#brenda pereira
byneddiedingo · 1 year
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James Stewart and Doris Day in The Man Who Knew Too Much (Alfred Hitchcock, 1956)
Cast: James Stewart, Doris Day, Brenda de Banzie, Bernard Miles, Ralph Truman, Daniel Gélin, Mogens Wieth, Alan Mowbray, Hillary Brook, Christopher Olsen, Reggie Nalder, Richard Wattis, Noel Willman, Alix Talton, Carolyn Jones. Screenplay: John Michael Hayes, based on a story by Charles Bennett and D.B. Wyndham-Lewis. Cinematography: Robert Burks. Art direction: Henry Bumstead, Hal Pereira. Film editing: George Tomasini. Music: Bernard Herrmann.
It's not hard to see why Alfred Hitchcock would want to remake his 1934 film version of The Man Who Knew Too Much. It has good bones: a murder, a kidnapping, a political assassination plot, attractive international locations, colorful villainy, mistaken identifications, and innocents put in jeopardy by sheer accident. But he kind of blew it the first time with pallid protagonists (Leslie Banks and Edna Best), tedious comic byplay involving a sinister dentist, a wacky sun-worshiping cult, and a confusingly staged climactic shootout. Today it's best remembered for Peter Lorre's delicious villainy in his first English-language role. For the remake, Hitchcock supposedly told screenwriter John Michael Hayes not to watch the original or to read its screenplay but to follow his own retelling of the story. The result is a more supple narrative, and the stars, Doris Day and James Stewart, are a definite improvement over Best and Banks. Hayes has made them a rather edgy couple: She's an internationally known musical star who has gone into retirement to marry him, a Midwestern surgeon. He seems to be a bit resentful of her celebrity, and she seems to be a little disappointed at having to settle down in Indianapolis. He's given to outbursts of temper that she sometimes has to quell before he does something rash. Their marital tension never results in an out-and-out fight, but it makes for some uneasy moments. In some respects they verge on '50s stereotypes of male and female roles: He pulls out his medical expertise and administers a sedative to her before telling her that their son has been kidnapped, a rather extreme form of mansplaining. In the 1934 film, Best played an award-winning sharpshooter who fires the shot that kills the villain, while Day is given a softer task: She helps locate their kidnapped son by singing (and singing and singing) "Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que Sera, Sera)," the film's Oscar-winning song. The remake is 45 minutes longer than the original, and it seems a little overextended. Still, the performances are good, and Robert Burks's Technicolor cinematography and the Marrakesh location of the first part of the film give the remake a definite edge, as does Bernard Herrmann's score. Herrmann makes his only on-camera appearance conducting the London Symphony Orchestra in the "Storm Cloud Cantata" at the Royal Albert Hall, in the pivotal scene that was carried over from the 1934 version.
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bookoftheironfist · 3 months
Hi! I read The Living Weapon recently and I was just wondering what actually happened to the Meachum family? I remember they were quite a big and enjoyable part back in the 70s but I don’t recall much about them from any more recent comics. The Brenda storyline seemed so similar to Joy and it made me realise I haven’t seen her since the 90s, I think? I also can’t remember Joy’s mom being mentioned in any of the older comics but in TLW it seems like Harold’s cheating on her and planning to leave her and Joy for his new family? Was she always around or did something happen to her which I’ve forgotten?
Great question (sorry for the slow response)! When we're talking about the Meachum family in the modern era, we're really just talking about Joy and Brenda because:
Harold Meachum: Stabbed to death by a ninja in Marvel Premiere #18
Ward Meachum: Burned to death by the Super Skrull in Namor the Sub-Mariner (1990) #18
Death in the Marvel Universe might be a revolving door, but the Meachum men haven't found the exit yet. And even Living Weapon doesn't mention Joy's mother directly, so we still don't, to my memory, know anything about her, who she was, where she is now, or why she was absent from those original Iron Fist stories that heavily involved the Meachums.
Yes, you're right, Joy has slipped to the sidelines over the years, which I think is a huge shame because she's a great character (I recently wrote a post listing some of my dream comics and included a Joy-centered one, and I meant that with my whole heart). Her most recent appearance was back in 2011 in Power Man and Iron Fist volume 2, when she was working as Danny's office manager at the Rand Foundation (his not-for-profit organization) and they briefly dated.
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Joy: "Victor! Your mother called to remind you of your chemistry quiz. I told her you were out with a large group of volunteers all night on a census of the homeless." Victor: "You're the greatest, Joy." Joy: "Thank you. As a corporate raider for years before taking leave of my senses to work here, I take great pride in my lying." Power Man and Iron Fist vol. 2 #1 by Fred Van Lente, Wellington Alves, Bruno Hang, Nelson Pereira, and Joe Caramagna
(Have I mentioned that I love her?)
Danny and Victor saved her from supervillain mind control at the end of that series, and she hasn't been seen since. I would love for Marvel to bring her back.
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gazeta24br · 4 months
Encerram no 5 de janeiro as inscrições para o programa Jovem Aprendiz da Serasa Experian, datatech líder em soluções de inteligência para análise de riscos e oportunidades, com foco nas jornadas de crédito, autenticação e prevenção à fraude. São 50 vagas distribuídas pelos escritórios de São Paulo, São Carlos e Brasília, e qualquer pessoa com idade entre 16 e 22 anos e que esteja cursando ou formado no ensino médio, pode participar. As inscrições devem ser feitas neste link: https://ciee-vagas.taqe.com.br/ciee/serasa-experian-programa-de-aprendizagem-v1. Os jovens selecionados vão atuar nas áreas de Tecnologia, Recursos Humanos, Marketing, Finanças, Jurídico, entre outras. Raissa Martins foi uma das jovens que começou no programa da Serasa Experian, atuou na área de RH, passou por TI e depois foi promovida como analista neste setor. “Eu nasci no interior da Bahia e fui criada no Capão Redondo, periferia de São Paulo. Comecei a trabalhar na empresa quando tinha 16 anos para ajudar a pagar as contas de casa. Nunca na vida tinha pensado em trabalhar com TI, era uma coisa muito distante da minha realidade, achava até que era coisa de pessoas muito inteligentes e que eu não seria capaz. Comecei a estudar até que minha gestora do RH, na época, me falou que uma das gerentes de TI estava procurando uma jovem aprendiz, na mesma semana conversei com ela e migrei para a área de certificado digital”, relata. O programa Jovem Aprendiz da Serasa Experian também mudou a vida de Nicole Laureano, que entrou na empresa em maio de 2014, quando tinha 17 anos. Um mês após o encerramento de seu contrato, foi convidada para ser assistente de Marketing de Produtos, onde ficou até o início de janeiro de 2022. Em seguida, Nicole foi para o Marketing Institucional, onde está até hoje. “São 9 anos de histórias, aprendizados e de muitas conquistas: consegui fazer minha primeira faculdade, vários cursos e comprei meu apartamento em 2021”, conta. A carga horária do programa é definida diretamente com o gestor e pode ser de 4 horas, com remuneração de R$ 864, ou de 6 horas, com bolsa de R$ 1.295, além de benefícios como vale-transporte, vale-refeição, assistências médica e odontológica, seguro de vida e Gympass. Além da rotina de trabalho, os jovens terão acesso a outras atividades como treinamentos e mentorias. “Ter contato com um ambiente altamente inovador, com pessoas dispostas a ensinar e acolhedoras é essencial para quem está começando. Aqui eu tive todo esse suporte e muito mais. Inclusive, quem me inspirou a seguir na carreira de Tecnologia foram as próprias mulheres aqui dentro. É muito bom fazer parte de uma empresa que tem como missão cada vez mais construir um ambiente de trabalho respeitoso, justo e igualitário para seus talentos”, explica Brenda Pereira, que também iniciou como jovem aprendiz e hoje é analista de Tecnologia da Informação. Os jovens selecionados para esta nova etapa iniciarão suas atividades na segunda quinzena de fevereiro e o contrato tem duração de 15 meses. Com mais de 4,6 mil funcionários no Brasil, a Serasa Experian é reconhecida como um excelente lugar para se trabalhar. Em 2022, recebeu o prêmio de “Melhor Empresa para se Estagiar” e, em 2023, pelo segundo ano de “Melhor Empresa para Jovens Profissionais do Brasil”, ambos da plataforma FirstJob. Em 2023, pelo terceiro ano consecutivo, a companhia foi certificada no prêmio “Great Place to Work” e, pelo segundo ano consecutivo, como uma das mais inovadoras do país pelo Valor Econômico. No ano passado, foi eleita uma das 25 Top Companies para desenvolvimento de carreira pelo LinkedIn. A Serasa Experian ainda foi reconhecida este ano como uma das Melhores Empresas para o Talento Feminino do país também pela FirstJob.
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mfnews · 7 months
Jogos olímpicos se aproximam
Saiba mais sobre o evento esportivo, que dentre suas mudanças pode ter inclusão de jogos virtuais!
Editora: Maria Rita | Redatora: Brenda Rafaelly
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Os jogos olímpicos ocorrerão na França, mas especificamente em Paris, a entrada ocorrerá de um modo diferente pois não será em um estádio, mas sim por um rio que corta Paris em frente a milhares de pessoas.
Milhares de atleta vão desfilar em barcos pelo Sena, o rio que tanto corta como é um dos cartões postais da cidade Francesa, em frente a milhares de pessoas do mundo todo.
Os jogos olímpicos Paris 2024 poderá ter novos esportes, a novidade seria a inclusão dos jogos virtuais (e-Sports). Nas olimpíadas haverão 48 modalidades e 32 esportes.
Os atletas brasileiros garantidos para Paris até o momento são:
Alison dos Santos - 400 metros rasos;
Caio Bonfim e Érica Sena - Marcha Atlética;
Daniel Nascimento - Maratona;
Darlan Ramani - Arremesso de Peso;
Rafael Pereira - 110 metros com barreiras.
Fonte: Site oficial das olimpíadas
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pirapopnoticias · 1 year
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tonin-terets · 2 years
THIS IS HAVAIANAS DC | Maldita from The Youth on Vimeo.
