himakki · 1 year
They love each other a lot 🤭😊
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lemonsdream32 · 6 months
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asya-7 · 1 year
Just Blueberry giving cooking lessons but got interrupted by fell :)
The animation belongs to me, don't repost it without my permission and without me being credit.
I've got inspired by aimkid and Kinigani on youtube.
My tiktok=> @myname992(i will change the name soon)
My youtube Channel=> Asya_7771
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rellsal · 4 months
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maice-arts · 1 year
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Video Call
(if Xchara hadn't taken Swap!chara soul)
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harumichan12 · 5 months
My old arts of human female version of Swap sans 💙🤍✨️
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She's so adorable, I really love her 🥺💖
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To Attract Blue Eyes and Ivory Bone (Centaur Swap!Sans x Reader)
This was requested by a lovely anon! I was super excited to get a request so I decided to jet this out real quick! I already had a character in mind too!
This is part of a bigger project called the Conservatory! A secret land facility that studies and treats mythical or hybrid monsters, either for release or for general study. Warnings: Mentions of blood, minor injuries, you are hunted in the first bit
You were officially and unofficially screwed. 
Already the image of the report was coming into your head, the analytical method of how each paragraph would be formatted tormenting your brain. 
Y/N L/N, Junior Zoologist 
- Killed In Action while filling in zoologist position for specimen Dust. - Usual zoologist for Dust was pulled from location due to legal issues outside of organization - L/N was found in [LOCATION], with- 
You cut yourself from imagining the description of your own death. 
But really.... 
What else was going to happen? 
You stumbled over rock and turf, dust springing up behind you as you scrambled down the mountainside. The angry roars of Dust echoed from behind your back, a chorus of screams, growls, and yowling. 
It was certainly motivating you to keep running. 
The ground started to turn springy underfoot as the landscape changed from dusty rocks to green fields, long grass scratching at the tears in your legs as you kept running. 
The facility was a long way off, but if you could catch a patrol, you had a chance to live, a chance to get free. 
Really though, it was your fault.
You shouldn't have tried to press Dust, to try and do his physical when he had made it very clear he didn't like you. 
That purple and red eye light slit with hate and fear, a warning growl as he backed into his cave, wings outspread. 
He had even tried to warn you through riddles and tasteless puns, but your serious nature hadn't take it, well, seriously. 
Now, you were reaping the cost. 
Dust was no one to trifle with- the sphinx was a fierce hunter, able to  glide from mountain to the flat plain you were now on- fast as a lion too. You had the advantage of your team trying to tranquilize him, but judging from the fact you could hear his screams of rage from above indicated that they had had no luck. 
The only other being that Dust couldn't run downhill very well... 
But you knew better than to think that would stop him. 
After all, like you had mentioned to yourself earlier, he could gli-
He could glide.
You turned, realizing your mistake when the sphinx dropped from the sky, landing in front of you to pat you away with a single paw. You cried out in pain as your back hit the ground hard, your head knocking against dirt as you rolled. 
Your hands grasped the dirt to find purchase as you tried to crawl, feeling the sting of the dirt in the scratches already placed in your legs from an earlier swipe. 
A paw slammed into your back, claws barely pricking your skin. 
No room for apology in those eye lights as he turned you over, forcing your terrified eyes to meet his insane ones. 
You hoped your life insurance payout was good enough for your family to have a nice little boost on their savings, because you weren't coming out of this one alive. 
Dust raised his other paw, claws longer than your hand sliding out as he raised it above your head. 
You braced yourself for the pain, knowing he wouldn't be merciful in your torment. 
A battle cry, a neigh, a scream really, echoed from behind you as Dust's skull snapped up, the crest of feathers circling his neck and head flaring in warning. 
A shadow blocked your vision as hooves slammed into Dust's chest, knocking him away, stamping around you angrily, but being cautious enough to avoid your body. 
You knew that dappled grey body, patches of white surrounded by darker hairs. The elegant white tail flicking with anger.
Admiral stamped above you, his hooves nearly the size of your face as he glared down Dust. The feathering on Admiral's legs was fluffed, intentionally or unintentionally, you didn't know, even if the zoologist in you was freaking out.
