time they could stay up and when Curtis wanted them up in the morning. She had explained that they were going to be entering kindergarten after summer break and the private school Curtis was sending them to would take them out of the house three days a week until Christmas, and then after they would go four days a week.
It was a lot of information given to you within a brief time until she stepped in front of one door, opening it briefly to give you a brief look at the boys bathroom they shared. The bathtub and shower combo seemed to have more life and personality than their room, a few toys set in a faux wicker basket by the corner of the bathtub, and a set of matching towels hanging on the rack were synonymous with the double vanities.
A set of toothbrushes was hanging off two holders above the sink, one themed to a superhero and the other was designed with dinosaurs in mind, both giving you more of an idea of what the twins liked than their bedroom.
It was puzzling, a wonderment why there was nothing more for the boys in their bedroom. You put the thought in the back of your mind while you followed Pari down to the next door, a nanny suite that was going to be yours when you officially started the next day.
Tonight she was going to stay to make sure the twins had settled until they had gotten relatively used to the idea of having another new nanny around, and that would in turn give you time to pack some clothes before you would be on your own.
It was her deciding factor or something about you that she liked, to give you the job after the few short hours that you had been here talking with her and to her. The process of showing you around was one more indication that you were going to be given the job, one more step toward you being hired for the job that paid exceptionally well.
However, you were curious about the high turnaround, curious enough that you had almost asked Pari whether it was the twins that drove the nanny away in some kind of Hollywood feeling scheme or if it was the man you were working for that had done the job.
“It’s got everything you’ll need.” Pari directed you into the nanny suite and you had stepped through with speculation, your eyebrows furrowing as your lips had become pursed.
The nanny suite was larger than you expected and was rather captivating with clean crisp white walls, and an intricate chandelier hanging in the middle of the room.
The headboard was made of light grey material that was textured with cloth buttons that added extra detail. The bed itself was larger than the one you had in your apartment, and it was pushed against the feature wall with a nightstand on the right-hand side and a sitting chair on the other side. Across from the bed was an electric fireplace and mantle, the dark wood contrasting the white trim that ran throughout the room.
To the far left was a set of double doors that led to a small private balcony that was enclosed by a white railing. The room was designed with the same sleekness as the rest of the house, perfect to a near fault, and yet this nanny suite still had more character than the twins rooms. It was bothering you, it was getting under your skin like an itch that couldn’t have possibly been sated until you let the question be aired and given life.
“Pari, the twins room-“ You looked back at her, your eyes meeting hers and your mouth shutting closed when she had drawn in a breath and rubbed the bridge of her nose with annoyance.
The corner of her lips was pressed tightly together and the scowl on her face had told you everything you needed to know.
“I know.” Those two words told you enough. “Curtis hired some interior decorator because he didn’t give a shit about what the house looked like, he’s got enough to deal with. The nannies and housekeepers come and they see the state of this place and do everything they can to keep it this way.”
“Not just for nannies.” Pari drew her hand away from her face and down to her hip, glancing you over again with a far less stoic expression. “Housekeepers too.”
Your suspicions of the twin being hellions that sent the nannies off were partially right, and you couldn’t have blamed them. The twins were not allowed by the other nannies to have anything in their rooms because of the clutter, and it had made the boys double down on their mission to get rid of anyone ‘allergic to fun’.
They didn’t get to express themselves, they didn’t get to enjoy being messy like kids naturally were, or even have their favourite toys in their bedrooms to play with. It was almost as if they were being forced into this state of cleanliness that wasn’t achievable for them.
“They’re kids, they should be allowed to be kids.” You mumbled under your breath, taking another glance around the room before you and Pari stepped into the hallway again.
As the door clicked behind you, your hand settled on the doorknob while Pari made her way to the winding staircase, leaving you lagging for a few moments.
“Theo, James-“ A crash had come from the lower level and your feet carried you before you had time to think, following Pari toward the kitchen and the source of the sound.
“Sorry, aunty.” One of the twin’s bottom lips was trembling, his blue eyes watering and his chest heaving with the effort to hold in his tears.
Between the twins was a broken glass and orange juice, the mixture thankfully not hitting either of their feet. Theo, or so you thought, had huffed and gritted his teeth, almost as if he was trying to present himself as a stoic figure.
“James-“ you started to speak to the twins, first addressing the twin who wasn’t near tears.
“Theo.” Pari corrected you, taking a wide berth around the glass and juice, and stepping toward a small utility closet near the edge of the kitchen.
“It was an accident, it’s okay. You didn’t mean to.” You stepped the other way, slowly grabbing hold of James’ arm, and gently leading him away from the glass. “I’m going to clean it up, don’t step in the glass or you’ll cut your feet.”
“I was thirsty.” James pulled at your sleeve, his eyes brimming with tears. “I wanted a drink.”
“I know, it’s not your fault.” You lift him from the floor and set him on the table, sitting him on the edge before you lifted his left foot and then his right, looking for any cuts. “It was an accident.”
You drew your fingers along the bottom of his feet feeling for any nicks that you couldn’t see, biting down on the inside of your cheek when he laughed through some tears and jerked his foot. After checking both feet, you lifted him from the table and carried him further away from the mess and set him down where he wouldn’t be hurt or caught in the mess.
“Do you still want something to drink?” You crouched before him, watching him as he raised his arm and wiped away his tears with his sleeve, sniffling and nodding. “Orange juice?”
“We didn’t mean to,” Theo spoke with the same defiance, the same presentable little tough guy act he was trying to put on, almost as if he was afraid you or Pari would give them trouble. “It slipped-“
“It’s okay, Theo.” You were careful to step around the rest of the glass, carefully padding around the island toward the fridge as you stared at the rows of cupboards.
“To the left of the fridge,” Pari spoke without having to look up from the floor, “orange juice is on the right side of the fridge.”
You followed her instruction, first grabbing a glass and then the juice. You set both on the counter before closing the doors and unscrewing the cap, idly listening to the sound of James and Theo’s whispers behind you while you filled their glass.
Once it was halfway full, you grabbed the glass and turned. You nearly jumped out of your skin when they appeared closer than you anticipated, squeaking in surprise at their giggles and soft laughter.
“Funny.” You held the glass out to James, watching him and Theo guzzle down the sweet mixture before they handed it back to you. “Is that better?”
“Theo, James…go put your toys away. Pizza will be here soon.” Pari sent the directive and as quickly as the boys were here, they were gone.
They scattered from the kitchen with a few excited claims that they would beat each other to the playroom, leaving you and Pari alone. You set the glass in the sink and shifted your weight from one foot to the other while silence passed between you both.
“Crustaceans?” Pari drew your attention to herself as she stepped around the island and dumped the remaining glass shards into the garbage under the sink. “You’re allergic to crustaceans?”
“Oh.” You shifted your weight from one foot to the other before you cleared your throat and nodded. “Yeah, I don’t eat crustaceans but I can eat fish.”
“I don’t eat beef,” Pari relayed some personal preferences about herself just as you had, “It’s not an allergy, but a religious practice.”
“I can eat chicken, lamb, and goat but not beef.” She looked you over as she spoke and then smiled, cracking a genuine and warm grin. “You’re going to do great with them. You’re exactly what they need.”
“Thank you-“
“-Curtis too.” She spoke over you while you fell silent. “He’s going to love you.”
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Permanent Tags List: @jennmurawski13-writes @beardburnsupersoldiers @rebekahdawkins @supraveng @bookfrog242 @old-enough-to-know-better73 @loveitorleaveit20 @alexakeyloveloki @socalgem1124 @mogaruke @dreamlessinparis @frisky975 @dispatchvampire @hereforbuckyandsteve @jesgisborne e @fairybnha3 @hallecarey1 @tang082646 @mrslokibarnesrogers @deputy-videogamer @posionivy0061 @loving-life-my-way @kaylamcd2000 @mercyy98 @rootcrop @whatinthestyles @slutforsteve @cornmousequeen @rededfoxy @yagurl-snow @glimmering-darling-dolly @patzammit @buckymydarlingangel @missusbarnes-rogers @andy-is-gay @nervousfandom @rileyloves5 @emi11ie @carelessreadersstuff @readingandwritingandreading @cynic-spirit @inkedaztec @gh0stgurl @cats-and-sheep @pono-pura-vida @seitmai @teambarnes72 @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @miss-rebel-without-applause
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Keys in Your Ignition, Part 10
Summary:  Time with the Everett’s
Pairings:  Curtis X Reader, Curtis X Steve
Rating:  mature
Warnings:  explicit language, mentions of a car crash, mentions of mental health, unhealthy sex talk, depictions of depression, arson, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  3.1K
Series Masterlist
*Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
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“Here, sweetie,” Curtis’ mom leans over you offering some tea. “Drink it, I promise, it’s good,” groggily you sit up from the couch. Almost forgetting you were here, and one look over at the chair Curtis had been sitting on, you realize now, you’re alone.
“He had some business to attend to,” she answers quickly. Giving you a smile when you stretch out. Sore in ways you never thought you would be. “I heard about your father. Curtis said he was difficult.”
“That’s news. Everyone keeps telling me about what a good man he was.”
“Hmm,” she pushes a tray of waffles, fruit and bacon towards you. “Help yourself.”
You are in fact starving, can’t even remember when you last ate. You load down a plate and settle back on the couch, thanking the woman.
“Curtis tells me he was a fierce leader, but a terrible father.”
“Curtis says a lot.”
“Tara. That’s my name.”
“When is he coming back?” her waffles were amazing, and you can’t help but to stuff another large bite in your mouth.
“Dinner time I suppose. His father is out of town helping my other son move in. Curtis and him don’t get along. You know. You remind me of my daughter,” you swallow a big bite and smile. “She let a toxic love get the best of her. They got in a car wreck, my baby girl…she’s not suffering from him anymore.”
“It’s not toxic.”
“Maybe because you’re the toxic one? I heard enough. Tell me about Ari,” you drink a bit of your tea, shrugging your shoulders. “Do you love him?”
“No. I can’t love. It’s broken,” standing up, she joins you on the couch, making her own plate.
“Losing a daughter doesn’t make that part of you broken. I still love my sons so much. Proud of them in different ways. Hayden is following in his dad’s footsteps. Curtis is carving his own path. But he’s empathetic, compassionate, jovial, even if you don’t see that giggly side of him. When Jessie died, I thought my world had ended. She was this bright sunny thing. Always laughing and smiling. Always getting her brothers into their own round of giggles. She loved them. Little sister to one, big sister to the other. I watched her light fade dimmer everyday she was with that man. The same light Curtis saw in you, but she let hers flicker out. With the right lighter, the flame can burn bright again.”
“I told you, I can’t love.”
“Why does a man have to bring you happiness?” you cut your eyes over at her, your vision going blurry, and you’re unsure what was bringing on these tears. “In order to love someone else, we have to love ourselves. We have to forgive ourselves, because life is about mistakes. You just have to start learning from those mistakes. Have you ever been in love?”
You nod your head at her, meekly saying yeah. “Tell me about him. What was his name?”
