#breathing styles
sarcastic-kaz · 6 months
Tanjiro: oh by the way Zenitsu, thank you for telling me how to use Thunder Breathing! It really helped against Upper Four! Zenitsu: wait what Tanjiro, who can use like four different breathing styles: Zenitsu, who can only use one form from his breathing style: Genya in the bed beside Tanjiro, who can't use breathing styles at all: Genya: gee, you want a medal?
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spi-d3r · 1 year
All Breathing Styles and Forms!!!
SUN BREATHING (13 forms)
Also called Hinokami Kagura or The original Breathing
‌First Form: Dance (円えん舞ぶ) whit variant by tanjiro: Dancing Flash (円えん舞ぶ一いっ閃せん)
‌Second form: Clear Blue Sky (碧へき羅らの天てん)
‌Third Form: Raging Sun (烈れつ日じつ紅こう鏡きょう)
‌Fourth Form: Burning Bones, Summer Sun (灼しゃっ骨こつ炎えん陽よう)
‌Fifth Form: Setting Sun Transformation (斜しゃ陽よう転てん身しん)
‌Sixth Form: Solar Heat Haze (飛ひ輪りん陽かげ炎ろう)
‌Seventh Form: Beneficent Radiance (輝き輝き恩おん光こう)
‌Eighth Form: Sunflower Thrust (陽よう華か突とつ)
‌Ninth Form: Dragon Sun Halo Head Dance (日にち暈うんの龍りゅう・頭かぶり舞まい)
‌Tenth Form: Fire Wheel (火か車しゃ)
‌Eleventh Form: Fake Rainbow (幻げん日にち虹こう)
‌Twelfth Form: Flame Dance (炎えん舞ぶ)
‌Thirteenth Form (拾じゅう参さんノ型かた)
KNOWN USERS: Yoriichi Tsugikuni, Sumiyoshi, Tanjuro Kamado, Tanjiro Kamado
One of the five main Breathing Styles
‌First Form: Water Surface Slash (壱いちノ型かた 水みな面も斬ぎり)
‌Second Form: Water Wheel (弐にノ型かた 水みず車ぐるま) whit variation Lateral Water Wheel (弐にノ型かた・改かい 横よこ水みず車ぐるま)
‌Third Form: Flowing Dance (参さんノ型かた 流りゅう流りゅう舞まい)
‌Fourth Form: Striking Tide (肆しノ型かた 打うち潮しお) whit variant Striking Tide, Turbulent (打うち潮しお・乱らん)
‌Fifth Form: Blessed Rain After the Drought (伍ごノ型かた 干かん天てんの慈じ雨う)
‌Sixth Form: Whirlpool (陸ろくノ型かた ねじれ渦うず), whit variant Whirlpool, Flow (ねじれ渦うず・流りゅう流りゅう)
‌Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust (漆しちノ型かた 雫しずく波は紋もん突づき) whit variation Drop Ripple Thrust, Curve (雫しずく波は紋もん突づき・曲きょく)
‌Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin (捌はちノ型かた 滝たき壼つぼ)
‌Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent (玖くノ型かた 水すい流りゅう飛沫しぶき・乱らん)
‌Tenth Form: Constant Flux (拾じゅうノ型かた 生せい生せい流る転てん)
‌Eleventh Form: Dead Calm (拾じゅう壱いちノ型かた 凪なぎ), created by water hashira Giyu Tomioka
KNOWN USERS: Giyu Tomioka (Hashira), Tanjiro Kamado, Sakonji Urokodaki Sabito, Makomo, Aoi Kanzaki, Murata
FLAME BREATHING (9 forms, only 6 known)
One of the five main Breathing Styles
‌First Form: Unknowing Fire (壱いちノ型かた 不知火しらぬい)
‌Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun (弐にノ型かた 昇のぼり炎えん天てん)
‌Third Form: Blazing Universe (参さんノ型かた 氣き炎えん万ばん象しょう)
‌Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation (肆しノ型かた 盛せい炎えんのうねり)
‌Fifth Form: Flame Tiger (伍ごノ型かた 炎えん虎こ)
‌Ninth Form: Rengoku (玖くノ型かた 煉れん獄ごく)
KNOWN USERS: Rengoku Kyojuro (Hashira), all the male members of Rengoku family
One of the five main Breathing Styles
‌First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter (壱いちノ型かた 鹿じん旋せん風ぷう・削そぎ)
‌Second Form: Claws-Purifying Wind (弐にノ型かた 爪そう々そう・科しな戸と風かぜ)
‌Third Form: Clean Storm Wind Tree (参さんノ型かた 晴せい嵐らん風ふう樹じゅ)
‌Fourth Form: Rising Dust Storm (肆しノ型かた 昇しょう上じょう砂さ塵じん嵐らん)
‌Fifth Form: Cold Mountain Wind (伍ごノ型かた 木こ枯がらし颪おろし)
‌Sixth Form: Black Wind Mountain Mist (陸ろくノ型かた 黒こく風ふう烟えん嵐らん)
‌Seventh Form: Gale, Sudden Gusts (漆しちノ型かた 頸けい風ふう・天てん狗ぐ風かぜ)
‌Eighth Form: Primary Gale Slash (捌はちノ型かた 初しょ烈れっ風かざ斬きり)
‌Ninth Form: Idaten Typhoon (玖くノ型かた 韋い駄だ天てん台たい風ふう)
KNOWN USERS: Sanemi Shinazugawa (Hashira), Masachika Kumeno
One of the five main breathing Styles
‌First Form: Serpentinite Bipolar (壱いちノ型かた 蛇じゃ紋もん岩がん・双そう極きょく)
‌Second Form: Upper Smash (弐にノ型かた 天てん面めん砕くだき)
‌Third Form: Stone Skin (参さんノ型かた 岩がん軀くの膚はだえ)
‌Fourth Form: Volcanic Rock, Rapid Conquest (肆しノ型かた 流りゅう紋もん岩がん・速そく征せい)
‌Fifth Form: Arcs of Justice (伍ごノ型かた 瓦が輪りん刑ぎょう部ぶ)
KNOWN USER: Gyomei Himejima (Hashira)
One of the five main breathing Styles
‌First Form: Thunderclap and Flash (壱いちノ型かた 霹へき靂れき一いっ閃せん) improved by Zenitsu in Sixfold (六ろく連れん), Eightfold (八はち連れん) and Godspeed (神しん速そく)
