#blue roses magic knight
missazune · 1 year
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Charlotte Roselei || BLACK CLOVER
i’m back!! now that i’m a bit free from work, i can finally draw more
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daffodilsinspring · 2 years
BLACK BULLS - 'Born for This' by The Score
SILVER EAGLES - 'What's up Danger' by Black Caviar and Blackway
AZURE DEER - 'Made for This' by the Phantoms
CRIMSON LIONS - 'Believer' by Imagine Dragons
BLUE ROSES - 'Trouble' by Valerie Broussard
CORAL PEACOCKS - 'Runnin' by Adam Lambert
GOLDEN DAWN - 'Immortals' by Fall Out Boy
GREEN MANTIS - 'Heroes' by Zayde Wolf
PURPLE ORCAS - 'Street Fight' by Adam Jensen
Magic Knight Squads -
'Centuries' by Fall Out Boy
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aroarachnid · 3 months
"but if it were me, I'd really wanna be, a giant woman"
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stevens relationship with gender is so fascinating to me. his entire diamond days arc is a clear trans allegory, but more specifically reads as a transmasc allegory, what with everyone reffering to him as "rose" or "pink" and feminine terms despite his repeated insistence that he is *steven*. and yet he never actually corrects anyone when they use she/her. he only corrects his name. this was pointed out in the tags of that one post youve probably seen:
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this post doesnt show it, but steven is delighted when blue said this. obviously you can read this as steven being glad that shes making an effort, even if incorrect, and is just choosing to let the wrong pronouns slide. but its never explicitly stated. and like i said, he never corrects she/her, he only corrects his name. although it is interesting that, by the time the movie rolls around, the diamonds have switched to he/him.
its also interesting to mention how excited he was to put on pink diamonds outfit, and also how quickly he took it off once he got the chance.
of course stevens relationship with his mother and his identity issues are going to play a big part in how he percieves his gender, given that for a large chunk of the show he actually belived they were the same person, at least to some extent. ("im my mom and my sister?! what kind of magical destiny is this?!). how would you define your "agab" when half your family is telling you that you are a centuries old alien called rose/pink who has no sex and used she/her? not to mention all of the various gender identities and pronouns his fusions have.
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thats not even getting started on how the gems percieve gender, which is to say, they generally don't. gems are sexless beings and their society has no concept of gender, although after spending a long time on earth im sure the crystal gems have a better understanding (i actually could talk about the gems relation to human gender a lot more but ill save that for another time). for steven, a child raised by gems for a good chunk of his childhood- who use feminine terms as a default-i can see how that would lead to some interesting perceptions on gender presentation.
thats not even getting into stevens gender noncomformity. and while gender presentation doesnt necessarily have anything to do with your gender identity, its interesting to note and i just think its really cool that a male protagonist is so unapologetically feminine
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also i could talk for days about connie and stevens knight/princess dynamic, and how it parallels pearl and roses, but in a healthier way that nips the whole "obssesive self sacrifice" thing in the (rose) bud as soon as steven notices it. but then id have to talk about pearl and then wed be here all day lol
so yeah, stevens relationship with gender fascinates me. I mean, does the concept of "cisgender" even apply in the way we usually mean it to, given stevens unique experiences?
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hopelessromantic5 · 3 months
King Arthur happens to be traveling through Ealdor the exact day the citizens decide they’ve had enough of Merlin.
Labeling him too dangerous, they tied him up on the pyre in the center of town.
As long as Merlin had been alive, he’d never seen this pyre lit.
He would’ve just gotten himself out of this situation with his ‘gifts’ if it weren’t for his poor mother.
The villagers would never let her live in peace if he magically disappeared.
No, this was the only way she could go on living, even with a broken heart.
He didn’t fight. He didn’t really hear much of what they spit at him. But he could hear his mother wailing at him, to save himself, to do whatever he must do.
He’d resigned himself to an early death.
Tom, the town representative, started spewing some righteous words at him. New Religion words that didn’t quite make sense to him, but that’s to be expected. He is, himself, a creature of the old religion, if prophecy is to be trusted.
“Do you have anything to say for yourself, serpent?”
Merlin opened his mouth to tell his mother that he loved her, but he stopped short.
In the distance, he could hear a sound.
The beating of hooves on hard, cold dirt.
Visitors were approaching.
It must be fate, he thinks.
As the horses drew closer, the villagers slowly turned their attentions away from him.
Merlin simply hung his head, letting the Earth he loved so dearly decide which way his life would swing.
“What is the meaning of this?”
A calm, steady voice came from behind him. Deep and concerned. Merlin wished he could see the man.
“My lord,” Tom bowed, as well as he could, which was strange.
Upon realization, Merlin’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head, were these visitors noble? They never had nobility stay long enough to make comments on anything, only ever just passing through.
“I asked you a question.” The voice said again, with all the authority of someone who’s used to using it.
“This man is a sorcerer, sire. We were just-“
“What has he done?”
“What has this man done to call for these extreme measures?” When no one answered him immediately, he rephrased.
“Surely there must’ve been a crime committed?” As if it’s a question.
Merlin’s mother pulled herself out of shock and brought herself forth.
“He did nothing, sire.” She spoke firm and unmoving. She must’ve seen hope in this man that Merlin had yet to lay eyes on. “He’s only ever used it for healing wounds and helping our gardens in the winter. Please have mercy on him, my lord. He is my only son.” Tears started falling as her voice broke. She finally met Merlin’s eyes again and he smiled at her, weakly.
“So this man-“
“Sorcerer.” Corrected Tom. What a dick.
“This man, did nothing but heal you and help you survive and this is how you repay him?”
Again no answer.
The man seemed to gesture at Tom, walking towards the town elder, and bringing him finally into Merlin’s line of sight.
The doomed boy nearly gasped.
Silver and red bled together in the sun, armor and finery melded like roses in white sand.
The man-the lord…the knight? He had golden blonde hair, that shone like it’s own light.
Blue eyes made even more obvious and striking surrounded by unblemished, sun-kissed skin.
“You seem to be leading the horde. Tell me why?” No, answer. “Cut him down.” A command. The stranger’s face was a hard, blank line.
Funny how, even then, he didn’t feel like a stranger. But Merlin was in no state to remember it.
“My lord, I do not think that would be wise. Your father was the one to wage war on magic-“
“I am not my father. Cut him down.”
Merlin swallowed. Uther Pendragon was the only person in his mind that waged the war on magic, that began the purge. Which means this man could only be his son, Prince Arthur.
What a prince he was.
Well, King, now.
No wonder every person in the vicinity practically dropped to their knees upon his arrival. They’d all heard stories of ‘The Just King’ that now reigned over Camelot. Giving whatever he could to his citizens that needed it most, never turning anyone away who seeks shelter. Merlin had heard the same as everyone else. Seeing the King in person now, he was in awe.
“I will not endanger the lives of all who live here.” Tom turns back to Merlin with the lit torch.
Merlin held his breath, but the second Tom turned away from him, the King pulled his sword. It made the loveliest sound as it left the sheath.
The sound of salvation.
Tom had the tip of a majestic blade directed right at his throat, as the King spoke again.
“I said, cut him down.”
The look on the King’s face was one that could kill.
Merlin wondered momentarily why he cared so much.
Finally someone from the crowd stepped forward with a knife and began to cut away Merlin’s ties.
Hunith leapt forward and engulfed her son in a hug, while also somewhat holding his body upright.
He did not want to let go, considering he thought he would never get to hug his mother again. But the entire village was watching them.
As was-
“What is your name?”
It was phrased as a question but spoken like a command. Merlin knew it was directed at him without opening his eyes.
He did, reluctantly, release his mother and turn to the golden King, facing deep blue eyes head on. Never cowering.
The King must’ve seen something in him. Something every other person was blind to or chose to ignore, simply because he was a peasant. He took a step closer and Merlin could hear the tiny tink of metal pieces on his shining armor, as he did so.
“Well, Merlin.” He said, as if trying it out for himself. “Seeing as I’ve just given you your life, I’d like to ask a favor.”
Merlin’s curiosity was peaked, to say the least. King’s didn’t ask favors, they took whatever they wanted.
King Arthur did not wait for a reply to continue.
“I’m in need of assistance. And I could use someone with a gift like yours, specifically.”
Merlin narrowed his eyes in minuscule doubt. Doubt of intentions, doubt of his safety.
The King somehow knowing his exact thoughts said
“Of course you would be permitted to come back when you are needed. And when I have accomplished my goal, if you wish, you can leave. I will not keep anyone against their will. I am simply offering.” A small smile played on his mouth. Flush pink lips. He also held up his hands as if to say ‘I will not harm you’.
Merlin’s gut told him to follow this man.
Terrifyingly, his intuition told him to follow this man, practically a stranger, anywhere. Everywhere.
Merlin felt a pull he’s never felt before. In the moment, he assumed it was immense gratitude for saving his life.
Merlin turned to meet his mothers eyes, he already knew what she was going to tell him.
“I think it will be good for you. To get out for a while.” She smiles softly.
“Will you be alright?” He whispered, glancing at the crowd still gathered around an unlit pyre.
“I’ll be fine.” She grabbed him in a bear hug, like she always did. “And if they boot me out, I’ll come find you.”
Merlin sighed into her shoulder.
When Merlin turned back, the King had turned his eyes to the ground, giving mother and son a moment of privacy.
Merlin was starting to warm to him already.
“Can I pack first?”
King Arthur met his gaze then, doing that half smile thing, again.
“I suppose.” He nodded. “But don’t dawdle we need to move if we want to make it back before sundown.”
“Yes, sire.” The title which usually held reverence and respect, was laced with sarcasm. He didn’t seem to think twice, as he strode away towards their hut to gather his things.
If Merlin had looked back, he would’ve found a fully beaming King looking after him and about six knights with faces of complete shock.
And perhaps, one knowing mother.
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icanseethefuture333 · 4 months
What blessings are coming for you in 2024?
collab with @sunkissedchld 💛
Please go check out her post here!
