#bnha koda
c00kiesart · 1 year
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silvfyre-writings · 1 year
Aizawa Cares Pt. 28 (MHA Fanfic)
Being a teacher, Aizawa often came across a variety of student types, but most—if not all—could be split into two main categories. The extroverts and the introverts. And this year, he seemed to somehow be saddled with mostly introverts… and the loudest extroverts he’d ever met in his life.
And he knew Hizashi.
Aizawa didn’t have a problem with introverted and quiet students, for it just reminded him of how he was in school. What he did have a problem with was the way that nearly all of them seemed to fall under the radar, mostly because Bakugo took over the entire radar to begin with, and because of that, he often failed to notice problems until it was too late. But he tried. He made sure to talk to them each morning before class or after it and see how they were going with things, and he made sure that the louder kids were quiet when they spoke. Was it a perfect solution? No, but it did help the quiet kids to gain confidence and find their voice, and learn how to survive in a world of people with louder voices. It had Aizawa hoping that by the time his class graduated, they introverts would be on the same level as the extroverts.
And let society tell them they wouldn’t make good heroes; he’d be there in an instant to fight it.
But out of all his introverted—well, quiet, students, Aizawa had never seen any as quiet as the ones he liked to call the ‘quiet trio’. Very rarely did they speak, if they spoke at all, and with quirks that could be considered lacklustre or boring, they tended not to shine as bright as the rest of his class, no matter how hard Aizawa tried to give them the chance to. Society was just all about big, flashy quirks nowadays, and one day, that would come to bite them in the ass. But for now, it was just reality.
All quirks had their uses, regardless of the person they belonged to. Let someone tell Shoji that his dupli-arms couldn’t be used in hero work. Let someone tell Ojiro that his tail wasn’t a true quirk. Let someone tell Koda that being able to communicate with animals was a useless quirk.
Let someone dare.
They’d learn very quickly why that wasn’t true, and it wouldn’t be because of Aizawa losing his temper. No, it would be the tempers of the classmates that had happily accommodated the quiet trio into everything they did. They didn’t want to talk? Midoriya talked enough for two people easily. They didn’t want to participate in games night because it was too loud? Games night became movie night. It was small things like these that made Aizawa realize just how good of a class he actually had. And nothing short of his own death could take them away from him.
They were all good kids, quiet or not.
“Three of your students have been arrested for unwarranted violence.”
It wasn’t the phone call that he wanted, nor was it the one he expected, but it was the phone call he got from an upset police officer that afternoon, yet when he’d tried to get more information from the man about why his students had been arrested, and just who had actually been arrested, the officer had just hung up on him, but not before telling him he was needed at the station. So now, not only was Aizawa confused, he was angry, yet there wasn’t much else he could do except make the trek down to the police station and collect his students—and find out the truth about why they’d been arrested in the first place.
The first students that came to mind were the three that had decided to take on Stain all by themselves, but he distinctly remembered Midoriya and his friends deciding to stay behind this weekend, giving up the rare chance of freedom to work on… something. Aizawa hadn’t asked, and he hadn’t been told. The next group that came to mind was Bakugo’s group; the explosive teen more than likely to be misunderstand by the law. But Aizawa could throw that theory in the trash as well, for Bakugo was too well known by other heroes and the local law to be arrested by them and have them not just straight up tell Aizawa they’d arrested him.
Unless the boy had actually blown something up, or pissed off the law that bad. Although Aizawa had a feeling that if that had been the case, the officer that had called him would’ve been a bit more specific about arresting Bakugo, but who knew? So, it couldn’t have been that group of students either.
Which didn’t leave him a lot of students to pick from, for the rest of his class was well behaved and rather quiet—too quiet to be getting into trouble with the law. Well… that had been the case about ten minutes ago, but now he wasn’t so sure. But there was one thing he was certain about:
His kids were innocent.
Aizawa trusted his students, and his students knew that. They had the kind of trust that could only come from surviving traumatic events together; something that he and his class seemed to have a lot of experience in. So he knew for a fact, that there was no way that they’d do something that would break his trust or jeopardize their hero careers, and so whatever sticky situation they’d found themselves in, he was sure that it was just a big misunderstanding.