‌Second Form: Rice Spirit (弐にノ型かた 稲いな魂だま)
‌Third Form: Thunder Swarm (参さんノ型かた 聚しゅう蚊ぶん成せい雷らい)
‌Fourth Form: Distant Thunder (肆しノ型かた 遠えん雷らい)
‌Fifth Form: Heat Lightning (伍ごノ型かた 熱ねつ界かい雷らい)
‌Sixth Form: Rumble and Flash (陸ろくノ型かた 電でん轟ごう雷らい轟ごう)
‌Seventh Form: Honoikazuchi no Kami (漆しちノ型かた 火ほの雷いかづちの神かみ) created by Zenitsu
KNOWN USERS: Zenitsu Agatsuma, Kaigawa, Jigoro Kuwajima
MOON BREATHING (16 forms, only 11 known)
derivate from Sun Breathing
‌First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace (壱いちノ型かた 闇やみ月づき・宵よいの宮みや)
‌Second Form: Pearl Flower Moongazing (弐にの型かた 珠しゅ華かノ弄ろう月げつ)
‌Third Form: Loathsome Moon, Chains (参さんノ型かた 厭えん忌き月づき・銷つがり)
‌Fifth Form: Moon Spirit Calamitous Eddy (伍ごノ型かた 月げっ魄ぱく災さい渦か)
‌Sixth Form: Perpetual Night, Lonely Moon - Incessant (陸ろくノ型かた 常とこ夜よ孤こ月げつ・無む間けん)
‌Seventh Form: Mirror of Misfortune, Moonlit (漆しちノ型かた 厄やっ鏡きょう・月づき映ばえ)
‌Eighth Form: Moon-Dragon Ringtail (捌はちノ型かた 月げつ龍りゆう輪りん尾び)
‌Ninth Form: Waning Moonswaths (玖くノ型かた 降くだり月づき・連れん面めん)
‌Tenth Form: Drilling Slashes, Moon Through Bamboo Leaves (拾じゅうノ型かた 穿せん面めん斬ざん・蘿ら月げつ)
‌Fourteenth Form: Catastrophe, Tenman Crescent Moon (拾じゅう肆しノ型かた 兇きょう変へん・天てん満まん繊せん月げつ)
‌Sixteenth Form: Moonbow, Half Moon (拾じゅう陸ろくノ型かた 月虹げっこう・片かた割われ月づき)
KNOWN USER: Michikatsu Tsugikuni/Kokushibo
SOUND BREATHING (5 forms, only 3 known)
Derivate from Thunder Breathing
‌First Form: Roar (壱いちノ型かた 轟とどろき)
‌Fourth Form: Constant Resounding Slashes (肆しノ型かた 響きょう斬ざん無む間けん)
‌Fifth Form: String Performance (伍ごノ型かた 鳴めい弦げん奏そう々そう)
KNOWN USER: Tengen Uzui (Hashira)
FLOWER BREATHING (7 forms, only 5 known)
Derivate from Water Breathing
‌Second Form: Honorable Shadow Plum (弐にノ型かた 御み影かげ梅うめ)
‌Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo (肆しノ型かた 紅べに花はな衣ごろも)
‌Fifth Form: Peonies of Futility (伍ごノ型かた 徒あだの芍しゃく薬やく)
‌Sixth Form: Whirling Peach (陸ろくノ型かた 渦うず桃もも)
‌Final Form: Equinoctial Vermilion Eye (終ついノ型かた 彼ひ岸がん朱しゅ眼がん)
KNOWN USERS: Kanae Kocho (death Hashira), Kanao Tsuyuri
LOVE BREATHING (6 forms, only 5 known)
Derivate from Flame Breathing
‌First Form: Shivers of First Love (壱いちノ型かた 初はつ恋こいのわななき)
‌Second Form: Love Pangs (弐にノ型かた 懊おう悩のう巡めぐる恋こい)
‌Third Form: Catlove Shower (参さんノ型かた 恋こい猫ねこしぐれ)
‌Fifth Form: Swaying Love, Wildclaw (伍ごノ型かた 揺ゆらめく恋れん情じょう・乱みだれ爪づめ)
‌Sixth Form: Cat-Legged Winds of Love (陸ろくノ型かた 猫ねこ足あし恋こい風かぜ)
KNOWN USER: Mitsuri Kanroji (Hashira)
Derivate from Flower Breathing
‌Butterfly Dance: Caprice (蝶ちょうノ舞まい 戯たわむれ)
‌Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter (蜂ほう牙がノ舞まい 真ま靡なびき)
‌Dance of the Dragonfly: Compound Eye Hexagon (蜻せい蛉れいノ舞まい 複ふく眼がん六ろっ角かく)
‌Dance of the Centipede: Hundred-Legged Zigzag (蜈ご蚣こうノ舞まい 百ひゃく足そく蛇じゃ腹ばら)
KNOWN USER: Shinobu Koucho (Hashira)
Derivate from Wind Breathing
‌First Form: Low Clouds, Distant Haze (壱いちノ型かた 垂すい天てん遠とお霞がすみ)
‌Second Form: Eight-Layered Mist (弐にノ型かた 八や重え霞かすみ)
‌Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash (参さんノ型かた 霞か散さんの飛し沫ぶき)
‌Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash (肆しノ型かた 移い流りゅう斬ぎり)
‌Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze (伍ごノ型かた 霞か雲うんの海うみ)
‌Sixth Form: Lunar Dispersing Mist (陸ろくノ型かた 月つきの霞か 消しょう)
‌Seventh Form: Obscuring Clouds (漆しちノ型かた 朧おぼろ) created by Muichiro Tokito
KNOWN USER: Muichiro Tokito (Hashira)
Derivate from Water Breathing
‌First Form: Winding Serpent Slash (壱いちノ型かた 委い蛇だ斬ぎり)
‌Second Form: Venom Fangs of the Narrow Head (弐にノ型かた 狭きょう頭ずの毒どく牙が)
‌Third Form: Coil Choke (参さんノ型かた 塒とぐろ締じめ)
‌Fourth Form: Twin-Headed Reptile (肆しノ型かた 頸けい蛇じゃ双そう生せい)
‌Fifth Form: Slithering Serpent (伍ごノ型かた 蜿えん蜿えん長ちょう蛇だ)
KNOW USER: Obanai Iguro (Hashira)
BEAST BREATHING (11 forms/fangs)
Derivated from Wind Breathing
‌First Fang: Pierce (壱いちノ牙きば 穿うがち抜ぬき)
‌Second Fang: Slice (弐にノ牙きば 切きり裂さき)
‌Third Fang: Devour (参さんノ牙きば 喰くい裂ざき)
‌Fourth Fang: Slice 'n' Dice (肆しノ牙きば 切きり細こま裂ざき)
‌Fifth Fang: Crazy Cutting (伍ごノ牙きば 狂くるい裂ざき)
‌Sixth Fang: Palisade Bite (陸ろくノ牙きば 乱らん杭ぐい咬がみ)
