Part 3 - Chapter 46 - Do's and Don'ts
Blank Canvas Part 3
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Yellow! We're back! :D Kamino is over and All Might and Izuku are off to the hospital. Now we're going to check in with the other side of things going back to the rescue kiddos. Got some scolding going down. Oof.
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End notes for the chapter are under the line.
And some nice fluff to lessen the scolding. Originally when I was letting the story just flow I had Aizawa and Hitoshi going back home to Yamada and the cats. They had their heart to heart in their home and actually sat down to a dinner together. And it was just so perfect and sweet and I loved it...then I started rereading the next chapter and was hit that I had Present Mic go with Izuku to the hospital. Oh I was so mad at myself! XD But this was an acceptable change while adhering to what I had already written. So yeah, a poor excuse for a first family dinner but oddly more sweet. To me at least. ^___^
At least it gives Hitoshi some relief even though he's still worried about Izuku. Of course Shouto is too. Do I hear confessions coming up soon? ;) We'll see!
So...Aizawa knows about Dad For One but is still going to check his facts. Of course the Freakateers have his back and Katsuki is all 'fuck Hisashi'. And Kirishima has his back and as a reminder they did meet before UA in BC all the way back in part 1 chapter 15. Man it's been a hot minute. A tiny bit of hesitation from Iida and Yaoyorozu but they still support Izuku. He's gonna need it.
Anyway, I had fun exploring how I would think Aizawa would have reacted to the rescue kiddos. The scolding they got in canon didn't seem like enough as well as took too long. They didn't even get taken for questioning when they gave Bakugou to the authorities or at least as far as we know. While with Hosu they were questioned. Idk, it just seemed weird and was probably for plop reasons to move on.
Some family moments. Growth for the Bakugous!! :D Shouto feeling bad upon seeing his sister! And Hitoshi finally realizes just how much his foster parents love him! Again not has homely as I had wanted but it's still fluffy and sweet.
I would like to ask for ideas for nicknames. Like what could Hitoshi call Aizawa and Yamada. And vice versa what could they call him. Just fun family nicknames really. Might be fun to change them up. I'm open to any ideas. Fluffy, snarky, teasing, whatever. Please and thank you! ^____^
That's it for now! Oh and I have figured out the end for part 3. Looking around 51 chapters of content and then eventually 52 with an author's note announcing the official start of part 4. With my usual hiatus to build up buffer chapters. So we are moving! Oh and don't worry TodoDeku fans, I've got a very nice fluff moment for them coming up before part 3 is over. ;) But what it is I won't say! mine is an evil laugh now die of anticipation! >:D Next up is back to Izuku and the heroes and him are going to have a 'talk'. Hang in there, green bean! Alrighty, bye bye!
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Part 3 - Chapter 48 - Turning Point
Blank Canvas Part 3
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Greetings, dear readers! It's update time again. :) My room is looking much more like a room with only a handful of boxes left. I even got this fun little planter thing I bought in Japan going so we'll have to see if the mint actually grows. Either way it's a cute frog design that sticks it's tongue out to collect water. Peropon animal planters I think it's called.
Here it is, folks. Will the heroes help him or kick him to the curb? Also Izuku gets not one but two surprise visitors! :D You'll see. ^___^
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Of course they're going to love and support him! I give Izuku enough grief with the drama I dump on him. No need to leave him hanging by himself. I'm not that cruel. Though he still doubts because finding out your father is a supervillain can do serious damage to your self esteem on top of a scarring childhood. Thankfully the competent adults refuse to give up on him. ;)
Izuku has a quirk? Whaaaaa? Wonder what that could be?
Hawks has appeared! :D I had thought of including him in the raid but with how they were keeping it secret, I felt there had to be some limitations to the team. Present Mic I was able to sneak in but I didn't really see a way to get Hawks in there. There probably was but I just didn't. However I did want him to meet Izuku earlier than canon! He has already been introduced to the Midoriyas so it was high time for him to formerly do so with Izuku. Also I love big bro Hawks in fics.
