#biomedical sciences
mindblowingscience · 5 months
Researchers at McMaster University have discovered unique characteristics of a mechanism used by bacteria to resist an important class of antibiotics. The new research, published in Nature Chemical Biology, shows that resistance to aminoglycoside drugs—used to treat a variety of infections—is far more complex than initially thought. Lead investigator Gerry Wright, professor of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences at McMaster, says his lab observed never-before-seen versatility in ApmA, a long-studied bacterial resistance gene. The research showed that the gene can uncharacteristically enable bacteria to perform different functions against different antibiotics. Of the hundred-or-more aminoglycoside resistance enzymes known to researchers, Wright says only this one has exhibited such nimble behavior. "It's a unicorn," he says. "It looks different, it operates differently, and it belongs to an entirely different family of enzymes. It's completely different from all of the resistance mechanisms that we associate with this class of antibiotic."
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nerdie-faerie · 1 year
I understand why I have to cite my sources, but what if I was omnipotent?
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dogtorari · 1 year
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Making aspirin with my bestie Tina! We graduate soon and I’m so excited 💕🥰
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postmarq · 8 months
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Marquette University students race to find their shoes at the Biomedical Sciences (BISC) Bash at Eckstein Common.
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The Main Trouble of Humanity is Misunderstanding of the Principles of Biological Systems Regulation and their Evolutionary Development
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According to thermodynamics, to control a biological system, no matter what system it is - microbes, plants or animals (including human society), two conditions must be met. a) It is necessary to study and understand the features of internal regulation of this system. And having understood that: b) Create most favorable conditions for its self-development. Do not force the system to change in the direction desired by certain individual, but to promote self-development, creating conditions required for that. Unfortunately, this principle is most often not taken into account and not observed by the human. After all, to do it correctly, one needs to think carefully, instead of destroying everything around and showing his coolness. And which is most important, prevent violation of the objective laws of nature, which sooner or later would end with environmental disasters. In this regard, the slogan “human is the ruler of nature” should be considered the most harmful and strongly propagated by the authority’s thesis. This opinion arose under the influence of certain achievements of the human in the creation of highly productive plant varieties [1]. We should note that humans immediately absolutize every achievement, even minor, but a new one. When formation of ATP under the influence of light was discovered, it was immediately declared that the main regulation mechanism is ATP deficiency. After discovery of the regulatory involvement of cell membranes, everything was explained by a change in membrane permeability. They discovered genetic codes and genetics became the main thing in all the regulations. During the Lysenko period in Russia, genetics was suppressed, but then it returned to normal. But now the role of genes is being absolutized. And their role as an executive mechanism for the accumulation of information has become dominant, and even more important than metabolism itself. But humans’ actions change a lot without understanding the consequences. Selecting plants with large fruits, people did not see what was happening with a root system that was outside their field of vision [2]. As a result, all cultivated plants have a root system 2-3 times smaller than that of their evolutionary predecessors. The consequences of that were tragic. A small root system provided an increased yield only with sufficient moisture and a high concentration of minerals in the soil. This promoted hydroponics. In such conditions, the use of mineral fertilizers has intensified with a simultaneous increase of plants quantity per unit of sown area (hectare). There was even an idea of “PROGRAMMING THE HARVEST”. Its principle is as follows. If you want to get a high yield, add the appropriate amount of minerals to the soil. In Europe, where soil fertility is insufficient and humidity is high, the role of mineral fertilizers has especially increased. While teaching economics and ANALYSIS of economic activity to students in the 1960s, I proudly told the students that in Holland they apply 1 ton of mineral fertilizers per hectare, whiler we (in Russia) are only 60-100kg / ha. At that time, students were told about the small root system of cultivated plants, that the plant does not need a large root size, since we give it all the necessary resources (water and minerals). And then we get a high yield.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/the-main-trouble-of-humanity-is-misunderstanding-of-the-principles-of-biological-systems-regulation-and-their-evolutionary-development.ID.000143.php
Read more Lupine publishers Goggle Scholar Articles:https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=X4tPijcAAAAJ&citation_for_view=X4tPijcAAAAJ:dfsIfKJdRG4C
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getting ready to go back to school after thanksgiving break - or any break really - has always been a struggle. i do not take adjustment or change in stride, even if i have only been away for one week. it is friday currently, and i go back to my town tomorrow. i am very nervous to start again. there are many projects and many exams coming up.
i knew before i started that this journey wasn't going to be an easy one. and i won't give up. but i question why i am doing this, and i am only two months in to the process, which will take around five years.
what was the original dream? is it worth it?
