#bruh I just stared at a screen for 10 hours
Adhd bullshit #1
Did I just, ya know, bullshit my way through a 1,000 word essay? Yes. Did I just complete a months worth of school work in two days because the deadline is in three days? Yes. Am I about to keel over and die? Probably. Goodnight my eyes are burning
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thadelightfulone · 3 years
All I Want... 25 Days of Christmas Challenge, Day 2
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November 15-19th, Part 2
Erik Stevens’ office phone rang incessantly, even after he told his assistant to hold all calls. When it finally quieted down, he stood up to stretch the stiff muscles of his neck, shoulders and arms. He moved in front of the floor to ceiling window that makes up the back wall of his office. Taking a few deep breaths, he rubbed his temples when the cell phone in his jacket pocket started to ring.  
“T. Can I breathe? We have been working on this project all morning.” Silence greeted him on the other end. “Hello?”
“My bad. I figured you would be at lunch right about now. It’s after 3 over here.” The voice spoke. 
Erik looked at the contact on his phone and started laughing, “Damn man, I’m sorry. My cousins and I have been working on this project and -- let’s just say I am ready for a vacation.”
“It’s ok. I get it man. I have about 4 students preparing to defend their dissertations next month. I am nowhere near ready.” 
“That’s right, Dr. Oubre, preparing our future doctors of science and research. So, what’s up?” 
“Well, I just spoke with Dr. Giacomo and she said someone came around asking about you.”
“Really for what?”
“Yeah, I guess they came across one of your papers and decided to find you.” 
Erik rolled his eyes, “So, why would they go to her and not just reach out to me directly?”
“Look, I don’t know. I am just letting you know what was relayed to me, but I wanted to reach out to you before I gave out your information.”
“Bruh, give them my email and get off my phone.” Erik laughed at how silly Marquis was being. 
“Aye, you can never be too sure. I’m just looking out for you.” Marquis whispered into the phone.
Erik walked over to his desk and leaned against the edge, “Quis, man what is really going on?”
“I don’t want to send you another stalker.” Marquis sighed before laughing.
“HA, man. No one could have seen that shit coming.” Erik began to laugh as well. “I definitely lucked out when she graduated before us. Who knows how bad that could have gotten?”
“True, true.” Marquis cleared his throat, “By the way, Serena asked about you. She wants to know when you are bringing yo black ass back to Louisiana? You know to see us, your friends and extended family?”
“What else? I know she didn’t stop there.” Erik retorted. 
“Oh, the usual. Has he found anyone yet? When is he gonna settle down? Yada, yada, yada.” Marquis shot back. 
“Of course, she did.” Erik sighed out. “I definitely want to take some time off, so I can come and see you both, including my nieces and nephew. I just don’t know when that will be.” 
“Alright man, I understand. Look, I just wanted to give you a heads up about the contact. But I gotta run to class now.” Marquis rushed out.
“Yeah, I’ll hit you up later this week.” Erik said before hanging up. 
Setting his phone down on his desk, he closed his eyes. Arms crossed over his chest, he relaxed into the moment. Alternating between short and long breathes, he felt himself calming down from the morning and the call from his best friend and brother. 
They met in undergrad and were as thick as thieves instantly. You never saw one without the other anywhere on campus. And then, while they were in grad school Marquis met Serena, who would later become his wife. 
Laughing to himself, Erik recalled being jealous of what they had and continued to build together. It reminded him of his parents’ relationship and the love they had for one another. He rolled his eyes as his mind started to wander. Serena wasn’t the only one asking those kinds of questions lately.
Shaking those thoughts from his head, he decided to focus on the reason for Marquis’ call. Someone from Southern University was looking for him, that’s very interesting. He hadn’t thought of his alma mater much since returning home to Oakland, about 10 years ago. Outside of Marquis and his family, who he kept in touch with; he never needed to think about it. He had written plenty of papers due to his current research and his studies while he was working on his doctorate, so it does make sense. Well, whoever it is will be reaching out to him soon enough. 
It’s been three days since DeeDee learned that her mystery man was connected to a current faculty member on campus. She walked to his office and knocked on the open door. 
“Hey Dr. O.” DeeDee said to get his attention.
“Come in, DeeDee.” 
DeeDee walked into Dr. Marquis Oubre’s office and took a seat in front of his desk. She pulled out her notebook and set it down on her lap.
“So, how are things going?” Dr. Oubre asked as he walked over to the chair next to her. 
“They are going, but it could be better.” DeeDee answered as she fiddled with her fingers.
Marquis sat down and crossed his leg at the knee. “What’s bothering you, DeeDee?”
“I’m nervous about how all the interviews went. I mean they were all in September and October, and I have not heard anything.”
“What did I tell you when you left for the first one in San Diego?”
DeeDee sighed and rolled her eyes, “I will know if they are a great fit for me and not the other way around.”
“That’s right. Besides, you visited about 6 schools over a 2 month period. Those are on-campus interviews and that number is unheard of DeeDee.” Dr. Oubre looked at her, “I didn’t even get that many.”
“Really?” DeeDee looked at him in disbelief. 
Dr. Oubre discussed his entire experience of applying for a tenure-track position. DeeDee listened as much as she could manage, but in the back of her mind, all she could think about is the fact that her doctoral mentor knew her mystery man. She wanted to blurt it out when she first walked in, but it didn’t seem like the right thing to do. But now, she is reminded that the man can talk and couldn’t wait any longer. 
“Dr. O?” DeeDee interrupted his current train of thought.
“Can I ask you about a former student?” She picked up the notebook, pulling out a printed out black and white newspaper clipping. DeeDee handed it to him.
He took it from her, looked at the image and laughed. “It’s you?” 
DeeDee looked at him in confusion. 
“You know people talk around here and I am friends with a lot of folks in Computer Science. Dr. Giacomo told me that someone was looking for Erik. I guess I just wasn’t thinking it would be you.” He continued to laugh. 
“Oh. Of course, she would.” DeeDee huffed out as she scooted further back into the chair.
“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to laugh.” He reached for her notebook, “May I?” 
DeeDee handed him the notebook. Dr. Oubre pulled the ink pen from his dress shirt and wrote on the first blank page he found. He handed it back to her. 
“That’s his email. He said that he is fine with you asking him anything.” 
“Wait. What? He is expecting to hear from me?” DeeDee fumbled with the notebook when Dr. Oubre handed it over.
“Yes, he was surprised that you didn’t just search for him using the information on the article.”
DeeDee silently chastised herself, remembering what she told the other professor the other day. “About that, I didn’t even think of it. I saw Southern University and that was all she wrote.” She nervously laughs. 
“No problem. I’m sure he’ll be able to answer whatever questions you have.” Dr. Oubre stood up. “So, how’s your unnecessary prepwork going?” 
“It’s not unnecessary. I just want to be prepared, Dr. O.”