See the full project breakdown: behance.net/gallery/149204628/This-is-Havaianas
Trilha original Director's Cut por "Os Diagonais"
Produtora de imagem: The Youth Diretor: Maldita Produtor: Daniel Maia Direção Criativa: João Machado Produção Executiva: Carol Cherobim e João Machado Atendimento: Carol Cherobim e Camila Pires Financeiro: Iza Lubiazi Pós-produção/ VFX: COLOSSAL Supervisão de pós-produção: Diogo Gameiro Montagem: Maldita Montagem DC: Maria Luísa Machado Conform: André Albuquerque e Victor Balestrin Motion: Adelir Boeira e Janaína Veiga 3D: Vinícius Lavor, Leandro Beltran, Everton Schneider, Lucas Pereira, Henrique Miranda, Bruno Cornelsen, Daniel Meurer e Sacha Carletti Finalização: Luciana Lima Direção de Arte: Rodolfo Garcia Composição lead: Adelir Boeira Composição: Emerson Cordeiro Junior, Gabriel Rocha e Marcos Rigobello Coordenação de Animação: Lu Krasa e Renata Peterlini Supervisor de Clean Up: Thallyson Mikael Assistente de Produção: Gabriela Alves Assistente Criativa: Bianca Leal Storyboard: Gustavo Santos Concept art: Fernando Molina Ilustração lead: Fernando Molina, Diogo Saraiva Ilustração: Studio Lasca, Eduardo Rosa, Lucas Sales, Pevê Azevedo, Marília Mafé e Geff Silva. Animação: André Ruivo, Geovani Angelo, Natália Faria, Guma Nutinski, Bruno Brasil, Rafael Pah, Robb Reis, Pedro Solano, Murilo Prudêncio, Felipe Emerson, Thalyne Chrystyna, Arthemis Iannuzzi, Robson Vilalba, Pedro Peluso, Jaison Roberto, Deco Daviola, Thomás Lóes, Diones Ignacio e Higor Fernandes. Assistência de animação: Thallyson Mikael, Mateuz Fernandes, Gui Klein, Brenda Maryan, Moacyr Neto, Diones Ignacio, Rosinaldo Lages, Thalyne Chrystyna, Bruno Martin, Sabrina Melo, Pedro Solano e Willian Lieder.
Agência: AlmapBBDO Anunciante: Alpargatas Cliente: Havaianas Campanha: This is Havaianas CCO: Pernil Diretores de Criação: Antonia Zobaran, Fernando Duarte e Henrique Del Lama Criação: Carlos Yanke, Michele Gorodski, Andre Paulo Arteze, Sara de Souza, Vitor Chagas, Marcos Lee, Gustavo Tasselli, Francis França, Bruno Bizuti, Victor Yves, Hiroito Takashi e Vinicius Biss Atendimento: Maysa Lopes, Camila Weissheimer, Guilherme Alcatrão, Mariana Silveira, Warley Vieira, Mayara Cortez, Milena Ferezim, Cairo Ribas e Leonardo Stevanato Planejamento: João Gabriel Fernandes e Janaína Agostini Produção Audiovisual: Diego Villas Bôas, Tatiana Angelim Martins e Vera Jacinto Aprovação do Cliente: Fernanda Romano, Maria Fernanda Albuquerque, Matheus Gonzalez, Maria Eduarda Manga e Mariana Corradi
Produtora de Som: Cabaret Produção Musical: Guile Oliveira e Letícia Medeiros Compositor: André Henrique Mixagem: Gab Scatolin Finalização: Letícia Medeiros Atendimento: Ingrid Lopes, Flávia Caparelli e Bárbara Russiano Coordenação: Verusca Garcia, Chandra Lima, Débora Mello e Carol Oliveira Locução Português e Inglês: Maria Eduarda Manga Locução Espanhol: Maria Carolina Lapolli ME
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The 11th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art
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listening2lesbians · 5 years
In Memoriam: Lesbian Murder Victims (March 2019 Update)
In Memoriam: Lesbian Murder Victims (March 2019 Update)
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“Lesbians are very often undercounted as murder victims–both within the so-called LGBT community and by those who monitor violence against women. This is a beginning effort to honor the names of the lesbians that have been lost.” We honour the following sisters:
Brenda Lorena Alvarado Montoya (2019) – Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Thuthukile Mabasa (2018) – Capetown, South Africa
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nelove22 · 2 years
Liga BPI 2021/22 | 1st phase | Matchday 6 | Round results
North group
FC Famalicão 3 - 0 FC Vilaverdense | Regina Pereira (12'), Carol (63'), Érica Bispo (89')
South group
SL Benfica 2 - 1 SCU Torreense | Pauleta (72'), Kika Nazareth (90+5'). Paloma Lemos (67')
North group
Clube Condeixa 2 - 2 Valadares Gaia FC | Diana Costa (45+1'), Joana Silva (62'). Cristina Ferreira (53'), Mariana Díaz Leal (67')
Clube de Albergaria 0 - 1 Gil Vicente FC | Telma Pereira (42')
SC Braga 6 - 0 Varzim SC | Vitória Almeida (5'), own goal (45+1'), Anouk Dekker (50'), Vanessa Marques (53'), Diana Gomes (68'), Laura Luís (90')
South group
CS Marítimo 4 - 0 GD Estoril | Telma Encarnação (34', 82'), Lara Costa (57'), Pâmela Quadra (72')
Atlético CP 0 - 4 Sporting CP | Ana Teles (33'), Fátima Pinto (42'), Diana Silva (66'), Brenda Pérez (74')
Amora FC 2 - 0 CA Ouriense | Sara Brasil (8'), Mafalda Marujo (63')
League tables 👇👇
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transtranscendence · 3 years
2017 - We will not be silenced. We must fight back against transphobia.
For L.C. Marinho, murdered on January 4, 2017, in Nova Cruz, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
For Puriwit Chanasit (Keng), murdered on January 6, 2017, in Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand.
For Michelle de la Cruz González, murdered on January 6, 2017, in Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on January 7, 2017, in Guerrero, Mexico.
For J.C.N., murdered on January 11, 2017, in Estado de Mexico, Mexico.
For Mierala da Silva, murdered on January 13, 2017, in Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on January 14, 2017, in Magdalena Contreras, Distrito Federal, Mexico.
For A. Villegas, murdered on January 14, 2017, in Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
For Moranguinho, murdered on January 15, 2017, in Paranaguá, Paraná, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on January 17, 2017, in San Salvador, El Salvador.
For Vikichy, murdered on January 20, 2017, in Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.
For Imli, murdered on January 21, 2017, in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
For the unknown person murdered on January 23, 2017, in Sinaloa, Mexico.
For Muskan, murdered on January 27, 2017, in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
For Silvana Fabian Pineda, murdered on January 28, 2017, in La Dorada, Caldas, Colombia.
For the unknown person murdered on February 3, 2017, in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on February 5, 2017, in Ranchería la Huasteca, Municipio Centro, Tabasco, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on February 8, 2017, in Guaruja, São Paulo, Brazil.
For Alexandra Peña Vizcaya, murdered on February 12, 2017, in Chiquinquira, Boyacá, Venezuela.
For the unknown person murdered on February 16, 2017, in Chaparral, Tolima, Colombia.
For Charlotte Oquuias Lapasaran Logronio, murdered on February 22, 2017, in Davao City, Philippines.
For Byanka Yañez, murdered on February 24, 2017, in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on February 25, 2017, in Calimaya, Estado de México, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on February 28, 2017, in Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela.
For Meeno, murdered on February 28, 2017, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
For Amna, murdered on February 28, 2017, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
For Madonna Marrocos, murdered on February 28, 2017, in Guarabira, Paraíba, Brazil.
For J., murdered on March 1, 2017, in Municipio de Chalco, Estado de Mexico, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on March 6, 2017, in Goiania, Goiás, Brazil.
For Sandra Marafigo Cordeiro, murdered on March 8, 2017, in Laranjeiras do Sul, Paraná, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on March 11, 2017, in Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jalisco, Mexico.
For Rapee, murdered on March 14, 2017, in Kantharalak, Sisaket, Thailand.
For H. Ramirez Calderon, murdered on March 19, 2017, in Guanajuato, Mexico.
For Paola Bracho, murdered on March 22, 2017, in Dourados, Mato Grosso Do Sul, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on March 24, 2017, in Porto Da Areia, Paraíba, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on March 28, 2017, in Juiz de For a, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on April 3, 2017, in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
For Sitara, murdered on April 9, 2017, in Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan.
For Vitoria Castro, murdered on April 10, 2017, in Araguaina, Tocantins, Brazil.
For Jheayn, murdered on April 10, 2017, in Metro Manilla, Cavite, Philippines.
For Gabi Araújo da Silva, murdered on April 12, 2017, in Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on April 12, 2017, in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
For E.A. Moreira, murdered on April 16, 2017, in Itabuna, Bahia, Brazil.
For Monse Morga Javier, murdered on April 17, 2017, in Guerrero, Mexico.
For Marooni, murdered on April 22, 2017, in Belém, Pará, Brazil.
For Tato Ayestes, murdered on April 23, 2017, in El Paraíso, Copán, Honduras.
For A. Ribeiro Marcossone, murdered on April 23, 2017, in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
For Vanessa Valenzuela, murdered on April 28, 2017, in Viña del Mar, Valparaiso, Chile.
For Mona de Oliveira, murdered on April 29, 2017, in Vitoria de Santo Antao, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For Shama, murdered on April 30, 2017, in Tej Mohan Nagar, Jalandhar, Punjab, India.
For the unknown person murdered on April 30, 2017, in Belém, Pará, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on May 5, 2017, in Flat Sri Plateau, Bandar Sri Permaisuri, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
For Mendez Cuevas, murdered on May 5, 2017, in Durango, Mexico.
For R.C. Silva Pereira, murdered on May 7, 2017, in Barretos, São Paulo, Brazil.
For Ivanna Landuchy, murdered on May 12, 2017, in Tamaulipas, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on May 13, 2017, in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on May 15, 2017, in Morro Agudo, São Paulo, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on May 20, 2017, in Ilopango, San Salvador, El Salvador.
For Pâmela, murdered on May 21, 2017, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Grace Kelly, murdered on May 25, 2017, in Lauro de Freitas, Bahia, Brazil.
For Alejandra Diaz, murdered on May 25, 2017, in Baurta, Miranda, Venezuela.
For Caricia, murdered on May 26, 2017, in Guerrero, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on May 28, 2017, in Ciudad Kennedy, Bogotá, Colombia.
For the unknown person murdered on May 28, 2017, in Guerrero, Mexico.
For Andrea Chaguendo Suárez, murdered on May 31, 2017, in Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.
For A. Alves Nascimento, murdered on June 5, 2017, in Criciúma, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
For Bruna, murdered on June 10, 2017, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
For L. da Silva Santos, murdered on June 16, 2017, in Caraguatatuba, São Paulo, Brazil.
For Kenya, murdered on June 18, 2017, in Estado de Mexico, Mexico.
For Bárbara, murdered on June 18, 2017, in Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on June 19, 2017, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on June 20, 2017, in Puebla, Mexico.
For Adriana Cruz Serrano, murdered on June 20, 2017, in Veracruz, Mexico.
For C. Barroso de Oliveira, murdered on June 24, 2017, in Ananindeua, Pará, Brazil.
For Cindy Crawford Revlon, murdered on July 1, 2017, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
For M. Ángel Vega Martínez, murdered on July 4, 2017, in Estado de Mexico, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on July 6, 2017, in Sinaloa, Mexico.
For Yadira Rodríguez Sánchez, murdered on July 6, 2017, in Puebla, Mexico.
For Claudia Muñoz García, murdered on July 15, 2017, in Altamirano, Chiapas, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on July 17, 2017, in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico.
For E.A. da Silva, murdered on July 21, 2017, in Maceio, Alagoas, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on July 22, 2017, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Kajal, murdered on July 29, 2017, in Patna, Bihar, India.
For the unknown person murdered on July 29, 2017, in Venezuela.
For the unknown person murdered on July 30, 2017, in Tlaltizapán, Morelos, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on August 1, 2017, in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil.
For Shile, murdered on August 6, 2017, in Eastern Cape, South Africa.