“Everyone calls him Bucky. I call him JB.”
“What made you fall in love?”
You stare out into the distance remembering when you saw Bucky for the attractive man he was. “He saw me. He paid attention to me. I’d fall, and he’d run to help me up. I was missing from the club, and he’d go searching for me. Not because someone told him to, but because he missed me. He taught me how to ride a motorcycle, when my dad told me I was too pretty to ride. With JB there was just me.”
“What happened?”
You take another drink of tea when you feel your throat closing in on itself. Your chest heating up and tight. “I asked him to teach me other things.”
“The sexual kind?”
“Yeah. He was my first. He’s my brother’s best friend, so it was forbidden. We built us this shack in the woods. It didn’t have much, just a mattress. But it was our own. He taught me everything. You know, accidents happen. And I ended up pregnant. Long story short…our baby didn’t make it.”
“You wanted the baby?” her hand drifts to your thigh, and shocking yourself, you lean over on her shoulder.
“I always wanted to be a mom. I never really had one. We were gonna have a girl. She was beautiful. Perfect. I just wanted my daughter to have the life I didn’t have. And JB, he was too scared to say anything. Had excuses on when we should tell my family, and then…it didn’t matter. He held me in our shack, and I cried all night. Into the day, and then it hit me, that he never was going to come clean. He didn’t want what I wanted. I got up and left. I couldn’t let him go completely. I’d find a boyfriend that I just used for sex, but I always went back to JB.”
“Why was Ari different?” you shrug on her shoulder. Tara reaches over to the table, and hands you a tissue. “Your dad’s best friend?” with a nod, she pets around your hair, “it’s a bit of a pattern. Your brother’s best friend, then your dad’s. Is the attention you were really seeking from them or your family? You wanted them to make a possible sacrifice and tell their friends? JB didn’t.”
You shake your head no, “He just told Steve. Right before, before Steve left me.”
“Okay, he tells your brother after your dad died, and Ari never got a chance. I don’t think you’re weird. We can’t help who we’re attracted to, but I don’t think Ari was an accident.”
“He’s got a kid. He’s only seven years younger than me. He doesn’t want kids. I don’t need them anyway,” this was always the line you told yourself.  It was easier to tell yourself you didn’t need them.  
“You don’t need them right now. Right now you need a mix of good love, and tough love. That with Ari, is no good. I saw your bruises.”
“It was impact play,” you go move off of her, and she allows you to. The two of you sit in silence for a moment, and your eyes wander around this room. Pictures of the family of five scattered all around. And you smile at how attentive Curtis seems with his younger siblings.
“Did you enjoy it?” you shrug your shoulders. “Are you afraid to tell Ari?”
“I test him. He doesn’t have a choice.”
“We always have a choice. He doesn’t realize you’re testing him for attention. It’s like a spoiled child. They don’t care if the attention is negative or not,” now why did she call you a spoiled child. You cross your arms over you chest and pout. “I get it. He wasn’t a father to his son, so now he’s making a point to do that with you.”
“I’m not a brat.”
“Then don’t act like one. You grew up without a proper mother, and it shows. Ari is not your daddy. You don’t have to push that need to have his attention on to Ari.”
“Gross. I don’t want to have sex with my dad.”
She giggles, and even gets a chuckle out of you, “That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that you have wanted your dad’s attention. You’ve acted out in the club, and Ari is the only one who gave you that attention. You liked it at first. But the worse you feel about yourself, the harder you need something more. Got sloppy with hiding the relationship, hoping your father would catch you. Spoiled children do not care what type of attention they get, they just want it. Willing to endure punishment because it means their parent, in your case, daddy cares. But Ari only fills that void for a moment. You say you don’t love him, and in some way he loves you. You just test your boundaries, and then he hurts you. It’s a cycle, and eventually you’re going to push that man too far. Does he know about Bucky?”
“Yeah. He knows I cheat on him with Bucky, too.”
“I wasn’t with anyone. I can fuck whoever I want.”
“Does Ari think you’re with him though?”
“He calls me his old lady. I’m twenty-two years younger than him. I’m not old. I’m not a lady. And I don’t like his rules and his lies! I didn’t know he had a kid. Didn’t know he couldn’t have anymore.”
“Sweetie, do you want to be with Ari?” you shake your head no.
“But I don’t want to be alone.”
“You’re not,” you lift your head up, looking at her. Her eyes bright and kind like Curtis’. “You’ve got people who care about you. Curtis wants nothing from you. He cares about you. Got you here and away from the storm that’s brewing in that club. Some of it is your fault, and you’re going to have to take responsibility for that. But we all do stupid things when we’re not of sound mind. Do you love Bucky?”
“I do. I just don’t know if I could be with him.”
“All you gotta do is tell us, and we’ll get you out of the situation you’re in. I’m here to help, and if you need me to act as your surrogate mother, so you realize you’re not alone, I will. I can’t see another girl be destroyed by a man.”
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Curtis’ hand beats on the door, and when Steve opens it, he tries to close it immediately. Curtis pushes past the door, and pushes Steve back into the apartment. “You want to ignore me? Fine. Now you can’t. What the fuck man?”
“Wow. You know I thought you were just going through your own shit, but now, I think you just really don’t care. Do you even know half the shit your sister has gone through? She’s lost Steve.”
“She’s got Ari,” Curtis’ hands connect to Steve’s shoulders, and he pushes him hard onto the couch behind him. “She’s grown!”
“Barely. She’s twenty-three years old, and lost. She has basically begged for yours and your dad’s attention. And he’s dead, and you ran away,” he holds his phone out to Steve, letting him watch what he saw first hand. You screaming and kicking trying to go after him, but Ari drags your body back into the rooms. “You need each other. You’re all you have left. You don’t even see her. You don’t see what she’s been through.”
“What about me?”
“My god, y’all are both lost puppies. You got your dad’s attention. Doll got the old ladies, and every time she wanted to show your dad something, it was always, okay show Angel or Florence or Rose, daddy has to work. Meanwhile he’s searching for his next meaningless pussy. That was you, until you found someone worth being faithful to. He never gave her the attention she wanted. She wanted to do ballet, but she couldn’t because he had to buy you a bike, and you weren’t even licensed. She wanted to go to college, but she couldn’t because she had to work at the bar, and help with the family business. And you wonder why she fell in bed with bikers. Doll was meant for more than the club. Just,” his finger presses hard on Steve’s chest, “Like you. The difference is you got a way out, and took it. Leaving her with no fucking safe guard. Ari doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing. Waiting on her to cheat on him I guess. Trying to be the father figure she wants, when he just wants a nice girl to come home too. Bucky is just as lost, man. He is so in love with your sister, but she needs out of that fucking club. She needs to heal if she even wants to think about entertaining a life with Bucky.”
“He’s my best friend.”
“And she’s your sister. If you paid any attention to her, you would have seen their romance happening. He couldn’t quit looking at her, and she couldn’t quit smiling. You’re so self absorbed Steve. But that’s what you were taught to be. The big man. Gets to go on runs with a bunch of sweet butts, knowing that his old lady would be waiting to take his cock when he got home. You want that for her? Ari has never done the faithful thing. Bucky either. Until her. She’s out currently. I got her someplace safe. But she’ll need somewhere with family.”
“It’s that bad?” Steve asks, finally looking up at Curtis. His eyes glassy, and he bites at his lip.
“Yeah. You two are too much like your mothers. You weren’t meant to have this as your life. Doll wants a white picket fence. She wants to go after her dreams, and Ari is going to keep her working in a fucking bar and taking him when he gets home. He’s a lifer. Just like Bucky.”
“I’m a mess, too.”
“You can be a mess together. She’s broken right now, Steve. My dad is a therapist. Mom’s been around it her whole life, and pretty much is a therapist, too. She’s talking to her. She’s being the mother that Venus never got to be. But Doll wants you. You’re her big brother,” Steve nods his head, his gaze looking back at the floor.
“Okay.  Okay.  I’m not what she needs either.”
“Good boy, you’ll figure it out,” Curtis winks. “Now, I’m gonna spend time with my little brother. While my dad is shopping for the right towels. Hayden is useless in that department.”
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Curtis walks into his childhood home, watching his mother fold clothes, and he gives her an odd look. With a flick of her head into the living room, he walks quietly in there, and stops seeing you mix up a pink batter, “Tara, oh,” you say when you realize it’s Curtis in the doorway, “I thought you were Tara.”
“No, it’s just me. What cha need?”
“Well, this is just strawberry cake mix, but I thought it would be nice to add in some fresh strawberries. You know make it a bit more unique,” before you fully finish your thought he’s already walking to the fridge, grabbing out the strawberries, “So you think it’s a good idea?”
“Yeah, I think it’s a great idea,” he gives you a kind smile handing over the strawberries, “Still don’t wanna fuck you.”
“Wasn’t offering,” you smart back going to cut up the berries. “I like your mom.”
“I like her, too. She’s a good one. You are, too.”
“Does…does anyone know where I am?” worried that it wouldn’t be long until Ari came looking for you. And right now, you just need space.
“Just Steve,” shocked, you turn to look at Curtis. Tears immediately fall past your lash line, and Curtis envelops you in a tight embrace. “He wants you to move in the city with him. Get away from the club. No one knows where he is either.”
“Curtis…I…it’s just…it’s soon. And I need to do something first.”
“We’ll go do it.”
“This still isn’t an invitation for you to fuck me.”
“Good, I don’t want to, Doll.”
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“You sure about this?” Curtis dips his head in through the door looking around the small space. He turns, staring at you, while you’re blankly look at that mattress. You shake your head no in answer.  Because you’re not really sure, but still there’s a calmness that surrounds your decision.
Shining a light around the shack, he points it at your chest, “You don’t have to do this. Who told you that you did?”
“No one. I wanted to do it after we lost Luna,” you hold out your hand, and he places his lighter in it.
“This is where you lost your virginity? There’s cobwebs.”
“They weren’t always there,” you laugh, flicking on the lighter, you go over to light the mattress on fire, and step back to hug Curtis. Watching as the flames take everything, but the memories. “It’s done.”
“What about Bucky?”
“This is best for the both of us,” you push Curtis off of you, and walk over to his bike. “I can’t love him, if I don’t work on myself. And I can’t love him with the love shack hanging over our heads. This is the past. I don’t know if I can ever love him again. I know that I need to love myself, and then maybe I’ll get there.”
“Mom’s pretty awesome, huh? Where we headed to, Doll?”
You take a deep breath as the fire spreads out. “The fire department will be here soon. Where we going?” you follow him as he heads for his bike, jumping on, before he lets you get on the back.
“Can we go back to your parents? Just for a bit longer,” he starts the bike, and heads in the direction of his parents’ house. Sirens wail in the distance, but you have never felt freer. Throwing your hands out wide, you let the wind wash off the rest, ready to take this journey away from everything you knew. It was best to not see Ari and Bucky at the moment.
There was a familial comfort at Curtis’ parents, mostly his mom. You didn’t realize how much you desired a motherly figure.  “I’m stealing your mom,” you giggle when he pulls up to the house. “It’s just cozy here.”