“DeeDee, you have been studying this stuff for the last 4 years. You know it and your 150 page dissertation shows that.” He moved around behind his desk, “They are only going to ask you about what is in there and what work you want to do with the information from this study.” 
“I understand that, but --” 
“Look, you have nothing to worry about. It is more a presentation then an actual defense. And I wouldn’t stress about the lack of response from those other universities about your interviews because I know you have applied to others. You got this.” 
DeeDee took a deep breath before responding, “You are right, Dr. O. I have applied to about 5 other places, but those were all in my top 2 tiers.”
“And about your upcoming defense?” 
“Right again. I know it like the back of my hand. So, I will try not to stress about it anymore.” DeeDee stood up and grabbed her things.
“Glad to hear it. Oh, by the way, you do know Dr. Bell is retiring at the end of the year?” 
“Yeah, they told all of us last week. Sounds like the annual department Christmas party will be her retirement party.” 
Dr. Oubre handed her a small flyer, “That’s right. Here’s your invitation. Hope to see you there.”
DeeDee looked down at it, “I’m there with bells on.” She laughed at her little joke.
“Nope, you gotta go.” He pointed at the door, while trying not to laugh. “I don’t think we need to meet next week, unless something comes up and you want to talk.”
“I agree.” DeeDee stopped at the door and held up the notebook, “And thanks again for this, Dr. O.” 
“You’re welcome, DeeDee.” He sat down and watched as DeeDee left his office. 
Sitting at her home office desk, DeeDee stared at the blank message box on her computer screen. The only thing typed out was Erik’s email address. She picked up her glass of water and took a sip. 
She spent the last hour looking up information on him. Found out that he’s back in Oakland and not even active in the science field anymore. He was the Director for one of the Wakanda Outreach Centers. It was fascinating what she read and found out about the work he was currently doing. 
And just like that, she was afraid to move forward. It should be simple. Send him an email about finding the little note in an old textbook. The end. He could do whatever he wanted with the information. But DeeDee’s mind was playing out possible scenarios like stuff she had seen in her favorite sappy romantic movies. And while the thought excited her, it also freaked her out at the same time. 
Things like that did not happen to women like her. Sure, she was kind of pretty and low maintenance, but most guys did not find her interesting enough to have a relationship with. And because of that she just didn’t try to pursue them, which is much different than what her friends believed about her. There was no message in a bottle type romance or love for her. So, why even bother?
She closed the email and decided to let the matter go. At least, she found out who wrote the note. Curiosity piqued and answered. Now, time to focus on her future and career.
Taglist: @teakturn @ghostfacekill-monger @shaekingshitup @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @woahitslucyylu @ladymac82 @bugngiz @eyeknowmywrites @ajspencer1892 @blackpinup22 @sarcastic-sunshines​
Let me know if you want to be added to the list.
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a-cai-jpg · 4 years
“what do you think is the biggest issue plaguing our society?”
hm. capitalism? or this idea that life is a zero-sum game? or the blatant disregard for human life that isn’t our own? or the prioritization of our wants over other people’s needs?
The New Jim Crow - Michelle Alexander Fatal Invention - Dorothy Roberts The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks - Rebecca Skloot The Case for Reparations - Ta-Nehisi Coates (and bruh, if you're too lazy to read a book, check out the nice Instagram graphics)
Today, I heard a song that I used to listen to a lot when I drove to and from work. In the past three months, memories of work have muddled and swelled and distorted until they become small snippets in my dreams that have increasingly made less sense as quarantine drags on. The frequency at which I speak of my students and teammates at the dinner table have decreased, even more so in the past week as the program ended and we are no longer obligated to get up around 9 in the morning and sit in a half hour to one hour call with each other.
Parts of me miss it. Although I like being able to lounge in bed until the sun is begging me to throw my covers off and wash my face, I am somewhat wistful for the structure that those days had offered me.
But the thing that gets me the most--the thing that makes me suddenly interrupt the comfortable silence in the ktichen with a sigh or the thing that makes me accidentally press the brakes a little too hard when I'm driving--is the fact that my work e-mail is now terminated. I now have no access to the lesson plans I've created for my students, the student profiles that I still sometimes think of when I'm alone and want to add to, the OneDrive that my laptop screen has been so accustomed to hosting. With a "Log-in Denied" screen, the disconnect between my students and I had become permanent.
Someone recently asked if I was going to write about my experience, and although in the beginning (like really beginning, like August 2019 beginning) I had planned on doing it, as time wore on, I realized how measly my written account would compare to the actual experience.
See, what made the experience worth it was the smallest, most trivial interactions with my students and my teammates. It was the delirious mornings before 7:15 AM, the semi-hysterical 10 minutes before 3:00 PM, the weariness of 4:30 PM when a student is still chatting and not leaving the classroom, and the restlessness of a Friday afternoon. It was when a student wandered into our classroom during class (uh oh) or right before the end of lunch just to update us about something or when a student showed up for our after school program and all of us cheer and the student takes an even longer detour to walk over to our table because they were lowkey embarrassed. Fuck, it's when a student fell off his chair laughing but the process of falling took over a minute so I didn't notice until he was physically on the floor, when another student and I hid in the back of the classroom to play Super Smash Bros and I was so stressed because I swore the substitute teacher knew we weren't doing schoolwork, when a student kept saying these two words that I didn't get and after asking him to repeat it so many times he was going "MISS STOP PLAYING" I realized he was saying "cookie jar," when a student tried to play Battleship against me but underestimated by psychic powers, when a student finally understood mRNA transcription and protein translation and gained confidence in himself and in biology as the year goes on, when a student was causing a ruckus but then we waved hi and he beamed at us and came up to greet us like we have made his day, when a student tried to tell me I have a chance in marrying Jackson Wang because we're about the same age, when a student screamed "Congratulations miss" across the classroom because he thought it would be appropriate for the beginning of English class, when a student conspired very obviously with my teammates to play "Happy Birthday" for me on my birthday, when a student found a two-person game to play with me even though I suck at computer games because he wanted to include me in whatever he was doing with his friends--see.
I can list all these memories, but what they actually mean wouldn't make sense to anyone but me and my teammates.
And there are other things that I can't really describe in a sentence. Like the contours of a connection with a student, how it starts off from hello's and compliments to their hair, and then becomes conversations about racism and sexism.
Sometimes I ask myself, Annette, you spent a year supposedly serving to alleviate inequity in schools. Why are you not talking more about whatever the clusterfuck is happening right now? The racism, the discrimination, the white supremacy clusterfuck that's apparently ripping apart families (to which I applaud).
In the beginning, I talked about systems and inequity a lot. I remember a friend and I literally sat in a Jollibee's all the way in West Covina, debating angrily and passionately about racism until the sun set. I would have lengthy text message conversations about it, sit in cars and talk and feel angry but also like I was doing something.
But fuck, as the school year went on, I just got more and more angry.
Fuck talking about it, I would think as I drove home near tears. Fuck talking about it if no one is going to do anything.
