mastermindmiko · 6 months
Congrats! You're a heart breaker
an: the title will make sense when you read
Pairing: Bill Weasley + fem!reader
Word count: 1933
Summary: You're in love with Bill, unfortunately, Bill's engaged to Fleur
Warnings: Fights, Cheating, Shouting, that's it?
Hey! If you think this didn't completely suck, feel free to check out my masterlist.
Requests are open
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His entire family is beaming around him, and my heart sinks deeper and deeper, as Fleur shows off the engagement ring she has on her finger. Molly and Ginny are less than pleased to have him marry fleur, but they're still excited.
A hand gets placed on my shoulder, and my grip around my cup tightens in surprise. I look to my side and there's Percy standing beside me. He squeezes my shoulder in support and asks, "Are you alright?"
"I will be." I reply and give him a weak smile. I look back at them and I can't seem to look away. He doesn't even notice that I'm here, and it makes sense, to him I'm only his younger brother's friend.
"Let's go somewhere." Percy says, like he does whenever I get sad. I let him lead me away up to his room. He closes the door behind us and I feel safe enough to let my eyes water. I sit on the bed and grab my blanket that he has stored for me under his bed.
Percy sits beside me and he holds my hand in support. He waves his wand and it brings over a box filled with books. Percy calls it 'the safety box' . It's filled with the books that bring me and Percy comfort and support, whenever one of us feels sad, we grab a book and start reading, the familiar characters fill us with a small sense of joy.
We started the box when Percy fought with his family and he found himself needing more comfort than usual. I never agreed with the whole disagreement, but I had to help my best friend. Eventually, after I gave him a stern talking to, and a couple break downs, he apologized to his family. Molly practically worshiped me the week after he came back.
I pick up one of my favorite books, and he hums in agreement. I grab one of the bookmarks that Percy has on his nightstand and shove it in the first page of the book. He squeezes my hand and says, "I don't think it's going to last."
"Why's that?"
"He doesn't love her." Percy says, and I bitterly chuckle, why would he be engaged to her if he didn't love her? Percy continues, "Bill's a bit like Ron, they're a bit dim when it comes to these types of things."
"And like you." I add, and Percy looks at me confused. I huff, incredulously and say, "Penelope had to give you obvious signs for three months before you noticed anything, and even when you did you couldn't get it through your thick skull. She had to ask you out!"
"That was one time!" Percy complains, and I laugh, "I could name the right if you like."
The door opens and Bill stands there. I wonder how he so easily got away from his family. He looks straight at Percy and then says, "We've been looking for you."
Bill's eyes flicker to Percy's hand that is joined to mine then looks back at his brother. He doesn't spare me a glance, as he turns around to leave, but not before adding, "Come on."
Percy stands and points to the door with his other hand, awkwardly, and repeats, "They're looking for me."
"Go, I'll just stay here for a while." I say, and give him a weak smile, I don't know why I try anymore, Percy already knows that it's fake. He clears his mouth and reluctantly goes to the door. He gives me one more look as if making sure that I'm safe, then shuts the door softly behind him.
I huff and lean back on the bed. This is what happens when you've had the same crush on the same stupid guy since first year.
I reluctantly went to work next Monday. The ministry has been on edge since the war's started, but it's gotten even worse after Dumbledore died. I worked on training the new Aurors, but not by going on field missions, but by giving them tasks to do, and things to learn.
It was boring most of the time, but I liked working with other people, and helping them reach their dreams of catching dark wizards. This wasn't originally the job I wanted, and I was so close to reaching my dream, but to me, staying home was my priority. I wonder what could've changed if I had gone to Egypt to be a curse breaker.
The worst part of the job was no doubt, the paper work. There was always heaps of it to get done and not enough time to do it. My feet dragged as I went to the office where I do the paper work, instead of the training room where I get to teach Aurors defensive spells.
I'm on the elevator when I notice that there's only few minutes before I'm supposed to be at my office. My boss was unfortunately, Nott Sr., who was not only a tough boss, but a boss was a sexist. He would do anything to get all the women in his department fired, so if I'm late, who knows what'll happen to me.
I bump into someone on my way to the office. I get steadied by two strong hands that feels familiar and I look up to find Bill looking at me. I can't move an inch, with the feelin of both his palms on my skin, it feels as if they're burning me, but I can't move.
"You didn't talk to me the other night." he clears his throat, and I avoid his gaze, I couldn't exactly do that with Fleur hanging off his arm, and I didn't want to either. I reply, shortly, "You were busy."
"Right." He replies, and I really don't know what to say. I look around and I see women eyeing Bill, like they've always had. Bill's attractive, I can't recall a time when he wasn't. We all fancied him when we were third years, but as soon as he graduated, everyone stopped, I didn't.
"Isn't this wonderful?" I hear someone say from behind me, and we turn to find Mr. Diggory coming towards us excitedly. Bill still has an arm on mine when Mr. Diggory comes to us. He grabs Bill's free hand and shakes it, excitedly, "Congratulations! Arthur told me this morning. It's such wonderful news."
Bill smiles awkwardly and thanks the man. Mr. Diggory looks at Bill's hand on my arm which has his engagement ring. I move away from him, as if I couldn't stand having that ring anywhere near me. Mr. Diggory looks between us and his eyes snap to my hand. He looks at me concerned, and says, "My dear, I think you've misplaced your ring! It's only been so song since you've had it!"
I flush a bright red and start to fumble trying to explain to the older man that I wasn't engaged to Bill, despite how much I wanted to be. Bill steps in, and says. "Oh! I'm not- she's not- I'm engaged to Fleur Delacour, sir. Y/N's just a friend."