‌Seventh Form: Spatial Awareness (漆しちノ型かた 空くう間かん識しき覚かく)
‌Eighth Form: Explosive Rush (捌はちノ型かた 爆ばく裂れつ猛もう進しん)
‌Ninth Fang: Extending Bendy Slash (玖くノ牙きば 伸しん・うねり裂ざき)
‌Tenth Fang: Whirling Fangs (拾じゅうノ牙きば 円えん転てん旋せん牙が)
‌Sudden Throwing Strike (思おもいつきの投なげ裂さき)
KNOWN USER: Inosuke Hashibira
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rooviebae · 7 months
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╭ Snow Breathing ♡‧₊˚ ┆Amount of Forms: 6 forms ┆Info: This type of breathing style is derived from water and wind breathing. It focuses upon speed and agility to allow the user to move effortlessly with movements that seem delicate. ╰ ➤ Request here
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╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ First Form: Drifting Snowflake - The user focuses on producing a single, large, horizontal slash that, when performed close to the opponent, feels frigid.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Second Form: Avalanche - The user concentrates on gathering strength before swinging their blade vertically, which is more effective when the user falls downward. (Like Tanjiro's waterfall basin, but with snow lol)
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Third Form: Music in the Winter - The user will swing their sword, and as a visual effect, their opponent will be surrounded by a thick, icy cloud, giving them time to decapitate the opponent.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Fourth Form: Falling Desires - The user will strike their opponent with a single devastating diagonal slash.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Fifth Form: Frost Bite - The user will gather enough speed to lunge at their opponent before unleashing a barrage of frigid attacks.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Sixth Form: Snow Angel - The user unleashes a barrage of chilled attacks at a rapid speed.
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evading-taxes · 10 months
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Tips for Creating Breathing Styles?
So, I'm making a breathing style to go with a character (and there's logical reasons I'm having them make a breathing style, but I'm not going to spoil that here) and I would like some pointers/tips/constructive criticism if y'all are cool with that. I'm kinda just going to copy and paste my notes into here so any name mentions are my character and can just be ignored.
I am not Japanese nor am I a practitioner of Shinto so any criticism of my lack of knowledge will be ignored cause I'm already rather aware of that. That's why I'm asking for help.
Also, you do not even know how much research I've already put into this project so just kindly point me in the right direction and I will happily fuck off.
Also also, don't judge my egregious use of wikipedia. If there are better sources I should be using please just tell me what they are.
Anyways, thanks in advance, here's my notes:
Vaguely based off the mikagura Ren does during festivals
Kind of mimicking the mai and odori portions of the dance
I should probably look up videos for reference; that might help
Is an offshoot of Kaminari no Kokyu and ~technically~ Hono no Kokyu
Also technically based off of firestorms, but my idiot doesn’t know wtf that is
Named after Shonetsu Jigoku? Or Daishonetsu Jigoku?
Would name it Kasai Arashi but that’s a bit of a mouthful and also, as previously stated, Ren doesn’t know wtf that even is
I’m also an idiot so I don’t know if that’s even the correct term
Most of my knowledge comes from this page among others
Ren is a Miko which is why there is heavy inspiration taken from Shinto in the katas
1st Kata: Kiyome (Purity)
A languid slash that leaves behind a feeling of peace
Usually used when an oni surrenders
If the slash doesn’t behead the oni, the oni’s regeneration ability is reduced
Helps them to remember some human memories?