I suddenly hated talking about systemic inequity. It was just such a jarring feeling, sitting in a classroom discussing inequity and not fucking being able to do anything about it. I was so pissed that superintendents, policymakers, all these people with important titles would talk and talk and talk and fuck all would happen in the schools. I felt like a fucking hypocrite, talking to the students about systemic inequity and then not being able to do anything about a racist teacher or a punitive administrator. It was like fighting a damned uphill battle with just your 8-person team when it was promised that everyone else--schools, programs, fucking lawmakers--was fighting the same damned battle with you.
I was pissed that money and programs flood the schools, but fuck all is happening in the community or all the money is being used in the wrong places and there's inequity in literally whatever the fuck we were doing as we march into schools declaring that we're alleviating inequity.
And honestly, I'm still fucking pissed.
I ride a thin line between being an elitist about systemic inequities and having a holier-than-thou attitude and being fucking pessimistic about the world. It was sitting in that classroom, that I finally felt, for the first fucking time, utterly hopeless.
And it was a weird feeling, because I didn't really know how to talk to other people about it, because the fuck do I know about systemic inequity, living in my sheltered ethnic enclave, cruising through innocuous YouTube videos about sewing or some shit?
See, the thing I can't fucking stand about people who talk big ideals and policies and shit is that human beings become a statistic. They become a damned number or a martyr or a beneficiary.
Don't get me wrong--I'm a numbers, data-oriented person, and being able to have statistics to back up my claims about racism makes me feel safe. BUT why the fuck does a person have to become a damned statistic before they matter?
(yes i know there's a cause and effect that happens, but that's not right. no one should have to fucking die for people to realize damn, yeah this shit's messed up.)
I remember in sophomore year, I attended a race seminar, and was called in to chat with the two seminar leaders a little while after the seminar ended. After a while, I just kind of fell silent and stared at the table for a while, and one of them asked, "Annette, what are you thinking?"
And I said it fucking pissed me off that people die and become a statistic and then suddenly so-called change happens and people start caring but what about that person who died? And maybe it was the first time that I fully recognized the value of a human life and the potential of a human life, and that was why I was so distraught. Because I had been seeing Black men killed by police as a damned statistic, but during that week when all we did was talk about race and protests and riots and Ferguson, all I could think about was what if Michael Brown hadn't died, what he could have done and what color he would have had in his life.
This is such an elementary and rudimentary point to make, but fuck, people don't get it. A human life matters.
A human life matters.
So what if there is a criminal record? So what if he isn't a college graduate? So what if she is a sex worker? So what if they were intoxicated and in a stolen car? Fuck you, none of that constitutes a fucking death sentence, and who the fuck are you to indict them anyways?
(wow this took an unexpected turn.)
I think it's important to talk about systems. To recognize the political implication of the BLM movement, to understand the historical and political context of racism. You can't fight systemic racism without that understanding. But all of it has to be rooted in viewing each person as a full human with full dignity. There cannot be White saviors in politics, fucking old, White men who are honestly both sexist and racist being hailed as heroes because they're fighting for minority rights like no calm the fuck down that's literally what they're supposed to do.
Like yes applaud them but fuck, applaud the minority women in Congress who are doing so much fucking more.
I think everyone needs to have that kind of reckoning, where they sit and fucking realize that damn yeah, Black people or poor people or trans people or gay people or fucking women are like.
With potential and dignity and life and are wholly deserving of potential and dignity and life.
And to have that cut short by something that was a product of the very fucking system created to strip away potential, dignity, and life is unjust and not something that should be ignored.
And once you have that kind of reckoning, you can move on to understanding the system and how American history was literally shaped by racist, White men with the overarching goal of creating a society where they would always be in power.
And maybe the two learning processes have to happen in conjunction. It probably should happen in conjunction. But regardless of how it happens, nobody should just sit back and say "Yeah, I'm a good person, it sucks that so and so was killed or arrested," because that does fuck all.
If you can't do anything about it, at least feel fucking pissed about it, so pissed that if one day someone said something dumb as fuck, you will have the courage to tell them they are fucking dumb as fuck.
(ok maybe don't put it that way, but honestly, if you're righteously angry, who can determine how you are to show your anger?)
We Were Eight Years in Power - Ta-Nehisi Coates The Health Gap - Michael Marmot The Color of Law - Richard Rothstein
(books to be read by me)
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lost-incident-kid · 4 years
Happy Birthday Miyu Sugisaki (for tommorow) might do some art for her idk
Edit: ah heck! Ive had this queued for months, but i forgot to actually do the art haha, i’ll get something done overnight so it might be rushed and look like trash, it might look reasonably ok. Who knows at this point. I dont trust the sleepy version of myself to create anything good but hey, theyv created some stuff that wasn’t horrifying before :/
Ok, starting here i legit just start live-blogging myself staying up alnight drawing. Ignore me. I didnt know where else to say it. I’ll delete it later.
Edit 2: this isnt gonna be done. Like frick, i just spent 6 hours on miyu’s fricking hairstyle, thats all done and even shaded and looking fabulous but ive only got a rough lineart for litterally everything else. This might not be done, but if it is then her hair is gonna be a fuckign masterpiece (i hope). Im writing this edit at 1:42am, and im gonna go to bed somewhere between 4 and 5, lets go! Hell yeah! I might do this! Perhaps! Im gonna try! 3-4 sprint time! Yeah!
Edit 3: frick, im failing to do this, miserably. Its 3:03am and i got distracted playing mobile games and didn’t get anything done. My existence is futile, existentially im a waste and I should not exist. The atoms within me deserve to be part of something better. Sorry. I’m a f*ck up and unless I get my sh*t together in the next like 5 mins (unlikely) then this aint gonna be finished.
Edit 4: ok, meltdown like 20% over. Its 3:52am, I think the issue then was the face. Faces r hard bruh, they suck do draw. They a festive lil ho ho ho. I was drawing everything too high up on the face cuz my dumb *ss forgot to draw the line thingys on the face or even look at a reference image for proportions. Ive done it now amd life is now a bit more on track. Might get this done if I continue work in the morning.
Edit 4.5: nothin much (hence the .5), its 4:14am, just downed 4 cups o tea for caffeine and sugar (all the coffee we got is decaf lol). I’m gonna get this sh*t done! Ive litterally only coloured down to the face, neck and the hair but still.... I’m gonna get it done anyway! I dont care about going to bed between 4-5 anymore! I’m getting this done!
Edit 5: its less than ten mins later (4:22am) and im taking a quick 20m break to watch youtube while I wait for the caffeine to kick in because im too braindead to continue right now. Like what art style am i even trying? Idk... its really fricking complex tho. Lowkey pretty tho, like if i finish this im gonna be so proud of it like it looks great. But its taking forever and im need break.
Edit 6: ok we back. Its 4:41am, caffeine has not really kicked in but i cant permit myself any more time anyway. Back to drawning.