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maeo-0 · 1 year
i have a test thursday, and so much stuff i need to study :,D but.. at least it is interesting! hopefully i'll be able to do everything in time
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Iris Publishers- CellSonic Cures Covid-19 in Ten Minutes
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A lady in her forties twice tested positive for covid-19 and lost her sense of taste. She was given a treatment with a CellSonic VIPP machine for a few minutes and tested negative. Two days later she still tested negative.
Background: In March 2020 I wrote the protocol for stopping covid-19 with CellSonic based on the disinfective power of the machine that has been known for twenty years. The covid pandemic became government property in all countries and our proposal that non-invasive, drug fee biophysics with no known side effects was ignored by the bureaucrats panicking to find a solution to the deadly virus. It was only when the operator of a CellSonic machine in England was able to treat a friend on Tuesday, 29th June 2021 that we got the report three days later of the lady’s cure of the infection.
Recommendations: Those testing positive should be given a CellSonic treatment to kill the virus. In England there are testing stations set up in tents in car parks where CellSonic machines could be placed to be operated by nurses. One machine could treat five patients an hour. As with all disease, the sooner the treatment after diagnosis, the quicker and better the healing. Governments would save an enormous amount of money.
Covid-19 Protocol with CellSonic VIPP
The patient will be treated from front and back and it does not matter which side is done first. The membrane of the shock head of the CellSonic machine is to be covered in ultrasound gel and the same gel applied to the body where the doctor or nurse will aim at the lungs. This is important because a pressure wave will travel from the shock head, through the gel and through the body to the lungs. The gel behaves like water and bridges the gap between the machine and the body. Set the energy level to 5 and the number of shocks (also called pulses) to 300. Aim at the lungs. Understand that the lungs are encased in the rib cage so the pulses can only penetrate through the gaps between the ribs. Angle the head one way and then another to catch the covid-19 virus in the lungs. The pressure will kill the virus. We know from many years of wound healing that all infections, be they virus, bacteria or parasites are killed by the pressure pulses. No drugs are used so there will be no side effects.
We also know from curing lung cancer that we do not damage the lungs. Nor is the heart damaged providing care is taken. When the heart is in the line of fire, so to speak, give only 50 pulses and pause a minute or two to let the patient’s heart maintain its own rhythm. Very likely the patient will be gasping for breath with their heart beating fast. Immediately the pulses hit the virus it is killed. The immune system will sense the change and within an hour the patient should display a sense of relief. But this may not be enough. There could be more viruses hiding in places that were missed in the first attack so give a second treatment three hours later. Viruses left alive will multiply.
Delivering 300 pulses into the lungs from the front and 300 from the back should be enough in one session. In one day, the patient could be given three sessions of treatments. If the patient feels sore in the throat indicating that the virus is lurking there, treat the throat from the front by aiming through the neck where gel has been applied. Pulses that hit the spinal column will not harm. We aim at the spine as a standard treatment for severed spinal cord and cancer bone marrow. No special diet is required other than not allowing alcohol, smoking or narcotics. A sedative may help the patient relax. This is biophysics, not biochemistry. CellSonic kills virus, bacteria and parasite including all mutant variations so it is future proof. There are no side effects. All drugs have side effects.
