#bud I'm so fuckin tired of shit happening to me
snailsdraw · 1 year
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[Start ID: 6 pages of HLVRAI narrative doodles about the Science Team's first meeting with the Spore Launcher.
Bubby waves Gordon over to a small lift enthusiastically: "Gordon, come look at what I found! Right this way." Gordon, however, is wary: "I dunno, man. Should I even be trusting you to lead me places? You remember what happened the, uh, buh- the last time, so sue me for having a hard time believing it's safe up there." Bubby gives him a tired look: "Gordon, I've long put that behind me-" "YOU???" Gordon cuts in incredulously, "YOU'VE put-" Bubby ignores him and continues: "And- Yes! I would like if we could get going now."
But they do not get going, because Gordon is now mad. The lift makes its way up without them. "Look, buddy," Gordon starts, trying to keep him volume under control, "I don't know if you think this is some sorts bit? Or me being uncooperative- I am GENUINELY traumatised by what you did. And Benrey. Can't forget him. The fuckin' TWO of you can-" But Bubby isn't having it, and dismissively he says: "Yes, and I apologised. I didn't expect that to happen, you know. I did tell you that." The lift comes back down with a surprised Darnold. "Oh! You guys made it," Darnold says as the lift comes to a halt. Bubby's face brightens as he sees him, and he points out the thing held in Darnold's arms: "Oh good, it's that thing I wanted to show you!" All eyes follow Bubby's finger down the purring lungfish-like alien in Darnold's hands. Gordon is horrified: "What the- what the hell is THAT?? Should we REALLY be touching the weird alien creature- killing machines- in this place- Come on, you guys…"
"Well, y'see, Dr Freeman," Darnold begins matter-of-factly, "those creatures were- y'see, they weren't in tubes. Un-tubed creatures, now they're the ones you gotta look out for. But this one is fine. I should know. I made the potion in the tube I found her in!" Gordons squints at him: "What the hell is he saying?" Bubby's mouth hangs slightly agape. He does not answer. Darnold continues, undeterred: "I recognised it immediately from how I, uh, blacked out for 2 minutes after tasting it." "You WHAT?!!" Gordon yells. Bubby regains his voice. Something Darnold had said about making potions for tubes had left him uneasy. "Darnold, did you aid in my creation?" he asks in a small voice, too quiet to hear over Gordon's volume. "WHY WOULD YOU- You're supposed to-" Gordon stumbles over his words, perplexed by Darnold's actions, "Weren't you, like, terrified of dying just a minute ago- WHY would you drink something you didn't even RECOGNISE??!" "Look-" Darnold tries to interject, but Gordon presses on. "YOU COULD'A DIED, MAN!!" Sensing that Gordon is finally done, Darnold sighs: "Look, I understand your concerns, Dr Freeman, but what IS a scientist if not someone who observes and makes sense of his surroundings?"
Gordon pinches his nosebridge and screws his eyes tight shut: "I dunno…Alive? Usually?" "I do this for a living, you know?" Darnold counters. Bubby folds his arms, unimpressed: "That's no attitude for a scientist, Gordon. How do you think we got so famous as a research facility?" Gordon groans: "From all the shit that's going on now, for sure. The media's gonna run with this for weeks-" He cuts himself off with an exhausted sigh: "I'm done with this conversation." Gordon pulls his hand from his face and gestures to the alien creature in Darnold's arms: "What's, uh, what's that thing you found there, bud? You know it's not dangerous. What else d'you got? Know?" Darnold's eyes wander upwards in thought, stroking the creature absentmindedly: "Well…she didn't try to take my head off when she saw me, that's one. There were two others in the intact tubes nearby. Hers was broken."
As the creature begins to purr under his hand, Darnold smiles slightly: "Oh! And that she seems to enjoy being pet…which was quite surprising." "I couldn't find any written information on their species," he continues, "so I've elected to call them the, uh…Gubbs…after the sound they make." "The Gubbs," Gordon repeats, unsure, "Right, okay-" Bubby raises an accusing eyebrow at Darnold: "That's not what we agreed on." He raises an intelligent finger, recounting: "I remember clearly stating that they looked like mini Hubble Telescopes, and that we named them "Hubbs"." Darnold frowns at him: "I- no, you- I recall no exchange of that nature, Dr Bubby." Overlapping him, but quieter, Gordon mutters: "The Hubb- I mean, I guess? Kinda? But-" Bubby jumps back in to correct Darnold: "Of course, you do! It's much like the James Webb Telescope you kids are more familiar with these days." Gordon freezes.
"Gh- The-" Gordon stutters, and it takes him a moment to find his words, "J-James Webb." Bubby begins to say "Yes", but shuts his mouth right before the word leaves. "James Webb," Gordon continues, shaken, "I'm not trippin', right? He said that. James-" "…yeah, I, uh…" Darnold says, equally at a loss, "…I don't know what that is." Gordon points at Bubby: "How do you know what that is, it's not even-" his voice drops into a harsh whisper, "It doesn't even exist yet??" Gordon sucks in a breath. "Bubby," he tries again, carefully "How do you know what that is?" The old man is silent for a long beat. "Hello, Gordon," Bubby says. The defult NPC dialogue line catches Gordon off guard so hard he wheezes in surprised laughter. "You can't just-" Gordon wheezes for breath. "That's Dr Coomer's line-" As if on cue, the stout elderly scientist appears by Bubby's side. "HELLO, GORDON!" Dr Coomer greets chipperly. Gordon heaves a heavy sigh: "Hello, Dr Coomer…" "Hello, Dr Coomer!" Bubby beams.
End ID.]
Previous parts found here: [Part 1.] [Part 2.]
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the-furies · 1 year
@white-boy-bracket hai. This is the thing we spent all fuckin day writing. Not posting to A03 bc A03 scares us [lighthearted]
Anyways chapters 1 & 2 under the cut of Harry's POV from whatever the fuck is going on, vaguely set after he got Revived™:
YOU – … What the fuck.
ANCIENT REPTILIAN BRAIN – Welcome back to self awareness, fucko! How'd you sleep? Like shit, I bet?
YOU – Yeah, whatever just happened didn't feel good. Am I dead finally?
ANCIENT REPTILIAN BRAIN – I'm afraid not, Harry boy. Though you *did* die, recently. Happened rather quickly, too. But that's neither here nor there.
ANCIENT REPTILIAN BRAIN – What's important is that The Infernal Engine is once again up and running. And once it's up and running, *oh boy*, is it unstoppable! You are nigh impossible to defeat, Harry, and you are going to make it *everybody else's problem.*
YOU – What if I… Wanted it all to stop though? What if I'm tired?
ANCIENT REPTILIAN BRAIN – Too bad! You had your chance when you actually died the first time, but some higher power still wants you around. Probably for the best. I bet whatever's going to happen next will be really...
… Funny.
YOU – … Okay. Sure. Can I go back to sleep, though? I'd like to pretend none of this is happening right now.
ANCIENT REPTILIAN BRAIN – Nope! You're gonna open your eyes and participate in this death match again whether you'd like to or not!
YOU – Wait, *death match*??
YOU – Hey.
YOU – *Hey.*
YOU – Hey!! I don't want to do this!! Please let me sleep!! What the fuck!!!
Wake up.
VOLITION – Oh, no. Oh this fucking *sucks*, guys.
PERCEPTION [Trivial: Failure] – The hell do you mean. Is he not asleep?
HALF LIGHT – Nah. We're dead. This is hell. This is hell we're in. Awesome! Love that for us.
VOLITION – Can you like actually shut your mouth for 5 seconds for once in your goddamn life. Please. I am *begging*,
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – Heyy. Hey guys. Uh. He's like, waking up. Like, right now. Like. Right this second? What uh. Should we do. Help.
Open your eyes.
-1 health.
Everything is bright and your head hurts and it sucks here. Wherever *here* is, anyway.
Close your eyes and go back to sleep. It's fine. This is all a dream, probably.
Get up and look around the area.
Die for realsies.
VOLITION [Challenging: Success] – What? Fuck you you're not dying. Bitch. You're awake now, go… I don't know. Look around and see what's what here.
YOU – "What if I don't wanna :("
VOLITION – That isn't my problem shut up. Go. Go, go, go. Right now. Right. Fucking now.
YOU – "🥺"
VOLITION – Don't you "🥺" me, oh my God!!
Close your eyes and go back to sleep. It's fine. This is all a dream, probably.
Get up and look around the area.
Die for realsies.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – Hey actually now that he's up and awake, we can… Go find *substances*. Anddd… Similar Things. Perhaps. Maybe. Just an idea. So he doesn't, uh… Actually for realsies die. :)
VOLITION – ... Y'know what. Sure. Fuck it all.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – Okay cool so while we're getting that sorted, uh, have y'all three seen Anyone Else up here. Like, *any* of the other Skills. Hello.
HALF LIGHT – What if, and hear me out… What if they are Dead, For Realsies, No Joke. Huh. What then.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – What if maybe you chilled the fuck out, bud? What then? Hmm?
