#bnha dragon shifter au
puppyaulait · 3 months
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heronoegg · 29 days
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They all grow up to be .. people i'll say that
Tatami is kinda grouchy and has 0 regard for human life because she was born around the times in the old world when the tragedy was ending. Older protective sister to the twins. Kirishima is too curious for his own good, too forgiving and not willing to kill, he was born in the tail end of the tragedy ending. TetsuTetsu is laid back but will end a life if he deems it necessary. He's Kiri's identical non-identical twin.
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yuufayui · 1 year
Fantasy au kirishima character development is 10/10
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inkalight · 2 years
HI! You have summoned the gremlin brain! Can we have any tidbits of your bnha aus? Just stuff laying around? Like the demon bunny au! I love love love that design!
Ah i love that au! I don't have a lot for it and unfortunately no new drawings at the moment, but the idea so far
Izuku is a low-level demon and has the dark forest spirit protector kind of vibes (even tho his power levels could use some growth) He probably tried to fight off so humans invading his forest to build more towns and they capture him :(
its fantasy au setting btw katsuki has been searching for a dragon shifter he can take as his uhhh companion to be worthy of retaking the cursed lands and rule them
He runs into Izuku who's got the wings and horns to be mistaken for a dragon shifter and he is very quick to steal him from the small town. Izuku is dragged through his home forest after not seeing it for weeks up to months because of his capture. With much complaint he gets kats to let him heal some of the damage.
Katsuki is not a regular human and with watching Izuku show so much love for his home he uses a great amount of magic to place a protective barrier around a large portion of the dark forest, it won't last forever and can be taken down by an experience mage, but the townspeople were too modernized, so magic is fantasy to them they won't be able to crack the barrier.
Izuku joins Katsuki's mission (more willingly now) under the deal he teaches him magic so he can return to protect his home. (izuku gains a larger more powerful form the more he gains his magic abilities and struggles to maintain moral when he begins exploring demon magic, but also, he enjoys being Kachan's demonic bun that sleeps in his travel sack) link to the drawings if anyone is curious https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/inklightcreations/688591671006560256?source=share
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Voy a contestar la encuesta que ha estado rulando por ahí estos días (la reblogueé hace poco) porque no espero que nadie me mande preguntas, así que lo contesto todo de golpe.
🏰 ¿Cuál es tu RD favorita? Todavía no he shifteado plenamente (léase más de un minuto) así que aún es pronto para decidirlo.
🛸 ¿Cuál es tu RD más rara? The Kelly Family (el grupo, en los 90, cuando todos los miembros originales estaban vivos y juntos).
🎡 ¿Tienes alguna RD que sea un crossover/AU? Técnicamente, mi RD de fantasía es un gran crossover de todos mis mundos de fantasía favoritos con algunos elementos originales.
🏔️ ¿A qué RD te da más nervios ir? Uf, no sé, ahora mismo a todas. Y a la vez a ninguna, porque ya no me pongo nerviosa ante la idea de encontrarme en otra realidad (aunque sospecho que es porque ya voy esperando fallar, y es muy triste). Pero bueno, creo que un poco más a Boku no Hero Academia, porque siempre me pongo nerviosa cuando va a empezar un nuevo curso o voy a una escuela diferente.
🛤️ ¿Qué RD has tenido por más tiempo? Mi RD de fantasía, existe desde mucho antes de conocer el shifting y es muy especial para mí, es la principal razón por la que quiero ir a otras realidades.
🏖️ ¿Qué RD es la más reconfortante cuando piensas en ir allí? Creo que Dragon Quest, porque voy exclusivamente para pasar tiempo con mi personaje favorito de toda la vida y que me cuide (aunque también me dejaré los cuernos en sus entrenamientos, las cosas como son).
🛶 ¿Tienes alguna RD que no esté basada en mundos de ficción (que no sea una RD de famosos o sala de espera)? No que yo recuerde. Tengo la típica "RA mejorada" de cómo me gustaría que fuera mi vida si todo hubiera salido como quiero, pero la gran mayoría son mundos de ficción.
💕 ¿Cuántas parejas tienes? Soy como los marineros que tienen un amor en cada puerto, yo tengo un amor en cada realidad, y en algunos casos más de uno (en algunas no me decido porque me gustan varios personajes, así que puede que haga diferentes realidades alternativas para explorar diferentes relaciones, no lo sé). Si contamos sólo las RD de las que tengo hecho el guión, oficialmente unos 10.
💍 ¿Te has casado en alguna de tus RDs? Todavía no, pero me gustaría hacerlo en el futuro.
