#broke an innocent woman out of jail when she was gonna get the death penalty
sourwolf-sterek32 · 4 years
Sucker for Pain ( Daryl Dixon x Reader)
Summary: Everyone has demons, some louder than others and some, like yourself, who use blades to silence them. Before the world died, you were an assassin and thought you were better off alone, until you kept running into the same blue eyed archer who changed your mind.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Assassin!Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of self harm and physical and sexual assault in a few chapters
Chapter 3-
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You had been tracking the group of biker wannabes for a few days now and you knew you were close. You used to be able to track down a man within 24 hours with the use of the internet and other technology, but these days it was a bit harder. But, you had found their old camp in a garage earlier and you knew you were getting closer.
It was now dark, but that didn't stop you from tracking. The moon was full and bright, lighting up the ground and trees around you as you trekked through the woods, your hand resting over your holster on your belt for safety as you continued to walk.
"You screwed up, asshole. You hear me? You screwed up." An all too familiar voice shouted through the woods and your face broke out into a grin. It was them.
You quickly jogged silently through the woods in the direction of the mans voice, trying not to step on any branches, until you spotted a group of people standing and sitting in the middle of the road. You instinctively dropped to a crouch as you studied the group, but you couldn't see much from the distance and the darkness wasn't exactly helping.
You pulled your sniper rifle from your back and stood up beside the nearest tree as you lent your arm against the trunk of the tree and rested the sniper rifle over your forearm to steady it as you looked through the scope towards the group. It was definitely them.
There were five of them, but also another three people that you hadn't seen before. A man and a woman sitting on the ground while the biker wannabes held guns in their direction. You could see a young boy sitting inside the broken down car beside them all too. For some reason those three people seemed familiar, but you couldn't figure out why. Well, looks like you weren't the only one these biker wannabes liked to steal from.
"Now, who's gonna count down the ball dropper with me, huh? Nine Mississippi. Eight Mississippi." The leader began to say, holding a handgun to the mans head who was sitting on the ground. Shit, they weren't just going to rob these people, they were going to kill them.
You quickly pushed the bolt forward on your sniper, loading a bullet into the chamber as you began to line up the leaders head with the cross-hairs through your scope, but before you had a chance to pull the trigger someone else spoke up. You frowned recognising the voice, but you couldn't figure out who it belonged to before a man stepped towards the group from around the side of the car.
"Joe. Hold up." The man quickly said and your jaw dropped. Well shit, you couldn't mistake that angle winged vest and long dark hair for anyone else. How do you keep running into this guy?
"You're stopping me on eight, Daryl." The leader- Joe- responded, sounding annoyed as he stared at the man you were slowly starting to grow attached to. Shit, you left Daryl and Beth because you didn't want to get too attached to them and now he appears again. Wait, what happened to the girl? Where is she?
"These people, you're gonna let 'em go. These are good people." Daryl said, nodding towards the man and woman sitting on the ground and suddenly it clicked. They were part of Daryl's old group, they were part of that community in the prison. No wonder the three of them seemed familiar, you had probably seen them when you sussed the prison out all those months ago.
"Now, I think Lou would disagree with you on that. I'll, of course have to speak for him and all because your friend here strangled him in a bathroom." Joe said looking back down at the man he had a gun to. You had no idea who this Lou person was or why Daryl's friend strangled him, but he was Daryl's friend and that was good enough for you.
"Ya want blood, I get it. Take it from me, man. C'mon." Daryl responded, dropping his crossbow to the ground as he held his arms out towards Joe. What the hell is doing?
"This man killed our friend. You say he's good people. See, no, that right there is a lie. It's a lie." Joe yelled and you watched in shock as two of the men closest to Daryl punch him in the stomach and began to beat him.
Without hesitation you quickly aimed at one of the men on Daryl and squeezed the trigger, your gunshot ripping through the still night air as the bad guy to Daryl's left dropped to the ground with a bullet through his eye.
Everyone froze in shock as they stared at the man dead on the ground and you used their distraction to your advantage as you pulled the bolt back on your sniper and killed the other man beside Daryl.