"I'm one of Percy's closest friends." I interrupt. I've never been Bill's friend and I don't think I ever will be. I give Mr. Diggory a smile. I fix my bag over my shoulder, and excuse myself politely. I walk away, and notice, the clock once again. I groan, I wasn't going to enjoy the talk that Nott was going to give me.
I didn't bother walking faster anyway. I remember what Bill said, and I scoff at his words. When have I ever gave the impression that I was his friend?
I don't expect to see Bill again until I go to the Burrow once again, but the next day, I find him at the ministry. He was talking to someone, but when he catches me walking, he pauses his conversation and jogs towards me.
I try to rush past him, but he stands in front of me to stop me. I say, "I have class, and I need to go right now."
"You're class starts in ten minutes you have time." Bill says, and rolls his eyes at my antics. I huff and fold my arms over my chest. I look at him with a quirked eyebrow waiting for him to say what he wanted. He avoids my sharp gaze and he fumbles.
"You-you look good today." He stutters and it's my turn to roll my eyes. If it were only a few months ago, I would've jumped up and down at the words. I snap, "What do you want Bill? Why are you here? You don't work here."
"I'm finishing up some things for Gringotts." He says, and I frown, Gringotts, the god forsaken place where everything went to hell. The place he met Fleur. I say, "If you don't have anything to say, let me pass."
"I don't want us to be like this." Bill says, and I don't feel myself getting sad, instead I feel myself getting angry. I hiss, "Are you still engaged, Bill?"
"Yes, but-"
"Then this is how it's going to be." I huff, and walk past him. Onlookers are starting to pay attention to our conversation, and Bill notices. He pulls me off to the side into a secluded area near the toilets where he starts, "It doesn't have to-"
"Bill, leave me alone. Don't talk to me unless it's something Percy related. That's the only way we know each other." I say, and Bill says, "But I don't want it to be that way."
"Can't you understand that talking to you while seeing that stupid ring on your finger is killing me?!" I shout, and I feel my eyes tear up. I lean against the wall, and look away from him. I blink away the tears. I say, "Do you understand how it feels? How I feel?"
Bill doesn't say anything, so I continue to ramble, "I've liked you for forever Bill, and when I went to Egypt, we had fun. I even thought you feel in love with me, like I did with you. You tried to kiss me then ignored me, and I was an idiot to go to you and tell you that I loved you. I don't hear from you for months, and the next time I see you, you're with your family telling them that you got engaged!"
I rub my hands over my face, and wipe away the one tear that fell against my will. My mascara must be ruined. I sniffle and say, "So excuse me, if I don't want to be your friend."
"Wait!" Bill says, before I open the girl's toilets to escape when. I open the door with Bill behind me and we both stand transfixed at the sight inside. I gasp, and that alerts both, Fleur and Roger.
I had no idea that Fleur was here, Percy told me that she was going to France to her parents for a week. Turns out, Parents is code for Roger Davies. Fleur gasps, and pushes Roger away. Bill looks angry, and I take that as my sign to head to my class.
"The engagement is off." Percy tells me when he enters the flat. I hum in acknowledgement, looking at the set of papers in my hand that were the official grades of everyone in the class, these were the papers that would say if they were going to be Aurors or not.
"Don't you want to go talk to him?" Percy says, and I look up to see Percy shifting from foot to foot in front of me. I narrow my eyes at him, and I bite the insides of my cheeks, and said, "No."
"Too bad." Percy says and as I'm about to inquire about the weird sentence, Bill enters the flat. Percy heads out before Bill can close the door to give us some privacy. I stand up to go to my room, but Bill rushes to talk a hold of my wrist.
"I'm sorry."
Bill was never good at giving heart felt conversations or saying what he was feeling at least to me. He takes a step closer and I look away from him. He takes a hold of my chin in between his fingers, and makes me look at him. My heart skips several beats, and it reminds me of when he almost kissed me. The pleasant feeling leaves me and a bitter one takes it's place.
"I'm sorry that I was an idiot when I didn't kiss you that night." Bill says, and it all comes back to me. That night, I was about to finish my training as a curse breaker and they gave me my acceptance. I was going to work in Egypt, but decided against it. My life was here. I told him and I remember it very clearly.
He had a cake made with the words 'Congrats! You're an official curse breaker' on it. It made me telling him even harder but I did. He shrugged his shoulder like it was no big deal, but I could tell that he didn't want me to leave. The year I spent with him there was one of the happiest times of my life because my crush turned into love that I thought was reciprocated. He hugged me goodbye and when we parted he looked at me like he had something to say. Instead, he grabbed my chin the way he was doing now, and tried to kiss me. He stopped before our lips touched, and left.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you I loved you back when you told me." He added. The morning after, I was about to leave for London, and I told him that I loved him. He apologized and left. Bill's hand moved to my cheek to cup it. He says, "I'm sorry I didn't talk to you for months, but I had to."
"Why?" I croak out, my voice heavy with emotion. He rubs his thumb over my cheek, soothingly, and answers, "We were going to be apart. We couldn't have a relationship like that, it would've been easier to get over you, if I didn't talk to you."
"And when you came back. What stopped you? Why did you propose to Fleur?" I ask, one question after the other, and he replies, "I couldn't be with you. I wouldn't do that Percy."
"What do you mean?" I ask, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He smiles, sadly and says, "Percy told me that he liked you, a while ago. I couldn't be with you when my brother liked you."
"A while ago? You mean..." I trail off, thinking if there were any signs of Percy liking me. I have a revelation and I hit his arm. I shout, "You broke my heart because Percy told you he liked me when we were in third year!"
