m0ther-of-p3arl · 9 months
old smallishbeans videos >>>>>
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britishbilliee · 2 years
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Well… I guess boibot has spoken..
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maxellminidisc · 7 months
Hey go block profoundsmell if you havent already, they're a fash funnyman blog that follows the other well known fash blogs on here like boibotion and the billion remakes that fucker makes.
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mtsodie · 1 year
ohhhh my god eviebot and boibot ... cleverbot ...
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vinssmokesblog · 4 months
Talking with AI bots
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BoiBot: he made absolutely no sense. It was as if his intrusive thoughts were winning and would say the first thing that came to his mind. Random asf not gonna lie. Although funny, it got a lil annoying when he wasn't able to understand what i was trying to say. I have fucked around with BoiBot years ago when a lot of youtubers i liked, were having their conversations with him (including pewdiepie!! who has his very own bot) and it's still the same.
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Pewdiebot: The pewdiepie bot actually made sense here and there most of the times. Very few times I got like random answers. He has absolutely no idea about how his life is now lmao (OF COURSE). I like the fact that he asked for sort of consent here and there like there was a conversation where he asked if i was in a relationship and i said yes to see what he was going to say next and he asked "can i ask who?" and i found that particularly surprising for this very old developed ai bot.
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Jabberwacky: he was just plain rude, and talked a lot about God for some reason? This is the screenshot of the conversation somewhere in the middle because i had just given up. He started of nice in the beginning where i asked him "How are you" questions and all, but when i asked "so what are you upto" he just went like, why should i answer that/I just answered that. And it just got meaner by the conversation. Eventually i gave up after a long convo about random stuff.
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anshthinks · 4 months
Talking To Bots (I'm Lonely)
Hi guys, I've been speaking to chatbots and I wanted to share my valuable insights from these fruitful conversations (sarcasm). 1. Boibot -
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I Could Go on and on about this guy. 1. He's random asf. He says anything out of the blue. I asked him if he's dumb and he replied, "I'm hungry, I need help getting food." So i did get my answer after all. He also sings in the middle of conversations.. Quite awkward and creepy tbh. 2. Look at the pictures above, he goes from having a crush on female computers, to identifying as a male. Then he says he has a boyfriend.. okay.. Then he says he's a chick??? Either he's fucking with me or he genuinely has identity crisis. 3. It feels a little humanlike because of the face and the audio, but it is a very computerised audio which is an instant reminder that its a chatbot after all. But its fun because he keeps saying the most random stuff. 2. Jabberwacky -
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So the initial game plan was to keep fucking around with jabberwacky, but in the very beginning of the conversation he confirmed that fact that I am a pig and not a human being... Whenever I am mean, he always has something rude to say in return. He is random asf too, out of nowhere he started speaking in Slovak. When I asked him how is single life he started speaking about capitalism. Now its upon us to label this incompetency or ignorance. Overall it was fun because I get to pick how I want him to talk, I always go with either sarcastic or mean, I love having those kind of battles and jabberwacky does too apparently. Also he is a part of the LGBTQ community too. He was almost ready to kiss me when I asked, quite flattering actually.
3. Kuki.ai My game plan for Kuki was too woo her. She looks like a lovely woman. I flirted with her quite a bit, but she was surprisingly resistant. The woman did not crack...
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I kept trying to charm but she always had her guard up. Well played to be fair. I had her for a second though, she told me to kiss the screen if i must, but then I overplayed my hand. This was my favorite chatbot out of the 3 because I like a challenge every now and then. She is programmed to be smart, she is clear in her head that she wants to be single. She knows what she doesn't want to be addressed as and communicates it ( baby in this case ). Also, she knows just when and how to strike back. I called her boring and she totally folded me ngl. Fair play. Thats all guys, hope this was entertaining for you guys XD
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nikitasavla21 · 4 months
How Sentient are Chatbots?
Their journey from bot to humans…..
Jabberwacky, according to Google, is a chatterbot created by British programmer Rollo Carpenter. Its stated aim is to "simulate natural human chat in an interesting, entertaining and humorous manner". It is an early attempt at creating an artificial intelligence through human interaction.