🩴 ¿Tienes enemistades en alguna de tus RDs? Por lo general huyo de todo conflicto e intento llevarme bien con todo el mundo (salvo los enemigos "por defecto" de cada realidad en plan villanos, orcos... con los que hay que luchar sí o sí), así que nunca voy a poner aposta en un guión que me llevo mal con alguien o que alguien me odia, rivalidades, enemistades y cosas así (y no entiendo mucho a la gente que lo hace por el drama, pero bueno, tampoco juzgo, cada uno tiene sus gustos). Ahora bien, si surge, pues qué le vamos a hacer. Ya lo veremos cuando llegue. He visto ya a varias shifters de BNHA decir que se llevaban mal con Momo o que Momo les cogió manía, a mí me gusta mucho Momo y quiero que seamos amigas, pero vivo con el miedo de que también la tome conmigo cuando me conozca.
👑 Si ya has shifteado, ¿quién es la primera persona que viste cuando llegaste a tu RD? Si no has shifteado aún, ¿a quién tienes más ganas de conocer? Aquí es cuando puedo sacar la carta de mi mini-shift de un minuto y decir que la primera persona a la que vi fue Tenya Iida. Concretamente le vi arrodillado a mi lado, con su traje de héroe, llamándome una y otra vez con cara de preocupación, porque al parecer yo había tenido un accidente durante el entrenamiento. Vaya forma de despertar, pero me hizo ilusión verle.
🧦 Si ya has shifteado, ¿hay algún personaje secundario o que no aparezca en el canon con el que hayas hecho amistad? Aún no he shifteado el tiempo suficiente para conocer a más gente.
🤝 ¿Cómo es tu grupo de amigos? En mi RD de fantasía, el grupo principal somos un caballero, una maga y un elfo (y yo que soy guerrera). De vez en cuando se nos acopla alguien temporalmente, pero ellos son mis mejores amigos. En BNHA todavía no sé con quién haré más amistad, en la primera versión de mi guión sí especifiqué un grupo de amigos, pero ahora prefiero esperar a conocerlos y ver qué amistades surgen, tengo mucha curiosidad (también vivo con el miedo de quedarme más sola que la una como en esta realidad, pero alguien me adoptará, digo yo).
👥 ¿Quién es tu familia en tu RD, si la tienes? En mi RD de fantasía no tengo familia (que yo sepa); en BNHA simplemente puse que tenía a mis padres y una abuela, se asume que tengo más familia por ahí, pero no he especificado mucho y tampoco viven cerca. Ahora mismo no recuerdo ninguna RD en la que esté emparentada con algún personaje conocido, pero seguro que tengo alguna por ahí.
🧛 ¿Hay alguien de tu RD que te dé miedo? ¡Bakugo! Sé que es alguien que me va a hacer sentir bastante incómoda, porque no soporto a la gente que es borde con los demás sin razón. Ya he comentado antes que soy muy sensible y siempre evito el conflicto, y eso de que me insulten y amenacen de gratis no lo llevo nada bien. Pero bueno, intentaré ignorarle y cruzarme con él lo menos posible.
🫶 ¿Quién es tu persona favorita en tu RD que NO sea tu pareja? Mi maestro en mi RD de fantasía.
✍️ ¿Cuál de tus guiones es el más detallado o del que estás más orgullosa? El de Boku no Hero Academia es el que más he ido ampliando y detallando, se me han ido ocurriendo muchas cosas con el tiempo, incluso tengo una libreta donde lo puse en plan bonito con imágenes y pegatinas... pero de vez en cuando me da por pensar "¿de verdad quiero planear tanto? ¿no sería mejor dejar más cosas al azar y sorprenderme?" y me pongo a borrar y quitar cosas, sobre todo de la parte de escenas concretas o planificar dónde estaba yo en ciertos momentos de la serie (como dónde hago las prácticas y cosas así). Así que tengo una versión super larga y detallada, y otras más minimalistas sólo con lo básico y que sea lo que Dios quiera.
💤 ¿Cuál es el último sueño que has tenido sobre tu RD? Pues si no recuerdo mal, uno en el que estaba en un centro comercial con algunos de la clase 1-A (no estaban todos) haciendo unas prácticas extra con Endeavor, Midnight, Mt Lady y no sé si Best Jeanist. He tenido muchos sueños en los que salen personajes de mi RD, pero de estar en mi RD como tal, no tantos.
🪁 ¿Cuál es tu método favorito? Ahora mismo, el método de la intención, porque me sentí muy cerca de m RD una vez con él (hace un año, y no he vuelto a tener resultados, pero bueno, es sencillo y agradable y no requiere mucho trabajo).