2nd Kata: Mikagura (Shinto Dance)
Maybe have a reference to Amaterasu or Ame-no-Uzume since they were the ones that started the legend that created kagura
Footwork taken from the mikagura dance? I don’t know shit about sword-fighting
3rd Kata: Hyoi (Possession)
A spinning slash that includes multiple rotations
The demon slayer’s strength and reflexes are then greatly enhanced for a time?
Kind of meant to mimic the end of the mai portion to a mikagura when the miko is meant to be possessed by a kami
Ends up creating a fire whirl as well
4th Kata: Izanami (One of the First Kami)
The effect of the attack creates a feeling of burning alive
Kind of like how Izanami died giving birth to Kagutsuchi
5th Kata: Akuryo Taisan (Exorcism (essentially, but kind of not really))
I have no idea what this would do yet but it would definitely hurt
I imagine it would also hurt without a nichirin weapon tho
6th Kata: Tatarigami (Cataclysmic Demons)
A reference to the fact this is based off of firestorms?
The effect of this one would be even more if it comes right after the 3rd, 8th, or 9th kata. Or maybe after any other kata
It's a combo kata I guess
Probably a strike that focuses on power?
7th Kata: Amano-Iwato (the cave Amaterasu hid in)
A slash that creates a bright flash of light that mimics sunlight
Can disorient and blind an opponent
Meant to reference when Amaterasu left her cave after hiding
Maybe I’ll just call it Amaterasu so Izanami’s not the only god referenced
8th Kata: Jigoku (Hell)
Eight consecutive attacks that burn more and more as they reach the end
Has the effect of reducing an oni’s regeneration ability
There’s a special effect for each attack but I don’t know what they are yet
All I know is they represent each level of Jigoku
Or maybe the effect is that there is more and more of an actual firestorm around them as the attacks continue?
Final slash results in a bigass explosion like from a pyrocumulonimbus?
9th Kata: Kuji-Kiri (Nine Symbolic Cuts)
Nine consecutive slashes and cuts made in the correct horizontal and vertical order while saying the yo and in-syllables in the correct order
Rin, Pyo, To, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen?
The effect of this kata greatly reduces an oni’s regeneration ability
If the Kuji-Kiri is done to an oni w/out a nichirin sword it still hurts like a bitch imo
Uh... I think that's it. If I remember or come up with anything else I'll probably just edit it in.
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alex7paulmercer10 · 1 year
Legacy: A Demon Slayer Story S1 Chapter 1: The Beginning
Note: This story is a fanfic and crossover with another Wattpad story by Rebecca Sullivan called Night Owls and Summer Skies. A really amazing and cute story that I recommend reading, oh and it also has a Webtoon adaptation!
                                               »»-----  -----««
Synopsis: 11 years since his mother was murdered by a demon, and after discovering a two-century-old family legacy, full of hatred, rage, and self-loathing, 18-year-old Tsukirou Kirigami vows revenge and becomes a demon slayer. However, a tough challenge presents itself as Tsukirou, and his best friend Haru are both stationed at Bellcrest High-school in the town of York, Maine. Can Tsukirou, who's never been to school before, Haru, who is somehow excited about the whole predicament, And their newest teammate Emma, pose as normal high-school students while simultaneously dealing with bullies, high-school drama, and protecting the town from Muzan's demons?
                                              »»-----  -----««
A long time ago when I was young, my mother got me a telescope for my 7th birthday that I could use to see the stars every night, and it meant the whole world to me. We only had each other back then, just me and my mom.
These were the dreams that I see every night, if only they could last forever...
But there is no time to dream...
Your dreams are nothing more than painful and sorrowful memories of the past...
Your pain will never go away until you cut that bastard's head off. When that time finally comes is the day you can finally rest in peace...
So go, Tsukiro Kirigami, prove to the world that her death wasn't meaningless...
Tsukiro woke up startled by the dream- no, memory, tears streaming down his cheeks as he gasped for air.
He wiped the tears from his eyes as he stood up from his makeshift bed. He stumbled quite a bit as the boat he was on hit a large wave making it rock back and forth, not to mention that it was raining outside. The door to the cabin creaked open due to its rusty hinges as his companion for the mission entered the cabin and looked at him with concern.
"Another nightmare Tsuki?" His burgundy-haired friend, who was soaking wet even with the raincoat he was wearing, asked with concern in his tone.
"...Yeah, I'm fine, but how did you-"
"Everyone could hear you screaming from the main deck."
A small 'oh' escaped his lips as he looked away in embarrassment. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about Tsuki, the dream...w-what was it about this time?" His friend asked.
He hesitated for a moment before sighing.
"Same thing every night, except different, I mean they're always the same but the way they go each night is different." He clasped his head between his hands as his friend sat next to him on the bed and comforted him.
"T-They never go away..."
His companion stayed by his side and listened, doing his best to comfort Tsukiro from the nightmare he witnessed in his sleep.
'They're frequently getting worse. I'm getting worried for Tsukiro...'
"WE'RE HERE BOYS!!!" The ship's captain's booming voice called out that stood out from the sounds of the storm that was brewing outside.
"We're here, Haru get ready," Tsukiro said as he adopted a more serious and stone-cold expression as he got up and walked over to the corner of the room to pick up his things, especially his katana.
His friend, Haru, nodded albeit still showing concern for his friend as he too went to pick up his sword. The two walked outside and headed to the main deck. The captain, a large burly middle-aged man with a beard, wearing an eyepatch, eyed the both of them as they arrived on deck with their swords strapped to their waists.
"This is as far as I can get you boys, the island is right up ahead, all ya' gotta do is jump down to the shore and lay waste to those monsters."