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Pile 1:
Shufflemancy -
Half Full by JGrrey
Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
I by Jaden
Signs: 818, silver, wires, blue, green, white, ocean, the sun, blue daisies, braided hair or material, mandalas, wall tapestries, old keys, doors being locked, mirrors, rosaries, crosses, anointing oil, Poseidon, Percy Jackson, Yemaya, honey biscuits, & beignets
Service, Change, Mirror, Heart With A Key, The Sword & Rose, & Liberator
For 2024, pile 1, I see that there is going to be some big changes! "Out with the old, in with the new". In 2023, you could have paid a big service to others by helping them with their needs, which led to putting everyone else above your own personal goals. Helping others can be a good thing but it is alright to be "selfish" at times! I feel that you think if you do good by others you will attract good karma into your life or the universe will magically bless you for your good deeds, when that's not how it works. If you wish for change, you have to be the change you seek. For 2024, you should focus on your self concept and understanding how the 3D works. The 3D reality is your external world, it will reflect back to your most inner prominent thoughts. You have the key to manifest your best potential. Harness your skills and work on improving them. Be careful with your triggers as well. The universe will test you along your journey. So you may experience things that are an inconvenience or attract things you may not necessarily "want". For example, if you are manifesting wealth in 2024, but keep having issues with your finances. Instead of reacting to this and having thoughts or complaints that you're "broke". Release the fears that you have regarding abundance. If you are manifesting money but only receive a $20 dollar bill, be grateful for that $20 dollar bill, for someone else may not even have cash at all. Think of it as a small start to success. You have to liberate yourself from limiting beliefs and see the prosperity that surrounds you and that it is also given to you. If you are someone who sees things as "glass half empty", your perspective will change graciously and the blessings in 2024 will teach you how to see with a "glass half full". The new year will provide you with inner peace and clarity within yourself. You will also be divinely guided and protected during this time!
Pile 2:
Shufflemancy -
Glitter by Tyler The, Creator
Kolors by Monte Booker ft. Smino
Hey, Mickey! By Baby Tate ft. Saweetie
Signs: 222, Valentine's day, hearts, box of chocolates, kiss marks, pink, lavendar, red, lip stains on cups, baby cupid, Venus/Aphrodite, Persephone, Oshun, passion fruit, roses, makeup, bow & arrow, crown, metal, armor, knights, princesses, folklore, playing dolls, roleplay, fairytale romance storybooks, childhood nostalgia, 90/2000s movies, & Y2K
Love (2x 💕), Patience, Kisses, Cupid's Arrow, Soulmates, & Knight
Okayyyy!! This pile is stepping into their it girl/boy/enby era 💅🏽! This is too cute ✨️. You will be more popular than usual this year, pile 2. Your guides are wanting you to embrace this! You could be really shy and wish to avoid the spotlight, but you will be causing yourself a great disfavor by doing this! You are going to be so radiant, magnetizing, & beautiful this year and this is going to draw others to you. I am getting a vision of like those popular girls who walk down the hallway in a 2000s movie with their hair blowing in the wind and everyone else is just in complete awe of them. There could be significant changes to your hair, skin, and wardrobe, maybe even your physical features. Your hair could grow longer, healthier, and look shiny, while your skin would appear softer, dewy, and refreshed. I see that your guides will be blessing you financially to support this lifestyle and to overall enhance your beauty. "You have lived in the shadows of others for too long, you're meant to shine baby!" I feel that many people in your path have made you feel smaller than you actually are and your guides want you to know that you are meant to do something big in this lifetime. They wish to boost your confidence. In 2023, you were the underdog, but you are going to rise to the top in 2024. You will also have a lot of admirers this year! You will be weary of this and feel anxious, fearing that these people are trying to deceive you. There is no need to worry about this though, pile 2! Ease your thoughts and affirm that you are worthy of love, praise, and attention. Your inner beauty is going to be radiating through your physical vessel and this is going to be so intriguing to others. You could be attracting friends, lovers, & sexual partners. If you have been single for a while and waiting for the divine to bless you with a romantic suitor, then it is very likely that you will be in a relationship for 2024. There is someone here who is in love you and desires to be in a committed relationship with you. They will be very charming, romantic, and chivalrous towards you. I interpert this as self love as well! The love you have for yourself is going to transcend into the universe. It's like the Care Bear stare. The Care Bears were able to love others and reciprocate it as well. Allow yourself to give & receive this year!
Pile 3:
Shufflemancy -
Forever Young by BLACKPINK
Queendom by Red Velvet
Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepswn
Signs: 333, giggling, laughing randomly or uncontrollably, people smiling at you, cameras, taking pictures, making videos, beaches, palm trees, upbeat music, nostalgic for music from your younger days, manic pixie character movie tropes, yellow, highlights, hair dye, bangs, high top sneakers, high waisted denim shorts, shuffling dance, longboards, swimsuits, pranks, Hermes, magic tricks, road trips, summer break, festivals, carnivals, & clowns
Self Esteem, Humor, Perservance, Girl Talk, Camera, Paradise, & Trickster
For some of you, the show "Dollface" or the movie "Joy Ride" could be significant. In 2024, you will be reuniting with some old friends of yours or making new ones. You could be getting over a break up from 2023 and the universe wishes to bless you with people who will stay in your life long term. This person you were with romantically or sexually could have left you feeling very depleted. As if they wasted your time and energy. You may have been feeling lonely or a bit lost, wishing you had people there for you to cheer you up. If you had friends that used to be close to you that you miss and have gotten out of touch with, it would be best to try contact them! You will never know unless you try :D! If you are someone who's never really had friends, then I see you coming across people soon. You will have to come out of your shell though and have the confidence to strike up a conversation with people. You will see that you are actually quite funny and a joy to be around! I'm getting a vision of like sleepovers and movie nights. This could have been your favorite to do when you were younger. I feel you should focus on creating new memories for yourself in 2024 and don't be afraid of doing those cheesy things you did as a teenager. Create photo books, make collages, talk on the phone all night long, go out ob trips on a whim, etc. There is so much more to life than just wanting to find your life long significant other. There's this joke that's I've been seeing on social media where it's like a young adult is either married or have kids and then people say "oh she 23? Shawty should be in the club" and it's true 😭! Don't waste your youth away worried about finding the one, just go have fun! It doesn't matter how old you are! Wear those heels and put yourself out there! You are going to regret it if you don't focus on your happiness in the future so make it happen. In 2024, your life will be spontaneous and adventurous!
Pile 4:
Shufflemancy -
American Girl by Bonnie McKee
SAD GIRLZ LUV MONEY (Remix) by Amaarae ft. Kali Uchís
Signs: 444, Seshat, Athena, money in hidden places or on the street, vivid dreams, orange, green, STEM student, university, class, fire, drug commercials, hospitals, blood drawings, shots, measurements, glass, gas, science, chemistry, ball & chain, monopoly, dice, game pieces, poker cards, & checkers
Happiness, Health, Addiction, Abundance, Passion, & Visionary
For some of you, it was possible you were suffering from a lot of issues with your health in 2023. You could have been more prone to getting sick and catching colds, the flu, etc. Your health will be doing much better in 2024! I also see if you are a STEM student, I see your grades improving or you will graduate this year! Congratulations! This message only applies to a select few, but in 2024 I see that you will successfully become sober and overcome any addictions you had! Regardless of which of these resonates with you - there is a big focus on achievements with your health. Whether that is your health or other people's health you are taking care of, things will be looking great ❤️‍🩹! I see that you are very passionate regarding your career as well and there could potentially be some opportunities coming your way in 2024. I feel that a lot of the people in this pile are studying or work in law, the medical field, or do something along the lines of STEM (science, technology, engineering, & mathematics). You are very studious, smart, and bright! I see that in 2024, you will not be taking no for an answer and will do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. Your determination will be admired by others and I see that you will pass many job interviews or receive a big internship soon. There is going to be an opportunity coming your way that will be blessing you financially. Pay attention to your intuition and how it will make you feel. If something makes you happy and feel good inside, it is meant for you. If you feel a bad vibe or something is not right, trust your gut instincts! Do not allow others to pressure, persuade, or force you into doing things you don't want to. I also believe this ties in with the addiciton factor, the people in your path could be codependent on you or they will try to push you into doing things that are not beneficial for your growth. You are not obligated to do anything these people say, focus on your best interest. Either cut these people off or stay away from them, pile 4! It is very important that when you go into the new year that you stay away from any substances that are harmful to your health. Regardless, you will be very happy, healthy, and wealthy in the upcoming year 🏆!
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minticecodes · 2 months
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A (late) piece for dmcweek2024 day 4! I was buzzing to put forward something for the week. Prompt was alt universe.
AU where Eva survived the fire and had to figure out a way forward, believing the twins dead. She becomes an RPG shopkeeper selling wares ranging from antique books to magical goods (Devil May Scry). She's also out for Mundus' blood.
Image descriptions are the same as in alt.
[ID: 7 Digital illustrations and sketches. 1: Coloured illustration of a bookshop at sunset. Eva, a pale blonde middle aged woman mans the bright patterned counter. She wears a turtleneck and red shawl, has shoulder length hair, and diagonal facial burn scar and scarring on her left hand. Light rays illuminate her gently smiling face. Besides packed books, on the shelves are potion bottles, statuettes, succulents, and a displayed katana. Roses and plants decorate the shop. On the counter are a thick hardback, bookscanner, and crystal ball. Cards are displayed inside the counter. On the wall hangs a price sign, featuring doodled vital stars (large star drawn with sunglasses), holy water and fortunes. Beneath it is a rose wreathed divinity statue display, with 2 red orb offerings in a dish. 2: Eva from behind, sitting hunched alone at a table where a birthday cake sits untouched. It's a two flavour cake. By her clenched hand are crumpled tissues. Caption: 'Vergil...Dante...happy birthday...' 3: Eva bracing the Devil Sword Sparda across her shoulders, aimed at the ground. She wears a bell sleeved, ruffled funeral/wedding dress with a slit for leg movement. A veil trails behind her like a ribbon. Close ups of her show the headpiece design; a pacifier made of a long bird skill, feather, rose, and four skeletal 'legs'. 4 & 5: Trish taking on teen Dante's image: a tan teen in black, with chin length white hair, a halter neck tank top, leather pants, kneelength boots and black polish. Her leather jacket collar resembles lightning bolts. She leans against an invisible wall, one leg bent to brace her foot against it. She looks askance with arched brows, lifting shades from her face. The 2nd image is a 3/4 profile with shades perched on her forehead and popped collar. 6: Helmetless portraits of Dante and Vergil in armour, expressionless. Dante's hair is shoulder length and falls across his face. 7: Full body of 2 somewhat lanky demonic knights. One (Nelo Angelo) in black and blue with droopy horns rests his palms atop his blue broadsword's pommel, the sword upright against the ground. He stands straight, staring ahead. The other in white and red and curled horns has a palm clapped on Nelo Angelo's shoulder, other hand at his hips. Somehow the eyes on his helmet express playfulness. At his back is the hilt to a flail, the spiked ball resting on the ground by his armoured heels. They're labelled '~16' . End ID.]
Read more for some wordy backstory and sketches. TW for mentions of torture, abuse and solitary confinement surrounding the twins.