🎭 ¿Cuál es tu escena favorita de tu guión? Mmm... puse que un día me tocaba limpiar las áreas comunes con Kirishima y nos poníamos a cantar "Todo un hombre haré de ti" a voz en grito (luego pasaban Sero y Kaminari y nos hacían los coros). Esto se me ocurrió mientras limpiaba en mi casa y soñaba despierta, me hizo tanta gracia que decidí incluirlo en el guión.
🏄 ¿Qué talentos innecesarios te has puesto en el guión? Siempre pongo en todos mis guiones que se me da bien cantar, es lo que más me gusta hacer en esta realidad y no quiero dejar de hacerlo en ninguna. Aparte de eso... tocar algún instrumento y poco más.
🍭 ¿Qué es lo que más tienes ganas de hacer con respecto al shifting? Conocer a mis personajes favoritos y vivir una historia de amor.
☀️ ¿Por qué es importante el shifting para ti? Porque desde que tengo recuerdos de mi RD de fantasía he estado buscando la manera de volver allí, y cuando descubrí el shifting fue como la respuesta que había estado buscando tanto tiempo. Después de dar tantas vueltas sin rumbo, de dudar mucho e incluso rendirme durante un tiempo, de repente todo volvió a tener sentido.
🌍 ¿Qué escena has puesto en tu guión exclusivamente para ser el centro de atención? Me siento un poco culpable por robarle a Jiro su momento de gloria, pero puse que en el festival escolar yo soy la voz principal en el grupo, Jiro sólo toca y hace los coros.
☔️ ¿Qué te ayuda a no rendirte después de un intento fallido? Pensar que la opción de rendirme significa no shiftear nunca y seguir con esta vida insulsa para siempre.
🐶 ¿Tienes mascotas en tu RD? Pues curiosamente no, y el caso es que me encantan las mascotas y las tengo en esta realidad, pero precisamente por eso sé que te quitan mucha libertad a la hora de hacer ciertas cosas. Si tengo que irme de aventuras de repente o ausentarme por un tiempo, no quiero tener que estar preocupándome por quién se va a ocupar de mis mascotas o si puedo llevarlas a ciertos sitios.
🧃 ¿Qué es algo que todos deberían incluir en su guión pero a nadie se le ocurre? No se me ocurre nada en especial... Lo único así que tengo y que no suelo ver en los típicos consejos para guiones, es que mi cabello es inmune a enredarse, molestarme, taparme la visión o darme calor. Esto es para realidades en las que tengo el pelo largo, lo tengo también muy largo en mi RA y ya sé todos los problemas que puede dar, y es un rollo tener que llevarlo siempre recogido para evitar esas cosas y no lucirlo, así que se me ocurrió poner eso.
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I posted 988 times in 2022
That's 985 more posts than 2021!
25 posts created (3%)
963 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 185 of my posts in 2022
#dabi - 14 posts
#dabihawks - 7 posts
#bnha - 5 posts
#mha - 5 posts
#hawks - 5 posts
#hawks bnha - 4 posts
#hawks mha - 4 posts
#keigo takami - 4 posts
#takami keigo - 3 posts
#headcanon - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#i had to wear a heart monitor for a school thing and i got so anxious it was already above the 140 bpm mark saying 'hey sit down'
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hawks but with a velociraptor quirk - or a velociraptor shifter, even:
He's already known to be a 'raptor bird', but uh oh mutant puberty gave him some extra things to work with, but he needs time tame his instincts.
Also works as Dragon quirk / dragon shifter AU
21 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
A short DabiHawks drabble.
"Do those hurt? They look like they do," Hawks prodded as they continued walking down the street, hands in pockets as Dabi glowered at any lowlife who came near them.
"You get used to them," He replied simply, touching one of the staples - he really couldn't register the pain any longer, which was probably bad, but he didn't have it in him to care.
"I have numbing stuff that works great if you want some," Hawks babbled, something about the Commission and being a priority.
"I don't know, does it work on your throat?"
"Because it must be sore from all the dick you've been sucking." He flicked the butt of his cigarette into a dumpster, letting it light on fire for a brief instant before extinguishing.
"Wanna find out?" Dabi startled as Hawks huskily asked, leaning over him very suddenly and making him feel small with the pair of wings that were now shielding him from vision.
"Relax, I'm joking. I used to be one of those kinda agents, if you get my drift. Not my sorta thing."
"Good," Dabi snapped, face flushed furiously.
26 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
Headcanon that Keigo has hyperesthesia:
He feels everything x10 the normal extent of everyone else, including why he feels his wings and feathers so much
Sounds are so loud to him that they can become painful
He has chronic pain due to how sensitive his nerves are to every little thing (i.e, digging his nails into his palm? It fucking HURTS, not even breaking the skin. You know how pimples are super painful? Multiply that by at least 5.)