“I’ll give her out on loan. You’re not keeping her. Come on, let’s get some of that strawberry cake. And it’s not an invitation into my bed.”
“Wait,” he stops to turn around and glare at you, feeling that you were going to go too far again. “Not sex.”
“You quit calling it fucking? That’s a start.”
“Can you just stay with me until I fall asleep? She’s letting me stay in Hayden’s old room. I’ll sleep on top of the covers. I promise. No sex. No shoving your hands on me. Just,” biting your lip, you look down at the ground, hands crossed over you chest, “Never mind.”
“No, use your words, and tell me what you’re feeling. Then allow me to respond and give you my boundaries.”
“I don’t want to be alone. This is hard for me. I’ve always bounced around to someone else’s bed. And sex was the only way I knew that would let them let me stay. Don’t make me guilt trip you, and say that I burned down mine and JB’s love shack.”
“That was your idea,” he laughs, bringing you close to him. “I’ll sleep on top of the covers. And I swear to you, if you try to shove my hands on you, we’re gonna have a problem.”
“I won’t. Not on purpose,” you squeal running up the front porch stairs.
“Doll Rogers! You get back out here!” playfully screaming at you while he runs in after you. His mom laughing at the two of you being goofy and carefree. She missed this side of her son, and you were becoming a different girl than the one Curtis first dropped off, it was like her second coming of Jessie, and she would protect you fiercely, in a way she couldn’t Jessie.  
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Taglist:  @tis-thedamn-season​ @marveloustaylortot​ @pono-pura-vida​ @sstan-hoe​ @peaches1958​ @kaybaby2494 @flannellover67​ @infatuatedjanes​ @redbloodedgurl​ @thedarknessilove​ @whimsyplaty92​ @tryingtosurvivestuff​ @superforgottensoul​
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secretswiftymarvelfan · 2 months
I have another request for your celebration please.
Curtis Everett, Biker au,
“You’re not the person I thought you were.”
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Okay so you might not have been expecting smut with this but.... this kinda got away from me... what can I say Curtis Everett does things to me...
An Angel with a Darkside - Biker!Curtis Everett x Reader
Summary: Curtis is a man with a dark side, a side he never showed to you... but now you really wanted it
Word Count: 2.2k
Warning: SMUT! 18+ ONLY! MINORS DNI! Use of sox toys! Language! Dom!Curtis
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
Masterlist / Celebration Masterlist
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An Angel with a Darkside
You bit your lip, chin resting in your palm as you leaned against the counter in your cafe. There were many things you could be doing right now, like restocking the pastries and wiping down tables but your attention was solely on the group of bikers across the road.
For many people owning a cafe opposite a bar that was the go-to haunt for the local biker gang would be a dealbreaker. But you loved it solely because it gave you unlimited access to gaze at them all day, especially at one biker in particular.
Curtis ‘the axe’ Everett.
His buzzcut hair, rippling muscles, stern expression and icy blue eyes could make anyone nervous to be in his presence, but to you, it was your kryptonite and made you weak at the knees. After a month of gazing at him, daydreaming about him, you thought you were actually dreaming when he walked into the cafe one day. 
You swallowed nervously as he walked up to the counter, his leather jacket making his biceps look inhumanly large “Hi, what can I get for you?” You smiled hoping you didn’t look too lovesick as you gazed up at him.
The tiniest of smiles tugged at the corner of his lips “Just a black coffee thanks, to go” he nodded.
“Sure not a problem” you smiled quickly turning your back on him to make his order, you weren’t sure if it was the fact that you couldn’t see him but a wave of confidence crashed over you “Do you want a little Irish added to your coffee?”
“I didn’t realise cafes stocked whiskey” he commented as you finished making his drink and turned back around to face him.
“We don’t but I can make sure I have it for next time” You smirked and the smile that was playing at his lips grew “Can I get you anything else?”
“What do you suggest?”
“Well you can never go wrong with a chocolate croissant, they’re handmade,” you said nodding to the display of croissants.
“I’ll take one of those too then”
“Coming right up” you smiled quickly packing one away into a to-go bag “That’ll be eight dollars please”
Curtis placed 10 dollars on the counter and picked up his coffee to take a sip “Just what I needed, keep the change angel” he winked as he grabbed his croissant and walked out of the cafe.
You couldn’t help but bite your lip as you watched him go, eyes focused on his perfect ass. So much so that it was only when he was out of view that you spotted he’d left the sleeve of his to-go cup on the counter and it was only when you picked it up that you realised he scribbled his number onto it.
Fast forward 3 months and the two of you were officially dating and it had been amazing. You didn’t care about his tough and rough exterior, if anything it was a major turn-on for you. Curtis could also be incredibly sweet behind those frowns and grunts. Whenever he took you to bed he worshipped you, his rough hand gliding gently over your skin, it was amazing. 
You wanted more, needed more. Yes, he had given you some of the best orgasms of your entire life with the smooth and gentle lovemaking, but what really got you going was watching him being tough, commanding and dominating. You wanted him to dominate you. 
You weren’t sure exactly how to ask him to bring that side of himself into the bedroom though. But after watching him holding someone up by the collar of their jacket you couldn’t wait any longer and set a plan in motion. 
You and Curtis already had a plan to meet up this evening, Curtis coming over to your apartment for dinner and a good time, but instead of meeting him downstairs in your cafe you left a note telling him to meet you upstairs.
Which is exactly where you waited for him, dressed in black lingerie which left absolutely nothing to the imagination made from nothing but small straps of black material. The marble kitchen counter cool against your bare skin as you perched invitingly on the edge. 
Your heart was hammering in your chest as you heard Curtis’ heavy footsteps coming up the stairs, but as soon as he set his eyes on you and you saw them darken you knew you were in for a good night. 
Curtis silently walked over to you, his icy blue eyes devouring your entire body. He said nothing as he reached out and ran his finger underneath one of the straps, his knuckle brushing over your exposed sensitive peak. 
The corner of his lips tugged upwards when you shivered at his touch “What is all this?” 
You leaned forward to run your hands over the shoulders of his leather jacket “I love it when you worship me but… watching you today…” you said taking a deep breath as your gaze met his “Being so… dominant…”
The lopsided grin on Curtis’ face grew “You want that hm?” he hummed, his hand moving to cup the underside of your breast, thumb brushing over your nipple. 
“So much” you breathed out.
A flash of worry passed over Curtis’ face “I don’t want to hurt you” he muttered, eyes dropping. 
You cupped his cheek to return his gaze to yours “You won’t” you said before smirking “I’m tougher than I look”
Curtis chuckled shaking his head, his gaze finally falling to the selection of toys you had left out around you “Where have you been hiding all these?” he said as he reached out and picked up a pair of fluffy handcuffs.
You shrugged innocently “Just next to all my deepest darkest secrets” you winked. 
Curtis chuckled again as he leaned forward, bracing his hands on either side of you “We should have a safe word Angel” 
You nodded “How about… croissant?” you smirked recalling the first time you met. 
Curtis gave you a wicked grin as he nodded “Okay, now lie back angel, hands above your head” 
You were buzzing with anticipation as you did what he said, your fingers brushing against the cool metal of your kitchen sink behind you. You heard Curtis move around the island before his hands took yours and the handcuffs were placed around your wrists, securing you in place using the kitchen faucet. 
He walked back around to where your legs hug off the edge of the counter, pulling you closer to the edge “I recall our plans to have dinner tonight” he said, pulling aside the thin straps that covered your core “but I guess I’m the only one eating tonight” 
You bit your lips as you felt his breath ghost over you, but it did nothing to stop the moan that broke free when Curtis dove in. Usually Curtis took his time, would gently work you up before diving in but he wasn’t holding himself back. Your legs clamped around his head, his beard burning against your thighs. His hands moved to grip your thighs, keeping them exactly where he wanted them, his grip so tight it was sure to leave a mark. 
Your back ached against the counter, the metal of your handcuffs clinking against the faucet. This unrestrained animal was just what you wanted and more. You tried to hold yourself back so this moment would last forever but you came harder and faster than you ever have before, practically screaming his name. 
You watched with hooded eyes as he rose back up to his full height, in the low light of your kitchen you could see your essence glistening on his beard. He licked his lips before he leaned over to press wet kisses up your body. 
“I know you’re in charge but I have a suggestion” you muttered in between deep breaths.
You felt Curtis smirk against your skin, his eyebrow arched as he glanced up at you “Oh really? And what is it?” 
You smirked back at him “Unlock these and you’ll find out” you said tugging on the handcuffs. 
Curtis didn’t say anything as he rounded the counter once more and freed you from the handcuffs. As he walked back around you pushed yourself off of the counter, turning around and bending over. You saw the wolfish grin on Curtis’ face as he moved to stand behind you. 
“Oh” he muttered in surprise, in all the time you knew him you’d never heard him sound so surprised “What is this?” he asked, his voice dropping. 
You knew exactly what he meant as he touched the gem-encrusted butt plug that you had already inserted before his arrival, his touch making you clench around the cool metal “I thought it would be wise to prepare myself” you said glancing over your shoulder at him. 
His eyes met yours, eyes that were now so dark you couldn’t see the icy blue anymore “You’re not the person I thought you were” he hummed.
“Oh really?” you smirked.
Curtis shook his head “You’re so much better… my sweet little angel has a dark side”
“And I’m all yours” you said pushing your ass out towards him.
Curtis let out a dark chuckle as he leant down to press a kiss to your shoulder “Remember our safe word?” he asked, you hummed and nodded your head “Good because you might need it”
You bit your lip in anticipation as your listened to him unbuckle his jeans. You gasped when you felt him run himself up and down your soaked folds your breath hitching when you felt him press inside you. Except it wasn’t him, he’d grabbed one of your larger vibrators and was using that instead. 
“Gotta make sure you’re ready angel, I’m guessing this is your first time” he hummed as he turned the vibrator on to its lowest setting. 
You whimpered at the sensation of being so full as you nodded your head in answer. Your whimper then turned into a whine as you felt Curtis pull the plug from you, your body mourning the loss of sensation. Curtis shushed you quietly as he ran his hands over your ass, one hand moved to your core collecting your juices before returning to your ass, his fingertip swirling against your rosebud. 
“Relax” Curtis instructed as he slowly teased your hole and your body instantly responded to his command “Good girl,” he said as he pressed his finger further into you.
You could only moan his name as you rutted back against him desperate for more, but Curtis took his time with you, opening you up before he added another finger. When you began to beg for more he responded not by adding more, but by turning up the intensity of the vibrator. 
“That’s it, I want to feel you come one more time, make sure you're thoroughly ready for me,” Curtis said as he pressed a kiss to your spine. 
Your toes curled as you felt another orgasm crash over you, harder than the one before. If it wasn’t for the countertop beneath you, you would have sagged completely to the floor. 
It was while you were coming down from that high that Curtis got himself ready, your body instantly responding when he pressed his tip to your hole. He pressed himself inside slowly, letting you open up for him in your own time. He was only halfway in when it felt like you couldn’t take anymore, you were already too full with him and the vibrator.
