#bpd postive
cluster-b-culture-is · 8 months
cluster b culture is sending so much love to fellow cluster bs. you are not your worst moments, you are not what other people think about you, you deserve to be safe and happy. i am proud of you unconditionally.
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shawneeleighc · 2 years
I think getting up and getting through the day is pretty dam impressive if you're struggling with your mental health, motivation or whether you want to be here or not.
So if your win today was staying alive, I'm all about celebrating that. Get yourself some cake, the grande coffee, the top you saw and liked, the good take out from your favorite restaurant, whatever you fancy.
Celebrate yourself and your wins, they don't need to be what we've always been taught were wins ( Getting good marks, promotions, increases, losing weight, new cars or houses ).
🌸 They're the fact that today you kept yourself alive.
🌸 Today you brushed your hair and teeth and put on some clean clothes.
🌸 Today you said no to the voice that told you you weren't enough.
🌸 Today you ate and challenged a negative mindset towards food and your body.
🌸 Today you managed to speak kindly to yourself even in a tough situation.
🌸 Today you helped break cycles.
🌸 Today you finally tackled a task you've been putting off (hello to the mountain of washing or renewing my license disk)
You get to decide what's a win for you. No one else, and no one gets to belittle your wins. If they do its just a reflection of their inability to understand you, not that you're at fault or wrong.
So, our mission for the weekend is to celebrate a win. Whatever it is, I hope you see that you are so undeniably worthy of celebrating it and yourself.
My win is that I'm renewing my license disc today after putting it off an now its expired haha.. let me know in the comments if there's any wins you'd like to share 🌈🎊🦋💕 an give my insta a follow for daily self love, mental health and wellness content 💕
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danidoesntdie · 11 months
I'm not good at positive self talk so i put these around my apartment
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Depression tip: If you can't shower, put baby powder in your hair at the roots. It will make your hair look less greasy and make you smell nice 💕
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pumpkzsafeplace · 1 month
a│s : agere & caregivers
if you're new to the little world, or are just looking for some information for a friend on caregivers ~ this is the post for you!
what are caregivers?
'caregiver' is the title given to the individual who takes on the role to care and look after a little one. usually the caregiver would go by another title such as, bun, mommy, papa etc depending on their personal relationship with their caregiver.
what are their purpose?
their purpose is to help a little one through their regression. usually by postive re-enforcement and planning things to do to keep them busy (i.e colouring, panting - anything the little finds fun). caregivers are there to ensure no harm comes to the little, and that they'e safe to regress to whatever age they need to be.
is it a sfw relationship?
age regression is often used to help heal from trauma or are a side effect from an already prominant illness (such as autism, bipolar, bpd etc).
there is no sexual aspect whatsoever.
it is a complete platonic relationship built on trust, care and kindess.
yes, somebody who is your partner can also be your caregiver, but those two roles are completely seperate with one another. this is a heathy healing & innocent mindset.
can anyone be a caregiver?
if you enjoy looking after others & think you want to try it, then give it ago <3. remember to do your research beforehand! don't just jump into this role with no idea of what it intails, as that can upset both you and the little in question.
validation towards caregivers.
sometimes it can be hard for caregivers to be caregivers.
life can get in the way, their mental health can suddenly dip, they could have outside demands that are making them busy, and sometiems they just don't have the time or mental energy to be a caregiver for the moment.
& that is completely valid.
caregivers are humans to with human emotions.
they are allowed to step back when needed, and take some breaks to help with their own healing journey, it doesn't make them less or a bad caregiver & it doesn't make you a bad little either.
remember communication is important to battle those icky overthinking thoughts.
praise for caregivers <3
i just want to add this little section at the bottom,
i'm so so so so so proud and grateful to all of those who take on a caregiving role to help out the little ones in need.
you are such an inspiration to us all, and i hope you realise how much we appreicate & value you you in this community.