I had...so many more ideas that I'm leaving out to keep this short. It's fun to think how she'd mesh with the cast.
Like! her and Lady. Mother that lost her kid and kid that lost her mother. It writes itself how much unwitting projection can go wrong. And pretty much everything about her, the twins, and Trish :)
In terms of backstory:
After the fire she's alone. Her birth family disowned her long ago. She thinks about revamping the mansion but the idea of staying in that empty space with only memories for company is too much. So she eventually opens a small store.
Starts off paranoid and distant. Still is distant but gets entangled with the local community overtime. Greets people by name and they'll chat about how life has been going. This includes demon hunters and demons and supernatural beings living peacefully; her shop becomes a small safe haven to exchange information to stay safe.
Gets very good at forging protective charms. Haunted by the memory of the enchanted closet, smashed in and empty.
A regular is a schoolgirl who originally came to pick up reserved books for her father but stuck around because hey, this place is quiet and interesting, and the owner serves stellar teacakes. Great place to study. To Mary, Eva's kind, though odd, secretive and a little lonely.
I got inspired by Eva's association with the bangle/bracelet of time and the amulets for her fighting style. It's based around item crafting, like an RPG character slapping on every stat boosting item.
She stitches together different outfits for different needs Cardcaptor style. They're all exceedingly dramatic. It's not clear here but I wanted a bird motif to eventually come through. Phoenix motif, really.
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[ID: Rough sketches: A magician esque outfit with vest, feathered tophat and cape. A longcoat with long skirt and long scarf at her back like a cape. The cape is tagged with 'spells stitched into fabric'. Close ups on the coat lapel show two pins (strawberry and wing), labelled 'charm lapel pins.' Close up of the shoes show sharp heals and ankle bracelets. Eva leaping in a black bodysuit and leotard, with feathery collar, quill behind her ear, and ballet shoes with a claw at the heel. Eva making a triangular 2 hand sign in a hooded cloak and longskirt. Around her shoulders are claws. At her hips is an hourglass. Above her heeded head is a clocklike halo. Beside her is a sketch of a woman with a lionhead mask. A funeral and wedding dress inspired outfit. Eva crouches, wielding the Devil Sword Sparda in scythe form. Her face is covered by a tattered veil. She wears a knee length ruffled dress, black gloves, and a long, ruffled cape. Close up of her left hand shows a ring and finger claws Rough comic. Chibi lady talks to chibi Eva. Lady holds up a black body suit with billowing sleeves and a cleavage window. Lady: "Eva what is this" Eva (smiling cheerfully): "Oh - that old thing!" Eva: "My old hunting outfit. Gosh I'd almost forgotten about it. Not the most comfortable thing - so skin tight..." However Lady fixates on 'my old hunting outfit'. The words go in one ear and come out as a younger Eva in a catsuit, pointing a gun with a serious expression, wind blowing through her hair. Lady stares into the distance, bewildered, and slightly blushing. End ID]
Meanwhile the twins are having a terrible time but they have each other, even if they don't remember they're brothers. I think it'd be sweet if they have a bond anyway. Everyone else thinks they're rivals at best.
(Nelo is Mundus' favourite to toy with as the proud, eldest son. But when he gets rough, Bianco butts in and acts up for Mundus' attention. This gets him sent to solitary confinement; Mundus figured out Bianco hates small spaces and designed an iron maiden for him. Others think Bianco is a brute who acts out for a fight. But that's ok. It means Bianco can keep buying Nelo time.) (When lucid, Nelo despises his own weakness when this happens.)
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[ID: 2 Images. Nelo and Bianco Angelo in fisticuffs in a cartoony dustcloud, glaring at each other as they fight. They're captioned 'Mundus' most competent generals'. Additional text: 'silent, obedient, crushing force when apart. Perfect soldiers. ... until they're put together. Complement each other's battle style OR clash terribly. Nelo Angelo staring off, arms crossed and furrowed eyes somehow expressing being completely fed up. Behind him, Bianco and Griffin talk at each other. Griffin's glaring. Bianco has a hand up to gesture. End ID]
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blossoming heart precure is the first fanseries I've ever tried making into a proper story and I'm really excited about it! this blog is where most of the information will be stored (though it also has a page on fancureparadise) so if you're curious about the plot or any characters, feel free to have a look through :) the story starts when the perennial kingdom is invaded by the evil rotting king and his three minions. he successfully corrupts it and sends all citizens (including the royal family) into a magically-induced sleep, and only the princess's knight is able to get away, fleeing to earth with a small collection of powerful objects known as bloom boxes. with the rotting king setting his sights on earth as his next conquest, a group of heroes must rise up to protect their home! our cures are: ✿ morimoto honoka/cure rose ✿
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a 13-year-old girl in her first year at shizen boarding school. shy and socially awkward, but has a deep love and passion for flowers of any kinds and can talk about them for hours. she carries around a notebook with information on flowers and their symbolisms, and can often be found hunched over next to flowers she passes so she can sketch them in it. when she transforms, she becomes cure rose, the pretty cure of passion and joyous appreciation. Her theme colour is red, and her outfit is themed around roses. ✿ hidaka nao/cure sunflower ✿
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a 13-year-old girl, and honoka's roommate and fellow student. she is bubbly and extroverted, but can sometimes be insensitive or careless in her ceaseless enthusiasm. she loves cute clothes and accessories, and puts a great deal of effort into planning outfits and customising all her belongings to be visually pleasing. when she transforms, she becomes cure sunflower, the pretty cure of warmth and positivity. her theme colour is yellow, and her outfit is themed around sunflowers. ✿ oshiro izumi/cure bluebell ✿
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a 14-year-old girl who is the head of many clubs at shizen boarding school despite only being in her second year. she is quite serious and academic, but sweet at heart, and uses a manual wheelchair (or crutches when she is at home) due to having weak joints. her family is wealthy and well-known, and she feels she has a lot of pressure on her to fulfil the high expectations they have. when she transforms, she becomes cure bluebell, the pretty cure of kindness and constancy. her theme colour is blue, and her outfit is themed around bluebells.
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Younger Siblings Tournament Bracket Reveal
A few things I want to mention before I reveal the bracket (and make the post really long because all the matchups will be listed in text):
Seeding of fictional characters in tumblr polls is inherently subjective. I did try to make it so that more popular characters/media would (most likely) face off against each other in later rounds, but I may be overestimating or underestimating the popularity of some characters/media, especially ones I'm not familiar with. There are some round 1 matchups that are probably a closer match but none of them are between the strongest candidates... I think.
The more niche characters will probably get obliterated in the first round as per Squimbus' Law. This is a tumblr poll and I do fully expect more popular characters to sweep, but that doesn't mean you can't encourage your friends to give your niche faves a fighting chance.
Also there are some matchups I literally just thought would be funny. Please don't take this too seriously.
I'm sorry BNHA fans.
(Preliminary Patch Notes 3/14: Swapped brackets 2 and 3, and brackets 19 and 21.)
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[Image description: A 64-person tournament bracket labeled "younger siblings tournament" with a smiley face. The top-left quarter is labeled "quarter A" and color-coded red, the bottom-left quarter is labeled "quarter B" and color-coded green, the top-right quarter is labeled "quarter C" and color-coded purple, and the bottom-right quarter is labeled "quarter D" and color-coded gold. The starting brackets are labeled 1-32 and are as listed below. End ID]
Quarter A:
Ritsu Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100) vs. Ame (Wolf Children)
Malo (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) vs. Cat Valentine (Victorious)
Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom) vs. Fern (Adventure Time)
Skeletor (Masters of the Universe) vs. Shuri (Marvel)
Ryotaro Nogami (Kamen Rider Den-O) vs. Princess Luna (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Lilo Pelekai (Lilo & Stitch) vs. Sir Agravain (Arthurian Legend)
Dewey Wilkerson (Malcolm in the Middle) vs. Siobhan "Shiv" Roy (Succession)
Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) vs. Razputin Aquato (Psychonauts)
Quarter B:
(9) Maya Fey (Ace Attorney) vs. Louie Duck (DuckTales)
(10) Falin Touden (Dungeon Meshi) vs. Saburo Yamada (Hypnosis Mic)
(11) Noelle Holiday (Deltarune) vs. Krel Tarron (Tales of Arcadia)
(12) Melinoë (Hades) vs. Han Yoohyun (The S-Classes That I Raised)
(13) Abel (The Bible) vs. Hiro Hamada (Big Hero 6)
(14) Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons) vs. Greg (Over the Garden Wall)
(15) Dante (Devil May Cry) vs. Alisaie Leveilleur (Final Fantasy XIV)
(16) Shoto Todoroki (My Hero Academia) vs. Kofuku (Real Life)
Quarter C:
(17) Luigi (Super Mario) vs. Genji Shimada (Overwatch)
(18) Yukio Okumura (Blue Exorcist) vs. Saki Tenma (Project Sekai)
(19) Fleabag (Fleabag) vs. Emerald Haywood (Nope)
(20) Sam Winchester (Supernatural) vs. Jiang Cheng (The Untamed)
(21) Nico Di Angelo (Percy Jackson) vs. Gaz Membrane (Invader Zim)
(22) Manny Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid) vs. Jimmy "Saul Goodman" McGill (Better Call Saul)
(23) Sunny Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events) vs. Sunny (Omori)
(24) Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Mugman (Cuphead)
Quarter D:
(25) Michelangelo Hamato (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) vs. The Knight (Hollow Knight)
(26) Vash the Stampede (Trigun) vs. Ruby Rose (RWBY)
(27) Sensei Wu (Lego Ninjago) vs. King Clawthorne (The Owl House)
(28) Dawn Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs. Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
(29) Jinx (Arcane) vs. Caduceus Clay (Critical Role)
(30) Damian Wayne (DC) vs. Alluka Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
(31) Hop (Pokémon Sword and Shield) vs. Mirabel Madrigal (Encanto)
(32) Rhyme Bito (The World Ends With You) vs. Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Round 1 is ongoing! Matchups are linked (or if you prefer to scroll through the matchup posts, go to the "younger siblings tournament" tag on my blog)
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loosesodamarble · 5 months
Hello, I was the one who requested a few Nacht head canons that you wrote recently. I loved them so I'm here with one more request. It's a very long one so you can ignore it or take as much time as you want. So here it goes: How would the magic knight squads react if they find out one of their members has a crush on Nacht? How would things play out after that.
Oh my! Welcome back then, Anon! Glad you enjoyed them, despite their timing.
Black Bulls
Everyone would have to pause and go "our Nacht Faust?"
And you'd have to confirm "yes, our Nacht Faust. As if there are any others."
Half the squad would bust out in hysterics.
The other half would be dead silent from shock.