For Paulinha da Silva, murdered on August 8, 2017, in Palmares, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For J. Negrete, murdered on August 13, 2017, in Puebla, Mexico.
For Sufaid, murdered on August 14, 2017, in Nowshera, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
For Kenicha, murdered on August 15, 2017, in Pococí, Limón, Costa Rica.
For R.S. Durán, murdered on August 20, 2017, in Cuautla, Morelos, Mexico.
For J. López Anzola, murdered on August 20, 2017, in Chiquinquirá, Boyacá, Venezuela.
For J.D. Nava Adame, murdered on August 21, 2017, in Chihuahua, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on August 22, 2017, in Veracruz, Mexico.
For Peluchina, murdered on August 23, 2017, in Tecomán, Colima, Mexico.
For R. Ventura Márquez, murdered on August 27, 2017, in Durango, Mexico.
For P., murdered on August 27, 2017, in Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico.
For Chanda Sharmeeli, murdered on August 30, 2017, in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
For the unknown person murdered on August 31, 2017, in Chihuahua, Mexico.
For Nicole Teixeira (“Baina”), murdered on September 5, 2017, in Sorriso, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
For Lorane, murdered on September 8, 2017, in Camocim de São Felix, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For Brenda Murillo Alba, murdered on September 12, 2017, in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico.
For Larissa Paiva, murdered on September 14, 2017, in Serra, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on September 16, 2017, in Estado de Mexico
For the unknown person murdered on September 16, 2017, in Camaçari, Bahia, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on September 19, 2017, in Chihuahua, Mexico.
For Kaelane, murdered on September 20, 2017, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Spencer Netto, murdered on September 23, 2017, in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
For D.R. Pontes, murdered on September 24, 2017, in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
For the two unknown people murdered on October 5, 2017, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Selena, murdered on October 8, 2017, in Chihuahua, Mexico.
For Michele, murdered on October 11, 2017, in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on October 11, 2017, in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil.
For P.H.P. de Souza, murdered on October 12, 2017, in Nanuque, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For D.E. Contreras Rodríguez, murdered on October 12, 2017, in Bogotá, Distrito Capital, Colombia.
For the unknown person murdered on October 16, 2017, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on October 21, 2017, in Tehuacán, Puebla, Mexico.
For Hajira, murdered on October 21, 2017, in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
For M. Diaz Delgado, murdered on October 22, 2017, in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
For L. Guillen Rojas, murdered on October 23, 2017, in Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on October 25, 2017, in Región Este, Puerto Rico, USA.
For Sucy, murdered on October 30, 2017, in Caucasia, Antioquia, Colombia.
For M.B. da Silva Dias, murdered on October 30, 2017, in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil.
For Mitzi, murdered on October 30, 2017, in Guerrero, Mexico.
For Luna, murdered on October 30, 2017, in Caucasia, Antioquia, Colombia.
For Giseli Tavares, murdered on October 30, 2017, in Itapissuma, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For Braniyela, murdered on October 30, 2017, in Caucasia, Antioquia, Colombia.
For Barbara, murdered on October 30, 2017, in Chillán, Ñuble, Chile.
For Nicolly Carvalho, murdered on November 3, 2017, in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on November 6, 2017, in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico.
For Macumba, murdered on November 11, 2017, in Veracruz, Mexico.
For Angelina Miranda, murdered on November 15, 2017, in Caucasia, Antioquia, Colombia.
For the unknown person murdered on November 18, 2017, in Cancún, Quintana Rio, Mexico.
For Vitória de Souza (“Iris”), murdered on November 19, 2017, in Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
For S.A. Sánchez López, murdered on November 19, 2017, in Granada, Nicaragua.
For Veronica Carvajal, murdered on November 27, 2017, in La Paz, Bolivia.
For the unknown person murdered on November 28, 2017, in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Sandra, murdered on November 30, 2017, in Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on November 30, 2017, in La Paz, El Salvador.
For the 4 unknown people murdered on November 30, 2017, in Veracruz, Mexico.
For Milena, murdered on December 1, 2017, in Arapiraca, Alagoas, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on December 7, 2017, in Atizapán de Zaragoza, Estado de Mexico, Mexico.
For Sabrina, murdered on December 7, 2017, in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Geraldine Contreras, murdered on December 9, 2017, in Colima, Mexico.
For Marquet FC de Lima, murdered on December 13, 2017, in Altinho, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For Kebeca G. de Souza, murdered on December 16, 2017, in Gurupi, Tocantins, Brazil.
For Rose, murdered on December 17, 2017, in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil.
For Mahi, murdered on December 17, 2017, in New Delhi, India.
For C.N., murdered on December 17, 2017, in Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico.
For Bebel, murdered on December 20, 2017, in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
For Devudamma Surya Narayana, murdered on December 24, 2017, in Anakapalle, Andhra Pradesh, India.
For V.O. Silva, murdered on December 30, 2017, in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on December 31, 2017, in Veracruz, Mexico.
For Sonia After, murdered on December 31, 2017, in Morrelganj, Khulna, Bangladesh.
For all the other trans siblings who were murdered or went missing.
2 notes · View notes
bubblegumchaos · 4 years
Trans Day of Remembrance
Notes: why is the occupation included? Cause I used this source: https://transrespect.org/en/tmm-update-trans-day-of-remembrance-2019/ The source also includes cause and circumstances of death, so at your own risk.
331 of our trans and gender nonconforming siblings died this year worldwide. They were overwhelmingly people of color. They were as young as 14, as old as 60. They were from all walks and places in life.
They died for being different from the "norm."
Remember them. And do fucking better.
1 Juliana Ferreira
Age: 22 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 02/10/2018 Location of death: Mandaguaçu (Brazil)
2 Ciara Minaj Carter Frazier
Age: 31 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 03/10/2018 Location of death: Chicago (USA)
3 Danielly Ferraz
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 03/10/2018 Location of death: Serra (Brazil)
4 N.N.
Age: 50 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 05/10/2018 Location of death: Rosario (Argentina)
5 Gabriela Ramos Menezes
Age: 19 Occupation: waitress/waiter/bartender Date of death: 07/10/2018 Location of death: Manaus (Brazil)
6 Monse
Age: 35 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 07/10/2018 Location of death: Toluca (Mexico)
7 Janet
Age: 31 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 09/10/2018 Location of death: San Luis Colorado (Mexico)
8 Regina Denise Brown
Age: 53 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 10/10/2018 Location of death: Orangebourg, South Carolina (USA)
9 Lorrane da Silva
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 12/10/2018 Location of death: Porto Real do Colégio (Brazil)
10 Pitiele Edleuza Prado
Age: 30 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 13/10/2018 Location of death: Serra (Brazil)
11 Marisa Sánchez "Haitianita"
Age: 30 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 15/10/2018 Location of death: Punta Cana (Dominican Republic)
12 Dipika Uprety
Age: 26 Occupation: activist/movement leader Date of death: 16/10/2018 Location of death: Pahichan (Nepal)
13 Patricia Aylen Molina
Age: not reported Occupation: other Date of death: 16/10/2018 Location of death: Buenos Aires (Argentina)
14 Jessica Gonzaga
Age: 25 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 16/10/2018 Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
15 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 16/10/2018 Location of death: Salvador (Brazil)
16 Carol Machado
Age: 27 Occupation: other Date of death: 18/10/2018 Location of death: Xanxerê (Brazil)
17 Laysa Fortuna
Age: 25 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 18/10/2018 Location of death: Aracaju (Brazil)
18 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 21/10/2018 Location of death: Cancun, Quintana Roo (Mexico)
19 Karoline Mendonça da Silva
Age: 31 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 22/10/2018 Location of death: Santo André (Brazil)
20 Robertha Welmont Moraes
Age: 23 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 22/10/2018 Location of death: Maringá (Brazil)
21 Yuri Vanesa Salazar López
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 22/10/2018 Location of death: Buga (Colombia)
22 B. Alves Gonçalves
Age: 21 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 25/10/2018 Location of death: Presidente Médici (Brazil)
23 Robertinha
Age: not reported Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 25/10/2018 Location of death: Macaíba (Brazil)
24 Lorhany Kalarhary
Age: 29 Occupation: other Date of death: 29/10/2018 Location of death: Querência (Brazil)
25 Sheila Brites Bodago
Age: 33 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 29/10/2018 Location of death: Amambai (Brazil)
26 Dja Santos
Age: not reported Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 29/10/2018 Location of death: Codaja (Brazil)
27 Maria Cecília
Age: 35 Occupation: other Date of death: 31/10/2018 Location of death: Belo Horizonte (Brazil)
28 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 02/11/2018 Location of death: Perak (Malaysia)
29 Natacha de Oliveira
Age: 34 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 02/11/2018 Location of death: Reriutaba (Brazil)
30 N.N.
Age: 38 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 03/11/2018 Location of death: Taiping (Malaysia)
31 Brenda Zarik Sifuentes Andrade
Age: 36 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 04/11/2018 Location of death: Trujillo (Peru)
32 Estrella
Age: 42 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 05/11/2018 Location of death: San Antonio La Isla, Estado De Mexico (Mexico)
33 Elisângela
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 07/11/2018 Location of death: Vitória da Conquista (Brazil)
34 G. Souza Rodrigues
Age: 23 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 08/11/2018 Location of death: Hortolândia (Brazil)
35 Flávia C.
Age: 44 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 09/11/2018 Location of death: Morada Nova (Brazil)
36 Raphaela Souza
Age: 34 Occupation: other Date of death: 14/11/2018 Location of death: Vitória da Conquista (Brazil)
37 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 15/11/2018 Location of death: Natal (Brazil)
38 Ruiva
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 15/11/2018 Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
39 Fanny Aguiar
Age: 34 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 15/11/2018 Location of death: Montevideo (Uruguay)
40 Flávia de Oliveira
Age: 37 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 18/11/2018 Location of death: Fortaleza (Brazil)
41 Karla Lopez Laureano
Age: not reported Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 18/11/2018 Location of death: Trujillo (Peru)
42 Gabriella Torres
Age: 30 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 20/11/2018 Location of death: Manaus (Brazil)
43 Perlita de Guerrero
Age: 38 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 22/11/2018 Location of death: Acapulco, Guerrero (Mexico)
44 Nahomy Alexandra López Orellana "La Pepita"
Age: 15 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 25/11/2018 Location of death: Sacacoyo (El Salvador)
45 Fábia Ju Dias
Age: 17 Occupation: other Date of death: 26/11/2018 Location of death: Manhuaçu (Brazil)
46 Mikaela Africana Sanhes
Age: 41 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 26/11/2018 Location of death: Salvador (Brazil)
47 Rajni
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 28/11/2018 Location of death: Gurugram (India)
48 Tydi Dansbury
Age: 37 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 28/11/2018 Location of death: Baltimore (USA)
49 Duda
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 01/12/2018 Location of death: Marabá (Brazil)
50 Karliane Vitoria Rodrigues
Age: 21 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 04/12/2018 Location of death: Taguatinga Sul (Brazil)
51 Luisa Fernanda Hernandez
Age: 37 Occupation: employee/clerk/civil servant Date of death: 04/12/2018 Location of death: Leon, Guanajuato (Mexico)
52 Nancy de Monza
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 05/12/2018 Location of death: Milan (Italy)
53 J.C. Pereira de Lima
Age: 22 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 05/12/2018 Location of death: Itanhaém (Brazil)
54 Keanna Mattel "Kelly Stough"
Age: 35 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 07/12/2018 Location of death: Detroit (USA)