The second shot seemed to kick the biker wannabes into action as two of them quickly aimed their guns in the direction of where they thought the gunshot came from. But, they were aiming way to far to the left since the woods let your gunshots echo, making it next to impossible to pinpoint where you were.
Joe still had his gun aimed at Daryl's friends head and you hoped like hell he could take care of himself for the time being as you focused on the other two men, one still standing by the car door where the boy was sitting inside. The man's gun was raised and scanning the woods trying to find you as you lined him up and pulled the trigger just as another gunshot filled the air that definitely wasn't from you.
You quickly killed the other man standing by the car before you aimed your gun towards Joe who was literally hugging Daryl's friend to pin the man down to stop him from throwing any punches, but also using him as a human shield, because you couldn't get a clean shot.
You kept the cross-hair hovering over their heads, waiting for Daryl's friend to somehow get clear and out the way, but turns out you didn't need to as you watched him bite into Joe's throat. Blood sprayed everywhere as Joe dropped to the ground and you watched as Daryl's friend spat the blood from his mouth as he stared at the man he had just killed. He was clearly shocked with what he just did before his brain must have clicked to the fact that there was someone with a sniper in the woods as he pulled out his handgun and began scanning the woods.
Taking that as you sign to come out, you slung your sniper over your shoulder and began walking out from the woods towards the group of them. The boy was now out of the car with the woman hugging him while Daryl lent against the bonnet of the car, trying to catch his breath from the couple punches he copped earlier.
You walked onto the road, catching the mans attention as he raised his gun in your direction and you instantly held your arms up slightly to try and show that you weren't a threat.
"Rick. She's good." Daryl's voice called out and you glanced towards him to find him taking a few steps towards Rick who's eyes were completely focused on you as you began to walk over to Joe's body. You crouched down beside his body and opened the mans denim vest as you reached into the pocket inside his vest and grinned when you felt your sniper silencer inside.
"What are ya doin', woman?" Daryl questioned and you looked up towards Daryl who was now standing beside Rick who you noted no longer had his gun aimed at you. Both of them watched you curiously as you held the silencer in your hand towards them so they could see.
"Looking for this. There weren't a lot of silencers made for this 50 calibre sniper and these assholes stole it from me a few weeks ago." You responded, a hint of anger in your voice as you glanced back down to the mans body before standing up and tucking the silencer into the pocket of your jacket as you held your hand out towards Rick. "I'm Y/N by the way."
"Rick Grimes. Why'd you help us?" Rick asked, shaking your hand with a slight nod before you froze. Rick Grimes. You knew that name. Why did you know that name?
You stared at Rick for a few seconds because you were almost certain that you had never met him before, but then it hit you. Deputy Grimes from King County. Holy shit, you didn't even recognise him with the beard and blood covering his face, but it was definitely him and he clearly didn't recognise you, which was probably for the best.
*Five Years Ago*
You had been camped in a tree on the outskirts of the woods just behind a small rundown house were you knew Tyler Reed was hiding inside. He was the last name on your fathers hit-list and he clearly knew you were coming for him because he had boarded up all his windows and hadn't stepped foot outside the house all day. But, you knew sooner or later he was going have to leave the house and that was when he'd meet his fate with a bullet through the eye.
You had looked the man up and found out that he had a long police record that consisted of rape, attempted murder and armed robbery, just to name a few. The man was wanted by the police, but you had figured out where he was hiding before any FBI Agent did and you were going to take him down instead of letting him get sent to jail to only be released in less than 10 years.
The justice system was such bullshit. In your opinion they should bring back the death penalty because mass murders who go out and intentionally kill innocent people, who massacre innocent men, women, children, then they should be shot and killed too. But not everyone agreed with that.
Police sirens suddenly echoed through the cool morning air, snapping you away from your thoughts as you watched a police car pull up in front of Tyler's house. Shit, they found him too.