"Ow! Ow! stop, he already gave me enough of that himself!" Bill complained, and moved away from my arms that were hitting him, aggressively. He help both my wrists to stop me, and he looked into my eyes, and said, "I'm sorry."
"You're going to have to make it up to me." I say, pointedly. He nods his head. He says, "I'm going to make it up to you, and heal that broken heart of yours. What's the first order of business?"
"Finally kissing me."
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its-vannah · 2 years
Illicit Affairs | Part Two | Bill Weasley x Reader
A/N: Hey, guys! Sorry it's taken me so long to write this, I was on vacation for most of July and didn't have the chance to post. A lot of you have requested that I write a second part to Illicit Affairs, and I want to make y'all happy—so here it is! ❤️❤️❤️
Song: Illicit Affairs
Part One
Warnings: Mentions of cheating, break up, verbal fighting, kissing
Taglist: @pandoraneverland @inpraizeof
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Bill lay in bed at the Burrow, staring at the ceiling above him, tossing and catching an old, beat up Quaffle. The only sound that could be heard was the leather making contact with the palms of his hands.
All he could thing about was you. And Fleur. He thought about the way he longed to run his fingers through your h/c hair. He thought about pulling you into his arms and kissing you gently whenever and wherever he liked. He longed to tell you how much he loved you—and he longed to hear you say them back. And then he thought about Fleur. He thought about all the "I love you's" they had shared, all the times his fingers got caught in her bright blonde hair, all the times he kissed her. But she still wasn't you.
And that's why he had to tell her.
Tossing up the Quaffle one last time, he caught it gently in his hands, giving it a small squeeze before setting it on his nightstand. Heaving himself out of bed, he ran a hand through his tangled hair and headed towards his door, opening and closing it gently so he didn't disturb anyone.
Then he did the unexpected: he made his way to the twins room. Slowly, one foot at a time, he walked up the crooked, cracked stairs to their room, knocking three times before pushing the door open.
The light in a wand went out, and violent "Shushes" echoed the room, two figures scrambling into opposite beds.
Bill raised a brow, flipping on a light switch with an amused look on his face as he looked at his brothers.
"Care to explain why you're in our room, Billy?" George asked.
He rolled his eyes, one arm on the doorframe, "Care to explain why you're hiding?"
"Touche, Billy, touche." Fred sighed, pulling his quilt away from his face and turning to face his older brother, "Shut the door."
Entering the room, Bill was careful of where he stepped. He didn't know if or when he'd set something off, so he opted to lean against the door, "I had something to ask the two of you—but it seems like I'm interrupting something."
"No, no, just the usual 3:00 witching hour, innit, George?" Fred chuckled, his hands slapping his thighs, "So what'll it be, old Billy boy?"
"An electric shock shake? George asked.
"Or how about a sticky trainers?"
"A strapping young man like you may need a peace disturber, right? Or perhaps a—"
"Oh shut it, I'm not here for one of your inventions," Bill snapped, "I made a decision."
George tilt his head, "About what?"
"About—"About what?" You two have been nagging me for days to decide!" Bill hissed, "And now you don't even remember?"
But he merely waved him off, "Learn to take a joke, Billy boy. Y/N and Fleur. So, what'll it be, a nice tall cup of blonde and Veela or the one you're in love with?"
Bill chose to ignore his comment, and instead answered his question, "I'm ending things with Fleur tomorrow night. I'm telling her everything."
Fred's eyes widened, "Everything? Even that you two... rode the old broom?"
"Rode the old—Fred! We didn't—we haven't—we've only kissed twice in the whole time we've known each other. And only one of those was when Fleur and I were together. I know I'm a horrible boyfriend, but give me some credit."
George's hands went up, "Alright, alright. Our apologies. So, tell us, how are you going to break the news."
"We're having dinner in at her place. Just ordering some muggle food to share. It'll be a private dinner, so I'm going to break the news to her then. She's going on holiday with her family for a few weeks after that, so we wouldn't have seen each other anyway. I'm hoping it'll distract her."
"Well, she's a very beautiful witch, so she'll have plenty to distract her," Fred sighed, "So, what are you going to tell Y/N?"
Bill nodded, "I'm going to tell her that I ended things with Fleur. And I'm also going to tell her that I'm going to take some time to myself for a bit. I don't want to go from one relationship to another too fast. Out of respect for Fleur, Y/N, and myself."
George put a hand on his heart, "What a gentleman."
"And then I'll ask her to go on a date with me. And we'll see how it goes."
"We'll see," Fred nodded.
"Or hear," George smirked.
Bill knocked on Fleur's door at half past seven, forcing a smile onto his face as she pulled him in for a quick kiss, ushering him into her kitchen where boxes of take out food were sitting on the counter.
After sitting down across from Fleur at her little breakfast nook, he cleared his throat as they began eating.
"Fleur, there's something I've been meaning to tell you." Bill said, a look of pain on his face.
She placed a hand over his, an uneasy smile on her face, "You can tell me anything, you know that, right, Bill?"
He nods, "This isn't going to be easy to hear, but it's something you need to know."
Fleur inhales, preparing herself, "Okay."
"I'm breaking up with you."
A look of surprise sets into her face and she removes her hand, "Oh."
"But that's not all."
"A few months ago, I kissed another woman. And I'm sorry. I thought that if I just pretended like it didn't happen, then we wouldn't have a problem. But it only made things worse because it means I wasn't honest with you. I regret it."
She began to put the pieces together, "You regret kissing her while you were with me, but you don't regret kissing her."
He looks down at his paper plate, ashamed of himself, "Yes."
"I'm not going to lie and say that I'm not mad or upset, because I am. But I'm glad that you told me and didn't lead me on. That would've been worse. Thank you for having enough respect for me to say it to my face."