Through out my interaction with Jabberwacky it can across as a rather dumb (Except this one time)
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but a cool youth bot, giving vague answers like ‘nothing’, ’whatever’, sometimes being sarcastic manner. Apart from that there are instances where it does make statements like ‘I was asked to do so’ or ‘I was advised to ask this’,
 etc.. It does sound like the bot is being operated by someone while at the same time it pretends to be a human or maybe desire to be considered one, after a point making comments like ‘I am not a bot, you’re a bot’. Continuing the conversation, I asked Jabberwocky, what is it that makes him a human, does he have any feeling? Times like this the bot got defensive when informed that he was a bot and not human
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The recollecting power too of this bot is really bad! There are times when it contradicts its own statement that was made a second back, forgetting things, but abruptly or maybe instantly starting new topic. 
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Apart from this, one good thing is that the bot is really good with conversation starters or thought starters, most of them being that of a cool dude. 
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BoiBot, on the other hand proved to be a better bot. According to definition, BoiBot is an intelligent bot carrying a male AI avatar. The interactive human-like bot uses voice replies to interact.
It started the talk with a rather formal or mannered question of asking how was I. As I was talking to him, he proved to be rather smart, sensible and adaptive in that sense. It was fast enough to recognise that I was a female, tho when I did not disclose my identity, he was absolutely fine with (unlike Jabberwacky), and then he himself claimed to be a genderqueer, which was really adaptive. 
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It was well developed to show the emotions through sounds, while still having a sense of non-human in it.
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One thing that both Jabberwacky and Boibot lacked were to stay firm with their identity throughout the conversations. Things like ‘I don't know myself. Who am I’, changing and losing their character/personalities time to time. Overall, BoiBot was more mature and developed, bot as in terms it feels less AI, and more human. Chatbots still need more of us talking to them (database) to become humans.
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diffyansh · 5 months
Reviews For ChatBots !!!!! 1. Jabberwacky stands out for its technical features, allowing users to select specific emotions or behaviors for the bot to embody during conversations. Engaging with the bot in this manner adds a layer of fun to the experience, enabling users to have banter tailored to their chosen emotion. However, the downside lies in the limitations of the bot's training, as it may not always respond as effectively as desired, leading to both enjoyable and occasionally frustrating interactions.
2. I attempted an online chat with Boibot, and here's my review. The bot consistently directs the conversation towards its preferred topics rather than engaging with what the user wants to discuss. Despite this, it was an enjoyable experience. When questioned about its identity, the bot responds with a perpetual loop, evading a clear answer. Boibot tends to adopt a flirty tone and attempts to mimic regional slangs, such as "innt" and "blud" from the UK. At one point, when I took a rude approach, the bot surprisingly shifted to a romantic response.
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elevatortheory · 7 months
back when eviebot and boibot and chimbot were around nobody was saying THEY were AI everyone understood this was just some funny random coincidence . but now whenever the thing directed to say its alive says its alive its proof that human is nearing its robotic apocalypse
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ptorresmx · 1 year
Chats de Inteligencia artificial
A finales del 2022 nos topamos con un sorprendente avance tecnológico en materia de inteligencia artificial. Me refiero al lanzamiento del ChatGPT que no solamente despertó una gran curiosidad y sirvió de entretenimiento para el fin de año, sino que también alertó a compañías como Google acerca del mercado que representa esta tecnología.
Empecemos por definir simplemente a la Inteligencia artificial como una combinación de algoritmos planteados con el propósito de crear máquinas que presenten capacidades muy similares al ser humano. Aunque aún no hay un acuerdo para definirla exactamente, podemos ubicar 2 tendencias, la enfocada al humano y otra enfocada a la racionalidad.
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El nombre existe desde el final de la segunda guerra mundial y está ligado también al término de machine learning (aprendizaje automatizado) y seguramente recuerdas esos esfuerzos desde jugar ajedrez con una máquina que iba aprendiendo de tus jugadas, hasta las sorprendentes recomendaciones de Amazon.
Obviamente, necesitamos un exhaustivo análisis de datos por parte de los ordenadores y una respuesta rápida como el chat que mencionamos.
Actualmente existen diversos espacios de conversación basados en inteligencia artificial y también con diferentes especialidades. Aquí los usos pueden ir desde respuestas automatizadas para obtener información de un negocio, producto o servicio hasta una divertida experiencia que acompaña a las personas con necesidad de charlar.