55 N.N.
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 07/12/2018 Location of death: Villa Nueva (Guatemala)
56 Jéssica Dimy
Age: 23 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 07/12/2018 Location of death: Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
57 Victória Landeiro
Age: 20 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 09/12/2018 Location of death: Rondonopolis (Brazil)
58 Scarlety Mastroianyy
Age: 33 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 10/12/2018 Location of death: Londrina (Brazil)
59 Manuel Luna
Age: 31 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 11/12/2018 Location of death: Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico)
60 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 11/12/2018 Location of death: São Vicente (Brazil)
61 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 12/12/2018 Location of death: Parnamirim (Brazil)
62 N.N.
Age: 32 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 12/12/2018 Location of death: Klang (Malaysia)
63 Gabi Blak
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 12/12/2018 Location of death: Brasilandia (Brazil)
64 Scarlett Cedeño
Age: 19 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 14/12/2018 Location of death: Cali (Colombia)
65 Marilin
Age: 32 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 16/12/2018 Location of death: Buenos Aires (Argentina)
66 Valquiria
Age: 47 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 17/12/2018 Location of death: Imperatriz (Brazil)
67 Litzy Hurtado
Age: 24 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 17/12/2018 Location of death: El Alto (Bolivia)
68 N.N.
Age: 23 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 19/12/2018 Location of death: Guerrero, Abasolo (Mexico)
69 Márcia Rodrigues Pereira
Age: 29 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 20/12/2018 Location of death: Camapuã (Brazil)
70 Gaby
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 23/12/2018 Location of death: Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo (Mexico)
71 Jéssica Bracamonte
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 25/12/2018 Location of death: Veron, Punta Cana (Dominican Republic)
72 Denisse Hernández Rivero
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 26/12/2018 Location of death: Tixtla, Guerrero (Mexico)
73 Nicolly Banks
Age: 26 Occupation: artist Date of death: 28/12/2018 Location of death: Uberlândia (Brazil)
74 Valentina Herrera Guzman
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 28/12/2018 Location of death: Cali (Colombia)
75 Melissa Brunely
Age: 20 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 28/12/2018 Location of death: Linhares (Brazil)
76 Rogéria Paiva
Age: 46 Occupation: activist/movement leader Date of death: 29/12/2018 Location of death: Maracanau (Brazil) Cause of death: shot
77 Sabrina Santos Vidal
Age: not reported Occupation: other Date of death: 31/12/2018 Location of death: Taperoá (Brazil)
78 Devora Montolio
Age: 20 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 01/01/2019 Location of death: Maimón (Dominican Republic)
79 Mikinho Lima dos Santos
Age: 33 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 01/01/2019 Location of death: Lajeado (Brazil)
80 N.N.
Age: 39 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 01/01/2019 Location of death: Klang (Malaysia)
81 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 01/01/2019 Location of death: Gravataí (Brazil)
82 Laura Muñoz Arcila
Age: 39 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 01/01/2019 Location of death: Cali (Colombia)
83 N.N.
Age: 30 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 04/01/2019 Location of death: Quintana Roo (Mexico)
84 Carla Girón Lodoño
Age: not reported Occupation: artist Date of death: 06/01/2019 Location of death: Tulua (Colombia)
85 Dana Martin
Age: 31 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 06/01/2019 Location of death: Montgomery, Alabama (USA)
86 Hande Şeker
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 09/01/2019 Location of death: Anatolia (Turkey)
87 Amy Griffiths
Age: 51 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 14/01/2019 Location of death: Worcestershire (UK)
88 Alka
Age: 21 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 16/01/2019 Location of death: Tatapani (India)
89 Sussy Montalván
Age: 50 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 17/01/2019 Location of death: Copiapó (Chile)
90 Sheilla Prado
Age: 28 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 20/01/2019 Location of death: Tubarão (Brazil)
91 Quelly da Silva "Jeninha"
Age: 35 Occupation: seller/merchant Date of death: 21/01/2019 Location of death: Campinas (Brazil)
92 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 14/01/2019 Location of death: Tamaulipas, Reynosa (Mexico)
93 Yara Serena Camargo
Age: 17 Occupation: other Date of death: 22/01/2019 Location of death: Recife (Brazil)
94 Nashley Delgado Segovia
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 23/01/2019 Location of death: Aldama (Mexico)
95 Jésica Benevidez "Nicky"
Age: 36 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 24/01/2019 Location of death: Parana (Argentina)
96 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 24/01/2019 Location of death: Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico)
97 J. da Silva dos Santos
Age: 20 Occupation: other Date of death: 25/01/2019 Location of death: Camaçari (Brazil)
98 Aysla Souza
Age: 19 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 25/01/2019 Location of death: Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
99 Pamela Sandoval Ramírez
Age: 38 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 27/01/2019 Location of death: Chimalhuacán (Mexico)
100 Mirna Antonella Di Marzo
Age: 30 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 28/01/2019 Location of death: Salta (Argentina)
101 Jehangir
Age: not reported Occupation: artist Date of death: 29/01/2019 Location of death: Jatta Ismail Khel (Pakistan)
102 Ana Paula da Costa Ribeiro
Age: 53 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 30/01/2019 Location of death: Tramandaí (Brazil)
103 Ellie Marie Washtock
Age: 38 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 31/01/2019 Location of death: (USA)
104 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 01/02/2019 Location of death: Kohat (Pakistan)
105 "La Joha" González Leal
Age: 26 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 02/02/2019 Location of death: Maracaibo (Venezuela)
106 Camila Diaz Córdova "Aurora"
Age: 30 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 03/02/2019 Location of death: San Salvador (El Salvador)
107 Laly Heredia Escobar "Sonia Laly"
Age: 36 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 03/02/2019 Location of death: La Matanza (Argentina)
108 Mellyssa Rodrigues dos Santos
Age: 36 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 04/02/2019 Location of death: Piracicaba (Brazil)
109 Miriam Rivera
Age: 38 Occupation: artist Date of death: 05/02/2019 Location of death: Hermosillo. Sonora (Mexico)
110 Daniele Azevedo
Age: 20 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 08/02/2019 Location of death: Manaus (Brazil)
111 Fabi Cortes Morales
Age: 31 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 08/02/2019 Location of death: Las Chopas, Veracruz (Mexico)
112 Lolita
Age: 20 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 08/02/2019 Location of death: Sonsonate (El Salvador)
113 Miúda
Age: 30 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 11/02/2019 Location of death: Niterói (Brazil)
114 Kayla Alves
Age: 22 Occupation: other Date of death: 11/02/2019 Location of death: Nova Ipixuna (Brazil)
115 Meg Duran
Age: 33 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 15/02/2019 Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
116 Samira Morena
Age: 25 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 16/02/2019 Location of death: Sorocaba (Brazil)
117 Rajathi
Age: 38 Occupation: religious leader Date of death: 18/02/2019 Location of death: Thoothukudi (India)
118 Nathyelly Cruz
Age: 27 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 21/02/2019 Location of death: Uruaçu (Brazil)
119 V. Barbosa de Aquino
Age: 35 Occupation: other Date of death: 21/02/2019 Location of death: Palmas (Brazil)
120 Minerva Rubio
Age: 26 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 21/02/2019 Location of death: Chihuahua, Chihuahua (Mexico)
121 Verito
Age: not reported Occupation: activist/movement leader Date of death: 22/02/2019 Location of death: Quito (Ecuador)
122 Mirlla Vasques Arcanjo
Age: 20 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 23/02/2019 Location of death: Manaus (Brazil)
123 N.N.
Age: 49 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 24/02/2019 Location of death: Castellón de la Plana (Spain)
124 Aghata
Age: 25 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 25/02/2019 Location of death: Manaus (Brazil)
125 Ana de Lima
Age: 40 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 26/02/2019 Location of death: Pacatuba (Brazil)
126 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 26/02/2019 Location of death: Guaiúba (Brazil)
127 Thais
Age: 25 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 27/02/2019 Location of death: Carapicuiba (Brazil)
128 Pamela Arenceli
Age: 40 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 28/02/2019 Location of death: La Matanza, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
129 Maxim Brizuela
Age: 22 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 28/02/2019 Location of death: La Matanza, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
130 Laura Gentle Argueta
Age: 31 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 02/03/2019 Location of death: Rotan, Isla De La Bahia (Honduras)
131 Brigitte Galván
Age: 20 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 03/03/2019 Location of death: Yucatán (Mexico)
132 Maylla dos Santos
Age: 29 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 04/03/2019 Location of death: Coari (Brazil)
133 Pamela
Age: 21 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 05/03/2019 Location of death: Santa Luzia do Pará (Brazil)
134 Maria Paula Murillo Reyes
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 05/03/2019 Location of death: Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
135 La Mariposa
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 06/03/2019 Location of death: Ciudad del Carmen (Mexico)
136 Flavia Santana
Age: 35 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 08/03/2019 Location of death: Anapolis (Brazil)
137 Perla
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 08/03/2019 Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
138 Renata Spencer
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 09/03/2019 Location of death: Tepeji Del Rio, Hidalgo (Mexico)
139 N.N.
Age: 30 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 10/03/2019 Location of death: Jiutepec, Morelos (Mexico)
140 Nazab Abid Shaikh
Age: 21 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 11/03/2019 Location of death: Maharashtra (India)
141 Pollita Ruiz
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 13/03/2019 Location of death: Jiutepec, Oaxaca (Mexico)
142 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 13/03/2019 Location of death: Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico)
143 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 13/03/2019 Location of death: Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico)
144 Zaira Betancur
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 14/03/2019 Location of death: Bogotá (Colombia)
145 Caio Dantas Monteiro
Age: 24 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 16/03/2019 Location of death: Angra dos Reis (Brazil)
146 N.N.
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 16/03/2019 Location of death: Alcaldia Gustavo A. Madero, Ciudad De Mexico (Mexico)
147 Mara da Silva
Age: 23 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 17/03/2019 Location of death: Mossoro (Brazil)
148 Alessandra
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 17/03/2019 Location of death: Buritis (Brazil)
149 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 17/03/2019 Location of death: Merida, Yucatan (Mexico)
150 B.J.P.
Age: 28 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 20/03/2019 Location of death: Cancun, Quintana Roo (Mexico)
151 Lara
Age: 24 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 23/03/2019 Location of death: Belém (Brazil)