Dust snarled angrily, a strange language pouring out his mouth as he seemed to yell at Admiral. 
Admiral snorted, answering in the same strange tongue. This went back and forth, with Dust trying to get closer and Admiral whinnying angrily, stomping.  Dust sprang forward, but Admiral was ready, turning to back kick Dust, forcing the sphinx away from you. This happened several more times, Admiral refusing to let Dust get close to you.
In the end, you knew who would be the victor. 
Unlike Dust, who kept himself low to the ground, and only stood at full height at around 7 ft, Admiral towered at a staggering 9 ft, his torso helping to add to his already immense height. That, and Admiral had the advantage of actual arms, not legs like Dust. 
Dust growled, but slunk away, back up the mountain. He seemed very disgruntled, giving you one last hate-laden look before disappearing.
You let out a wheeze of air, as Admiral stepped back carefully, looking down at you. 
Admiral was a centaur, affectionately nicknamed Blue by some of the younger scientists. Admiral was his chosen name, but he answered to both. 
You opted to be polite and call him Admiral. 
"Thanks, Admiral," you sighed, taking a deep breath. 
"Are you alright, human?" Admiral adjusted his footing, looking nervous. He, or at least half of him, was Percheron, and his torso, starting at the hip bone, was all skeletal, thin and elegant. The pristine bone was admired by every zoologist or doctor in the facility, as it was carefully maintained by the centaur. But he did have an image to fill as one of the longest-standing residents here at the Conservatory.
"Yeah.. just... processing it all." 
"Dust really doesn't like you," Admiral observed. 
"Gee, you think?" You couldn't help but snap. 
Admiral either didn't notice or didn't comment. 
"Where's your squad?" He asked, tilting his skull. "You should be with them, not down here.. or they should be coming down soon. Are they taking the normal route back down?"
You always forgot how much more intelligent Admiral was from the rest of the monsters here at the Conservatory, excluding a few others. He lacked that monstrous quality that scared so many, instead holding onto a clever and witty manner that charmed many who met him. 
Or so you had heard from others, namely gossipers in the barracks. 
You had met him only once, officially, as he was one of the few allowed to roam around the Conservatory unheeded. The only thing inhibiting him from restricted areas was the shock band on his wrist- an unhappy necessity, as your supervisors had described, rather sadly. 
You had seen him several times as you would drive past the main field where the centaur herd resided, waving politely, the centaurs often greeting you back. 
"Probably on the main route down..." you winced as you sat up, feeling the pain in your legs.
"Oh, are you hurt, human?" Admiral knelt onto the knees of his front legs, bending his torso to plant his hands on either side of your body, inspecting. His eye lights widened when he saw the damage. You craned your head to look as well, slight panic blooming when you saw the red of blood streaming down your legs onto the grass. You couldn't see bone, which was the one good thing about this situation.
"You need medical help," he exclaimed, his skull turning to yours. From this angle you could see little dark freckles on his skull, like the Percheron pattern had sprinkled onto his face as well as his horse body. 
"I know, I'll just wait for them to get down here.. I'll radio them over." 
"No time." His hands scooped you into his arms, pulling you and himself up as he stood. You gasped, resting several feet in the air, held securely in Admiral's grip. 
"Whoa! Admiral, I'll be fine, I swear-" 
"Nonsense," he snorted. "If Hunter or Dust smelled you again, they are not above finding you and making sure to finish the job."
You couldn't prevent a shudder at the mention of the resident naga, or of Dust. 
He began to walk, careful not to jostle you as he strode through the grass. You watched the landscape, before turning to look at him, the zoologist in you examining him. His bones, as you suspected, were clean and pristine, the monster magic in his body sustaining the hardiness of the material. They had the small dark freckles there as well, the bone not quite as white and pure as you had suspected. They were more of an ivory color, slightly more dark than his dappled horse coat.
His rib cage did press against your torso a bit harshly, digging into your own flesh as he seemed to tense a bit, feeling your stare.
"Is something wrong?" He asked. 
Part of you felt a bit puzzled. He wasn't anything like how the others described him... not as bold and boisterous as was often complained (affectionately.)
