#bugsy and ladybug
nescaveckart · 3 months
Some, of my recent pencil sketches 🥹🐞, I've completely forgotten to post them over these couple of months 😂😱 I guess the whole "ditziness" is a "artist thing" 😂😅 so yeah I'd love to take some time to share some of my art, and I would absolutely appreciate it, if y'all, comment, like, repost, share, and just give me your opinion. 🐞🥰 Thank you my dear bugsies.. I love you all so much.🐞🥰💕💞❤️💓
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planetbeanie · 1 year
august 15, please!
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You share a birthday with Bugsy the Ladybug!
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August 15: Happy Birthday Bugsy (Beanie Babies)!!!!
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nescaveckwriter · 4 months
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Paintbrushes And Romance 🥰🐞 - Part 16
Dean x Fem/Reader
Part 16🥰🐞
A/N: This is heartbreaking, and beautiful, fluffy, fluffy and more fluff😋
Side Note: Thank you all so much for the support. Much love, my bugsies 🥰🐞
Warnings: anger, raised voices, sexual content 🙈
Opening your eyes, tilting your head upwards, lifting a little of his chest, admiring the brown, beard fading into a slight whitish gray, he looks so peaceful, he might be a giant, but his a gentle giant.
Snuggling closer to him, the cinnamon, woody with just a touch of orange blossom scent coming from him awakens her senses. Tracing little circular movements on his chest, thoughts wandering off too last night, a smile tugging at her lips, remembering ever little detail, the way he cherished her, made her feel loved, and wanted, desirable even, sent an electric sensation through her body.
Somehow this man with his sky blue, heart melting eyes, took a hold of your heart, there was a softness in his masculinity, a protective warmth in his strong arms and a soul that whispers, I know you don't need me, but I'll always be here.
His voice sounded husky, when he said morning darling, hearing him call her that, in his tone of voice, with that deep southern accent of his, was enough to send her over the edge.
Morning, her voice sounded almost musical. Their eyes met again, and so did their lips, she knew in that very moment, if she didn't start making her way home today, she'll probably never leave his warmth.
Studying the room one last time, remembering the pain, healing, laughter and then finally the love and intimacy these walls came to recognize, she took out her sketch pad, not the one Benny gave her, but a new one she bought, for capturing the moments the two of them shared, the first page was a pencil sketch of the three of them sitting at the dinner table, laughing about the cat who stole the drumstick, the last two pages was filled with rough sketches about the cherry blossom tree and then the two of them all tangled up underneath the covers.
Putting it on the bed, with a note attached "saying thank you Benny for looking after me and helping me to get better and trust again, in here you'll find all the memories we made, I will cherish you in my heart forever. Much love , your ladybug darling " signing the letter with a little heart, and a lipstick stain from her pouting lips.
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Looking at the woman with her lively eyes and short brownish hair, she could see tears shimmering, trying to keep your own voice steady, I'm going to miss you Judy, thank you for everything, I literally would not have been here if it weren't for you.
Oh honey, take care of yourself she said while pulling you into a hug, I'll always be here if you need me okay! Now I have to go before I cuff you the house so that you never leave, a little laugh escaping her lips.
Walking closer to where Benny were standing you could see his forehead furrowed and he's brows drew together, his bright blue eyes became a greyish colour, revealing the sadness, your lips parched to say something, he leaned in, tasting your lips, one last time, still holding you close, a sad smile forming on his face,
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I'll be back Benny, your voice sounded breathy, his raspy, voice washed over you saying no you won't darling now go and be free but remember you'll never be unloved by me, you are too well tangled in my soul and therefore I will always be there whenever you need me.
Her eyes swam with tears, she sighed while digging her head in his chest, I love you Benny.
"I love you too Darling he said while kissing the crown of her head.
With wide eyes she said I should stay.
No! Go be brave, be free darling. I'll be here, he purred.
Getting into your car sending one last glance over your shoulder before driving through the rusty gates. You wondered if you'll ever see him again.
You just drove, you were so tempted to turn back, your heart was torn, on the one side there's Dean who you'll always love and then the other side Benny, who captured your heart. Damnit I'm confused, whispering to yourself. Making a promise to no-one really, that you were just going to focus on making amends its the final step, and for the rest, you'll figure it out as you go.
She drove into her old hometown first stop Bobby she inhaled, this is going to be hard isn't it!
She knocked on the door, hearing the old man's rough voice coming through the door, - what the hell, get off my property, I will shoot, door screeched open.