Additional Notes for Treatment of Covid Patients in India with the Cellsonic VIPP Machine
Until there is a vaccine, the only way to prevent covid-19 infection is to avoid it by keeping away from other people. For most, this is impossible and as the virus is very contagious it will spread rapidly. Worse than that, there is a lag of days between infection and showing symptoms. This affects the protocols for treatment. In a group or family, if one person is known to be infected, assume all are infected and treat them all. Do not wait until each one is suffering badly. The virus will first affect the throat. The first signs can be loss of smell and taste, then comes the rise in temperature and coughing. You must treat the throat. Apply ultrasound gel to the person’s throat and give 200 pulses from the front and the sides moving the shock head all the time to aim in at different angles. Even if the person says they feel alright, you must treat them if they were close to others who are certainly infected. Catch the virus in the throat and kill it before it travels to the lungs and beyond. If the person is lucky to not be affected, the treatment will do no harm.
The virus is covered by fat that can be attacked by warm, soapy water. This is more effective than and costs less than disinfectant. Where possible, if patients are queueing for treatments, arrange for them to have a warm shower with lots of soap whilst they wait. The virus could be on the skin, in the hair and under finger nails. See that their nails are cut short, hands and feet. If the weather is warm, and India has something to be grateful for, the people can dry without rubbing with a towel to save contamination and cost of further washing. What about their clothes being contaminated? If you have the facilities and with some ingenuity you will find a way, wash the clothes as well.
The treatments can be done anywhere. The CellSonic machine only needs a 220 volts supply. If needs be, it could run off a battery but this is unlikely to be needed in towns and cities. There is no need for an operating theatre. The treatment is non-invasive so hygiene is not needed other than washing. All this could be outdoors saving you space and fuss. In fact, outdoors there are fewer surfaces to be contaminated. Allow ten minutes for the treatment of each throat. When up to speed, each person could be done in five minutes. Think of a production line. Treating early and too soon saves suffering and cost. It is not preventing infection but stopping it progressing if it is already present. If the person is not infected, good and it has only cost five minutes and they are now clean.
If the patient is suffering badly, the treatment will take longer. Very likely the infection is in the lungs. Treat according to the protocol. Where else is there pain? Treat those places. If there is no infection, no harm because there are no side effects with CellSonic. You are not playing with drugs. CellSonic is known to repair kidney failure, heal the liver, reverse diabetes, get the Islets Langerhans working again and even heal severed spinal cord. CellSonic is the best tool you could have for multi-organ failure. There is a lot of advice being given on diet for covid patients. A common theme is that foods containing zinc are beneficial. Not being in India, I am loath to advise so please check out what is available and see that zinc laden foods are offered. Whatever they are will cost less than drugs. A good doctor in Spain (Dr Jenkins at the Budwig Clinic) insists that injecting vitamin C is helpful. I don’t know so am only passing on to you what I am told.
Having treated a whole family or group, keep them together, isolated from other groups. The policy is isolate and eliminate. The therapist doing the treatment must be dressed in protective clothing. Be sure it is the ultimate. In the warmth of India, it will be arduous. Try to switch the therapists every hour. The CellSonic machine can run continuously, a human can’t. If the protective clothing and masks can be washed, be sure they are washed. Just shaking them is not enough and, anyway, would scatter the virus around which is the last thing we want. The therapist should then have a warm, soapy shower including washing the hair. If it is a lady with long hair, all the more reason to wash the hair. This is not the time to think about normal routines. There is an invisible virus in a life and death battle with humans.
“If the weather allows, it is safer to do the treatments outdoors. You must avoid infection and outdoors is 18 times less likely to transmit infection than indoors.”
There are 50 vaccine projects running in the world today. Only a vaccine will stop the virus. A number of these vaccine projects will be successful, hopefully all of them. They will take short cuts and we shall know that they are safe before they are proven to work against the corona virus. At least they will allow some normality to return to this gregarious species we are.
When the virus is eliminated and life returns to normal, the CellSonic machines can start doing their normal jobs of curing cancer, healing non-healing wounds, repairing bones and nerves and treating pain without drugs. Cancer kills more people than covid-19 and will always be with us. Only CellSonic works. It is an electrical fault so biochemistry is useless. It takes biophysics and that is what CellSonic is. It is not magic. It is science.