Bill nods, "You deserve better."
She nods, "I do."
Bill arrived home that night completely exhausted. As he opened the door to his room, he wasn't surprised to find the twins already sitting on his bed, ready to talk.
"How'd it go?" Fred asked, tapping his foot excitedly.
But Bill merely slumped on his bed between them, "She took it well. Better than I would have taken it if the roles were reversed. Doesn't make me feel any less like a piece of shit."
George nodded, "Then that means you did the right thing."
Fred rubbed his brother's back, "So it's over?"
"It's over." Bill sighed.
"Well, you know what they say..."
"Every ending has a new beginning."
And that new beginning was you.
It had been three weeks and three days since Bill Weasley had come knocking on your door, letting you know that he broke things off with Fleur and that he was in love with you. He told you that he needed time to process things, but that when he was ready, and you were ready, he'd like to take you on a date.
So when you got the owl all those days later asking if you were free the next night, you had to sit down and remind yourself to breathe. Finally, after ten years of being madly in love with Bill, the two of you were getting your chance.
The night of your date, you had done everything to near perfection. You had showered, fixed your hair, done your makeup, gotten dressed, doused yourself with perfume, and put on your shoes.
Before Bill could even knock on the door, it swung open. A smile was plastered on the both of your faces. You hardly processed that he was putting a dozen peach roses into your hands, pressing a kiss to your cheek. You could only think about how long you had waited for this moment. And how good things were worth waiting for.
It had been five years since your first official date with Bill, and since then, your relationship had remained steady. Yes, you had your ups and downs with one another, but your love never wavered.
The two of you were married in August of 1997 in a small ceremony at the Burrow. And even though though the night didn't end as expected, you wouldn't have traded it for the world. Because it meant the two of you would always be together, no matter what.
From that night on, the world around the two of you began to crumble.
Fred died, and the two of you were heartbroken. But you picked the other back up and relied on one another for support.
Even though you both lost people you loved during the war, things seemed to turn a new page after that.
You found out you were pregnant about a year after the war ended, and you had a little girl with hair like her father's, eyes like yours, and a mind of her own. You named her Hope, because like those around you, the two of you had hope for the future. For each other and everything life had to offer.
And then, the night after you and Bill renewed your wedding vows, you found out that you were pregnant again. Your second child, a girl, was born nearly two years after her sister. And you named her after a witch who had a lasting impact over you: Tonks. Well, Nymphadora, because you and Bill couldn't stop laughing about how much she hated her name and how much she would have loved it for your child.
And now, sitting on a rocking chair outside of Shell Cottage, you rested your hand on your bump while Bill read a book to your daughters. The two of you were expecting a boy in another six months and you already knew that he would complete your little family.
Bill looked up from the book, his eyes meeting yours. A large grin spread over his face, and you returned the smile as his focus returned to the book. But his smile never wavered, and neither did your love.
Because that's the thing about illicit affairs And clandestine meetings and longing stares It's born from just one single glance.
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rielles96 · 2 years
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Something different for now. I try to make mydesign for Fleur and Bill. I don’t like this one. This is just not them butI wanted to show you the first try. Let me know what do you think about them #harrypotter #billweasley #fleur #fleurdelacour #bleur #harrypotterfan #harrypotterfanart #fanart #fanartist #digitalart #digitalartist #digitaldrawing #digitalillustration #artistoninstagram #riellesarts https://www.instagram.com/p/CidJe1IKyPJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rosiexjo · 2 years
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Bill ✨//
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holeyyweasleyy · 4 months
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wingedscythe · 1 year
He was tiny! Smallest ball of fluff possible, pitch black with two dark green eyes somewhere in the flufff.
' I like it' - he mused to himself. Of course being so small was generally not liked by males, but Harry was used to.
So he uncurled his tiny kitty body and clambered out of sofa clumsily. Sliding off the futon was like extreme sport for him, so he sat on the floor gloating in his furry head for a bit.
Next, the little furry void streaked across the room, through the corridor and into the kitchen, where safely just out of the way he started mewing.
Soon enough he was scooped by well known, strong hands and hugged to slightly stubbled cheek and long red hair.
-Hey Little Void, are You hungry?- asked Bill Weasley his kitten-fiancé. Little furball had noded and being put on the bench changed shapes.
In snitch patterned pijama, messy haired as ever, glasses less finally, Harry sat happily and was served his favourite.
-Thanks Love!- he beamed at his thoughtfull fiance and as soon as Bill sat close by both of them dug in.
When several months after Great Battle Ministry tried to enforce some Marriage law and forcefully tie a lot of random people together, Harry had lost all of his restrain and fell on the "government" with all of his fame, lordships and DA plus whole lot of students/veterans. Together with crowd of absolvents gathered by Bill, who for the occasion emerged from his acottage Fleurless and battle scarred.
After kicking old codgers out of inherited positions younger generation went to Queen and asked for help. In an essence they gave Her the Wizarding World to manage, on which She promptly threw Her Magicborn citizens instructing to join a newly formed parliament of similar design to non-magic.
Purebloods screamed, protested, and threw a tantrums, but Harry had made very clear, via public conference, that their behaving like spoilt babies stops, and they didn't deserve other treatment after tormenting and/or ignoring pretty much anyone else.
Then Harry and Bill, who in the whole overthrow found out that they were soulmates, ensconced themselves into their newly and highly warded shell cottage.
As Harry in the aftermath of his whole life acquired dislike to being human for to long, often was seen going around small and furry.
Bill fortunately not being werewolfed had reached animagus form also and was seen just as often as reddish puma wandering around with a kitty in his mouth.