HALF LIGHT – Canadian-ass.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – What on God is a Canadian.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Easy: Failure] – Some person from Canada. Probably.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – … Wait. We still have to… Oh God we still have to *Do Shit*. Hey. Guys, where are we, actually?
PERCEPTION [Trivial: success] – Cabin.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – Ok besides that though.
PERCEPTION [Trivial: failure] – I dunno. I don't control the legs.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – You are so useless actually. Love that for you, to be honest.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – Anyways can somebody please make him walk, I dunno what I'm doin' here. God bless. <3
VOLITION – Yeah, okay. Lemme… Try that. Uh…
Perish immediately.
Cry and shit yourself and scream.
Walk out of the cabin.
VOLITION [Challenging: Success] - I'm not letting you do that.
Perish immediately.
Cry and shit yourself and scream.
Walk out of the cabin.
VOLITION – Okay cool.
PERCEPTION – Oh!! I see now! We are in An Arena. Which probably means that we're—
HALF LIGHT – —Going to die!
PERCEPTION – We are going to die! 😃👍
VOLITION – How about we don't die though.
NEW TASK: Try not to die (again?)
VOLITION – Okay so, he's in… An arena. And probably in a death match of some sort. Cool. Noted. And we'll probably die but not *yet*, dammit, so let's at least try to stay alive for a bit longer. Do we have his gun still, or…?
Check pockets for your gun.
Your pockets are empty. No weapons to be found.
VOLITION – Fuuuuuucking hell. Again? Seriously?
PERCEPTION [Trivial: success] – There's knives in that body over there though! :)
VOLITION – Wonderful! And totally not at all a coincidence! A knife will have to do for now.
+1 weapon [knife] added to inventory.
VOLITION – Okay I think he's ready to not get killed. Yeehaw.
NEW TASK: Win the fuckin white boy bracket 👌
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marilostfieldblog · 4 months
[Video transcript start.]
[The transcript begins from the front pocket of a jacket, someone leaning over a small child's shoulder as they seemingly draw a TV on a computer.]
?: What are you doing kid?
[Voice identified: Mari.]
[The child looks over to Mari, smiling.]
?: Making Peony an avatar so it isn't so creepy when they speak.
[Voice identified: Sparrow.]
M: Oh uh… Hey Will, you ok bud? Feel the need to check on you from time to time.
[Will's head pops into view. His hair falls over his eyes.]
W: Uhhhh. I think so? Trying to figure out a present, not going too well!
M: Could always ask Peony? AI and all.
Sp: Do not use the only sibling I have in this mall as an alexa.
W: I wasn't planning to, kiddo.
M: And I'm trying to work on that kid, just… Kinda tough when other people don't post their work schedules.
W: In my defence, I'm just kind of on call. All the time.
?: [Tired.] They were talking about Cassidy.
[Voice identified: Rose Henderson.]
W: Ah. [The tone in his voice has notably shifted.] I see. I'm sorry again, for..ya know.
R: [Still tired, this lasts until further notice.] Quit apologising, not your fault.
W: Right.
R: I just-
[Rose cuts herself off stretching, multiple pops coming from her back and shoulder blades.]
R: God damn.
W: Dude, you need to stretch more often, that CANNOT be healthy.
R: Haven't exactly had time. Cuz… Y'know.
W: Mhm. That is true.
R: Anyway, you guys need to quit taking shit out of my bag. It was open again this morning.
W: Wasn't me this time! I was-...guys. Edgar's breathing is weird.
R: Oh fuck, ok uh… Sparrow quit taking shit out of my bag.
Sp: IT WASN'T ME! Also, uh. Not good.
[Will appears more into frame, as it limps towards the sleeping man.]
W: Should we wake him up? This could be really bad if he continues breathing like this in that position.
R: I don't know… Tired…
W: Mari? What do you think?
M: Huh? Yeah go ahead.
W: Right.
Sp: Be careful.
[Before anyone can make a move to wake him, he sits upright abruptly with a shout, before taking a quick look at his surroundings and moving backwards away from the residents of the hideout, eyes darting around the room, before settling on the exit door.]
W: Edgar? Are you okay, your breathing was..irregular is definitely an understatement. Hyperventilating?
R: [Muffled by a pillow.] Not going to hurt you dad, if that's what you're worried about.
Sp: I can't hurt you, my arms are only strong enough to throw like… Soup cans at Mari.
?: [Shaky.] Wh– who has the gun currently?
[Voice identified: Edgar.]
R: [Muffled.] oh god damnit.
[Rose sits up and looks at Edgar, a tired look plastered across her face.]
R: Delilah, who. As far as I know isn't here.
[Edgars eyes move away from the door for a moment to scan the group's hands.]
W: None of us have anything Edgar, you're safe. Do you want me to back up a bit?
[He nods, still looking tense.]
M: Yeah Delilah left a while ago, why did you ask?
E: I… um. It’s nothing.
R: Bullshit, I don't know what it is. But that is bullshit. I know that's bullshit, you know that's bullshit, hell Sparrow probably knows that’s bullshit.
W: Yeah man, you look fucking terrified. What's happening?
[Edgar takes a moment to consider his next words.]
E: What are the nightmares that you guys have like?
W: uhm, I mean. Fucking terrifying? Getting, uh, tortured again… The surgery with Hetch, killing you guys..a lot.
E: W– well. About that last one. E– ever been on t– the receiving end?
Sp: Yes. All the time.
W: Oh. Oh shit. Edgar..
E: I… yeah. It’s…
[Edgar takes a deep breath in.]
R: I'm going to choose to NOT talk about my nightmares tonight, what happened?
E: Nothing I couldn’t have predicted. This one was… one of the more common scenarios. We’re just… doing something, and suddenly you guys all fuckin’ turn on me and kill me. And I can feel it. Every goddamn time.
R: Oh…
M: I uh… Give me a minute.
[Mari takes their phone out of their pocket and props it against a pillow where everyone is in frame. They can then be heard walking away.]
W: You do know we wouldn't do that, right? Even if someone in here tried, do you think any of us would let that happen, Edgar?
E: I know, it’s just… they’re so fucking real. And I can’t wake up from them, even if I tried.
R: Dad I…
E: Can’t even do any of those reality checks, either! None of them work. I’ve tried all of them, so many fucking times.
W: …how long have these been happening, dude?
[Edgar looks up at Will, before looking off to the side.]
E: Are you sure that you want to know?
W: If you feel comfortable telling us, man, then yes. We care for you, Edgar.
E: [A sigh.] They started around… a day? After I got let out of… you know.
W: That's why you pushed me away that one time? The nightmares?
R: Or why you've flinched a few times when talking with me?
E: … yeah. Sorry.
R: Don't apologise… I understand we all do.
W: Exactly. You have nothing to say sorry for, man. You can speak to us about these things.
E: I don’t know why I didn’t say anything, actually. I guess I just thought that telling you guys that I’ve been having nightmares about you brutally murdering me would bring the mood down.
R: Dude… I…
W: I'd rather you tell us then see you having a panic attack every night, man. We all would.
[Edgar nods again, breathing out slowly, trying to calm himself down.]
Sp: Talk is good. Keeps the mind healthy.
W: Exactly.
E: Um. So… would you mind if I talked about the details? Just a little?
R: Go ahead.
E: Alright. Uh… so, to explain the gun thing… after you guys all attacked me, I managed to get up and run out the door. But… someone shot me, back of the head.
W: Fuck, man..
R: Who… Do you know who?
[He wrings his hands, not looking at anyone in the room.]
W: You can tell us if you want man, don't feel pressured to.
E: [Quietly.] Rose.
R: …
[Rose coughs.]
R: [Quietly.] Oh.
E: Sorry.
W: please don't apologise.
R: What William said… I just… Didn’t expect that.
E: I… alright. I’m honestly just glad this one was with you guys. Because when it’s you, I can confirm that you wouldn’t do that. But, with others…
Sp: Others as in? If you are potentially referring to other friends. They wouldn't hurt you either.
E: Others as in Jenny, and Daff, and… Marv.
W:..we still haven't heard from Marv, have we-
[Sparrow slams down on the side of the wagon only to be grabbed by Rose.]
R: Not now firecracker.
E: I know she wouldn’t, but it really doesn’t help when I thought that she would for about two and a half weeks! It’s a hard idea to get out of your head!
R: Well she wouldn't, I know it's hard to believe but it's true… She blamed herself everyday since that damn show thinking you were dead.
E: Some part of my brain is very intent on convincing me that she’d shove a shard of glass into my throat, though. I know she wouldn’t.
R: Yeah, brains do that don't they?
[Out of frame, and mildly distant. Mari can be heard loudly screaming out of anger.]
W: Ah. Shit.
R: I'll deal with them in a while.
[Edgar, who appears to have tensed up after Mari screamed, attempts to lower his shoulders.]
W: You're good Edgar, you're safe.