Noticing the shotgun and him standing upright, made her laugh.
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He sounded overjoyed, babygirl, tears shown in his deep blue eyes. He grabbed ahold of her, so happy to see you, you look better than ever.
Laughter overtook her, so glad to see you too Bobby.
Inviting her in, they talked, she apologized, he did the same, telling eachother everything.
She got up promising she'll come by and drink coffee, but she had a few people she needed to see.
Before heading out the door Bobby stopped you, his voice sounded heavy, babygirl, just a heads up, Dean took your leaving hard, he can tell you everything himself, but his better now, he went back to his old ways though, different woman every week.
One of his one night stands from back in the day showed up in town, and they started to see eachother again. not sure how that's going, but I just wanted to let you know.
Oh! Thanks Bobby, her words sounded more brittle than she intended. She gave Bobby one last hug, walking towards her car, thinking about how much she hurt him, her glossy eyes revealed the throbbing pain in her chest.
Inhaling some air into her lungs she drove towards the house she grew up in.
Recalling one of the quotes Benny used to say from JK Rowling "Anything's possible if you got enough nerve" , her mouth curving into a smile. That man and his quotes.
She pulled into the driveway shaking just a bit. She just stood there making sure she looked good, knocking on the door.
Seeing her mom open the door, the emotion welling up in her eyes, Hi mom, her lower lip trembling.
Honey your home, Caroline sobbed. Pulling her daughter into a heartfelt hug.
I'm so sorry about everything mom, I..I.. was just so broken, I'm so sorry for causing all this pain.
Looking into her daughter's eyes, seeing the light in them again, is the only apology she ever needed.
The two of them spend the rest of the day, catching up, crying, holding eachother.
When Bill came home, he acknowledged the joy gleaming from his wife, sweetie?
"Sweetheart look in the living room, she insisted.
He just stood there, hearing his daughter's sweet voice, hello daddy. His eyes glistening, babygirl he exclaimed!
She ran towards him, Hugging him, apologising and telling him everything.
Glancing at your parents, realising you had no idea how much you missed them, that night after dinner you lend your mom's phone to video call your brother.
The shocked look on Joe's face revealing he expected his mother, not you. Sis! He expressed. They talked till the early morning hours, mocking him a bit, about the grey in his now longer beard. They laughed and cried. After making plans to go and visit him in Chicago the two of you said your goodbyes and hung up the phone.
Exhaustion over took you and you drifted off.
When you went to make amends with Cas, he didn't judge you, he just listened to you, expressing his gratitude towards the two people who took care off you. You also learned that day , that Dean were out of town, on some case his working on, And Sam and Eileen went on a three month cruise so you could not get in contact with them.
You spent the next two months working on your new novel, creating new paintings and joining a yoga class, you and the yoga instructor, just clicked, she was an amazing soft kind hearted woman with her luscious dark hair and friendly eyes. You and Lisa became good friends very quickly.
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Breathe in, through your nose and out through your mouth, that's it, she soothed to the class. Thank you all for being here, Namaste.
While rolling up your yoga mat, you see Lisa coming closer, hey there, her voice sung.
Aren't you chipper. You betcha ya, she giggled. Why would that be Lis? My boyfriend is coming back tonight or tomorrow.
Aww really, I would love to meet this mysterious man! You exclaimed.
Lisa laughed, oh you will, but first we are spending our weekend under the covers. I've missed him so much.
You let out a giggle, you should enjoy it, we'll meet up, after your weekend of pleasure.
Pulling your car in the garage, walking into your house, grabbing a previously prepped green juice out of the fridge, falling to the couch.
Jikes! Feeling a little woozy after the morning yoga, and staying up till 3 , writing, thinking maybe you'll take a short nap, you snuggled into the couch a bit deeper.
Your eyes flung open when you heard the familiar sound of the impala's engine purring down the street. He's back!
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Seeing his phone receiving a message from Lisa while driving past her house made him winch. Of course it doesn't make him exactly a good man, being with Lisa and thinking about her, but hell that's the situation his in.
After getting home and taking a shower, throwing on some joggers, headed straight for the bedroom, to sleep, falling flat on his stomach, arms stretched out wide over the mattress letting out a sigh, finally some sleep.
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The knocking of the door, made him flinch uttering, what the hell, go away, the knocking silenced, but then started back up again.
I swear, I'll shoot you, he growled, the wooden floor creaking underneath his bare feet. Turning the door knob, what! he commanded!