thank you so so so so much for being you! <3
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gif isn't mine
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
here is some postivity for transman because you all need it and deserve to hear some nice tings
transman are amazing and valid
gay transman are amazing and valid
lesbian transman are amazing and valid
bisexual transman are amazing and valid
mspec transman are amazing and valid
mspec lesbian transman are amazing and valid
mspec gay transman are amazing and valid
transexual transman are amazing and valid
pansexual transman are amazing and valid
transfem transman are amazing and valid
polyamours transman are amazing and valid
aroace transman are amazing and valid
asexual transman are amazing and valid
aromantic transman are amazing and valid
queer transman are amazing and valid
nonbinary transman are amazing and valid
autistic transman are amazing and valid
transman with bpd are amazing and valid
transman with ptsd are amazing and valid
all transman are amazing and valid and dont let anyone tell you otherwise
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schizopositivity · 2 years
hey um hi so i know i'm psychotic, p damn sure i've got bpd too, not officially dxed but hey if the antipsychotic treatments work they fucking work. but can u quickly explain the different between psychosis/schizophrenia/bpd for me bc i THOUGHT i didn't have schizophrenia. but it's like wait a minute that's not what nts do,,, u mean u guys don't just,,, hhhuh..
sorry if this is a silly question or if u've answered it already, i just know tumblr's search engine is fucky and google.... is, so i figured asking directly was my best shot.
psychosis is a symptom of a disorder, not a disorder on its own, its a severe dissconnect with reality that involves hallucinations and delusions, anyone can become psychotic at any point in life
schizophrenia is a severe and persistant mental disorder that has postive symptoms (like psychosis), negative symptoms (like avolition and flat affect), and cognitive symptoms (like memory loss), people are born with schizophrenia but its usually not diagnosed until early adulthood
im not sure if you mean bpd as in bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder so ill do both
bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that involves periods of mania (that can be feeling on top of the world) and periods of depression (feeling on the bottom of the world), and it goes in cycles
borderline personality disorder is a personality disorder that involves emotional instability, insecurity and impulsive actions
its possible to have any combination of these neurodivergencies, like bipolar and schizophrenia (schizoaffective-bipolar type), or bipolar and psychosis, borderline and psychosis, borderline and schizophrenia, or all three
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mobiused · 2 years
lil bit of a question based on one of ur replies to that ask, you don't have to answer! - do you think hypothetically speaking a person on the spectrum would be allowed to become an idol? to be clear I'm not saying that's what she is specifically, I could never tell if she or really anyone show clear signs of that, but just in general. I feel like they wouldn't? Or maybe it'd depend on the severity?
For starters, I think there are already idols with undiagnosed/unpublicised autism in the industry. Also I don't believe in autism severity - it alienates those classed with severe from the rest of autistic society, and puts those who would be classed as mild in a class above the rest, as well as minimizing their struggles by calling it mild.
But this kind of poses a really interesting question on the nature of autism, which I think will become more and more relevant as the Covid Kids grow up - Will a lack of healthy social development during childhood be incorrectly conflated with autism? What impact might this have on society, and how will it shape conversations and attitudes towards autism? There are many studies which suggests this causes development issues, but impairments aren't the same as neurodivergencies. Having worked with a lot of kids with special educational needs, I learnt the difference between overdiagnosis of boys with autism (who really were boys with CPTSD/boundary issues), and underdiagnosis of girls (who are notoriously brushed off as quirky and not disordered and only get their struggles acknowledged in adlthood after masking for years), and this is reflected in adulthood too with how many autistic women are incorrectly diagnosed with BPD and not autism, and not enough men are correctly diagnosed with BPD. This alone shows how misunderstood autism is by the people who are supposed to diagnose it. I guess by saying this, I also mean the idol trainee system can inadvertently create symptoms in trainees which mimick autism - and it might genuinely be impossible to differentiate between the impact of this... unique *twitches* upbringing of a trainee, and an autistic trainee.
As many people allege, neurodivergency is often considered a spectrum and even if someone has symptoms, it might not necessarily warrant a diagnosis, or even if it did, they might not want to ID with it for whatever reason. This, combined with a culture that massively underdiagnoses autism for both boys and girls due to how stigmatized it is. Despite a study which claims 1 in 38 children in SK have traits that would qualify for an Autism diagnosis (compare with 1 in 100 in USA which is probably inaccurate but w/e), only 1/3 of the kids that were flagged were actually diagnosed. Many families with a diagnosis keep it secret, even from the kid, many families who suspect autism in their child won't bring it up due to the shame associated with a diagnosis, and many don't even know what it is or what to look for, and it won't even cross their minds. Of course, these attitudes aren't unique to Korea, these ableist attitudes are global, it's just that it seems the prevalent attitude in Korea is pretending it doesn't exist. (though attitudes are changing postively!) Taking this into account, I really doubt a company would even know if one of their trainees had an autism diagnosis. If any of the staff suspected autism, I don't think they'd push for a diagnosis, and if they did actually know, I don't think they'd make it public. With a global and local lack of understanding of autism, I think it makes it extraordinarily difficult for someone to "come out" as autistic in the industry.
