#brujas of tumblr
spookyfresa1997 · 1 month
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my eternal flame
via digital diary by spookyfresa1997
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groovybruja · 26 days
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xolunarwitchxo · 10 months
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I don’t have to be Perfect.I just have to be Me! 🧿🖤🌚
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taylorswiftt1 · 6 months
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Lili,madelaine y Camila
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Who is the bruja?
About Brujería and Curanderismo in Latin America, and witchcraft from a latine perspective.
You’ll most likely see the term Bruja used in anglophone communities to refer to latine magic practitioners. By that definition, any latin american person who does some kind of magic is, in a way, a bruja/brujo/bruje. This use of the word comes from a place of reclamation of said latine heritage and of our cultural folk magic practices, particularly for hispanic latines. Similarly, you’ll see portuguese-speaking latines using the word bruxa, or bruxaria. 
I can hear you already: But I am a spanish-speaking european! I am also a bruja!... given the context, you’re a witch, not a bruja. Brujería in the broader sense of the word, as is used in any conversation in spanish, can be translated to witchcraft. “Brujería” in the specific “latine magic practitioner” sense doesn’t have an english translation, and thus we keep the word in spanish, to signify that cultural tie to hispanic latin america. So no, in the context of an anglophone discussion of brujería, you’re not a bruja, in the same way that, while speaking a languange derived from latin, europeans are not latino/latine because they’re not from latin america. 
That is, considering the modern use of the word, specially in online spaces. But if you speak to your Elders, you’ll hear something a little different...
People like to ask themselves “am I a born witch?”, and well, traditionally, a bruja is made, not born, and it specifically implies baneful work. 
Old school folks will tell you that not just anyone who practices magic is a bruja, in fact, calling a Faith Healer a “Bruja”, could be taken as a major offense. 
Many elders will make a distinction between dual roles of what we’ll call the Healer, and the Witch, for convenience’s sakes, since the words for naming either vary in each languange and culture. One of the better known examples I can give you is how in spanish, and across latin america, you’ll hear the duality between the Curandera and the Bruja. 
The Curandera Heals, the Bruja Bewitches.
While the Healer is born, with a set of gifts or dones that are necessary to fulfill a role assigned at birth (or even before so), to serve their community. A Witch is made, by their own choice, in a personal quest for power and knowledge, and thus doesn’t act in favor of their community necessarily, instead, acts seeking their own benefit first, sometimes... in detriment of the community.
There’s nothing wrong with keeping our best interests in mind! In fact, a true Healer is taught to balance left hand and right hand work, one who cannot harm cannot heal, and I always say we must understand the wound and how it was made before we can understand it’s cures, but precisely because of that, the figure of the Witch stands out more. A Healer can do both, heal and harm. While the Witch... not necessarily. A Witch is, oftentimes, only capable to manipulate circumstances (and people) but not heal, and even when good intentioned, it can bring negative repercussions. That is why it has such a negative connotation traditionally, and why most of the older folks, or anyone trained by them, will likely avoid the term.
Note how I’ve been saying Healer or Gifted person instead of Curandera. Because having a don does not by itself make someone a curandera. Since I’ve seen more and more people using the term online, here’s a reminder that being a curandera is not a choice and does not refer to just anyone who practices herbal healing or any other healing modalities, it is a responsibility to the community you’re in. Nobody is born a priest or babalawo, and similarly nobody is born a curandera, while they could be gifted from birth, each curanderismo lineage will have their own initiations and traditions to train that person and turn them into a true curandero, and only then, the community will give the title to them, after working for years and earning their respect and love. The term curandera is only appropriate for someone who not only has a higher calling (vetted & confirmed by elders), but specifically someone who’s been properly trained and is already in service of their community.
With that in mind, bruja is definitely the right term for someone who’s just learning and is only doing magic for themselves or close friends and family.
But then... there’s some issue specifically with indigenous and afrolatine practices and descendants. During colonization, the church demonized our beliefs, called our Ancestral practices, Gods and Spirits “satan worship” and thus, our healers were called “brujas”. Hunted and killed specifically because indigenous culture & healing, aswell as african traditional practices, were targeted. That is, we were called “brujas” as part of a cultural genocide. Elders will often stay away from the term bruja not just because it doesn’t reflect their practice, but also because staying away from the words bruja and brujería was, and in some places stil is, simply a survival instinct. Choosing other words to identify, or even not speaking about it at all, along with the syncretism with christianity, were ways to survive that genocide, and pass on as much as possible in whispers and under catholic veils.
It is up to each practitioner to talk to their elders, learn their people’s history, and decide for themselves if they wish to reclaim the word, or if they’ll rather use more culturally-specific terms, or maybe both. I’ve known plenty of healers of many paths who’ll refer to themselves as brujas to outsiders, and will use more specific terms amongst kin (myself included).