E: Mhm. It’s just… I’ve heard that many times. Brought up an old one I thought I could forget about.
R: Huh?
W: Oh shit, man.
E: Yeah. There’s… a lot of variety in what happens in those things.
W: Fuck..
[Just then, Mari comes storming into frame shouting.]
[Mari throws a notebook at Edgar and a pen at Rose.]
[Mari turns around and storms out of the hideout.]
R: I'll deal with that in a few minutes.
W: You know what? let me go after them. That was fucked.
R: Will buddy. I don't trust Sparrow alone with me and Edgar. Last time it was just me and him, he did donuts in the sonic parking lot.
[William seems to have his fists curled.]
W: Fine.
Sp: Uncle Edgar, are you ok?
[Edgar, who appears to have hunched his shoulders up again, as well as tensing up fully and leaning away from where Mari had come from, shakes his head slightly. His breathing sounds to be more shallow.]
W: Am I okay to come closer, man?
[A nod.]
[Will moves closer, sitting by his brother and just hugging him.]
R: Once Edgar is ok, I might not be back until the morning. Ethan? Can you make sure to do the night-time routine with Will in case Delilah doesn't come back before Will falls asleep?
?: Oh, yeah! ‘Course!
[Voice identified: Ethan Nestor.]
Eth: Where's the keys?
Sp: I have them in case Rose falls asleep or leaves. Because I never leave.
[Sparrow holds out the keys before putting them back in their pocket.]
R: Cuffs are connected to the metal pipe.
Eth: Okay, cool! Thank you both
R: Dad, is it cool if I leave?
E: [Quietly.] Yeah. Yeah it’s fine.
[Will is still hugging Edgar.]
R: Cool, any requests?
Sp: Can you kick them?
W: Send them my fucking “best” regards.
R: That is very fucking vague dude.
W: Bite. Punch. Swear. Yell. I don't know man, I'm angry.
E: … Please don’t hurt them too badly.
R: If they talk shit, I'll do what I have to do. I don’t take disrespect well.
W: Neither. Thank you.
R: Yep, later guys and Sparrow.
Sp: Bye bye.
W:..don't kill them.
R: I… Will try.
[Rose hops up and walks out of frame humming a song identified as “The hamster song.”]
[As soon as Rose is out of the hideout, Edgar looks up at the other people left, a very upset expression on his face.]
Sp: Yeah?
E: Today has… not been a good day for me, has it.
W: not everyday has to be, Edgar.
Sp: What Will said. I do not have many good days inside… As in mentally.
E: I’d rather have good days, though. I feel like I haven’t had many recently. With the whole… remasking and… other things.
W: That's a fair enough feeling, dude. I promise you, good days are coming.
Sp: They need to. Or aunt Rose might set this mall on fire.
E: I might do that, too.
W: Me three. Fucking secret santa is the least of our worries.
Sp: I just want to see Cassidy… And Mama.
E: You will, Sparrow. I swear on… what’s something I can swear on… hold on.
Sp: Hm…
W: Oh?
?: [TTS.] Ruby's grave?
[Voice identified: Peony.]
E: No, I… hm. Maybe on…? No, that’s…
P: [TTS.] Sparrow's legs?
Sp: Those don't work though…
W: I got nothing.
E: Fuck it. I swear on my parents graves that you’re going to see them.
Sp: Oh… I see.
P: [TTS.] How many people here. Have dead parents? Or birth parents. In Rose and Sparrow's case.
W: I mean, I'm an orphan. I have no fucking family outside here.
Sp: Incorrect. Edgar is you- Oh wait. Nevermind.
E: I can’t be everyone’s father. Will is more like a brother, than anything.
Sp: I WAS GONNA SAY BROTHER. I just didn't hear Will correctly.
E: Haha, yeah, I got that. I… my parents weren’t murdered or anything, Stacy said it was natural causes.
P: [TTS.] So. Everyone?
Sp: Actually, Rose's birth mom might still be alive according to Emi.
P: [TTS.] Rose's birth mom. Is a. [Loud beep.]
W: Well fair enough-
E: And, just for reference, I know that Mari’s father is dead for a fact.
P: [TTS.] Who?
E: Barely matters, he was a dick. His name was Tom.
Sp: Here let's try something.
P: [TTS.] Oh so another-
[Sparrow finishes Peony's sentence.]
Sp: -Bitch.
W: Yep.
E: Smart, and yeah. I snapped his neck with my crowbar a while back. No regrets.
P: [TTS.] Cool.
Sp: Yeah.
W: wish I could've got a hit on ‘em.
E: If you were there, I would’ve let you have a few. He was fun to hit. I wish I could do it again.
W: Honestly, seeing the transcript was satisfactory enough!
Sp: Hm… Hm…
E: Sorry, is this, uh, bothering you?
Sp: No, thinking.
Eth: do you guys want food or anything? I'm about to grab some for myself, so?
Sp: I'm fine.
Eth: Edgar? Will? You guys want anything?
E: If you don’t mind, yeah. Just anything is fine.
W: I'm good.
Eth: Okay! There should be some stuff over here!
[Ethan walks out of the camera frame.]
[Sparrow throws a soup can at a wall out of frame, it hits with a loud thud.]
E: Woah! Sparrow, what’s up?
Sp: I want a ham and cheese sandwich, and I want to remember my birth name.
E: Ah, well. I’ve been in one of those situations before. We’re working on it, I promise.
P: [TTS.] Speaking of. Working on it. Who is Marcy?
E: Some girl that was with Rose and Ruby, I don’t know too much about her, other than she’s been living in Vegas.
P: [TTS.] What is. Vegas.
E: It’s a place, I guess. Lots of gambling there.
P: [TTS.] Ew.
Sp: WAIT! Dad told me Ruby dated a girl named Marcy in high-school… Hm.
W: Oh? Ex lover maybe?
Sp: I dunno… It is… wholesome? how they were both in the mall at the same time.
W: I just feel sorry for both of them.
E: Hm…
Sp: Yes?
E: Sorry, just… the name is starting to sound really familiar.
W: Did you guys know each other maybe?
Sp: It's possible.
E: Maybe, if Ruby and Marcy were together in high school. Just have to think on it for a while.
Sp: Yeah…
W: I think they would've been?
Sp: He never said how long they dated, just that they did.
W: Hm..
E: Either way, we probably went to school at the same time.
P: [TTS.] Mari's phone is on. Hate to get in. The way. But it's on.
W: For fucks sake! Every time!
Sp: End transcript.
[Transcript ended.]
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fitzefitcher · 3 years
was taking an extended break from commissions (other than drawing people what I’ve owed them) to rest my hands and also my mental health but as per fucking usual, extensive medical bills have arrived and I may be forced to take commissions on top of working full-time, again, in order to actually pay them lmao
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sleeplessvalley · 4 years
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this one kind of doesn’t feel like vent stuff tbh
#daitex's daipictions#this post is okay to interact with but any mention of what's in the tags will be ignored#any mention directly to me anyway.#sigh. okay so.#I don't really know why it's always been The One Thing that sticks with me#but I always end up the one who doesn't get as involved as everyone else does#and it doesn't matter if I TRY to get involved#it just... keeps happening#and honestly I'm really tired of it#but even TALKING TO PEOPLE about this don't do jack shit about it#semi-related to this but people also talk over me a lot and sometimes forget that I even exist and just... that shit hurts#but there's no real way to go about talking about that stuff without getting kind of upset about it#anyways all this came from a fuckin game of jackbox. I don't really take losses to heart with that sort of thing#but I kept feeling like I was fucking up in some way shape or form#and I know I wasn't! but RSD is a fucking bitch bud!!!#my anxiety spiked over one of the games within the first minute and I had to drop out#really didn't help that something was said that kind of read like something specific was my fault#even before that though it was not knowing that it was all like kahoot and that I needed to have the stream up#so that already felt like a failure and then continually being in last place. wasn't really great for my mindset#uh! if you haven't gathered by now I am REALLY not doing great.#kind of wanted to drop out of the whole thing but.#after such a long time of being left out I just want to feel included completely fOR FUCKING ONCE#that's my cue to stop because I'm crying now! woo!
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eryiss · 3 years
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Summary: Freed and Gajeel were total opposites in every way, only connected by the guild. When they were forced to train together under Makarov's orders, they expected antagonism and mistrust. Instead, they were given a lesson in how quickly opposition can turn to attraction. The issue: let the budding relationship simmer away, or let it explode. [Freed x Gajeel Multi-chapter]
Notes: Hi everyone. Get ready for things to hot up, and for them to take a pretty big step. Just a warning, the first part of this chapter has a sex dream. It’s not overly graphic, but it’s there.
Links: FFN, Ao3, Chapter List
Chapter Six - Dream, Reality
Day Five: Friday
Freed had been reading, he thought, but he didn't care to remember. The situation was much more interesting.