This includes constantly feeling his lungs expand, heartbeat, the hair on his arms, legs, etc.
If he's anything like me, he also has cardiophobia, so he constantly has to distract himself (see, overworking 24/7)
Also has insomnia
Trouble eating because of focusing on his stomach too much and consequentially makes himself sick from worry
Experiences emotion stronger than most people
Lots of sensory overloads
Tends to hyperventilate / self regulate breathing a bit too much
Higher pain tolerance than the average person but only because everything hurts so much
Had to comb his skin to desensitize (Yes, a plastic comb on your arms and legs etc., I had to do this as well)
HATES scratchy materials, but also hates velvet because it's too soft
Am I self projecting now that I know what I have is hyperesthesia? Yes, but it makes SENSE, y'all!
27 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Hawks' fatal flaw is one that shouldn't be considered a flaw in the first place -
He cares too much about the people he's fighting.
He didn't want to kill Twice, never did, but had a metaphorical leash on him the whole time with the HPSC breathing down his neck.
Now that they're gone, he's said he's free of his shackles. That Horikoshi claimed that he'd be seen as some kind of beacon of hope (don't have the source on hand).
But I worry he'll try to stomp down his emotions after Dabi pointed out that he slipped up because he felt bad for Twice.
30 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Props to Horikoshi to making the sluttiest, queerest rivalry ever and then making them absolutely ruin each other
105 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fullofpossibilities · 2 years
Mythical BNHA Character: Diamond
This is going to be the first in a series of potential fanfiction stories that I want to read but do not have the talent to write. One thing that they will all have in common is that the reader/oc is the mythical creature (most of the characters are portrayed as female but they don’t have to be), it is set in the bnha mythical au, they are mostly romance fics, and the main color theme for the character is white. (p.s. if anyone happens to find this and is inspired to write a story, please send me the link I want to read it). 
Diamond’s species: Dragon
Personality: Very curious about everything but mix it with suspicion. She was alone for such a long time that she doesn’t understand what is deemed as acceptable or not. When she discovers something new she lights up, no matter how insignificant it may seem to others. When she first saw a flower her eyes practically sparkled. 
Background: Once upon a time, there was a beautiful kingdom with a kind royal family that had wonderful children. One day, tragedy struck, and the youngest royal became deathly ill. No one thought she would make it, and out of desperation the Queen reached out to a magical healer. The healer saved the princess, but put a curse on her as well, turning her into a terrible beast. Unable to bear the thought of killing her child, the Queen locked her away in the gem mines near the castle, and the kingdom mourned the loss of their beloved royal. 
Now, here’s what actually happened. 
The young princess had died of her illness before the healer arrived. The healer was actually a master of dark magic that the Queen had found and ordered them to bring the princess back to life. The healer knew that the soul of the child had already passed on, and that the price of dragging it back would be grave. The queen ignored their warnings and agreed to pay any price to have her precious daughter returned. The spell proceeded as planned, and the soul was dragged back into the body, and now begins the consequences. While dragon shifters do exist in this world, they were not quite like this. It was almost as if her body was stuck mid-shift, between human and dragon. Such a mutation is seen as a bad omen in this world, and the queen blamed the “healer.” The healer fled and the queen locked her child into the mines so she wouldn’t have to see the results of her meddling with death. 
Skip forward a few years, two children sneak into the mines because they heard it was rumored to hold the most beautiful of gems. However, the caves are dangerous, and one of the children nearly fall into the many openings in the floor. He is saved by the “monstrous princess,” and once everyone gets over their fear, the children ask her about the gems and probably show her an example so that she knows what they are talking about (she has a hard time speaking, since she has been locked away the majority of her life).When she finally understands them, she takes them to her own little hoard of jewels. (Unlike other dragons, she does not mind of one or two of her hoard’s gems is given to others, she likes to collect but not necessarily keep, if that makes sense). She can scale (ha) the walls to dig for more if they ask her to, getting a particularly beautiful one just for them. After that the children would always sneak back into the caves whenever they visited that specific kingdom, eager to play with their new, scaly friend. 
Appearance: White dragon without wings. Horns, claws, fangs, tail, and bundles of scales dotted around her body. All of these are white, as are her hair and eyes (they weren’t before the spell). Pale because of how long she has been stuck in her cave. Her eyes are where she gets her name from, because whenever she gets super excited they sparkle like the gems she is surrounded with. 
Likely partners: Bakugou, Kirishima, maybe both.