Aizawa sighed, and quickly grabbed his capture scarf before leaving his room to begin the long trek down to the police station. He couldn’t be bothered donning his hero costume in that moment, so the police would just have to deal with… bright pink sweatpants and a sweater with pawprints on it. At least he wouldn’t be recognized by anyone within the public when wearing his outfit; that would’ve just been embarrassing.
On second thought, he should’ve just put on the damn costume.
The walk that usually took nearly three quarters of an hour to complete, seemed to fly by much faster than usual. Aizawa blinked as he stared at the police station in front of him, checking his phone to see if he’d somehow moved through time, but no, the walk had taken is usual amount of time. It just appeared to have gone by real fast, probably because of the anxiety running through Aizawa’s veins at the situation he was about to walk into.
One deep breath.
Two deep breaths.
And a heavy sigh.
He was ready.
Aizawa entered the station, preparing to be harassed by the officer that had called him, yet as he looked around, the lobby was empty, with only a receptionist manning the counter; said receptionist looking like she’d rather be anywhere than here right now.
You and me both. Aizawa stepped up to the counter and flashed his ID. “Eraserhead. I received a call about my students.”
Immediately, the receptionists face became one of disgust, the sudden change shocking Aizawa for just a second. It was nothing compared to the absolute venom in her voice though. “Oh, right. Them. Head through the doors and someone will talk to you. But if you ask me, you should just expel them. No need to taint UA’s precious record with brats like them.”
Aizawa narrowed his eyes, but didn’t bother dignifying her words with a retort. It was a good thing he hadn’t asked for her opinion, although her words had him worry a bit for the state of his students. It was no secret that the police could be a little rougher towards those that gave off an air of being a delinquent, which further left Aizawa confused as to just who it was that he was picking up. He narrowed his eyes; if someone had dared to even touch his students, he’d take their hands.
He glared at the woman for just another moment, before leaving her to go through the doors. The woman could’ve at least had the decency to tell him where he needed to go rather than just wait for someone to come to him, but he also hadn’t really wanted to say another word to that woman if all she was going to say was mean things about his students. So, he just walked, and continued walking down the hallway that was devoid of officers for some reason. Tsukauchi’s office makes this one look like an absolute joke.
“Eraserhead?” Aizawa paused, looking towards the officer that had approached him; a young man that faltered upon seeing the expression on his face. “Sorry, sir, but you are here about your students, yes?”
“I am. Where are they?”
“Just down the hall. I’ll take you there.” The officer turned on his heel and strode down the hall, Aizawa keeping pace with him easily. He couldn’t help but frown at the young man’s back; even the younger officers were acting cold towards heroes. And Aizawa knew very well, that sometimes relationships between heroes and law enforcement were strained, but he’d thought that the Musutafu police force were on good terms with the heroes that worked in the area.
But clearly that wasn’t the case.
Aizawa found himself being led down to the end of the hall, before the officer stopped and opened a door. “In here, sir.”
As he entered the room, three heads swivelled towards him simultaneously, all three of his students looking terrified as officers stood over them, speaking words that Aizawa couldn’t hear. Eyes flashing red, Aizawa snarled. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“Aizawa-sensei!” Ojiro cried.
“Sensei, we didn’t do anything!” Shoji continued.
Koda didn’t say anything, but his eyes said plenty as he stared pleadingly at Aizawa to get them out of this situation.
“Are you Eraserhead?” The officer in charge asked, stepping away from his kids. Aizawa used the chance to insert himself between the officers and his kids. No way was he going to let them continue their cruel intimidation tactics.
“I am. And I’d appreciate someone telling me what exactly happened, because when I tried to get answers, I was hung up on.” Aizawa narrowed his eyes. “And I don’t appreciate being kept out of the loop.”
“We told you why they were arrested.”