You weren't sure what to do as you watched two deputy's climb out the car. One began to make his way around the back of the house while the other stayed by the front door and you knew they were going to infiltrate the house through the front and back door to try and limit Tyler's exits.
Shit, they were going to get themselves killed. This man knew you were coming for him. He'll be ready for any kind of attack and these officers were about to walk into one hell of a shock.
You quickly jumped out the tree your were sitting in, throwing your sniper over your shoulder as you pulled up the black bandanna you had tied around your neck. You lifted it up over your nose to cover your face before pulling the hood of your black jumper up, covering your Y/H/L Y/H/C hair.
You watched as the officer by the back door said something through his radio before he kicked the door open and walked in, his gun raised. You quickly ran towards the house, knowing what Tyler was capable of and the officers were no match for him alone.
The second you stepped inside you spotted the deputy on the ground, a knife sticking out of his thigh as Tyler stood above him with a shotgun aimed at the injured mans head and without hesitation you pulled out your handgun and pulled the trigger.
Tyler fell to the ground dead, a bullet through his eye, but your attention was quickly turned back towards the deputy when he let out a loud groan and you realised the dumbass had pulled the knife out as blood began to quickly pour from the wound on his thigh.
"You idiot. That knife probably cut through your femoral artery. You shouldn't have pulled it out!" You shouted, holstering your handgun as you grabbed a towel from the table beside you and quickly rushed to the mans side.
You dropped to your knees beside him as you held the towel against the wound with one hand and quickly pulled your belt off with the other. You tied your belt around his thigh just above the wound to try slow the blood before pressing both your hands against the towel over the wound that was already stained with blood.
"Shit, you're the Shadow Assassin." The man commented, completely ignoring the fact that he had just been stabbed as he stared at you like he was seeing a ghost. You glanced down at the mans name tag over his chest that read 'Deputy Walsh' before turning your attention back to the wound on the man's thigh.
"Yep and you boys just showed up and ruined my plan of taking this asshole out silently, didn't you?" You responded sarcastically. You didn't have a problem with police officers, they were just trying to keep people safe and do their jobs, but you knew they hated you, which was fair enough.
You released one hand from the wound as you grabbed the mans walkie talkie strapped to his uniform as he stared at you in confusion before you bought it to your mouth.
"Officer down. 32 Hinmarsh Road, King County. We need an ambulance, he's been stabbed." You called out through the radio before dropping it to the ground and putting more pressure on the wound as Deputy Walsh stared at you in surprise.
"Let go of my partner and put your hands in the air!" Another man shouted and you figured he must have been the officer that went through the front door. About damn time he showed up to help. "Get away from him or I will shoot. I know who you are, I know how many people you've killed. You're wanted in every state and have a longer murder record than I can count, so I won't ask again. Let him go or I'll shoot."
You glanced over your shoulder towards the man who was standing on the other side of the room with his pistol raised in your direction. You mentally took note of his name tag that read 'Deputy Grimes' before you focused back on the mans face trying to figure out if he was a good cop or a dirty one, shit it was hard to tell.
"Go ahead, shoot me if you want. But, you shoot me then my hands move away from your partners stab wound and if I do that he'll bleed out in less than a minute." You stated calmly, keeping pressure on the mans thigh as you kept your eyes locked with Deputy Grimes' before he glanced down towards his buddy.
"Shane?" He asked, clearly not trusting your word.
"She's not kidding, Rick. That asshole over there got me good, hit an artery." Deputy Walsh answered, nodding towards the dead man behind you somewhere, but your attention was purely focused on Grimes who still had his gun aimed at you.
"Shit." Deputy Grimes muttered under his breath, glancing down at your hands over the bloodied towel on his partners thigh.
"Yeah, 'shit'. Now come over here and slowly replace my hands so you can keep pressure on the wound while I leave." You instructed, nodding down towards your hands before looking back towards Deputy Grimes who shook his head.
"I can't let you leave. You're under arrest, whatever your name is, you're under arrest for multiple murders." Deputy Grimes responded, his gun still raised in your direction as he spoke.