Edit 7: holy frick, new episode of the vrains dub came out. Man... im leaving vrains fanart to watch the vrains dub. Am I obsessed? Is this hyperfixation? Probably? Either way, its 4:50am and im going to go watch the new episode. I’ll come back to this when im done.
Edit 8: HOLY FRICK GUYS! THE DRAWING APP IM USING KEEPS CRASHING AND SAYS ITS STILL THERE BUT WONT LET ME CONTINUE AND KICKING ME OFF THE APP?!?! ITS 5:06AM AND THE PANIC ATTAC IS BACC! The new episode of the dub isnt completely out yet, im watching that version on yt where its just smol clips of it. Not all the clips r up yet. I was just going on it while waiting for the next clips to go up and thats when the app did the thing and life got 280% sucky-er.
Edit: 8.5 wahoot it stopped kicking me off the app and it let me continue. Its 5:12am and we are FINALLY continuing.
Edit 9: its 5:36 Im tired sleep time I’ll finis thos in the morning goodbye yall have a greatt day
Edit 10: ok, so im a failure. We live in the timeline that god abandoned. I cannot sleep. I shall get more cups of tea, watch yt until the caffeine actually kicks in, and then continue. Its 6:03 right now, I shall be back. Perhaps half an hour?
Edit 10.5: its 6:11am. Not much has happened, just a slight change of plans. Ik its irrelevant but im liveblogging so i gotta say, my eye hurts so im gonna stop looking at screens. Perhaps gonna try to sleep again, if not then i’ll put read a book, redo my makeup (it smudgey) or straight up just listen to music and stare into the void. Litterally anything other than look at my laptop/phone. Peace out homies, i’ll be back at some point before 7 probably (unless i do go to sleep).
Edit 11: Its 6:41am, my eye hurts. Ive been staring into the darkness and listening to various fallout boy songs. Now i feel edgy. Its been half an hour, so im gonna continue drawing. Caffeine and sugar has worn off again so im tired and unmotivated but yno what, it is what it is. Aint life nifty, i gotta get this done.
Edit 12: 6:52 everything burns im in pain my eye is on frickign fire and it looks bloodshot but now also weird azz headache that i never got one like this before so im gonna turn off all lights cuz that seems to make it marginally better am i dying probably idk either way im not gonna continue for multiple hours it is stare into the void time and stare into the void time alone ok this should be the last update
Edit 13: It is 3:16pm, didn’t continue liveblogging cuz i got one heck of a migrane. Im back and well... Happy birthday Miyu for today! I’m still gonna try to get this god forsaken art done, but holy shit what is that art style i did. Its genuinely nothing like anything ive done before, I don’t remember doing any of the colouring but apparently I did and it looks better than anything ive done before and idk if non-fricked up me can replicate it. I’m starting to wonder if i got bored and just copied it or something, like idk how i did it. Look at it
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The grey is the lineart I remember doing but man tHE FRICKIGN HAIR like i couldnt have created that, could I? I can see why it was taking so long yesterday like holy shit man that stuff takes time yno
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hiitsmeamir · 4 years
Titans bruh
Man, this show is fucking garbage dude
First of all, like none of the jokes land. At all ever the show and its ridiculous stupidity is more funny than anything that any of the characters say. Like Hank is the funniest one but none of the characters can bounce off of his humor
The fight between Nightwing and Deathstroke is horrible, like an Iron Fist season 1 level of bad. So.Many.Cuts. Also why did NO ONE help Dick fight Deathstroke. Like hes fighting Dick hand to hand and he's clearly out of bullets because he never busts out another gun. Jump his ass. Even if Kory has to stay in the car thats 3 other people 1 of whom can eviscerate him from at least 30 feet away with her magic
This fight should have really shown why Deathstroke is so feared and such a badass it should have taken everything from all of them to defeat him. But they just beat him REALLY fucking easily. Its not consistent.
I know its comic accurate but Roses mask gotta go. Rest of the costume is fine
And I thought the lesson of the season narratively was going to be that they can't fight Deathstroke alone. Like the first go around Donna fought him alone and lost, as did Dick. Second time around Jason tries to do it and loses and Dick goes rogue and is barely saved by Kory. The lesson is that they are a family and stronger together but we're never actually SHOWN that. No Rose and Dick beat him while everyone else sits in the car and Deathstroke goes out like a bitch. His defeat should have been way more impactful.
Ok I know I complain about heroes killing on this show but if Mercy really wanted to sell the super soldier thing why DIDNT she have Gar kill people? IIRC they only said people were injured.
#Justiceforgar hes like the least shitty person out here and all he does is try to help whenever someone is in trouble hes the FIRST one saying that they should go help. They reward him by blaming him for Jason and Rachel(whos supposedly his best friend) and Kory want to help him AFTER they find Dick who didnt want help at the time. He also gets like 0 screen time or development in comparison to a lot of other characters even tho he's supposed to be a main character
Dawn saying "you're themyscarian" to Donna so she could connect with Connor when Kory a LITERAL other alien who speaks the language is standing 1 foot away from her is peak inanity.
How the fuck did Gar cause that much destruction? Cars are flipped over??? How??? By a tiger. It would make more sense if he used more forms but hes only been a tiger or a snake
Also why did the crowd clap for them? Connor punched out the tiger that was hurting civilians like 10 minutes ago?? So the danger was over besides his and Donnas slap fight. Like he punched out the tiger and then they all stood around staring at each other for 5 minutes while Dick was in his mind and then the people come out clapping??? Like absolutely nothing happened from their perspective. Like they should have been clapped already
Connor shooting the mirror when Dawn holds it up, Characters with optic blast powers like heat vision unless something is restraining their head. Like how did you miss? All you have to do is LOOK at the target
Donnas death is just a big ol monkaS like did the actress want off the show last minute? Because thats how random this felt she should have went out like a warrior it should have meant something like it was just so anticlimactic and she just falls over after. They wrote her terribly and her death meant nothing. Also now that im thinking on it she should have had a hand in Deathstrokes defeat considering he killed Garth but that would have been to narratively satisfying.
"I'm finally done running from my past." Oh really Dick? It only took 2 full fucking seasons of you struggling with the same fucking shit every.single.episode. This show aint titans, its the Dick Grayson variety hour. Dicks arc should have finished at the end of season 1/early season 2 because even THEN it was going on too long.
"Im going to Themyscara to help Donna?? Fucking why???????? Yall aint like each other at all if it were Kory or Dick or Gar then yeah but Donna, Rachel? Lmaoooooook
Nobody even mentioning Jason(Especially Bruce) is just what Ive come to expect from this show. I had better not EVER hear about Red hood being on this show, they have fucked his character so fucking bad I actually cannot.
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Dancing Shoes and Silver Strings: Chapter 3
((Yup...here I am finally. It’s been like two or three weeks, huh? That’s unacceptable. Sorry everyone! By the way, the fucking comeback is legit as all hell, you guys!! My edges. They gone, bruh!)) 