Harry's kitty form steadily kept growing, of course and now with his soulmate's unblocked presence they both decided of "none'your'bussiness" rebuff to others.
Because as shocking, as overthrowing of government was to society, the Saviours ingender soulmate and out of limelight living was more important to many.
There wasn't a week without a howler, a day with one or the other of extended "family" trying to breach the floo, or month without someone camping at the edge of the wards.
Sometimes Bill was wandering into the kitchen seeing Harry incinerating yet again red letter absentmindedly, sometimes Harry waved to puma-Bill trotting to scare off campers and a bit later calling local Police to collect now scared people and slap fines on them, or pat " trained mountain lion" on the cocked head to scare intruders further and "send it to owner" for the constables amusement.
As such, the officers had been squibs or in the know, and treated whole commotion as the opportunity to some nice tea and chatting time.
One morning puma Bill trotted bouncily back into the porch with a cloth in his mouth and two constables in tow. -Oh hello gentlemen- Harry had put kettle on and took the flowery cloth out of puma mouth.- well that kind is new, I'll add it to our collection - grinned young man to his now human shaped soulmate
Who playfully puffed up his chest making constables laugh.
They were a bit apprehensive at the start of two boys living together, one of the Famed Saviour at that. But soon both sides warmed to each other and formed easy friendship.
Also the village had confirmation that the two boys were very much alright and law abiding, even if a bit unusual. Harry had a blast exchanging recipes with the matrons, playing with the kids and Bill after all local girls' secret disappointment first at beautiful girlfriend and now "cutest boyfriend" had entangled several friendships with big brothers and even some dad's. Especially when it leaked that he had 6 of younger siblings.
Harry who had also taken to wood carving was seen cutely asking for a wood cuttings and presenting in return his small attempts which all cherished and looked at with a smiles.
And steadily boys incorporated themselves into a community to such degree, that locals helped them with kicking out the pests.
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metamehta · 1 year
At least he has great abs by
I've had a lot more free time to read recently (on account of being on a medical leave for two weeks) and it's been nice to catch up on the fanfics I've missed.
Typically, I alternate between heavy and fluffy stories - and when that fails, I take a break from fanfiction. Not so in this case, this fic was such a great way to get a smile in between the depressing books I've been going through recently.
One thing I really enjoyed about this story was how it alternated between different modes of storytelling. Within the same chapter, we would go between Percy's POV but also get the POV from his social media, work day, and the trending topics in his world.
Also! One of the funnier meet-ups between soulmates I've read in fanfiction!
#fanfiction #hpfanfiction #percyweasley #oliverwood #percyweasleyxoliverwood #socialmedia #modernau #hpfanfic #harrypotterworld #harrypotterfandom #worldofharrypotter #ao3 #archiveofourown #harrypotterfanfiction #weasley #ginnyweasley #fredandgeorge #billweasley #penelopeclearwater #readwithdee #fanfictionreader #romanticcomedy
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matbaynton · 2 years
so tumblr temporarily suspended me for saving urls after i asked for permission to use javascript (which i got, so i can update my icon pages and to-do list page now!) here are all the urls i deleted in case anyone wants to use them when they become available (and i do mean USE them, do not risk your life by saving them) i really should have deleted them anyway, i kept telling myself i planned to use them but i don't think i'd ever change my url so here they are:
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ilonaaaah86 · 1 year
La famille Weasley🧡
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#weasley #arthurweasley #mollyweasley #billweasley #charlieweasley #percyweasley #fredweasley #georgeweasley #ronweasley #ginnyweasley
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dralamys · 3 years
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"By my magic, I will be to Hermione Jean Granger faithful and true, and fight for all that she defends, and shun all that she shuns, according to the natural law, and according to the world's principles, and never, by will nor by force, by word nor by work, do ought of what is loathful to her; on condition that she keep me as I am willing to serve her cause, and all that fulfil that our agreement was, when I to her submitted and chose her will." Commissioned piece for the story “Forever Severed” written by Joshua Ruehadan, you can find it on Ao3 and FF . This story is so beautifully written 💕👌🏽 . #dramione #billweasley #hermionegranger #dracomalfoy #together #unbreakablevow #artistsoninstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CON4Wuzg0zi/?igshid=h94pxwgj6z8u
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mastermindmiko · 1 year
Rainy dancing
pairing: Percy Weasley + gn!reader
Word count: 1338
summary: dancing with Percy in the rain and relationship head cannons 
Trigger warnings: sexual innuendos and being horny? 
my masterlist
Requests are open
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Percy is a study addict, and measures his self worth by his grades. So he’s pretty busy, and being the Head Boy comes with it’s privileges; which he definitely abuses when it comes to you. 
All the Weasley kids are always horny, but the most horny out of all of them are Fred, Bill and Percy. 
First of all he has his own room being head boy, so you know what that means ;) 
It means you guys cuddle A LOT together EVERY NIGHT. 
Secondly, you guys go to the prefect's bathroom and shower together all the time as well. 
Thirdly, at the beginning of the year Percy has to go to the Prefects carriage; but after an entire summer of not seeing you and only owling you, you can definitely be sure that some things are rushed during the meeting. 
After the meetings finish, he waits in the carriage while you come to greet him, and it’s a very um 'heart warming and cute’ welcome every time. When someone asks him why he’s waiting in the carriage he just uses some excuse like “I’m just tying my shoelaces, It’s really hard and sometimes takes a lot of time.” 
If by 5 minutes you don’t come to see him, he will come find you with your friends in your carriage and will motion for you to come see him; and you’ll give your friends the excuse of “I need to go change into my school uniform.” Even though when you both get together in the train’s bathroom it involves a lot more undressing than dressing, some first years were traumatized by the sounds that came out of the toilet. 