CHIZOME IS BACK! At least briefly. Honestly this was actually earlier than I thought it would be. I have other ideas of when they could meet. I'm going to have so much fun with consultant Chizome. Still playing around with what his new outfit would be. Or what his new moniker is going to be. Ideas are welcome as always!
Sh-sh-shout out to ashosconv who predicted Aizawa thanking Chizome for supporting Izuku! I couldn't help but giggle at the comment because I had planned for that to happen. ;) One dad appreciating another dad's support.
Hope you enjoyed that tearful but happy reunion. I do have fluff coming up but not quite yet. Up next we learn more about Izuku's mysterious quirk with a side of bashing. Until then see ya!
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Part 3 - Chapter 47 - Limbo
Blank Canvas Part 3
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Heyo! Sorry for the delay. I was right in the middle of moving houses and transferring to a different store so I had no time to post last week. I also bought a new mattress that I had to get set up on Tuesday last week on top of everything else. So I was a teeny tiny bit busy. ^___^ Like I've been literally living out of boxes in an almost empty house surrounded by dust bunnies. Only the sound of the show on my laptop and the owls out back for company. -plays the worlds smallest violin for myself- Anyway! Update time is now!
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End notes for the chapter are under the line.
What's going to happen to you indeed. Will the heroes help him or throw him to the wind? We'll find out next time! ^_____^ Oh and if anyone was expecting a reunion with Hitoshi this chapter, sorry to disappoint but we had to get the tough stuff over with before the fluff. And Izuku was still being processed and needed the talk with the authorities first. So yeah, Hitoshi was at the hospital but won't meet up again with Izuku until later.
Condolences to Izuku's hand. It'll be a tough journey but he's still going to try his best going forward. Also me being me, I have plans. ;) And the physical therapy should help judging from my own experience of pt since I messed up my knee. I saw some people in for their hands after surgery and I don’t know much what would be recommended but I’ll do some research and see what I find. But pt does help! I learned some good exercises and tricks to help with my own recovery. So if you ever get injured like me or get surgery def do the pt after.
All the comforting physical support! :D Aizawa figured that out ages ago and Nezu has too. I have read some fics where Nezu was against physical touch due to his years of experimentation. Which valid if it was forced upon him but I'm more going with the animal instincts to comfort those in their pack of sorts. Honestly all of Izuku's mentors have already mentally adopted Izuku anyway so to me they are all a big unofficial family.
So what will happen to Izuku? You'll find out next chapter! Again thank you for the patience. I'm now moved into the new house and officially transferred to the new store. And I am typing this while on my brand new fancy mattress. Now all I gotta do is unpack the gazillion boxes in my room. Yay moving. :P Alrighty. I shall leave y'all with this until next time. Byeee!
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Heyo, just a heads up.
Tomorrow would be when I would update but I'm in the middle of moving houses and transferring to a different store so I won't have the time to post this week. Maybe next week some time but not now.
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Part 3 - Chapter 43 - Kamino: And Your Enemies Closer
Blank Canvas Part 3
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Happy new year, dear readers! Hope everyone had a happy start to 2024! We're starting off getting into the thick of the Kamino fight. Stay strong, All Might!
There were some mixed reviews for last update's gifted chapter. Bottom line is that you can't please everyone. And to be honest, I'm writing this to mostly please myself and to let my brain process the story. I like to see the story through various characters' eyes. Might not be everyone's cup of tea but my method has been more or less the same since the beginning. Not everything is going to be up to reader standards but I write how I write. I'm not a professional and just doing what feels right for me and any editing being saved until I find an end. Mostly for my own sanity and to not get burnt out so I actually finish this. If I can figure out a way. Hopefully, we'll see. That's future me's problem. Just one update at a time. And as for how the plot happens, I have my reasons for things going a certain way that will be revealed as to why at a later time. Also one last thing, just want to point out I said this would be a slow burn from the very beginning and we are three parts in so...if that's not your thing that's fine. Just know that BC has always been at a simmer until the times come to turn up the heat.
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Uh oh! All For One is still standing and Small Might has been revealed. And Izuku is stuck in the middle. Sorry, green bean, but I got reasons to keep you in the thick of it as does your dearest dad. At least Gran Torino has got his back! And even Mei and Momo do their part to help!