I'm not sure if you the asker are neurodivergent/on the spectrum yourself, but I don't think autism would necessarily be too limiting to prevent a successful career. Not every autistic person has social anxiety despite whatever social difficulties they have, and a talent motivated by special interest such as singing or dancing might actually help them be more skilled than their peers. Of course there's sensory issues, but we've seen idols have meltdowns over sensory issues before and come out the other side mostly okay, and we also know that in groups with healthy friendships that the members are happy to accomodate other members' quirks or struggles. Autism or no autism, people who care about other people naturally accomodate for other people's needs and difficulties. Implying that autistic people couldn't succeed in the idol industry rubs me the wrong way a little - anyone with autism is going to struggle in any career they do, some people more than others, some careers more than others, but having autism shouldn't universally rule out any career of any kind.
While I was joking about Sunmi, I don't see why it wouldn't be possible.
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So, am I the only one who has seen so many god damn fics on this site and on others all having waterfalls in their pants over yanderes? Like I hope im not the only one who thinks its kinda fucked that so many people keep thirsting over the idea of being stalked and abused. Also fun fact, several of said posts also have bpd in the tags which is just disgusting and offensive torwards people with bpd and mental health issues in general who are already stigmatized by media at large as being violent serial killers, they dont also need carol from Nebraska saying she gets turned on by being treated like garbage and she wants them to do it to her. To clarify, I myself struggle with my mental health and have been in toxic relationships so Im really grossed out that people genuinely seem to want that and treat it like its an uwu cutesy quirk of their s/o. Finally I can't help but notice that when a man is a yandere or when the gender is not defined its sexy, bad boy toughness but when its specifically a woman its either creepy and violent or cute uwu baby girl, just saying. Tldr, there should be more posts and fics about standing up to and fighting abusers, along with postive rep for bpd and metal health conditions in media, when a man is a controlling asshat its not hot, and people who abuse and try to control you dont actually love you, dont fool yourself into thinking they do.
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I have to choose myself as my favorite person.
So do you.
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yourhealingjournal · 2 years
forgive yourself. forgive yourself for not being where you dreamed you would be. forgive yourself for all the wrong things you said. forgive yourself for the times you messed up even when you’ve tried your best. forgive yourself for the way you hurt, belittle, or abandon yourself in the past or in the present. forgive yourself for not being perfect. you don’t have to be perfect to be worthy (of love, understanding, compassion, kindness).
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lild3m0nnn-bpd · 2 years
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shawneeleighc · 1 year
You glow differently when you love yourself 💗🧁❤️
It might be hard to love yourself sometimes, but it's much harder to go through life not loving yourself.
You need to accept, love and choose yourself.
You are so unique with your own ideas, experiences, dreams, hopes and relationships.
Love all of you, your mind, your heart, your feet, your thighs, your stomach, your smile lines, your heart and your soul for no other reason than because it is you.
You can't hate yourself into someone you want to be.
So love yourself, take care of your mental and physical health, listen to your body when it's telling you to rest, listen to your heart when it says it needs comfort and listen to your mind when it's trying to help you grow.
Love yourself with all that you are because you don't only deserve it, you need it.
Follow my insta for daily self love, mental health and wellness content @shawnee_leighc
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atgrow · 3 years
If I am tired, I will rest. I deserve to feel rested and safe. Exhaustion is not admirable.
- day 4 of affirmations
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anonwritersposts · 3 years
You can fight to be recovered. It is a hard task if you have little support in this, but you will get better. You will be recovered if you assess what changes need to be made.
I have EVERY bit of faith in you. It doesn’t matter where you’ve been or how things have been going recently, every day is a new beginning and grow where you’ve been planted.
When I was 21, I lost my mother and had my daughter in the same few months. I started drinking to cope, and using every bit of alcohol I could in my free time when I didn’t have my daughter. I was considered a “functional” alcoholic, but truthfully, there is never a functionality to it.
Every chance in my free time or when I was alone, my mind would always run to when can I drink next? When can I have my next sip of vodka? Every plan became centered around alcohol or weed.
Trust me in this lovely if you don’t have this bit of faith, recovery begins with trauma not because we chose this. 🖤
I believe in you.
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fat-girl-for-life · 3 years
Life's pretty shit but at least I have red lipstick
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