#bruh my lgbt journey is wild
all the lgbt asks
💫 - talk about / describe your sexuality and gender
Well I mean I’m a lesbian. Gender is funky but I’m rolling with girl
📎 - do you have / want any tattoos and piercings?
No piercings but I wouldn’t say no to some tattoos. I’m thinking maybe a snake one, like a snake wrapped on my arm would be cool. Who knows though?
🍣 - who is someone who makes you feel at home?
All my friends,,,
🌈 - what was your first pride like?
Nonexistent so far
🍋 - what’s your star sign?
🍒 - if you’re out, who was the first person you came out to?
One of my friends but I can’t remember who. Probably @sweetsmalldog ?
🍄 - who do you always play as in mario kart?
🥝 - has anyone ever come out to you?
A couple
🌨 - what’s your favourite season?
⛺️ - is there anyone who was particularly important to you in your coming out process?
I don’t think so really. It was a pretty personal journey. Knowing other lgbt people was a privilege definitely and it helped the process
🥒 - what are your three favourite songs right now?
1. Killer Queen by Queen 2. Money, Money, Money by ABBA 3. Touch Tone Telephone by Lemon Demon 
🌊 - do you have any lgbt+ friends?
Yes! I love it
🍓 - if you’ve ever been in love, what does it feel like? if you’ve never been in love, what do you think it will feel like?
I don’t know if it’s Love u know but like,,,,,fuzzy and warm and dhjdhbjsdhbdhbdb u know
💡 - are there any older lgbt+ people you look up to?
No one I know personally
🦔 - are you more of a cat or a dog person?
Kitty kitty kitty kitty
🍊 - what queer experiences are you looking forward to (going to pride for the first time, being in a relationship etc)
Going to Pride! There’s usually one in Boston but I’ve never been able to go (read: never had the guts to ask my parents to take me)
🔭 - what are you most proud of doing in the last year?
Not dying I guess. I don’t do anything
🥑 - which lgbt+ celebrities do you admire?
God I know absolutely none. I suppose Dan and Phil from YouTube, not because I watch them or anything, but I know the fandom was wild with shipping them and being weird and it must’ve been hard to come out like....in general you know? But with that??? Bruh
🍉 - what’s the best thing about being lgbt+?
The history! I love knowing that I’m in a community that included several great artists, authors, inventors, and that people like me have existed all throughout human history and will continue to exist. 
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