“You told me they were arrested for unwarranted violence.” Aizawa gestured to the three behind him. “These three are my least problematic students; so not-problematic that compared to the rest of my demon children, they would be considered angels.” He scanned the room quick, his eyes locking onto the one officer who was avoiding his gaze. “You.”
The officer jumped, looking from side to side before pointing at himself. “M-Me?”
“Yes, you. Tell me what’s happening.” When the officer’s gaze shifted towards his colleagues, Aizawa snapped. “Don’t look at them, look at me, and tell me what happened. Or you’ll lose more than just your career.”
“Well-uh-Eraserhead, sir… we received a call this afternoon from… an elderly lady who—who said that these three had, uh, assaulted her grandson.” The officer paused and seeing that Aizawa hadn’t moved, seemed to find the confidence he needed to continue. “We arrived on the scene to find the elderly woman with a bunch of other mothers and grandmothers encircled around your students, hitting them with whatever they had in their hands. We quickly dispersed the parents and apprehended the kids and brought them to the station. And then you were called.”
Aizawa nodded and turned towards his students. “Shoji, what happened?”
“Some kids were picking on another child at the playground. They were all… normal children, while the child they were picking on was a heteromorphic child. The child was already hurting by the time we intervened. We didn’t do anything, just scared them away. But one of them told the parents that we’d attacked them and that’s when they ganged up on us.” Shoji explained, dropping his eyes to stare at the floor. Aizawa had a feeling there was a little more to the story, but that was something he could ask about back at the safety of UA; not an interrogation room.
Aizawa had all the information he needed anyway.
He turned back to face the officers, and was thoroughly pleased when they inched away from him. It was good to know that he hadn’t lost any of his ‘scary teacher’ charm that his students liked to say he had. “From my point of view, it looks like my students were doing their jobs as hero students, and stopping a young child from being bullied.”
One of the officers—the oldest of them all—that hadn’t spoken yet dared to speak. “You’d believe—”
“I wouldn’t finish that sentence if I were you.” Aizawa interrupted. “I have very little patience for people who are prejudiced towards others based upon something they cannot help, and from the looks of things here; exactly what you’ve done to my students. So unless you have actual evidence rather than the words of a few old people stuck in the past, I’d like to take my students home.”
The officer stared down at Aizawa, glaring, but Aizawa didn’t flinch. He’d stared down much bigger things while patrolling, so it was going to take much more than an upset police officer to scare him. The officer clicked his tongue and looked away. “Take them.”
“Thank you.” Aizawa mock bowed before gesturing for his students to follow him. “Let’s go.”
Shoji, Koda, and Ojiro took great care to stick as close to Aizawa as they could while he led his students of out the building, making sure that they didn’t interact with anyone. A few officers stared in open hostility, but none of them tried to stop them, allowing them a peaceful exit.
Aizawa felt like he could finally breathe again. He was thankful that it had been relatively easy to talk to the officers; he’d honestly expected more trouble from them, more pushback about him just taking his students home, even though they’d been so adamant that the three kids walking behind him were guilty of some kind of crime. It was bullshit really, how people like those officers had been allowed to enter that position in the first place. This was why Aizawa stayed out of the spotlight; people showed their true colours so much easier.
“Aizawa-sensei?” Ojiro spoke up after they’d been walking for a while.
Aizawa stopped. “Yes?”
“Thank you for coming to help us.” Ojiro continued, looking like a heavy weight had just been lifted from his shoulders. “They wouldn’t believe us when we tried to tell them the truth. It was…scary.”
Shoji nodded from beside his friend. “We figured it best to just let them talk and stay quiet until you arrived. They didn’t seem overly keen on us just because we looked different to them.”
“They were mean.” Koda signed, tears shining in his eyes as he threw himself at Aizawa the moment his hands stopped moving.
Aizawa quickly wrapped an arm around the boy, making sure to give all three the most reassuring look he had. “None of you should’ve been subjected to such an ordeal, and I’m horrified that the local law enforcement has people like that on the force. I assure you, they will be dealt with.”
“It’s okay, Sensei.” Shoji shrugged. “It’s just something that comes with being a heteromorph.”
