#bts immortals masterpost
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Pairing: Platonic OT7
| Rating: T | WC: 2.6k | Ao3 | Masterpost | Timeline |
A/N: The first part of the WaFB ‘Verse is up!! I’m so excited to share this and I hope y'all like it too. Many thanks to my amazing beta @/sarcasticbambi<3 Keep an eye out for BTS-related references; you never know what might be a clue or easter egg😉
CW: war, minor character death (offscreen), grief
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1398 B.E.
Kragos soared over the army of the Mad Maje’s followers, releasing a cloud of flame. Screams and yelled wards did nothing to deter his searing breath as he burned through hundreds of majes, turning the far side of the battlefield into ashes.
He swooped towards his allies’ side, picking off the few remaining majes who thought they could hide from his eyes with spells and natural camouflage.
Didn’t they know dragons were the apex predators, the closest to nature’s majick, the toughest and hardest to kill? That the majes’ hasty spells would do nothing for them, not when his side had previously drawn most of the majick to their side and disturbed the natural flow?
He almost pitied the now-piles of ash, but they had chosen their side. The Mad Maje was certainly charismatic, he’d give her that, but she was also driven insane by her need for power and immortality. He couldn’t understand how she’d amassed such an army of fanatical majes.
They had given the remaining majes and majikal beings a bad name.
Kragos touched down behind his side’s line and shifted. 
Erbus met him, his lower jaw bloody and his leather armour worn. “We’re ready for the final attack.”
Kragos nodded and strode over to the Commanders’ tent where the remaining members of the Organization were gathered. He ducked under the flap and unrolled the fabric to block out the misty cool and unwelcome ears. The Organization’s only maje mamber, Hess, drew some wards to stop any outside spying, and the leader, Talum, began their meeting.
This final surge had been planned for months as the Organization carefully strategized and spied on the Mad Maje’s forces.
Now it was time to put it into action, and they wished fervently that all would go as planned.
The final battle was bloody and brutal. Kragos walked slowly back into the Organization’s camp, exhausted. The Mad Maje had put up a good fight, taking out his brother-in-arms, Beom. His brothers, Orus and Erbus, were bringing his body back for a hero’s burial rites. Kragos sighed and slumped into a wooden chair by the round table. Humans, even ones with majikal bloodlines, were so fragile. At least Beom had died knowing they had won.
The pants and noise of the remaining members of the Organization alerted him to their return.
“Erbus, Orus, I’m so sorry,” Ryl sobbed. “I should have stopped him, he is always the most hot-headed of us,” she wept.
Hess came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her shaking shoulders. “It’s not your fault, Ryl, it’s hers. She is the one who killed him, not you.”
Kragos watched the scenes of his grieving friends as if they were a stranger’s majik memory manipulations playing out in front of him.
He didn’t even realize he was moving until Curi’s hand met his shoulder. “Are you okay?”
“Are any of us okay?” he demanded, turning away and shifting, spreading his leathery wings and heading towards the Mad Maje’s camp.
The cool air and tiny drops of rain hitting his scales did nothing to quench the burning rage flooding his insides. He was a Hahm dragon, after all.
He dropped with a heavy thud in front of the scene of the final battle. Majik scorch marks radiated from the statue of the Mad Maje, where she was frozen in suspension for ages to come.
Kragos’s green lizard-like eyes narrowed as he inspected the defeated maje. She had amassed enough majik and sacrificed enough lives to block their attack and twist the spell into one that simply turned her to stone for a finite time, instead of an immobilizing and majik-stripping spell like they had intended.
For all their planning for the unexpected, too much had gone wrong. Beom had died, hit by one of the Mad Maje’s spells as he attacked with his human sword and strength. The Mad Maje had not been dealt with permanently, though she would be no issue for centuries to come. That spell had been anchored to a protective spell, which prevented them from destroying her statutized self. 
“It will work, hyung. It has to, even if it means one of us must die,” said Beom. 
“None of us will die today,” Kragos turned abruptly away from the human member of the Organization. “The only one dying will be her. Get that thought out of your head. Dwelling on such thoughts will only drag you down in battle.” He turned back to his plans spread across the table.
“She has more power than one maje should, hyung. We’ve been planning for every eventuality except one of us dying.”
“Because that will not happen, Beom!”
Dymi, the third human to join the Organization, entered the tent as Kragos slammed his hands on the table.
“What’s…going on?”
“Beom is telling me we need to plan for our deaths,” he gritted out.
Beom’s warm brown eyes filled with frustration. “That is not what I was saying.” He turned to Dymi. “I was saying that we should be prepared for the possibility of one of us dying. If we are frozen by shock or grief, the other side will have an advantage over us. We need to be able to move forward with the plan anyways.”
“That will not be necessary, because none of us will die today!” Kragos reiterated stubbornly. 
Beom subsided, knowing when he got that taut jaw, it was useless to say anything more, but he let his disappointed aura speak for itself.
With a roar of frustration, Kragos released all his rage and grief in a wall of flame, surrounding the statue and blackening it and sizzling the few green things that had survived the battle.
Even after years of training and preparation and fighting, their win was still a loss.
“I’m sorry, Beom-ah. I failed all of us.” He shifted, dropping to his knees in the muddy field.
The orange and purple-pink light of the sunset touched his face in a mimicry of human warmth, reflecting off the diamond tears streaking his face.
The Organization would never be ten again, only nine. It would never be ‘the Organization’ again, only ‘the remaining members of the Organization’.
Two Weeks after the War
Two weeks after the Maje War was proclaimed officially over, the Mad Maje’s statue was taken into custody by the Bangtan Empire and locked up, kept under majes’ watchful eyes in case the statue’s spells wore off faster than predicted.
The Organization split to their respective species’ haunts for a well-deserved break. They took their lines from the Oracle as a memento and left, too burnt out and broken to even attempt to stay together.
While the humans and unaffiliated majikal beings were relieved and grateful for the Organization’s success in ending the war and disarming the Mad Maje, they questioned why she wasn’t gone for real, when was she predicted to be back, how they could prepare for that eventuality, why the Organization wasn’t staying together; the questions and veiled criticisms went on. 
Travelling to a quiet, peaceful place untouched by the war and living there incognito served the remaining members of the Organization well.
1408 B.E.
Majes and Majikal beings had been steadily persecuted for being Other, with humans in particular terrified that one of the creatures that surrounded them everyday were a supporter of the Mad Maje or were planning on becoming the second power-hungry dictating maje.
Though the Empire’s rulers and the heads of the Empire’s combined lands were not passing any laws or restrictions against the Majikal community, many of its members were heading to the less-populated sections of the land or leaving the Empire for one of its neighbours, which had been affected much less than Bangtan by the war.
More and more humans were afraid of any majik, even though many majes lived among them normally and used their abilities for good for humans and majes alike.
2011 B.E.
“Who was Ilena Bulmyeol?” The teacher slapped a stapled stack of papers down on every student’s desk.
A girl eagerly raised her hand.
“Yes, Areum.”
“Ilena Bulmyeol was also known as the Mad Maje, the leader of the Opposition’s Forces in the Maje War.”
“Very good. This week we will be studying the Maje War.”
The teacher returned to his lectern and cleared his throat. 
“The Maje War occurred from 1393 to 1398 B.E. The main forces were the Opposition, led by the Mad Maje Ilena Bulmyeol, and the Organization, led by Talum Yojeong. Does anyone know how many members there were in the Organization’s head forces?”
