#brene brown
wordsofwisdomandsoul · 11 months
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thoughtkick · 6 months
You’re imperfect, and you’re wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.
Brene Brown
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perfectquote · 5 months
You’re imperfect, and you’re wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.
Brene Brown
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akindplace · 6 months
“Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they are never weakness. Yes, we are totally exposed when we are vulnerable. Yes, we are in the torture chamber that we call uncertainty. And yes, we’re taking a huge emotional risk when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable. But there’s no equation where taking risks, braving uncertainty and opening ourselves up to emotional exposure equals weakness.”
- Brené Brown, Daring Greatly
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thehopefulquotes · 4 months
You’re imperfect, and you’re wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.
Brene Brown
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surqrised · 2 months
You’re imperfect, and you’re wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.
Brene Brown
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stay-close · 2 months
You’re imperfect, and you’re wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.
Brene Brown
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serenityquest · 8 days
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creatinganewwlife · 2 months
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—Brené Brown's "Daring Greatly"
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andallshallbewell · 6 months
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kamala-laxman · 5 months
I don't have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness; it's right in front of me if I'm paying attention and practicing gratitude. Brene Brown
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ophelia-network · 2 years
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"Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path." Brené Brown
SIGILLUM by Roberto Ferri
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mymidwestheart · 9 months
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A True Superpower.
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akindplace · 6 months
“What makes this constant assessing and comparing so self-defeating is that we are often comparing our lives, our marriages, our families, and our communities to unattainable, media-driven visions of perfection, or we’re holding up our reality against our own fictional account of how great someone else has it. Nostalgia is also a dangerous form of comparison. Think about how often we compare ourselves and our lives to a memory that nostalgia has so completely edited that it never really existed: “Remember when … ? Those were the days…”
- Brené Brown, Darinng Greatly
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ciquery · 3 months
"We develop a hopeful mind-set when we understand that some worthy endeavors will be difficult and time consuming and not enjoyable at all. Hope also requires us to understand that just because the process of reaching a goal happens to be fun, fast, and easy doesn't mean that it has less value than a difficult goal. If we want to cultivate hopefulness, we have to be willing to be flexible and demonstrate perseverance. Not every goal will look and feel the same. Tolerance for disappointment, determination, and a belief in self are the heart of hope. As a college professor and researcher, I spend a significant amount of time with teachers and school administrators. Over the past two years I've become increasingly concerned that we're raising children who have little tolerance for disappointment and that some, who come from various forms of privilege including race and class, have a strong sense of entitlement. Entitlement is very different than agency. Entitlement is "I deserve this just because I want it" and agency is "I know I can do this." The combination of fear of disappointment, entitlement, and performance pressure is a recipe for hopelessness and self-doubt. .... The best definition of power comes from Martin Luther King Jr. He described power as the ability to achieve our purpose and to effect change. If we question our need for power, think about it: How do you feel when you believe that you are powerless to change something in your life? Powerlessness is dangerous. For most of us, the inability to effect change is a desperate feeling. We need resilience and hope and a spirit that can carry us through the doubt and fear. We need to believe that we can effect change if we want to live and love with our whole hearts."
Brown, Brene (2020). Guidepost #3: Cultivating a Resilient Spirit: Letting go of Numbing and Powerlessness. The Gifts of Imperfection: 10th Anniversary Edition (pp. 89). Random House.
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