"I'm leaving, so you do what you gotta do, but I'm trying to save your partners life. If you want to help, then come over here and keep pressure on his wound until the ambulance comes." You ordered, staring at the man and to your surprise he actually holstered his gun and called for backup over his radio before he walked over to the two of you.
You watched as he knelt down beside you as you grabbed one of his hands and pressed it against the bloodied towel before his other hand slowly replaced yours.
"That's it, keep pressure on the wound. Deputy Walsh, I'm sorry this happened to you, but you're going to be fine." You reassured, glancing down at the man who was laying on his back and he nodded weakly at you before you stood up, adjusting the bandanna over your face as you began to walk off towards the backdoor.
You barely got a couple feet before the sound of a gun cocking filled the air and you chuckled, shaking your head. You turned around to find Deputy Grimes still sitting beside his partner, one hand against the bloodied towel, the other holding his pistol that was aimed directly at you.
"You do what you gotta do, Deputy." You simply said, staring at the two of them for a few seconds, emergency sirens whaling in the distance before you turned around and walked out the back door, but he never pulled the trigger.
"Why'd you help us?" Rick repeated and you realised you had just been staring at the man for a little too long. Shit, how did you not pick it was him earlier? Sure, he now had a beard, his hair was slightly longer and he wasn't in uniform. But, he still had that same pistol and definitely had the same voice.
"I know your friend over there, knew he wasn't a bad guy so I assumed the rest of you weren't. Plus, these biker wannabe assholes stole from me a few weeks ago." You answered, watching Rick cautiously because he clearly didn't recognise you. He had no idea what you looked like that day because of your hoodie and bandanna over your face, but he still would've heard your voice.
"You two know each other?" Rick asked in confusion, glancing back towards Daryl.
"Rick, Daryl, who's this?" The woman questioned from somewhere behind them as Rick held his arm out and you watched as the young boy hugged him and you smiled. That was definitely his kid.
"Kinda. She's that sniper that's saved me, Glenn 'n Maggie a few times. She's good, I trust her." Daryl replied and you looked away from Rick for the first time as you focused on Daryl only just noticing the bruise already forming over his right eye.
"Thank you for helping us, I'm Michonne and this is Carl." The woman- Michonne- said and you nodded, smiling sweetly at the young boy still in Ricks arms as he smiled back.
"We should try and get some sleep, keep moving in the morning." Rick declared a moment later.
"What about her? Is she staying with us?" Michonne asked as you glanced between the two of them not really sure if you should stay or not. You were better off alone.
"I vouch her. Hell, I'd be dead four times by now if it wasn't for her." Daryl responded, glancing over at you before turning his attention back to his friends.
"I don't have a problem with her staying with us, I just have a few questions for you." Rick said, looking towards you as you adjusted the strap of your sniper over your shoulder and nodded for him to continue. "How many walkers have you killed?"
"Too many to count." You answered honestly, staring at Rick who nodded.
"How many people have you killed?" He asked and you froze. Wait, maybe he did recognise you... No, he seemed way to calm and relaxed, he had no idea who you were, but how were you meant to answer that question?
"A lot."
"Why?" He asked, but he sounded more curious than anything as you stared at him before glancing over at Daryl who shook his head ever so slightly and you knew what he was trying to silently tell you. He didn't want you to tell Rick who you were, which meant he probably knew that Rick used to be a cop.
"They were all bad people, they deserved it." You answered, which wasn't a lie. Every person you had killed both before and after the world went to shit were bad people, you'd never kill an innocent person.
Rick stared at you for a few seconds and you thought that he might have finally figured it out, but to your relief he just nodded and then told you about their plan to go to a safe haven called Terminus and despite every bone in your body telling you to leave and go off on your own, you stayed.
Rick was a cop, you were a criminal, an assassin, a murderer in his eyes and you were getting too attached to Daryl, you didn't want to get attached to anyone, it's easier being alone. You've been alone for most of your life, it was all you knew. But, for some reason you just couldn't walk away from Daryl again, he had offered for you to join his group all those months ago when you first met him and then he asked you to stay a few days ago in that cabin with Beth and you refused, but now you just couldn't say no, not anymore.