They both nodded in agreement as they were nearing the destination of their mission. Both of them, as well as other groups of slayers, were sent on an emergency mission to a remote island in the Philippines where demon activity has been spiking for the past few months. A group of slayers was stationed on the island to exterminate the demons and ensure the safety of the inhabitants. However, approx. 31 hours ago they sent an emergency distress signal and a message requesting backup, as massive hordes of demons overwhelmed them and were rampaging across the island ravaging towns and people's homes eating and killing civilians.
"Nervous?" Haru asked Tsukiro.
"Fuck no. This is just where the fun begins."
Once the coast was in the ship's vicinity, Tsukiro and Haru prepared to take off. "Hold on, wait! I haven't got both yer names yet!" The captain called out.
They both stopped for a moment to look back at the captain.
"Name's Tsukiro, Kirigami Tsukiro." He said before leaping off the ship, hand on his sword's hilt.
"Kamado Haru," Haru said as well before taking off in a burst of speed after his friend.
*usually Japanese people introduce themselves by saying their surnames first.
The captain chuckled, "Godspeed to you boys...".
»»-----  -----««
His eyes were sharp and focused as he and Haru made their way in the direction of the smoke and screams, leaving behind a trail of dust as they both ran at inhuman speeds.
The rhythm of his breathing changed, it followed a stronger pattern as he moved at a speed that normal people couldn't follow nor could they ever achieve if they didn't go through the training he and others did.
But Tsukiro and Haru aren't just normal people.
They were Demon Slayers. And right now the safety of people's lives rested in their hands.
Tsukiro skidded to a stop, a large demon with a bulky frame showed itself in front of him. It stood over 3 meters tall and had large burly arms, it barred its teeth at him in an almost creepy grin as it began to walk towards him slowly with its arms stretched out.
Entering a stance, Tsukiro took a deep breath...
Total Concentration Breathing...
He initiated a powerful jump into the air putting himself above the demon, he quickly unsheathes his nichirin sword as he began to descend from the air.
"Hiten Mitsurugi Style: First Form..."
The demon was almost instantly decapitated. Its lifeless and headless body fell to the ground with a thud as it started to slowly turn into ash.
"Dragon Hammer Flash!"
Tsukiro gracefully landed on the ground, he turned around to look at the demon's dead body and scoffed as he wipes off the blood from his sword using his sleeve.
2 smaller demons leaped towards him from the treetops aiming to get the drop on him. Tsukiro sidesteps out of the way and swings his sword upwards decapitating one demon. The other remaining demon tried to swipe at his neck behind him, Tsukiro removed his sword's scabbard from his waist and used it as he spun around and broke the demon's arms, before the demon could regenerate from the damage it was immediately decapitated by Tsukiro.
He sensed more demons nearby approaching, he didn't waste any more time as he quickly moved to kill the demons within the surrounding areas
»»-----  -----««
Meanwhile with Haru
Haru was carrying an injured woman on his back, she groaned and gasped in pain as he quickly made his way down towards the beach where the medical unit is treating injured slayers and civilians.
'I've gotta hurry real quick, she's bleeding out and I don't have a tourniquet on me.'
A group of three demons was chasing him from behind, Haru halted to a stop as he turned around to face all three of them head-on.
"Water Breathing: Second Form: Water Wheel!"
In one fluid horizontal circular motion, Haru swung his sword leaving behind a trail of water. The demons didn't stand a chance as all three of them were decapitated at the same time.
Another demon appeared behind him and tried to lunge at him, only to be met by a knee strike to the face from Tsukiro and a sword through its neck.
"Thanks, Tsuki!"
"Dumbass, watch your back next time!!"
Haru then left to bring the injured to the medical unit leaving Tsukiro behind to deal with the remaining demons.
*Meaning: Godspeed
At a speed that rivaled lightning itself, Tsukiro dashed forward a great distance decapitating demons left and right that were in the way of the technique.
He checked his watch and saw that there were only a few hours left until sunrise.
'Only 5 more hours left until sunrise, which means that if I-We don't hurry and finish these bastards off, they'll retreat and have a chance to multiply again'
He perched himself on top of a tall building and observed the other smoke pillars and fires all across the island rising from the ground and turning the night sky orange and black.
He could hear other demon slayers fighting as they engaged in combat with the monsters.
Without wasting any more time, Tsukiro used Shinsoku once more to quickly close the distance and reach the source of the violence eager to kill more demons.
»»-----  -----««
"Water Breathing: Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust, Curve!"
Haru exclaimed as he landed a fast and accurate stab through the neck of a small, fast-moving, flying demon headed his way.
there were only 3 hours left until sunrise. Tsukiro, Haru, and the rest of the other slayers had already killed a great number of demons on the island, as well as rescued a great number of civilians. Although it can't be said that there were no casualties.
A total of over a hundred demon slayers have been killed during the battle, leaving the rest to finish the mission and secure the island.
Suddenly, the sound of thunder catches both of their attention.
'Bout' time one of them showed up!' Tsukiro thought.
'Nice! right on time!!' Haru thought.
It was a great relief indeed, because a Hashira arrived.
"I wonder who the corps sent?"
"Beats me, it better be someone strong."
A tall figure, covered in blood, lands in front of them.
"Ah! Tsukiro-kun, Haru-kun, glad to see the both of you are still alive!"
It was the current Thunder Hashira, Kazuya Kinoshita. A man in his thirties with short slightly spiky black hair, he was wearing a specialized version of the corps standard uniform with a military jacket to top it off. The one thing that made him stand out was that he had only one arm.
"Yo old man, bout time ya' showed up."
"Tsukiro! Don't be rude!" Haru scolded his friend.
A tick mark grew on Kazuya's forehead as he refrained from bonking Tsukiro on his head.
"I'm not old, I'm only 35!"