Sadly the League got away but Izuku was saved at least. Though poor Shiggy is going to miss his brother. However, Izuku isn't out of the woods yet as the fight continues.
Sh-sh-shout out to Flaming Skeleton Supreme Synpai on the discord for discussing Search with me. I had thoughts of if Search only tracked quirks and potentially it not working on Izuku quirkless. The anime has them shown as dots of light to represent people/quirks and canonly OFA is brighter having more quirks collected together. So then it could stand that someone quirkless could be dimmer than someone quirked.
So watching through the fight to write this part, I noticed something about All For One. Well two observations really. One is that he typically keeps his hands open which I would figure is a habit to be able to use his quirk at any time. But he also seems to use his left hand a lot in leading up to an attack. Makes me think he's either left handed or ambidextrous though I could so totes be wrong.
Oh and thanks to who ever gave the suggestion of calling All For One a ballsack-faced bastard. Don't remember who but I had to use it. XD
That's it for this update! The fight continues next chapter. Will the heroes win or will the villains? We shall see! Tata!
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Part 3 - Chapter 40 - Line Them Up...
Blank Canvas Part 3
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Salutations, dear readers! It's official. Kamino has begun. Still in the setup but it's happenin', captain. ;) Let's go!!
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The dominos are being set! Every piece put into place. This is their design.
Izuku got his knife back! It had to happen, right? And I just can't help with Toga being all over Izuku. Touch starved and all that on top of Izuku not hating her for her quirk. Friendsies! -not a word but who cares!-
More of the press conference and I'm sorry, Izuku, truly I am. But my brain is cruel and demands drama. Also give Shiggy some fuel to back his offer. He really really wants Izuku to join them.
Things are tense in the rescue kiddo group. Hitoshi and Tenya are still butting heads in a clash of personalities. They're friends but still. Like Mei said, now is not the time and to focus. Though that's gonna be hard with noumu in the mix now. Stay safe, ya crazy kids!
That's it for now. Get ready for us to get into it next chapter. Dominos are going to start falling. ;) Anyone up for pizza? -not intended as a pun because canon shenanigans but my brain went 'yeah'- Alrighty. I had a nice three day weekend off and now it's back to Christmas time retail madness. A glittery mess that Aoyama would both love and hate. -whines...i don't wanna!!!- Okay, I'll stop. Byee!!
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Part 3 - Chapter 49 - Can Of Worms
Blank Canvas Part 3
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And we're back! Izuku's gotten through the tougher subjects out of the way but he isn't done yet. Because I can't hold back and add too much. Thanks, brain. Anywho, we're continuing on with the aftermath of Kamino.
Please keep in mind I have no idea how hospitals work. :P
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Confirmation that Izuku does indeed have One For All. Though to be honest I wasn't trying to be subtle with that but I did want to see if anyone would catch the transfer moment. Usually I read that there's either a big obvious moment like in canon with the hair or if it's a forced moment it's in All Might's pov and he has purpose behind it. But with BC I was in Izuku's pov and he wouldn't know about how OFA transfers. Nor would any signs show right away because he has to digest whatever DNA he was given. So a delayed reveal. Sorry, Izuku.
The vestiges have made an appearance! Honestly they, specifically Yoichi, are why I wanted Izuku to have OFA even if he didn't want it. I want him to meet his uncle. :3 So good call for those who thought of that too.
Some All Might bashing because it's deserved. Everyone agrees he's an idiot. And poor Izuku having this to deal with on top of everything else. Again, sorry, Izuku. :3 But Aizawa is 100% there for you! No one messes with his problem child.
That's it for this week. Next chapter we get some world views of the aftermath and then Izuku is reunited with class A. Words are exchanged and comforts are given. It will be well deserved after these two last chapters and all of Kamino. Until then see ya and buh-bye!