You and Daryl stayed up on watched for the first part of the night while Rick, Michonne and Carl slept in the car. Daryl told you about what happened with Beth, how she was taken in some black car and was just gone and how he ended up with the biker wannabes. He told you a bit about Rick, Michonne and Carl and said that they were good people, that you could trust them.
"Rick used to be a cop though, he's a good man, but I wouldn't bring up your past with him. Don't know how he'd react." Daryl whispered, glancing over at the car where the three of them were sleeping while the two of you lent against a couple trees nearby to keep watch.
"I know. I've come across Deputy Grimes before the world went to hell. He tried arresting me, threatened to shoot me. But, he doesn't recognise me now." You replied quietly causing Daryl's head to snap around in your direction in shock and you shrugged your shoulders. "It's a long story, but if he asks about my past or anything, I won't lie to him. I don't like lying to people."
Daryl didn't say anything for a while as the two of you stood against the trees, your eyes scanning the road around the car for any signs of movements. You were getting the sense that Daryl was a quiet person by nature, that he wasn't much of a talker and you liked that about him. Not many people could appreciate silence, but Daryl didn't seem to mind as he chewed the tip of his thumb nail.
"Ya said earlier that ya had a book of names, a hit-list. Ya still got the book?" He asked curiously and you chuckled at how random that was, but nodded as you unzipped your camouflage jacket slightly and pulled out the small leather covered book you had in your inner jacket pocket.
"The names written in capitals was what my father wrote, the others I added in over the years, but never got around to finishing the list before the dead started to rise." You explained handing him the small book as he took it curiously and opened it.
You watched as he stared at all the crossed out names in shock, clearly not expecting there to be so many names, but he didn't seem to judge you for it as his eyes scanned the pages until he froze staring at one name in particular.
You couldn't quite see what name he was looking at since there were lots on the page he was currently stuck on, but he clearly recognised a name. Shit, did you kill someone he knew? You weren't going to apologise for killing whoever it was because they were all bad men and deserved nothing less, but the thought of killing someone Daryl knew, the thought of Daryl suddenly hating you... Shit, you really were falling for this archer.
"How'd ya get this name?" Daryl questioned seriously, his body going stiff as he pointed to one of the names on the page and you lent over to him to see what name he was talking about and you nearly sighed with relief realising it was a name that you hadn't crossed out yet.
"Will Dixon?" You asked, looking away from the book at Daryl who just nodded with an unreadable expression as you thought back to the day you wrote his name down. "It was a few months before all this started. Some guy named Jesse Dixon tracked me down, said he needed me to take out his out his brother, Will. Apparently Will was an alcoholic who used to beat his wife and his kids back in the day-" You began to explain before Daryl cut you off.
"Ain't no 'apparently' 'bout it." Daryl muttered causing you to look over at him in confusion and he sighed meeting your eyes. "Will Dixon was my father, piece of shit died from a walker during the start of all of this."
"I'm sorry." You replied, not really knowing what else to say as you tried to process the fact that Daryl's asshole of a father was on your list and you didn't even kill him.
"I ain't, he deserved it."
"I'm not sorry that he's dead. I'm sorry that I couldn't make it happen earlier." You responded and you noticed the corners of Daryl's lips twitch up in a slight smile at what you just said. "Wow, it's a small world."
"Mmm." Daryl hummed in agreement as he handed the book to you and you tucked it back in your jacket pocket while you sat together in comfortable silence keeping watch.
A/N- Link in bio for Masterlist, i will reblog with my Daryl Dixon tag list, if you want to be added to the list, just comment below. 
Finally another chapter up! It’s currently 3:30am here in Australia and I’m trying to stay up as late as possible because i start night shift tomorrow night and need to get my body adjusted for it, so i hope you all enjoy this early chapter. 
Anyway, I would love to hear your thoughts about this fic in the comments below, but until next time stay safe everyone and have a great day xx
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