"Uh-huh, yep whatever you say," Tsukiro said nonchalantly.
"Ahem!-- So, status report you two."
"The rest of the civilians have been evacuated, the injured are being tended to as we speak, and we're still taking care of the demons because there's still so many remaining, but that won't be an issue anymore now that you're here Kinoshita-san," Haru spoke.
Kazuya nodded before turning to Tsukiro.
"What about you Kirigami?"
"Well, I've already wiped out the bastards in the west, and south of the island-"
"Wait! That fast?!!" Haru looked at his friend in astonishment. Well, it was expected from Tsukiro, always stealing the kill from other slayers, always finding ways to kill as many demons as he can.
"What are your instructions Kinoshita-San?"
"I'll be taking the lead on this mission, the two of you assist your fellow slayers and secure the island, kill every last demon you see, when the sun comes up we regroup along with the other slayers at the nearest town, understood?"
"HAI!" The two of them said in agreement.
With that, the three of them split off to accomplish what they came here for.
»»-----  -----««
There were only a few minutes left until sunrise. With the help of the Thunder Hashira, they were able to wipe out the remaining demons on the island faster.
"Hiten Mitsurugi Style: Seventh Form: Dragon-Soaring Flash!!"
Swinging his sword upwards which took the form of a flying dragon, while initiating a powerful jump into the air, Tsukiro kills 4 demons at once.
'alright, that's all of them.'
Landing in a somersault to cushion his fall, Tsukiro stood up and wiped the blood off his sword. He then doubled over in exhaustion as he used his sword to support his body, keeping him from falling over.
'This whole mission took a toll on my body, I should've been mindful on how many times I use Shinsoku...'
He looked above and saw his Kasugai Crow flying down from the air and landing on his shoulder.
"Alright, Alright, you didn't have to scream in my fucking ear."
His crow took off flight again leaving him on his own. With that, he pulled out his tactical phone, which is given to every single slayer in the corps for various uses, from the small bag attached to his belt. Opening the GPS, he checked the location of the nearest town and immediately headed there.
»»-----  -----««
With Haru...
Haru found himself in a bit of a situation right now.
In front of him, a middle-aged couple was trying their hardest to restrain their teenage daughter.
"LORNA! Honey stop it!!" Her mother cried.
Her plead was in vain as her daughter kept thrashing around trying to bite her father's arm.
"S-Sweetheart, please listen to our voices, we're going to get you help, e-everything will be alright!?" Her father cried.
But still, their pleas fell on deaf ears as their daughter kept on thrashing and biting, her eyes were blood-red and foam was coming out of her mouth.
Haru turned to the Hashira standing next to him who was looking at the scene with sad eyes, "Kinoshita-San...what should we do?"
Before he could get an answer, Tsukiro arrived at the scene, he gazed at the couple trying to reach out to their daughter for a few moments, "What's going on here?" He asked Haru.
"Their daughter...she's been demonized" Haru responded. He felt great empathy for the family of three and how desperate the husband and wife were at trying to calm their daughter down.
Tsukiro however, unsheathed his nichirin sword from its scabbard and strode towards the family.
He finally stood in front of them catching their attention, he stared at them with cold blank eyes as he firmly gripped his sword. Seeing the blade in his hand, the couple held on to their daughter tighter.
"I'm gonna have to need you two to move."
However, they didn't understand him because Tsukiro was speaking japanese.
"They can't understand you Tsuki, try speaking in english," Haru suggested.
Tsukiro took Haru's suggestion and spoke again, this time in english.
"I'm afraid your daughter's been turned into a demon. When demon blood enters the body, either through open wounds or orally, they become demons. I'm sorry to say this, but there's no hope for your daughter."
This made their eyes widen, then they started pleading.
"N-No, not demon, s-she's good girl, there must be something you can do, p-please sir!" The father spoke in broken strings of english.
"There's nothing we can do, once someone becomes a demon they are damned to eat human flesh and blood for as long as they live."
He flashed his sword.
"I'm going to decapitate your daughter now, so please move out of the way."
This made them cry and beg even harder.
Tsukiro gained an irritated look.
"I said move..."
He pushed both of them away before roughly grabbing the daughter's hair and aligning his sword on her neck.
The daughter's severed head fall to the ground, much to the horror of her parents.
The parents screamed in horror and despair as they see their daughter's body slowly disintegrate into ashes.
Tsukiro sheathed his sword and started to walk away, "The mission's done, let's get out of here."
Haru stared at his friend's retreating figure in shock then stared at the inconsolable couple in horror before running after his friend.
The couple's cries and anguish-stricken shrieks echoed across the island as they tried to hold on to what was left of their little girl.
Kazuya sighed and pinched the bridge between his nose before giving out orders to the other demon slayers and kakushi on what was left that needed to be done.
»»-----  -----««
Tsukiro was making his way down towards the beach, where the ferries were waiting to pick them up after their mission, before he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Haru giving him an angry look.
"What the hell was that back there?!!"
"I killed a demon, that's what happened."
"You killed their daughter in front of their eyes!!"
"Their daughter was already dead the moment demonic blood entered her veins."
Haru couldn't believe what he was hearing right now from his best friend.
"B-But, Tsuki you could've handled that more gently, what you did back there was out of line."
This made Tsukiro glare hard at Haru.
"Then what did you expect me to do Haru? Tell them sugar-coated lies? Give them false hope? Oh! Tell them fairy tales? By killing that girl, I stopped more people from getting killed and one less monster to worry about. We came to this island to do our jobs and we did just that so let's just go. "
Shrugging off Haru's hand, Tsukiro stomped away towards the beach leaving Haru to look at his friend with sympathy.