Remember, Nacht's first impression with several members was... poor. To say the least. So hearing that you liked Nacht was an experience for everyone.
Asta and Yami are the first ones to cheer you and Nacht on though.
Followed by the likes of Noelle, Henry ("Henry, don't change the floor plans so their room are together. HENRY WAIT!"), Grey, and Gordon.
Vanessa and Finral would be down to set you and Nacht up on a date. And they'd throw in a makeover free of charge!
Gimodelo and the other devils are very excited to see Nacht get all romantic. They just want their master to be happy!
Don't be surprised if the Bulls start calling you to dinner later than the rest of them and doing the same to Nacht so you both are force to sit with each other at the only empty seats.
And there would be other schemes to keep you two in close proximity.
Really, the whole squad just wants to support their squadmates and friends in the very normal endeavor of starting a relationship.
Golden Dawn
William does his best to show a polite amount of interest in your crush. After Nacht's key role in the Spade Invasion, William feels he owes a debt to that man.
And William thinks that he can repay the debt by setting Nacht up with you since you've taken an interest in him.
At best, William offers you opportunities to visit in the Black Bulls' base (delivering paperwork or parcels) if you want to see Nacht in person.
David is the nosiest of the squad and will ask all the details. How you first met Nacht, when you started liking him, do you plan on confessing, etc.
You might start hanging around Yuno if you weren't already close with him. You know, to ask about Nacht's appearances at any vice captain meetings.
Blue Rose Knights
The ladies of the Blue Rose Knights are going to have your back if they find out about your crush on Nacht.
First Charlotte is blushing over Yami and now you for Nacht? It's like the squads are destined for something greater together!
The other squad members will insist that you and Charlotte have a double date with Nacht and Yami. Let your loves bloom together~!
It actually works out relatively well.
You keep Charlotte from panicking around Yami and in turn, Charlotte gives you plenty of openings to initiate conversation with Nacht.
And don't worry. Charlotte will shut down any egregious meddling from the squad.
Like say, locking you and Nacht in a closet without your grimoires so Nacht can't just shadow out of there.
Puli, the brains behind Operation Get the Devil (Host)'s Heart, is going to contrive of a lot of ridiculous scenarios though... Good luck.
Crimson Lion Kings
Nacht puts Fuegoleon on edge. His practices and demeanor aren't ideal in Fuegoleon's eyes but as a loyal Knight of Clover, Nacht is at least decent.
Fuegoleon warmly encourages you in pursuing Nacht. But he also warns you not to get too distracted.
"I don't have any romantic experiences to speak of but adding to your personal life is sure to give you more to fight for as a Knight."
It's just a nice way of saying that getting a boyfriend might improve your morale for work.../lh
Leopold doesn't know Nacht at all but he'd very willing to be your wingman by dragging you along to the Bulls' base when he goes to visit Asta.
I'm sure if you asked, Randall might bring your name up at a vice captain meeting and gauge Nacht's response.
Don't let Mereoleona catch you waffling on your feeling for too long. If she thinks you're being coward about your crush, then her hand might be forced and you'll find yourself doing volcano training alongside Nacht.
I say not in the sense that Mereo has an interest in romance, let alone others' romances, but I honestly think she'd get pissed off to know that a member of the Crimson Lions is being a coward about anything.
Other members of the squad would generally support you and urge you to do your best with getting Nacht's attention.
Silver Eagles
To me, the Silver Eagles are a squad wherein the members largely keep to themselves. It's mostly polite conversation with a bit of gossip from the noble circles.
Most of the Silver Eagles wouldn't pay much attention to your love life, if I'm to be honest.
However, they are an elitist squad (or at least that's their vibe) and with devil possession being Forbidden Magic, some might raise a brow at your crush.
"Even if he's a vice captain, that Faust man can't be anything but trouble. Especially if he's a Bull."
If Nozel hears of your crush, he'll have mixed opinions.
His opinion of devils and devil hosts is abysmally low due to his own history but Nacht proved himself a worthy ally and so not a horrible pick.
Nozel's bad at showing it but he does wish the best for you in your romance with Nacht. You are a member of his squad after all.
Like Fuegoleon, Nozel warns you not to let your infatuation get in the way of work.
Aqua Deers
The Aqua Deer has the vibe of being some free-spirited folks. Not so much as the Green Mantises or Black Bulls, but with a captain as young as Rill, the squad has learned to be able to accept anything.
"Following the captain's example and falling hard for someone, are we?" some will joke with you.
If you can catch Rill during his free time, he two of you could have a heart-to-heart and help each other sort through your crushes.
"Love can happen so suddenly, can't it?" Rill remarks. "Like bolt of lightning or like throwing a palette at an easel! It's bold and messy and scary too! But that's what makes it so amazing, huh?"
I imagine Fragil being a bit of a romantic so she might have some advice based on a romance novel or dating advice column if you went to her. But that's just what I think of her.
Coral Peacocks
Dorothy will be poking her nose into the business of your crush. No ifs, ands, or buts about it!
She's a bit of a gossip. So uh... prepare for Yami finding out via her loose lips.
In her sparse free time, Dorothy will encourage you to practice confessing to Nacht in her Glamour World.
Only to turn on you and tease you with her imaginary versions of Nacht.
This gif of Shouto form BNHA:
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Dorothy creates a Nacht version of that to tease you. Good luck.
Kirsch will give you advice on how to be "beautiful" for Nacht to fall in love with you.
Green Praying Mantis
The folks in the Green Mantis squad are largely commoners. They're casual and a little wild.
So I'd imagine some of the more interested parties placing bets on how long it'll take for you to confess or maybe even betting on how you confess.
Some of the members might mention that Jack might've known Nacht in the past but going to him earns you the threat of being sliced apart (Jack being twin blind will be a sore spot for him from now on. No, this isn't relevant but I'm saying my piece.)
I dunno why but the Green Mantis squad gives off the vibes of inviting you and Nacht to a bar to let the alcohol break down your walls.
(Although if you're not a drinker of alcohol, that plan is a bust.)
The squad members would probably go out of their way to mess with the Black Bulls to get Nacht's attention for you.
Which... you might be thankful for the support or you might be horrified by their "plan."
They mean well, really.
Purple Orcas
All I can really say for the Purple Orcas is that Kaiser and her wife would be more than happy to give their insight on starting and maintaining a loving partnership.
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wildlife4life · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @devirnis @exhuastedpigeon @daffi-990 @wikiangela @lover-of-mine @hippolotamus @jeeyuns and @disasterbuckdiaz. You are all so amazing and I cannot wait for all your works! Thank you!
I haven't really worked on any of the fics I dropped on tease bit tuesday, so I went into the vault of wips I have and pulled out the first buddie fic I ever started, buddie/911 in the Once Upon a Time verse. It was posted for a bit on ao3 but recently took it down because I wasn't all that happy with was posted and not having a sense of direction to take it in. But I'm looking back over it, and editing, adding. So I'm sharing a bit of it with ya'll today, test the waters really and see if its something I should keep working on. Hope you enjoy!
Once upon a time….
24 years ago, in the land of Misthaven, a cloud of dark magic thundered across the lands towards the Kingdom of Camelot. At the helm of a large round table sat Sir Robert, the kingdom’s noblest knight.  To his left was his beloved and soon to be wife, Queen Athena who cradled her two children to her chest. But no fear be felled her demure. No great evil could ever shake her resolve and it could be said for many of those that sat at the round table. Many who whose entire attention was on the enterically designed wardrobe that stood in the middle of the table. 
“Are we sure this is what needs to be done?” asked Howard the Hatter.
Sir Robert clenched his fist tight at the tables edge, “The dark curse is among us and there is nothing we can do to stop it.  All that is left is to secure the prince’s future.”
To his right, the great wizard Merlin nodded in agreement, “The magic of this wardrobe is powerful enough to send little Evan far away from his mother’s curse.  We must trust that the one with belief will return him home.”
“And what of the rest of us?” King Michael spoke what many were thinking.
Merlin looked to the man who held his very heart, “I’m sorry my love, but I do not have those answers.  I cannot see past the curse itself and the dark one won’t share his secrets.  We can only hope, and that in itself is powerful enough to see us through.”
The King of Camelot nodded and took the wizards hand, giving it a tight squeeze.
The rest of those around the table conceded with King Michael and Sir Robert took a deep breath, “Bring them in Henrietta.”
The warrior that stood at the opposite of the knight, dipped her head before turning and opening the large wooden doors.  “Princess Maddie, come along.”
A small girl no older than 10 with curling brown hair and wide brown eyes, slowly made her way into the room.  In her arms she carried a very small boy, just on the cusp of turning one.  Blonde curls sat atop his head and framed eyes as blue as the ocean.  But his most distinguishing feature was the pink mark along his left brow.  Many believed it was the mark of his prophesized power, that it told the world of the golden heart that rested within him.  The golden heart that would one day break any and all curses.
Maddie clutched her little brother tight to her chest, her lower lip trembling, “She’s coming for him again. The Evil Queen is coming for Evan.”
Sir Robert looked at the young girl he considered his own and tried to hold his tears, “We do not know why your mother has sent this curse, only that she intends to take the entire land with it and your brother is meant to save us all.”
“He’s just a baby!” the princess spits angrily, making the prince stir in her arms before Maddie quickly composed herself and soothed him with soft shushes.
Isabel, the eldest and wisest among the group rose to her feet, “No child should have the world on their shoulders and all we can hope is that you and Evan can be free of burden until the time comes.”
Tears streamed down Maddie’s face, “How do I do that when only I will know?”
Behind the little princess came a glowing blue light that grew brighter and larger before dwindling out to reveal a dark-skinned woman in a flowing blue dress and shimmery wings.  “Tell him our tales, instill the belief. But most important, love him.  Love Prince Evan as you do now.” The blue fairy answered before bending down and giving the two children a gentle hug.
Maddie returned the embrace with one arm then stepped and faced Sir Robert, “Will I ever see you again?”
The brave knight let one tear roll down his cheek as he gave the princess a sad smile, “We can only hope.”
The thunder of the curse rumbled in the silence and lower in the castle, the sound of battle rung out.  Their time was up.
Princess Maddie climbed atop the table and stepped towards the wardrobe.  Above the noise of battle and magic, the Blue Fairy’s soft lilt rang out, “The last child born to a queen of sorrow shall be given a heart of gold.  His heart alone can save those who are cursed.”
“And on the child’s 25th birthday, he shall return to those who have left, led by the one who has belief.” Merlin finished as the young girl sat within the wardrobe.
“Be safe and have hope.” Athena stated firmly then watched with the rest of those at the round table as the wardrobe was closed and the doors to the room burst open.
