#bruise violet
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Babes in Toyland in NYC, April 1992
Promo shot by Michael Lavine
Source: @glittersister on Instagram
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venicebitch-world · 3 months
“might last a day, well mine is forever”
- hole
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greeniery · 3 months
you see the stars through eyes lit up with lies
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eatingether · 1 year
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dishsaop · 29 days
You see the stars through eyes lit up with lies
You got your stories all twisted up in mine
You got this thing that follows me around
You were born with glue instead of spine
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ninetieshaze · 5 months
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faith-corrupt · 8 months
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dysphorie · 2 years
"You got this thing that
Follows me around
You little bitch well
I hope your insides rot"
send me a “∞” and i’ll shuffle my music and tell you my favorite lyrics
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nikonikonek000 · 1 year
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Kat Bjelland with Babes in Toyland September 16, 1990 at Tempodrom, Berlin Germany
Photo credit Briganixhart/Heinrich
Source nirvanaakashadavey Instagram
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doodlingbot · 2 months
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Technically made before Pink but I had needed to figure things out with him more.
Meet Violet, maybe don't immediately trust anything that comes out of that speaker of his. It's also recommended to decline any and all handshakes or hugs from him. Don't let him fool you, he very much intends to zap you.
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jokerislandgirl32 · 3 months
When Violet Gets Angry Don’t Get In Her Way…
As I discussed in this post, Violet was in a toxic/abusive relationship prior to her relationship with Zach. Below I’m posting a scene from my Wild Violets AU that details the aftermath of Violet’s breakup with her ex. It’s dark stuff, so here we go…Please read the tags/following trigger warnings before proceeding further.
TW: Abusive Relationship mention/description, TW arson attempt, TW unintentional/attempted self harm, TW cursing (only mild 2 words), TW bruises mention, TW implied abuse. Please do not read if any of this makes you uncomfortable!
“I'll set fire to the whole place I don't even care about our house It's not the same in here since he left anyways…”
“Burn it down, burn it down, burn it down, burn it down…”
“Always said I was a good kid Always said I had a way with words Never knew I could be speechless Don't know how I'll ever break this curse…”
Burn It Down
Zach’s POV:
I watched as Violet, in a fit of rage, stormed through her childhood home, she grasped a set of keys that once belonged to her father in her shaking hands. She tore into a closet adjacent to the kitchen, and unlocked a cabinet within, pulling out a box of matches. Her clothing was torn, her hair was disheveled, her face was streaked with tears and was red from crying, and there were bruises blooming on her tanned skin.
I knew who had done it, but I didn’t know the extent of what had happened. The Zachbots and I arrived only a half hour before to a horrible scene, I shuddered at the thought…and people called me a villain. We’d taken care of the situation, but the damage had already been done and Violet wasn’t speaking to me about any of it.
A few of the Zachbots and I trailed along behind her. She threw open the back door of the cottage and headed to a small shed in the backyard, she pulled out the key ring again and flipped through the keys, muttering to herself under her breath, she started crying again and dropped the keys to the ground, screaming out as she did so, “why did he do this to me? How could he do this to me? Why does he keep doing this to me?”
She grabbed the keys with her shaky hands, shuffling them to find the one she wanted. I reached out and touched her shoulder, but she jerked it away from me, “What did he do?” I asked her, but she ignored me, sobbing and muttering to herself, clearly absorbed in her own thoughts.
Violet found the key she wanted and stood up, going to the door of the shed and unlocking it. She dove into the musty cobweb filled space with little to no care about what varmints might be lurking within, and she came out holding a gasoline can.
My anxiety immediately spiked, no, she wasn’t….she couldn’t…She locked the shed and tucked the keys into her dress pocket, heading back to the house with the gasoline can in one hand and matches in the other, a look of pure rage on her face, mingled with fear and despair.
Violet opened the gas can and began pouring it on the deck to the cottage and throwing it against the back door and walls, she threw the can down haphazardly and shakily took out a match and tried to light it…she was going to do it, shit…she was sobbing uncontrollably. I knew she wasn’t thinking rationally, and I knew she was going to get herself hurt or worse if I didn’t stop her.