Conflicts of Interest
No conflicts of interest.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 6 months
Welcome to me trying to convince myself to revise for my exams by inserting my lecture material into six of crows quotes
Kaz leaned back. “What’s the easiest way to determine a gene’s function?”
“Knock it out?” asked Inej.
“Modify it?” said Jesper.
“Molecular tools?” suggested Nina.
“You’re all horrible,” said Matthias.
Kaz rolled his eyes. “The easiest way to discover a gene’s function is infect it with a virus. You change its behaviour and you can compare it to what it used to do. The Rous virus is going to do that job for us,”
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[March, 2023] culture stains & snow days
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stuckinapril · 3 months
Maybe I’m biased bc I’m a pre-med w a biochemistry degree but I really do recommend Richard Harris’s Rigor Mortis to anyone who’s even remotely interested in biomedical research / the progress in that field
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mindblowingscience · 2 months
Amputees’ hopes to experience the feeling of human touch using their prosthetics are becoming closer to reality. Now, new technology is allowing them to feel temperature—even in limbs that are no longer part of their bodies. For the first time, a functional artificial limb has been fitted with fingertip sensors that allow an ordinary prosthetic hand to sense and respond to temperature just as a living hand does. The device provides a realistic sense of hot and cold in the missing “phantom” hand by delivering thermal information to nerve areas on the amputee’s residual limb that the brain believes are still connected to the missing hand. The MiniTouch, described in a study published Friday in Med, was created with affordable off-the-shelf electronics, requires no surgery and can be fitted to existing commercial prosthetic hands in a matter of hours.
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mattgrayyes · 1 month
I can't remember when I last spend a whole day going wow like this, the research has got so much further than I'd have expected!
Matt Gray is Trying: Biomedical Research
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elenstudiesbiomed · 1 month
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Final semester before graduation… Amazing how time flies ⏳
My internship at the hospital starts next week and I couldn’t be more excited 🥼🤩
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Sepsis Due to Co-Infection with Human Papillomavirus and Acinetobacter Schindleri after Surgery for Uterine Fibroids
A 33-year-old woman underwent a physical examination at the Department of Gynecology and was found to have uterine fibroids. She was admitted for laparoscopic removal of the uterine fibroids under general anesthesia. During the operation, there was a small amount of dark red ascites in the pelvic cavity, a part of the intestine was densely adhered to the right pelvic wall, and the uterus was enlarged to the size of 10 weeks gestation, with an uneven surface. There was a fibroid tumor measuring approximately 7 × 8 × 8 cm on the posterior wall of the uterus, which was hard with clear boundaries. Two vesicular clear-fluid cysts with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm were seen on each fallopian tube. Due to the large posterior wall myoma and difficulty in suturing, the patient was considered barren; hence, abdominal myomectomy and pelvic adhesiolysis were selected, followed by indwelling catheterization. On the first day after surgery, the patient felt cold and was shivering, with a temperature of 38.5°C and lower abdominal pain. There was no sign of infection in the abdominal incision. When the indwelling catheter was removed, there was no urethral inflammation observed and the patient was able to urinate without difficulty. Blood was immediately drawn for culture and biochemical tests, which revealed low levels of sodium, calcium, and magnesium, and abnormal coagulation function. The level of original calcitonin was normal. The blood culture was positive after 15.3 hours in a nutrient solution for gram-negative bacilli. A diagnosis of sepsis was made based on the clinical features and laboratory values. Gram staining revealed short Gram-negative bacilli (Figure 1A). The blood culture plate showed gray and white colonies with good growth (Figure 1B). The chocolate culture plate showed poor growth (Figure 1C), while the MacConkey plate did not show any organism growth. (Figure 1D).
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/sepsis-due-to-co-infection-with-human-papillomavirus-and-acinetobacter-schindleri-after-surgery-for-uterine-fibroids.ID.000142.php
Read more Lupine publishers Goggle Scholar Articles: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=X4tPijcAAAAJ&citation_for_view=X4tPijcAAAAJ:4OULZ7Gr8RgC
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melonnade · 7 months
Had a really long talk with my roommate about this & we came to opposite conclusions. What do you guys think?
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