152 N.N.
Age: 25 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 23/03/2019 Location of death: Manaus (Brazil)
153 Fabricia de Moura Lima
Age: 20 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 24/03/2019 Location of death: Goiânia (Brazil) Location of death: Villanueva (Honduras)
154 W. Adalí Hernández Rápalo
Age: 22 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 24/03/2019 Location of death: Villanueva (Honduras)
155 Celaya Méndey Yelada
Age: 19 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 25/03/2019 Location of death: Aguadulce, Veracruz (Mexico)
156 Junu
Age: 33 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 11/03/2019 Location of death: Kathmandu (Nepal)
157 Amma Hajjani
Age: 80 Occupation: other Date of death: 26/03/2019 Location of death: Sindh (Pakistan)
158 Marisol Montenegro
Age: 64 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 27/03/2019 Location of death: Puerto Montt (Chile)
159 Ashanti Carmon
Age: 27 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 30/03/2019 Location of death: Fairmount Heights, Maryland (USA)
160 Paty Santos
Age: 36 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 30/03/2019 Location of death: Manaus (Brazil)
161 Patricia Rafaela dos Santos Camargo
Age: 24 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 30/03/2019 Location of death: Maringá (Brazil)
162 Claudia Vera
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 30/03/2019 Location of death: Independencia, Lima (Peru)
163 Jazzaline Ware
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 31/03/2019 Location of death: Memphis, Alabama (USA)
164 Crysllaine Guedes da Silva
Age: 21 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 01/04/2019 Location of death: Juazeiro do Norte (Brazil)
165 Eduarda Albuquerque
Age: 22 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 03/04/2019 Location of death: Angra dos Reis (Brazil)
166 Barbara
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 05/04/2019 Location of death: Itabuna (Brazil)
167 N.N.
Age: 34 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 05/04/2019 Location of death: Jacareí (Brazil)
168 Shalu
Age: 35 Occupation: activist/movement leader Date of death: 05/04/2019 Location of death: Kozhikode (India)
169 Sandrielly Vasconcelos
Age: 24 Occupation: other Date of death: 06/04/2019 Location of death: Boa Vista (Brazil)
170 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 07/04/2019 Location of death: Franca (Brazil)
171 Kasandra Solórzano Romero
Age: 49 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 08/04/2019 Location of death: Huila (Colombia)
172 Brenda Plaza Vallejos
Age: 42 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 08/04/2019 Location of death: Valaparaiso (Chile)
173 Marqueza
Age: 31 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 09/04/2019 Location of death: Campo Grande (Brazil)
174 Malaj Islas
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 10/04/2019 Location of death: Puerto De Veracruz, Veracruz (Mexico)
175 Juju
Age: 38 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 12/04/2019 Location of death: Sapezal (Brazil)
176 Ainee Khan
Age: 35 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 13/04/2019 Location of death: Sindh (Pakistan)
177 Sabrina
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 13/04/2019 Location of death: João Pessoa (Brazil)
178 Kenia Hilton
Age: 28 Occupation: other Date of death: 15/04/2019 Location of death: Ciudad de Mexico (Mexico)
179 Claire Legato
Age: 21 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 15/04/2019 Location of death: Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
180 Nina Surgutskaya
Age: 26 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 15/04/2019 Location of death: Kursk (Russia)
181 Tamara
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 17/04/2019 Location of death: Ciudad de Mexico (Mexico)
182 Becky
Age: not reported Occupation: owner of beauty shop/hair salon/bar/shop Date of death: 19/04/2019 Location of death: Minatitlan, Veracruz (Mexico)
183 E. dos Santos da Rosa
Age: 20 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 19/04/2019 Location of death: Paraná (Brazil)
184 Jessica Gómez Rúa (Pajarita)
Age: sex woker Occupation: not reported Date of death: 21/04/2019 Location of death: Bucaramanga (Colombia)
185 Natalia Delgado Rubio
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 21/04/2019 Location of death: Irapuato, Guanajuato (Mexico)
186 Haji Noori
Age: 45 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 21/04/2019 Location of death: Jhansi (India)
187 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 22/04/2019 Location of death: Fortaleza (Brazil)
188 Rica Reyes
Age: 25 Occupation: activist/movement leader Date of death: 23/04/2019 Location of death: Cebu (Philippines)
189 Rayssa dos Santos
Age: 28 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 23/04/2019 Location of death: Caucaia (Brazil)
190 Catalina Casquete Holguín (Cata)
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 25/04/2019 Location of death: Ciudad Cuenca, Provincia Guayas (Ecuador)
191 N.N.
Age: 30 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 27/04/2019 Location of death: Salamanaca, Guanajuato (Mexico)
192 Yaritza Angélica Millones López
Age: 27 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 28/04/2019 Location of death: Buenos Aires (CABA) (Argentina)
193 Jasmynne Fontile de Brito
Age: 21 Occupation: other Date of death: 30/04/2019 Location of death: Guarapes (Brazil)
194 El Choco
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 02/05/2019 Location of death: Chihuahua, Chihuahua (Mexico)
195 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 02/05/2019 Location of death: Grajau (Brazil)
196 Melissa
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 04/05/2019 Location of death: Bacabal (Brazil)
197 Larissa Rodrigues da Silva
Age: 21 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 04/05/2019 Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
198 Heart Pontanes
Age: 20 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 06/05/2019 Location of death: Malabon (Philippines)
199 M. Dantas da Silva
Age: 33 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 06/05/2019 Location of death: Guariba (Brazil)
200 Yara Souza
Age: 25 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 10/05/2019 Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
201 Luana
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 11/05/2019 Location of death: Maranhao (Brazil)
202 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 11/05/2019 Location of death: Uberlandia, Minas Gerais (Brazil)
203 Talia Silveira Pacheco Santos
Age: 25 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 12/05/2019 Location of death: Belo Horizonte (Brazil)
204 Gökçe Naz Saygi
Age: 39 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 13/05/2019 Location of death: Antalya (Turkey)
205 Natalia
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 13/05/2019 Location of death: Mexico City (Mexico)
206 Dulce
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 14/05/2019 Location of death: Alcaldia Benito Juarez, Ciudad De Mexico (Mexico)
207 Bibiu
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 15/05/2019 Location of death: Fortaleza (Brazil)
208 A. A. Silva Costa
Age: 34 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 16/05/2019 Location of death: Mineiros (Brazil)
209 Alana Ferreira
Age: 34 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 16/05/2019 Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
210 Angela Paola Fajardo
Age: not reported Occupation: activist/movement leader Date of death: 18/05/2019 Location of death: Mixco (Guatemala)
211 Muhlaysia Booker
Age: 23 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 18/05/2019 Location of death: Dallas, Texas (USA)
212 Michelle 'Tamika' Washington
Age: 40 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 19/05/2019 Location of death: Philadelphia (USA)
213 Thaylla Rodrigues de Moura
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 19/05/2019 Location of death: Campo Grande (Brazil)
214 Jesusa
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 20/05/2019 Location of death: Fortin De Las Flores, Veracruz (Mexico)
215 Reva Desai
Age: 38 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 21/05/2019 Location of death: Mumbai (India)
216 Paris Cameron
Age: 20 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 25/05/2019 Location of death: Detroit (USA)
217 Britany
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 26/05/2019 Location of death: Misantla, Veracruz (Mexico)
218 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: other Date of death: 26/05/2019 Location of death: Old Hyderabda City (India)
219 Gala Estefanía Perea
Age: 19 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 26/05/2019 Location of death: San Isidro de Lules, Tucumán (Argentina)
220 Elaynne Marques
Age: 27 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 27/05/2019 Location of death: Lucas do Rio Verde (Brazil)
221 R. Adelso Rodriguez Alonzo
Age: 24 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 28/05/2019 Location of death: Usumatlán, Zacapa (Guatemala)
222 Jahy Bianchini
Age: 20 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 30/05/2019 Location of death: Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Espírito Santo (Brazil)
223 leleco
Age: 30 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 30/05/2019 Location of death: Lucena (Brazil)
224 Rosinha do Beco
Age: 63 Occupation: seller/merchant Date of death: 30/05/2019 Location of death: Morro do Chapéu (Brazil)
225 Rose
Age: 50 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 31/05/2019 Location of death: Jaboatão dos Guararapes (Brazil)
226 Johana Medina León ("Joa")
Age: 25 Occupation: other Date of death: 01/06/2019 Location of death: El Paso, Texas (USA)
227 Chynal Lindsey
Age: 26 Occupation: other Date of death: 01/06/2019 Location of death: DallasTexas (USA)
228 Fabiola
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 02/06/2019 Location of death: Quimistan, Santa Barbara (Honduras)
229 N.N.
Age: 22 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 03/06/2019 Location of death: Barranquilla (Colombia)
230 Miranda Pilar Ruiz
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 03/06/2019 Location of death: El Empalme (Ecuador)
231 Mayte Castro Anay
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 03/06/2019 Location of death: El Empalme (Ecuador)
232 Cecelia Cranko
Age: 48 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 05/06/2019 Location of death: South Orange, New Jersey (USA) (USA)
233 Chanel Scurlock
Age: 23 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 06/06/2019 Location of death: Lumberton, California (USA)
234 Layleen Cubilette Polanco Xtravaganza
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 07/06/2019 Location of death: Rikers Island, New York (USA)
235 Shakira (La Moy)
Age: 20 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 08/06/2019 Location of death: Choloma, Cortés (Honduras)
236 Pamela
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 10/06/2019 Location of death: Maringá (Brazil)
237 Alex Milkovich
Age: 19 Occupation: other Date of death: 10/06/2019 Location of death: Nytva (Russia)
238 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 11/06/2019 Location of death: Queretaro (Mexico)
239 Zoe Spears
Age: 23 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 13/06/2019 Location of death: Fairmonut Heights, Maryland (USA)
240 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 14/06/2019 Location of death: Municipio Coatzintla, Veracruz (Mexico)
241 Nahara
Age: 43 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 16/06/2019 Location of death: Fortaleza (Brazil)
242 Maycon Clebes dos Reis
Age: 22 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 16/06/2019 Location of death: Coromandel (Brazil)
243 Dafne Yilmaz
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 16/06/2019 Location of death: Afyonkarahisar (Turkey) (Turkey)
244 Pollyane Weneck
Age: 22 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 16/06/2019 Location of death: Coromandel (Brazil)
245 Lohane (Jasmine)
Age: 21 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 17/06/2019 Location of death: Palmares (Brazil)
246 Monica Devain
Age: not reported Occupation: artist Date of death: 18/06/2019 Location of death: Jiutepec, Morelos (Mexico)
247 Doris Hernandez
Age: 21 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 21/06/2019 Location of death: Guadalajara, Jalisco (Mexico)
248 Brooklyn Lindsey
Age: 32 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 25/06/2019 Location of death: Kansas City (USA)
249 J.P. Moreno
Age: 36 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 25/06/2019 Location of death: Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz (Mexico)
250 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 28/06/2019 Location of death: Multan (Pakistan)
251 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 28/06/2019 Location of death: Multan (Pakistan)
252 Maya
Age: 19 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 01/07/2019 Location of death: Khyber Pukhtunkhwa (Pakistan)
253 Jessica
Age: 23 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 02/07/2019 Location of death: Araguaina (Brazil)
254 Antonia Laínez Larios
Age: not reported Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 03/07/2019 Location of death: El Negrito, Yoro (Honduras) (Honduras)
255 Santi
Age: not reported Occupation: artist Date of death: 06/07/2019 Location of death: Puerto Cortés, Honduras (Honduras)
256 Shakira Fernandez de la Hoz
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 07/07/2019 Location of death: Medellin, Antioquia (Colombia)
257 Bessy Michelle Ferrera
Age: 40 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 08/07/2019 Location of death: Comayaguela (Honduras)
258 Carly
Age: 26 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 10/07/2019 Location of death: Oaxaca, Oaxaca (Mexico)
259 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 10/07/2019 Location of death: San Luis, San Luis Potosi (Mexico)
260 Lucia Barrera
Age: 36 Occupation: artist Date of death: 14/07/2019 Location of death: Parana, Entre Rios (Argentina)
261 Angie Digiacomo
Age: 38 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 17/07/2019 Location of death: Buenos Aires (Argentina)
262 S. Medina
Age: 48 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 18/07/2019 Location of death: Salta (Argentina)
263 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 10/07/2019 Location of death: San Luis, San Luis Potosi (Mexico)
264 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 12/07/2019 Location of death: Alcaldia Xochimilo, Ciudad De Mexico (Mexico)
265 Denali Berries Stuckey
Age: 29 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 20/07/2019 Location of death: North Charleston, North Carolina (USA)