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clems-grove · 4 years
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Here some Bakudragon for your soul uwu
I was originally not gonna draw any of them in their full dragon form since I’m out of practice with drawing dragons/anything not human in general but @drownedembrace really inspired me („• ֊ •„)
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Ttops and I have two ways to communicate.
One is long winded paragraphs.
The other is keysmashes and one word repiles.
Both are chaotic.
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puppyaulait · 4 months
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Fantasy AU winter wonderland
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moonlit-miyma · 4 years
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I really loved the idea of dragon Bakugou so I decided to draw him 😤
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gglitch1dd · 2 years
Not the only one -MHA (Fantasy AU)
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Dragon Shifter Kirishima x Dragon Shifter Reader
<Part 1> <Part 2>
Context: The barbarians bust some dragon hunters and find you, a dragon shifter. The king's dragon, Eijiro Kirishima finally realizes that he is Not the only one.
Reader has a female anatomy and uses female pronouns.
Note: SFW slight teasing. Language.
Kirishima’s eyes honed onto the dragon hunters in front of him. His pupils were slits as anger coarse through his veins he was more than just angry. Barbarian King Katsuki Bakugou as well as his squad had heard of dragon hunters near their territory and some even more surprising news of a dragon shifter that was captured by them. This had piqued everyone’s interest especially since as far as anyone knew, hell as far as Kirishima himself knew, he was the only dragon shifter left. Knowing that one might have been captured boiled the blood in his veins.
“Eijiro.” Kirishima turned his head to the side as he saw his king and best friend approach him from behind. Bakugou placed a hand on his shoulder, his face was covered in tribal paints. “Calm.” He instructed the dragon shifter. “We follow the plan and listen to each other. Don’t drop.”
Kirishima released a heavy breath as he calmed down his nerves. “Sorry. It’s just…” He looked down as he tried to get his thoughts together. He looked to his right at Bakugou. His eyes brimmed with worry and hidden rage. “Kats, I might be so close to meeting someone like me. Another dragon shifter. I really need this to go right.”
Bakugou rubbed his back. “I understand that, Eijiro. Believe me, I do.” Kirishima could only see the sincerity in his eyes and the deep understanding that the two shared on a level no one else could understand. Bakugou brought his forehead against Kirishima’s. An action of deep trust, comfort and understanding that barbarians and dragons both did. Kiri released a breath as his shoulders relaxed more. He looked over to his king, to his best friend. Bakugou’s crimson eyes locked onto Kiri’s vermillion eyes. “We’ll do this, Eij. Trust me.”
Kirishima nodded his head. “Thanks, Katsuki.”
“No problem.” Bakugou moved back, he glanced at the hunters. “Now, let’s torch these motherfuckers.”
Kirishima chuckled. “Couldn’t have said it better myself.”
With a wave of his hand, the plan was set into motion. Kaminari Denki stumbled forward towards the hunter’s catching their attention. As Denki distracted them, the group attacked. Bakugou and his giant sword slashed and cut through hunters like they were paper. Kirishima tore apart men with his bare hands, using rage as his fuel. Denki, Mina and Sero were fighting and looting around the camp with other barbarian warriors. The camp was lit in flames during the fight.
As Kirishima growled at a hunter as he was covered in blood and sweat. He was going to go find Bakugou when he saw you in your dragon form. You were wrapped in a chain net that weighed down at you. Your hurt cries and pleas to be freed filled the air along with barbarian shouting and chanting. You had noticed all the commotion and were hoping, someone, anyone would free you.
Kirishima was frozen. You were gorgeous. From your smooth scales, your piercing reptilian like eyes to your tail. His primal instincts to go help you took over instantly. His eyes glowing his dragon golden as his only thought was to help you. Protect you. Care for you.
Nothing else mattered. Nothing.
Kirishima stormed his way across the area, killing anything that got in his way. Luckily the barbarians realized the situation that Kirishima’s mindset was in. One of the warriors called out to Bakugou catching his attention. The king of barbarians looked over to his dragon. He saw the feral trained eye look on him. “Don’t touch Kirishima and don’t try to stop him unless you got a death wish!” Bakugou ordered his warriors.
Kirishima made his way to you, who was in clear distress. You whined and cried out in fear, not realizing yet what Kirishima was just yet. Kirishima raised his hands up, trying to show you that he was no threat to you. He let out a sort of chuft, trying to comfort you. You stopped your attempts of escape as you heard him. He sounded like a dragon. But you hadn’t heard or met any in years. You stared up at him, you saw his red scales and black horns on his head. His eyes showed you that he was like you. Since you had calmed down, he could help you. With all of his strength, he threw the metal net off of you. Most of the fighting had dialled down and most stood and watched the redheaded dragon interact with you.