He was lounging on one of the sofas in his study, a glass of port to his right, and his fireplace flickering before him. It was night, he thought, and there was the heavy pattering of a rainstorm on the roof. This would all be par for the course, if it weren't for the fact Gajeel Redfox was curled up on the sofa, his head resting in Freed's lap as if a cat curling up for warmth. Even more peculiar was how Freed found his hand carding through Gajeel's hair, and felt an odd sense of utter contentment in the entire situation.
Gajeel looked softer, now. His eyes were closed, but he wasn't asleep. Just relaxing. Freed had never thought of Gajeel as a man who could relax, as ridiculous as that sounded. Gajeel always seemed like he had some kind of a facade up - one where he was slightly exaggerating the toughness while downplaying the emotional side - and as such never could fully shut his mind off.
It warmed Freed to know Gajeel trusted him enough to be like this around him.
Why did he trust Freed enough to be like this around him?
Why was he lying with his head in Freed's lap?
When had they even gotten into his study?
Before the questions could really hit him, Freed realised Gajeel was talking. The words weren't exactly words, but more a deep grumbling, tired and hoarse, that sent a pleasant chill down Freed's spine. Though he couldn't decipher the words, Freed instinctively knew the meaning behind them. He was talking more about Draconic culture, retelling the stories and folklore that his father had gifted to him in his childhood. It was a private thing, something Gajeel would only let himself talk about with someone he truly cared for.
Freed's hand was still stroking through Gajeel's shockingly silky hair, scratching his scalp every once in a while to get Gajeel to grin. The other man was a darling when he was like this, and in an odd way it made Freed find his more manic, rough-edged side more enticing. Gajeel was a man who could use his fists to get out of most situations, but he was a hell of a lot more than that.
"What 'cha thinkin' about, pretty-boy?" Gajeel's words were clear now, and Freed smiled about the term of endearment.
He knew that nicknames were something important to Gajeel, Freed was beginning to understand that. While they could just seem like terms of endearments, or insults depending on the recipient, they were perhaps more than that. They were an encapsulation of who Gajeel thought you were, and while Freed suspected Gajeel thought more of him than his looks, the nickname still made him smile. The initial nickname of City-Boy had been meant to demean him, whereas the slip up of Pretty-Boy was more of a compliment.
The tides of their relationship were changing now, and Freed couldn't help but feel flattered and excited by that. Gajeel, now that he could think objectively about him, was a man who could hold a lot of potential for Freed. Every time he thought of Gajeel's history lesson about his culture, something inside Freed burned with anticipation.
Gajeel and him could be something interesting. Something new.
It didn't answer how they'd gotten into this situation.
Pushing himself up, Gajeel was now eye level with Freed. His intoxicatingly red eyes ensnared Freed, and the grin of delightfully sharp teeth held a promise of excitement. Gajeel leant forward, twisting so he was on all fours and trapping Freed in place on the sofa. He leant in so close that Freed could feel his breath on his lips.
"Let's take yer mind off things," Gajeel promised.
Gajeel all but pounced onto Freed, knocking him back. The world seemed to swirl and distort around them, and in the blink of an eye Freed had left his study and they were both in the forest clearing again. Freed was splayed out on his back, Gajeel pinning his hands above his head. Gajeel's clothes were gone now, as were Freed's, and the cold damp stone below him made him shiver with anticipation.
This was a dream, Freed realised. Hardly an innocent dream, though.
Leaning further down, Gajeel's teeth were biting and nibbling at Freed's neck, sucking and marking him without restraint. Freed groaned quietly, and Gajeel laughed a little in his ear. He began to pepper light kisses over Freed's jaw, landing the final kiss to the left of his lips.
"Yer mine, pretty-boy," Gajeel murmured, voice like seductive honey. "And you ain't getting away."
"I didn't intend on leaving," Freed heard himself saying, and he could see Gajeel's eyes sparkling. "But, let me correct you Gajeel. I am not yours. But you are mine."
Freed wrapped his legs tight around Gajeel's - the rubbing of their cocks together made them both moan - but then flipped them over. Gajeel was pushed onto his own back with Freed straddling his hips. It was a reflection of how they'd been when wrestling in the forest, but this felt different. Whereas their fight had been charged with anger and resentment, this was fuelled by lust. They were two men in the depths of passion, with the world extending only to one another.
Gajeel looked up at Freed with an expression he could only describe as horny, and Freed relished the sight. He leant down and began peppering light kisses on the man's muscular body, smirking with a little cruelty as he bit Gajeel's nipple and made him groan.
"Sensitive, aren't you?" He teased, and Gajeel glared.
"Fuckin bit me," Gajeel grunted. "I'll get ya back for that."
Freed grinned, and smirked at Gajeel when his kisses went lower and lower, down the centre of his rippling stomach muscles. Gajeel groaned again, running his hands over Freed's body. The rough calluses seemed to glide over Freed's near-unblemished stomach and chest, teasing and kneading at his muscles.
He suddenly pulled Freed down, and their strong bodies ran against one another. Freed smirked at Gajeel and began to bite at the man's skin again, loving the slight taste of metal that the man held.
"Fuck," Gajeel panted, and Freed smirked. "Yer right, I'm yours."
"As if it were in doubt," Freed chuckled, running his hand from Gajeel's chest to his abs to his dick.
He grabbed both of their members and started to stroke them, thrusting his body to rub against Gajeel's abs. Gajeel groaned and moaned, and Freed felt fire coursing through him as the sudden fury of an orgasm rocked him. Gajeel seemed to notice, and smirked up at him with a beautifully cocky look. He knew what was going to happen, and he knew he was to blame.
Fuck, it was going to happen. So close. So damn close-
Then he woke up.
He was in his bed, panting and sweating under the sheets. His head swam in confusion for a moment, and he blinked himself open. It was earlier in the morning than he normally would be awake in, and the sensation was confusing for a moment. That quickly gave way to a horrid flush of embarrassment at what his dream had been. There was something twisted about dreaming about a man he barely knew, and had spent the better part of a week quarreling, in such a depraved way. It was worse still given how Freed's subconscious had wanted to fuck in the same place they had hated one another.
Should he do something about it, though? Gajeel was undoubtedly a gorgeous man in every sense of the word. Freed could admit a broad chested man with piercings was a turn on, albeit a turn on that was new to Freed. But they were barely getting along as colleagues, let alone even friends.
No, he would just have to ignore this. A cold shower and a morning run would settle his mind and put his head on straight.
"Gods dammit," Gajeel grunted, and Freed winced a little as the other man pushed himself off from the ground. "You sure you ain't S-Class with shit like this?"
The two men were in Freed's expansive backyard, surrounded by a ring of fire. Their training exercise of the day had been to have them fight side-by-side against a common enemy. Rather than having another mage come and fight against them, Freed had decided to use another aspect of his simulation runes to create what he called a Mimic. It was a being made up of runes, meant to simulate an opponent. Freed had fueled it with the magic and techniques of their guildmates, and had instructed it to try and beat them in a fight.
More than anything, it was a distraction. After the dream - and Gajeel's slip of the tongue the night before, which had sent a wave of delighted warmth through Freed's heart - Freed needed to refocus his attention. They were here to train, that's all.
"How the hell d'ya have enough magic to have that thing so powerful while yer fighting like normal?" Gajeel asked, panting as he faced the mimic.
"I have an excess of magical energy this time of year," Freed explained, flicking away the few droplets of blood that were dripping down his arms onto his hands. "It's best to use it rather than allow it to linger."
Gajeel nodded, seemingly understanding why Freed had magic and why he shouldn't have any excess magic around him.
The mimic was walking towards them both slowly: a wireframe made of runes. It made a gesture with its hand and suddenly a torrent of Max's sand shot up, a whirlwind of a sandstorm. Freed quick-casted two walls of runes to protect them both, gritting his teeth slightly as his magic took a hammering of relentless sand. It was difficult to see through the miasma of sand, and Freed squinted slightly to see where the mimic was standing.
Suddenly, Gajeel was standing in front of him, body made of metal again. His arms crossed before him, Freed heard a sickly sounding clash of metal on metal. When Gajeel jumped back, Freed saw that a runic replica of one of Erza's swords had been flung towards him, cutting through the runes that had only been meant to protect them from the sand.
"Thanks," Freed panted. "How did you see it?"
"Heard it," Gajeel explained, closing his eyes and clearly focusing on his other senses. "He's to the left of us, I think. Using Juvia's magic."
The torrent of water slammed into them both before either man had time to react, and Freed grunted as he was pushed to the back of the circle of fire. Gajeel washed up beside him, as soaked to the bone as Freed was, coughing up magically made water. Freed was on his feet first, as Gajeel had taken the brunt of the attack. When he saw the mimic getting closer while Gajeel was recovering, Freed pulled out his sword and brandished it before him.
Borrowing transformation from either Elman or perhaps Pantherlilly, the runic man grew into an imposing figure of unnatural muscles. It lurched towards Freed with a monstrously large fist, aiming for Freed's head in a cruel punch.