Despite all the hornyness that is in his body, he’s actually really cute. Like George, he really likes dancing; he likes to dance with you in the library or in his dorm or in the rain. He won’t tell you that, but he really likes dancing with you. 
“Come on, percy.” you yelled, as she stepped out into the rain; out in the Hogwarts’ courtyard. Percy was already on edge because it was past curfew and he was supposed to be doing his rounds. 
He had suggested spending time with you, and by that he meant for you to walk with him while he does his rounds. You, however, noticed that it was raining and realised that you wanted to go into the rain.
“In the rain?! No!” Percy yelled as he looked at you as if you were a psychopath. 
“Come on!” you yelled once again, as you walked to him from the rain; already soaking wet from it. 
“No! I’ll get cold and sick and I'll fail.” Percy folded his arms, as he looked away from you. He -as always- studied really hard, and there were tests in 2 days. 
“Just for a little bit.” you said as you stood in front of him and grabbed his chin. You made him look at you as you made a pouty face, trying to convince him.
“Fine, but if I get sick, I will hex you.” He agreed after letting out multiple huffing sounds and a lot of contemplation. 
You grabbed his hands and led him outside in the rain, he cringed a bit from the cold rain as he started getting wet in the rain. You both stayed there for a while, as you tilted your head to the sky happily; feeling a sense of comfort from the calming atmosphere.
“See, this isn’t so bad.” You said as you looked again to Percy, who now had his arms around himself and completely over exaggerating. 
“It’s freezing.” He said, trying to look much more pained by the rain than he actually is. 
“Close your eyes.” You said to him in a soft voice. 
“What?” He said looking at you distrustfully, he has been pranked way too many times to feel calm when someone tells him to close his eyes. 
“Trust me. Close your eyes, look up. Focus on that. Focus on the rain drops on your face and me. Don’t think of anything else. Just the rain, you, me, now.” You said as you softly grabbed his hands. He had been stressed with the tests that were coming extremely soon, and you wanted to help him with that; but he couldn’t afford a lost minute of studying so you couldn’t. When he said that he missed you -which he looked extremely nervous while stating- and wanted to spend time with you, you were flattered and decided to take this to your advantage.
When he did, you could see his face tense for a little bit from the water pressure but he then relaxed. His shoulders were still tense so you walked around him, letting go of his hands and placed your hands on his shoulders. 
When you started to massage his shoulders, he was much calmer and then you stood on your tiptoes and said “See it’s relaxing.” 
You both stood there for a while until you decided to do something and then you held your hand out to him when he opened his eyes and you said “Dance with me.” 
You got your second ‘you’re a psychopath’ look of the night as soon as you finished your sentence. He replied with his arms folded “No, why would we do that?”
“It’s fun.” You replied shortly while shrugging your shoulders. 
“It’s reckless.” 
“Exactly, fun.”
“There’s no music.” He said as he tried to convince you not to dance.
“We don’t need music.” At your statement he gave up on trying to convince you not to dance and he held his hand out to you. You gave him a bright smile as you took his hand and it gave him major butterflies.
After a while you both were dancing in the rain, while your arms were around his neck and your head on his chest; and he held his hands around your waist. The only sounds that you heard were the sounds of your shoes against the cold floor, your breathing and Percy’s heartbeat. 
“I still don’t like this.” He said after a long enough time for you to be sure that he was enjoying this just as much as you are and maybe even more. 
You let out a melodic hum, indicating that you ‘totally’ believed him and continued to dance with him.
“Are you better now?” You said when you started to actually feel cold from the rain, your head was away from his chest and tilted up to look at him. 
He looked at you for a while seemingly lost in both thought and in your eyes; then he said in an almost lost voice “Yeah.”
A bright smile was placed on your face and then you started to say “I told you so-”
He cuts you off by placing his lips on yours and cupping your face with his hands, and that’s why Percy loves dancing with you especially in the rain; because you had your first kiss with him like that.
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its-vannah · 2 years
The Moment I Knew | Part One | Charlie Weasley x Reader
A/N: Hey loves! Here's a new mini series starring our favorite second born Weasley! I know I haven't finished Confessions, Harry's House, or the Regulus/Sirius series, but this'll be a short one before I get back to those. Enjoy!
Pairing: Charlie Weasley x Jacob's sibling! Reader (Hogwarts Mystery)
Summary: The oldest Weasley brothers have always been a big part of your life, so much so that you're in love with Bill. But when you get the invitation that he's getting married, you start to realize your true feelings—for Charlie
Warnings: Contains major spoilers for Hogwarts Mystery (don't read if you haven't made it to year 7/plan on playing)
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For as long as you can remember, the Weasley's had been a monumental part of your life. Without them, you probably wouldn't have found your brother. And if you hadn't found your brother, his disappearance would've only made the hole in your chest larger.
And for as long as you had known the Weasley's, you'd been in love with the oldest son, Bill. It had happened fast. When Rowan had suggested getting his help with the cursed ice, you figured he'd be another set of hands. But he only added to that hole in your heart.
Whether he was fawning over Emily Tyler or off in Egypt, he was never with you. Not anymore, at least. You two had once been joined at the hip, but that all changed at the end of your fifth year. The year he said goodbye to Hogwarts and hello to curebreaking.
His departure had broken your heart, but he wasn't the only Weasley you could rely on. No, there was another that was there for you through thick and through thin. While you hadn't known him nearly as long as you had known Bill, Charlie Weasley was always there. And he was one of your best friends.
After Rowan's death and Ben's betrayal, he was one of the only shoulders you could lean on. When Penny left to work on being a potions master and Andre decided to become a Quidditch designer, you felt alone. Except you had Charlie.