“It’s over.” The Evil Queen proclaimed stepping inside with the cloud of cursed magic behind her.
“What will happen to us?” Sir Roberts asked.
The Evil Queen cackled, “The worst imaginable.”
Then darkness.
Alright, I know its a lot, but this is basically the prelude to the whole story. If anyone wants an indication of who is who, just let me know I can drop a list of characters and their identities from the fairy tail world. Hope you enjoyed! (Also Captainswan stan! Its true love ya'll!)
Tagging (no pressure!): @bekkachaos @hoodie-buck @theotherbuckley @ladydorian05 @prosperdemeter2 @spotsandsocks @malewifediaz @elvensorceress @bigfootsmom @watchyourbuck @watchyourbuck @jesuisici33 @thewolvesof1998 @fortheloveofbuddie @giddyupbuck @eddiebabygirldiaz @loserdiaz @spaceprincessem @thekristen999 @lizzybizzyzzz @homerforsure @sibylsleaves @spagheddiediaz @try-set-me-on-fire @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @eowon @honestlydarkprincess @911onabc @911-on-abc @cowboydiazes @vampbuckley @brokenribsdiaz @buck-coded @housewifebuck @arthursdent @glorious-spoon @buddierights @athenagranted @rainbow-nerdss @gayhoediaz @gayedmundodiaz
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kiritella · 7 months
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Series: Sehnsucht, Chapter Four: Something More
Pairings: Geralt x Teen!Reader, Yennefer x Teen!Reader
Warnings: low self worth,
Words: 3.6k
—Four Years Ago—
“You’ve gotten more powerful, but it has slowed you down,” Eret’s clear voice broke through the air. “You need to have confidence in your strikes.”
She huffed as she tossed him a glare, pointing the tip of her sword in his direction sharply before repositioning her feet and doing the striking sequence again. This time, she struck the wood firmly. 
Eret laughed, a smirk playing on the edges of his lips as he leaned against a boulder. The noise of the camp resonated in the background. She grunted. 
“Alright! You’re confident, but your confidence lacks commitment. Do it again.”
Stubbornly, she obeyed, but quicker. 
“Keep your eyes up on your target. You don’t need to stare at your blade.”
“Don’t forget your breathing.”
“Perfect,” Eret said with a growing grin, crossing his arms over his chest and covering the flaming rose crest on his garment. “Keep it up and you’ll be the best swordsman around. Do it a few dozen more times and you can be done for the day.”
The young teenager paused, and smiled. Eret took a seat beside the boulder and pulled out a notebook as she prepped again. She shook the soreness out of her muscles, reminding herself of the spell casting a brown illusion over her blue eyes. It was an amusing thought: the best swordsman. It was a rather great exaggeration of her skills. She was a quick learner, to be sure, but it would still take much longer before she was good enough to defend herself against anyone who knew a thing or two about the art. Besides, there were still Witchers in these parts, so the best was out of the question. Not that she would ever say such a scandalous thing in front of the humans.
“Do not forget why you are here,” D’ao whispered in her thoughts. She smiled.
“I haven’t.”
“And the swordsmanship lessons?”
“Payment for showing them around!”
“You could have taken gold.”
“But then I wouldn’t know swordsmanship!”
“You have magic,” D’ao grumbled and she chuckled. He sounded like he was pouting. 
“And I am grateful, D’ao, but I would also like to be able to wield more than a dagger,” she said and D’ao huffed. She shook her head with a grin, repeating the striking sequence. “Don’t worry, I won’t forget my magic lessons. And I’ve thought about this. They aren’t going to explore the ancient ruins for another month or so, and if they find anything to do with genies, I’ll be there to take care of it. But since I have time, I might as well learn something from them.”
“The ancient ruins will be dangerous for them, yes, and for us if the rumors about ancient genie history being there are to be believed.”
“If there is history there, I’ll burn it. You know that.”
“I do…”
“So don’t worry so much.”
“It isn't that I am worried…”
She wasn’t wrong. Her swordsmanship training did take months, and as time passed, the Knights of the Flaming Rose grew accustomed to her consistent, silent presence. They did not suspect her even as they hunted those ancient ruins, or how she went in first. Not even when their efforts had been in vain, finding nothing more than charred, unreadable books.
They grew proud when she trained and fought, an amusement coursing through them as she became able to defeat even their swiftest commanders. Perhaps their pride had taken a blow the first few times to have been bested by a teenager, but that quickly morphed into astonishment and legend. After all, it had only been a few months since she had joined their company as a guide, and her success was a testament to their ability to teach. That, and her stubborn determination.
It was still a challenge for her, though, as the time passed. It was a strange sort of existence, to be among, but not a part of them. And still, the strange warmth left within her bones by Yennefer and the Witchers remained unsettled. It stirred in her and craved to be resolved. The feeling could not escape the foreign places those people had touched, and she didn’t know how to feed the craving.
She thought she saw Yennefer sometimes, and her heart would leap into her throat. Geralt would pass her in the street only to be gone the moment her head snapped towards him. And every single time, there was a hollow, painful ache. Because, no, they weren’t there at all. She didn’t even know what she wanted from them, really. They were simply…warm, and she had been bitterly cold her entire life.
The same sensations showed their haunting features when she looked in the mirror and saw the color of her eyes. Brown hiding a monstrous blue. The scars peeked over her shoulders and neck, stretching down her back, marring her from shoulder to waist. The welted ring on her left shoulder. Her brand. It exposed everything she was, and she despised it with cold hatred. She knew what she was, there was no need for such a reminder.
And she knew, once the Knights of the Flaming Rose saw the traces of her birthright on her back, they would know as well, and they would turn on her. They had their orders, after all.
They spoke of her kind around campfires, horror stories passed around as if she was no different than the monsters they slew in the swamps and forests. There was no difference to them, between her and the kikimora and the cockatrice, the ones who slayed entire villages, killers of young girls born at the time of the Conjunction. They tied her name to fear, whether they realized it or not. She wondered what would happen if they discovered that the monster they created in their minds trained with them, washed their trousers, and guided them through the forest of which they had no map? They hunted monsters, what would happen when they found out she was one?
She didn’t stay long enough to find out. The cold ache settled in her bones. She disappeared in the night with a stolen sword and a satchel for her herbs, leaving behind nothing but rumors and twisted truths for anyone who came looking. After all, the truth didn’t matter in the end, and could not stand against preconceived beliefs. She would not wait for them to find her nature carved on her skin so that she could be hunted. She would not let them mount her head on a spike, for she did not want to prove to them the monster they believed her to be. So, the darkness covered her escape, her long-time companions lost to a beautiful past, a pleasant memory, as she chased a cure for the ache in her bones.
After all, even monsters feared things.
Even monsters craved for something more.
The next time she woke to the warmth seeping into her skin, a strange cot beneath her back, and the sound of tiny pitter-patters on the floor. She had entertained herself for several minutes by remaining beneath the thick fur that covered her, but then she toyed with the rats. She had just caught one by the tail when the door creaked open. 
She froze, rat dangling by its tail and her mouth dropped open as Yennefer showed herself in the doorway. The woman was as unchanged as ever and exactly as she had remembered. Long, beautiful black hair loose about her shoulders, starkly purple eyes and graceful—so very graceful.
“Um…” Yennefer started, her wonderfully wide eyes narrowing at the sight of the rat. She dropped it quickly. It scampered off with a panicked squeak. “I’m Yennefer.”
Ah…yes. It had been years now…of course she wouldn’t remember. The girl swallowed thickly and stood to her feet, offering a short bow of her head in greeting as she whispered her name.
“I came to see how you were doing,” Yennefer said, “And to see if you were hungry.”
She nodded quickly. “I’m fine, and…food in my bag.”
Yenn shook her head, motioning the girl to follow her as she turned. “Nonsense, you’ll have something hot. It’s Ciri’s turn to cook, so it isn’t bad, if a bit bland.”
She followed at Yenn’s heels, still astounded that she was here of all places. She hadn’t thought the sorceress would be hiding amongst the Witchers. 
Yennefer led her back to the great hall she had first entered into, and as the other Witchers appeared, she hid a bit more behind the tall woman. Amongst them, though, she could not find a certain familiar face.
“How’s…Geralt?” she asked awkwardly, shuffling on her feet. It would be strange to say they had already met, wouldn’t it? 
“He is doing better than yesterday, still unconscious, but doing okay.”
“...yesterday?” she muttered. How long had she slept?
“Yes, it is late morning now.”
Yennefer sat her down in front of a large plate in the center of the table. It seemed as though it was the one everyone grabbed from. Vesemir sat across from her, Lambert beside him, and Coen next. Yennefer sat beside her and upon seeing the girl’s hesitance, grabbed a biscuit and placed it in front of her. 
Her tongue grew heavy in the large company as she nibbled on her bread. It wasn’t exactly quiet, as Witchers—well, she assumed they were all Witchers—communed in the hall. Laughter erupted from the tables behind them now and then, the clank of cups and bottles, easy conversation. An ashen-haired woman sat near her, and while she did not say much, she offered a number of meaningful glances.
“Are you a mage?” Coen asked, trying to lift the thick blanket of awkwardness seated at the table. She nodded hesitantly.
“What kind of spell are you casting right now?” Lambert asked coldly. She almost preferred his bluntness over kindness. It was familiar. She raised a brow. “Our medallions detect magic and monsters, so either you are casting a spell right now, or you are a cleverly disguised beast. And in that case, you aren’t in the best of company.”
“Lambert,” Vesemir scolded, but Sir Ginger was unshaken.
“You could spare to be a little more polite,” Yennefer snapped before turning back to her. “Sorry, he’s just the resident arse.”
Lambert scoffed. Fiddling with her bread, she rubbed the crumbs between her fingers and shifted uncomfortably. Looking back and meeting the resident arse’s eye, she dispelled the illusion. Her eyes shifted, a field of brown morphing into blue seas, like lightning beneath the ocean or trapped within a glazed bottle. Lambert’s medallion ceased its soft tremors.
The Witchers leaned back, a strange look dawning on their faces. She glanced quickly at Yennefer and swallowed thickly. A sliver of hope sparked in her chest as Yenn’s gaze turned thoughtful.
“Illusions,” the ashen-haired girl said, scooting closer. “Hi, I’m Ciri.”
She offered a smile and nodded in greeting.
“Can you do any other kinds of magic?” Ciri asked, but her tone was less accusing than Lambert’s, and more curious.