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Part 3 - Chapter 34 - The Devil Himself
Blank Canvas Part 3
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Happy Tuesday, dear readers! Welcome back to another chapter of BC! :D It's here, folks. Izuku gets to learn about his dad! Kekekeke. This should be fun. ;)
A little update of sorts concerning the discord. It's dead. People have come and gone because it is dead. Reason being is that I am such an introvert with no experience being on or running a discord. Honestly I really just wanted to write a story and I never expected BC to get so popular. I also don't have anyone in my day to day life to talk about BC or MHA in general so the discord has really helped with brainstorming ideas along with comments from you guys. Basically I've reached out on there to get some help and I've gotten some responses. If anything I wanted to ask here as well in case anyone who had left would maybe want to help so it's not so dead. If not no worries. Just wanted to ask. ^____^
Anywhoozlebee, let's get to the chapter! Enjoy the angst!
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DFO: I am your father. Izuku: -faints- X___X
By the way, this is actually only part 1 of my Dad For One reveal. ;P I had more than one idea that I liked and didn't want to part with them so yeah. This is the 'rip off the bandaid' approach. Yeah, worked out great Ass For One. Good job there, bud. Or should I say spud? :P
Got a glimpse on the hero side of things. Aizawa is worried about his kids and feeling guilty. Hitoshi just wants to help his best friend in the whole wide world. And now Momo has some deets to reveal while two peeps are snoopin'. What could go wrong? :)
A little interaction between Izuku and Kurogiri. He is quite the doting caregiver for a villain. ;) But he can't go against his master the poor guy. He'll do his best to protect Izuku though as he has been charged with. Sadly not from his father though, but orders are orders.
By the way, Baltimoresurvivor, you called it. I so totes did reference Star Wars for the reveal. I just had to. ^_____^
Like I said this is only the beginning of the Dad For One reveal. Honestly I just couldn't help myself but what else is new. :P Coming up, we actually get an update from Chizome! Yep, he's still here hiding in the background. Then we've got part 2 of the reveal. I hope you'll like it but for now I'll let you stew over this one. ;P Okie, bye bye!
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Blank Canvas: Heritage - Tokoyami’s Costume Redesign
Spoilers for chapter 6 of part three of BC! Not plot wise but still a change. :)
Here is Tokoyami’s new costume! :D
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The suit itself isn’t changed much. Just the shortening of the cape to a capelet as well as the shoulder guards and talon tipped gloves. Also pockets. Get these young Heroes pockets.
I did take inspiration from other people's redesigns and don’t claim any ideas as my own. 
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Part 3 - Chapter 33 - Status Quo
Blank Canvas Part 3
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Thank you for your patience! :D I had work today and had some last minute editing to do. Btw, I got off crutches after the last update and MRI showed nothing torn! So I did have just a really really big bruise. Got a few weeks of physical therapy and a follow up ortho appointment but it should be good from here! I knew I was a clutz but damn son. So not ever using that ladder ever again. :P
At the start, this is not the Dad For One reveal chapter. Just fyi in case there was any confusion. This is the final chapter leading up to that. That's right, folks, next chapter Izuku learns about his dad. His poor heart. :( (But the drama! :D)
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End notes for the chapter are under the line.
Oh no! Izuku's poor hand and All For One is pissed! Uh oh, Shiggy, you're in trouble!!
I have a particular plot reason for Izuku getting hurt like that. I had always planned for Shiggy to do it but it took me ages to figure out how exactly. Was it due to anger or an accident? Did he want to hurt Izuku or did it just happen? And why? But this seemed to fit the best for my version of Shiggy so here we are!
I hope you enjoyed the Mario Kart shenanigans! :D Thanks to Serif and Christina on the discord for the pairing ideas. I don’t really play Mario Kart a ton and had to research some things. I originally had Izuku have the Blooper but found it was statistically impossible to get above 4th place. But I also really wanted to use it because I thought it would be funny if Spinner lost that way. So I changed some things and figured this worked best. Just wanted to be silly. :P
Sadly Shiggy had to break up the fun and go around picking fights. Aftermath of that to come in the next couple chapters. ;) At least Izuku has some allies backing him!