While I respect (and support) the reappropriation of the terms bruja and brujería to refer to latine magic, I also believe it is important to know our history with these terms, and out of respect for our ancestors and the old traditions, also learn the proper names of things. Bruja may be a good way to identify for someone who’s just starting out in magic out of their own choice, who’s seeking community and doesn’t quite know their place in the bigger scheme of things, but also someone who, guided by proper elders and community, must dig deeper, and find their home. There’s specific names, even just in spanish, for different kinds of healers and workers. Are you an oracionista? huesera? yerbera? have you been trained in these practices? Only a skilled elder can identify if you possess any gifts, and teach you how to hone your own skills. And If you’re indigenous, you must take the time to reconnect to your indigenous community, to your own medicine, and learn the proper terms in your indigenous tongue.
My final thoughts: reclaiming brujería is important, but so is learning and respecting our culture & history. We have incredibly rich cultures, and reducing ourselves to just “brujas” is certainly an oversimplification, if not even an attempt from outsiders and appropriators to overgeneralize and commodify our cultural practices that we must fight against. We can appreciate brujería as an umbrella term for everything that unites us, and as a term to make understanding and communication between ourselves easier, while also acknowledging the history of the word, the huge diversity it covers nowadays and giving due respect to each of our corresponding cultures.
Thanks for reading!
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pagansheowl · 2 years
Astrology / Celestialcore home 😍🌟🌘🌞
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You would have your house like this? ✨
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In light of a tragedy involving Mystic Lipstick aka Akoya, here are few quick witch tips that are invaluable for practitioners of any skill level.
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lloronaluna · 1 month
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3/13/24 ❤️‍🔥
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auroraendless · 2 months
La ley universal de manifestación de la propia realidad, es recordando que la CONSCIENCIA es tu única -realidad-.
"Define tu ideal y concentra tu atención a ello, perseverando en que tu deseo no es algo 'por cumplir' sino asumir que es algo que ya existe".
"No puedes seguir deseando algo que ya has realizado, de otra manera esperar algo que continuamente 'está por venir' genera energia de separación".
§ ~Todo ya existe en el cuántico, porque para existir aquí y ahora, primero fuimos soñados en la mente del TODO; por lo tanto la imaginación es la fuente de creación a la que acudimos conscientes e inconscientes a generar la 'realidad' en la que vivimos. O el círculo que nos rodea llamado campo magnético, el cual actúa mediando entre la tierra y lo intangible como imán.
"Nuestras mentes subconscientes no tienen sentido del humor, no juegan bromas y no pueden distinguir la realidad de un pensamiento o una imágen imaginada. Lo que continuamente pensamos, eventualmente se manifestará en nuestras vidas."
- Robert Collier.
La ley de la atracción opera en el inconsciente como un imán, este dicho es bastante común y seguramente escuchado por muchos, pero vean; a través de la persistencia, no sólo elevas la frecuencia de tu ley de la atracción, sino que también transformas los desafíos en oportunidades de crecimiento y manifestación. Te recomiendo: potencia tus intenciones y envía señales poderosas al universo. Imagina tus deseos como imán es y tus pensamientos y emociones como la fuerza magnética que los atrae hacia tí.
En mí humilde opinión, y la idea que más me gusta presentar es a basarte en el disfrute y juego con la realidad. No es más que poner voluntariamente el enfoque interno a merced del presente y cada actividad que se desenvuelve en el transcurrir del tiempo.
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bendiciones444 · 7 days
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♡My name is Valentina and I use they/them♡
-Lesbiana latine beginner practitioner, always looking for more ways to connect with my craft and my culture
-New oomfies and friends always welcome ♡
-Mainly use divination (osteomancy, scrying)
-Seeking spell recipes and tips ♡ especially those from central méxico (NOT indigenous or closed practices)
• mainly spell work, tarot tips, psychic work, grimoire additions, guidance for practices, spell oils, sigils, and reading recommendations (especially central méxico)
-Working with San Miguel and Ancestral worship
-Fairly active blog, mostly reblogs with some personal posts
-DNI: homo/transphobes, conservative/fash, kink
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groovybruja · 23 days
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Tired of my face yet ? 🥺
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fliegenengel · 1 year
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Wanna find out her secret?
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bijoutarot · 6 months
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Their Current Feelings 👻
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Image 1
“Finding out the truth crushed me”
Recently you discovered something that kind of makes you look at your person differently. You want to stay angry at this person so bad and forget them but it’s hard. You love this person very much and it frustrates you that they would jeapordize having you in their life. You feel like they are throwing what you have away over something stupid. You want to believe that this is a good person; you see the good in them and their potential. You have not confronted this person about what you know. You may not be ready for things to shift between you. Secretly you want to just act like it didn’t happen because you guys are in a good place but you know you would not be able to ignore this offense.