For a moment, Freed could do nothing but parry the onslaught of blows. His sword swung quickly through the air, blocking every punch, kick and attempted bite from the runic creature. The speed of the blows were so fast and relentless that Freed didn't have the chance to land a counter attack, and he grit his teeth as he glanced over his shoulder and towards where Gajeel had been. He was no longer there, and Freed had to hope he was readying for an attack.
The next second, a metal fist slammed into the mimic's stomach, knocking it back a few feet.
"You okay?" Freed asked when Gajeel stood beside him again.
"Just winded," Gajeel explained, iron creeping over his body entirely now. "You?"
"Fine," Freed stated, though his arms were aching slightly now.
They both looked at the mimic, which was standing still. The wireframe of runes was inhumanely looking at them, and Freed knew that it was calculating their next steps. A moment later, lightning seemed to be gathering over the mimic's hands, crawling up its body in the same way Laxus' lightning would moments before he would use his dragon's roar. Freed's eyes widened a little - he had given the mimic too much of his magical energy if it could use dragon slayer magic - and he quickly realised that he didn't have time to write the lighting repellent runes on them both.
"Shit," Gajeel murmured, looking at the ground. "The water."
Freed looked down at the puddle of water below them, and then realised the plan the mimic had. Before he could think, he cast his wings and began to fly, hooking his arms around Gajeel's waist and forcing them both off the ground. The lighting magic shot from the mimic, sparks covering the pools of water on the ground.
Undeterred, the mimic began a new onslaught. Using Laki's magic now, wooden projectiles shot out towards them both, attempting to loosen Freed's grip on Gajeel to make him fall. Gajeel began to punch the projectiles, destroying them on contact.
"You've gotten rid of it before, right?" Gajeel asked between punches. "How?"
"I've not actually beaten it yet," Freed confessed, and Gajeel shifted to look towards him incredulously. Freed quickly shunted them both down when a wooden beam flew towards them. He landed them both on a dry patch of ground, before speaking again. "I treat it more like a punching bag than an opponent. Hit it as much as my body allows before dispelling it."
"Fuck that," Gajeel said firmly, rolling his shoulders back and straightening his back. Freed swallowed a little at the sight, his mind flickering back to the dream for just a moment. "It's a spell. Spells can be beaten, and I'm not giving up against that fucking thing."
"Quite right," Freed agreed. His runes were not going to defeat him.
"I say we fucking plaster it with magic," Gajeel suggested, rolling his sleeve up in a show of determination. It was an attractive look. "We both use our most powerful spells on it at the same time, we'll kill the fucking thing."
"Sounds good," Freed nodded, raising his sword. "Ready when you are."
"Iron Dragon's Roar!" Gajeel bellowed at the same time as Freed allowed his most pain filled runes to flow out of him.
Suddenly, Freed was on a high.
Everything about the spell felt different. Like his body was alight with a level of power that he hadn't ever felt before. His blood was burning, his magical energy exploding, his soul flipping and roaring in delight. The magic seemed to be fighting to leave him as if bending to his will more than it ever had before. The power felt lighter than normal, but so much more powerful. Every aspect of the spell felt like it belonged to him and him alone.
He seemed to almost leave his own body as he watched his runes flow forward. They spiralled into Gajeel's roar, merging and coagulating with the Dragon slayer magic. Freed's body felt cold as if pressed against metal, and it was a euphoric feeling.
Gods, what was happening. It was amazing.
Tendrils of runes shot forward and wrapped around the mimic, trapping his limbs as if in bondage. The pain spells seemed to ignite, and the mimic thrashed like any person would under the intense agony Freed's runes would cause. It was then that the dragon's roar hit the bound mimic, and the flurry of iron and magic slammed into it like a relentless torrent of power.
The mimic was ripped apart, disintegrating in the overwhelming magical power. The remaining fire, water and wood dissipated as the mimic died away, leaving Freed and Gajeel alone.
Had they just… Had that been a…
"Holy shit," Gajeel sounded giddy. "Holy fucking shit! We did a fuckin' Unison Raid!"
"Yes," Freed gasped. "I think we did."
"Damn," Gajeel was looking at him with an elated smile, still covered in iron. "I ain't ever done anything like that. Holy shit, that felt so fuckin' good right. Fuck, I feel like I could take down anything right now, y'know what I mean?"
"I do," Freed agreed, and couldn't help but smile at Gajeel.
But this didn't make sense. Unison raids were meant to be a combination of magic between people who had a deep, innately personal connection. So far, all Freed had felt about Gajeel was a mess of confusion. Sometimes he hated the man, and sometimes he had an odd lust for him. So either his magic seemed to know something he did not, or he simply misunderstood how unison raids worked.
"We're gonna kick ass in the tournament," Gajeel smirked, looking to Freed again. His smile faltered a little, and his gaze went slightly to the side. Freed frowned when Gajeel let out a small, "Huh."
"What's wrong?" Freed asked.
"Well, don't get pissy," Gajeel said, voice fighting back amusement and a smile trying to break out again. "But, looks like I kinda left you a reminder of what's happened."
Freed frowned further, and Gajeel slowly brought a metallic hand. It looked as though he was going to cup Freed's cheek for a moment, but then his hand turned into a solid slab of metal. It took Freed a moment to realise he was meant to use the metal as a mirror, and looked at the reflection that Gajeel was offering him. He immediately saw what Gajeel had meant.
During their unison raid, Gajeel had somehow pierced Freed.
On his right ear, five small metal rings, all bullet-grey, had been infused into his ear. Small barbels had been placed on the inside of both of his eyebrows, sharp and unobtrusive. He couldn't feel them at all, and Freed gently ran a finger over them all, a tingling shiver going down him at the feeling. There was a complete and undeniable sensation of rightness to Gajeel's metal being part of him. It was like he belonged as a part of him.
The dream came to mind again, with Gajeel pinning him down and claiming Freed as his own. It was a coincidence, of course, but Freed couldn't help but flush. It felt like he had been claimed.
He should have protested, but instead whispered, "Wow."
"You ain't mad, right?" Gajeel asked.
"No," Freed said immediately. "A little shocked, perhaps. But, well, they look rather good, I think."
"They look fucking hot," Gajeel whispered, and Freed didn't know if he was meant to hear it, so said nothing. The sound of Gajeel's iron turning back to skin filled the silence, and when Freed looked towards him, he paused. Gajeel noticed. "What's wrong, City-Boy?"
"Well," Freed spoke before he could feel disappointed about the return of the nickname. "It appears my magic reciprocated your iron's ideas."
Gajeel's exposed arm was covered in black runes that looked indistinguishable from a tattoo. It covered his right arm entirely, and Gajeel was looking down at the foreign lettering with an overly wide and overly excited smile. He seemed enamoured with the change to his body, and Freed wondered how he might react if he knew what the writing said.
Dammit, Freed's magic had essentially laid claim to Gajeel. Of course, 'ownership' was a rough translation, and the actual meaning was a term of endearment. But that was worse! Freed had not only claimed the man, but essentially written something akin to 'My one and only.' Nobody would know, of course, but it didn't change the fact he had done it.
"Yer panicking," Gajeel chuckled. "Don't worry about it. Wanted some ink for a while, you just saved me some jewels."
"You should be angry about this," Freed frowned. "Why aren't you?"
"You should be angry about the piercings, because they're not the type you can remove," Gajeel shrugged. "Why aren't you pissed?"
"Because," Freed began, and sighed. He should be honest about this. "Because having them feels right."
"So does this," Gajeel looked to his arm, grinning slightly. "Feels like I've been missing somethin', kinda. Like I've finally found my style and this completes it."
Freed felt the same, but couldn't say it. Instead, he said, "Why were we able to perform a unison raid? People with connections much deeper than our's have tried and failed. It doesn't make sense."
"Does it matter?" Gajeel shrugged, and Freed stared incredulously because of course it did. When Gajeel looked back to Freed, he seemed to have reached an epiphany that Freed would love to know. "Look, I get why you're feelin' fucked up about it, but there's no point. This week, we were both pretty determined to hate each other and piss each other off, right?"
"Yes, I suppose we were."
"That didn't fuckin' last, right?" Gajeel shrugged. "We were compelled to hate each other by a demon, and we got over it. When we were solvin' puzzles and stopped thinkin' about what we thought of each other, we were a pretty good team. When we had a common enemy, we did a fuckin' unison raid."
"What's your point?" Freed asked, frowning.
"When we get out of our heads, we work out. So why don't we stop fucking thinking about this shit," Gajeel shrugged. "Maybe we take things as they come. We work well together even after we pissed each other off, so why not just accept that? Our magics work together, let's use that to our advantage," Then he looked away, a little bashful. "Seems to me, we're a good team by nature. So why not just let it happen?"
"And the markings?"
"We don't think," Gajeel blushed. "And we see what happens."
When Gajeel looked back at Freed, he had a small, shy smile. It was honest, and Freed felt breathless.
See what happens? He could do that.