A boy raised his hand. “There were 10 members in the Organization’s head forces: Talum Yojeong, Kragos Yong, Orus Jabjong, Erbus Jabjong, Curi Neugdae, Hess Masulsa, Beom Jabjong, Covi Ingan, Ryl Jeontugi, and Dymi Jidoja.”
“Very good, Jeongguk, I see you were reading ahead. Yes, those 10 were members of the Organization’s head forces. They were gathered as an answer to an oracle, which foretold them defeating the Mad Maje. Unfortunately, the oracle in its specifics has been lost to time. It is rumoured to have been destroyed by the Organization’s members, but that is only speculation. Historians have only found a few lines. Their best guess of reconstructing what they uncovered is on page 316. Please turn there now.”
The rustling sound of leaves in books turning filled the private schooling room.
“Minjun, why don’t you read what it says for us.”
The boy stood and read from his book carefully. “Brothers by blood are only three; all seven bound by loyalty, tested, will make [them] strong.”
“Thank you. Now, these lines have kept many historians busy for ages, trying to decipher their meaning and where they would fit in with the complete oracle. As the Organization’s members were from many backgrounds, the lines have been scattered around the Empire, and possibly even beyond it. Can anyone tell me each member’s background?”
Areum’s arm shot up again.
“The Jabjong brothers were the sons of a vampire and a mer, but Beom was born technically human by some genetic happening. Talum Yojeong was fae, Kragos Yong was a dragon, Curi Neugdae was a beta werewolf, and Hess Masulsa was a maje. Ryl Jeontugi and Dymi Jidoja were humans, as well.”
“Very good. As you can see, there is a large diversity among the members. Now, many of these Majikal Beings are more rare and we know less about them, but it is curious to think about how they would have worked together. One thing is for sure: they must have had a very strong friendship. It’s commonly thought that Ryl and Talum were in a romantic relationship, but with the Organization scattered after the War and their wish to stay incognito, nothing is confirmed. Now, about the sides of the war…”
CHAMESH 2ND,  2011
“It’s for your safety, honey.”
“I know, but I want to stay here with you. It’s my place!”
“Jeongguk, your place is to stay safe, so we don’t have to worry for your safety and well-being and we can focus on the war.” His mother hugged him tightly. “Your hyungs will take good care of you. Be good, and don’t worry about us, okay? We’ll be fine. We love you.”
“I love you.” He hugged her back tightly. “Don’t worry about me; I’ll be good.”
Jeongguk arrived at Bomnal Palace in the Kim Realms and was greeted by Queen Mishil. She led him to the sitting room where her sons were hanging out with their friends, the Empire’s other princes.
Six pairs of eyes met his large ones as he took in the room and its occupants.
“Hi, Jeongguk, right?” A tall, handsome young man came over to meet him warmly. “I’m Seokjin, but you can call me Jin like the others do.”
Jeongguk nodded. 
“We haven’t seen you much;  it’s usually Junghyun with the Emperor and Empress,” said a boy, smiling widely at him and waving. “But Junghyun hyung talks about you a lot.”
“He’s told me about all of you too,” said Jeongguk, smiling shyly.
“I’ll let you boys take care of Jeongguk then, while I make arrangements for you all,” said the queen, and left with a reassuring pat on his shoulder.
Arbah 34th, 2013
Shesh 7th, 2013
“I’m back!”
“How’d school go?” Jin appeared from the direction of the kitchen, wiping his hands on his apron. 
“It was fine,” Jungkook shrugged. “Lots of homework, even for the first day.”
“Let us know if you need help,” called Yoongi from the office/study area.
“Thanks, hyung!” he called back, following Jin to the snack he knew the oldest had prepared for him.
Hoseok and Jimin were talking quietly by the island. “With the added help from the Mad Maje’s forces, who knows how much longer this will drag on for. The first Maje War was five years long, and it’s already been two years-”
“DO YOU WANT TO TRY MY NEW CRACKERS RECIPE OR THE BROWNIES, JUNGKOOKIE?” asked Jin, loudly announcing their presence and shutting up the other two.
“Both, obviously,” grinned Jungkook. 
They weren’t subtle, but they loved him and had readily adopted him as their little brother, doing their best to shield him from the news of the war and the unease it brought and raise him to be a good prince, and more importantly, a good person, like his parents wanted.
He had only been able to see them and Junghyun a couple times since he was sent away; all the princes of the Empire had moved to the highest-protected city in the Empire, the Jeon Kingdom’s capital, Bangtandosi, shortened by its natives to ‘Bangtan’ or ‘Tan’.
They lived in a large stone house in the old district, close to Bangtan University where the older princes attended, and a five-minute walk from Jungkook’s high school.
Visits with any of their family members were few and far between, with the war taking up most of the royals’ time and attention, and the need to keep the heirs to the Empire’s location secret.
They seven of them had consequently created a bond closer than just brothers as they adjusted to life as civilians in the middle of wartime. They would do anything for each other, no questions asked.
Sheva 28th, 2018
“Don’t forget your lunch!” Jin yelled after Jungkook, who sped past him up the stairs to his room.
“I won’t, Eomma!” sassed the maknae as he continued running around gathering his last-minute items for his first day at Bangtan U. 
“Yah, you brat!” Jin whipped his towel at Jungkook’s behind when he ran by again. “I make you a good lunch with love that everybody will be jealous of and you call me a mother?! Come back here!-”
Jungkook giggled and slid by in his socks, snagging his lunchbox from the counter as he flew by.
The other members of the house had gathered by the door to wish him off to his classes, or at least the ones who had graduated already.
Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon had attended Bangtan U and graduated well in the years since they had moved to Bangtandosi, and Jimin and Taehyung, who would be accompanying Jungkook to campus, were in their third year of classes.
“Have fun, Jungkook-ah!”
“Good luck!”
“Tell us all about it when you’re home!”
The hyungs waved the maknaes off. 
“Our little Kookie is all grown up,” sniffed Jin.
“Are you crying?” asked Hobi.
“No, it’s just the onions I chopped for Jungkook’s gyeran mari!”
☆ fin ☆
Taglist: @/otome-wandering @bangtanwritershq
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writersrealmbts · 8 months
We Could Be: Part 32 (Shrunk)
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; seven souls are brought together, blah blah blah, It was their desire to show Seokjin just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 09/02/2023
Wordcount: Shrunk (1,560)
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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Yoongi felt uncomfortable in his own skin, and he was craving milk, and everything just felt weird. He also really, really wanted his mom.
He snuggled closer to the warmth, grumbling about waking up and how he wanted to sleep for another decade.
The warmth chuckled at him. “Could you stop kneading my chest? Feels weird.”
Yoongi stilled, about to object.
But no.
He had been.
Why had he been doing that?
He groaned and opened his eyes, blinking blearily.
Why did the world seem so big? Continue Reading on Ao3…
Previous.  Next. Ot7 Stories Masterpost
Tagging: @park-jimin-isnt-real
12 notes · View notes
ggukkiereads · 3 years
Fic Recs | Themed Series - OT7
These recs are based on an ask about 
“OT7 fics that has a story line for each member and they're all connected/in the same universe”
Because there are so many universe/s, I categorized the fics into the ff:
Band/Music/Idol AUs
CEO/Office AUs
College AUs
Mafia/Gang AUs
Science Fiction/Dystopian AUs
Secret Agents/Spy AUs
Slice of Life
Credits go to all the writers who planned these series. Thank you dear writers for sharing these gems with us!