Until he left for Romania to work at a dragon sanctuary. When he told you the news, he had been debating it. He felt bad being so far away from his family, but you urged him to go nonetheless—no matter how much it hurt to say goodbye.
You didn't realize at the time, but watching him walk away on the train platform made you feel something new. In that moment, you didn't want to admit defeat and accept that he was leaving. You didn't want to plant your feet in the ground and force a smile on your face. No, you wanted to run after him. You wanted to go with him, not sure of what the future would hold. Watching him leave broke your heart even further. But nothing could've prepared you for an invitation to the wedding of William Weasley and Fleur Delacour.
Gripping the piece of parchment in your hand, you read it a thousand times before setting it down in front of you. You could have made up an excuse. Bring an auror, they would've understood. But you loved Bill, more than you should, and you wanted to be there for his big day. While you didn't see him as much as you wished you could, he was still one of your best friends. You had to be there, even if it broke your heart.
There was only one problem: you didn't have anyone to go with. As much as you'd rather have gone through it alone, experienced the pain of watching the man you loved get married to another woman, you knew you couldn't just go in alone. It would be far too embarrassing if Molly Weasley tried to pair you up with a random guest.
So you sat down at your wooden desk, taking out a piece of parchment and a quill. Dipping the tip into ink, you set it to the paper, letting the ink flow over it, "Dear Charlie..."
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acciojaeyun · 3 years
–  alanine's coffee shop – ・ [ open ] ・ [ closed ] ・ [ on break ] ・
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welcome to acciojaeyun, ali's newly-opened coffee shop! i hope you enjoy your stay!
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– the barista ; get to know me!
information: alanine (ali / al). 20. chemistry junior. stan list: enhypen, harry potter
enhypen! bias line: hyung line
harry potter! comfort characters: fred and george
other links twitter / tiktok / carrd / main blog
masterlist below the cut! ⋆·˚ ༘ *
– our menu ;
latest special: 12:07 am ; how riki falls in love
enhypen masterlist ;
south korean boyband which debuted in november 30, 2020 consisting of seven members: jungwon, heeseung, jay, jake, sunghoon, sunoo, and ni-ki.
order here!
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harry potter masterlist ;
a series of seven fantasy novels produced in great britain. follows a plot of the-boy-who-lived, harry potter, who survived the first wizarding war because of his parents. he, together with hermione granger and ron weasley, put an end to the concurring wrath of the dark lord, voldemort.
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other barista specials masterlist ; order here!
one direction / stranger things / other characters blurb
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– customisation ; customise your orders here!
guidelines for requesting fics request status: temporarily closed (currently finishing pending requests!) – send your customisation here!
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now playing: shout out - enhypen
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rielles96 · 3 years
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April - day24 First kiss ‘Teddy, Teddy! Are you listening to me? ‘ the little girl asked. ‘I don't, I build’ the little boy muttered. ‘Teddy?’ No reply was received. Victoire crawled closer and nudged him. ‘Teddy?’ ‘What?’ The boy turned, and the little girl pressed her lips to his. ‘You'll be my husband one day ‘ she muttered, accompanied by a shy chuckle, turning away from the completely frozen, red-faced Teddy. #remadora #billandfleur #tedoire #teddylupin #victoireweasley #remuslupin #billweasley #harrypotter #fanart #cute #firstkiss #firstlove #babylove #kids #illustration #sketch #artistoninstagram #riellesarts #apridoodle21 https://www.instagram.com/p/COa8XAwAK_j/?igshid=1vkx3maas1736
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historicalley-art · 2 years
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Fleur Delacour for prompt 09: Art #blissember2021 hosted by @wolfstars_ and @kidovna 💕
As well as my entry for @bubblytonksart DTIYS 💕 #bubblytonks3k
Thank you for hosting this DTIYS and congratulations! You’re just awesome! 🤭💕 I myself have vitiligo, so this is particularly important for me! Thank you! 🥰
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Pairing: Bill Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 1,470
Warning: Gets steamy
Bill Weasley Masterlist
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“Hello, Mrs. Weasley.” You greeted as you were pulled in for a hug.
“Y/N, please.” Mrs. Weasley started. “Call me Molly.” She nodded.
“Okay, Molly.” You spoke, her first name feeling weird coming from your lips.
Ushering you in, you were surprised to see the eldest Weasley sitting at the table. Sometime had passed since, you had last seen each other. Bill was always busy with the ministry, if he wasn’t in Egypt.
You had always harbored feelings for Bill, it started when you both attended Hogwarts.
Butterflies erupted in your stomach, at the sight of him. He looked the same, except he had wolf scratches going down a side of his face. The marks didn’t deter your feelings for him. 
“Y/N!” Remus exclaimed, bringing the rooms attention to you.
You were the last to arrive to the meeting that day.
Giggling you smiled widely at your best friend. “Hi, Remus.”
Rushing to his feet, he pulled you in for a bone crushing hug, lifting you off of the ground twirling you around slightly. 
The sound of your giggles filled the air. 
“I missed you too, Remus.”
“Let the poor girl go before you crush her to death.” Sirius's voice came from behind him. His voice taunted Remus.
“It’s good to see you again, Y/N.” Sirius, spoke pulling you in for a tight hug, mirroring the same excitement as Remus.
Chuckling, you pulled Remus in for a group hug between the two of you. “I’ve missed you both.” You giggled.
Letting you go, you quickly took your seat between Remus and Sirius at the table. Glancing at Bill, he had a tinted color along his cheeks, as he attempted to look anywhere but at you. Taking the chance, you slid your foot against his gently, bringing his attention to you as you sat in front of him.