“VIOLET! NOOOO!” I screamed out, causing her to turn her attention to me long enough for me to order one of the Zachbots to grab her and another to secure the matches and throw them into the nearby water.
“VIOLET! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?! YOU COULD’VE HURT YOURSELF OR…OR…OR WORSE!” I yelled at her, pulling her away from the Zachbot’s arms and into mine instead.
“I just wanted to forget what he did…I wasn’t trying to hurt myself!” She sobbed, burying her face against my sweater and wrapping her arms tightly around me.
I wrapped my arm around her and steered her toward the nearby dock. Violet untangled herself from me long enough to lock her arms around my waist in a side hug. I wasn’t too excited to be sitting on the filthy boards, but I feared if Violet stood any longer she’d pass out from exhaustion due to her hysterical crying.
I called the Zachbots over to me and told them to properly clean up the gasoline, a chore they were well used to since they were programmed to clean messes of all types.
Violet had yet to raise her head from my chest, but her sniffles were becoming quieter. I sighed and lowered my head until my face was pressed against her hair. I involuntarily kissed the top of her head.
Violet tilted her head up to me and looked at me with her large blue violet eyes, as if she was caught off guard by the kiss. She turned her head and looked to the water before us, the sun was setting and had painted the sky a dramatic display of oranges, pinks, and reds.
I took her moment of distraction to yet again ask her the question that was tearing me up inside , “what did he do, Vi?”
Violet breathed out slowly, and turned back to me with a trembling lip, she glanced back at her childhood home, then refocused her attention on me, “Enough to make me wanna burn this place to the ground…just so it’ll be gone, because every time I see this house…I remember it all…”
I repeated my question more firmly, pushing her messy hair out of her face, “What did he do?”
Violet shook her head, and started crying again, “I can’t tell you…not yet…”
And this is the springboard for them getting their matching tattoos….
Selfship Taglist: @snailchans-imaginarium @crunch-crunch-eat-a-bunch @changingcore @bitchywitchheart @stoatsapphic @3qu1us-main @kittycatkissez @benreillyswife @creativegenius22 @genderqueer-bithing @serenitytodd1234 @mailiow @celestetheseaunicorn @barnesncavill @mayixxxmoon @gui-mauves @evander2511 @bat-anon
Please let me know if you want to be added/removed! Details in pinned post!
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issominerva · 3 months
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O Basgiath War College dá as boas-vindas a MINERVA ALONDRA HYBERN, uma PRIMEIRO ANO que mostrou-se disposta a desafiar o parapeito para incorporar o Riders Quadrant. Vinda da província de MORRAINE, ela possui VINTE E TRÊS anos, e foi recrutada para a TERCEIRA ASA, encontrando-se atualmente na SEÇÃO GARRA e fazendo parte do TERCEIRO ESQUADRÃO. Esperamos que algum dragão reconheça que é PERSPICAZ e ARISCA, ou esse cavaleiro estará morto.
Resumo em breve
nome completo: minerva alondra hybern.
apelidos: minnie, mine, erva, ally.
família: filha única.
data de nascimento: xxx.
sexualidade: .
habilidades notórias e armas de preferência: devido a estatura delicada e a clara desvantagem que teria em combates corpo a corpo, desde cedo Minerva fora incentivada a desenvolver habilidades para auxiliá-la em sua jornada enquanto cavaleira. Sendo a alquimia a área que apresentou maior aptidão, horas de estudo e dedicação foram dispensadas para o aprendizado de ervas e desenvolvimento de poções. Com incentivos do pai, inclusive, passou a administrar pequenas doses de veneno em si mesmo, tencionando criar resistência. Foi assim, para não ser subestimada, que tornou-se uma verdadeira mestre de venenos e poções. Além disso, também é uma arqueira muito qualificada e talentosa, mas, apesar de sua arma preferida ser o arco e flechas, Minerva sabia que não conseguiria percorrer o parapeito com um conjunto (ela sequer tentou, na verdade). Em sua mochila, no entanto, levou três de suas armas preferidas, sendo elas: 06 exemplares de bo shuriken, diversos fukibari e também um jogo de neko-te.
dragão e sinete: ainda não vinculado, ainda não manifestado.
Curiosidades em breve.