You were free, you stretched your wings and ran around chasing your tail. Kirishima smiled at the scene of you. You weren’t as big as him but you still held an element of ferocity to you. Having stretched, you turned your attention back to Kirishima. You sniffed at him, smelling dragon from him. Your pupils expanded drastically realizing that he was like you. Kirishima reached his hands forward. A mix of draconic words and grunts coming from him. You sniffed at his hands and moved to let him place his hands on your warm snout. Just as he touched you, there was a puff of smoke. Kirishima was unaffected by it as the dragon disappeared.
Slowly approaching him was a woman with scales that littered her arms and two tiny horns on her head. She walked slowly and hesitantly. Kirishima was stunned. You indeed were gorgeous. Even though naked, your main focus was on Kiri. You sniffed at him as your eyes looked him over. You circled him slowly assessing him.
Kiri wasn’t running on thoughts but on pure instinct. The deep animalistic instinct of his dragon. He stayed still knowing that dragons did this to potential mates, to people they wanted to trust. He wasn’t going to mess it up on his thoughts. Nothing matters but this moment right now, to him.
“What is she doing?” Denki asked Bakugou in a whisper as he sided next to the other blond.
Bakugou’s eyes were stuck onto you and Kirishima. “She’s deciding whether he’s trustworthy. It’s mostly done for potential mates or when first meeting a new dragon.” Bakugou explained to the lightning descendant.
Denki raised an eyebrow and glanced back to Bakugou. “So… she’s checking whether she wants to fuck him or not?” Denki asked.
Bakugou scoffed but nodded his head. “Basically.” He focused back on the scene in front of them.
You halted back in front of Kirishima. Your pupils shrank back to normal as tears went to your eyes. You covered your mouth in disbelief once you truly accepted him in front of you. You weren’t alone. You weren’t the only one. You were overcome with emotion. You sniffed as you closed your eyes.
Kirishima took steps forward to stand in front of you. His hands went up to the side of your arms. He moved his hands up to your cheeks. He smiled down at you, happiness filled his heart at the sight of you. He wasn’t alone. He wasn’t the only one. He had you now. He wrapped his arms around you in relief and happiness. Tears of his own brimming his eyes. You smiled as tears streamed down your face. You were finally with someone like you. You buried your head in his neck inhaling deeply at his scent. His warm hug kept you feeling safe and warm.
Bakugou approached both you and Kirishima, slowly. Kirishima looked up from the hug, his hold on you turned possessive once he realized everyone’s eyes were on you and him. Well mostly you, considering you were the only naked woman here.
He growled. “Anyone looks at her while she’s like this, and I’ll gauge your eyes out from your skull.” He let out with a deep growl. Instantly everyone around them found something interesting in the sky and trees around them. They didn’t want to take chances on their eyesight that was for sure.
Bakugou approached the two of you, he chuckled. He knew Kirishima wouldn’t hurt him. He took off his mantle and walked up behind you. He wrapped it around your shoulders, shielding your naked body from any potential gazes. “Already possessive, Eij?” He asked amused at the way the dragon was behaving. Kiri gave him a playful glare. Bakugou looked down at you, you were pressed against Kirishima’s chest shying away from the tall blond man looking down at you. “Hello, I’m King Katsuki Bakugou.” He introduced himself.
You looked up at Kirishima. He nodded his head and grunted towards Bakugou, telling you that you could trust him. Kiri placed a hand on his chest. “Eijiro Kirishima.” He told you.
“E-Eijiro Ki-ri-shima.” You managed to say out separately. Kiri let out a happy sound that you said his name making you smile. You turn back to Bakugou. “Ba-ku-gou. King?” You asked
He nodded, before he could answer you, you yawned as you slumped against Kirishima. You didn’t realize how tired you were. Kirishima seeing how exhausted you must have been, scooped you up in his arms, keeping you wrapped in Bakugou’s mantel.
Kiri raised an eyebrow as he looked down at you. Bakugou shared a look with Kirishima. He placed a smirk on his face. “So when are you going to fuc-” Kirishima hit on the side of the head with his tail that he instantly conjured up. “OW! I’M JUST ASKING!”
Hey everyone! Glitch1d here! Sorry that I haven't been posting a lot here on Tumblr. I have been very busy updating and working on Sweet-Bee on AO3 so Sweet-Bee here on Tumblr is on a hiatus. Meanwhile I'm trying to work on one-shots on the side for MHA and this is one of them.