She nodded, then whispered softly. The medallions began to shake loud enough so even she could hear their hiss. The Witchers stiffened, painfully aware as the air in the room began to shift. Even the tables behind them grew silent and careful. The candles lit upon the table stirred, and the flames went out with a quick gust of wind. The smoke caught and carried in front of them in a long line stretching over the table. The water from Vesemir’s cup rose in a small thread like vein, and dust collected together from the tables and floors. They joined the bit of smoke in a triple helix, and it spun for them in a coordinated display before it dissipated and she ceased. Then she waited.
She waited as her heart pounded violently in her chest and her stomach twisted. Her skin crawled and ate away at her. They were Witchers. 
“The Elements,” Yennefer said, and she said it so casually, as if it was nothing more than a comment about the snowstorm raging outside. As if it were unimportant, a mere observation, and not something she had spent a lifetime trying to carve out of her own body. Hidden since—since everything. Startled as if struck dumb, the girl remained silent and stared at the woman in baffled wonder.
She shouldn’t have been so surprised, really, especially since Yennefer was a mage herself. And Geralt hadn’t—
Vesemir softened, and his voice was gentle and quiet. “You will not find trouble with us, child. You are welcome here.”
She faced him when he reached across the table, offering her another handful of bread. It was unsettling, disturbing even, just how much her chest ached as she accepted it from him. You are welcome here. No one spoke further, but their expressions told more than they might have intended to say, especially Vesemir’s. 
They had noticed something in her response, apparently. Only, she did not know they could hear just how fast her heart was beating, or see how her fingers twitched anxiously, how her body was coiled and ready to leap from danger should any of them twitch. She didn’t know what they saw in her at that moment, or what sort of reflection she was for them. But, what she did know, was they had yet to draw their swords, or look at her in disdain. She would not turn away a kind eye for all the heartache in the world—especially when they also offered bread and a warm fire in the cold of winter.
“Where are you from?” Yennefer asked.
The girl shrugged and waved her hand in a circle. “Around.”
“What about your parents?” Coen asked.
She grimaced, then shrugged again. 
Vesemir raised a brow. “Have you been on your own?” he asked, and she nodded. “How long?”
“Um…” she muttered and looked away, her brow furrowing. She determined the time with the Knights of the Flaming Rose probably didn’t count for much. “Seven.”
“That long?” Coen asked, surprised.
She nodded and they fell grave. She shrugged and offered a smile. Perhaps they would have said more—perhaps she would have spoken more, having at last built the courage—but they were interrupted by another, much more welcomed presence. She jolted in her seat when Geralt’s voice came from the passageway as he entered the room. 
“Tell me it isn’t Lambert’s turn to cook,” he grumbled, and his appointed victim scoffed. He was slow, and his steps were shaky, but he was awake and moving about. 
“Geralt!” Ciri started, jumping out of her seat and rushing over to him. He accepted her embrace easily, wrapping his arms around the young woman for several moments. They whispered something between them, but her ears couldn’t strain to catch them before they parted. 
“It’s good to see you awake,” Vesemir said as they approached.
Geralt hummed and took a seat beside Yennefer. There was a look between them, one a little too long, too intense, to hold the same meaning as the way the others looked at her. The way she leaned into his side and smiled before turning her attention back to the table. It was something more, though she didn’t know what it was exactly. More just felt like the proper word. 
Geralt turned toward her now, and a faint smile pulled at his lips. “You made it further than the gap, I’m impressed.”
She chuckled a silent laugh and nodded. Coen rose from the table, walking over to the fire pit at the center of the room where an iron pot hung over the flames.
“How’s your leg?” Geralt asked as he reached for bread. She raised a curious brow. “That old man grazed your leg. I might not have been able to move, but it would have been difficult to remain asleep with all the jolting around.”
“Wait—” Yenn started.
“What happened?” Vesemir asked for her.
“We were attacked upstream of the Lixela. There was a struggle,” Geralt explained briefly before nodding toward her. “Your leg?”
Surprised, she lightly shrugged. “It’s alright.”
“Have you treated it?” he asked and she nodded. “Good.”
“If you’d like, I can take a look at it later,” Yennefer offered, “See if I can heal it.”
She nodded stiffly as Coen returned. He placed a bowl of…of something in front of Geralt, and then another in front of her. Looking up at him curiously, he smiled, motioning to the bowl.
She bowed her head in thanks, and he nodded. Whatever it was, it smelled absolutely divine. Doing as she was told, she ate, and the moment the strange flavors erupted over her tongue, she hunched over the bowl and ate like a woman starved. She didn’t mind too much how the others watched her, but she didn’t know what was so interesting about her animalistic behavior. Heat crept up her neck as she tried to slow down.
“Where will you go?” Yennefer asked when her bowl was empty, and once more, she shrugged.
“This winter is going to be harsh if a blizzard this early is anything to go by,” Vesemir said. “You’ll have to winter somewhere.”
She shook her head. “The woods are my home. Winter has never changed that,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper, but with their enhanced hearing, the Witchers heard her well enough. They didn’t seem to like that response very much, and silence followed for several moments. She cringed.
“Speaking of it…thank you for the food. I should gather my things…” she said and stood, her body resisting. Vesemir spoke before the others were able, keeping her from walking away.
“Stay,” he insisted. “At least until the storm passes over. It would mean death to leave in the midst of it. As I said, you are welcome here. Have no rush to leave.”
Something in her chest melted, like molten stone, and heated her up from within. She swallowed back the thickening knot in her throat as she flicked her eyes from Vesemir to Yenn and Geralt. Her winter-cracked hands gripped at the tattered ends of her shirt tightly.
Bowing her head low, she cleared her throat. “Thank you.”
Another silence followed, but shorter than the last and broken by Yennefer standing. “Come,” she said, her hand brushing over Geralt’s shoulders as she passed behind him. She wrapped an arm around her shoulders and guided her out of the hall. “While you are here, the least we can do is help get you cleaned up.”
It was in these efforts of “cleaning up” that she found herself standing awkwardly in the corner as Yennefer poured a bit of heated water into a wooden tub. The room was rather dark, lit by the fireplace and a couple of candles. Heavy curtains draped over the windows, blocking out any daylight, and with it, the cold. It smelled nice too, like lilacs and…and something fruity. It was a comfortable sort of space, calm. 
Two chairs rested by a small round table, a fur draped over its back. A book of sorts, a ribbon, a gown. It was soft, in a way, as if Yennefer had somehow captured the feeling of the early morning sun shining between spring leaves in a bottle and let it loose in the room. It resembled Yennefer deeply. It was as if the room was her own as Yenn sat on the edge of the tub and dipped her hand into the water. As if the room embraced her in the same way she embraced it. 
Yenn smiled, motioning her to come away from the door where she had stood the entire time. “It’s alright, come here. The water is ready.”
Hesitantly, the girl approached and Yennefer stood. She walked with so much grace the girl looked away, as if by simply watching her, she would somehow stain the woman.
“Shall I leave?” Yennefer asked, and her head shot up nearly as quickly as she shook it. Something more resided in the room, and she feared that if Yenn were to leave, that feeling would go with her. That warm golden sunlight would follow her out of the room and she would be left with the dying embers of the fireplace—candle smoke lost by her very breath. 
“Alright,” Yenn said and careful, as if she were reaching out to a frightened animal, rested a hand on the girl’s arm. “Then why don’t we get you out of these?”
Unsure, the girl nodded. It wasn’t as though she actually needed help getting out of her garments, but there was something so gentle in the way Yennefer’s hand touched her skin and helped her. Something so careful, as if she were delicate.
Nothing about her was delicate, she thought. Her skin was dry and cracked, her hands and feet calloused, and dirt was so well buried beneath her nails, she wouldn’t be surprised if she was growing moss. She did not speak gracefully or walk straight and posed like Yennefer. And her back—well, that might as well have been beaten leather. She screamed like a madwoman and bared her teeth like an animal. She was the furthest thing from delicate. And yet…the way Yennefer helped her left her wondering.
She jumped at the sudden gasp Yennefer took. That soft, lingering touch traced along her bare back, trailed over the sharp, welted lines leading from her shoulders to her lower back, from her sides to her spine. They brushed over the ring on her left shoulder, traced the “W” branded into her skin. Embarrassment crawled up the girl’s neck and ignited her cheeks. She did not raise her head when Yennefer turned her around to face her, too consumed with the burning behind her eyes.
“It’s you,” Yennefer whispered, and something within the child fell apart.
She’d remembered.
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ilynpilled · 7 months
There are walls around this one higher than Winterfell’s.
“Fighting is better than this waiting,” Brienne said. “You don’t feel so helpless when you fight. You have a sword and a horse, sometimes an axe. When you’re armored it’s hard for anyone to hurt you.”
…yet somehow he could not reach her. It was as if she had an iron cage around her that stopped every blow.
The wench has built a fortress inside herself. They will rape her soon enough, but behind her walls they cannot touch her.
They will leave her a cripple too, but inside, where it does not show.
“You swore a solemn vow.” He smiled as a red flush crept up the thick white column of her neck. She turned her back to him. “Still the shy maiden? What is it that you think I haven’t seen?”
“I swore to keep you safe,” the wench said stubbornly. “I swore an oath.” Naked, she raised her hands to Jaime. “Ser. Please. If you would be so good.” The steel links parted like silk. “A sword,” Brienne begged, and there it was, scabbard, belt, and all.
She looked so miserable that Jaime almost found himself wanting to comfort her. Since that day Brienne had been like one half-dead. Even calling her “wench” failed to provoke any response. The strength is gone from her. The woman had dropped a rock on Robin Ryger, battled a bear with a tourney sword, bitten off Vargo Hoat’s ear, and fought Jaime to exhaustion … but she was broken now, done.
Jaime gave her a hard smile. “See, wench? We know each other too well.”
There were shields to be had for pennies, but Brienne rode past them. She meant to keep the heavy oaken shield Jaime had given her, the one he’d borne himself from Harrenhal to King’s Landing. A pine shield had its advantages. It was lighter, and therefore easier to bear, and the soft wood was more like to trap a foeman’s axe or sword. But oak gave more protection, if you were strong enough to bear its weight.
It wasn’t fair. She could not fight without her magic sword. Ser Jaime had given it to her. The thought of failing him as she had failed Lord Renly made her want to weep. “My sword. Please, I have to find my sword.”
This time she dreamed that she was home again, at Evenfall. Through the tall arched windows of her lord father’s hall she could see the sun just going down. I was safe here. I was safe. She was dressed in silk brocade, a quartered gown of blue and red decorated with golden suns and silver crescent moons. On another girl it might have been a pretty gown, but not on her. She was twelve, ungainly and uncomfortable, waiting to meet the young knight her father had arranged for her to marry, a boy six years her senior, sure to be a famous champion one day. She dreaded his arrival. Her bosom was too small, her hands and feet too big. Her hair kept sticking up, and there was a pimple nestled in the fold beside her nose. “He will bring a rose for you,” her father promised her, but a rose was no good, a rose could not keep her safe. It was a sword she wanted. Oathkeeper.