266 N.N.
Age: 22 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 24/07/2019 Location of death: Nagrakata (India)
267 Sandy
Age: not reported Occupation: owner of beauty shop/hair salon/bar/shop Date of death: 24/07/2019 Location of death: Chilpancingo, Guerrero (Mexico)
268 Bubba Walker
Age: 54 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 27/07/2019 Location of death: Charlotte (USA)
269 Muskan
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 27/07/2019 Location of death: Multan (Pakistan)
270 Nadia
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 27/07/2019 Location of death: Multan (Pakistan)
271 Tracy Single
Age: 22 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 30/07/2019 Location of death: Houston (USA)
272 Kiki Fantroy
Age: 21 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 31/07/2019 Location of death: Miami, Florida (USA)
273 Jordan Cofer
Age: 22 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 04/08/2019 Location of death: Dayton, Ohio (USA)
274 Pebbles LaDime “Dime” Doe
Age: 24 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 04/08/2019 Location of death: Allendale County (USA)
275 Rosalinda Pérez Berigüete
Age: 37 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 04/08/2019 Location of death: San Juan Maguana (Dominican Republic)
276 Gabriele Oliveira
Age: 21 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 05/08/2019 Location of death: Belo Jardim (Brazil)
277 Karla Fernanda Silva
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 05/08/2019 Location of death: La Maná, Cotopaxi (Ecuador)
278 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 06/08/2019 Location of death: Tecoman, Colima (Mexico)
279 J. A. Cermeño Medina
Age: 31 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 07/08/2019 Location of death: Caracas (Venezuela)
280 Angi García "La Gata"
Age: 40 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 07/08/2019 Location of death: Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas (Ecuador)
281 Alondra García
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 08/08/2019 Location of death: Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico)
282 Aylin Hernández Gómez
Age: 34 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 11/08/2019 Location of death: San Cristóbal de las Casas (Mexico)
283 W. Félix de Oliveira
Age: 29 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 11/08/2019 Location of death: Maracanaú (Brazil)
284 Sara Miranda de Souza
Age: 41 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 12/08/2019 Location of death: Frutal (Brazil)
285 Abril Navarro Salazar
Age: 26 Occupation: waitress/waiter/bartender Date of death: 15/08/2019 Location of death: Alvaro Obregon, Ciudad De Mexico (Mexico)
286 Nathacha Ruby Flores
Age: 26 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 19/08/2019 Location of death: Quito (Ecuador)
287 N.N.
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 19/08/2019 Location of death: Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico)
288 Aline da Silva
Age: not reported Occupation: activist/movement leader Date of death: 20/08/2019 Location of death: Arcoverde (Brazil)
289 Kate Maikelly de Jesus Barbosa
Age: 14 Occupation: other Date of death: 21/08/2019 Location of death: Teixeira de Freitas (Brazil)
290 Ashley
Age: not reported Occupation: activist/movement leader Date of death: 22/08/2019 Location of death: Huajuapan De Leon, Oaxaca (Mexico)
291 Daniela Martinez
Age: 53 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 22/08/2019 Location of death: Cicuco (Colombia)
292 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 24/08/2019 Location of death: Iztapalapa, Ciudad De Mexico (Mexico)
293 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 24/08/2019 Location of death: Acapulco, Guerrero (Mexico)
294 Hani
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 26/08/2019 Location of death: Mansehra (Pakistan)
295 Roberta "Xirrara" Rodrigues
Age: 44 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 30/08/2019 Location of death: Inhumas (Brazil)
296 Sana Khan
Age: 16 Occupation: artist Date of death: 30/08/2019 Location of death: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan)
297 Brigitte Escalona Escobar
Age: 21 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 31/08/2019 Location of death: Caracas (Venezuela)
298 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 31/08/2019 Location of death: Santiago (Chile)
299 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 03/09/2019 Location of death: Ziguatanejo, Guerrero (Mexico)
300 Andra Mora López
Age: 26 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 03/09/2019 Location of death: Tequendama (Colombia)
301 Bailey Reeves
Age: 17 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 04/09/2019 Location of death: Baltimore (USA)
302 Bee Love Slater
Age: 23 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 04/09/2019 Location of death: Clewiston, Florida (USA)
303 Victoria Santos Falcão
Age: 25 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 05/09/2019 Location of death: juina (Brazil)
304 Yuri Gabriel Castro Farias
Age: 20 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 06/09/2019 Location of death: Fortaleza (Brazil)
305 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 07/09/2019 Location of death: Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico)
306 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 07/09/2019 Location of death: Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico)
307 Ana Paula
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 07/09/2019 Location of death: Jiutepec, Morelos (Mexico)
308 Carolinne Dias
Age: 27 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 07/09/2019 Location of death: Santa Maria (Brazil)
309 Nemer da Silva Rodrigues
Age: 37 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 07/09/2019 Location of death: Santa Maria (Brazil)
310 N.N.
Age: 33 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 10/09/2019 Location of death: Belo Horizonte (Brazil)
311 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 10/09/2019 Location of death: Cartagena (Colombia)
312 Ja'leyah Jamar
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 13/09/2019 Location of death: Kansas City (USA)
313 Shokir Shavkatov
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 13/09/2019 Location of death: Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
314 Luana Piovani
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 15/09/2019 Location of death: Senador Elói de Souza (Brazil)
315 Bruna Torres
Age: 26 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 15/09/2019 Location of death: São Carlos (Brazil)
316 Reena
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 16/09/2019 Location of death: Baiyapur (India)
317 Elisha Chanel Stanley
Age: 46 Occupation: other Date of death: 16/09/2019 Location of death: Pittsburgh (USA)
318 Jessa Remiendo
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 17/09/2019 Location of death: Bolinao (Philippines)
319 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 17/09/2019 Location of death: Dushanbe (Tajikistan)
320 Emmanuelle Agostinho da Silva Barros "Manu"
Age: 25 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 19/09/2019 Location of death: Santo André (Brazil)
321 Leandro Parra Hermosilla
Age: 15 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 19/09/2019 Location of death: Coyhaqye, Aysen (Chile)
322 Médely Razard
Age: 15 Occupation: other Date of death: 20/09/2019 Location of death: Itaquaquecetuba (Brazil)
323 Bruna Surfistinha de Freitas
Age: 26 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 20/09/2019 Location of death: Chorozinho (Brazil)
324 Itali Marlowe
