rotmydarlingsworld · 14 days
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Credit to breakingdowncptsd
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baltears · 1 year
not to make a thing of it but this podcast is one of the only things besides weed that makes me feel normal rn lol. recommend if u have complex trauma or suspect you might have trauma of some kind
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So good! My go to body based tool has always been getting outdoors, but I've been adding more yoga, stretching & music. I also noticed I rock myself gently while sitting cross legged on my bed. You must follow Sara @breakingdowncptsd ❤ If we could THINK our way through emotional flooding, nervous system activation, fight, flight, and freeze, we would have by now. If thinking “Calm down” was all it took, that’s what we’d be doing. But often that doesn’t work. Even when we understand intellectually what can happen when we are emotionally triggered, actually BEING triggered is a different story. When our smoke alarms are hyper-sensitive because of years of trauma and abuse, ordinary, even safe, day to day things can feel like a threat, and our body responds by sounding the alarm. Do we want to get rid of the alarm system all together? No. It’s protective, but we do want to help our bodies orient towards safe and social in the present. Telling our bodies when they are flooded with emotions and our nervous system is activated that we are safe often doesn’t work. Why? Because we don’t FEEL safe. So instead of telling, we can show our bodies we are safe by supporting their responses with compassionate body-based tools. Instead of SAYING “Calm down!”, we take steps to help our bodies calm down. We gently love them. We hold them. We let them express what they hold inside. We may find as we use a body-based tool that the emotions keep flowing. We cry. We wail. We scream. We stomp. We shake. We remember we’re not trying to stop the feelings. We trying to give the feelings a container, a safe place to land, a compassionate place to be seen. Afterwards, we care for ourselves and bodies deeply and intensively. Feeling layers of trauma is HARD WORK. We practice gentleness and rest. We breathe. Brave Survivor, we are learning how to give our bodies and our emotions safety, compassion, and understanding - something we’ve longed for for to long. Keep practicing. Keep caring. We practice these body-based tools in the Healing Tools Together Lives, which are recorded and can be accessed in my IGTV. Check out my stories today for examples. #CPTSD #cptsdrecovery https://www.instagram.com/p/CO3WLfbjjKQ/?igshid=1nehu6nd0edi2
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