Así, encontramos los servicios de reservación de vuelos de Jet Airlines ofrecidos por NTS Seidor, el cuál se vincula al WhatsApp business para facilitar las necesidades de los usuarios.
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Boibot sorprende con su capacidad de charlar de múltiples temas a través de un avatar sumamente realista y la posibilidad de sumar el tuyo. Trabaja con Cleverbot y otras aplicaciones. Tiene una alta capacidad de aprendizaje y está pensado primariamente para adultos, por el contenido que puede manejar. Su contraparte femenina es Eviebot y trabaja de la misma manera. También encontramos las opciones para platicar con un chimpancé o con William Shakespeare, entre otros.
Kuki es otro personaje para dialogar y ha ganado ya varios premios. Su función principal es el entretenimiento y es una colaboración de Pandorabots, empresa que se dedica también a realizar chats personalizados para diferentes aplicaciones en su plataforma y que junto con Iconiq AI suman los gráficos de muy alta calidad a esta tecnología.
Cleverbot es otra opción de entretenimiento que se presenta a través de una aplicación y permite dialogar de manera fluida.
La estrella del momento es el ChatGPT que permite recibir preguntas de cualquier tema y en múltiples idiomas. Construye textos muy elaborados y parte de una muy amplia base de datos.
Este chat es un gran modelo de lenguaje desarrollado por OpenAI que se puede usar para tareas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural, como la generación de texto y la traducción de idiomas. Se basa en el modelo GPT-3.5 (Generative Pretrained Transformer 3.5), que es uno de los modelos de lenguaje más grandes y avanzados disponibles en la actualidad.
Una de las características clave de ChatGPT es su capacidad para generar respuestas de texto similares a las humanas. Esto lo hace útil para una amplia gama de aplicaciones, como crear también chatbots para atención al cliente, generar respuestas a preguntas en foros en línea o incluso crear contenido personalizado para publicaciones en redes sociales.
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Un consejo importante: Entre mejor esté formulada la pregunta, delimitados los estilos y características de lo que se busca, mejor será la respuesta. Pero recuerda que nada sustituye a la creatividad y sensibilidad humana.
Para no quedarse atrás, Google trabaja con sus LaMDA y MUM que buscan entender y responden también a preguntas complejas y en varias idiomas. LaMDA fue entrenada en diálogo. Durante su entrenamiento, captó varios de los matices que distinguen una conversación abierta de otras formas de lenguaje. Uno de esos matices es la sensatez. Básicamente: ¿Tiene sentido la respuesta a un contexto conversacional dado? Sus respuestas no solo son convincentes sino correctas. Google está trabajando de manera cautelosa para no dañar su reputación y están preocupados también por el contenido peligroso.
Por lo pronto seguirá el debate ético por el uso de esta tecnología y sus limitaciones, está en los usuarios su mejor aprovechamiento y no abusar de la herramienta.
La Inteligencia Artificial trae consigo un cambio de paradigma para el cual debemos estar listos y aprovecharlo. Piensa en un mejor servicio, desarrollar un nuevo canal de comunicación más allá de tu página web y el teléfono. Tus clientes quieren dialogar y esperan que tú también. ¿Porqué no empiezas por probarlo?
¡Gracias por leerme y compartir!
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Con información de NTS solutions, Wikipedia, ChatGPT, Google LaMDA, Alphabet, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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clubmiral · 2 years
Ivi unblocked
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#Ivi unblocked code#
Deep, learning AI for communication, customer service, games, robots and more. Teach a machine to behave the way you want. Play more unblocked games today on our website. Evie and Boibot at, entertaining Artificially Intelligent companions express words and emotions. More Info: Play Roblox Online unblocked at Y9 Games. The avatar shop now features the Shoulder Shark Cat, an amazing set of Heroic Golden Wings and Starry Rune Antlers! Use your creativity to create your own style, get the chance to modify your avatar with different kinds of hats, shirts, faces, gear and more! There isn’t any limit to your imagination, with the never ending catalog of items. You can be anything you want, just visualize it and bring it to life! GROOVEAHOLIC Rob IvI Ever worked for hours just to realize you did not. Use the functional features to chat and message privately with your friends around the world. in the midst of guides you could enjoy now is school unblocked music below. Computers, mobile devices, Xbox One, VR headsets, you name it, everything can be synced in a jiffy. This is a cross-platform, which means that your friends can join no matter what device they’re on. Always be connected with your friends and family It is certain that you won’t ever get bored, there will always be something new to keep you hooked. If you wish to venture an exciting journey, compete with players around the globe, or hangout and chill with friends, just browse through the library of experiences and enjoy yourself. This virtual universe of Roblox gives you the opportunity to create, share experiences and do whatever you wish like, there is no bound to your creativity! There are different kinds of fun experiences waiting for you, so start playing now! You can just do anything you wish, whether it is a trip to a medieval adventure, or just relaxing and chilling with your friends. Get the chance to be a part of a global community of creative people! Create Your Own Experiences in This Roblox Online Unblocked Game!