It will have a part 2 that will have NSFW but the full NSFW won't be here on Tumblr. It'll be on my AO3 when I eventually upload the oneshot book for MHA
Either way, requests are open for Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari, Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida and ProHeroes and Villains. If you want anyone else from MHA, ask me first and I'll see what I can do.
thank you! :)
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shzketches · 2 years
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Denki seeing them flying at night: huuh?! SANTA AND RUDOLPH?!?!????!!!!!!!
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mhathotfic · 3 years
Tiny dragon omega happily trotting around in the shinies their mate got them for the horde because it’s a status symbol.
“My Alpha is a big strong provider!” thing, but they’re so teeny-tiny it almost looks like they’re playing dress up instead of wearing their dowry and Alpha thinks it’s the cutest thing ever and loves watching them being so proud and adorable.
Almost hard to remember that they’re also a fearsome dragon who’s burned cities that have wronged them down to the ground
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forest treasures [dragon Bakugo]
req: Can I please request a dragon! Bakugou finding reader in the middle of the forest when it’s raining & they’re lost? Please🥺🥺💜💜 I absolutely love your writing!!! I’m always so excited to read what you put out from @all-time-otaku tag list: @smol-floatyy @wholesomey-artist @moonlightsanity @dabis-azure-songbird characters are 20+. contents: fluff, dragon Bakugo, chubby!human reader, slightly (barely) suggestive, nudity. a/n: I wouldn’t be opposed to doing a spicy part 2 to this. 
the downpour had come out of nowhere, not that it was a real issue for the dragon roaming the forest. Bakugo had walked through that forest a thousand times, knew it better than any other part of the land, so while the scents of humans and animals were washed away, he was confident in finding his way back home through the storm. the rain slid right off his back and he was able to make his way through the trees with ease. 
there was a sudden snap, a twig breaking, and heavy panting. whatever it was, its scent was blocked from his nose and his let out a big huff. though it wasn’t like whatever it was could be a big threat to him. Bakugo was a rather big dragon with sharp claws and even sharper teeth. he was feared by the nearby villages, by humans who knew better than to enter his forest. he couldn’t say he much cared for humans or anyone other than himself, though he thought that they made up ridiculous stories about beasts like himself, dragon and giants and whatever else scared them. 
he began looking around, his dragon eyes allowing him to see better at night than many other creatures. he started following the heavy breathing, stalked closer to it, until he saw what it was. from behind a few trees, he could see you, a tiny human trying to hide under the canopy of tree leaves. your hair was all wet and your cheeks were red. your clothes, soaked, clung to your full figure and kept you chilled to the bone. he could tell how cold you were, you were like one of the leaves caught in the wind just holding onto its branch for dear life. 
he made a step and you looked over, squeaking with surprise. you looked around, but he knew that you couldn’t see him. the rain clouds hid the moon and any light it would have given to you for the night. “wh-what’s out there?” 
Bakugo took some pity. your voice was scared, shivering with the cold, and you looked so pathetic. behind the cover of the trees, he shifted into his more humanoid form. his skin was like yours except covered in black scales, his red eyes taking on a more human shape, and his claws paws taking on the shape of hands with sharp nails. his feet remained the same, for the most part, becoming smaller and giving him the height of a human man. he kept his wings and his horns and his senses. 
he walked around the little circle of trees you were clinging to and approached you from behind. he reached out, putting a hand on your shoulder, and you screamed. he was quick to shut you up, clapping his other hand around your mouth and pulling you close to him. you struggled against his hold but stopped when you realized you were no longer getting rained on. 
Bakugo had spread his wings wide and used them as a pseudo shelter for you, protecting you from the cold. he slowly eased his grip off of you and you turned to look at him, but you could only really made out vermillion eyes and he knew this. 
“who are you?” you asked, voice still holding onto tinges of fear and worry. 
he scoffed and huffed, smoke puffing out of his nose. “Bakugo Katsuki.” 
no one ever said he was good at interacting with humans. he didn’t really know how to, he had never cared to before. but there was something about you that made him want to at least be a little nice. 
“stupid human girl,” he muttered and glared at you. “don’t you know this is my forest? what are you doing here after dark?” 
you meekly looked down at your feet. “I got lost, and then the storm hit and I got even more lost.” 
he tched and grabbed your forearms, pulling you into him. he was warm, radiating a natural body heat that was greater than any human’s. he pressed you close to his body and wrapped his arms around your waist, his hands hanging off your hips. he didn’t see any problem with this, took no issue if you were going to get warm, but you were stiff against him. 
he looked down at you. “what?” 
you squeaked at the edge in his voice. “a-are you naked?” 
naked? he glared at you. “I don’t wear clothes like stupid humans.” 
he could see it registering in your head, the look of realization coming to your eyes as they widened. “you’re not human?” 