Pairing: SoonyoungxChubby-Black!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2,328
Summary: Inconsiderate Jihoon works his magic, but will cut a bitch if you waste the effort. Soonyoung is too enamored with you to feel threatened or worried. 
“Stop fidgeting, Soongyoung.”
“I can’t help it. I’m nervous.”
“Stop looking around like that.”
“I can’t help it! I’m nervous!”
“At least try to control yourself,” Jihoon hisses, staring Soonyoung down with his piercing gaze, “If you’re trying to avoid coming off as a creep, you’re not helping your case.”
Soonyoung pouts, but purposely tries to do as told, resisting the very strong temptation to turn around every time the little bell over the door chimes. Considering it’s mid-afternoon and they’re sitting in the university coffee shop, he’s bound to get some kind of neck injury if he doesn’t relax.
Following the shameless groveling he did in the cafeteria, three days passed before Jihoon texted Soonyoung with the news that you had agreed to meet with him the following day to assist with a new song.
“We’re going to meet for coffee,” he had said, Soonyoung on the verge of shouting from the spike of excitement that pierced his chest, “Make sure you’re there by 1 PM or I’m never doing anything like this for you again.”
Soonyoung got there at 12 PM, Jihoon face-palming when Soonyoung told him as he arrived 10 minutes to 1:00.
Now they’re just waiting for you, Soonyoung more and more unsettled as 1:00 turned to 1:05…1:06…1:07. “She’s going to be here, Soonyoung, stop frowning so much, “Jihoon says, sipping at his coffee, “She texted me. She’s just running a little late.”
“Okay…Okay…” Soonyoung nods like a bobble head, holding his drink too tightly and sitting too rigidly, “…Ack! We didn’t get her a drink! Should we get a drink for her? I’m going to get her a drink. Wait! Do you know what she likes? Can you ask her?”
“No time now,” Jihoon muses just as the bell chimes again, “She just came in.”
“Hey! Sorry, sorry! Sorry I’m late!”
Soonyoung’s whole body racks with shivers, a pretty red blooming on his cheeks and up to his ears. You rush over to their table, breathless and trailing a citrusy-coconut smell that makes him dizzy.
“My last class went over because one of the students decided to have a debate with the professor. It was fun!” you explain, beaming at Jihoon as you take the seat next to him.
He chuckles and waves it off, “It’s fine, Y/N-ah. I appreciate you coming, though. I know you’re busy practicing for the showcase.”
“I’m getting so nervous, it’s sickening, but I’m also really excited!” you reply, the both of you sharing a smile.
Soonyoung is stunned, beyond happy to be this close, to see you so clearly after admiring you from afar since the beginning of the year. He doesn’t even care that he hasn’t been acknowledged yet, but when you turn your pretty brown eyes on him, a thrill dances up and down his spine. You look surprised at first- eyes doe-wide and lips in a perfect circle- but then everything melts into warm kindness with a hint of mischief in the quirk of your lips.
“Hello,” you greet with a small bow, “I’m L/N F/N.”
All Soonyoung can do, aside from look like an idiot, is bow back and mumble incoherent gibberish, maintaining a goofy smile because wow, you are so pretty. Jihoon starts to regret agreeing to help with this- Soonyoung is managing to make a completely fool of himself in the two minutes that you’ve been sitting there- but he shakes it off and draws your attention back to him by clearing his throat.
“Sorry, Y/N-ah, I forgot to introduce you,” Jihoon says, gesturing to Soonyoung, “This is-”
“Kwon Soonyoung.” Jihoon pauses and Soonyoung’s mouth falls open as you absently tug on one of your curls, lips quirked up, “I know who he is. Everyone knows Kwon “Hoshi” Soonyoung!”
Soonyoung nearly asphyxiates on his own spit. You continue, oblivious to how the dancer tries to control his choking by gulping his drink, only to make matters worse by choking on that. “I didn’t know he was gonna be joining us today,” you say to Jihoon.
“It wasn’t planned,” he says, rolling his eyes as if Soonyoung had been a pain in his side for longer than Jihoon would like, “He likes to meddle in my business and wants to stay. Is that alright?”  
“I’m fine with it if you are,” you answer with a cute bob of your shoulders, sparing Soonyoung one more glance before devoting your attention to Jihoon, “So, what’s this new song that you need my help with?”
From here, Jihoon just goes through the motions. He pulls out a finished song and tells you that he’s thinking of adding string instruments to accompany the original piano piece. He asks for your opinion and you do your best to advise him, but you say more than once that the song is perfect as is and doesn’t need any kind of revising or additions, no matter what he thinks. You even mention that it seems odd he’s asking for your help with a completed song and Soonyoung- who’s been quietly watching you the entire time- inwardly panics that you’ll figure out it was all a pathetic ploy for him to meet you in person.
As smooth as ever though, Jihoon waves it off and says that he just wanted a second opinion before diving back in to talk about the piece. Thirty minutes later, Jihoon checks his watch and curses because ‘he’s going to be late to his study group’.
“I’m going ahead first, but before I go, let me buy you a drink. A ‘thank you’ for helping me,” he says to you.
You decline, “It’s alright, Jihoon-ah. I was happy to help, though I don’t think I did much of anything.”
“Don’t be dumb! You really helped me figure things out.”
“Doubt it, but okay.”
“I’m buying you a drink. Now what do you want?”
You sigh at his stubbornness, but relent and give him your order. He nods and makes towards the counter, but briefly stops next to Soonyoung and says, “Keep Y/N-ah company, Soonyoung. Talk to her. I’ll be back.”
Jihoon swiftly leaves, throwing you and Soonyoung into a sudden heavy awkwardness that crushes the poor boy under its weight. He hates the feeling and would usually start rambling to dispel it as quickly as possible, but he’s in this situation with you and that’s different. His eyes dart around at everything that isn’t your cute and beautiful face: the table, the chairs, his drink, the windows, the ceiling! He finds himself focusing on your hands fiddling with your phone, the nimble fingers probably worn a little rough from stroking and plucking at horse-hair strings. He wants to hold them, to caress and massage them.
Your hands set your phone to the side and fold themselves under your arms, breaking Soonyoung from his trance. He looks at you now, at the growing tension in your shoulders as you gaze outside. His heart drops and he feels like a dick because he let the silence engulf the both of you for too long and now you feel uncomfortable.
He breaks the silence with a quick, “I’m sorry!”
Your eyes snap to him, wide and caught off guard, “Um…huh? What?”
Soonyoung scratches the back of his neck, biting his lower lip, “I’m sorry…I’m making you uncomfortable, aren’t I?”
A moment passes and your shoulder relax, sun-shiny smile brightening your face, “No, it’s not really you. I think it’s just the situation itself. You know, meeting someone for the first time and that one mutual friend you have leaving you alone with them. How inconsiderate of Jihoon, right?!”