That's all for now! :D Some fluff to cleanse you before next chapter. Because the count down is done. DFO reveal next time! We'll also get an update on the hero side of things which I'm sure people have been wondering about. You'll see. Alrighty! Stay safe out there and be sure to dismount ladders properly! See ya! ^____^
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Blank Canvas: Heritage - Shiozaki’s Costume Redesign
Spoiler for chapter 4 of part three of BC! Not plot wise but it is a change none the less. :)
Here is Shiozaki’s potential new costume! I say potential because I want to see what people think of the design. :)
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I know she seems more influenced by western religion but I thought it would be cool to associate her with more Japanese religion styles. A mix of influences from the outfits worn by shrine maidens and traditional archery clothing. Think Kikyo from Inuyasha.
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This is more of a proposed idea for Shiozaki, not a definite change as of now. Another idea would be going for a warrior nun look. There’s a show called that with some really interesting costume designs that I could take inspiration from. Depending on what people think of this one. :P
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Blank Canvas: Heritage - Kirishima’s Costume Redesign
Spoilers for chapter 4 of part three of BC! Not really plot wise but it is a change to the story. :)
Here is Kirishima’s new costume! :D
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Essentially let’s armor the rock boy up! Yes, he’s a human shield but if armor can save his stamina let’s protect the manly human boulder. Hope you like it! Keeping with the similar color scheme as canon. Mixes of dark red and black. I’ll let you decide how to your personal preferences. ^_____^
Also the polyurethane is mentioned in the notes before chapter 145 in volume 16!
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My first night in Tokyo!
Hey there! Jokeraddict0 here! I’m making this post for my MHA fanfic Blank Canvas, but I thought I would share some of my picture from my first night in Japan! A little fyi, I worked as an Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) in Japan through the JET Program for three years from 2016-2019. For my story itself, I like to use my experience to enrich the MHA universe with my personal knowledge of Japan such as of daily life and the school systems. This is one of those things! So here are some pictures of my first official night in Japan. Specifically Shinjuku! Enjoy!
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A sort of variety store with a lot of different products from groceries to clothes to technology accessories to nerdy collectables!
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Same shop though I have no idea why the sign looks darker. XD
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For those who can read katakana, we’ve got our first sighting of a karaoke place! :D Also lots of shop and restaurant signs.
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TOHO Cinema! Featuring...
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...the king of monsters himself! Godzilla!!
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Don’t forget the Robot Restaurant!
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Robots you can take pictures with on the outside! They even talk!
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So I don’t actually remember if this particular alley way was in Shinjuku or not. But there are so many that looked just like this hidden between all the other bright and busy streets.  Get yourself some yakitori and then a quick vending machine beverage!
That’s all I’ve got and I hoped you enjoyed them! The rest are mental pictures for me to enjoy on my own. ^___^ Thanks for looking!
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Blank Canvas: Heritage - Yaoyorozu’s Redesigned Costume
This is a post for part three of my Blank Canvas AU! Putting below the line because spoilers! View at your own discretion. ;)
Alright, dear readers! It’s costume redesign time. I’ve got a few that I’m doing and actually putting the effort into drawing for you as well as for me. First up is Yaoyorozu! :D Here she is, folks.
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Tada! More of a jumpsuit type deal instead of her leotard. The back is open for her to use and the front of her top as well as the sides of her lower pants can be unzipped for more exposure. The colors are essentially the same with the main suit and boots are red, the accent pin stripes are white, and the belt an buckles are yellow.
Her belt is different with less but bigger pockets for supplies like first aid, emergency snack packs for her, and possibly some premade materials. Some could even serve as storage for if she makes something like that tracking device during the training came and has two parts. 
Her books and bookshelf are replaced by mini computer wrist guards. With a screen that can flip open with a keyboard. I could have given her just one but if she has two, she has a backup in case something happens to the other. Just in case.
She also has protective gloves for her hands but they can come off easily in case she needs to makes something with her hands. I just want her to be more protected, okay? :P
Not pictured would be her having a premade staff and shield on her person. Seriously to make them new every time seems like such a waste of her energy. I think it would be better for her to just carry those and then make additional weapons and such.