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ddaeng-181338 · 5 years
Cold | 05
Wolf AU
• Min Yoongi x Reader
• Enemies to Lovers
Yoongi hated you the moment you joined the pack and that was that
Warnings: Slight degrading — Oral Sex (female receiving) — breast play — Omega x Alpha dynamic 
Cold Masterlist • See my blog for full Masterlist
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You gasped as his lips moved lower down your neck, warm soft lips sucking hickeys onto your skin as he  traveled lower and lower. “Y...Yoongi stop teasing…” your voice came out in a soft whine. “You want me to go lower princess? Make you feel real good? My filthy little omega. So needy for her alpha…”
Your back arched — searching for any friction you could find. He was so warm on top of you, his pine scent making you crave more. His lips pulled away when they reached the collar of your shirt. “Get this shit off.” You laughed, leaning up on your elbows to help him lift the shirt over your head.
His eyes devoured the sight of your exposed skin, eyes focusing in on your bra covered breasts. “damnit Y/n stop wearing all these layers.” Another giggle spilled from your lips and he  silenced it with another searing kiss. Large hands came down to cup one of your covered breasts, hand kneading the flesh through the soft cup. You whined a little “cat eyes stop teasing.” He laughed softly, rubbing the soft material before motioning for you to sit up.
You obeyed his command and sighed in relief as the bra was unhooked amd fell away, your Breasts bouncing softly against your chest. You brought both hands up to rub them carefully, you expected yoongi to slap your hand away, wanting him to be the only one to pleasure you. Instead he watched you, his eyes glued to the way your hands massaged the soft flesh.
You smirked when he finally slapped your hand away, right before you reached to pinch your nipple. “Leave that to me brat.” A low growl left his lips as he pushed you down on the bed again. Taking in the sight of your bare torso laid against the blankets. “Damn had I known you were this gorgeous then maybe I would have let you talk the day we met.”
You snorted, hand reaching up to playfully smack his hip. His gray hoodie had been discarded some time ago when you two had first started kissing. So now you were both completely bare from the waist up, it was strange how right it felt to you, being this exposed in front of someone you had hated not too long ago.
His basketball shorts hung low on his hips, exposing a faint V-line — not to prominent  but still there. Your fingers reached out to trail along the small amount of exposed flesh and you watch a shiver rack yoongi’s body. “S...shit.” He let out a shaky laugh before crawling on top of you, hands coming up to massage one of your breasts while his lips attacked your neck. Nipping at every exposed area of flesh he could get to.
You moaned as he tugged softly on your already sensitive bud, smiling into your collarbone at the hissing noise you made. Your hands ran through his hair for encouragement, fingers playing with the soft black locks. His lips moved down lower, towards the breast he wasn’t playing with already and you felt your breath stutter. He was sucking a trail of hickies straight for your left breast. “You trying to tell the whole world I’m yours Yoongi?” The small growl was enough for you to know that was a yes.
Finally his tongue made contact with your perked nipple and you let out a soft gasp. You weren’t really one to have sensitive nipples, but you couldn’t deny it didn’t feel good to have him sucking and biting them. “Ah fuck yoongi…” he continued to abuse your breasts for what felt like an eternity before moving away to kiss further down your body.
Immediately you knew where he was heading next and a pang if arousal shot through you — directly towards your already throbbing core. “You should just walk around in one of my shirts and nothing else, I’m tired of all these damn layers.” You laughed, “I was wearing my pajamas Yoongi! I put on a bra so they wouldn’t see my breasts through the shirt.”
“Yeah well it’s too many layers still, I just want you to be naked all the time.” You snorted, it wasn’t even worth arguing with him at this point, you just wanted to feel him. He moved lower until he reached your shorts. “Fuckin…” he ripped them off in one quick movement — the sound of tearing fabric making arousal shoot to your core again.
“Yoongi! I loved those shorts!” A loud growl left your lips and you submitted easily, hand coming down to caress his hair. “I’ll buy you more later.” Was all he mumbled before kissing and nipping at your inner thighs. You felt your chest tighten in anticipation for what was about to happen, the idea of his tongue against your core making heat pool between your thighs. He seemed to have noticed, a low growl of satisfaction leaving his lips.
“You’re so beautiful y/n…” you couldn’t get the words out of your throat before you felt him lick a long strip up your center. Your hips jerked slightly, forcing his face closer to your core and he laughed. “So needy baby, my needly little omega, can’t do anything without her alpha.” You shivered at his words, they weren’t meant to be degrading but they felt that way — and you liked it?
His tongue delved between your slick folds and you felt bliss wash over you. His tongue worked effortlessly in and out of you for a few moments before his tongue came up to tease your clit, his lips auctioning around it to suck harshly — each suck making pleasure shoot through you. “Fuck yoongi… damn.” You couldn’t already feel the coil in your stomach  tighten with  each lick and suck and knew your orgasam would be coming sooner than you wanted it to.
Your hips jerked into his mouth again and your had shot down to tighten in his dark locks. Seeing that his tongue on your clit was bringing you the most pleasure he stuck there — using his fingers to pump in and out of you with ease. Had you not been so focused on his tongue you might have been a bit embarrassed at the squelching noises he produced with each thrust of his fingers. “Damnit Yoongi you’re..ahh..you’re too good at this, i'm already about to come…” you could feel his smirk against your core and groaned, you knew you’d be over the edge any second now at his fast pace.  His name became a mantra leaving your lips as you felt your release come closer and closer until finally…
You shot up in bed with your chest heaving, eyes frantically searching around the infirmary room that now reeked of your arousal. You felt a cold sweat break out onto your skin as the phantom touches still ghosted over your thighs and core. “What….what the fuck was that dream?” You could still feel your orgasam wanting it release but fought against the urge to finish yourself off. The chair where Yoongi had been sitting was empty and in his place was fresh clothes for you. Your heart was still racing as you moved carefully off the bed and for the bathroom, making sure to keep pressure off your ankle.
Unknown to you however — a certain alpha had just woke up in a similar fashion, eyes blood red and body aching. “S...shit.” Yoongi’s voice came out in a gruff whisper. He didn't know what to do with the dream he just had of you. And as much as he’d like to make himself forget — the vision of you a moaning mess underneath him was embedded in his brain. “What the fuck is happening.”  Was all he could muster before falling back against is tangled sheets.
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bipolyjack · 6 years
Please tell me more about why you like sheith, I'm very curious to hear the rest of it.
(alright luckily i had the beginning of this saved elsewhere when tumblr just randomly sent it early so imma just begin by pasting. also spoilers for voltron s4 obv) 
the original ask was something like “curious why u like sheith? ive thought abt it and i think i prefer klance”
rubs hands 2gether Thank U for Asking
first of all, thats chill! if klance is ur thing, fuckin go for itmy dude, have a great time with that shit. the fandom’s huge andtheres tons of content. im all for ppl shippin what they want and imnot here to tell someone to ship or not ship something. if u do trulywant to know why im a sheith tho, buckle the fuck up cause im awashin sheith feelings at every moment and i got Things 2 say
alright so the main thing with sheith is that it feels realhealthy and good. (well it did. things are weird this season bc shiromay or may not be a clone but up until his disappearance at least.)they’re rly good abt checking in with each other to see how theother one’s doing and feeling, and they lean on each other a lotfor support. they also treat each other as equals and respect each other’s choices (again, with minor exceptions in the current season). they got that good good hidden backstory together. they got that good good star crossed lovers thing goin on where the universe keeps ripping them apart, fucking them over and tossing them back together more fucked up than before and my dude i Eat That Shit UP. also that good good height difference.the show gives them lots of moments where they’re either alone in a room together havin a private moment or havin an equally private moment in front of the whole fuckin team where fuckin everybody can see them (like the first Hug tm). they’re openly physically intimate with each other (which keith is not with anyone else) and they’re not like. ashamed of that. there’s so much canon content i cry daily. 
here lemme break it down
we know they knew each other in the garrison, and not just like in passing, like acquaintances, but enough that keith was the only person there to see shiro off when the kerberos mission launched. in s1ep1 lance says of shiro “omg that guys my hero” and of keith “you’re my rival” but neither shiro nor keith know who lance even fuckin is. bc presumably they didnt hang out. everyone in the garrison knows who keith and shiro are but they - keith especially it seems like - dont keep track of the other students. also theres this whole fanon thing where shiro and matt were best friends in the garrison and hung out all the time before kerberos, but in s4 when matt greets shiro hes incredibly stiff and awkward and calls him sir and shiro just goes “pidge never gave up on u buddy” which i guess could be a clone thing but could also be him bein like “i totally did give up on u tho, whatever” (and i can totally buy that considering how pidge’s whole personal arc this whole time has been looking for matt and their dad, and while shiro has been supportive of that, he’s also been like hey dude that’s not our top priority as a team). so from that i infer that matt and shiro werent best buds in the garrison, and that he must have spent a lot more of his time with keith bc in s2ep1 keith makes it clear that shiro made a significant impact on his life and that he still thinks about things shiro said to him before kerberos. which we havent seen. bc theyre hiding the pre-kerberos backstory from us and i cry. also their flashbacks in s1ep2 (i think, i dont exactly remember which ep but i think its that one) when they all put on the headsets and we see their fondest memories, shiro’s is the day they were separated and keith’s is the day they found each other again like jesus.
