loneberry · 1 year
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--Jorge Luis Borges on Dante's Commedia, from "The Meeting in a Dream"
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squarehead333 · 7 months
Dylan Horrocks, Alan Moore, Steve Grove and Dan Clowes: imagining comics that don't exist.
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dewdropkid · 7 months
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“Lo que de veras fue, no se pierde; la intensidad es una forma de eternidad.”
“What really was, is not lost; intensity is a form of eternity.”
Jorge Luis Borges, Ensayo dedicado a Las Coplas de Jorge Manrique.
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diana-andraste · 17 days
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Cover art for Ficciones (Fictions), Jorge Luis Borges, c. 1940s-50s
To a cat
Mirrors are not more wrapt in silences nor the arriving dawn more secretive; you, in the moonlight, are that panther figure which we can only spy at from a distance. By the mysterious functioning of some divine decree, we seek you out in vain; remoter than the Ganges or the sunset, yours is the solitude, yours is the secret. Your back allows the tentative caress my hand extends. And you have condescended since that forever, now oblivion, to take love from a flattering human hand. You live in other time, lord of your realm — a world as closed and separate as dream.
Jorge Luis Borges, trans Alastair Reid, 1977
A Un Gato
No son más silenciosos los espejos ni más furtiva el alba aventurera; eres, bajo la luna, esa pantera que nos es dado divisar de lejos. Por obra indescifrable de un decreto divino, te buscamos vanamente; más remoto que el Ganges y el poniente, tuya es la soledad, tuyo el secreto. Tu lomo condesciende a la morosa caricia de mi mano. Has admitido, desde esa eternidad que ya es olvido, el amor de la mano recelosa. En otro tiempo estás. Eres el dueño de un ámbito cerrado como un sueño.
Jorge Luis Borges
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nateconnolly · 8 months
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elbiotipo · 2 months
Jorge Juis Jorges
Lorge Luis Lorges
Borge Buis Borges
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Let others pride themselves about how many pages they have written; I'd rather boast about the ones I've read.
- Jorge Luis Borges
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chinailen · 1 month
Borges 🌿
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monologuerhead · 1 year
Radiohead public library
The idea of the archive is a romantic one: in the age of information technology who can resist the pull of a centralized archive? Not any who has ever followed a trail of hyperlinks through the channels and nooks of Wikipedia. I find myself pulled into the romance of the archive drawn by the hint of knowledge that is just out of reach. The archive is just one way to make sense of the themes that have dominated the 20th century onwards*; cycles of repression, isolation, and capital make themselves clear almost immediately with any sort of sifting into the history of information technology (which is tied inextricably to the history of the archive), but in ways that are difficult to categorize and quantify.
This interest lead me to look into the radiohead public library. In its thoroughness (and their rare willingness to include an archive of their own websites, in the memory hole!) I have been pleasantly surprised to find a reflection of the original memex proposed by Vannevar Bush in his 1945 essay “As We May Think”, a labyrinth of articles linked by the paths of those who have read them before, and open to further linkages as the reader proceeds on. The memex could be seen as the prototype for any website stitched together by hyperlinks, a la wikipedia or the encyclopedia britannica, or more obscurely certain sections of the museum of jurassic technology’s website, and it is through the memex’s associative potential that a nonlinear (even networked) model of the world can be studied for its array of information, displayed for casual consideration, or even used to hypnotize the pursuant into a fictionalized version of events (for example, I still have yet to figure out how close to consensus reality the history of the museum of jurassic tech that is featured on its website. Clicking through the site itself is a trippy experience).
The mind fills the gaps between dream imagery with narrative and the cuts between movie scenes with implication— could the same be true for the spaces between hyperlinks, or even the silence between one tiktok video and the next? What is the meaning that links one thing to another? The Dewey Decimal System incorporates within its classification incredible bias against marginalized groups (thankfully, bias that is, albeit slowly, being addressed) simply in the way that information in the form of published books is sorted into one group or another. Through this sorting information of a slippery kind is introduced into the unwary unconscious. A connection between ‘x marginalized group’ and ‘abnormal psychology’ (DDC 301(dot)4157), has been made in the mind of the pursuant irrationally, and without any supported evidence, anecdotes, or even necessarily logic.
This is an important distinction between these hyperlinked archives and the Borgesian ‘total archive’ introduced in the short story The Library of Babel. The Library of Babel simply presents information at its rawest and most indigestible- disregarding all meaning, all truth, and all direction, the pages of its books contain more or less entire nonsense unless one is willing to use the website to find a specific hex that will repeat to you the phrase that you have asked for. Sure, it contains the summation of all human knowledge (within the english alphabet), but only at infinitesimal odds does one stumble upon meaning within its halls. It is perhaps better (or at least more sensical) if the map is smaller than the territory.
I wonder if in the present day the algorithm is at odds with the old system of hyperlinks. The algorithm approaches with a seemingly benign offer of information and media— arranged on a plate you hardly have to make the connections yourself. It’s far more coherent than the Babelian library, but its system of organization is just as dense and nonsensical (at least to the user, I have no idea what’s going on in the back end. Ping pong tables and swanky apartments in Brooklyn?). The threat within the algorithm is that the connections themselves are unstable and irrational, based and reinforced on the patterns that people already move within, but also directing their movement towards undemocratically controllable goals (I was about to simply say uncontrollable goals, but I realized that yes, there are people behind the algorithm directing it to hit certain metrics of responses or views or emotions or whatever). Being irrational, they’re difficult to rationalize, understand, and either follow further, outside of any given algorithm, or deprogram from the pursuant themself. I’m reminded of Burrough’s cut-up technique that he uses for The Soft Machine and the kind of magical terrorism that he inflicts upon his least favorite cafe. Information will resolve into meaning and meaning will condense into (re)action whether consciously or unconsciously. Even the space within paragraphs, even sentences, requires a willingness to find associative potential.