And if you happen to see/read fics listed here and enjoyed them as much as I did, don’t forget to show appreciation through reblogs, comments, or other positive interaction you could think of.
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Note:  These are NOT polyamory fics but rather, themed series set in one universe and each member gets their own story/ one shot / series
if link to fic doesn’t work, click on author and go to their masterlist
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Melodrama Tour @jungkxook - one shot per member | punk band AU, musician AU | angst, fluff, smut
Make it Right | Jungkook - Exes AU
Backseat Serenade | Taehyung - Brother’s Best Friend AU
Other members fics coming soon
beyond the scene is a seven-member pop-punk band known for their most recent breakthrough success, taking the world by storm with their sold out melodrama tour. but, as rumour has it, the newly shining stars each seem to have their own melodramatic secret to go with them
You can also check their vlogger series: Not a Clickbait
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The Sunset Series @ilikemesometaetaes -  one series per member | Rockstar AU | angst, fluff, smut
Don’t Hold Your Breath | Jungkook - series [6/10] | rockstar AU, Exes AU, CEO!Reader
Other members fics coming soon
Brothers ‘Til Sunset (BTS) is a world renowned rockband consisting of seven members that operate on and off-stage
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BTS in 10 Years AU @hayjeon - drabble per member | idol AU
In 10 years, once BTS has amiably broken up and the members have moved on to find their places in their new careers and personal lives, they end up settling right exactly where they needed to be.
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CEO Series @hisunshiine -  CEO AU, Office AU | smut, fluff, angst
Business Attire | Taehyung - Regional Manager Taehyung x Assistant!Reader
Devious Ethics | Namjoon - CFO!Namjoon x Environmentalist/Activist!Reader
Competitive Advantage | Yoongi - Head Lawyer!Yoongi x best friend of the tree hugging environmentalist
Fiduciary | Seokjin -  coming soon
Insider Trading | Jungkook -  coming soon
Client Centered | Hoseok -  coming soon
Supply and Demand | Jimin -  coming soon
seven shot series where each BTS Member has his own story that intertwines with the main plot of Namjoon and Seokjin taking over as CEO and CFO of their families company.
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Cardiovascular Palpitations (Jungkook, FWB AU, Surgeon AU) and Cut Me Open (Yoongi, Husband AU, Divorce AU) belong to the same universe - @/hayjeon
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Operation: Love Letters @ve1vetyoongi - mystery, college!au, romance | fluff, smut
Sign up for the Love Calculator today to find your perfect match?
It’s one series split into six (6) chapters and each member gets highlighted.
It’s a mystery, so you guess who is the endgame for OC
Needless to say, I had fun with this series =)
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You’re so Creepy (drabble series) @whatifyoulivelikethat  -  crack, university au, creepy girl au | fluff
kim namjoon - part i | part ii (fave)
kim seokjin - part i | part ii (fave)
min yoongi - part i | part ii  
jung hoseok - part i | part ii (fave)  
park jimin  - part i | part ii (fave)  
kim taehyung  - part i | part ii
jeon jungkook - part i | part ii  
There’s always at least one campus creepy girl. Or seven. Part 1 (1st kiss) Part 2 (2nd meeting). Also part of this reading list
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Worshipers Series @jimlingss - one shot per member, unless indicated as a series | God AU (can be read interdepently but best to go through sequentially
Worshipers of the Stars | Yoongi -  Goddess of Light and Life!OC x God of Moon!Yoongi
Between Heaven and Hell | Hoseok -  Human!OC x Human!Hoseok, War AU
Worshiper of the Sky | Taehyung - series [3/3] | Goddess of Sky!OC x Sacrifice!Taehyung
Worshiper of the Spring | Jimin - ??!OC x God of Wine!Jimin
Worshiper of the Souls | Namjoon - Ghost!OC x King of the Underworld!Namjoon
Worshipers of the Sea | Jungkook - Pirate!OC x God of Sea!Jungkook
Worshipers of the Sun | Seokjin - Goddess of Love!OC x God of Sun!Seokjin
Long ago, there were gods who resided in Heaven — existing to watch over and protect the universe. Each of them had their own flaws, trials and tribulations; some which were more sparing than others, but these are their stories...
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Crescent Bound @parkhabits - BTS | 31.9k | Seven werewolves. A pack bound by the moon. | S, F, A  ~ [3/7]
Jungkook - one shot | 12.3k | Werewolf AU, Bestfriend AU
Yoongi - one shot | 8.5k | Transfer Student, Strangers to Lovers 🌷
Jimin - one shot | 11.1k |  Werewolf AU, Ex Friends AU
Seokjin - to be posted
Hoseok -  to be posted
Taehyung -  to be posted
Namjoon -  to be posted | Werewolf AU, Arranged Marriage AU
if this is more organized and detailed, it’s because it was part of my reading list and I just copied 😊✌
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Werewolf AU @littlemeowmeowschimmy - one shot per member | werewolf AU, Tattoo Artist AU (well some of them)
Mark Me | Jungkook  - bestfriend jungkook x human reader
Come Play | Taehyung - classmate taehyung, FWB (sort of)
Vamps and Wolves | Jimin - werewolf!jimin x vampire!reader, Enemies to Lovers (this is actually 🥕my favorite from the series). read Part 2
Librarian | Namjoon - Librarian Namjoon x Hunter Reader
My Moon | Hoseok  - Tattoo Artist Staff Hoseok  x Bartender Werewolf!Reader
Sexy Drug | Yoongi - Werewolf Yoongi x Witch Reader, Music Prodcuer (my 2nd favorite)
Best Friend | Seokjin - Tattoo Artist! Seokjin x Bestfriend!Reader
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Tempting Universe @kinktae - series or one shot per member (maknae line) | demon AU, Angel AU, supernatural AU, Fantasy AU | smut, angst
Tempting | Taehyung - series [13/13] | 67k |  Demon Taehyung x Angel Reader, Forbidden Love
Soliloquy | Jimin - Angel Jimin x Reader, Unrequited Love, Fluff, Angst
Too Tempting | Taehyung - a sequel [3/?]
Supernova | Yoongi - coming soon
Valentine | Jungkook - coming soon
A definitive masterlist of all my stories written within the tempting universe, listed out chronologically/in the order that I would have you read it.
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Tales of the Purebloods @rosaetae  -  maknae line (series per member) |  Vampire AU, Royalty AU, Soulmate AU | so far, we have Jungkook’s story
Spellbound to Be | Jungkook - series [1/?] | witch reader
Ardently | Taehyung - series [coming soon] | sort of exes (?)
Of Whim And Tonic | Jimin - series [coming soon] | human!reader
In the Upper World, hidden from a mere mortal’s naked eye, holds the naturals of nothing but super. These stories encompass the tales of three brothers who have been born with vampire’s blood in their system, their names bringing goosebumps when mentioned for they have been feared by both the Upper World and the mundane world over many centuries.
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sorted: a hogwarts au @gukyi - hogwarts AU, various AU | fluff
white chocolate fudge | seokjin — one shot | 11k | head boy x head girl
interconnection | yoongi — one shot | 8k | pining, letters/poems
tutor | namjoon — one shot | 11k | enemies to lovers, rivals
a series of scenarios featuring each member, set during the same hogwarts universe.