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His brows knitted, his jaw line tightened, his face seemed cold and hard but his heart was rapidly beating. She stood there, in a white sundress, her hair much longer than before, her complexion as beautiful as ever, there was a sense of lightness radiating from her.
Her voice sounded like a symphony, Hello Dean.
Hello Dean, hello Dean that's what you have to say, his words sounded tight.
I.. I didn't come to fight, I came to make amends, to say I'm sorry, about everything.
He gritted his teeth, yeah if only it was so damn easy!
Her voice sounded soft, and low, listen Dean, I just wanted to let you know that I don't blame you, for anything and I'm truly sorry for what I said, and how I just left, I truly hope one day you'll be able to forgive me.
Noticing her shaking, her eyes glancing over with the wetness of the tears she's trying to fight back, all he wanted to do is pull her close, make her feel his love, but for some reason his words was brutal, how the hell do you expect me to just forgive and forget.
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I hate you, I hate what you did, I hate what you said, I hate the way you just left, like I didn't matter to you.
Her jaw dropped, her eyes wide, brittleness in her voice, this was a mistake, she turned around, fleeing to her car.
You, us, were a mistake, he growled. Taking in the sight of her leaving again, made him realise, he didn't hate her, he loved her.
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Sprinting, cathing up with her, grabbing ahold of her body, hands on her hips, throwing her over his shoulder, he hissed, want to talk, sweetheart, lets talk...
Put me down Dean she demanded. Closing the door with the back of his leg, placing her down, her back now against the door, he stood there in front of her, his voice thick, I'm sorry for what I just said , searching her eyes, she didn't make a sound, running his hand down her arms, the friction it caused made his heart rate go faster, grabbing ahold of her hands, pinning it above her head, she whimpered, he crashed his lips against her tasting the sweetness he remembered, breathy he told her you have any idea how much I craved you, her lips parted like she wanted to say something, but he didn't want words, he want their bodies to speak for them, and their hearts to listen, the two of them was starved for each other, his hands lingered over her body, removing the sundress, she's digging her nails into his back, pulling him closer, wanting him more and more. Ravishing eachother, exploring one another, he remembered all her little weak spots, making the sweetest moans escapes her lips. He groaned knowing she wanted him as much as he did. Panting and out of breath they lay in eachother's other arms, knowing their home again...
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poke-muns · 4 months
Bug Type Name ideas
Pre-existing: Aaron (arachnid/arthropod), Alecrán (Alacrán, Spanish for scorpion), Antón (ant/antenna), Araceli (araña/arácnido, Spanish for spider/arachnid respectively), Arty (arthropod), Bugsy (bug), Burgh (bug), Catarina (see Katy), Hector (insect), Kai (Kafer, German for beetle), Katy (Katydid, bush cricket), Raffaello (Farfalla, Italian for butterfly), Sera (Seragnna, Indonesian for insect), Tsukushi (contains kanji 虫/Mushi, Japanese for insect), Viola (a genus of skippers, a type of butterfly)
Anis = anisoptera, the infraorder of dragonflies (could allude to bug-dragon or bug-flying ace) Bea / Beatrice = Bees, also possibly flea Lady = ladybug / ladybird (could allude to ace being bug-flying) Mandie / Mandy = mandibles, part of an arthropod’s mouth Manny = Mantis Ozzie = Mosquito, “mozzie” Selena / Selvester = damselfly Thor = thorax (misdirect for electric type or has a bug-electric ace) Vesper/Vesta (possibly Sylvester) = vespid/vespidae, wasps Webster = web
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mydiazboys · 2 years
tangled up with you all night [one year later]
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bugpawzz · 5 years
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at least we got a cute outfit out of this
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amphany · 3 years
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Gonta dressing up as insect themed things (bee, Miraculous Ladybug, Bugsy from Pokemon)
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So, Spider-Man, Lucy Heartfilia, Marinette, Lynda, Batgirl, young xehanort, and Heatblast time travel back to 1984 to be counselors in training.