“You can do it angel, just a little more” Curtis gently coaxed. 
Your body relaxed some more as he slowly thrust into you until he was fully seated inside you. The both of you pausing to just enjoy the sensation. 
“Fuck you feel so good” Curtis ground out between heavy breaths. 
You could only moan in response, all coherent thoughts gone from your brain, all that was left was the euphoria you were feeling, how good it felt to be so full. 
“How do you want this?” Curtis then asked, his hands running gently across your back. 
“All” was the only thing you were able to say, you wanted it all. 
Curtis thankfully understood exactly what you meant as he began to thrust into you with no restraint. You instantly began chanting his name with every thrust, understanding that this was the true meaning behind the phrase ‘fucking your brains out’. 
It was a miracle that you hung on for as long as you did, your peak dangerously close from the moment he entered you. But when he reached beneath you to turn your vibrator on to his highest setting you completely lost it, screaming his name as you came around him, screaming so loud you were certain the people across the street could hear you. Curtis followed swiftly behind you, spilling himself inside you, cum leaking out. 
The both of you took a moment to recover before Curtis pulled himself and the vibrator from you, making you whine at the breath of emptiness you felt. Curtis then gently helped you stand back up, hooking his arm beneath you and lifting you up when your knees went weak. 
He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead as he carried you from the kitchen and into your bedroom, gently setting you down on the soft mattress. He went to then step away but you grabbed his wrist.
“Thank you” you whispered, your voice hoarse from all the moaning. 
Curtis gave you a soft grin as he bent down to kiss you softly “No, thank you” he murmured “Now relax while I clean you up and look after you like the angel you are”
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
If you want to get involved in my I Love You 3000 Event, Check it out here!
Masterlist / Celebration Masterlist
I don’t have a taglist so follow @secretswiftymarvelfanlibrary​ and turn on post notifications to be kept up to date!
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navybrat817 · 6 months
October Reading List
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Hey, lovelies! Here are the fics I've had the pleasure of reading and reblogging throughout the month of October. Please show these writers some love and heed the warnings for each fic. Remember, you are responsible for your own media consumption. Banner by yours truly and divider by the talented @saradika .
Love, thanks, and happy reading!
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Marvel Characters
Bucky Barnes
Feelin' Gourd by @jobean12-blog
Never Saw You Comin' by @nickfowlerrr
Healing Hands by @rookthorne
Mile High Club by @writing-for-marvel
Off Day by @theeleggymeggy
Hold Me Down by @flordeamatista
Blood Sweat and Tears by @treatbuckywkisses
Protective Biker!Bucky by @pellucid-constellations
Insomnia by @intrepidacious
Chain Around My Neck by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
Storm by @bucky-barnes-diaries
Biker!Bucky Headcanon by @sinner-as-saint
Smitten by @buckylattes
Give Up Part 1 and Part 2 by @fineanddandy
New Perspective by @honeybloomss
Behave by @becca-e-barnes
Steve Rogers
Haunted by @targaryenvampireslayer
Let's Get Physical by @mrsmischief209
Darkness Between the Stars by @biteofcherry
You Are in Love by @scrumptious-delusion
Baby Girl by @wint3r-h3art
Drain You by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
Morning Light by @drabblewithfrannybarnes
Interrupted by @ciarawritesmarvel
Steve Rogers as a Husband @neonovember
What You Can Do For Your Country by @krirebr
I Made Your Favorite by @heli0s-writes
The Cinema Experience by @myfictionaldreams
Learn My Lesson by @cockslutpadalecki
Breathe Me by @fushic0re
An Olive Branch by @real-jane
Letters to the Moon by @violentdelightsandviolentends
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Chris Evans Characters
Andy Barber
Your Age is Showing by @worksby-d
Rosebud by @kthynes
Second Shot by @/drabblewithfrannybarnes
Ari Levinson
Beauty Wrought of Rapture and Desire by @the-iceni-bitch
The Domestic Life @imyourbratzdoll
Of Service by @stargazingfangirl18
The New Romantics - Part 1 by @slvttyfied
Curtis Everett
Lots of Candles by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
Can I Try Something? by @luxeavenger
Lloyd Hansen
Trucker!Lloyd by @oh-my-damn
Alpha by @boxofbonesfic
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Sebastian Stan Characters
Lee Bodecker
It Will Come Back by @slyyywriting
Lights Out by @vellicore
No Way Out by @shadeysprings
Captivity by @wheezy-stucky
Devil Devil by @sgt-seabass
Snuggle Time by @holylulusworld
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krirebr · 5 months
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Jake Jensen - Arranged Marriage
Snowy Winter Steve Rogers
Autumn Ransom Drysdale
Cozy Nomad Steve
Disco Freezy
Biker Curtis Everett
Autumn Lloyd Hansen
Hockey DILF Andy Barber
Autumn Andy Barber
Upcoming Fics
It Breaks if You Don't Force It
More Than This
Drop Your Head to Please Mine
A Sharp Shock to Your Soft Side
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flordeamatista · 1 year
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April Daydreams
𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘢𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘯 𝘈𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘭 
These are some of the most captivating stories from April
All blogs and daydreams listed below are 18+
You are responsible for the media you consume
Whenever you reblog a fic, you are sending flowers to the writers
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Bucky Barnes
Date Night @justreadingfics
Passionate Negotiations @targaryenvampireslayer
Needy @^
Work it Out @jobean12-blog
Bandaged with Love @^
I Wanna Be Yours @buckycuddlebuddy
Part of the Run All You Want 'Verse @angrythingstarlight
Bumblebee AU [drabble 1, 2] @^
Baker Bucky AU [drabble 1]
Can I Call You, Baby @slyyywriting
Temples To Build @^
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God the Bounty Hunter
Gentle Sin @navybrat817
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Steve Rogers
Daddy Lessons @geminixevans-stan
Time to Run - [14 15] @syntheticavenger
Love Like a Scar @/targaryenvampireslayer
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Nick Fowler
Kiss it better @late-to-the-party-81
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Andy Barber
Sundaze @sunshinebuckybarnes
Down to Business @/navybrat817
Rocky, Who? @astrorogers
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Ari Levinson
E-Vite 4/20 [A New Hire interlude] @boxofbonesfic
Biker!Ari drabble [1] @/angrythingstarlight
Down Again @/navybrat817
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Curtis Everett
Within the Shadows @shadeysprings
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Paz Vizsla
Bold @flightlessangelwings
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Laurie Laurence
Good grief, Laurie @cocoamoonmalfoy
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thezombieprostitute · 15 days
Hi dear! If you're doing sleepy prompts, can I please get 12. “No offense, but you look like you haven’t slept in days” with Curtis? 💜💜
You know what? I'm gonna revisit Biker Curtis for this one. I'm sure this isn't going to go how you were thinking in any way, but it technically is answering your prompt.
Word Count: ~2.2k
A/N: Reader is Tall and Plus Size female.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, Language, Stalkerish behavior
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Ever since you and your friends left Snowpiercer last week you swear you've felt like you've been watched. You could never identify any one actually following you, but you felt like you were on edge every time you stepped foot outside.
Despite Mason's bad interaction with one of the bikers it was agreed to try the place again. After all, one bad drunk doesn't mean the entire gang is mad. Especially after Curtis stepped in, pulling rank. The fact that a decent person was clearly in charge really helped boost the place in your friend group's eyes. Plus, you really did like the burgers.
As you arrive you feel relaxed for the first time all week. Maybe it's the fact that you're with your friends, maybe the place discourages creeps. Either way, you're happy to be able to breathe. 
Apparently your group is memorable, given how Tanya lights up when she sees you. 
“You still designated driver,” she asks you. 
“Yup,” you nod. “Now and forever.”
“Then not only is your soda on the house but so is your burger.”
“Tanya, that's too much,” you exclaim. “Andrew’s work deserves to be paid for. Those burgers are divine!”
“Don't you worry about that, Sweetie,” she shakes her head. “Also, ladies,” she addresses your group, “the owner wanted me to tell you your appetizers are all half off as an apology for what happened last week.”
You blink a few times as your friends cheer and start ordering. With your orders placed and the first round of drinks in hand you all settle in at the same table as last week. 
As the chatting and catching up starts Mason looks at you and says, “No offense, but you look like you haven't slept in days.”
“None taken,” you assure. “Just been feeling on edge all week. Like I'm being watched.”
“And you haven't seen anyone?”
“Nope. But I have been making sure to change up my routes and routines, just to be safe.”
The conversation, food and drinks continued for a while, your friends soon in high spirits, when the bikers came in. You were happy to have just sat down with the next round of drinks when they came in. You didn't have to dance around the crowd this time. 
And you got to lock eyes with Curtis when he came in. 
His deep blue eyes had definitely shown up in a few daydreams of yours. The memory of his calloused hand and gruff voice as well. You doubt he's thought any more about you since last week. You give him a smile before turning your attention back to your friends. 
Curtis is grateful that Edgar is the only person close enough to notice the hitch in his breathing when you smiled at him. He had plans in case you didn't return but here you are. And you remember him fondly enough to smile at him. He tries to return the smile and hope it looks okay. He’s not used to smiling in general but for you he’ll make the effort. Your smile doesn’t fade as you turn back to your friends so, hopefully, that meant you liked what you saw. 
Ever since last week, Curtis knew you were going to be his queen. For him that meant you’d be his partner, his equal, and deserving of the respect of your people. He’s seen you as a responsible, caring, yet fun-loving person. This past week his intel has told him you’re also incredibly alert, cautious and intelligent. A few of his men noted you could tell you were being followed and the entire week no pattern of behavior could be established. You were as smart and capable as you were caring and responsible. 
You were everything he could ever want in a queen. But as much as he wanted to make you his, he knew you weren’t likely to respond well to him declaring his desire. He had to play it slower than he liked. Thankfully some reliable intel was collected on you and he’d be able to use that to make you his. Your smile made him hopeful you were interested.
Edgar poked his ribs, “you gonna be okay, there?”
Curtis shook his head, “yeah. Yeah. Just glad she’s here.”
“Well, you did say she was the one. Clearly fate is agreeing with you,” Edgar smiles before heading to the bar to order Curtis’s usual for him.
Curtis tries his best to look at you without being obvious about it. He’s not used to being so nervous but you’re special, important, and he doesn’t want to scare you off. Social skills weren’t his forte but for you he’ll put in the effort. 
It takes several minutes but he finally sees you get up to go back to the bar. He waits a few beats before heading up there as well. He stands next to you as you order the next round for your drinks. Your height means he doesn’t have to try to make himself smaller to appear less intimidating, another social skill he wasn’t good at. Curtis knew how to keep his head down but he could never keep himself small. With you he’ll never have to. 
Tanya takes your order and turns to him, “and you want your usual, Curtis?”
“Yes, please,” he nods. You turn to face him, smiling, and he swears your smile is the prettiest he’s ever seen. 
“It’s good to see you again, Curtis,” you croon. “Thank you, again, for your help last week.”
“Yeah, well,” he grumbles, “like I said. Shouldn’t have had to help.”