And so here I am back to my romantic archive, (let’s pretend wikipedia) where I can pretend to see within the spaces between a kind of orderly, genteel meaning, where I the pursuant can follow my own heart down the isles, tracing my own steps in a trail of purple hyperlinks. Or if I’m in the depths of the past twenty-five years of archived radiohead websites, I can find a surreal landscape where I can only partially direct my path through lyrics and images both familiar and unfamiliar; things that pertain to the year that the site was archived and things that did not reappear until much, much later (burn the witch). Still, despite all its surrealism, meaning surfaces like the white whale, and the ship goes down with its hunt.
Anyway, I wrote this all on a whim. I like to pretend to be 45 years old. I like radiohead.
*I’d be very open to extending this date further back but unfortunately I haven’t found a whole lot of material that goes further than that— or maybe I’m just not that interested in anything much older
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dreams-of-mutiny · 1 month
“The greatest sorcerer (writes memorably Novalis) would be the one who cast a spell to the point of taking his own phantasmagorias by autonomous apparitions. Wouldn’t this be our case?” I guess so is. We (the undivided divinity that operates in us) have dreamed the world. We have dreamed it resistant, mysterious, visible, ubiquitous in space and firm in the time; but we have consented to its architecture tenuous and eternal cracks of unreason to know which is false.
— J.L. Borges
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quetzalnoah · 2 years
Irse de vez en cuando
Está bien irse de vez en cuando. No tiene nada de malo irse cuando uno siente que no está avanzando. Está bien irse por un rato. Emanciparse de la rutina y contemplarse a sí mismo en otro café, otro clima, otras páginas no escritas. Perderse en otra ciudad probando nuevas cervezas. Si uno aprende a ver que las casualidades son lo menos casual que nos ocurre no dudaría de las señales. La soledad también es una agradable compañera que nos enseña la mejor canción que habita en nuestros suspiros. Está bien irse de vez en cuando y respirar el aire de otros parques, deambular entre bazares de libros, escuchar las historias de los que viven de sus recuerdos y escribir lo que se sueña para ver si la valentía seduce a la suerte. Está bien irse por un rato para tener una visión distinta desde otra ventana de las mismas estrellas.
Yo aún, no aprendo a quedarme donde mismo, por eso me digo que, está bien irse por un rato.
¿Cómo volverse mochilero? Quetzal Noah
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Chapter 3 is up!
A reader comment: "This is so fucking meta and I love love LOVE Kris' slow descent into madness and realisation"
An author comment: "God, I thought I'd write something stupid and apparently I decided to channel all that Borges I read for my degree instead."
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apoemaday · 1 year
To the One Who Is Reading Me
by Jorge Luis Borges
You are invulnerable. Didn’t they deliver (those forces that control your destiny) the certainty of dust? Couldn’t it be your irreversible time is that river in whose bright mirror Heraclitus read his brevity? A marble slab is saved for you, one you won’t read, already graved with city, epitaph, dates of the dead. And other men are also dreams of time, not hardened bronze, purified gold. They’re dust like you; the universe is Proteus. Shadow, you’ll travel to what waits ahead, the fatal shadow waiting at the rim. Know this: in some way you’re already dead.
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exhaled-spirals · 1 year
A man sets himself the task of portraying the world. Through the years he peoples a space with images of provinces, kingdoms, mountains, bays, ships, islands, fishes, rooms, instruments, stars, horses, and people. Shortly before his death, he discovers that the patient labyrinth of lines traces the image of his face.
Jorge Luis Borges, Dreamtigers (afterword)
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diana-andraste · 15 days
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Cover art from Labyrinths, Jorge Luis Borges
Time is living me. More silent than my shadow, I pass through the loftily covetous multitude. They are indispensable, singular, worthy of tomorrow. My name is someone and anyone. I walk slowly, like one who comes from so far away he doesn't expect to arrive.
Jorge Luis Borges, Boast of Quietness
Escrituras de luz embisten la sombra, más prodigiosas que meteoros. La alta ciudad inconocible arrecia sobre el campo. Seguro de mi vida y de mi muerte, miro los ambiciosos y quisiera entenderlos. Su día es ávido como el lazo en el aire. Su noche es tregua de la ira en el hierro, pronto en acometer. Hablan de humanidad. Mi humanidad está en sentir que somos voces de una misma penuria. Hablan de patria. Mi patria es un latido de guitarra, unos retratos y una vieja espada, la oración evidente del sauzal en los atardeceres. El tiempo está viviéndome. Más silencioso que mi sombra, cruzo el tropel de su levantada codicia. Ellos son imprescindibles, únicos, merecedores del mañana. Mi nombre es alguien y cualquiera. Paso con lentitud, como quien viene de tan lejos que no espera llegar.
Jorge Luis Borges, Jactancia de quietud, from Luna de enfrente, 1925
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txxtxynadxmxs25 · 9 months
He cometido el peor de los pecados que un hombre puede cometer. No he sido feliz. Que los glaciares del olvido me arrastren y me pierdan, despiadados.
Mis padres me engendraron para el juego arriesgado y hermoso de la vida, para la tierra, el agua, el aire, el fuego. Los defraudé. No fui feliz. Cumplida
no fue su joven voluntad. Mi mente se aplicó a las simétricas porfías del arte, que entreteje naderías.
Me legaron valor. No fui valiente. No me abandona. Siempre está a mi lado La sombra de haber sido un desdichado.
El remordimiento, por Jorge Luis Borges.
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