Assim como um tecelão habilidoso entrelaça fios diversos para criar uma tapeçaria, o destino tece as experiências de cada vida em uma trama intricada. Cada evento, como um fio colorido, contribui para a rica textura do todo. Às vezes, é difícil discernir a beleza completa da tapeçaria quando apenas um fio está sendo tecido, e nós podem acabar se formando e sendo refletidos metros, ou anos, depois. Porque a vida é uma sequência de consequências, seja de decisões tomadas por você ou não. Por isso, é válido dizer que desde o princípio, Minerva estava fadada ao fracasso pois, hereditariamente, carregava o peso de se nascer naquela família. 
Nadine, por vezes, ainda é um assunto proibido mesmo na família, mencionada vagamente como a cavaleira que desonrou a lei suprema. A lenda, ou, de modo mais vulgar, futrica, conta sobre a mulher que num momento de insanidade, tentou tirar a vida de seu próprio dragão, acabando morta no processo. Embora isso tenha acontecido há muito tempo, cerca de três ou quatro gerações antes de Minnie, ela ainda lida com o peso dessas ações, e os familiares mais tradicionais insistem que os Hybern foram amaldiçoados naquele momento por Malek, visto que até o momento, nenhum outro foi capaz de montar em um dragão — ou continuar vivo por tempo o suficiente para ser lembrado, se o fez.
Aqueles que tentaram a vida como cavaleiros acabaram por morrer de uma forma ou outra, fosse durante a travessia do parapeito, nos treinamentos ou durante a colheita — que a alma do tio Coriolanus descanse em paz. E foram eles os responsáveis pela considerável baixa na Casa Hybern. Talvez por isso uma mente sensata tenha iniciado a escalada da família no quadrante da infantaria, mantendo-os na área militar. A distribuição em outros quadrantes, no entanto, já era prevista, e foi por fazer parte do quadrante dos curandeiros que o pai de Minerva conheceu sua mãe, uma cavaleira.
A pequena Hybern sentava-se aos pés de sua avó, já muito idosa, para ouvir as tradições e histórias de sua família. E entre o conto da cavaleira traidora, e do cadete devorado durante a colheita, eram as histórias contadas por sua mãe que faziam seus olhos brilharem. Apaixonada por dragões, desde pequena demonstrara interesse pelo quadrante dos cavaleiros, mesmo que seu pai alegasse ser má ideia e que sua avó insistisse que ele não deveria ter se casado com Damaris. Alguns eventos, porém, estão destinados a acontecer, e pela forma como Minerva anseia pelo riders, este se parece um.
Mesmo indo contra os conselhos do pai, acabou por realizar seu alistamento, não recebendo com grande surpresa sua aceitação nos exames escrito e de agilidade — havia sido ensinada pelos melhores tutores, e treinada diversas vezes por sua mãe. Depois vieram os duzentos degraus e o parapeito, de longe um grande desafio, mas ainda um dos menores que teria de enfrentar. Nem mesmo a chuva foi capaz de a parar, mesmo que tenha vacilado uma ou duas vezes, tencionando não ser um obstáculo a ser superado por aqueles que vinham atrás dela. Quando alcançou o outro lado, caiu exausta no chão de pedra, antes de informar seu nome a um cavaleiro que os esperava.
Ela tem sua própria estigma para se preocupar, ouvindo desde a conscrição que é a garota que matará seu dragão, se vinculada, ou morrerá no processo. Por isso, não se surpreendeu por quererem facilitar esse trabalho  para ela, tornando-a um “alvo fácil” desde o início. Por isso ela não se incomoda com marcados, e possui pouca opinião sobre os filhos dos traidores de Tyrrendor.
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eatingether · 1 year
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silverdawnarrow · 7 months
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My coord for the Hellocon 2023 tea party. I had a really great time in Helsinki, aside from falling down some stairs and catching a cold. I only spent three nights in Helsinki so next time I definitely want to go for longer and explore the city some more. Jumperskirt- Violet Fane's Studying the Fairies Corset and tights- Abilletage Blouse- Diamond Honey Boots- Clarks Necklace- LelongDesigns on etsy Brooches- picked up from Enchanted Dream Couture and Eat Me Ink Me at the event Flower crown is handmade and other accessories are offbrand/vintage/antique
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girly-media-studio · 1 year
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