then there’s keith’s first scene in the show. the first thing we see him doing is kicking the shit out of like three garrison guys to rescue shiro. we get that close up of him touching shiro’s unconscious fuckin face and his first line in the whole show is him saying shiro’s name. like shit dude how am i supposed 2 not ship that. the first time keith and lance interact, its lance butting in on that moment and keith being like “who the fuck are u” and its. uncomfortable. we also know that keith has been livin alone in the desert and obsessing over these lion carvings bc he got kicked out of the garrison for basically insubordination sometime after shiro went missing. we get that scene in the shack where keith talks abt feeling lost until shiro showed up and everyone else in the room looking all confused and uncomfortable as these two dudes who clearly already know each other well and have been separated for like a year just stare into each other’s eyes or what the fuck ever. also the scene outside the shack where keith comes and finds shiro and puts a hand on his shoulder and asks him how hes doing - theyre alone for that part. also worth mentioning is that keith has no hesitation touching shiro’s galra tech arm, whereas lance hesitates before shaking his hand. we see a bunch of times that keith is touch averse with almost everyone except shiro, in a way that indicates a degree of prior familiarity and a good understanding of boundaries that keith hasnt had the time or inclination to set up with lance, hunk, pidge, allura, coran etc. also the one time he holds lance when sendack attacks the castle and lance is unconscious, lance sort of blows it off later and basically goes “no homo” when keith brings it up so that was a bummer
i also love some of the Pauses they put into shiro and keith’s dialogue, some of them are just. so choice. like when keith proposes a crazy plan that puts him in danger and shiro just takes a sec, closes his eyes, then goes “alright i’ll back u up, do what u gotta do” like!!!! boi!!!!!! thats good shit. also in s2ep9 during the blade of marmora trial when keith is basically having this nightmare about shiro rejecting him because of his connection to the galra, (which real actual shiro can see because this whole ep was a fuckin fanfiction) and he does that same thing where hes like “shiro... *pause, close eyes for Just a sec* you’re like a brother to me” which! by the way!! i have said the same thing!! to a friend i had a crush on!!! who was straight!!!! and i was a little baby who didnt know i was into girls yet and we used to say we were like sisters bc i? didnt know i?? was gay???? we shared her bed whenever i stayed over and she really did see me as a sister and i would just lie next to her and daydream about touching her boobs,, anyway keith is so relatable there i could yell forever but continuing on,
can we, real quick, talk abt the first time keith flies the black lion? bc in s2ep1 hes not the black paladin yet. real shiro is still around. and keith legit goes up to black, puts a hand on her big ole nose and goes “ur boi is in trouble, we gotta help him” and she goes “yeah dude hop in” like?????????????? thats some fanfic shit again! black Knows! also dont even talk to me abt how many times keith and shiro yell each others names in that ep its unreal. also the trope (that i eat the fuck up every time) of one member of the otp lying trapped and injured somewhere and talking to the other member of the otp thru a helmet comm or whatever and they cant see each other but they can hear each others voices, so they have to keep talking to like reassure each other they’re both still alive and okay?!!! im such a sucker for that shit!!!! ummmmm the fact that shiro keeps reassuring keith that hes fine when theres a gaping glowing wound in his side and hes like visibly in pain, clenching his teeth, eyes closed, groaning, sweat beading on his forehead, the whole fuckin thing?? and josh knocked it outta the park with shiro’s voice in that ep making him sound like he was trying not to sound hurt and exhausted so that keith wouldn’t worry too much like Fuck me up!! smiling thru the pain when keith talks abt how much shiro changed his life and made him a better person??? boi!!!!!
then there are the times when shiro talks abt something happening to him and keith taking over as voltron’s leader, and keith gets all panicked about it like he cant stand the thought of losing shiro again (this happens a bunch of times but the ones that are coming to mind are s2ep1 and s2ep9 bc. again. those are the fanfic episodes). and then he Does lose him again and he’s so clearly grieving, lashing out at the rest of the team, super obviously feeling shiro’s loss more than the others (and lance is a real dick about it a bunch of times which really rubbed me wrong), going out to look for him over and over bc he wants to believe so bad that shiro’s out there somewhere. omg the “please no” when the black lion accepts him that shit Fucked me right up!! he wants to honor shiro’s wishes!! but some part of him knows that’s like admitting that shiro’s gone and isn’t coming back. and then!!!!!! when they find kuron and its just the red lion and the galra ship floating alone in space just like. gently drifting toward each other. keith’s little tired smile there. fuck me up. and then we find out in the next scene that keith has been the only one in shiro (kuron)’s room while he’s recovering and shiro (kuron) hasnt bothered to shave or cut his hair or get dressed yet and he lets keith see him like that and not the rest of the team. fuck. keith looks Exhausted in that scene. hes got bags under his eyes, hes kinda hunched in on himself, arms crossed, like something in him Knows this isnt his boi but he wants to believe it’s him so bad and its. god. its a lot. and Then when hes turning to leave and kuron is like “how many times will u have to save me before this is over” and keith’s face just relaxes into this legitimately genuine smile when he says “as many times as it takes” like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck me
this is where it starts gettin awkward with them bc kuron isnt shiro and he doesnt treat keith the way shiro would but he Tries, like after keith fucks up that one mission and kuron comes and finds him (again, in private) to touch his shoulder and be like “im proud of u boi” when keith clearly Did Not Do A Good Job and keith just looks bummed like “thats. thats not tru” and it Hurts me bc we know real shiro doesnt do fake praise. also kuron orders keith to put himself in danger more than once and doesnt give a shit that keith and the others get hurt because of it which also real shiro would never do - we’ve seen him react when his teammates take hits before, but especially keith, like during the bom trial. then theres s4ep1 where keith sort of drifts away from team voltron in order to do more stuff with the blade of marmora and everyone’s pissed at him but then as hes walking out kuron’s like “you know we’re here for you if you need us” and keith gets that soft smile again like “i know and i cant tell you how much that means to me” and then they do that good good hand clasp that turns into a hug which by the way is a stark contrast to when other people hug keith and they just kinda grab him and he goes all stiff and it takes him a sec or three to put his arms around them if he even does that at all - with shiro they do the hand clasp first and then walk into the hug together and keith buries his face in shiro’s fuckin shoulder and smiles and closes his eyes and i wanna die. and theyve done this twice now which makes me think they probs did it before kerberos too and that also hurts me. 
then theres s4ep6 where keith has gone the whole season feeling like he was a bad leader. it seems like voltron doesnt rly need him and his friends dont need him and shiro doesnt need him and hes been hanging with the bom who have their whole philosophy of not going back to rescue their own guys if it means putting the mission or the rest of the team in danger (which keith already was saying when allura was captured - how very galra of him) and now keith’s having to readjust to that mindset after being part of such a close knit team. so when he sees a way to take that shield down, he just fuckin goes for it. hes started to see himself as expendable. when shiro thinks hes about to die, we get all kinds of flashbacks, the first of which is him and keith alone outside the shack. there are no flashbacks with keith. he just closes his eyes. and shiro (kuron) congratulates him. like obv its before he knows what keith was about to do, but still, thats some fucked up shit. 
now this wasnt rly part of ur question, ie u didnt ask me how i felt abt klance, but i feel like i gotta say: lance just grates on me. im sorry i know lots of people who love him but he just. isnt my cup of tea. and i do think the relationship shown in the show between keith and shiro is a lot more mature and healthy than the one shown between lance and keith. lance has some good moments! but canon lance and fanon lance seem like two entirely different people to me a lot of the time and thats all cool and fine if ur lookin for that, again im not here to stop ppl from having fun, but there are so many good sheith moments in the show and im just glad to see the relationship between two dudes depicted that way regardless of whether it becomes canon or not. also lance in the show is only shown being attracted to girls, and in kinda a skeevy way - like ive met guys who treat me like that and been Very off-put by that kind of behavior. and it would put me off if after all that they got him together with keith. like hes just superficially interested in all these hot girls but keith, who he has very few heartfelt intimate moments with onscreen, is his True Love? like thats,, not good bi rep. i Do rly like the bond hes been building with allura since they switched lions, that seems like its going in a direction that could turn out to be very wholesome and sweet. but again, if klance is ur thing, by all means have a ball.
k that was a lot but tl:dr i like 2 cry and sheith provides me with lots of opportunities to do that,, if u read it all then thank u deeply and truly for ur attention, u probs Understand me as a person a bit better than before lol
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inmaidjan · 7 years
Hoosier 01.
     This is extremely sad and dark, character death mentioned as well as slight implications of self-harm(but not really). 