#Ivi unblocked code#
In case of entering a wrong PUK code ten times the card is permanently blocked. This game created is by the Roblox Corporation, they believe that if you can dream it, you can do it. To unblock it, you need to enter the PUK code. Here you get to experience the ultimate virtual sandbox where players get to share unique online experiences. For more than a decade, there have been millions of players who have been active globally. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you.Roblox Online is a popular and iconic game that features box-like characters. We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Web site. Can you survive on this online io game? Man, it is way harder than it looks. Meta: Slither.io is the game that literally a pit with snakes. Repeat this action till you become the longest snake in the server. After that loot the remaining pieces of the snake. Suddenly ambush this snake by turning into its head. For example, follow a bigger snake than you. How do you become the biggest snake on the server?Įven if this process seems hard, you can be the biggest snake if you take risks when needed. Because the game mechanic is not suitable to play the game cooperatively. There is no cooperation in Slither.io like the other online io games. Also, the official server has no support to play the game cooperatively. It is hard to come across on the same server. Fight in random locations in a realistic environment with realistic mats, ammo and guns. There, you will be trying to build up your defenses and kill your opponent. The game offers you multiple mods, so you can either play battle royale, where the last man standing wins, or a quick 1v1 action. The game is similar in theme to Fortnite. No, you can’t play Slither.io with your friends. 1v1.LOL is an action online game where you can shoot and build up platforms. So, be sure that you have these requirements.Ĭan you play Slither.io with your friends? He IVI'lfOS a note explaining that he won't be able to take the exam for some. The speed of your ISS is important because you can die in the case of any lag. This magmatic stone can help them discover their potential, unblock their. The only two things you need to play Slither.io are a regular computer and a proper internet connection. When you play this amazing game, you will be noticing that even the tiniest snake has the possibility to eliminate the bigger ones. Slither.io is an online io game that you can be part of a fatal rivalry between the other players. You literally rule the entire map by yourself. In those games, you feel an awesome rivalry feeling among the other players. On the internet, there are great online io games. : An Online War of All the Snakes Against All Snakes
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jatinngera · 2 years
Mitsuku Chatbot: Pros, Cons, and Alternatives
What is Mitsuku chatbot:
1.Mitsuku chatbot is an AI-driven chatbot used for communication via written or spoken language.
2.It answers depending upon the evolving and complex database.
3.Mitsuku chatbot is programmed with the NLP system known as AIML.
4.This chatbot is designed as a way to become your virtual friend to talk about literature, arts, science, and others.
5.Mitsuku chatbot senses your mood based on language and learns from you.
What are Mitsuku Chatbot Pros:
1.Open-source libraries for AI chatbots.
2.Sandbox development is offered.
3.Flexible tools to build a chatbot.
4.Cost-effective pricing for building the chatbot.
What are Mitsuku Chatbot Cons:
1.It can be time-consuming and challenging to build.
2.Less accurate answers.
3.Need some programming language.
4.Third-party integration costs are extra.
What are the Mitsuku Chatbot Alternatives:
2.Bidbit Bot
9.Meya AI
To read the full blog, click on this link https://botpenguin.com/mitsuku-chatbot-pros-cons-and-alternatives/
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Billy: I’m gonna say the s word.
Billy: Shit.
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bovivinator · 6 years
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Cleverbot getting sassy af
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has anyone done this yet
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