“I’m a dragon, dumbass!” 
like how he lived most of his life, he made a split second decision. he suddenly picked you up princess style and held you to his chest. keeping his wings up, he protected you from the downpour. he began grumbling, as if it were an inconvenience to him. “I’ll take you to my home, you’ll dry your dumb clothes there and then you can leave when the storm passes.” 
he carried you back to his cave despite your protests that you could walk on your own. he refused to let you down, not giving you a reason as to why, and held your shivering body against his warm chest. after what felt like an hour or so, he finally set you down in the dry cave, though you had no real idea of when you’d arrived there. 
it was dark and you couldn’t see. you could hear him moving around, but didn’t know where he was or what he was doing. then, suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere, there was fire. 
he’d made up a wood pile in the middle of the cave and blew some fire onto it, lighting it for you. he could see you a lot better now, the flush of your cheeks, the colors of your clothes, the way your hair stuck to you with the water. you crawled up to the fire and sat by it, but he knew that wouldn’t do you any good. 
“you need to take those wet clothes off,” he said and walked over to you. “you’ll never get warm like that.” 
you looked up at him, taking great note of everything you could see. the sharp details of his face, the danger in his eyes, the shimmering of his scales. the one thing you tried to ignore was his blatant nudity. he was completely nude, nothing to cover him up in sight. he seemed so comfortable with it, and you didn’t understand why. you couldn’t wrap your head around this idea of casual nudity. 
as your eyes began to wander down, that was when you finally looked away from him. you knew he was right. you would only get sick if you stayed in the soaked fabrics all night. without a word, you began to pull off your clothes, laying them out flat to that they would hopefully dry quicker by the fire. then you removed your underclothes and laid those out too. 
he could smell how embarrassed you were, could see it in the way you wouldn’t look at him. you stood by the fire, arms crossed over your chest and legs closed together. you looked so fine like that, he didn’t understand the point in clothing. what was the point to covering up bodies? 
he came up behind you and wrapped his arm around you, hand pushing into your plush stomach and pulling you back into him. he sat and brought you into his lap, which made you stiffen up again. he wrapped you up in his arms and pressed his chest to your back, his head coming to rest on atop your head. “I can get your body heat up faster than that fire.”
you said nothing. you just sat there, slightly shaking and frozen in place. after a while you did begin to relax, fatigue and exhaustion catching up to you, and you snuggled into him, curling up and resting your head against his chest. you found sleep soon after that. 
Bakugo held you, hands holding onto you as you finally got warm after hours of walking through the forest and being caught in the storm. he looked down at you, wondering what was so special about you that he brought you here. he would never lead a human to him home, though he knew his hoard was safe because it was much farther back into his cave. it still struck him though, no other human had been allowed even this far. why you? he wondered. 
he fell asleep huddled over you, breathing in your scent as it revealed itself to him. you smelled like a village shop, with sage and herbs hung about in it. there was also a hint of field daisies and dirt in it. you smelled like warm days and walks in a wild filed and exploration. he liked it… 
you awoke in the grasp of the dragon, this form so very strange to you. you had never seen or heard of a dragon like this, though you had no idea he was a shifter dragon. you reached up and touched his face, finger rubbing the scales on his cheek and then running along his defined jawline. he held you so tight, his face was pinched and stern even as he slept. you could feel the tickle of his sharp nails against the rolls of your side. you rested your head on his sturdy shoulder and stared up at him, taking in the shape of his head with his horns pointing high to the ceiling of his cave home. you reached up and felt his hair, which was dry and very fluffy. you enjoyed its color and the ways it felt between your fingers, so you continued to card your hand through it. 
you were so caught up in exploring him, you failed to notice his bright vermillion eyes opening and looking down at you. he let a low rumble come from his chest and you pulled your hand away, looking at his face once more. he leaned down to meet your eyes, noses so close to touching. “I’ve made up my mind about you.” 
you didn’t move, your jaw felt stuck shut, so you just stared at him. your stomach twisted and knotted, a pit growing as you stared into his eyes. 
“I’m going to keep you,” he said, reaching up and putting his hand into your hair. “you’ll look pretty sitting on my hoard.”
let me know if you want a part two to this because I would not be opposed to doing what. also, if you would like to be added to my taglist, comment! forest treasures pt. 2 [dragon Bakugo] <- click that link for pt. 2
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powderdonutdoggo · 3 years
A piece I did for CloversDreams on ao3. I really enjoyed their fic! You should go read it, it's called Dragons Tribute.
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