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BTS!Supernatural Series @preternatural-fools 
Black Magic - Witch!Yoongi - (4.7k words)
Rune Stones - Psychic!Jimin - (5.1k words)
Blood Drive - Vampire!Tae - (8.6k words)
Purple Haze - Fae!Jungkook - (8.6k words)
Macabre - Necromancer!Hoseok - (6.3 words)
Moon Shine - Werewolf!Namjoon - (8.9k words)
(Jin) - coming soon
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Mythical BTS @thesammtimes - Supernatural AU 
Bloodless - Jimin | Vampire
Epoch - Jungkook | Grimreaper (complete)
Pure - Seokjin |  Angel
The Chaser - Yoongi | Hunter
Erratic - Taehyung | Demon
Vile - Namjoon | Vampire (never posted)
Immortal - Hoseok | Fallen Angel
This is the recommended order for reading the AU (use desktop to check the list)
(note: the series is incomplete but it’s a great read because of the intermixing of the stories. you really have to follow the recommended reading order)
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Guarded (The Gajog) Universe @xjoonchildx - Mafia AU | fluff, angst, smut
Guarded | Hoseok - series [7/7] | 26k | Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Tsundere, Bodyguard
Guilty | Namjoon - series [4/4] | 17k | Boss AU, Assistant AU, Mutual Pining
Greedy | Yoongi - series [7/7] | 46k | Doctor AU, Pining *also I really find him intriguing since Guarded - Taehyung too (though KTH doesn’t really get a story hahah)
you can read how I raved about Hoseok’s story here if it helps (have yet to post for Namjoon and  finish last few chapters of Yoongi’s sorry 😥)
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Mafia Series @neonlights92 - series per member | Mafia AU, Gang AU, Arranged Marriage AU | angst, smut (uhm this is the first mafia series I’ve ever read 😁)
Monster | Taehyung - series [6/6]
Enigma | Yoongi - series [6/6]
Burden | Seokjin - series [7/7]
Charred | Hoseok - series [7/7]
Change | Jimin - series [7/7]
Run | Jungkook - ongoing [6/?]
Namjoon - TBA
This is the story of seven men. Seven dangerous men.  These are the stories of how they fell in love.
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Top Priority Suspects @yminie -  one shot per member | Gang AU, Mafia AU | angst, smut, fluff
Kim Seokjin – The Boss | Read Here
Min Yoongi – The Underboss | Read Here
Jung Hoseok – The Caporegime | Read Here
Kim Namjoon – The Consigliere | Read Here
Park Jimin – The Spotter | Read Here
Kim Taehyung – The Supplier | Read Here
Jeon Jungkook – The Carrier |  Read Here
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Bangtan and Mafia Universe @yoongiandchiminie - one shot/series per member | Mafia AU, Gang AU, Mafia AU (no masterpost for this series)
Addicted | Yoongi  - 01 02 03 04
Contrary | Jungkook
Rekindle | Seokjin
Crescendo | Jimin
Vague | Taehyung - 01 02
Kismet | Hoseok - 01 02
Brave | Namjoon - sadly never finished 😥
I’ve read it a long time ago and I just checked now but it hasn’t been updated. It’s also drabble-ish, so even if the parts are unfinished it’s still okay to read
When you’re born, you can’t see a color until you meet the eyes of your Soulmate for the first time. Bangtan is known as one of the most infamous gangs around. This series will focus on the lighter side of things, their soulmates- Well, maybe they’re lighter. Maybe.
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Wanted Universe @jincherie -  Alien AU, Science Fiction, Soulmate AU, Action | fluff, angst, smut
Wanted | Jungkook - series [6/6] | 55.9k | Selkie King Jungkook x Human Reader who is a wanted “criminal” that crash landed on another planet
Tentacledipity | Jimin - series [6/9] | 50k+ |  This tale starts, as any good fiction does, with a girl crash landing on a foreign planet.
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Fragmentation (links to general masterlist) or read on AO3 @thebiasrekkers - [10/10] drabbles per character as a prequel to Defragmentation (coming soon) | The Matrix AU
also check the card set [01 02] for this series, this is just so cool!
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The Company @btsmakesmehappy - Secret Agent AU | fluff, angst, smut
Broken Vase | Namjoon - series [4/4] | 25k | Agent!Namjoon x Agent!Reader
Palate Cleanser | Taehyung - series [5/5] | 35k [ Agent!Taehyung x Baker!Reader, FWB AU, Strangers to Lovers
Sweet Scent | Jungkook - series [4/4] | 28k | Agent!Jungkook x Forensic Doctor!Reader
MicroWave | Yoongi - series [1/?] | 4.8k+ | Agent!Yoongi x Neighbor!Reader
Jimin -  coming soon
Hoseok -  coming soon
Seokjin -  coming soon
If you click the masterpost, the profiles for each character is  omplete with their skill set and level of competency. just amazing =)
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Hobiverse Universe @bloomsuga - Slice of Life, Time Traveler, SMAU (but with written parts) | fluff, angst, smut
Forever We Are Young (pianist!yoongi x art student!reader)
BLOOM (idol!jungkook x idol!reader)
COLLIDE (artist!taehyung x waitress!reader)
ROSES (dad!seokjin x photographer!reader) - there are spinoffs for Jungkook and Yoongi stories too
ANONYMOUS (rapper!joon x singer!reader)
KIWI (idol!jimin x coffee shop owner!reader)
WOKE (time traveler!hoseok x writer!reader)
a series of chaotic slice-of-life social media au’s connected by one thing; parallel universe-traveling wannabe cupid, jung hoseok, who’s in charge of making sure you find your soulmate
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Map of the Hearts Drabble Collection by hoseoksyn/bluesxde  - drabble series per member | Slice of Life AU | fluff, angst, smut
Keeping Things Simple | Namjoon - series [15/15] | 24k | Doctor AU, Fake Marriage AU
An Abundance of Scrunchies | Hoseok - [13/13] | 24.3k |  Single Parent AU, billionaire!hoseok x teacher!reader, enemies to lovers
Hesitate | Yoongi - [2/?] | 2k+ | Police Office AU, Friends to Lovers
The Formula for Love | Seokjin - [3/?] | 4k | Single Parent AU, Professor Seokjin
Cat Got Your Tongue | Jimin - [3/?] | 5.8k |Divorced Jimin, Cat Cafe AU, Brother’s Best Friend AU,  Secret Relationship
Say Hello to Me | Taehyung - [1/?] | 1.2k+ | Singer Taehyung, Friends to Lovers
Before the Sun Rises | Jungkook - [1/?] | 2k+ | Bar Owner Jungkook, FWB AU
a collection of drabble series set within the An Abundance of Scrunchies (aaos) universe
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Amourville @artaefact - one shot per member | slice of life, fluff, angst
Grinchly, Yours | Hoseok - Christmas AU, Florist AU, Bookshop AU
Bakery 1995 | Jimin - Bakery AU, Childhood Friends to Lovers
A Letter in Roses | Taehyung - Valentine’s Day AU, CEO AU, Husband AU, Established Relationship
The Devil in Chanel | Jungkook - Bodyguard AU, Enemies to Lovers, *coming soon
just recently realized that the Jimin and Hoseok in Taehyung’s story are the same ones in fics #1 & 2. This is fluffy goodness 🥰
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Snowball Effect Project by various writers @stutterfly @gukslut @fortunexkookie @ddaenggtan - Christmas AU | fluff, smut
Snow Don’t Tell - PJM | 27.2k | Neighbor AU, Friends to Lovers AU
The Holiday Unplugged - JHS | 17.4K | Domestic AU
Tip of the Iceberg - MYG | 20.1 | Strangers to Lovers AU, Single “Dad”
Frost Impressions - JJK | 41.3k | Teachers AU,  Enemies to Lovers, Pining, Bestfriend AU, Gamer AU, Idiots to Lovers  🌷
Cheapskate - KTH | 25.2k | Domestic AU
Half-baked Holiday - KSJ | 12.6k | Bakery AU, Friends to Lovers, Idiots to Lovers
Midnight Wishes - KNJ | 10.3k |  Roommate AU, Friends to Lovers, FWB AU
part of this reading list; it’s one small town and they’re all friends who found love during the holidays. what a charming series
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BTS Dad Series @bts-reveries - SMAU series per member | Single Dad AU, Single Parent AU, Parent AU, Family AU | fluff, angst
Daddy Diaries - Yoongi | single dad AU x baker!reader
One Night Light  - Hoseok | choreographer x singlemom!reader
Page Turner - Namjoon | author AU, fangirl!reader, single dad AU
Daddy Duties - Jimin | Parents AU (new dad)
Mini Me - Taehyung | artist!taehyung x singlemom!reader
Young One - Jungkook | parent AU, photographer AU, 
Expect the Unexpected - Seokjin | parent AU, CEO AU, designer!mom
read in order to make sense since characters will appear in other SMAUs
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Halloween Hookups by Krisaissosmart [ao3] - one shot per member | 17k | Romance (or hookups) one Halloween Night | F, S
Mario Edition - KSJ |  "I can't believe I had sex with a guy dressed as Mario."