Anyway, that’s my redesign for Yaoyorozu for BC. Hope you like it! ^____^
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Part 3 - Chapter 29 - Third Degree
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Alrighty! We are back on track. ^___^ I'm super excited to share this week's update. It's finally Dabi meets Izuku time!!! :D Hope you're ready for some big bro Dabi feels. ;) It's gonna be so much fun.
Oh, if you want a reminder of the BC version of the Todoroki family history, easiest would be Rei's pov from the first two chapters of part 2.
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End notes for the chapter are under the line.  
Finally Dabi and Izuku are good. Ugh, it was hurting me having to write him as upset with our favorite green bean. He's on your side, you burnt raisin! Not sure how this will impact future parts yet but I've got some ideas. Though that is far into the future so no need to worry about that yet.
For Izuku figuring it out so quickly, Shouto told him a little about his brother in chapter 20 of this part. And Izuku is a smarty and I thought the roots comment was funny. :P I dye my hair myself and roots always peek through eventually.
If Izuku switching calling Chizome by his name or by Stain, I have a reason for it. Because while Chizome and Stain are the same person, Izuku understands that Chizome sees them as to separate identifies. So he's done some things with the intentions of Stain and others as Chizome. I dunno. It's just how my brain worked it out.
I know people are looking forward to a big Aldera take down. I would like to do something but I'm still figuring out what exactly and how. As for when at least reserved for after part 3 ends. Too much for this part to cover and I think it would pair nicely with Endeavor getting some consequences. But again, still figuring things out. If anything, please don't except a super detailed thing? I guess? :3 I will try my best though as I always do.
I had a little fun with the whole Inko thing. It was just a random brainstorm I had and decided to use it. Doesn't really affect anything plot wise other than giving Touya more of a reason for documenting things at such a young age.
He's got the knife back! :D I can't have him losing something so precious. Or can I? >:) Kekeke. We'll see. Also Dabi is already shipping Izuku with his bro. And now he is more of an ally than before! Still figuring out how exactly going forward but Dabi is at least on Izuku's side in a way.
Okay! Now we're back on track. Next up is a peek into the Hero side with focus on the Yamazawa family. Then back to Izuku who wakes up to a surprise visitor. Who could it be? We'll find out next time! :D See ya!
Count down to Dad For One reveal: 4 chapters
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Part 3 - Chapter 28 - Abduction
Blank Canvas Part 3
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Up top, sorry for the delay! Ao3 was down when I would have updated last week and for real life, it worked better for me to postpone to now. That's life for ya. :3 And for today specifically I had work and had to wait to post until I got home.
The kidnapping is officially on! Time see how Izuku will react to the members of the League. We've got a little bit of backtracking in the beginning of the chapter.
There are a few pov changes in this chapter just as a heads up.
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Bum bum buuuuuum! Shiggy destroys all of Izuku's things and Katsuki is strapped to a chair. Not the best of circumstances surrounded by villains.
Got some mixed reactions from the League. Toga is just excited as always. More on her will be in a later chapter. ;) Dabi is Dabi which is going to be addressed next chapter. ;) ;) And Spinner gets a good talking to and I have future pov planned for him too. I'm not covering every League member just because there was no reason plot wise, but those ones will be getting a closer look.
I'm just going to say while crazy manic Shiggy is fun, I love me some soft Shiggy as well. He didn't chose this life and was raised in it because of All For One. Either way, we'll have to see if he actually gives Izuku time to think.
Chisaki is not at all happy with the League. Still figuring out how that is going to affect the plot but that's mostly for part 4. We also got MLA activities in the background. Now I know not all of the MLA thinks like ReDestro but this is my understanding of his character and his plans and ambitions for the future.
That's all for this time. Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Next up is all Dabi. ;) To compensate for the down time and delay, I'm planning on posting next week as well to get us back on track update wise. That and I don't want to wait two weeks to post the next chapter. The misunderstanding between Dabi and Izuku has been burning a hole in my chapter buffer for awhile now. Gotta convince the human raisin he has no actual beef with the green bean. Alrighty, bye bye until next time!
Count down to Dad For One reveal: 5 chapters
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