#bro. an electrician making $50 an hour isn't 'rich' and even if they were
You guys know that capitalism doesn’t mean “involves money”, right? It is legitimately important that you all know that the problem with capitalism is not “uses currency”.
Capitalism is bad because it exploits people and puts profit over human life and dignity. It’s not bad or morally wrong for people to have lots of money, it’s wrong for them to make that money by exploiting workers. It’s not wrong to sell products and labor for money, it’s wrong to run everyone else out of business so you can form a monopoly and jack up prices once people have no choice but to buy from you.
It’s really starting to piss me off, the frequency with which I’m seeing people call others “capitalist scum” and “bootlickers” for things like “charging money for products and services”, “suggesting that laborers should be paid fairly”, and the classic “having more money than me”. Capitalism is a huge problem, but when you don’t understand what the problem actually is and just start assuming that any transaction involving money is “capitalism”, you are diluting and weakening the cause you claim to be fighting for.
The problem with capitalism is the exploitation of labor, not the existence of money. 
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