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Bugsy with rings that have small bugs on them, like a ladybug or a beetle 🥺🥺 or even like a bracelet that has caterpillars as the whole thing idk Man 🥺🥺
I love bugsy headcanons <3 but YES yes absolutely yes bugsy with rings is already amazing but with bug themed jewelry???? *sigh* yes. she also probably has chunky earrings that are just beetles <333
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Goth cat podcast: Bugsy we know that you have the upper body strength of a silver back gorilla but what about leg day? To be honest if can’t lift Rena and Panth with your legs or at least crush a watermelon I’m gonna be disappointed cause never skip leg day
[Ladybug’s holding up a cackling Panthera off a building with her leg]
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wonderweird · 5 years
For that oc question Florence
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AIGHT I know I said I thought it was one at a time questions for that meme but a lot of you didn’t specify a number so I GUESS IM DOING THEM ALL %D
01. Full name: Florence Coccinella
02. Best friend: Slag and Horus. Yes he’s their boss but they’ve got a strong bond and he’d do anything for them!
03. Sexuality: Pansexual
04. Favorite color: Red
05. Relationship status: Single but open to something casual for now
06. Ideal mate: Not looking for anything serious just yet, but once he wants to settle down he’d like someone soft and gentle. Someone whose the opposite of the kind of work he does for a living, so he can come home and relax with them. He’d also like someone he could dote on and spoil and protect.
07. Turn-ons: Fighting. BIG TIME fighting. Preferably no weapons, hand to hand. The rhino beetle part of his brain associates a good fight with impressing and attracting mates.
08. Favorite food: Flowers, specifically buttercups!
09. Crushes: He’s not really the type to stare longingly from afar and get flustered over anyone, that being said there’s a handful of people around the isle he wouldn’t mind spending more time with~
10. Favorite music: Likes to listen to the music played in jazz clubs around town, but also likes to listen to early bluegrass style music. He got an appreciation it while in prison, learned to play the banjo while doing time.
11. Biggest fear: He’s afraid that the life he leads might get the lives of the people he cares about in serious danger. He’s afraid of coming how and finding a ransom note or even worst.
12. Biggest fantasy: There’s a certain flower on one of the isles he’d love to get a taste of one day. And I mean literally, Florence has been planning what would be the best way to steal some of his petals and what kind of meal he could make with them.13. Bad habits: Swears in his own insect language, which is a bunch of clicks and purrs, very often. He does it around his boys a lot but out of habit he sometimes does it around strangers. Unless he’s angry about something he doesn’t like to swear in polite company. Women and children might hear!
14. Biggest regret: Not getting the change to deck his fathers lights in while he was still alive.
15. Best kept secrets: He\s a mafia boss, he’s got a TON of secrets that he’s not gonna let get out unless he wants a another trip to jail, or worse, his boys get sent to jail.
16. Last thought: ‘’We gotta do a stake out laydah’….stake….dat’ reminds me, need to get da’ stake for dinner with ma’ on sunday.’’
17. Worst romantic experience: Had what he thought was a close respectful relationship with someone who was on the old Beet Down Boys gang his father was in charge of. Turned out he was trying to get something out of being close with his bosses son and even worse, he had a ‘’thing’’ for men with Florences looks….
18. Biggest insecurity: His feminine looks for sure. He’s gotten more comfortable with himself in this regard and is proud to be a ladybug, but that doesn’t stop people making fun of him or treating him differently over it.
19. Weapon of choice: Most often goes for a revolver hand gun. It’s small and easily hidden, though he’s got an arsenal on him at all time in his wing hammer space, if needed he could have a tommy gun or baseball bat depending on the situation. And makes use of the devils powers on very rare occasions.
20. Role Model: Bugsy Malone haHA
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whatarubberchicken · 6 years
AU YEAH August - 24 - Workplace
(A little different than what this prompt intended, I think, but I had lots of fun writing it!)
Adrien stepped out onto the empty balcony, reached up and loosened his bright green tie, before giving in and tearing it off his collar completely. Finally, he could breathe. He took a deep, deep breath of cool night air, and immediately shucked off his dinner coat as well. His ostentatious mask soon followed, and he briefly considered throwing it into the garden below. But no, his father would kill him. He was pretty sure there were real emeralds and maybe even gold thread woven into that thing.
If anything else, Gabriel Agreste’s family always had to be the height of fashion.
Speaking of… Adrien looked down at himself, free of all the extra odds-and-ends that his father had designed for him to wear tonight. Thankfully, all of that had gone into the coat, tie, and mask. He was much happier like this.
Simple, black and white. Still elegant, but… he reached up and ruffled his own hair, grimacing when it crackled under his fingers from all the gel. Adrien didn’t stop ruffling it until it stopped crackling, though. His hair should be able to breathe for a moment too. He took another deep breath and leaned against the balcony’s railing; content to just relax and be himself for a moment.
After all, he thought with a shudder, soon he’d have to go back. Soon he’d have to put that stupid mask back on and pretend to smile while Chloe and Lila fought over who got to be on his arm.