Haunted Tour - MYG |  that time you met a hot guy during a haunted tour and took him home to have loud sex and piss off your roommate
Emergency Edition - JHS |  Halloween is a rough day for EMT's. You and your partner, Hoseok, need to find a quick way to release stress in between calls
Scary Move Edition - KNJ |  “We’ll get kicked out if we get caught.”
Mortal Kombat Edition - PJM | When Sub-Zero met Scorpion
Car Burglar Edition - KTH | Exes AU,  "So…Tell me. Do you still masturbate to the thought of me?” 🥕my favorite!
House of Horrors Edition - JJK | no summary
so I rarely recommend AO3 fics since the platform has a more organized way to read fics and I want to highlight tumblr works instead. But I don’t think this has been recommended yet and I just love that Halloween becomes cute instead of spooky. 
Read in order, the characters will make appearances which will make sense when you read the other one shots
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Activate Your SIM Card Series @stutterfly​ -  IT/Nerd Reader x OT7 | one universe (so same character makeup per series) but for each series IT!Reader ends up with that highlighted member instead
Love Bytes - KNJ | [9/9] | Bestfriend AU *completed
Swipe Right - JJK [4/?] | Personal Trainer!Jungkook, Enemies to Lovers *ongoing
Love Virus - KSJ | Chef!Seokjin, Friends to Lovers |  *TBA
Overloaded - MYG | Bartender!Yoongi, Friends to Lovers, Heavy Angst | *TBA
Cable Switch Tango - JHS | Dance Instructor!Hoseok, FWB AU  *TBA
Pixel Perfect - PJM | Model!Jimin, Friends to Lovers |  *TBA
Cache Only - KTH | Artist!Taehyung, Friends to Lovers | *TBA
IT/TechSupport/NerdReader gets dating help/advice and ends up falling in love with them instead
so I debated if I should include this or not but it kind of fits the bill! It’s also interesting to see alternate scenarios like what if OC ends up with Jungkook instead (read Swipe Right) or maybe with Model Jimin (go to Pixel Perfect). Haven’t seen anything like this so give it a read! 
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🌷 posted: 2021 Mar 20 | updated: 2021 May 02 🌷 other lists 🌷 I love to read so feel free to recommend a fic =)
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thoughts and asks
some notable thoughts and answers to asks that I figured I would compile into one place, either because I felt they were general enough to apply to many, are funny, answered specific questions about my work, etc
not an extensive list. I answer a lot of asks. I should be better about this section of my blog, but alas...
disclaimer: not a doctor, psychologist, therapist, sex therapist, etc these are just thoughts coming from a noggin, pls don't come for me
mental health + life.
pain and self-harming thoughts, 2021.04.22
when does it get better, 2021.06.10
dealing with burnout, 2021.12.15
self-doubt + becoming who you want to be, 2021.12.16
about mistakes, 2021.12.19
intrusive thoughts, 2022.01.02
weight insecurity and feeling comfortable in your body, 2022.01.04, 2022.01.08
quitting your job with no back-up plan, 2022.01.26
social anxiety and job interviews, 2022.01.27
friends growing apart, 2022.01.28
what it means to "get help" and why you feel bad when you're having a good day, 2022.02.01
about BTS's "hiatus", 2022.06.14
will everything be okay? 2022.06.24
negative self-image, 2022.10.21
three pinnacles of (long-distance) relationships, 2023.04.23
self-harm relapse, 2023.06.25
feeling tired / exhausted / burnt out, 2023.10.18
how to make dirty talk less awkward, 2021.09.17
saving or waxing down there, 2021.10.26
feeling late to relationships / sex, 2021.11.08
"what does it feel like to get your nipples sucked", 2021.11.18
insecurity + lady bits, 2021.12.19
mystery of the female orgasm, 2021.12.27
about edging, 2022.01.04
what does cum taste like, 2022.01.04, 2022.01.04
kissing? 2022.01.12
bigger dick = better sex? 2022.01.31
is it bad to watch porn? 2022.02.12
f-receiving oral, 2022.03.16
cn't get off without porn, 2022.03.17
explaining a dom drop, 2022.10.29
my writing + me.
how I think when I write BTS in intimate situations, 2021.04.23
someone had a fever dream about me and it's the best thing I've ever read in my life and I must immortalize it here, 2021.06.10
a nice dream ft my blog XD, 2021.06.20
about me, 2021.07.01
my favorite series I've ever written, ft quite possibly the greatest couple on the internet, 2021.07.01
what is the kind of love in 'the days without you', 2021.07.19
top tier meme, ft me, 2021.09.21
my process as a writer, 2021.10.10, 2021.11.30
my experience with studying psychology, 2021.12.18
me and my BTS biases, 2021.12.18
[behind] 'dionysus', 2021.12.31
'not allowed' AU: do the other members know?, 2022.01.05
my sexuality, 2022.05.25
how I got my confidence, 2022.05.27
☆ click here for main masterpost ☆ click here for drabbles masterpost ☆ click here for prompt list
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circumstellars · 3 years
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I’m collecting my fanworks into master-posts for my own need to be stupidly organised! For your viewing pleasure, here are direct links to my gifs thus far.
This post is now discontinued! Leaving for posterity, but from here on out please see these links for the current masterposts this one has transformed into (02/2021):
Gifset Masterpost: The Umbrella Academy Gifset Masterpost: TUA Cast+
I accept prompts, if I have the time, as long as they’re TUA or cast related in some way. I make them as HQ as the source will allow, within the size restrictions of tumblr. I work with Adobe Photoshop and do my own editing. I put a lot of work and effort into these - please do not repost without credit!
Note; ‘Art set’ is defined as gifs/set that are edited beyond the conventional cut and colour, so to speak. Including but not limited to: special animations, effects, timing sequences, blending, texturing, etc. are found in anything labelled ‘Art set’.