“The most inconsiderate.” Soonyoung relishes in your feathery-light laugh, the way you laugh with your whole body, your whole face. Your eyes crinkle and your nose scrunches up, your round cheeks beckoning a pinch.
He laughs with you. Comfortable. Easing into conversation at long last, “How are your rehearsals for the showcase going?”
“They’re going as planned,” you answer, absently tugging on a favored curl, “I try to practice as much as possible so that it becomes muscle memory, but the closer it gets to the day of the showcase, the more nervous I feel. My biggest fear is completely forgetting the piece come the day of.”
Soonyoung shakes his head, “Not gonna happen! You’re amazing. This is your thing. You’re gonna kill it at the showcase, I promise!”
Your smile turns shy and you duck your head under his praise, pulling the shiny curl around your finger between your lips. Being this close and tempted by their luscious fullness, Soonyoung wants to brush the curl away and slot his own lips there instead.
“Thanks. That’s sweet of you to say,” you reply.
“They don’t call me Candy Man for nothing.”
“Literally no one calls you that.”
“Yeah, it’s kind of disappointing. People should! I’m so sweet!”
Again, your body shakes and your eyes crinkle and your mouth falls open. “Soonyoung-sshi, you’re too much!” you giggle, settling back into your chair.
He follows after you by leaning forward with his arms crossed on top of the table, trying to maintain the same distance, “You don’t have to keep being formal, Y/N. We’re friends now!”
“I just met you an hour ago.”
“Doesn’t mean we’re not friends…right?”
A beat passes between you and Soonyoung worries that he freaked you out, moved a little too fast. But then you ease him with a little quirk of your lips by saying, “Yeah…I guess you’re right, Soonyoung-ah.”
Sun bursts warm his chest as relief washes over him, a quiet sigh passing his lips as he leans his chin on his folded arms. You continue to smile at him, the momentary silence settling over you far more comfortable now.
“Order for Soonyoung!”
His head pops up and he looks to the counter where the barista has set down a paper cup after popping on the lid. At the same time, his pocket vibrates and he fishes out his phone to see a text from Jihoon flashing across the screen.
“I ordered Y/N’s drink under your name and left. You better not waste all of this effort,” it read.
He stares at the message for longer than necessary, the barista calling his name again. You look between Soonyoung and the barista, understandably confused, “Did you order something?”
He shakes his head and jumps to his feet, “No, Jihoon did and put it under my name. It’s probably the drink he ordered for you. I’ll go get it.”
It takes him only a minute of weaving his way to the counter for the order, cradling the paper cup with the heavy plastic lid on top upon his return. You reach to take it, your fingers wrapping around the cup just centimeters above his. He can feel the heat so strongly despite the lack of an actual touch, the back of his neck sizzling pink. If he just shifts his fingers up the slightest bit…
“Thank you!” you say, stealing his chance away by retracting your hand, the cup in your hold, “I guess Jihoon left then? I don’t see him anymore. How inconsiderate of him to not say goodbye?!”
“The most inconsiderate! Inconsiderate Jihoon!”
Is this going to be an inside joke? Soonyoung can feel this turning into an inside joke between you and him. He loves it. Adores it, really. Craves for more. Jihoon will be everything but happy if he ever finds out that you look at him in this playfully negative light, but Soonyoung can’t bring himself to care. If it means that addictive smile of yours remains bright on your face, then he would do it a million times over without remorse.  
“Well, Soonyoung-ah, I’m going to get going now, too,” you say with a sigh, standing up with your bag on your shoulder and your drink in your hand, “I didn’t think I would finish so early with Jihoon, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, hehe. I now have enough time to run through my piece a little more before I call it a day.”
You step away from the table and prepare to bid him goodbye when he shoots up, “Wait!”
You pause, a bit startled and Soonyoung a lot embarrassed for shouting. “U-Uh…I’ll walk you,” he offers, hamster-like cheeks narrowing his eyes with his smile, “We’re both going back the same way anyway…unless you don’t want me to.”
He didn’t think about that, the possibility that he was the only one enjoying his time with you while you were ready to end any and all interaction after this. Now he feels dejected and prepares for you to laugh or scoff or roll your eyes at him. Or at the very least, throw out some excuse on why you don’t need him to walk with you.
He is ecstatically surprised when you shrug, “Alright, sounds good! I would like that!”
“…Are you sure? I don’t want to bother you.”
“Are you retracting your offer?”
“No! Of course not! I want to walk with you!”
“Alright then. Let’s go.”
Soonyoung nods quickly as you turn for the door, following behind you with so much excited energy he’s practically bouncing with each step. Maybe he looks too excited, his smile too wide and his eyes too small, but he doesn’t think about that. He chooses instead to focus on the fact that you let him walk you all the way back to your dorm and give you his number- to hang out sometime because that’s what friends do, right?
“Thanks for walking me, Soonyoung-ah. I’ll text you later. Bye!”
He watches you skip up the steps and disappear behind the glass door, leaving him encased in coconut citrus. He eventually makes himself move, aimlessly walking away from your dorm with no real destination of his own in mind, hands in his pockets, clutching his cell phone tightly and unconsciously waiting for the vibration of a text from a new number.  
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4
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1095 · 6 years
3 Tags and 33 Questions Because I Procrastinate And Everything Builds Up
Someone save me from myself please. 
[ First Tag- @purecerealkids​ ]
1. What’s your biggest passion? BTS to be honest, I have no shame.
2. What’s your first memory? Receiving a Grumpy Bear plush during one of my birthdays parties when I was young but I don’t know which one.
3. Who do you want to be like when you grow up and why? Kim Namjoon because I want to reach that level of spiritual content, I guess. He is very melancholic and philosophical as well as quiet and sensitive but he can also find enjoyment in a lot of simple things like watching the river flow. I wanna BE him.
4. If you could master another language to fluency, which language would it be and why? Korean because it seems so beautiful yet organized. I want to understand poetry without having to search for a translation and the structure of the Korean honorific system still amazes me. Also, K-pop.