Age: 29 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 20/09/2019 Location of death: Houston, Texas (USA)
325 Paloma Barreto
Age: 38 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 21/09/2019 Location of death: Avilés (Spain)
326 Mhelody Polan Bruno
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 21/09/2019 Location of death: Wagga Wagga, New South Gales (Australia)
327 Itzayana López Hernández
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 22/09/2019 Location of death: Alcaldia Alvaro Obregon, Ciudad De Mexico (Mexico)
328 Yoselin Martín Velasco
Age: not reported Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 28/09/2019 Location of death: Ciudad Modelo, Valle Del Cauca (Colombia)
329 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 28/09/2019 Location of death: Registro (Brazil)
330 Chhaya
Age: 35 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 29/09/2019 Location of death: Durg (India)
331 Júnia Franco
Age: 34 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 29/09/2019 Location of death: Uberlândia (Brazil)
2 notes · View notes
Tumblr media
21/09 - nas Laranjeiras - 10 hs
Gols: Gabriela 10' e 38'; Natasha. 43"; (2T) Rivena 49'; Natasha 56' e 57'; Rayane 73"; Thayná. 97'
Cartões: Nicole, Izadora, Agatha e Cristiane (Bra)
Árbitro: Rejane, auxiliares Fabiana e Rachel
1 Luana; 2 Andressa (16 Patricia, 85'); 3 Thayná; 4 Roberta (11 Daniele, 82'); 18 Andresa (7 Rayane Arruda, 72'); 6 Fernanda; 5 Gabriela; 10 Kelly (13 Mirian. 85'); 8 Rivena (15 Tarciane, 81'); 9 Ariel; 14 Natasha (17 Marcelly, 72')
Suplentes: 5 Gabriela; 16 Patricia; 7 Rayane Arruda; 13 Mirian; 12 Stephany; 17 Marcelly; 11 Daniele; 15 Tarciane; 19 Rayane Soares; 20 Nubia
Tec. Thaissan
1 Raquelle; 20 Leticia; 9 Cristiane; 14 Izadora (27 Giulia, 81'); 5 Rayane; 2 Larissa; 6 Eliana; 8 Thaissa; 15 Paola; 10 Nicole; 11 Agatha (17 Lohanna, 81')
Suplentes: 19 Helen; 27 Giulia; 3 Thalia; 17 Lohanna
Tec. Carlos
21/09 - no Realengo FC - 13 hs
Árbitro: Fabio, auxiliares Matheus e Micaele
16 Julia 13 Erica 18 Nayara 17 Luana; 1 Dayane; 5 Raízes; 7 Thamires; 4 Dayana; 2 Naiara; 10 Andreza; 14 Melissa; 6 Fabiane; 11 Raquel; 8 Lorena; 15 Débora; 20 Beatriz; 3 Thayná; 9 Paula
Tec. Paulo
ROGI MIRIM não compareceu
22/09 - no Luso Brasileiro - 15 hs
Gols: Carolzinha 10'; 29' e 38' (2 T) Rayane Costa. 57', Bia 62'; Thamires (ECAC) 72'; Duda 76'
Cartão: Isabel (Port)
Árbitro: Quintes, auxiliares João e Jessica
1 Jô; 2 Sarah; 3 Cintia; 4 Carol; 5 Joyce (13 Agatha, 79'); 6 Isabel (16 Suzana, 59'); 7 Carolzinha (20 Luiza, 65'); 8 Shai (19 Thaisa. 65'); 9 Bia (15 Lavinia, 79'); 10 Roniere; 11 Rayane Costa (18 Duda, 59')
Suplentes: 12 Keyla; 13 Agatha; 14 Tainá; 15 Lavinia; 16 Suzana; 17 Drica; 18 Duda; 19 Thaisa; 20 Luiza
Tec. Renan
1 Angelica; 2 Paulinha; 3 Rafaella; 17 Carol; 5 Perereca (10 Lívia Olga. 23' e 4 Suelen, 65'); 6 Roberta; 7 Mariana; 8 Gabi; 20 Sara; 21 Julia (11 Lívia Chagas, 54'); 18 Patricia (9 Thamires, 54')
Suplentes: 12 Raylana; 4. Suelen; 19 Bia; 11 Lívia Chagas; 13 Thaynara; 10 Lívia O.; 9 Thamires
Tec. Milton
22/09 - no São Basílio - 17 hs
Gols: Natali. 66'; Dani 71' e Amanda 79'
Cartão: Dani (Sev)
Árbitro: Thiago, auxiliado Paola e Elaine
1 Laiane; 2 Milena; 3 Alyne; 4 Brenda; 5 Isma; 13 Nayara; 10 Anna Clara; 11 Ingrid (7 Luana, 78'); 9 Ana Júlia dos Santos; 18 Ana Julia da Silva (8 Letícia, int) 16 Joyce
Suplentes:: 8 Letícia; 7 Luana
1 Thamires; 2 Tais (16 Priscila, int); 3 Rebeca (14 Adriana, 85'); 4 Bruna; 5 Thais Thays Santos; 7 Dani; 8 Pamela; 9 Amanda; 10 Letícia; 11 Natali; 17 Grazi (18 Beatriz, 27' e Raiza, 85')
Suplentes - 13 Rafaela; 6 Lily; 14 Adriana; 15 Ketley; 16 Priscila; 18 Beatriz; 19 Raiza; 20 Tamires
Tec. Maxinny
22/09 - no CEFAT - 15 hs
Gols: Bia Santos 2';; Paloma 18'; Bia Santos 30'; Mariana 36', Paloma 42'; Mylena 44' (2T) Bia Santos. 52'; Marcela 62'. .Isa 66'; Bruna 71'; Juliana 82'; Vivian 88'
Cartões; Dayse (Arr) Paloma (Bota)
Árbitro: Wagner auxiliares Maysa e Nayra
1 Jessica; 2 Mylena; 3 Amanda; 4 Sandra; 5 Thaisa (16 Amanda Condê, 58'); 6 Laura (18 Vivian, 58'); 7 Bia Santos (19 Veronica, 75'); 8 Bruna (17 Lais, 75'); 9 Paloma (20 Marcela, 58); 10 Isa (23 Juliana, 75'); 11 Mariana
Suplentes: 12 Aquino; 13 Andressa; 14 Dani; 15 Thamiris; 16 Amanda Condê; 17 Lais; 18 Vivian; 19 Veronica; 20 Marcela; 21 Fabi; 23 Juliana
Tec. Gláucio
1 Tayná; 2 Pyetra; 3 Fernanda (19 Julia, 55'); 4 Juliane; 5 Ana Beatriz; 6 Ivana; 7 Dayse (14 Paloma, 55'); 8 Rayane; 9 Raina; 10 Maria Eduarda (15 Beatriz, 60'); 11 Luana (17 Gabrielle, 60')
Suplentes: 13 Aline 14 Paloma; 15 Beatriz Freitas; 16 Danielle; 17 Gabrielle; 19 Julia
Tec. Mara
TUPY 1 a 1 KARANBA (2 a 4)
22/09 - no Tupy SC - 15 hs
Gols: Lorena 8' (Tupy), Suelen 57'
Árbitro: Thiago, auxiliares Paola e Elaine
1 Ciborg; 2 Speedy; 4 Katinha; 13 Paty; 5 Angel; 8 Mabi; 7 Drica; 15 Tity (17 Biazinha); 10 Daiana; 9 Eva (14 Gabriela, 70:); 11 Lorena
Suplentes: 12. Ana: 16 Cely; 26 Jessica; 6. Feijão; 3. Ruivah; 22 Doida; 21 Rô; 14 Gabriela; 18 Day; 19 Modelo
Tec. Adriana
1 Karine; 2 Thatiana; 3 Katlyn; 4 Kamila; 5 Agatha; 6 Thainara (18 Rayane, 70'); 7 Yamara; 8 Layza; 9 Bianca (16 Sara, 65'); 10 Amanda; 11 Suelen
Suplentes: 12 Sthefany; 13 Raquel; 14 Jenniffer; 15 Rafaela; 16 Sara; 17 Thayna; 18 Rayane; 19 Maryele; 20 Ana Flávia
Tec. Natane
22/09 - no Nivaldo Pereira, 10 hs
Gols: Estefani. 3'; Rhaizza. 4' e. 11'; Anna Beatriz.14' e 20'; Rhaizza 32'; Anna Beatriz 37'; Camilli. 44' (2T) Tatiana. 6'; Kaylane. 15'; Kaylla. 20'; Juliana de Almeida. 36'; e Mayara 38'
Árbitro: Beatriz auxiliares Andréa e Geraldini
1 Graziele; 2 Laina (13 Suziane, 61'); 3 Gabrielle (17 Juliana Almeida, 75'); 4 Kaylla; 5 Juliana (15 Mayara, 61'); 6 Thais (14 Iandra, int); 7 Rhaizza; 8 Estefani; 9 Tatiana (16 Amanda, 75'); 10 Anna Beatriz; 11 Camilli (18 Kaylane, int)
Tec. Antony
1 Gaby; 2 Rafaela (19 Carol, int); 13 Quezia (21 Jessy, 21'); 14 Fabíola; 5 Luana; 6 Camila; 15 Novena (22 Radyja, 21' e 18 Ciane, 65); 8 India; 9 Mirela (20 Larissa, 21'); 10 Bel; 11 Daiane
Suplentes: 18 Ciane; 19 Carol; 20 Larissa; 21 Jessy; 22 Radyja;
Tec. Ediel
22/09 - no Cesar Paim - 15 hs
Gols: Thalia 13' e 38 (2T) Ana 51"
Cartões: Elilde e Carolaine (Mag) - Ellen
Árbitro: Marlon auxiliares Yago e Karen
1 Gabi; 2 Rafa (16 Dekache, 66'); 3 Pri; 4 Rai (Raíssa); 5 Ely (14 Aline, 78'); 6 Josi; 7 Milani (20 Sasa, 66'); 8 Rai Januário; 9 Thalia (19 Carol, 78'); 10 Rai Fagundes (22 Bia 73'); 11 Ana (21 Ket, 73')
Suplentes: 12 Dani; 13 Lele; 14 Aline; 15 Gi; 16 Dekache; 17 Loren; 18 Lary; 19 Carol; 20 Sasa; 21 Ket; 22 Bia
Tec. Osmar
1 Amanda; 2 Victoria; 5 Mécia (19 Haycha, int); 3 Gabrielle; 8 Andrielli; 6 Stephane (22 Marcelle) 17 Andressa; 9 Daiana; 7 Laiza; 11 Ellen; 14 Marcelly
Suplentes: 22 Marcelle; 19 Haycha
Tec. Mascarenhas
21/09 - no CEFAN - 15 hs
Gols: Flavia 2'; Raiza 16'; Aryane 18'; Samhia 19:; Raiza 31'; Samhia 34"; Flavia 38' (2T) Samhia 58'; Aryane 59:; Samhia 66'; Patricia 70'; Lu Meireles 77'; Samhia 84"
Cartões:: Brozato e Samara (P. R)
Árbitro: Barbosa; auxiliares Lilian e Millena
30 Gabrielli; 35 Camila; 33 Renata; 19 Karen; 27 Debora; 15 Patricia; 26 Aryane; 40 Bruna; 15 Raiza; 25 Flávia (4 Lu Meireles, 75'); 8 Samhia
Suplentes: 22 Kaka; 34 Andressa; 6 Ana; 21 Daiana; 28 Ju; 9 Larissa; 2 Raquel; 7 Gaby; 23 Bia; 4 Lu Meireles
Tec. Ricardo
12 Carol (1 Larissa, 74'); 2 Bruna (18 Duda, 30"); 3 Brozato; 4 Samara; 6 Luana 8 Mari (Marielly) 5 Dielle; 10 Benin (Michelle); 19 Paola (9 Fernanda, 53'); 7 Lavínia (17 Tamires, 54"); 11 Dani
Suplentes: 22 Agatha; 13 Monize; 14 Bia; 1 Larissa; 16 Raíssa; 17 Tamires; 18 Duda; 9 Fernanda
Tec. Edimara
21/09 - às 12 hs, no Kosmos AC
Gols: Robertha 4'; Isabelle 5'; Piara 10'; Pamela 12'; Piara. 21' (2T) Isadora. 49'; Camila 51"; Pamela. 52'; Nathalia 53'; Larissa 64"; Robertha 80'; Larissa. 87'
Árbitros: Pedro auxiliares Mota e Alessilha.