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Season 1:
Luther +  Stars Over The Dordogne [EP1] [Art set] It’s been a long time since I’ve had a good sleep [EP2] You know someday, I’d really love for you to meet her [EP2] Allison, Luther + forgetting this place, but not you [EP2] (1) Allison, Luther + Claire’s superhero [EP2] (2) Five + Klaus (and his nicest outfit) [EP2] (1) Five + Klaus (and their cover story) [EP2] (2) Klaus' nicest outfit [EP2] (3) Five, Luther, Klaus + a stakeout in the van [EP3] (1) Five, Luther + Klaus' waxing experiments [EP3] (2) Luther, Five + get out of the van Klaus [EP3] (3) I can't believe I have a sister [EP4] [Art set] Maybe I will have some coffee [EP5] [Art set] Five + Stellar’s higher resolution foray [EP5] Five + Kin [EP5] [Art set] Klaus + I’m 10 months older [EP5]  Klaus, Ben + saving Luther [EP7] I’m afraid your reputation precedes you [EP6] [Art set] Season 2:
Five meeting Elliott [EP1] Diego Hargreeves falling in love [EP1] Luther finding Vanya in 1963 [EP2] Imagine Batman... then aim lower [EP2] Ray, Allison and Axel [EP?] Klaus + Hippie Van [EP3] Klaus + waking up [EP3] [Art set] The Mexican Embassy: Diego getting his ass kicked [EP4] (1) The Mexican Embassy: Diego kicking ass [EP4] (2) Klaus, Allison, Vanya + Family Affairs [EP5] Breathe, Allison! + Let’s Dance! [EP10]
Harlan throughout S2 [Art set] Season 1 & Season 2: Precursor to a massacre + Five [S1EP1 vs S2EP7] Klaus + immortality immorality [S1 & S2, various] The Hargreeves siblings close-ups: S1 vs. S2 [EP1] [Art set] Five, What Did You Do? [S1EP1 vs S2EP7] [Art set] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, siblings in colour [S2 Promo] [Art set]
Five, Klaus +  To My Brother [various] [Art set] *shop request
TUA Big Bang 2020: Family, Broken [S1 & S2, various] [Art set] 
Five's arguable power upgrade (meta + gifs) [S1 vs. S2]
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David Castañeda:
David Castañeda for Roofers Promo (??) (2015)
MasterClass with Robricio (2016)
David Castañeda on guitar (via Instagram) (2019)
Kids. Love. Beer (via Instagram) (2019)
The Book of Interview (2020) DA MAN Photoshoot (Colour) (2020) DA MAN Photoshoot (B&W) (2020)
‘Viendo la película el otro día... ’ (via Instagram & Twitter) (2020) 
Aidan Gallagher:
"Do what comes naturally” (201?)
Whatever this is Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn (201?) 
For #Actnow (2019) For #Actnow (alternate set) (2019)
Tom Hopper, Emmy Raver-Lampman, David Castañeda & Elliot Page:
TUA promo for Netflix Latinoamérica (2018) [Art set]
Tom Hopper & Robert Sheehan:
Buzzfeed x Earth Locker: 24 Hours 0 Waste Challenge (2020) (1) Buzzfeed x Earth Locker: 24 Hours 0 Waste Challenge (2020) (2) Buzzfeed x Earth Locker: 24 Hours 0 Waste Challenge (2020) (3) Buzzfeed x Earth Locker: 24 Hours 0 Waste Challenge (2020) (4)
Justin Min:
Justin Min interviewed for GQ (2020)
Emmy Raver-Lampman
TUA interview for Tribute (2019)
Robert Sheehan:
On the awkward scenes in Misfits S01 for Digital Spy (2010) 
Killing Bono BTS (LQ) (2011)
The 100 face journey For RTÉ (2015)
Moonwalkers BTS Interview (2015)
Robert Sheehan talks with Spacehop (2016) Robert Sheehan for Spacehop (again) (2016)
Fortitude [S2] [EP5] (2017)
Mortal Engines interview on Lorraine (with Hugo Weaving) (2018) Mortal Engines GigaTV Mag Interview (2018) (1) Mortal Engines GigaTV Mag Interview (2018) (2) Netflix: The Great Irish Debate interview (2019) (1) Netflix: The Great Irish Debate interview (2019) (2)
The Toilers - Banshee Betty (music video) (2019) (1/?)
Noisy little buggers (instagram?) (2020)
Rock Rivals [EP4] (2008) Rock Rivals [EP4] (2) Rock Rivals [EP6] Rock Rivals [EP6] (2) Rock Rivals [EP6] (3) Rock Rivals [EP6] (4) Rock Rivals [EP6] (5) Rock Rivals [EP6] (6) Rock Rivals [EP6] (7) Rock Rivals [EP6] (8)
Last updated: discontinued here!
103 notes · View notes
acopenhagenarmy · 5 years
A/N: So this is a masterpost of sorts where I will collect all the links to all the stories that I love and adore. None of these stories belong to me, so make sure you give the creators of them as much love as you possibly can! I hope that you will love them and adore them as much as I have! And don’t worry I will keep updating this post as I find more! 
Mearning: 💓 fluff | 🌧 angst | 🍑 smut | 📱 social media au | ✨ favorites |
- Path that lead to you 💓
- I love you in red 💓🌧
- Obligated 💓🌧🍑✨
- Ticket on the train 💓🌧
- Doppelgänger  📱💓
- Written in the stars💓
- Under the stars 💓
- Sign, sealed and delivered 💓
- Anonymous 📱💓
- Whine 🍑
- Everything goes 📱💓✨
- Hanabi 💓
- Creatures of the night 💓
- Mated under the moonlight (pt.2 for Creatures of the night) 💓
- Kiss and cry 💓
- Go for the gold (pt.2 for kiss and cry) 💓
- Plastic heart 💓
- Write my love 💓
- Seven tears 💓🌧🍑✨
- Confessing 💓
- Roses 📱💓🌧🍑
- Spring day 💓
- All along 💓🌧🍑✨
- Giving fate a push 💓
- Pulled by fate (pt.2 for giving fate a push)💓
- Of spells and spinning wheels 💓
- Dream to me 📱💓
- Tear drops 💓🌧
- Cypher 📱💓
- When I see you 💓🌧✨
- Hard path  📱💓
- The Sugar Wars 💓
- Unlikely alliance 📱💓
- Tinges 📱💓
- Whine 🍑
- Signed in black 💓
- Now you see me 📱💓
- Fortuitous 💓🌧🍑✨
- Seesaw 📱💓
- Don’t marry him 💓🌧 
- Hello Paradise 💓🌧🍑 
- Confessing 💓
- Our shape 💓🌧✨
- Run little rabbit  💓🍑
- Big bad wolf 💓🍑
- Orectic 💓🌧🍑
- Whine 🍑
- Madeleine 💓🌧🍑✨
- Pink 💓🌧
- Please... 💓🌧
- Confessing 💓
- Heartbeat 💓🌧🍑
- Fake love 💓🌧🍑
- Birthday 💓
- Lust to love 📱💓🌧
- Everything 💓🌧🍑✨
- Denouement 📱💓🌧🍑
- A Jimin one shot 💓
- Serendipity 📱💓🌧🍑  
- Shh... 🍑
- Starcrossed 📱💓
- Reply back to me 📱💓
- Good girl 🍑
- Tinges 📱💓
- Keep talking 🍑
- Collide 💓🌧🍑✨
- Dichotomy 💓🌧🍑✨
- Stars 📱💓
- Shh... 🍑
- Tattooed 📱💓
- Do-ri-mi-fa-so (so fucking done)🍑
- Press start 📱💓
- The lucky ones💓🌧
- Prismatic 💓
- Melted 💓
- Tonight 🍑
- Five dates 💓🌧🍑✨
- Just friends 💓🍑
- Blood ink 💓🌧🍑
- Lifeline 💓🌧🍑
- Immortals 💓🌧🍑
- Void 💓🌧🍑
- Soul Meiteu 💓🌧✨
- Please 🍑
- Sweeter than sweet 💓🌧🍑
- String of fate 💓🌧✨
- BTS replaced you 🌧
- When I see you again (sequal to BTS replaced you)💓🌧
- Forbidden fruit  💓🌧🍑
- Twelve days of Christmas 💓🌧🍑
- Eight’s a crowd 💓🌧🍑✨
- Tattoos a la mode 💓
- Whine 💓🍑
- The Switch 🍑
- Wendsday 💓🌧🍑✨
- Sunday  💓🌧🍑✨
- Art’s purest form 💓🌧
- Ace for hire 💓🌧✨
- Wedding series  💓🌧✨
- Pregnancy series 💓🌧✨
- Baby series 💓
- Toddler series 💓
- Heart stopper 🌧
- You squirting 🍑
- Realizing his/your feelings too late - hyung line 💓🌧
- Realizing his/your feelings too late - maknae line 💓🌧
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CSI Extras Masterpost
Various BTS, commentaries, or other fun extras for CSI: Crime Scene Investigation! Let me know if there’s something you’d like to see on here, and I’ll see what I can do to add it ;)
(list of which episodes have commentaries here)
7.20 Lab Rats Commentary 
8.08 You Kill Me Commentary
10.09 Appendicitement Commentary 
9.16 Turn, Turn, Turn Commentary (sorry the audio’s a bit weird on this one, there’s something wrong with my season 9 dvds)
14.14 De Los Muertos Commentary
Grave Danger Behind the Scenes (”Tarantino Style”)
CSI: Immortality Deleted Scenes
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minniepetals · 6 years
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© minniepetals — all rights reserved. do not steal, plagiarize, or repost any content onto any platform. i do not allow my works to be used or adapted in any way