5. What’s your favorite holiday and why? My birthday because it is my birthday.
6. What are your top three favorite albums right now? The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever (BTS), Blonde (Frank Ocean) and Apague la Luz y Escuche (Ricardo Arjona)
7. Describe your ideal future in four words. Animals? Happy. World? Unpolluted.
8. If you had to stare at something for five hours straight, what would it be and why? My phone screen as I use it.
9. What was the first website you ever used/visited in your life? Bruh... I don’t remember what I did two days ago.
10. What is something you cannot live without? The existance of animals.
11. Do you put the milk or the cereal in first? I put the spoon in the bowl first. 
[Second Tag - @peachangbin​]
1. Something that makes you proud of yourself? I’m going to graduate high school at the age of 16. 
2. Favorite Disney movie? Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin 
3. Favorite part of Stray Kids episode so far? OH MY YEAH SOLDIER CHALLENGER HELP ME JESUS CHRIST *aggresive dabbing*
4. Are you a bath or a shower person? I would be a bath person if my bathtub was big enough for it to be comfortable but even then I would prefer showers
5. How would you define yourself in 5 words? Look! Another messy human! Unoriginal!
6. Favorite holiday? My dog’s birthday because it is my dog’s birthday
7. Can you sing? Sure I can. Am I good? Hell no dawg
8. Any big fears? Never being accepted to college, never finding a job and dying as homeless.
9. Do you remember a lot of dreams? No, I don’t remember 78% of my life.
10. Last book you read? Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth
11. Something that makes you super happy? When people talk to me or interect with my posts especially my gfxs
[Third Tag - @so-changbin]
1. Who did you think would be your favorite Stray Kids member? Who is it now? I thought Felix would be my favorite Stray Kids members but Chan is really creeping up on me
2. Is there any other JYP artist you follow besides Stray Kids? DAY6 is the main other group. I fell out of the GOT7 stan world and TWICE was never a main but I still enjoy their music.
3. Would you rather be able to play any instrument or speak any language fluently? Speak any language fluently
4. Favorite foods? Jaeyuk Bokum mixed with white rice 
5. If you could only drink one other liquid besides water for the rest of your life, what is it? Apple juice
6. What would your theme song be? 13:41-13:56 of Run BTS! 2017 - EP.32
7. Who and what makes you happy? My idols, my mutuals, my computer and my dog make me happy.
8. Would you rather be an idol or an actor? Neither. I don’t think fame and money is worth the mental strain. 
9. What do you think your biases would do for a living if not music? (cannot be in the entertainment industry as a celebrity) Taemin would be a choreographer, Seokjin would be a charming CEO or a professor, Felix would probably be a Starbucks waiter because. Ren would be a daycare owner or a makeup artist, I don’t know. 
10. How are you doing? I’m numb yet crying yet alright with life.
11. What was your favorite dream you ever had? Daniel Kang and I studying together for my English exam and he was playing with my hair and smiling cutely because he knew that I was nervous. Agh, just thinking of it makes me happy.
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herdearlybeloved · 7 years
Aloha oe
Been up for three days straight with no sleep. Packing and shipping off stuff. I love flying, it makes me feel high every time I go up or down in a plane. I was on a 13 hr flight plan. Before I left, I treated Nancy and Steven out to Miller’s ale house, then the next day, we went to Taste Of Vietnam & Maggie Moo’s. They even dressed up the first time. Brother in law was in a suit and sister was in dress and heels. Mamma Brenda told me two angels will look over me while I fly out. Their names were Gabriel & Matihas. Steven played an owl city song with aloe blacc for me before I left. Mamma dropped me off at the airport and I adulted again for the first time. Flying alone, no one in my family has done that before, at the ones I know. I’m a rebel. Crazy and ambitious. I was getting more and more restless as the hours went by. I was so excited. Plans me and babe had set were finally in motion ! I just couldn’t wait to see him. Ps. he knows how to fuck me right, Thank God. First flight, I made friends with a guy going to Detroit. He helped me with stuff I was confused about. The ticket guy scan my ticket, looked at me & say Aloha ! Delta knows how to feed a nigga. Only thing was their two salads; gourmet, yes but it taste like ass. So going through TSA checkpoint was pretty fun. My groin showed green. So I got patted up and down and hands checked. All I could think was Zaaayummmm I got some bomb ass pussy !! ^_^ In Atlanta, I watched flights take off, something happened so airport fire truck & ambulance came out. The lady standing at the flight screen helped me and flagged me down that I was going the wrong way to my flight gate lmao Boarding the plane, shit was freezing like north pole cold, my feet were swollen the whole flight. I befriended a radiologist from Charlotte, she’s 48 yrs old & her name was Charrisa. ( funny how life goes , the girl leon wanted to marry had the same name.) She was pretty much my flight mama & we helped each other with whatever even after we got off. She even gave me her blanket so I could be covered from head to toe. She taught me how to play sudoku and I caught onto it in like 10 seconds. She was a stylish mamma with her teletubbies suitcase lol I tried to sleep on the flight but the kid behind me kept whaling in my ear, I was about to say come sit on my lap and let’s colour. My body shocked me every time I tried to sleep, I bashed my heel so hard onto the metal underneath my foot, it made me angry so I stopped trying to sleep. I watched movies, played games, me and flight mamma was being flight monitors constantly looking at our flight details. She played words with friends and cookie jam most of the time while I attempted to sleep and keep myself busy. I remember getting up and thinking to myself I need to get the hell off this plane, let me go jump out the exit after seeing we had 6 hours left lol We were on a 9 hr 7min flight after leaving ATL. The girl in front of me talked so much throughout the flight trying to educate the lady next to her about Hawaiians & etc. Despite me talking shit, she dropped her pen, didn’t realize it so I picked it up and gave it back to her. Me and flight mamma ears kept popping the whole flight, every time we looked at the flight time, we would roll our eyes and laugh. I talked to her about Leon, she told me her friend she was visiting is retired army as well. Being up in the clouds was so amazing, I know for sure I’m pursuing a pilot’s license. I asked flight mum why she barely open the window, she told me the couple behind us kept shutting it down, which I didn’t realize til later after we tried opening it up so many times lol Everyone wanted to be in darkness or something, heard it was about being able to see the screen. Me and flight mamma were one of the last people to go pee. She told me we have yet to go use the restroom, honestly I was waiting on her to want to go because I was too shy to get up in front of everyone by myself. We both lost our way to our seats and had to flag each other down. Delta kept asking us if we needed drinks. They also fed us pretty well, so many snacks. I couldn’t poop because I didn’t know if someone else needed to use the bathroom & one of the flight attendants made me uncomfortable. The last and one movie I actually watched was Kong Island. It was great ! I hope King Kong finds a partner tbh. The bingo game was flawed asf, the whole board filled up and it kept saying I didn’t have a valid bingo. Flying in was amazing, scenery was beautiful. We had to sign a form saying we won’t carry seeds and etc into Hawai'i. When asked my purpose for being here, I wrote this: My boo bear ^_^ I always find time to goof off lol Me and flight mamma lost each other trying to find the baggage claim but She found me and her friend lei her and I was standing at the wrong baggage claim until he came over and asked if I sky or regular. After they seen my luggage , they offered me this cart to carry my