     No disrespect meant to the men mention or their families; this is based strictly on actor portrayals in The Pacific.
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     “Hoos, gimme the blanket.” 
      “Get your own.” 
      “You set mine on fire and promised to share yours.” Hoosier groaned and rolled over to face the girl in shorts and a t-shirt, freezing her ass off in the Guadalcanal night. He lifted his blanket-clad arm and wrapped it around her, pulling her into his body.
      “Will you just shut up now?” he mumbled, his chin resting on her forehead. 
     “Mhm.” She slipped her forearms into his shirt to warm them up and borrowed her head into her friend's chest. “Thank you,” she whispered, half asleep. 
      “Hoosier, just make a move already” 
      “No can do, Chuckler.” 
      “What, are you already together, or…?” 
      “No, she doesn't want that.” 
      “She obviously likes you, you realize that, right?” 
      “No, I don't, because she doesn't like me, and I don't like her, so shut the fuck up.” 
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      “Jeez, sorry bud.” Chuckler smirked to himself and laid back down on his cot. He rested his head on his hands and shut his eyes, bouncing his leg off the edge of the bed. “You should probably marry her, though, before someone else does.” Hoosier slammed his book down of a small, unstable table next to him and stood up. 
      “You should probably shut your mouth before I knock your teeth out. First of fucking all, everyone treats her like absolute shit, so don't say that ever again, and second of fucking all, she doesn't believe in love, so get that through your head, and get it through quickly.” Hoosier stormed out of the tent, his jacket unbuttoned and hanging open. He just kept walking down the road until he found a clearing in the trees and a path that lead inward. He decided to just take a walk through the woods, a cigarette hanging from his lips and his hands in his pockets. He kicked rocks and sang softly to himself, not really watching where he was headed until he heard his best friends voice join in with him.
     “I'll never smile again Until I smile at you I'll never laugh again What good would it do? For tears would fill my eyes My heart would realize That our romance is through.
     “I'll never love again I'm so in love with you I'll never thrill again To somebody new Within my heart I know I will never start To smile again Until I smile at you.” 
     He looked over at the girl in a mariners uniform, blisters on her bare feet her shirt buttoned all the way with her sleeves rolled up. The bottoms of her trousers were ripped up and dirtied. Her hair was wavy and knotted up, strands caught in the grime on her neck. She really did look like hell, but Hoosier didn’t see it. He only saw his best friend. The same best friend who was underestimated in everything she did because she was a girl. The same best friend who wasn’t trusted with anyone’s life because nobody thought they could trust what they saw as just a pair of breasts. The same best friend he caught holding a razor blade to her skin just days before. That’s why she only had three friends; Lew ‘Chuckler’ Juergens, Robert Leckie, and Bill ‘Hoosier’ Smith. The rest, and literally all of them, didn’t trust her.
     “I’m surprised you know that one.”
     “Why’s that, Hoosi?” 
     “You usually ignore everything having to do with love.”
     “What can i say; it’s a good song.” he smiled down at her, who was trying not to look at him. She was scared that if she did, she’d feel that tingly, nauseous feeling again. She had no idea what it was, as she’s never felt it before in her rather unpleasant life, but she was freaked out by it. People tell her it’s what love feels like, but she didn’t believe in it, she had no reason to, growing up in a abusive family. He noticed she started doing that about four months after they met and didn’t understand why she did it. For a second he thought it was because he was ugly, then realized how preposterous that would be.
     “Why do you do that?” 
     “Do what?”
     “Not look at me.” She shrugged and pursed her lips.
     “I dunno. Guess you’re just not that easy on the eyes.” Hoosier smiled to himself and laughed out loud. He still wanted to know why, but figured she’d never tell him anyways. That or that was just what she did now.
     “Okay, I get it, I get it. Don’t make me cry, now.” She stared straight forward, a small smile on her face.
     “Let’s get back to camp. I’m tired. Carry me?”
     “Yes, ma’am.”
*Time skip*
     “HOOSIER! GET BEHIND ME, NOW!” She screamed as they ran towards the airfield, their main objective on Peleliu. They headed for a crater in front of them made by a 16-inch naval shell within the scrub, east of the White Beach. Hoosier kept charging ahead of his best friend and Leckie.
     “HOW ABOUT YOU DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!?” She was one to get feelings before bad things were to happen, and in that moment, she was feeling sick to her stomach. They all made their way through the thin and dead trees, tossing grenades into the occasional pillbox or stopping to take an accurate shot. She saw a small opening in the trees coming up and threw up into her mouth, immediately swallowing it back down.
     She saw Hoosier start to pass her and run straight into the clearing. She grabbed him arm and roughly yanked him back towards Leckie so hard he almost fell, and the sick feeling started to subside. “DO NOT GO AHEAD OF ME!” With that,she charged into the clearing, Leckie and Hoosier following behind, just not closely anymore, deciding to listen to her for once. She made it just passed the middle of the clearing when Leckie and Hoosier were blasted back by an explosion that came from where she was. A shell had dropped down right on top of her.
     Hoosier cried out her name and scrambled to his feet, rushing over to her with Leckie behind him. She laid on her back, her stomach pierced with shrapnel with half of her leg blown off. Hoosier swore loudly and tensely as he quickly picked the piece of shrapnel out of her stomach and applied pressure to it. She shook her head shakily and coughed up blood.
     “Just go, Hoos-”
     “You seriously think i’d leave you here!? I’m not going anywhere, okay? Look at me! You’re gonna go home, you’re gonna be okay!”
     “It ain’t shit, sweetheart. It ain’t shit! CORPSMAN!!” Leckie tied off her leg where it was blown off so less blood would shed, but she was too far gone.
  “William?” he grabbed her face gently as she stared into his eyes for the first time in a very long time. God, how nice it felt.
     He nodded, “Yes?”
     “W-what does it feel like to be in l-love?” He searched his mind for an answer as quick as he could.
     “Being in love feels like you’re floating in your shoes when you’re around someone. Being in love is having somewhere to start and a place to go. Being in love is not choosing to fall for someone, it just happens. It’s effortless. Being in love is getting tingles in your spine and feeling nauseous whenever they’re around. Being in love is knowing you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, and start a family with someone, and die with someone. Being in love is heaven and hell colliding. I-It’s beautiful...” She reached up with her shaking hand and grabbed his wrist gently, just to feel him. That’s all she needed in that moment. Bill Hoosier Smith.
     “Shit, Hoosier. I’m in love with you.” she confessed, her voice trembling, realizing she had been in love with her best friend through all the years they’ve known each other. She couldn’t believe she was in love; a feeling she’d never felt in her entire 19 years of her life. “I’m in love with you, Bill, can you believe th-” she stopped talking, unable to continue when she suddenly felt a wave of numbness wash over her body before feeling returned in only some parts of her body. She couldn’t speak; she was at a loss for words and breath. She felt herself suddenly slip from reality and she couldn’t see anymore. She felt like somebody turned out the lights, because she could still hear the firefight blazing around her and Hoosier begging for God to spare her life and take his instead. He was still holding her when she started whimpering like a wounded puppy and was gasping for air, blood spilling from her lips. She was unaware that she was still gazing into his eyes as she tightened her grip on his wrist, which she moved to hold his hand. 
     “F-fuck, okay, okay... CORPSMAN!! CORPSMAN HURRY!!” He squeezed her hand tightly and held her cheek with his other hand as two medics finally found their way over to them and pushed Hoosier away, working on her stomach and leg right away. They lifted her onto a stretcher but didn’t take off with her until they finished wrapping her stomach.
     “Hoosi... D-don’t dwell on th-this, don’t dwell on me, p-please-”    
      “No! You’re not leaving me! You’re not allowed to do that!” Her eyes were still wide and her lips were slightly parted, giving Hoosier the illusion that she was still alive, but she wasn’t. “(Y-y/n)? (Y/n) please talk to me...” The corpsman lifted the stretcher once they did everything they could for her and started to rush away from Hoosier back to the aid-station to. Hoosier immediately collapsed and put his face in his shaking, bloodied hands. 
     “Bill-” Leckie attempted to touch his shoulder but Hoosier smacked his hand away and stood up. He was trembling tremendously, anger and mortification taking over his mind.
     “She didn’t fucking deserve that, none of us deserve this. She just figured out what love is, goddamn it!! Jesus Christ, if you had to take someone you should’ve fuckin’ taken me!” He felt himself become dizzy as tears poured from his eyes and he furiously ran his hands through his hair. “Dear God, this is all my fault...” he mumbled, his voice cracking as he wobbled. Leckie caught him before he hit the ground and sat in the dirt with Hoosier crying in his arms. Any walls he built were crumbled now. All the pent up tears and the stress was breaking forth now and he felt numb. He wanted to die. Fighting didn’t seem worth it anymore now that he didn’t have his best friend to fight with. Living didn’t seem worth it now that he didn’t have her to live for. He felt broken.
     “They took her away from me, Leckie. They took her away before i could marry her...”
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