“And yet, when it was needed, you helped. So thank you.” You see him blush and you swear this incredibly handsome man is only more attractive with a tinge of pink in his cheeks. 
“Well, you won’t have to worry about Egg-head tonight,” Curtis informs you, sending a glare over to the man in question. You follow Curtis’s gaze and see Egg-head shrink down into his seat. Looking back at you Curtis continues, “all the guys know you and yours are not to be pestered, no matter how drunk.”
“That’s incredibly kind of you,” you marvel. “Between you and yours keeping us safe and the owner giving us discounts on the great food, I think we’ll have to make this place our go-to.” Curtis’s eyes widen so you quickly offer, “unless it’s too much work for you. If it’s too much of a pain to keep an eye on us, we can find a different spot.”
“No, no,” Curtis stammers. “I’m just…this place isn’t usually a regular spot for anyone but bikers.”
“Will that be a problem? Are we going to have to get our own bikes or anything?”
“No,” he chuckles to cover for the shakiness in his breath at the image of you in his leather jacket. “There’s no prerequisite for becoming a regular here. Except for being nice to the staff. Right, Tanya?”
“Damn right, Curtis,” she asserts as she hands you the next round of drinks and a refill on the nachos. “So you’ve got nothing to worry about, Sweetheart. Andrew gets more compliments on his food every time you visit than an entire gang of bikers gives him in a month!”
“In my defense, it’s very good food,” you chuckle. “And while you saw my friends kinda drunk last time, you haven’t seen them go all night. You could easily say we’re too much and never let us back in.”
Tanya snorts, “if I can put up with an entire gang of bikers with this one’s help,” she points to Curtis, “I can take care of your group of gal pals with your help.”
“Oh, you’re the adult of the group as well,” you ask Curtis.
“Part and parcel with being in charge,” he nods.
“Well it’s good to know you’ll be clear headed in case any trouble comes up,” you beam. “Thanks for everything, Tanya! The way they’re going through nachos I’ll likely be back in about 10 minutes.” 
Tanya laughs as you walk back to your table, food and drinks in hand. She watches Curtis watching you move gracefully between groups to get to your table, using your height to your advantage to keep the food from bumping into others. “So when are you making your move,” she asks him.
“I…I’m working on it,” he grumbles, grabbing his drink before heading back to his table. 
Edgar watched the whole thing and congratulates Curtis on doing so well, “she was smiling, chuckling, I think she’s into you!”
“You’re just saying that because you’re my brother,” Curtis argues.
“It’s because you’re my brother that I wouldn’t say it if it weren’t true,” he counters. “But I couldn’t hear anything over the noise. What all did you talk about?”
“She and her friends are thinking of making this place their regular spot,” Curtis tells him.
“Thank fuck,” Edgar responds. “Does that mean we can call off the guys? Let her get some peace and quiet from being followed around?”
Curtis sighs and ponders. “Okay, pull them back. I’ll figure out a way to casually run into her before their next visit. In the meantime, make sure Gilliam knows his gift went a long way to keeping her around and Tanya deserves a raise or a bonus.”
“I’m pretty sure Tanya’s ‘bonus’ is having another sober adult around to help her.”
“She’s got a kid,” Curtis chides. “She needs monetary compensation more than anything.”
“Fair, fair,” Edgar placates. “Are you gonna be able to keep everyone in line while you’re watching her, though? You’ve been pretty focused on watching your giantess’s every move.”
“She’s not a giant,” Curtis hisses. 
“Fine, but you do pay a lot more attention to her than you do to your people when we’re here. That’s something that’s not going to go unnoticed by some of the more unruly members.”
Curtis nods in agreement, “lucky I’ve got you and a few other officers to help keep them in line. Anyone acts out, breaks the rules, gets made an example of. I may be a little distracted but that doesn’t mean I’m not in charge.”
“Sure thing, Boss. In the meantime, I think your gia….um, your…your girl is talking about you with her friends.”
Curtis barely manages to control the urge to look in your direction, “what makes you say that?”
“They’re all taking turns looking at you and giggling while she keeps looking embarrassed,” Edgar smiles. “I think you’ve got their approval.”
“I hope so. It’ll be an important part of getting and keeping her.”
“You’re really set on her, even though you barely know her?”
“I don’t know how to explain it, Edgar. Sometimes you see someone and you know they’re going to affect your life. The fact that it’s backed up by her having all the traits I’m looking for? And then some? The fact that I truly believe she could hold her own against any of our gang? You know I’m not one for sentimentality but it feels like fate to me.”
“If it’s fate, why don’t you just go and tell her what’s going on now?”
“Fate gives you the chance, the opportunity. You can still fuck it up.”
Edgar nods, “I still think you should just go ask her out. Sometimes a direct approach is best. Especially when she keeps glancing your way.”
“Fuck,” Curtis whispers, painfully steeling himself from immediately looking towards you. Edgar laughs at the reaction. Curtis glares at Edgar, “if this goes south, scares her away, I’m blaming you.”
“I’ll accept the blame if it’ll save everyone time and energy into your attempts at flirting,” he chuckles.
Curtis takes a few breaths to steady himself. You’re walking back to the bar, empties in hand, when he gets up to follow you. A few of his gang give him an encouraging pat on the back as he walks past them. The gang knows Curtis is a great president for their group; prefers negotiation but won’t hesitate to fight, insists others get medical attention first, makes sure they’re all taken care of. But they know flirting has never been in his skill-set so they’re happy to encourage him. 
He stands next to you at the bar as you thank Tanya and tell Andrew how much the food was enjoyed and he smiles. Sensing his presence you turn and smile wider at him. He feels unusually shy but he has to do this. “Would you, maybe, want to go out sometime? When we’re not taking care of everyone else? Just the two of us?” 
He swears he sees a sparkle in your eyes as you consider.
“I have to ask,” you start, “if I were to say ‘no’ would that mean we couldn’t come back?”
“No,” Curtis shakes his head. “There’d be no animosity, no reduced protection, nothing like that. If you’re not interested, you’re not interested.”
You hold out your hand, “can I put my number on your phone?”
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Tagging @alicedopey and @icefrozendeadlyqueen because I promised I would! Also tagging @krirebr just in case Ask notifications are wonky.
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buckyscombatboots · 2 years
Welcome to my mind palace🦇
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This is an 18+ blog Minors DNI. All of my content has a warnings section in red before it begins, you are responsible for the media consume. Please read at your own risk, only you know what you’re comfortable with.
I do not give permission to have my fics translated or posted elsewhere.
I try my best not to mention the physical appearance of readers, wether it be skin colour or body type. Unless I specifically mention it in my warnings section before the fic begins.
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Smut ❤️‍🔥
Fluff 💝
Angst ❤️‍🩹
Dark 🖤
Most recent: I wanna be yours
Most popular: I’ll wait, Angel
Most popular series: Playing hard to get
Bucky Barnes
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One shots:
One more Night - Coming soon ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥💝
It’s written in the stars, you belong to me 💫 (Dark!Soulmate!Bucky)- Coming soon 🖤❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥
Smile for the Camera (stepbrother! Bucky Barnes x Reader x stepbrother! Steve Rogers) - Coming soon ❤️‍🔥🖤
Meeting prep (Department manager! Bucky Barnes X Department Deputy! Steve Rogers X Department manager!Reader) - Coming soon ❤️‍🔥
Dark!Bucky x Reader: Choking 🖤❤️‍🔥
Beefy!Bucky x Reader: Shower ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹
Playing Hard to get (Dark!Biker!City wolf!Bucky x Country Bunny!Reader):
Part 1 -❤️‍🔥💝
Part 2 - ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹💝
Part 3 - ❤️‍🔥💝
PHTG Master list
One stop Off of heaven (Dark!Bucky x Reader x Soft!Ari Levinson) or (Soft Dom!Bucky x Reader):
I wanna be Yours
Part 1 - ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥💝
Part 2 -Coming soon
My Girl
Part 1 -Coming soon
Part 2 -Coming soon
OSOOH Masterlist
Holometabolous metamorphosis (Dark!Mafia!Biker!Bucky x innocent!reader) part 1🖤🖤🖤❤️‍🩹
Thanatosis (Dark!Mafia!Biker!Bucky x innocent!reader) part 2 🖤🖤🖤🖤❤️‍🩹💝
Now and Forever (Dark!Bucky x Reader) - Coming soon 🖤❤️‍🔥
Steve Rogers
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One shots:
Beg me for it (Virgin!Steve Rogers x Reader) ❤️‍🔥💝
Smile for the Camera (stepbrother! Bucky Barnes x Reader x stepbrother! Steve Rogers) - Coming soon ❤️‍🔥🖤
Meeting prep (Department manager! Bucky Barnes X Department Deputy! Steve Rogers X Department manager!Reader) - Coming soon ❤️‍🔥
Lamplight 🕯(Army Captain! Steve Rogers x Soldier! Reader) - coming soon ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥💝🖤 (putting you through every emotion)
Coming soon
Distracting Daddy:
Part 1-Daddy!Steve Rogers x Reader ❤️‍🔥💝
Part 2- coming soon
A case as cold as winter (Lieutenant Detective!Steve Rogers x Detective!Reader) - Coming soon ❤️‍🔥🖤❤️‍🩹
Ari Levinson
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One shots:
I’ll wait, Angel (Boyfriend!Ari x Virgin!Reader)❤️‍🔥💝
Helping Hand (Bestfriend!Ari x Reader) 💝❤️‍🔥
Daddy!Ari x Naive!Reader: Thigh grinding❤️‍🔥🖤
Coming soon
Ransom Drysdale
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One shots:
Never stop chasing me ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥💝
Coming soon
Coming soon
Llyod Hansen
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One shot:
Coming soon
Coming soon
Hell’s waiting room (serial killer!Lloyd Hansen x Detective!Reader) - Coming soon 🖤❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥
Curtis Everett
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One shots:
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Steve Kemp
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One shots:
Coming soon
Steve x Reader Drabble: Marking ❤️‍🔥🖤
Coming soon
Loki Laufeyson
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One shots:
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
853 notes · View notes
imaginedreamwrite · 11 months
3 time mousey started getting feelings for Curtis 🤭
There were three distinct times you knew you were starting to fall head over heels with Curtis, and each seemed to be a little more chaotic than the last. There wasn’t a great amount of idealized moments like those in romantic books or movies, rather it was the irksome nature of the man that drove you to confront your feelings. That or it was the cuts and bruises, the ailments that befit his role as biker.
The first instance where you had to face your growing feelings had been when Curtis decided to host a club meeting at the house rather than the number of bars they’d owned. His biker friends and their girlfriends, wives or hookups had attended this meeting at his house and you were happy to remain ignorant to them all.
You’d happily grabbed buckets of Lego to play with Theo & James, never really wanting to pay them any mind. You’d rather build their Star Wars sets or cities rather than worry about what Curtis’ friends were up to, until one of the hookups had garnered your attention.