Someone had stripped her of her clothes and armor, she saw. She was clad in a brown woolen shift, thin but freshly washed. Her forearm had been splinted and bound up with linen, though. One side of her face felt wet and stiff. When she touched herself, she found some sort of damp poultice covering her cheek and jaw and ear.
The grey man touched her bandaged face. “We had to cut away some of the flesh. Your face will not be pretty, I fear.” It has never been pretty. “Scars, you mean?” […] Every knight has battle scars, Ser Goodwin had warned her, when she asked him to teach her the sword. Is that what you want, child? ”
Finally the doors opened, and her betrothed strode into her father’s hall. She tried to greet him as she had been instructed, only to have blood come pouring from her mouth. She had bitten her tongue off as she waited. She spat it at the young knight’s feet, and saw the disgust on his face. “Brienne the Beauty,” he said in a mocking tone. “I have seen sows more beautiful than you.” He tossed the rose in her face. As he walked away, the griffins on his cloak rippled and blurred and changed to lions. Jaime! she wanted to cry. Jaime, come back for me! But her tongue lay on the floor by the rose, drowned in blood.
“What are you doing here?” “Something stupid. Get behind me.” He circled toward her, putting himself between Brienne and the bear. “You get behind me. I have the sword.”
“I am grateful, but … you were well away. Why come back?” A dozen quips came to mind, each crueler than the one before, but Jaime only shrugged. “I dreamed of you,” he said.
“When she tried to talk she almost choked on her own tongue. I gave her a rose and told her it was all that she would ever have from me.” Connington glanced into the pit. “The bear was less hairy than that freak, I’ll—”Jaime’s golden hand cracked him across the mouth so hard the other knight went stumbling down the steps. His lantern fell and smashed, and the oil spread out, burning. “You are speaking of a highborn lady, ser. Call her by her name. Call her Brienne.” Connington edged away from the spreading flames on his hands and knees. “Brienne. If it please my lord.” He spat a glob of blood at Jaime’s foot. “Brienne the Beauty.”
“Take the sword and slay the Kingslayer, or be hanged for a betrayer. The sword or the noose, she says. Choose, she says. Choose.” Brienne remembered her dream, waiting in her father’s hall for the boy she was to marry. In the dream she had bitten off her tongue. My mouth was full of blood. She took a ragged breath and said, “I will not make that choice.”
Brienne sucked the air in desperately, even as the rope was strangling her. Nothing had ever hurt so much. She screamed a word.
Jaime scrambled to his feet. “My lady. I had not thought to see you again so soon.” Gods be good, she looks ten years older than when I saw her last. And what’s happened to her face? “That bandage … you’ve been wounded …” “A bite.” She touched the hilt of her sword, the sword that he had given her. Oathkeeper.
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artstar1997 · 1 month
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The main characters of my fairy AU, which is the adaptation of the Hidden AU and its collaboration story, Journey to Harmony are made by me and @georgi-girl. Each of the seven fairy tribes and subtribes has wings and antennae based on different insects or the wings are based on their elements (the country tribe as earth fairies have leaf or flower petal or fruit slice-shaped wings, the techno tribe as water fairies have fin-like wings, etc.) and the pop trolls as fairies are more of butterfly fairies while Cooper is a moth fairy, just like his parents and his tribe and Queen Rose and her tribe, the platinum trolls are dragonfly fairies. Their outfits are based on the fashion from the Middle Ages, though the fairies' clothes are made out of natural materials, such as leaves and flower petals.
The new Platinum leader and the fairy queen of the fairy kingdom, Queen Rosetta a.k.a Rose has dragonfly wings and antennae just like the members of her court, which is known for the use of light magic. She wears roses and rose petals in her outfits because the flowers match her personality and the rose symbolizes royalty, romance, love, beauty, and courage.
Queen Poppy, the older twin of King Peppy's twin daughters and one of Queen Celestia's wards has the antennae that she, Queen Celestia, and the members of the Snack Pack share because they came from the same court. During the group's search for the Pop court, Poppy acts as a trusted best friend for Queen Rose to rely on in lending a helping hand or wing because they have been inseparable at most times, especially during lessons. She shares with her boyfriend, Branch. Her wings are based on the king swallowtail and her outfits have camellias and their petals as skirts because the flower symbolizes beauty, grace, elegance, love, longevity, happiness, and good fortune,
Branch, on the other hand, is still the cautious and protective but talented butterfly. His skills in survival and protectiveness towards his friends allowed him to join the knights and earn his title as a sir. He and his brothers have the same monarch butterfly wings and his outfits were made of Mexican sage petals and leaves. The sage plant symbolizes bravery, esteem, domestic virtue, longevity, thoughtfulness, good health, and wisdom.
DJ Suki is a music-savvy fairy herself since fairies are known to be musically inclined and she was trained to be a troubadour ever since Queen Celestia took in the Snack Pack after they were separated from the pop fairies during their escape from the giants (the bergens). Sporting red lacewing butterfly wings and wearing clothes with lotus petals, I kinda match her with lotus flowers because they symbolize transcendence, purity, rebirth, and strength.
Cooper is the only moth fairy in the group and is known to work in the castle bakery with Legsly. He was aware that he had a different antennae shape and that his wings were based on a rosy maple moth but what he didn't know was that he was born a fairy prince. His outfits are made of morning glories, which match him perfectly because the flowers symbolize eternal love, rebirth, resilience, life, and unyielding love.
Smidge is a skilled flyer and fighter in her group and she is one of the transgender members. She is the strongest because she trained with the knights alongside Branch but, she tends to be more of a berserker. Her wings are based on an orange sulphur butterfly and her outfits are made out of red dahlias, which symbolize strength, power, perseverance, and prosperity.
Biggie is a big butterfly with a heart of gold. As an animal tamer and the caretaker of the Snack Pack, he takes care of them and keeps them safe with his bow and arrows but he owns a pet fox, whom he names Mr. Dinkles. He has blue morpho butterfly wings and his outfit is made out of pansy flower petals and leaves because it matches his gentle personality and the pansy symbolizes love, loyalty, honesty, devotion, sympathy, and care.
Guy Diamond is a transgender male but he is considered the most beautiful fairy. Sporting glitter on his pink-tipped satyr butterfly wings, he can emit fairy dust from his wake when flying. Queen Rose uses it for potions while Fuzzbert uses the dust for healing. As a new dad to the newborn baby Tiny Diamond, he tries his best to be a good example to his son. His outfits are made out of amaryllis lily petals, which match him because the flower symbolizes pride, strength, determination, beauty, and love.
Satin and Chenille, the fashion twins still love fashion designing and making clothes but their outfits are known among the younger generation of the nobility, the elite, and the wealthy class. They have matching purple emperor wings, cherry blossom outfits, and ponytails that face each other like a mirror, but the sleeves, personalities, and colors set them apart. Cherry blossoms match them because of their traits and the flower symbolizes beauty, passion, love, courage, rebirth, renewal, new beginnings, and the start of spring.
Fuzzbert, though mute, is a skilled healer among his teammates, which comes in handy because of the difficulty of their quest. Using his knowledge of potions and spells to cure his fellow fairies and help anyone in need. His wings are based on a species of a swallowtail butterfly and his outfits are made of sweet pea leaves, which symbolize blissful pleasure, good wishes, kindness, gratitude, and friendship.
Legsly works at the castle bakery with Cooper but she is mainly the most outgoing among the teammates. As a baker, she has a "happy-go-lucky" attitude with a liking for any "good things" and her cooking talent impresses both her friends and guests alike. Her dress is made out of the leaves and the flower of the daffodil, which symbolizes rebirth, new beginnings, hope, joy, and good luck.
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itjazzbicch · 1 year
In The Midnight Sky
Pairing: Nozel Silva x (Commoner) Cosmic Magic-User! Reader 
Summary: Finally accomplishing their dream of becoming a magic knights captain and celebrating with the other captains, the reader realizes one captain isn't so fond of them and wonders why...
Warnings:  N/A (First time writing Nozel so I hope I did well!)
Word Count: 1.6k
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"Let's all say-" I had never felt happier in my life, watching from my seat at the table in the bar, surrounded by my fellow magic knight captains as Captain Vangeance rose his glass up, congratulating me, "Congratulations to Y/N for being an amazing magic knight, now a captain of her very own squad, the Midnight Sky." 
"Yeah, congratulations!" An already drunk Yami slurred out alongside an even more intoxicated Jack, offering, "Have some drinks!"  
"Why, thank you," I chuckled, not only taking my drink but since I did have a free night, I decided to drink a little more along with them. 
Most of the other captains were just as kind and accepting, thankfully not as drunk as Yami and Jack though. It was a great way to end such a perfect day, except it wasn't the end. Not that I knew it yet. 
Only one captain didn't agree with this decision and that was Nozel. Not having a clue as to why upset me. I can't recall a time when I was rude, improper, or unprofessional around him. Maybe because I was a commoner? I have overheard Nozel's royal attitude before. 
That was my only guess, and I was curious as to why he was even here with all of us. Only having a glass of wine, maintained his distance, not joining the toast. He was something else, but I wasn't going to let it ruin my day. 
"Congratulations once again, Captain Y/N," Everyone was leaving and they made sure to say their final goodbyes for the evening, Captain Vangence making me laugh while apologizing: 
"And I apologize for my friend's drunken behavior." 
"No need to apologize. We all need a drink sometimes, am I right?" I assured them it was no issue, earning a smile back from the Captain: 
"Suppose you're not wrong. Goodnight, Captain." 
I knew that I was never going to get tired of hearing that word. Captain. I stood there smiling as I looked back on my entire life, and how I worked so hard to get to this point. Never felt so happy and accomplished, till a serious mood crashed down on me: 
"Just know, as a captain, you have serious duties and responsibilities now. Don't think it will be so easy. It's not meant for everyone." 
Nozel. He was the last to leave, walking past me, but before he got too far, I shut the door, asking with his back facing me: 
"Is there a particular reason that you don't like me, Captain Nozel?" 
If I was going to be a captain, I didn't want to start with any issues. This was probably the only time I'd ever catch him alone, so I could ask. 
Those blue eyes darted at me from a distance with a turn of his head, through that silver braid. I must admit, it was a bit intimidating, but I kept my manner, bowing to him: 
"I swear to you, Captain Nozel! All I ever wanted to be my entire life was to become a magic knights captain! I want to protect this kingdom and all its people. I swear, I have no kind of ill intentions and if I have ever done anything to disrespect you, I give you my deepest apologies." 