“That doesn’t mean you should deal with it at all. Heteromorphs had existed since quirks first began popping up, and even before quirks, there were some humans that looked different to others through genetic mutation. There’s no excuse for being a bigot.” Aizawa huffed. “It’s old-fashioned thinking, and it has no place in this society.”
There were now tears shining in Shoji and Ojiro’s eyes, and Aizawa wondered how long it had been since someone had last stood up for them in a world that seemed determined to beat them down. Too long, from the looks of it. Aizawa gestured for the two to come closer and did his best to wrap them in his arms as well. All three students were much bulkier—and taller—than he was, but Aizawa didn’t let that stop him from holding his students close.
He'd protect them from the world for as long as he was able to.
He’d fight everyone that was determined to hate them for something they couldn’t control.
They were his kids, and no one messed with his kids.
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mhanextgen · 10 months
!Koji Koda and Ibara Shiozaki Ending!
Koji starts a non profit animal shelter,he marries Ibara Shiozaki at 18,they have a child at 23.
Ibara helps Koji and Mezo advocate against mutant preducice.
Ibara takes over her adoptive parent’s orphanage.
Koji Koda married to Ibara Shiozaki
Child:(13)Irina Koda
quirk:mother nature
With her voice and songs Irina can control any plant based life around her,versatile and possibly lethal based on the nearby flora
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indigoportal · 2 years
Mineta Headcanons # 1111
- Mineta loves taking apart and reconstructing technology.
- Has broken down and rebuilt near every appliance in his family home several times; it's become a challenge to find out if the appliance works much better or completely fails afterwards.
- Has taken apart and rebuilt all of the classes support gear at least 3 times.
- Has ended up roping Midoriya into assisting him with getting the gear once, along with Shoji, who helped carry everything.
- Has teamed up with Hatsume several times attempting to take apart the faux-villains.
- The faux-villains have since learned to run away at full speed whenever they see him.
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- Mineta is somehow able to befriend any hostile insect, no matter how angry they were previously.
- He usually commiserates with Mina, as her skin color means Bee's love floating around and sitting in her hair come spring.
- Has managed to calm several swarms of Hornets by simply walking outside, leading to them simply resting on his head and shoulders, to his anxiety.
- When Koda was brave enough to ask them why this was, the answer he could translate from them was as thus:
- "We find the small one pleasing, he creates many colorful orbs like flowers, many great perches for resting."
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dont judge me pls I beg u
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genshintheories · 1 year
1A definitely have little Easter eggs towards Aizawa, Momo has a scarf like thing, Midoriya named a move after him, koda gets goggles like him and so on.
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nagitosstolenhand · 18 days
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frava8 · 1 year
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Happy birthday Shoto🔥❄️
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And a bonus🤣
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fever-dreamer97 · 9 months
Iida: I’m alway so impressed by your analysis journals, Midoriya-kun.
Izuku: Thanks, Iida-kun! I appr-
Bakugo, reading the journal: What is this blurb at the bottom for Koda?
Izuku, trying to take that away: Oh, that’s nothing-
Bakugo, reading out loud: ‘Koda could literally execute someone by tying their limbs to horses and have them ride off in separate directions.’
Class 1-A, terrified:
Iida: Oh my lord.
Izuku: I mean, he could.
Bakugo: What dark place does your mind go to, nerd? Goddamn.
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mha-quotes-and-such · 29 days
All Might: Remember children, nothing in this world is black and white- Kaminari: What about pandas? All Might: Not exactly what I meant but yes. Nothing in this world, except for pandas, is- Hagakure: Zebras All Might: You're missing the point- Sero: Penguins Koda: Cows Mina: Dalmatians! All Might: Ok thats enough teaching for one day. Class is over
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cheese-doorstop48 · 3 months
Happy birthday to one of my favorite MHA characters!!! 🎉🎉🎉
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myheromedia · 9 months
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MHA - Family members
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anime-as-textposts · 3 months
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salivathehero · 10 months
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hang out
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ananayellow · 11 months
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Bunny kchan
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uglygreenjacket · 1 year
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