The other chapters are available on Wattpad and AO3, You can read them if you want, I hope you all enjoyed reading this!
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/328096383-legacy-a-demon-slayer-story
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43609503/chapters/109651689
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tanjirou-no-au · 1 year
Breathing Style Thoughts
Water Breathing is essentially the (to use Star Wars terms) Niman of Breathing Styles. Easiest to learn, with a focus on adaptation and wide range of techniques more specialized in within other forms.
It’s kinda thought of as the general form because of this, but true masters, with a firm grasp/mastery with all of its techniques are some of the most skilled amongst the core.
And finally on the Water Breathing Appreciation Train, it’s the form most similar to Sun Breathing (other than the Hinokami Kagura, ofc),  taking the aforementioned wide array of techniques and fluidity at the expense of the sheer raw power, speed, and explosiveness of it. And thus, it is also the best form to use as a base to learn Sun Breathing.
I will fully admit that this is influenced by the fact that the one Sun user we see extensively began as a Water Style user.
Concerning other Styles, the Moon Breathing we see in the Manga is very different from what Michikatsu used, influenced by Kokushibou’s BDA and the fact he hasn’t really needed to, y’know, dodge, in the past few centuries.
The OG Moon Breathing carried influences of Wind, Thunder, and ironically given it’s earlier invention, Mist.
Insect Breathing is as much a derivative of Thunder Breathing as it is Flower Breathing.
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mayunagioia · 1 year
About Breathing Styles' effects not being real
To all those people complaining about it (especially on Twitter, it seems), I'm just gonna say this:
Enjoy the manga and/or the anime (or both, too) for what it is <3
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Seriously, though, if you don't want to accept the canon definition and believe everything is real, then do so but don't go harass other fans because of this.
Write fanfictions, draw fanarts, share your headcanons about how hot Kyojuro's fire is (heheh), just don't shit on other fans, Gotouge and her work.
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konraddams · 10 months
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Demon Slayer hashira OC.
The Raven Hashira
He invented a subtype of air breathing he calls Feather Breathing.
While he is competent as any other hashira, he mainly helps take care of the crows before they are assigned to Slayers.
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asksunsetblog · 10 months
Sunset, are you considering becoming a teacher?
yes i am when i find any creatures that are having trouble learning firebending or who wants to learn flame breathing to kill demons
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neitonexus · 11 months
If everyone wants to write a fanfic about demon slayer u can actually used chatgpt to write breathing styles, here’s the example in case anyone wants to try this:
Write me (name) breathing
For example:
(Name) breathing (#) form: (and a phrase that’s related to your breathing style)
And give a description of what each form does
And effects as well
Give visuals on what it looks like: (example: what surround your character and your characters weapon)
Not sure if this part is necessary to add but:
Reminder: this has to do with fights and attacks
Attack description: (explain what ur character looks like when fighting bad guys)
The type of weapon you use
Add on how ur character fights and example u can put:
Example: this character is fast and agile (this is just an example u don’t need to put this)
When (blank) it’s like (they) are dancing (this is just an example
I also want to add that it doesn’t really put the (#) form
Here’s the example that I used
Character used: juvia lockser:
Flower Breathing Form: Petal Dance
Description: Juvia channels the essence of blooming flowers, gracefully moving and twirling like a delicate petal caught in a gentle breeze. Her movements are fluid, displaying her flexibility and agility as she engages in combat.
Visual: As Juvia performs Petal Dance, swirling petals manifest around her, creating a captivating and enchanting atmosphere. The petals follow her graceful movements, accentuating her attacks and adding an ethereal beauty to her fighting style.
Effects: Each strike from Juvia's whip becomes infused with the essence of flower petals, enhancing their cutting power and leaving behind a lingering floral fragrance. The petals also have a calming effect on her opponents, momentarily distracting them and reducing their focus and reaction time.
Also if u want more breathing styles
U can just say continue in part 2 and you’ll get more
Have fun!!!
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danielacarryon · 1 year
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Sticker Tanjiro Kamado Earrings from "Kimetsu No Yaiba" (Demon Slayer)
Available in my store:
Original Version | Censored Version
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sangco · 9 months
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postcard prints!
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natedogx15 · 10 months
Heroic Clan of the Breath
A Demon Slayer x My Hero Academia prompt.
What if records of Total Concentration Breathing and various Breathing Styles survived the rise of Quirks? What if it was in the form of a modern-day Quirk-age samurai clan? What if Midoriya Izuku was the heir to this clan?
Basically, an Izuku is the heir to a clan story idea that’s unrelated to the yakuza. Here, his family are descendants of demon slayers and had kept as much documentation on their methods as possible for the future, in case demons ever rose again. This would later come in handy when Quirks started to appear as the family dived into the documents and started to bring back their ancestors’ arts to use against villains. They’d later branch the family off into various branch families with connections in the various fields of heroics as the industry expands, becoming one of the most illustrious families in the hero industry.
Fast forward to Izuku’s generation. His family still holds a lot of power within the industry due to their connections and the overall strength of their members since, for some reason, even the people that should be biologically Quirkless have above-average physical abilities to go with their swordsmanship. The clan keeps their breathing techniques a secret so as to not cause another uproar and villain population as a result. The clan only has documentation on the five basic Breathing Styles derived from Sun Breathing, Water, Stone, Fire, Wind, and Thunder. However, they branch off to make styles more comfortable for them and their Quirks. The Quirked members use their abilities to enhance their Breathing Styles, like how  Kokushibo and Kaigaku used their Blood Demon Arts.