The moment of silence made me even more nervous, listening as if I was just a magic knight on his squad as he commanded: 
"Stand up. That's not necessary." 
Standing up straight with my hands behind my back, I could only maintain eye contact and hope for the best, but grew more nervous while listening to his authoritative tone: 
"It takes someone strong to be a captain, more than just magical abilities. It-" 
His words alone showed me what I had to do, not liking that I had to interrupt him, putting out my question: 
"Pardon me, but do you even remember my abilities? Let alone my accomplishments." 
"Is that a challenge?" Oh, great! He turned all the way around, head held high, and I tried my best not to panic, taking a breath before I stepped up to him: 
"That silver eagle that you fly on, make one for us, and let's go out to the mountain where you can see the capital."  
"And why's that?"  
"We are fellow captains now. Is it hard to have a little faith in your comrade?" Hoping my kindness and smile would charm him, I jumped for joy behind his back as he turned and made his silver eagle using his mercury magic.  
I tried to hide my excitement as I climbed on carefully, sitting in silence as he took us over the mountain. A smile was on my face when I realized that the sky was clear and there was a full moon. That was going to make my task a whole lot easier.  
"So, you plan on showing me that you're worthy," Nozel spoke while I climbed off, following me with crossed arms, "Show me." 
"Yes sir," Taking a step toward the edge we were near, I closed my eyes and felt the wind blowing past me, slightly chilly but I didn't mind in the slightest, smiling more as I took out my grimoire: 
"Cosmic magic, star shower." 
I made sure to turn my head to see Nozel's reaction. At first, he was confused, not seeing anything happening in front of him, till I pointed behind him and informed him: 
"Try looking that way." 
He did as so, able to hear his gasp being taken by the wind, a sky full of stars waving over with a cloud that gave off every color of the rainbow, illuminated by shooting stars passing by. From end to end, as far as the eye could see, there were stars and it truly looked like magic glazing upon the kingdom.
"I can do more than just that. I could summon a meteorite if I had to, make a star explode," I said seriously to him as he turned with a slightly shocked expression, "But it was already a beautiful evening, so why not add to it?" 
"Y/N-" Just the expansion in his eyes alone showed that even he was blown away by this and just to make sure that he had no other thoughts about me, I gave him our salute, admitting and swearing: 
"When I was a child, I lost my mother and father to the conflicts of this world. I never want anyone ever to experience the pain that I have. That is why I swear, as the Captain of the Midnight Sky, I will protect my team, my comrades, and every single person in this kingdom, with all the power in my being even if it cost me my life. As long as this heart is still beating, every time darkness tries to come near us, I fill it with stars and bring in the light." 
I had to close my eyes and take a breath, maybe those few drinks made me a bit more emotional, fighting some tears, off guard and a bit confused when I felt a warm palm on my cheek, thumb wiping away a tear, Nozel's voice as soft and sweet as anything I've ever heard: 
"No need to cry. You know, it's not because I never liked you or thought that you weren't worthy of being a captain." 
"What is it then?" My eyes opened quickly and his hand on my cheek gave me an idea. His cheeks turned red while he gazed away, trying to think of how to explain, finding it in the heat of the moment: 
"This is why." 
The wind passing by stole all the oxygen in me right as Nozel's lips met mine, someone who seemed to be so cold having so much heat radiating from him, lips soft and tender with every touch, that hand on my cheek finding my shoulder, one arm wrapped around them and the other around my hip to keep an embrace. 
I've never felt such passion, Nozel being the last person I expected it from, eyes opening wide as our lips parted and he let go of me.  
"Pardon my behavior," There he was, more flustered than before, "I just-" 
"It's okay," Snapping out of my shock, I understood what he meant, taking his hand softly, "I can tell you're not the best at expressing your feelings and that's okay. I understand." 
That made him smile slightly, squeezes my hand into his softness, becoming the one who was flustered as he asked shyly: 
"Congratulations on becoming Captain of your squad. Your power is like nothing I've ever seen. And maybe, well, we can go out sometime." 
"Nozel, are you asking me out on a date?" I wasn't trying to tease; I couldn't believe this was happening! 
"Yes-" His gaze reconnected and was as deep as ever, "I am." 
"Well," I smiled, wanting to ease the nervousness from the both of us, showing that I had emotion too, and since he kissed me first, I kissed this time, "I accept. Just name the time and place." 
"I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow," He smiled back, giving me one last peck before I pulled away. 
Tonight didn't go how I saw it going, but gosh I couldn't stop smiling now. Not sure if Nozel knew of this ability of mine or not, I took a few steps back towards that same edge, levitating off the ground.  
"I'm looking forward to it, Nozel," Blowing a kiss and winking, a brighter smile on my face before I left off into the stars, his eyes in awe of my smile disappearing into the star-filled, midnight sky, "Goodnight and sweet dreams."
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funky-sea-cryptid · 4 months
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so this took the better part of seven hours, but it was fun!!! part 1 of 7!!!!
did you know, we as a fandom have a mage oc for each magic knights squad? crazy!
from the golden dawn - neva belmonte, from @lyranova
from the black bulls - nita indigoon, from @cloverkingsmith
from the silver eagles - lana vaude, from @wildflowerwoodsworld
from the blue rose knights - lerola roselei, from @crazedstoryteller
from the crimson lion kings - helen xerneas, from @the-geek-librarian
from the green praying mantis knights - calla m. eucidot, from yours truly :3
from the coral peacocks - remy cliffton, from @colucana
from the purple orcas - rangi falk, from @cringeyvanillamilk
and last but certainly not least, from the aqua deer - izel faye, from @ravioli-fries
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A good while again I got a request that Tumblr refuses to show me, but I got it in my Tumbly email, and thus was able to write it down. I took the liberty to rephrase the gist of it, and the idea, because there was enough content for a 50k slowburn. But. Here's a oneshot, hope you like it
Pairing: Nacht x Fem!Reader Reader description for this oneshot:
A shy, introverted, "loner" but kind, book-loving BRK ( Blue Rose Knight) with energy magic that can absorb other people’s mana a little bit, and which allows her to feel the person's emotions and energy as a result
Genre: Angst, tragic-romance Fanfic type: Oneshot Length: ~0.9k Contains: Themes of regret (Nacht's, but reader feels his emotions through his energy), themes of self-doubt and forbidden romance, angst, open ending, Nacht being his emo self, manga spoilers, reader cries because she feel's Nacht's regret as her own, I guess you could see reader's reaction as an anxiety attack? (if you squint then maybe), this is a tragic romance type of a oneshot, so no happy times, the romance is more of an inkling feeling and isn't established by any means, I guess that's it?
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A festival. A celebration. A part of you wondered why were you even there, while another part of you knew perfectly well why. The war against devils in Spade had been won, and it was certainly a feat. A cause for a celebration. And though the kingdom needed time to heal, time to be rebuilt, people needed this celebration, this festival, moment to look into the future and enjoy themselves.
And you supposed that... that was why you were there. Though, in all honesty, you would rather have been back at the Blue Roses Headquarters, reading a book.
But some of the girls had convinced you to come along. At least see what the fuss was about. And when you asked to explore the festival on your own, they understood it. You needed space and time for yourself. They knew that there was no ill intent in you wanting to be alone, after all, you were a kind person. It just wasn’t in your nature to spend time in crowds, lots of people and chat the night away.
So, as you wandered the festival, feeling that you were fulfilling a kind of a duty to your squad mates, something...
As you were walking to a more quiet area of the festival, only a few people walking around here and there, there was a strange ... source of energy, or mana that... It wasn’t hostile, but it was...
You stopped, your affinity allowing some of that mana, some of that energy to seep into you, and then it overtook you.
Like a wave. A crushing wave of regret and pain and ... a burden so difficult to bear that you slumped to the ground with tears in your eyes that refused to stop. Your body bend over, up to a point where you were curled around yourself.
But the feeling grew stronger and stronger, until it seemed like the very weight of the heavens were on you.
And that was when you looked up.
There was a man, dressed in a black cloak. Decorated with the insignia of a bull’s skull.
And he was looking at you.
His eyes were emotionless, cold and distant, but you felt... you felt that you knew, that it was his mana, his energy that was the cause of the burden.
And something in that gaze he gave you, as if separated by a thin wall, as if a sheet of glass, still told you that he knew. He knew that you knew.
A part of you wanted an explanation. But after a moment that must’ve been only a few seconds long, despite having felt as if a life time, he turned his back and walked away. Just like that.
Just like that.
And then, the pain was gone.
It made you wonder... because the Black Bulls... they were the heroes... The war against Devils couldn’t have gotten the result as it did, without... Without... Who you thought must’ve been the Vice Captain of the Formerly Known As The Worst Squad in Clover Kingdom.
Formerly. But not anymore.
Nacht Faust. The Vice Captain of the Black Bulls. Even if reluctantly so. Perhaps a little bit less reluctantly so as before the events in Spade, but still somewhat reluctant.
He found himself standing on the outskirts of the city, deep in thought.
For a moment he had thought to feel someone absorbing some of his mana, even if only a little, and then... as he had approached the person, his suspicions had proven to be right. Another knight. A woman. A Blue Rose.
She had seemed in pain, because of the mana.
No... It hadn’t been just pain.
He was certain of it.
In fact, it was something that he knew far, far better than the feeling of pain. That of regret.
Past mistakes that could never be undone.
And yet, she didn’t seem like she judged. She didn’t look like she hated him for it. Instead, he... it had been almost pity, in her eyes. Almost, but not quite.
He didn’t expect her to understand.
Not even after, maybe, having felt that which he had gathered upon his very soul. Much like a shield. A token of shame.
Shame that he felt he deserved.
But he couldn’t help but feel a little intrigued by her. By the affinity, the look, and the emotions, of entirely her own, that she must’ve felt as a result of ... whatever it had been that just happened.
However, for whatever reason, he found himself thinking that... this wouldn’t be the last time that they’d meet. This wouldn’t be the last time their paths would cross.
How and why it would happen, he didn’t know.
He wasn’t sure if he cared either. How and why their paths would cross. But he didn’t dare think that she’d understand him. He didn’t think that anyone would understand him. A luxury that he wasn’t good enough.
But maybe... or... perhaps not.
If she had been in such pain just in his vicinity, then it’d be best for him to stay away. Not be intrigued. Not feel... curious. Of the woman or her affinity.
Yes... he was best, alone.
If only had he known, that she was a loner too.
And maybe, sometimes, it takes two lone souls to understand each other the best.
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