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Image 2
“I lost myself for a little while”
Your person has been battling a lot on their own. They have been feeling down and you are starting to notice changes in them. They have been cold towards you but you don’t know why. You have been patiently waiting for them to come around. Maybe this is a rough patch? Maybe they need space? You often think about these things to explain his behavior. At one point you wondered if there is someone else that is taking up their time or if they are starting to lose interest in you. Your person is trying their best to not let their issues burden you. Their pride is preventing them from being honest and just telling you what’s going on. Every time you ask them if they are okay they always say they are good but you know this isn’t true.
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Image 3
“I want to feel that way again”
Something in you ignited a fire in them. You have awakened their heart after swearing off love. This person has been known as the forever single friend that is always out but now things have changed. They are looking at love differently because of how you make them feel. They look forward to hearing from you and spending time with you. It feels easy to be themselves. They don’t have to filter themselves and you get their humor. This is the first time in a long time that they want love. They can see themselves traveling with you and seeing different countries. This person has a history of being selfish but with you they want to give you everything you need.
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Image 4
“I replay our conversations over and over”
Your person is falling for you. For some of you this connection is a long distance relationship or there has been changes in availability so you see each other less face to face. This person likes the way you are passionate about your beliefs and they admire how you look. They like how you dress. They pay attention to the way you smile when they speak about things that interest you. They love the way you treat the people you love in your life. They look at your content online and feel like they are getting a peak into your personal life. When you were going through a rough time they supported you when money was low. Your person wants to do more but they worry about coming on too strong. They worry you are not ready for commitment. They are looking for signs that you want to settle down.
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chanelmagical · 6 months
Las Doces Leyes del Universo
Ley de la Unidad: Esta ley sostiene que todo en el universo está interconectado. Todo lo que hacemos afecta todo lo demás. Esta ley refleja la idea de que todo en el universo está conectado y es una manifestación de una única fuente de energía. Nuestra percepción de separación es una ilusión. Reconocer la unidad nos permite comprender que nuestras acciones afectan a todo lo demás en el universo.
Ley de la Vibración: Afirma que todo tiene una frecuencia vibratoria, y nuestras vibraciones afectan la realidad que experimentamos. Nuestras emociones, pensamientos y acciones también tienen una vibración. La idea es que, al elevar nuestra vibración a través de emociones positivas como el amor y la gratitud, atraemos experiencias positivas.
Ley de la Correspondencia: A menudo se expresa como "Lo de arriba es como lo de abajo, lo de abajo es como lo de arriba". Esta ley sugiere que hay un reflejo de las mismas leyes en todos los niveles de la existencia. Esto significa que las mismas leyes y patrones se reflejan en todos los niveles de la realidad, desde lo microscópico hasta lo macrocósmico.
Ley de la Atracción: Esta es una de las leyes más conocidas y se centra en la creencia de que atraemos a nuestra vida lo que pensamos y sentimos. Atraemos experiencias que son coherentes con nuestras creencias y emociones predominantes. En otras palabras, “lo semejante atrae a lo semejante”.
Ley de la Inspiración: Sostiene que estamos conectados con una fuente de inspiración y creatividad infinita. Se trata de abrirnos a esa inspiración y confiar en ella.
Ley del Perdón: Se enfoca en la importancia del perdón y la liberación de rencores para el crecimiento personal. Perdonar a otros y a uno mismo es fundamental para la sanación y el crecimiento espiritual. Al liberar resentimientos y rencores, podemos experimentar una mayor paz interior.
Ley del Dar y Recibir: Esta ley habla de la importancia de equilibrar el dar y el recibir en nuestras vidas. Esta ley habla de la importancia de equilibrar el acto de y recibir. Cuando damos de corazón y recibimos con gratitud, creamos un flujo de energía positiva en nuestras vidas.
Ley del Karma: Esta ley sugiere que nuestras acciones tienen consecuencias, y lo que das, recibes. Esta ley sostiene que nuestras acciones tienen consecuencias, y lo que sembramos, cosechamos. Las acciones positivas generan resultados positivos y viceversa.
Ley de la Sabiduría: Destaca la importancia de adquirir sabiduría a través de la experiencia y el conocimiento. La sabiduría se adquiere a lo largo de la vida y es una parte fundamental del crecimiento espiritual.
Ley del Ciclo: Sugiere que todo en la vida sigue un ciclo, y hay momentos de crecimiento y declive. Esta ley nos recuerda que las experiencias difíciles son temporales y seguidas por tiempos mejores.
Ley de la Claridad: Se refiere a la importancia de ser claro en tus deseos y metas para manifestar lo que deseas. Cuando sabes lo que deseas y te enfocas en ello, aumentas la probabilidad de manifestar tus intenciones.
Ley de la Eternidad: Afirma que el tiempo es una ilusión, y que todo existe en un eterno presente. Esto sugiere que todas las experiencias y momentos coexisten en una realidad más allá de la percepción lineal del tiempo.
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I want to make a post about spiritual baths, and I'd like to know which kind of spiritual bath you'd most want to see a recipe for, pick below! (or add your idea in a reblog or notes if you don't see it here)
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pagansheowl · 1 month
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A pic I took in a park's fountain. Do you know where it's from ? ~
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