Then there is Izuku Midoriya. The Quirkless heir to the family that seems to be unable to master any of the five basic Breathing Styles. He even appears unable to create a specialized one that better fits his needs. He’s brought about in-fighting within the clan as a large faction doesn’t see him suited to take over his father’s role due to his lack of a Quirk and inaptitude with any of the Breathing Styles. However, Izuku’s inability stems from how restrictive each Breathing Style is because he’s a natural Sun Breather, and all his teachers mainly focused on their individual Styles over trying to combine them.
So, Izuku has to fight for his place as a hero and within his family while rediscovering the lost first Breathing Style and possibly learning how to control One For All as well. If you still want him to gain the Quirk. He has to fight off members trying to usurp his position as heir along with the League of Villains.
A fun thing you could possibly do is have some of the more martial arts adept students like Ojiro, Kendo, and Rin learn Total Concentration Breathing from Izuku.
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justana0kguy · 11 months
2023 MAY 30 Tuesday
TUE DO 1'23 #1 ~ Life Breathing Styles
If it isn't obvious, this is inspired from the Breathing Styles of the Kimetsu no Yaiba manga/anime series, but applied to real life actions and scenarios (without the actual fighting, or nichirin swords, as I don't have any nor the skills to wield one without cutting myself)
In terms of Life Management System specifics, this will be integrated as a Life Action (S.O.P.) as "BRAVO" Standard Actions with the latest (Alpha, Beta, and Delta) versions as follows:
DELTA Versions (implementation & improvement)
WIND Breathing ~ Regular (I) / Total Concentration (II) Breathing
[0-I] Silent Air of Anemoi Regular breathing in and out (through nose & without sound)
[0-II] Storm Eye of Venti Regular deep breathing in and out (through mouth & with sound)
[1-I] Gentle Breeze of Zephyrus Deep breath in (through nose) Hold breath and be still for a bit Slow and steady breath out (through nose)
[1-II] Stalwart Gust of Favonius Deep breath in (through mouth) Hold breath and be still for a bit Slow and steady breath out (through mouth)
[2-I] Soaring Updraft of Eurus Slow deep breath in (through nose, with expanding chest) - visualization: soaring up through an updraft (i.e. Genshin Impact) Hold breath for a short bit (thinking of what to do) - visualization: suspended at the top of the updraft Slow and steady breath out (through nose) - visualization: gliding down from the updraft (i.e. wind gliding)
[2-II] Surging Storm of Vulturnus Slow and deep breath in (through mouth, with expanding chest) Hold breath for a short bit (extra focus on what to do) Slow and steady breath out (through mouth)
[3-I] Piercing Gale of Boreas Slow and deep breath in (through nose, closing eyes) Hold breath (and emptying mind) Slow and 'whistle-like' blowing (through mouth, opening eyes)
[3-II] Indomitable Tempest of Aquilo Slow and deep breath in (through mouth, closing eyes) Hold breath (and focusing on a single thought) Slow and 'blast' blowing (through mouth, opening eyes)
[4-I] Swift Whirlwind of Notus Quick breath in (through mouth with lungs) Sharp (silent to low volume) breath out (through mouth)
[4-II] Turbulent Tornado of Auster Quick breath in (through mouth with core) Sharp (& LOUD to SHOUTING) breath out (through mouth)
WATER Breathing ~ Motions of Life, where: Sync - Multiversal Mental Motions Strat - Omniversal Temporal Motions
[Sync 0] Still Water Zero-State - visualization: Giyu Tomioka's 'Dead Calm'
[Sync 1] Undulating Horizon no thoughts, just looking (at the sea afar) - visualization: far horizon in a calm sea
[Sync 2] Shifting Tides contemplating on overall circumstances - visualization: incoming & outgoing waves in seashore
[Sync 2a] Lifting High Tide contemplating on good/positive things in life
[Sync 2b] Bowing Low Tide contemplating on bad/unfortunate things in life
[Sync 3] Perpetual Waves contemplating on current circumstances
[Sync 4] Enduring Waterfall concentration/focus on staying strong mentally
[Strat 0] Crawling Bayou no timeframe for actions
[Strat 1] Trickling Creek taking time to do proper actions
[Strat 2] Flowing Stream wasting no time to do proper actions
[Strat 3] Running River double time to do proper actions
[Strat 4] Raging Rapids double time & may skip proper actions
[Strat 5] Flash Flood rushing due to individual urgent/emergency situations
[Strat 6] Channeling Strait mass rushing due to multiple urgent/emergency situations
[Strat 7] Rogue Swell mass rushing due to singular/incidental global event
[Strat 8] Towering Tsunami mass rushing due to multiple/ongoing global event
[Strat 9] Final Cycle rushing to / halting at the end
STONE Breathing ~ Controlled Actions / Weights Exercises
Still Rock Zero-State & awareness of body
Rolling Stone body control when doing regular activities
Hollow Dust body control to minimize noise/disturbance
Precious Gem body control to ensure only gentle pressure is applied
Firm Boulder body control when holding or bracing onto things
BETA Versions (testing & development)
FIRE Breathing ~ Cardio Exercises
MIST Breathing ~ Kind Works with others
ALPHA Versions (conceptualization & programming)
THUNDER Breathing ~ Quick Movements?
SUN Breathing ~ Leadership? Respect/Fame?
MOON Breathing ~ Friendship? Affection/Adoration?
LIGHT Breathing ~ Good Works with others? (i.e. Virtues?)
SHADOW Breathing ~ Bad Works with others? (i.e. Vices?)
P.S. I'm not a Hashira, still in training, just so you know.
~ A0K
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the-phantom-peach · 3 months
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I can’t stop thinking about @ezdotjpg bonus links au
I need to squeeze them in my hand in a way I can’t describe
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