stuff, how kind. Boo Bear saw me , kissed me and lei me. Bruh. The love I was feeling made me so fucking high as tired as I was. Babe gives me these stares that makes me feel like I’m the luckiest girl In the world because he looks at me with such love and admiration. Babe house is freezing, he likes it cold, glad I brought my winter clothes ! LOL He made me feel so welcomed saying things in context like this is your new home, our home , we this and that etc. Made me feel like wow all the shit we talk and dream about and made plans for ACTUALLY happened. I wanted to fuck & blow baes brains out and ride him out into the sunset when I came but he layed me down and helped me sleep. We went to Wal-Mart and the prices are more than Florida but not as scary as I imagined. Mickey d’s here isn’t any different from what I see in Florida. We went to Tantalus. (Mountain side) It was beautiful, saw all of Honolulu. Narrow roads, every turn you were bound to crash into a tree or go off the road. But babe knows his way and he’s a racecar driver 💙 It started raining while I was taking pictures so babe gave me an umbrella and the thing turned upside down on me 😂😅 Gonna send my mommy postcards of me in Hawaiian dresses lol Everyone is happy for me and pretty supportive, They feel I deserve it and that this is a right move for me in my life. Funny, even the ones who forgot about me was happy for me. Some people on the other hand wanna act upset and shit. They try to hate on my relationship saying oh we only been together for a week yet they don’t know the history. I brush that shit off like sand on my shoes. I been getting bad batches of men left to right. Finding love in all the wrong places but now I have a good man by my side and he treats me right , treats me good, fucks me right, motivates me to be/do better. I don’t know how the hell I got so lucky and blessed. When I look at Leon sometimes, something about him ignities a wildfire inside of me and I just fall immensely for him. He makes me so happy to the point where I asked him if the devil sent him. God this is the best thing that EVER happened to me besides my birth. I been so high on life I honestly find it hard to focus on the negative. I find it bad because whenever I get snapped on, I have no emotions about it , Hell I might even laugh. But can you believe it… I’m in Hawai'i and my home is Waipahu !! It hasn’t hit me yet that I actually flew out for 13 hrs and I’m here with my honey pie like I don’t have to wait , I don’t have to talk through Snapchat or video chat, I have him in flesh with me , showering me with love and all. What more could I ask for. I always wanted two things in life besides being happy and successful which was to love and to be loved. Now it is happening. I feel like I won the lottery lord. Nancy and Taylor and a few more people called me crazy , they say what girl drops everything to go move and be with a guy. One who is crazy, got big ass cojones , in love and got faith that shit will work out , that’s who. Whatever happened in the past, It’s in the past & I put it behind me. Time to look up and forward. If you’re reading this, pray for me. Love and light mofos ! Mahalo.
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imaginethehaus · 7 years
Hey! Can you some Ransom x Nursey angst? Maybe about they want to do in the future? But it ends in fluff.
Holster sighed. He didn’t bother trying to do so quietly. If today was anything like the last three, Ransom was so engrossed in The Excel™  that he wasn’t even aware of Holster’s presence. Judging by the line of tension Holster could see running between Rans’ shoulders, he’d been staring at the damn thing since he’d gotten out of his 2 o’clock class.
“Rans, this is the fourth time I’ve found you with The Excel™ and….” Holster leaned over to look at the screen, confirming what he already knew. “You haven’t actually saved a change in over two weeks.”
Rans jumped and swiveled in his seat, adorably trying to hide his screen by putting more of himself between it and Holster.
“Holtzy, hey, hi, hello, just -- you know -- giving it -- uh -- a….perusal.”
Holster barked out a surprised laugh.
“A -- did you just say ‘perusal’?”
“I...yes. Fuck.” Ransom collapsed back in his chair, running his hands over his face.  “Yes, I just said perusal.”
“You lie for shit, bro. You were stressing yourself out, again, is what you were doing.” Holster gave Ransom a moment and headed to the dresser to drop off his bag before kicking his shoes into the closet. “We need to go over The Excel™ Commandment again?”
Holster heard Rans mutter the commandment to himself while Holster stripped out of his sweatshirt:
“The Master Workbook, while a remarkable wonder of planning and foresight, yet remains a poor substitute for human consultation.”
“Amen,” Holster agreed, stepping back out of the closet to lean against the dresser and look Ransom over again. They were nowhere near finals level of reefdom delicacy, but the furrow in Rans’ brow, the dejected tilt of his shoulders, telegraphed “big, meaningful, frustrating decision. “So consult me, bro.”
“How do I make this work?” Holster waited. Despite popular belief, he couldn’t actually read Ransom’s mind. He just knew how to wait for his answers. “I’m moving in three months, starting med school, gonna have to join an organization or two to build up my resume without hockey. How do I do that and give this thing with Derek a chance, eh?”
Holster’s brows shot up even as he felt a smile spread across his face.
“Derek, eh?”
Ransom blushed -- did that self conscious averting of eyes and throat-clearing, the tell-tale forehead scratch that lets Holster know he’d hit his target dead on.
“Holtzy --”
“Aw, Ransypoo!” Holster bounded over to Rans, collapsed onto his lap and pinched his too warm cheeks.
“Bruh!” Rans yelled before attempting to push Holster to the floor.
“Rans! You’re in looooooooove!” Holster couldn’t say he was proud of the wrestling match that ensued, but it left Ransom laughing and relaxed, and that was worth a little loss of dignity.
“I might be… strongly in Like,” Ransom finally huffed.
“Ok, you blush when you talk about him -- by his first name, I might add -- you come back from your little super top secret dates grinning, for like hours. You didn’t come home from Winter Screw for two days. You have a folder of notes in your phone dedicated to his angry love poetry. You’ve spent the last five roadies talking politics with him and Dex. You’ve added like 10 books from his List of Book Every American Should Read List to our bookshelf. Your face does that soft glow thing you do every time he enters a room. You check your phone every morning for his texts. You’ve been up past midnight every night since the last forever texting him. And you’ve been staring at The Excel™ for the last week trying to figure out how to make it work after we graduate.”
“Fuck. Yeah.”
“Because you want it to work. Past this summer, into next year.”
“Or, you know...longer.”
“Damn, bro.”
“So you’ll make it work.”
Holster could feel Ransom’s eyes on him.
“Just like that -- I just ‘make it work’? Long distance --”
“Just 30 minutes --”
“Busy as hell --”
“Not much busier than him, with two degrees and hockey --”
“And… serious.”
Holster’s eyes shot to Ransom’s face. The doubt he found there broke his heart. Ransom had to be the only person in the world who couldn’t see Nursey’s star-eyed adoration a mile off.
“Bro, Nursey literally trips over himself when you enter a room. He’s like deeply, grossly, into you.”
“Fuck, wait -- Rans, you know what I mean!” Holster’s the one who was blushing then, but the laughter that came bursting from Rans was worth it.
“Seriously though, you think he’d be willing to try it out?”
“Yeah, I really do,” Holster grinned.
“Ok. Ok. Human consultation, right?”  Rans scrambled up from the floor. “I should talk to him.” He launched himself into the closet. “About, about trying.”
A series of thuds and “umphs” erupted as Ransom presumably found shoes and sweater.
Ransom fell out of the closet, not unlike his soon-to-be boyfriend, and pocketed his phone before moving toward the door.
“Because he’s into me, eh?”
“Shut up,” Holster laughed. “Go get your man.”
Ransom broke into a face-splitting grin.
“Yeah, ok.” And he was flying down the stairs and out of the Haus.
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