note: these works are all pairing with bts x reader, meaning these are all poly ot7 contents
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♡ - fluff ☾ - angst ✓ - series complete ✎ - series ongoing ❖ - series on hold
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| request rules | frequently asked questions |
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M O R E  W O R K S
drabbles masterpost
song drabbles masterpost
aus+quote masterpost
second aus+quotes masterpost
wbmg masterpost
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latest: cmar part 25
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O N E  S H O T S
you belong to us ➳ ♡ ☾ harassed by guys at a party, your boyfriends comes to the rescue to make sure they know you belong to them read here
cuddles & cries ➳ ♡  you hate scary movies but the boys decided to put it on anyways read here
beautiful night ➳ ♡ in which the guys finally come out and tell you how they feel read here
feelings of doubt ➳ ♡ ☾ fights and makeups read here
what am i to you ➳ ♡ a fight over you has you questioning what exactly you were to the seven vampires read here
sanctuary  ➳ ☾ sometimes home isn’t a specific destination, sometimes home is when you’re crying and they reach out to hold you in their arms despite the rules. sometimes home is what you call their arms, your sanctuary read here / drabble
flowers & tattoos ➳ ♡ you own a flower shop right next to the tattoo parlor your boyfriends own read here
pretty little flower ➳ ♡ ☾ you were their flower amidst the dark read here
mikrokosmos ➳ ♡ ☾ cursed from a witch that turned them into actual sized humans and claiming that had been their true forms all along, maybe living with them in that way was better for you — if they weren’t that good looking and had your heart drumming every moment at just the sight read here
yours alone ➳ ♡ they were always captivated by your beauty, but sadly they aren’t the only ones read here
strawberries & cigarettes ➳ ♡ ☾ you were forbidden to love any man outside the partner your father had chosen for you, but you knew you could never give them up despite how bad they were for you read here
when the rain gets rough ➳ ♡ ☾ when you try to voice out your feelings and they get too busy when a deal goes wrong, the rain gets rough as a fight escalates read here
until the last star falls ➳ ♡ ☾ ✓ it was a love you knew would never make it out alive without sacrificing a part of your happiness to receive a greater happiness. but for them, you’d go to any extreme to have them again, and for you, they will always remind you each day that you are theirs and that nothing can tear you apart, not even until the last star falls read here / epilogue
caramel macchiato ➳ ♡ once known as the dark and ruthless gang members, fell for the one that was as sweet as a caramel macchiato read here
honeylove ➳ ♡ ☾ sometimes it may feel as if you are punished for loving each other but no matter what happens, they will always make it better read here
nightlight ➳ ♡ ☾ things have never been easy for you but you never expected it’d be them that would make things easier read here
heartbeat ➳ ♡ ☾ running away from your master is never easy so you deem yourself this will be the last time if you are fatefully brought back to his hold again. so what happens when you stumble upon seven men who says they won’t bring you back? what happens when they promise you their love and care instead? read here
love poem ➳ ♡ ☾ for years you’ve suffered for the longest time and for years they’ve hurt without understanding the true meaning behind it all. soulmates connected through the hearts, soulmates connected through the slightest touches, and when they finally meet their last soulmate, the seven gods vowed to themselves that they will love and protect you for the rest of their immortal lives read here
a gentle memory ➳ ☾ sometimes things are just not meant to be. and sometimes they are. the boys recall all their memories spent with you on the day of your wedding read here
as long as you’re here ➳ ♡ whether you know it or not, you always make things right again read here
because i’m yours ➳ ♡ you should have known they’d never let you go after gathering the courage to ask for a kiss read here
a cup of love ➳ ♡ ☾ some days they can forget to appreciate you but even then, you’ll never stop to show them that you care read here
when the morning comes ➳ ♡ it’s not always the easiest when it comes to waking up and having to leave you but even then, you make every moment worth it all read here
wine  ➳ ♡ you’re filled of surprises when drunk read here
a thousand springs ➳ ♡ ☾ when poison threatens to take your life away from them, they only wish they had more time with you read here
yellow lights ➳ ♡ who would have thought your coworkers would mean more to you than you initially thought a year later? read here
until death ➳ ♡ until death do you part, you are theirs and they are yours read here
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drabble: when a demon loves ➳ ♡ a demon’s love was more powerful than any human could ever give you read here
drabble: guardians ➳ ♡ ☾ no matter what fight may try to tear you apart, they will always be there to protect you read here
drabble: when october ends | implied poly ➳ ☾ you had to savor every moment before october ends read here
drabble: little jellyfish ➳ ♡ they were the only ones immune to your sting, and you were their little jellyfish read here | seek
drabble: milk & honey ➳ ♡ you’re small and sweet like milk and honey, but sometimes they are even more sweeter read here
drabble: comforting arms ➳ ♡ ☾ they come home to find you silently crying to yourself read here
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string of fate ➳ ♡ ☾ ✎ ❖ they set fire to the world around them but would never let a flame touch her masterpost
the butterseries ➳ ♡ ☾ ✓ their names alone had every men and women turning their heads and falling at their feet. successful, prestigious, handsome, rich and untouchable to anyone that looked their way. and you? you were just an employee who worked for them. who would have known you meant so much more to them than you could ever imagine? masterpost
rose & thorns ➳ ♡ ☾ ✎ ❖ a lone rose, a little broken, until Jungkook came along and the two of you saved each other. and in doing so, Jungkook showed you a world where he shared with his six other mates masterpost
soft ➳ ♡ ☾ ✓ they loved you so hard they softened. and for that, they had to pay for their mistakes — if it was even a mistake. but it isn't. loving you is never a mistake soft / sweet
unlove me, i dare you  ➳ ♡ ☾ ✓ it wasn't meant to be. you're only a burden part 1 | part 2
cry me a river ➳ ☾ ✎ forever is just an illusion, nothing lasts forever. don’t make me a promise that you cannot keep. please...it’ll break my heart masterpost
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writersrealmbts · 5 months
We Could Be: (Home) 34
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; seven souls are brought together, blah blah blah, It was their desire to show Seokjin just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 11/20/2023
Wordcount: (1,491)
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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Seokjin looked over the others with worry gnawing at his stomach.