12 Thayane; 2 Jessica; 18 Letícia (4 Rafaela, 55'); 10 Maria; 5 Mariany (17 Thais, 70'); 8 Michele (16 Samara, int); 20 Michelly Christiane; 07 Milene; 14 Monique 13 Patricia Bianca; 11 Irlana
Suplentes: 16 Samara; 17 Thais; 4 Rafaela
Tec. Hamilton
1 Darlene; 2 Jessica; 3 Huck; 4 Grande; 5 Falcão (13 Robertha, 60'); 6 Camila; 7 Tuti (17 Larissa, 60'); 8 Isabelle (20 Modelo, 80'); 9 Greice (22 Isadora, int); 10 Piara (21 Nathalia, int); 11 Pamela
Suplentes: 12 Williams; 13 Robertha; 14 Ninha; 15 Camila Rodrigues; 16 Emilly; 17 Larissa; 18 Gabriela; 19 Lorrany; 20 Modelo; 21 Nathalia; 22 Isadora
Tec. Jorge
21/09. no CEPE-Caxias. - 13 hs
Gols: Lene.1'; Caneca. 10'; Flávia 19' e 25'; Caneca 28; Leticia 31 (2T) Dani Lima 46'; Caneca 60' e 65'; India. 80'; Dani Lima 81'; Rebeca 83' e 87'
Cartões: Suellen (Duque), Samantha e Andressa (El)
Árbitro: Dias; auxiliares Ivete e Gabriela
12 Claudice; 7 Isabelle "Mistica" (8 Larissa M, 70'); 15 Thaisa (6 Raiane. 70'); 19 India; 10 Lene; 9 Caneca; 11 Dani Lima; 13 Letícia (16 Rebeca, 69'); 18 Milena (3 Milena Fernandes, 57'); 22 Suelen (4 China,70'); 5 Flávia (21 Beatriz, 57')
Suplentes: 6 Raiane; 1 Raquel; 8 Larissa Michaeli; 4 China 17 Gabi 21 Beatriz; 3 Milena Fernandes; 14 Karen; 16 Rebeca
Tec. Galdino
99 Ingrid; 3 Laiza (9 Caren. 61'); 4 Samara; 30 Samantha; 6 Marys (10 Mayara, int); 7 Elisa; 8 Lorena (19 Nayara, 32'); 11 Andressa; 13 Marcela (16 Suelen, 61'); 14 Letícia (18 Alessandra, 61'); 20 Camilly
Suplentes: 9 Caren; 10 Mayara; 16. Suelen; 18 Ale; 19 Nayara
Tec. Vicente
22/09;- no Oscar Pupo - 15 hs
Gols Thais 18' e 25' (2T) Jhulye 53
Cartões: Camille (Colônia)
Árbitro: Rodrigo auxiliares Ian e Bruno
12 Taynara; 5 Cleydiane; 8 Sabrina; 17 Taiany; 4 Thaiana; 10 Thais; 7 Kathleen (20 Daiane, 81'); 3 Camile; 6 Beatriz; 22 Mariana; 11 Milena;
Suplentes: 20 Daiane; 1 Allana
Tec. Juliano
1 Jessyca; 2 Pamela (9 Rosinete, 38'); 3 Alexandra; 4.Karine; 5. Beatriz; 6.Thuany; 7 Daniele; 8. Andressa (14 Nathalia int); 10 Jhulye (16 Andreza,58'); 11 Milena (19 Amanda int); 15. Aline
Suplentes: 9 Rosinete; 14 Nathalia; 16 Andreza; 17 Liliane; 18 Rayane; 19 Amanda; 20 Mariana
Tec. Davoson
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gazeta24br · 6 months
Com a proposta de ensinar as crianças o caminho da adoração ao Deus criador de todas as coisas, o casal Alex Santos Pereira e Bárbara Sampaio Pereira, mais conhecidos por Tio Kin e Tia Binha tem feita a alegria da garotada nos eventos gospel da Bahia com o chamado estilo kids de adoração. Trajetória Alex kin, nascido em família Cristã, desda da sua adolescência demostrou aptidão para música, aprendeu a tocar vários instrumentos e aprimorou seus talentos na escola de música CEFET. Logo em seguida, iniciou o seu projeto solo como cantor e compositor,conhecido como Alex kin , lançando o seu primeiro álbum "O melhor de Deus" no ano 2009, posteriormente lançou mais um álbum " A minha História" no ano de 2018. Casado com Bárbara sampaio, pai de Brenda Sampaiopastor, enfermeiro, em 2012 lançou o projeto kids , fazendo a junção do ministério de adoração com o kids , hoje chamado guardiões da infância Tio Kin e Tia Binha. Atualmente tem atuado enm vários eventos de prefeituras e do Governo do Estado em praças públicas. Levando a palavra de amor e esperança aos hospitais e, cumprindo a missão em defesa das crianças. "Sabemos que a música tem o poder de tocar o sentimento das pessoas. Nós temos boas influências Banda catedral , Aline Barros, Bruna Carla, Cristina mel entre outros. Nooso sonho é levar Jesus para as famílias, e através da nossa música poder influênciar crianças e famílias com princípios cristãos", disse Alex Santos, o Tio Kin. Para saber mais sobre mais a dupla, acesse: @tiokin_tiabinha
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The Pereira-Crabtree family: Sierra Brothers
Aspiration: Super Parent (succeeded)
Traits: paranoid, jealous, glutton
Extra traits: alluring, heat acclimation, steel bladder, fully liscened, antisepic, role model, observant
Highest skills: cooking, painting, parenting (max)
Career: none
Played since: young adult (not my Sim)
Current age: young adult, adult, elder, death
Clubs: none
Pets: none
Outwear: here
CC used:
greenllamas Dua hair (YA/A/E)
greenllamas hair clips (YA/A/E)
puderosasims Base game eyeshadow addition (YA)
viiavi Nightwalker top (YA1)
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viiavi Pandora dress (YA2)
crazycupcake patterned tights (YA2)
renorasims Not So Flat flats (YA2)
CoffeeAssassin Sombra natural eyeshadow (A)
viiavi Odette bodysuit (A1)
B.O.P. x AH00B Passion necklace (A1)
pixelunivairse Front Zipper skirt (A1)
pickypikachu Less Piratey boots (A1)
viiavi Ophelia dress (A2)
ayoshi Miso set tights (A2)
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crypticsim Jaclyn x Morphe eyeshadow (E)
viiavi Calypso dress (E)
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<h1>I Wish To Sleep With Different Individuals & I Am Trustworthy With My Boyfriend About It</h1>
New Post has been published on https://animalcrossing.shop/i-wish-to-sleep-with-different-individuals-i-am-trustworthy-with-my-boyfriend-about-it/
I Wish To Sleep With Different Individuals & I Am Trustworthy With My Boyfriend About It
People with sleep deprivation even have “microsleeps.” These are brief intervals of sleep throughout waking time. In many cases, sleep-deprived people may not even be aware that they are having these microsleeps. The prevalence of advanced sleep part syndrome is unknown; however, it has been estimated that as many as 1 percent of the middle-aged adults could suffer from it (Ando et al., 1995). One of the challenges in determining its prevalence is that affected individuals typically do not perceive it as a dysfunction and subsequently don’t seek medical therapy . Biological, physiological, and genetic factors have been proposed to be liable for inflicting delayed sleep phase syndrome. Behaviorally, late bedtimes and rise instances delay an individual’s publicity to mild, which can stop entraining of the circadian clock.
Tips On How To Cease Feeling Drained After Eating
While you are seeing a number of folks or sleeping with them, keep away from regretting it in a while by doing all your due research before jumping to conclusions. We get pleasure from it for some time, however once we get time to look back on our actions, we really feel unhealthy. You notice spdate com you did one thing, however by no means really wanted it. Ask them about their emotions and expectations from time to time to find a way to plan your actions accordingly. If you’re relationship multiple folks concurrently, be honest with all of them.
Furthermore, publicity to dim mild within the late evening and at night, may have an effect on the circadian section (Zeitzer et al., 2000; Gronfier et al., 2004). Night shift employees may be at larger risk for delayed sleep part syndrome as a end result of irregular circadian entrainment (Santhi et al., 2005). Similarly, people who live in excessive latitudes and are uncovered to prolonged durations of sunshine can also be at increased threat of affected by delayed sleep part syndrome (Lingjaerde et al., 1985; Pereira et al., 2005).
Don’t leap so quickly to conclusions about how the future will look. As Evan said, be grateful as an alternative for what you’ve now, chill out, and let the longer term take care of itself. It’s not that special to have lots of sexual experience with different males. It’s OK that women and men don’t need exactly the identical issues. I sense that for men, it’s much more essential to get plenty of notches on their belt. For ladies, we don’t need lots of notches as any measure of self-worth .
Which Finest Describes Your Present Relationship Situation?
Which is ok, when one is of their 20’s, uncertainty is,….just about normal. And might you clarify how Brenda would discover more fantasy-fulfillment outside a long-term relationship? In my expertise, it’s simpler to get fantasies fulfilled inside a severe relationship. For instance, if my girlfriend wants to play with handcuffs there’s sufficient trust to the place I would readily agree.
Young T, Palta M, Dempsey J, Skatrud J, Weber S, Badr S. The prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing among middle-aged adults. Winkelman JW, Chertow GM, Lazarus JM. Restless legs syndrome in end–stage renal disease. Walters AS, Hening WA, Kavey N, Chokroverty S, Gidro-Frank S. A double-blind randomized crossover trial of bromocriptine and placebo in restless legs syndrome. Vincent NK, Hameed H. Relation between adherence and consequence in the group therapy of insomnia.
Forms Of Polyamorous Relationships
Brain tumor, breast most cancers, colon most cancers, congenital coronary heart illness, coronary heart arrhythmia. If you assume a well being condition is zapping your energy, the best way to succeed in your #SleepGoals is to see a health care provider. They can help you establish the underlying explanation for this fixed need to sleep and discover remedy options. Get some daylight in the daytime, however keep away from blue light a quantity of hours earlier than bedtime. An estimated 2.5 p.c of adults and 8.four % of kids in the United States have an ADHD prognosis.
Other threat elements for insomnia include family historical past of insomnia (Dauvilliers et al., 2005), tense life styles, medical and psychiatric issues, and shift work . Although adolescent age is not seen a threat issue, insomnia has rarely been studied on this age group. Insomnia symptoms are remarkably common, affecting no much less than 10 p.c of adults within the United States (Ford and Kamerow, 1989; Ohayon et al., 1997; Simon and VonKorff, 1997; Roth and Ancoli-Israel, 1999). Prevalence is greater among women and older people (Mellinger et al., 1985; Ford and Kamerow, 1989; Foley et al., 1995). Severe insomnia tends to be chronic, with about 85 percent of sufferers persevering with to report the same symptoms and impairment months or years after prognosis (Hohagen et al., 1993; Katz and McHorney, 1998).
What Do You Do When You Love Your Boyfriend But Like Someone Else?
Anecdotal evidence suggests that the use of sunset/sunrise-simulating lights can set the interior clocks of people with Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome. As an additional benefit, many people report that they sharpen their sense of time and time administration as soon as their internal clock is set properly. The lights, nevertheless, are experimental and costly https://photobugcommunity.com/interviews/instagrammers-to-follow-may-2019/ (about $400). They are most energetic, thinking clearest, and most stable after the solar goes down. Unfortunately, they’ve jobs and households to which they need to attend the next morning, duties made harder by inadequate sleep. No scientific literature on sleep lists ADHD as a prominent explanation for sleep disturbances.
Evening Residence Trial
According to Prichard, that’s as a end result of insomnia is not a biological drawback that a medicine can repair. According to Roxanne Prichard, a professor of psychology and neuroscience on the University of St. Thomas, it’s normal that you have got issue sharing a bed, and it probably stems from the novelty of the experience. It can really feel as if everybody is meant to sleep in mattress with their associate so when you’ve trouble, something is mistaken with you. Nearly everyone has an occasional sleepless night — however should you typically have bother sleeping, contact your doctor. Identifying and treating any underlying causes can help you get the better sleep you deserve. In explicit, avoid heavy or giant meals inside a couple of hours of bedtime.
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cada-atletismo · 3 years
Pérez Lazarte, figura en Mar del Plata
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Informe: Rubén Aguilera El mediofondista tucumano, que entrena en Mar del Plata, Leandro Pérez Lazarte logró las mejores marcas del Campeonato Provincial u23 de Buenos Aires, disputado este fin de semana (14 y 15 de agosto) en simultáneo con el Provincial u18. Pérez Lazarte logró 3m.47s.80 en los 1.500 metros llanos y, posteriormente, se adjudicó los 5.000 con 14m.37s.00. Dentro de la misma categoría también se destacaron el lanzador juvenil Manuel Manuel Arriéguez (14.36 en bala) y, en damas, Lucía Aylén Zurdo con sus 15s.23 en los 100 metros con vallas, además de ganar las dos pruebas de velocidad (12s53w en 100 y 26s87 en 200). Otra de las novedades del u23 fue la reaparición de una de las mejores especialistas de marcha, Brenda Rocío Palma, quien lo hizo sobre 10 mil metros con 58m47s19. En las competencias de u18, entre los varones, sobresalieron el velocista Eduardo Pereira (11s24 en 100 y 22s71 en 200), Agustín Carril (4.20 en garrocha) y, especialmente, Tomás Olivera con 68.61 m. en martillo, una de las mejores expresiones técnicas de estas jornadas. En damas, Shalom Lescano dominó las pruebas de mediofondo y marcó 7m44s86 en los 2.000 con obstáculos, Joaquina Durá volvió a sobresalir en saltos (5.48 en largo y 12.37 en triple) y Julieta Rodríguez lo hizo en lanzamientos, ganando en bala, disco y Jabalina (aquí con 39.78). Read the full article
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