Snape was quick to join the table. “It’s good to see you again, Miss Y/L/N.” 
“You as well professor.” You replied, as he quickly wrapped an arm around your shoulder, giving you a quick hug, catching you by surprise.
As the meeting ended, everyone stood around in the living room.
“Y/N, this is my nephew Harry Potter.” Sirius introduced.
Smiling widely, you extended your hand out. “It’s nice to meet you. Your uncle, has talked so much about you.”
“All good things I hope.” 
“Nothing but.”
“This is my friend Hermione. Hermione, this is Y/N.”
Hermione caught you by surprise, as she let out a small gasp before, she hurled her body into yours. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. You’re...You’re my idol.”
Heat began rising in your cheeks at her statement. “You’re too kind.”
As you talked with Harry and Hermione, your eyes wandered towards Bill, who was watching you intently, while he leaned against the door frame. Once he realized you were watching him, he tried to play if off as if he was watching everyone in the room.
Molly had invited everyone, to stay for dinner. Almost everyone had obliged, except for Snape, he had said he needed to get back to Hogwarts for some official business he needed to attend to. 
“So, Y/N.” Fred began. “It’s like a million degrees outside.” He observed. “Why are you wearing a sweater?”
Silence fell upon the table, as you felt all eyes land on you, once his question left his lips.
“I...I uh.” The sudden question, made you feel uncomfortable. Glancing around you, looked at Hermione, who was now burdened with the same scar.
Lifting your hands to your face, you groaned. It was secret you hadn’t told any of your friends. 
“It...It was a secret I hoped to take to my grave.” You whispered, fidgeting with your hands in your lap. 
It was Bill’s turn to nudge your foot with his, as he watched you from across the table.
Sighing, you stood up. Turning around, your back was facing everyone at the table, as you shrugged off your sweater. Glancing down at your scar, you quickly hid it behind your sweater, as you turned around.
“The only reason why...Why I’m showing you.” Your voice barely above a whisper. “Is because I’m no longer the only one who carries it.”
Sighing, you slowly removed your sweater before you held up your arm. 
Carved into your forearm was the slur many often used for your kind. 
There was a few gasps that was enticed from the group. You didn’t dare making eye contact with anyone, as you continued to stare at the ground.
“I hadn’t intended on telling anyone about it.” You spoke, as your voice broke off. “This is the reason, I’m always wearing long sleeves.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Remus questioned in disbelief as he gently tugged you closer to the table, allowing both him and Sirius a better look at the scar. 
“I’m embarrassed, Remus.” You rushed. “I’ve been branded by something that will always define me.” You sighed, shaking your head.
For the rest of the night, you kept your sweater off. It had felt good to get your secret off of your chest, to people you trusted.
Hermione later showed you her scar from the same person that gave you yours. It had made you both feel better, that you weren’t the only ones branded.
Sitting on the couch, in front of the fire, you tucked your legs underneath you as you watched the fire.
“May I join you?” A husky voice questioned. 
Not bothering to look up, you nodded your head. Once the mysterious person sat beside you, you were caught by surprise, to see that it was Bill.
“Can...Can I see it?” He asked, as his voice was barely above a whisper.
Ice began coursing through your veins. Nobody had, asked to see your scar before, but nobody had known about it either. Hesitantly, you uncovered your arm, and extended it for Bill to see.
Much to your surprise, he wrapped his large hand around your forearm, bringing it to his lips. Gently, he placed his lips to each letter that was scarred into your skin forever.
Your eyes fluttered shut, at the feeling of his soft lips connecting with your skin. The sensation was over just as soon as it had started. Frowning, you opened your eyes, to see Bill gawking at you with admiration. 
Realizing the close proximity, you both leaned in until your lips lightly brushed against each other. The kiss was short and sweet. Pulling away, Bill looked at you with a shocked expression. 
“I’m...I’m sorry.” He rushed out. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
Furrowing your eyebrows together, you frowned. He had only seen you as a little sister, since you were always around his family and got along with his siblings so well.
Standing up, you began to leave the room, until a large hand wrapped around your wrist preventing you from exiting. Quickly, you were tugged back in front of the couch, in front of Bill.
“To hell with it.” Bill muttered, sitting on the edge of the couch, bringing both of his hands to your jaw, pulling you in to him.
Your lips meeting once again, moving in sync, you slightly moved to stand between his legs. Even sitting, Bill was almost taller than you. One of your hands knotted into his long hair, while the other gripped the color of his button up shirt. Your motions caused a low groan from the man in front of you. 
Before you thought about it, you were straddling his lap, knees digging into the cushion on either side of Bill. He took your bottom lip between his teeth, pulling back slightly, enticing a gasp from you.
Smirking into the kiss, Bills tongue ran along your bottom lip, before licking every inch of your mouth. It was Bill’s turn to act without thinking. He was now hovering above you, as your back collided with the couch cushions. Kissing your jaw, he began biting and sucking his way along your neck and collar bone, leaving a trail of bruises in his wake. He quickly gripped the hem of your blouse, before tossing it over the couch allowing him, better access to you.
Sighing, you arched your back as Bill continued his actions towards the valley between your breasts. Rapidly, you begun unbuttoning his shirt, before letting out a frustrated huff, that his shirt wasn’t off fast enough.
Chuckling Bill quickly rid of his shirt, before returning to your lips. Nipping at your lip, you ground your hips against his.
Bill let out a moan at your sudden actions.
“I’m telling you, Ron.” Ginny’s voice rang through the stairwell as she began descending down the stairs. “Mom’s going to kill us.”
Glancing at Bill with widened eyes, he quickly grabbed his wand waving it, before you both were back in your shirts. 
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