Taehyung and Yoongi were still shifted, which meant they weren’t really ready to be human yet, which meant Seokjin hadn’t been able to explain what he had in mind yet.
Already the stone around them seemed to be vibrating with this idea of pleasing him. Of bending to his will.
This cave was old, and thrumming with magic. Magic older than most people.
“Hyung, you look nervous,” Namjoon whispered, sitting down beside him.
Seokjin sighed and reached out, rubbing Namjoon’s neck. “Just…trying not to get antsy while we wait for the other two to…get in better headspace.”
Namjoon nodded, leaning into the touch.
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writersrealmbts · 5 months
We Could Be: (Jealous) 35
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; seven souls are brought together, blah blah blah, It was their desire to show Seokjin just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 12/08/2023
Wordcount: (1,758)
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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The sunlight was heavenly, warming him through and helping him pursue that sleepiness that still lingered.
Taehyung mumbled in his sleep and rolled the opposite way.
Jimin smiled and laughed a bit to himself, then stretched and got up, staring outside even though it was all too bright.
But the view was amazing.
Their new home was amazing.
On the outside, it looked like an unassuming little stone house.
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writersrealmbts · 1 year
We Could Be: (Destiny) 1
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; six souls are brought together to navigate the world. Namjoon had become immortal by accident. Hoseok was born into immortality. Jimin was pursuing immortality. Yoongi had immortality thrust upon him. Taehyung isn't sure how or when he became immortal. Jungkook showed no interest whatsoever in immortality. It's Seokjin's job to help them all learn to live, immortal or not. His job to keep them safe and teach them how to live life while losing people they loved to mortality. It was their desire to teach him how much they loved him. It was their desire to show him just what "We Could Be". Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 1/19/2023
Wordcount: 1,472
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
AN: I've been working on this for over a year, so hope y'all are in for the long-haul.
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Namjoon just thought it was some sort of seafood dish. His friend dared him to eat it, and he was drunk enough to get over his hatred of seafood to try it. He hadn’t known it was mermaid tail.
Four days later, he woke up in a special hospital and was told he was immortal now.
The man that told him introduced himself as Seokjin, and he had a friendly smile.
He was also the only person that touched Namjoon that day that didn’t send his mind and vision spinning into memories of those people or things.
By the end of the day, Seokjin was the only person around and he’d used some sort of spell to make everything…calm and quiet.
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writersrealmbts · 10 months
We Could Be: Parts 27, 28, and 29
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; seven souls are brought together, blah blah blah, It was their desire to show Seokjin just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 07/12/2023
Wordcount: Scattered, 1,288; Found, 1,863; Possessive, 1,442
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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“Joonie-hyung?” Jimin tried again, waving a hand in front of his hyung’s face in the hopes that his hyung would be coming out of the trance at any moment. He knew that he couldn’t force his hyung out of the memory-trance, but normally it was over in seconds.
This one had been going for close to ten minutes.
They’d just been exploring to see if there was an easier way out of the caves than climbing. They were supposed to follow their tunnel, go as straight as possible and then turn around after a certain amount of time and go straight back.
Jimin, still feeling a little…exposed to the world, had been eager to go back as soon as they reached the decided time-marker.
But then Namjoon had touched something, frowned and kept going. “Just a little further.”
He’d indulged at first, but then he’d insisted on turning back.
That’s where things got difficult.
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writersrealmbts · 11 months
We Could Be: 25 and 26 (Stuck and Disoriented)
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; seven souls are brought together, blah blah blah, It was their desire to show Seokjin just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 06/08/2023
Wordcount: Stuck, 1,448; Disoriented, 1,511
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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“This…isn’t the careful that I had in mind,” Hoseok groaned somewhere to Yoongi’s right.
Yoongi was shaking as he tried to push himself up, almost choking on the vanilla scent. “Namjoon? Tae? Jungkook? Jimin? Jin-hyung?”
A soft growl emanated from his left, followed by a whine.
“Tae or Jungkook?”
A noise that sounded suspiciously like a dog saying, “Tae” in the quietest way it could.
“Whine if you managed to catch Jin, growl if you aren’t sure where he is.”
There was a soft whine.
“I’m okay, I think, just…a little winded,” Namjoon groaned. “Well…might have broken something.”
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writersrealmbts · 7 months
We Could Be: (Stretched)
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; seven souls are brought together, blah blah blah, It was their desire to show Seokjin just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 09/26/2023
Wordcount: Shrunk (1,423)
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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It was an unspoken rule that Taehyung was supposed to pretend that he didn’t hear some conversations when he was shifted. It was a rule for Yoongi, too, but again, an unspoken one.
So Taehyung had to pretend that he didn’t hear Jimin kissing Namjoon while they were getting bedding (glorious, soft, warm bedding) from the magical storage unit.
And he had to pretend he didn’t hear Seokjin whisper that he loved his babies.
And he had to pretend that he hadn’t heard Seokjin’s entire conversation with Yoongi about his heritage and abilities. That he hadn’t heard Yoongi speaking, clearly back in human form and apparently naked (something Taehyung was itching to sneak a peek at). That he hadn’t heard that Yoongi chose to stay in cat form for a little longer.
It was a lot of pretending and Taehyung was feeling a little pouty about it.
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writersrealmbts · 4 months
We Could Be: Chapters 36-Chapter 40
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; seven souls are brought together, blah blah blah, It was their desire to show Seokjin just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 12/22/2023
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, witches, fae, etc.
AN: Merry Christmas
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36. (Incognito)
As a nymph, Hoseok was hard to track using magic.
Yay him.
It made him a prime candidate for an excursion into the nearby city, with Jimin and Taehyung.
He was so honored.
So thrilled.
Taehyung scratched at the collar, looking sort of miserable as they waited to cross the street.
Jimin had the leash in a death grip.
Hoseok couldn’t figure out how he’d lived in Seoul for as long as he had, because everything about the city was just…overwhelming now. The smells, the sounds, even the sights seemed harsh to him, and he was longing to be back in the forest, heading back to their new sentient home.
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writersrealmbts · 1 year
We Could Be: (Hidden) 24
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; seven souls are brought together, blah blah blah, It was their desire to show Seokjin just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 05/011/2023
Wordcount: 1,107
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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Hoseok hated bugs. Always had. They terrified him.
They were creepy.
Right now, though, they didn’t exist.
He had to find the right path and they were whispering which way was safest and telling him that danger was following but if they went just a little further, the trees would start helping.
This way, nymph.
Hurry, nymph.
Hoseok had never paid much attention to his nymph blood, aside from the fact that it would keep him alive. He liked seeing flowers in spring, or blooming where life was unlikely. In cracks of cement or well-worn soccer fields.
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