"You're not as loud as the others said you were," you commented, tilting your head. "And it's puzzling that you would help me." 
Admiral laughed. It was a strange noise, half human, but with a whinny mixed in. "Come now, you don't believe all the gossip that goes around, do you?" 
"And frankly, it's part of my job to assist the humans of the Conservatory. I don't play babysitter to the other centaurs all day long. Besides," He paused, a slight blue flush crossing his cheekbones. 
"I saw you and your team going up to Dust's area and knew that something was probably going to happen. Dust is a.. fickle monster." 
"Tell me about it," you grumbled. 
Admiral laughed again. You took the opportunity to study his eye lights, half fascinated by the color. 
His eye lights were slightly translucent, the blue color faded through, a ring of white within the blue. They swam brightly within a pool of black, slightly glowing with in the interior.
That blue rivaled the sky itself, brilliant and curious, inquisitive, and... 
Oh, he was staring right at you. 
"Well, thanks anyway," you crossed your arms a bit. 
"You're very welcome," he answered. "As for loud, I can be, but I'd rather not when you already seem in a delicate situation. Ah, here comes my handler." 
You turned to see a sleek grey horse gallop up, a human riding barebacked. She had a cowboy hat on, a long braid falling down her back.
"Admiral?" She asked warily.
"Espe, you know I prefer Blue when it's the herd and you." 
Espe rolled her eyes. You knew this woman, one of the few to have lived here longer than three years. She had been Admiral's handler for two of those years, having experience with riding and horses. She looked tough enough for the job. You wondered if she had worked with any other monsters here in the Conservatory.
Belatedly, you realized that she must be also the lead mare of the herd- something you had read about in Admiral's file. The lead mare was an important part of centaur life, and Espe had been assigned the position after Admiral became the unofficial leader of the centaur herd. 
"You need assistance?" She asked you, eyeing your legs. 
"Yeah, just a simple patchwork till I can get back to the barracks. I might need stitches..." 
Espe nodded. "Right, we'll just jet back to the outpost to give you that patch job." 
Admiral steadied you in his grip as he strode into a canter, following Espe. The outpost was a tall weather station in the middle of the Conservatory plains, hosting the weather analysts and the 'stable', a term for the structure that hosted a medical station, showers and other items for the upkeep of the centaur herd. 
Admiral strode into the stable, ducking his head as he knelt again to place you on a couch. He then rose, going around to the back of the couch to lay down, his arms and head resting on the back of the couch to look down at you. 
"Can I help you?" You couldn't help but ask. 
Admiral shrugged. "I want to make sure you're okay." You hummed, choosing not to comment or think too much into his words. It didn't help that his eye lights dragged up and down your body, as if examining every single inch.
Espe walked up with a first aid kit, breaking the odd tension. "Blue, would you mind not ogling our visitor?"
Espe made a shooing gesture at Admiral. "Go on, scram." 
"It's okay if he stays, I don't mind," you quickly broke in. Both looked surprised... 
Before Admiral's expression melted into one of soft gratitude and.... 
Before you could comment, Espe was peeling away your bloodstained trousers. 
You hissed, before a skeletal hand came to pet your hair.
Admiral comforted you, playing with your hair as Espe worked on your legs. She was quick, finishing her work, before leaning back and patting your shoulder. 
"Nice job, kid. You'll heal up nicely.." 
She paused.
Then spoke to Admiral. 
"Blue, mind giving us some space?" 
Admiral looked mildly upset but not surprised, standing to trot outside. His eye lights met your eyes before he closed the barn doors, respecting your space. Espe turned to you, her eyes flickering up and down your figure, like how Admiral had done so recently. 
"Know how to ride a horse?"
You frowned, perplexed, and a tiny bit addled from the pain that had shot through your body.
"Yes? I mean, I'm not good, but I could learn... why?"
"Would you be interested in becoming lead mare of the centaur herd?" 
You stared at Espe. "What gives?" You finally asked. Was this a bad joke?