A single glance had allowed you to see the girl putting her hands on Curtis’ bicep, her nails clenching the material of his shirt. It was only a single touch and yet it fuelled your envy. You’d acted instinctively and stood from the Lego factory floor and begun stalking toward the woman without question.
Your inability to hide your emotions had sparked a smirk and amusement in Curtis, all of which had been extended when you glared daggers at the woman touching him, and with upmost degradation you’d ripped her hand off of him and threw out some excuse that was as empty as her head.
It was a cheap excuse and you scurried off not long after, managing to only hear Curtis speak your petname before you were gone.
The second had happened after Curtis had come home from a night out. What you thought had been him drinking had really been a case of him taking payment for a service he was owed, and by the time he had come around back to the house his hands were marred with cuts and bruises.
Despite how irritated you were by his nonchalant waving, by which he waved you off and told you not to worry, all it took was a sharp smack to his shoulder with the medical kit to get him to sit for you. He had kicked his boots off and found mirth at your sour expression and huff, he had spread his legs so you could get an unobstructed look at the few scrapes on his cheek and his hands, but what really pushed you over the line was the husky whimper of your name.
“Damn you!” You whacked him again in the shoulder while still being between his legs, your heart thrashing in your chest and your stomach afflicted by butterflies. “Sit still for one minute you aggravating man!”
“Mousey-” Curtis grinned, knowing how you were affected. “-am I bothering you?”
“Yes! Your entire body bothers me! Your voice bothers me! Your eyes—” You had cut yourself off and shut yourself up, steeling your reserve to finish the job.
And the third instance of you realizing you were falling in love with the man, was after he had hosted a party at his place, insisted you come and the introduced you as his nanny.
Nothing more. His nanny, which you were, was the absolute bare minimum of what you were.
Theo and James had called you their mama, Theo and James had thought of you as so much more but their irritating daddy called you his nanny.
The nerve struck you, it dug deep within your core and you wanted to lash out at him. With a glass of wine in you, you wanted to strike him across the back of the head and call him an idiot for trying to denote your relationship. It was irksome and it was another example of how that man made you want to reenact Rapunzel’a frying pan attack, and kiss him stupid.
“Don’t let him get away with that.” Pari had reinforced your feelings of annoyance with encouragement to get after him. “Come on, Mousey. Be the badass we know you can be.”
“Seriously, don’t let him negate you like that.” Nat had given you another boosting pep talk while cleaning up the bottom right corner of your lips and the lipstick that had slightly smudged. “Take charge, Y/N. stake your claim.”
You followed him as he moved toward the back door, your eyes narrowing in determination and drive. You caught him before he could leave, whipping him around to see his toying smirk face to face.
“Need something Mousey?”
“Shut up.” Your lips crashed into his, your claim made and your boldness surging through the kiss. “Don’t you ever refer to me as just your nanny again.”
You pulled away and pat his chest twice, turning away from him to exhale slowly.
Your relationship was officially turned on its head.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Keys in Your Ignition, Part 11
Summary:  Curtis gathers your things, and you meet Howard Everett
Pairings:  Curtis Everett X Reader, the Everett’s X Reader
Rating:  mild
Warnings:  mentions of a child’s death, mentions of a miscarriage, language, depictions of depression, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  2.6K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics
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“When will you be back?” Curtis stops at the edge of the porch to turn around and look at you. With your arms crossed over your chest, you start scratching yourself uncomfortably. With a gently tug to your arms, he brings them down by your side.
“Soon. My dad’s coming home today,” that’s what worries you. New people. And you were hoping he liked you.
“What if he doesn’t like me?”
He lifts up your chin, giving you a big smile, “He’ll love you, Doll. It’s me he’s not fond of.”
“Because I didn’t fulfill my destiny. Don’t worry about it. He doesn’t hate me. The club is a sore subject. Mom’s got your back. You could always stay with Steve,” you shake your head no rapidly. You weren’t quite ready to see Steve yet.
“You want your phone back?” he reaches into his pocket, pulling out the phone, but you push it back in his hand.
“No. I’m going to help your mom make pies today. You’re not coming back for a while though, are you?”
“Baby Doll, I have to take care of some business. Bring you back some clothes, so you don’t alternate between your clothes and Hayden’s that he left behind years ago,” you move closer, and rest your head on his chest.
He wraps his arms around you tightly, and you hear his laughter roll up out of his chest, “Don’t say it. Because I don’t want to fuck you. I just…when you see Bucky, tell him I’m sorry,” you look up at Curtis with tears in your eyes, repeating that you were sorry.
“Doll, it’s fine. Remember this is for you. You’re here as long as you need. And then you can tell Bucky.”
“I do love him. I just…”
“Shh, don’t worry about it right now. You go make your pies. I’ll be back with some clothes for you,” you give his arm a little tug, and he chuckles looking down at you. “What?”
“In Bucky’s closet at the clubhouse, there’s this stuffed bunny with floppy ears. Can you bring it?” he kisses the top of your head, and walks off to his bike, while you sit and watch him leave.
“Hey, sweetheart, these pies won’t make themselves.”
“Be right there, Tara,” you respond watching the taillights of Curtis’ truck move to the distance.  With a deep exhale, you walk into the kitchen, and have the mother daughter day you always wanted.
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Ari looks out the window of his home when he hears a truck. Curtis Everett was not who was expecting. His fists pulsing as he watches the man walk up his porch. Ari slings the door open, and with a nod Curtis walks right in, plopping himself down on the couch.
“Where the fuck have you been?”
“Taking care of your fuck ups,” Ari raises an eyebrow at him, and Curtis throws his hands up, “Came to get her things. She said they still should be in bags.”
“Where is she?” Curtis shakes his head no, standing up to walk towards Ari’s bedroom. “Where is she?” he stops when there’s a sleeping girl in Ari’s bed.
“She fucking left. And how many times have you fucked her? What about Bucky? I’m a mess. She doesn’t return phone calls. I wasn’t ever meant to take care of a kid, or have an old lady,” Curtis rolls his eyes walking past him to grab the garbage bags of your clothes.
“Curtis, I love that girl, but it’s like she’s the amazing girl one minute and a crazy psycho bitch the next.”
“It’s called depression, asshole. Is this all her stuff?”
“I was faithful to her, and that’s more than she can say. She’s not good.”
“No shit. She’s safe. She’s sobering up from biker cock. And I have her phone. Which is why she hasn’t responded to anything. I’m not gonna pretend to know your relationship, because I wasn’t involved. I’m not sleeping with her, I’m helping her. What I do know is she couldn’t stay here. She was reacting instead of living. Made you blind with rage, and that’s not you either. You’re both toxic for each other.”
“Is she coming back?” Curtis shrugs his shoulders. If it was up to him, you wouldn’t ever be back. “And she’s okay?” Curtis whispers out, yeah, as he gathers the bags to take to his truck with Ari following behind.
“I wanted her.”
“Wanted.  She’s not a possession.  She needed a father, Ari. You need someone more your age. It’s okay to walk away with the memories. Even you have to know she wasn’t right. She’s getting the help she needs, so be thankful for that. Don’t follow me either. Let her have this. And when she’s done, if she comes back, let her make her decision.”
“Meaning Bucky?” Curtis shrugs, slinging a bag into the back of his truck. “I love her,” Curtis leans up against the truck eyeing the man, “Despite what you believe, I do. I love her. I love her enough to let her go. She’s not right. Where she’s at, she’ll get help?” Ari bites at his lip, while his eyes look straight at Curtis, hoping that you’re going to get help.
Curtis slaps his hand against Ari’s shoulder, and nods. “Take care of your new one.”
“One night pussy. I don’t know if could do the living with someone bullshit. It’s not what I thought it was,” he sits on the porch steps and watches Curtis jump in the truck. “You tell her, I hope she does good, and I’m sorry?”
“Will do,” he gives a wave to Ari, knowing this next meeting isn’t going to be as pleasant. It was clear that Bucky had suffered as well, maybe not as deeply as you, but still felt the pain from the miscarriage, but more your mistreatment of his feelings.
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Curtis walks into the clubhouse, after being at Bucky’s and discovering he wasn’t there, he can smell him. The stale scent of old marijuana and cheap beer, right to his room. Bucky sits at the end of his bed, taking a deep pull of his joint. “What did you do to her? She’s never refused my calls like this.”
Curtis tosses him your phone, and Bucky turns up his face glaring. “You’re punishing her?”
Scoffing, Curtis walks over to a chair, kicking his foot up on the bed beside Bucky, “I’m intervening.”
“What makes you the fucking expert. She just needed to get away from Ari.”
“She needed a way out of this place.  All of it, including you,” Bucky shakes his head, and pulls another hit. “Bucky, she was spiraling. She needed help. She was bouncing between you and Ari like a damn boomerang. You were in too deep and didn’t realize, she was numb, you just wanted to take whatever she gave you, and that was enough.”
“It was!”
“Not for her! I know you love her. Now love her enough to realize she needs this. She’s never been given the chance to be her. Her identity was this fucking club, and she never asked for this. It was enough for you, and that isn’t fair to you either,” Bucky mumbles out that he didn’t care, extending the roach over to Curtis.
“I love her. I want…all I’ve ever wanted was her and for her to be happy. Doll deserves that.”
“You see why she deserves this?” Bucky stares at the floor, not answering, except for a single bon of his head. “She said to tell you she’s sorry.”
“It was never her fault. I’ve never blamed her.”
“She loves you, but knows she isn’t enough for you now, but,” he lets that linger in the air a moment, not daring to finish that sentence. Scared to say too much, knowing that Bucky will cling to every word, and Curtis isn’t sure what your future plans are.
“She said there’s a stuffed bunny in your closet here,” Bucky looks up at Curtis oddly, and shakes his head. “Mind if I look?” pointing over to the closet, Curtis rummages around in the closet.
He pulls out a floppy rag doll gray bunny, and finally Bucky smiles. “That was the first thing I bought for Luna. Never really bought Doll anything but condoms, and half the time they didn’t get used. We were at this baby store, and her eyes lit up when she saw that thing. I figured she burned it along with the shack,” his eyes look up at Curtis accusingly.
“Wasn’t my idea. She said she needed to do that.”
“She didn’t burn everything,” Bucky sighs, reaching into his shirt, he pulls out his dog tags and hands them to Curtis. “Give these to her? I think about her everyday. Both of them.”
“Bucky,” Curtis whispers. “I don’t…”
“Just give ‘em to her. I don’t care what she does with them. Let her know I’m waiting on her. However long it takes. Now, leave me in my misery.”
“You gotta get out more.”
“You gotta suck my dick,” he stifles out a laugh. His hand rubs on the back of his neck thinking. “You won’t tell me where she’s at?”
“Nope. She’s not ready,” he reaches down to the bed, to grab your phone, and Bucky’s eyes linger on the rabbit.
“Why do you think she kept it? And here?”
“I don’t think you realize how much that made her go down a dark path. She deserves a better life than this club. This,” he holds the rabbit up for Bucky to see, “This was her way out.  Instead it brought her deeper in, and made her become a shell of what she used to be.  We just got glimmers of the old Doll.  You know that, too. Remember that,” Curtis turns to leave Bucky with his thoughts about better and happier times.