Espe shrugged. "I'll be leaving here soon, I have a job opportunity outside the conservatory.. and Blue likes you. The board was considering replacing me anyways for a natural lead mare, and you, so far, fit the category of meeting Blue's standards."
Confusion bloomed in your mind. "What are you talking about? I thought you-" 
"Assigned, not chosen. A natural lead mare dynamic is one chosen by the lead stallion. You obviously have caught the fancy of Blue, so you would be a good candidate." 
"... Are you wing-manning Admiral?" 
Espe laughed. "Yes. He would never admit it, it's not in his typical language to do so. Centaurs have very different expressions of love." 
"Whoa..." you couldn't process this. The fact that Espe was hinting, or downright telling you, that Admiral fancied you was a concept and an idea that never occurred to you but in your craziest of dreams. 
"I know it's a lot to process, but I'd rather ask outright." Espe patted your knee. "I know it can be daunting, the thought of a monster liking you.. happens more often than you think. Speaking from experience." 
Espe winked at you as she stood. "A patrol will be done to fetch you in an hour or two... perhaps you want to get more acquainted with Blue, er, Admiral before they arrive?" 
You considered, but your mind was made up...
"I wouldn't mind that... can I call him Blue?" 
"I think he would really like that." 
And just like that, beaming blue eye lights were once again staring into yours, a broad grin on Admiral's- no, Blue's face as he eagerly began to ask you questions.
Fact Dump!
Admiral is the stallion of the Ebott Conservatory Centaur Rehabilitation Program (ECCRP). He works in conjunction with his brother Marshal (Honey). Both took on human-like names to work better with humans. Admiral is a permanent fixture at the Conservatory, being the most docile and the most trained in helping centaurs adapt to living alongside humans.
The program focuses on teaching centaurs basic English, and human skills. They are working to have Centaurs recognized as a sentient species, since they are the most easy to communicate with. That's not saying the centaurs are better than the rest of the monsters at the Conservatory.
Admiral runs a small herd, patrolling his land. Centaur herd dynamics are close to that of a horse. A chosen lead mare, with a bunch of mares. There are 10 mares and 2 stallions besides Admiral. Mating is forbidden in the Conservatory, unless approved, by Blue, the lead mare, and the board.
The lead mare is a human, Espe (my OC!). She has been working with Admiral for two years, and was selected by the board, not Admiral. She is looking for a replacement, one chosen by Admiral to instill a more natural dynamic. She rides a horse to get along with the other centaurs.
Thank you so much for reading! You can also find this story at my Ao3!! writefromtheheartandsoul!
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yelloway · 10 months
Reposting from twitter #8,9,10,11,12
#Fluffynight 30.09.2022
#Driller 01.10.2022
#Errorswap 02.10.2022
#Dreamlust / lustdream 03.09.2022
#Dreammare 04.09.2022
Ships were choosen by wheel. Sadly I deleted video with it
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kirbygirl20 · 2 years
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A human girl Underswap Sans design (the name has gotten quite long lol)
Kinda went overboard on this, oh well.
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nshxosu · 8 months
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yandere blue
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rxmuda2r · 1 year
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"There will come a Soldier! who carries a mighty sword..." 🗡 🎶 Soldiers do it for the glory. They tend to highlight their conditions of physical strength, they always run the risk of exceeding the pursuit of their goals. This drawing is inspired by the song and the test of "The King, The Soldier and The Poet" I guess you already know who comes after this drawing. What are you? I got King "The Soldier" See you soon #undertalefandom ! 💕 #undertaleart #underverse #underfell #undertale #underswap #swapsans #blueberrysans #swap #sansfanart #sans #art #skeleton #digitalart #instagram #fyp #fanart #myart #fandom #viral #thesoldier #soldier https://www.instagram.com/p/CoLyj_gOYnP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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glitchedcodez · 2 years
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Haha swap
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lemonsdream32 · 4 months
My cute babies(//>//v//<//)
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mephistangelo · 1 year
I adopted him first!
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rellsal · 4 months
6H of work but it was worth it... IT'S SO CUTE!!!!!
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harumichan12 · 7 months
My old art of ✨️💙 Swap sans 💙✨️
I posted it on my twitter account so I will post it here too ^^
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