Not knowing if ever there will come a time that the two of you could be together, or if it was just always meant to be short, sweet, and so tragic, and Curtis doesn’t exactly know what the best option would be, for either of you.
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“Who is she?” Howard asks his wife, after catching you asleep on the couch. His eyes constantly drift back into the living room trying to figure out if he knows you. “And what is all this?”
“She’s a friend of Curtis’, and we’ve been busy baking. It’s keeping her fingers busy.”
Howard glances back at your body, before jerking his head back to look at Tara, “Oh, god, he knocked some girl up? Are you kidding me? And she’s wearing Hayden’s clothes? I told you that club was no good.”
Tara slams her hand on the counter, scowling at her husband, “You watch your mouth. Even if Curtis got her pregnant, she would still stay here. But he didn’t, and they’re not even together. So help me God, Howard, if you do anything to make that girl uncomfortable, you can go back to the city and live with our son. She needs our help, and I’m giving that to her.”
“How does he know her?” Tara mumbles out something about the club, and Howard rolls his eyes, looking back at you. “She’s not Jessie.”
“No one said she was. You know why Curtis has this need to save young girls, so you let this go, and have some pie. It might loosen you up a bit. He’s bringing her some clothes. He may stay a bit longer, and you’re going to let him. She needs Curtis. He’s the only one that’s tried to help her.  The only man in her life that hasn’t used her. Now, do you want blueberry or cherry?”
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Nervously you sit out on the front porch steps. Your eyes twitching around on the street in front of you. The early nightfall means the shortening of days, and your favorite time of year.
Bringing the sleeves of the borrowed Henley over your fingers, you press your hands to your face, and inhale the clean scent of whatever Tara used to clean clothes. No lingering smoke smell on it. You’d forgotten what that was like. Even your hair and body smelt fresher.
Hearing the door open, you turn your head to see Howard Everett walking outside for his one cigarette a day. He extends the box to you, but you politely decline, returning to looking for Curtis’ old truck to arrive.
“How do you know my son?”
“The MC,” your answer quietly.
“So…you’re a sweet bunny?”
You giggle, turning to look at him shaking your head. “I’m not a sweet butt or a bike bunny. My dad is…was the president.”
He takes a long drag of his cigarette reminding you so much of Curtis. A calm serenity spills over you, and you feel like divulging more. “My mom died when I was six. My brother Steve’s mom left. The, uh, the old ladies tried to raise me. It wasn’t the best upbringing.”
Leaning over, you rest your head on the handrail. Slow trails of tears roll down your cheeks, and to your surprise, Howard sits down beside you. “I was taught how to be an old lady. Serve your man. I, um, became a woman, and I was told how to be careful of who I slept with, because not all bikers want an old lady or kids. Single mothers don’t do well in the MC. Bikers don’t want to share their women. Even if they don’t want to be with them. I was twelve. Dad was too busy with his revolving door of women, he forgot about me.”
“What did you want to be?”
You shrug, it wasn’t something you thought too much about except for one thing, “A mother. I wanted to teach my daughter to live for herself instead of being what her man needed her to be.  I was always good with numbers, but, I don’t know how you make a career out of that.”
“This is a bit of a backtrack but what’s the difference between a sweet butt and a bike bunny?”
You actually laugh at him, wiping away your tears, “I don’t know. I just personally preferred the name bike bunny. I guess the bunnies don’t always sleep with the man. Sweet butts hang at the club, waiting for one, and that’s it.  Easy. Knowing she’ll never be the one he settles down with. Bunnies could eventually become the old lady.”
“What did you want?”
You look around at their all American home. The white picket fence, porch swing on the front porch, a big backyard with a crude treehouse that the kids had made. “This. I’d add a dog though.”
“I don’t do dogs.”
“No?” there was something about your smile. His wife had told him that you were broken, much like his Jessie was. “What do you have against dogs? Like, imagine there was this adorable and sweet golden retriever, or I don’t know, you look like a Brittany kinda man. You got the fence.”
“Jessie always wanted a dog,” you look at him realizing how much Jessie’s death still haunts him. “She wanted a Jack Russell terrier. The boys were more keen on a German Shepard.”
The two of you sit in silence when you see that truck start rolling down the road, and he stands to leave, “Mr. Everett, you have a good son.”
“I know.”
“I mean Curtis,” he nods his head at you, before walking into the house. Curtis sighs when the door closes. They could get along, as long as they didn’t talk. You scamper off to his truck, going to help him get your things out of the back.
Curtis jumps out, and in his hand is that gray bunny, but around its neck was Bucky’s dog tag. “I wish he didn’t do that.”
“Doll, he’s heartbroken, too. The difference is, he’s not ready to work. Are you?”
“Yeah,” you gulp, and he pulls you in tight to his chest. He might not have saved Jessie, but he would die trying to save you. “You’re dad isn’t so bad.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Do I have to move in with Steve?”
“No, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. Remember that, Doll. Your life. Your choices. Now, didn’t you and Mom make pies?” you nod your hand on his chest, and he reaches around to grab a few bags. All that was left of your old life all thrown in garbage bags.
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Taglist:  @tis-thedamn-season​ @marveloustaylortot​ @pono-pura-vida​ @sstan-hoe​ @peaches1958​ @kaybaby2494 @flannellover67​ @infatuatedjanes​ @redbloodedgurl​ @thedarknessilove​ @whimsyplaty92​ @tryingtosurvivestuff​ @superforgottensoul​  
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I hope it's not to late to send in a headcanon for your birthday
How would the Chris characters would react to reader being on her period.
It’s never too late! Especially for you 😘 and thank you for sending in a prompt! Its been a while since I’ve done a Chris and Co. Headcanon!
Warnings: Period talk! Language!
Send me some Birthday headcanon and Drabble Prompts
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Chris Evans
With his job and schedule it meant Chris couldn’t always be with you when mother nature came to visit
But that would never stop him from trying to help you feel better
He would order stuff to be delivered to the house, like your favourite icecream, snacks and even a new set of fuzzy comfy PJs
Whenever he got the chance he would FaceTime you and help distract you
And if you were in a real need of a pick me up he would text his ma and ask if she could bring you some of her cooking which he knew you loved
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Andy Barber
Since Andy was a busy man with a very important job you never wanted to burden him
But no matter how busy Andy got with a case he would always notice when something wasn’t right with you
And even when you tried your hardest to play it down and act as normal but Andy knew your tell tale signs, he could just tell by the tone of your voice
So he made sure to leave the office on time or early if he could, pick up some more supplies and head on home
He would cook you a glorious meal and then you would curl up on the couch together watching whatever film or TV series you wanted
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Curtis knew just how bad your periods could get, the both of you having to cancel plans just because it was that tough on you
But despite how bad they could get, you never let them stop you from working, your patients needed you
So when you got home Curtis made sure your evenings were as easy as they could be
He had comfy clothes already laid out, hot water bottle’s ready to be filled, heating pads, a couple flannels in the fridge for your headaches, and meds all ready
As soon as you stepped inside he would swoop you up into his arms and wouldn’t let you lift a finger
You’d often end the evening laying between Curtis’ legs, your head on his chest as he read whatever book you we’re currently reading out loud to you
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He knew something was up as soon as he stepped inside the bar
Your brows were pinched together and you weren’t your usual self, a lot more closed off than normal
He tried to ask you multiple times what was wrong but you waved him off each time, but Ari was persistent and he wasn’t gonna let this go
So he kept asking, right up until you practically bit his head off “Ari I swear to fucking god! It feels like I’m being ripped to shreds from the inside out I do not need you badgering me like a five year old!”
Ari didn’t say anything he just stood from his stool and walked behind the bar, your eyes wide with shock as he towered over you
“Go lie down for 30 minutes I’ll cover the bar” he states.
“Ari no, I’m fine” you sigh tiredly, running your hands down your face
“No, you’re not, go lie down” he says putting his hands on your shoulders “30 minutes at least”
You let out another long sigh, your shoulders dropping “fine, thank you Ari” you finally said
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Ransom Drysdale
To begin with Ransom was pretty useless
He would just let you deal with it since he had absolutely no clue how to help
He didn’t know what really changed but one day he saw you really suffering, holding back tears suffering, so enough was enough he had to do something
Pulling out his laptop he began googling everything he could before heading out to the shops to get what he needed
When he got back he found you up in bed, curled up in a ball
“I brought you some stuff kitten” he says putting multiple grocery bags down on the bed
You frown sitting up and looking through all the bags “Jesus Ransom did you buy the whole store?”
“Maybe I just wanted to get anything you might need, I’m sorry if I’ve been pretty useless” Ransom apologises.
You smile softly over at him “thank you Ransom, its the thought that counts”
“Well from now on tell me what you need and I’ll sort it” he swears
“All I need right now is for you to hold me” you admit
Ransom doesn’t hesitate as he climbs into bed next to you and pulls you into his embrace “anything for you kitten”
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Lloyd Hansen
Lloyd actually was useless
It didn’t affect him so he didn’t care
He would leave you to it, throwing you his credit card
“Just use that for whatever you need or want” he’d huff as he leaves
So maybe he did care, just a little bit
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Sharing is caring to please reblog this if you enjoyed it and leave a comment to really make my day!
I don’t have a tag list but follow @secretswiftymarvelfanlibary and turn on post notification to keep up to date!
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Spooky szn is over and what a fun month it's been 🖤✨ Please make sure you give these gorgeous stories and writers the love they deserve. As always, you are responsible for your own media consumption. This blog along with the majority tagged are 18+ only and contain adult themes.
Eddie Munson & Steve Harrington ✨
A good hair deal by @jobean12-blog
Eddie Munson x reader x Steve Harrington
Thor ✨
Libertad by @syntheticavenger
Dark! Biker Thor x Female Reader
Jake Jensen ✨
Kinktober day 1 by @bonkywobble
Jake Jensen x fem!reader
Bucky Barnes ✨
Don't fear the reaper by @dreamlessinparis
Soft!Dark!Death!Bucky x F!Reader
Pink dresses & picnic blankets by @sidepartskinnyjeans
Bucky Barnes x Reader 'Sugar'
Choke by @buckycuddlebuddy
professor!bucky barnes x student!reader
Peace of mind by @firefly-in-darkness
Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Bound by the night by @jobean12-blog
Bucky Barnes x reader (Vampire AU)
Like real people do by @navybrat817
Professor!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Unattainable by @heavysoldat
dbf!bucky barnes x fem!reader
Owned by @jobean12-blog
Mob!Bucky x reader
Andy barber ✨
Curtsy by @luxeavenger
dbf!Andy Barber x reader
Discipline me by @maladaptivexxdaydreaming
soft dark!professor andy barber x reader
Tacit by @wayward-blonde
Andy Barber x Reader
Frank Adler ✨
Tied to you by @sidepartskinnyjeans
Frank Adler x Reader
Steve Rogers ✨
His inheritance by @jtargaryen18
Mobster Steve Rogers x Mobster daughter reader
Angry sex by @howdoyousleep3
Mafia boss Steve Rogers x female reader
The things you do by @traitorjoelite
fwb!steve rogers x fem!reader
Merciless by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
Medieval Steve x reader
Knowledge man by @maladaptivexxdaydreaming
librarian!steve rogers x fem!reader
(She moves with) shameless wonder by @ussgallifrey
Steve Rogers x Female Reader
Steve Harrington ✨
Boys in bed with books by @jobean12-blog
Steve Harrington x reader
Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes ✨
Civil war - Brooklyn by @saiyanprincessswanie
Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Lloyd Hansen ✨
Tell me I'm yours by @luxeavenger
Lloyd Hansen x reader
Nick Fowler ✨
Anew by @sidepartskinnyjeans
Nick Fowler x Reader
Soldier Boy & Steve Rogers ✨
American beauty/American psycho by @cockslutpadalecki
Soldier Boy x Reader x Nomad!Steve.
Steve Kemp & Ransom Drysdale ✨
Let's play a game by @dreamlessinparis
Steve Kemp x F!Reader, Ransom Drysdale x F!Reader
Sam Wilson ✨
Good morning by @fluffyprettykitty
Sam Wilson x reader (no other specifications or gender)
What happens in Vegas by @firefly-in-darkness
Sam Wilson x Reader
Curtis Everett & Jake Jensen ✨
Crybaby by @onsunnyside
Curtis Everett x virgin!reader x Jake Jensen [College AU]
Lloyd Hansen & Nick Fowler ✨
All the time by @geminixevans-stan
Lloyd Hansen x Female Reader x Nick Fowler
Eddie Munson ✨
In the name of love by @thornsnvultures
Eddie Munson x plus size!fem!Reader
Like the dirty girl you are by @magnoliabutters
eddie munson x reader (female 18+)
Lee Bodecker ✨
Bless me if I'm being too forward by @avintagekiss24
dark!modern!lee bodecker x black!reader
Ari Levinson ✨
Mafia!Ari by @angrythingstarlight
Mafia!Ari x Reader
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Stardust Reblog Challenge - December
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Hello, lovelies! Below are fics I've shared throughout the month of December and will feature Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans characters (for now). Show these writers some love and please heed any warnings provided. Enjoy and check out the Stardust Reblog Challenge put together by @natrace. Moodboard by yours truly and divider by @firefly-graphics.
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12/1 - Come Around Sundown (DBF!Steve Rogers x Female!Reader) by @cockslutpadalecki
Into the Sunset (DBF!Steve Rogers x Female!Reader) by @maladaptivexxdaydreaming
Disarmed (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
12/2 - Sour Holidays (Steve Rogers x Reader) by @nekoannie-chan
12/3 - Relentless (Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader) by @speechlessxx
12/4 - The Fairest Sun (Steve Rogers x Reader) by @rodrikstark
12/5 - Break the Back (Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier x Reader) by @indyluckycharlie
12/6 - Happy Accident (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @thenhewaswrongaboutme
12/7 - Hunting Lodge (DBF!Curtis Everett x Reader) by @onsunnyside
12/8 - You Call it Love But All I'm Left with is This Pain (Lloyd Hansen x Reader) by @mellowsaturns
12/9 - Ride With Me (Biker!Steve Rogers x Reader) by @maladaptivexxdaydreaming
Cloaked (Vampire!Steve Rogers x Reader) by @labella420
12/10 - Need You Now (Nomad Alpha!Steve Rogers x Omega!Reader) by @late-to-the-party-81
12/11 - Overheated (Dark Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader) by @sgt-seabass
12/12 - Forget Me Not (Steve Rogers x Reader) by @sweetascanbee
12/13 - Fists and Feelings (Boxer!Steve Rogers x Reader) by @writing-for-marvel
12/14 - Hearts Beat as One (Roommate!Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @doasyoudesireandlive
12/15 - Goodbye (Steve Rogers x Reader) by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
12/16 - Obsession (Steve Kemp x Dark!Reader) by @thebluemage
The Magic Box (Dark!Terry the Terrific x Reader) by @rustytricycle
12/17 - Missionary with Steve (Steve Rogers x Reader) by @becca-e-barnes
12/18 - A House, A Home (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @rookthorne
12/19 - Fluky Jakey Loser Lucky (Jake Jensen x Reader) by @madscape
Law (Sheriff!Lloyd Hansen x Reader) by @boxofbonesfic
12/20 - It's Fun Being Bad (College!Andy Barber x Reader) by @sunshinebuckybarnes
12/21 - Flirt With Me (Steve Rogers x Reader) by @moonlight-prose
12/22 - Glacial With the Blue Ice, I'm Terrifying (Lloyd Hansen x Asian!Reader) by @honeystevie
12/23 - Taste of a Sweeter Life (Hal Carter x Reader) by @the-iceni-bitch
Friday Nights (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @lilacletter
12/24 - Love is Actually, All Around (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @rookthorne
12/25 - Secret Santa (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @buckybarnesandmarvel
12/26 - Coercion (Ransom Drysdale x Reader) by @ramp-it-up
12/27 - Pillow Fort and Pizza (Jake Jensen x Reader) by @foxgloveprincess
12/28 - Making Up for Lost Time (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @sweetdreamsbuck
12/29 - Jealous (Steve Rogers x Reader) by @sweetascanbee
12/30 - A Knight in Rusted Armor (Dark!Lee Bodecker x Reader) by @thecutestlittlebunbunfairy
12/31 - Poison on Your Tongue (Vampire!Random Drysdale x Reader) by @inklore
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Sly's Rec List
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Time to finally set this up! I've been reading and reading the last couple of days (even though my drafts don't get less) and always think to myself: 'Oh that writer is so good and I need to keep up with their work/blog' and then I still lose sight of them...
Also, interactions have never been less and I know a lot of us writers are struggling with the little interaction. It feels like no one ever sees the things we post. So this will be my space to just list blogs to who I want to follow up or just give a shoutout!
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Blog's I love & recommend
@rogersideup - my fav Steve blog. Every story is amazing. They blow my mind every single time.
@spectre-posts + @wiypt-writes - these two write some of the best series there are for pretty much every ce character. Long, incredibly detailed, heart-warming, gut-wrenching, tear-and-squeal-inducing stories written with love and some of the most dedication I have seen. The dialogue is bomb!
@sweater-daddiesdumbdork - has written some of my absolute favorite Curtis Everett stuff. She knows him and there is no one that can portray Curtis better
@navybrat817 - tattoo boys, biker boys, any type of boys. So many fantastic bucky fics. Love Stud, Smartie & Alpine
@imaginedreamwrite - can write literally anything and make it absolutely fucking incredible. Brimming with ideas on end, one better than the other. Queen of daily prompts and drabbles!
@anika-ann - queen of angst and fluff
@hangmans-wingman - American Made and Little Wonder are to die for. Stories that hook you from second 1 and will keep you at the edge of your seat!
(more to follow)
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Fics I love & can only, highly recommend
Waiting For This - @musingsinmoonlight - oneshot, Steve Rogers, 18+, a/b/o
A sticky situation - @rogersideup - oneshot, Steve Rogers, bubblegum & hair = forced haircut, fluff
Sweet Indulgences - @sweetascanbee - oneshot, Steve Rogers, wedding dress + slight fake-dating + first kiss, fluff!
My Soul Can Not Sleep Without You - @neonovember - oneshot, Steve Rogers, Steve is the type of man to never let you get to bed angry
Six Years - @the-bau-quinjet - oneshot, Steve Rogers, amnesia trope, Y/N forgets her life with Steve, the best take on the amnesia trope I have read!
Press Four For Poppet - @frostironfudge - oneshot, Steve Rogers, 18+, steve dials a sex-hotline
Emergency contact - @rogersideup - oneshot, Steve Rogers, Steve gets sick, so frickin' cute!
Walking the wire - @pedrito-friskito - oneshot, Nomad!Steve Rogers, supersoldier/red-room!reader, 18+, so fucking good omg, the air of mystery, the exposition, the chemistry between them, the spice! READ IT, IT'S SO GOOD
Sonder - @rogersideup - oneshot, Steve Rogers, Steve and the nice shield doctor, takes him a while to ask her out. SO GOOD. ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECE.
Coffee and Cinnamon | Maple Latte | Apples and Cherries - @sarahwroteathing - oneshot, Steve Rogers, bookshop/bakery au, friendly banter, Steve being a punky nemesis, just tooth-rotting fluff and amazing dialogue; best bookshop/bakery/coffeeshop au I have ever read!
Get This Girl Some Ice Cream! - @witchywithwhiskey - oneshot, Steve Rogers, hurt/comfort, Reader has a panic attack & Steve soothers her, incredibly sweet and comforting
The Things We Do For Love - @ronearoundblindly - Steve Rogers, wife!reader, Reader has a smelly & unpleasant accident in the lab, Steve 'The Drama Queen' Rogers (lovely dubbed 'Drug Dog') has to deal with it - utterly hilarious, some of the best sassy dialogue I've ever read, Steve being a dramatic cutie
Period Cramps - @espinosaurusrexex - oneshot, period cramps suck but Steve is there to make it better, comfort read
Right Where You Belong - @witchywithwhiskey - oneshot, college!au, baseball played!steve & studybuddy!reader, all the sweet and innocent college infatuation and date, so sweet and comforting to read
Perfect Moments - @eviesaurusrex - oneshot, Stucky x Reader, the cutest fic ever! Oh the comfort, oh the fluff. This sent me straight to cloud nine. This is the air I need to breathe, it's that cute and fluffy and perfection!
Other CE characters
After school comfort - @junipermuses - oneshot, Ari Levinson, comfort & fluff
The Five Step Plan - @theycallmebecca - oneshot, Frank Adler, au where Mary's mother dies later, very sweet and real feeling story
Where The Heart Is - @babyjakes - blurb, Jake Jensen, the cutest shit ever, sooo fluffy, Jake visits reader in hospital and is a adorable bean
Spa Date - @ghotifishreads - drabble/blurb, Ari Levinson, face masks, Ari being seductive and impatient, funny and cute
Top Gun Maverick
Just In Case - @katiesharms - oneshot, Hannix, angst w/ happy ending
Who did this to you? - @justfandomwritings - oneshot, Hangman, so good, see warnings
Do not disturb - @callsign-valley - oneshot, Hangman, 18+
Slow Burn - @ereardon - series, completed, Hangman, 18+ - amazing story! So well written, ending up pregnant with Hangman's baby after a ons, happy ending
Haunted by the Ghost of You - TheRebelHunter on ao3 - series, TG86, Hop 31 but instead of one jet going down, both jets go down, Goose survives but all four (Mav, Goose, Ice & Slider) get injured - I helped create the plot, as this started out as a au in the tgm discord. Angsty but amazing!
Where I'm From - @sometimes-i-write-good - oneshot, Hangman, first date, Jake is a sweetheart & gentleman, clearly knows what treating a girl is supposed to be like, loved the ending
An Old Flame II - @b00kdiary - series, Aemond Targaryen, 18+, amazing dialogue!
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