It was how he’d gotten out here in the first place. They’d been tugging on him so much that his tie had become askew. Then, they’d fought over who got to fix it; each of them “fixing” it tighter and tighter and tighter….
Nathalie was the one who’d realized he couldn’t breathe and sent him to the bathroom to fix it himself.
Instead, Adrien had escaped to the balcony.
God, he hated these parties. Inane small talk, barely veiled threats and backstabbing, having to listen to people go on and on about their stupid clothes….
“There you are!” a voice behind him exclaimed. Adrien stiffened and turned around slowly, his heart only slowing down when he realized he didn’t know this woman.
But damn, if she wasn’t cute.
Black pigtails, bright blue eyes—her outfit was more severe than the rest of the girls here, but she’d somehow made it work for her.
A waitress, he realized, as he took in her attire. She wasn’t wearing a huge ballgown like the rest of the female guests, and her mask was simple and white. Black pants, a white button-down shirt, a black vest—
She grabbed him, tugging him towards the door. “C’mon,” she said impatiently, “Charlie’s gonna pitch a fit if anymore of you guys go outside to ‘sample the dishes.’ I know you’re just a temp worker and you’re not used to this, but you could at least make an effort….”
Black pants, a white button-down shirt, black vest—which was exactly what he was wearing, Adrien realized as she tugged him into the kitchen. Without his elaborate mask, tie, and dinner coat….
She’d mistaken him for a server!
“Um, miss—err, ma’am—” he stammered, as she handed him a tray of flutes filled with champagne. “I’m not—”
She rolled her eyes at him. “Fine, I’ll take the drinks. You follow me with the hors d'oeuvres. And don’t you dare think of scampering away to eat some!” she said, swapping trays with him effortlessly. Adrien stared at her, wide-eyed, as he tried to copy her movements and hold the tray so he didn’t spill anything.
“Where’s your mask?!” she asked, still clearly upset with him. He gestured helplessly outside with his free hand. She glared at him, but, before he could speak again, she set her tray down and whipped a spare mask out of her apron. “I’m not even gonna ask what happened to your apron,” she muttered.
Adrien could only stare at her as she leaned in close to put it on properly. She smelled like cookies. After hours of being pressed up against two girls who smelled like they’d bathed in perfume… it was a really nice change.
Finally, his new friend stepped back to admire her handiwork. “Your hair’s a mess, but that’s okay,” she said, giving him a final once-over. “Just act like a gentleman and the girls will immediately fall all over your ‘handsome rouge’ act.” She shot him a wink as she picked her tray back up.
“And don’t forget to smile!”
Adrien shot her an uneasy half-smile, which made her laugh.
“Exactly! C’mon.”
Adrien followed automatically, still trying to convince his non-functioning brain to just tell her there’d been a mistake and go back to the party as himself. But, there was another part of him, deep down inside, that was bouncing with excitement.
Can I really pull this off?
What if nobody realizes it’s me??
What kinds of things could I do… if I’m not being Adrien Agreste?
The masquerade ball took on a whole new light as he exited the kitchen, still following the waitress with blue-black pigtails. Nobody looked at him (except to spare a glance for what he was carrying), nobody spoke to him (not even to ask him to move, they simply assumed he would step out of the way), and certainly nobody tried to butter him up or hang on him (Chloe and Lila were currently cooing over a boy that Adrien recognized as Prince Ali, who looked very uncomfortable—Adrien sent up a small prayer on his behalf).
It was… liberating.
Adrien jumped, just barely managing to not spill anything on his tray. He looked over to see his fellow waitress glaring at him impatiently. Oh, right. He was supposed to be following her. He quickly scurried back to her side.
“I know it’s bad form to ask for names at a masquerade, but if you’re going to keep drifting into La-La Land, I’m gonna need to call you something,” the waitress muttered to him as they continued to make their way through the crowds.
“Huh?” Adrien tore his eyes away from an exchange between two people he’d always thought liked each other. As soon as they turned away from each other, however, their happy faces dropped and pure disgust showed. Adrien was amazed. No wonder Mother had always said that the servants’ gossip was always worth listening to. It was incredible, what people thought they could get away with when nobody “important” was listening.
“Your name!!” his companion hissed, breaking his concentration again. “Give me something I can call you, before we get separated again!”
Adrien blinked at her wildly. He couldn’t give her his real name! That would completely blow his cover!! Quickly he looked around for a name. Someone he knew, maybe? Nearby, something caught his eye. One woman’s masquerade dress was clearly cat-themed—her mask was cut to resemble ears, with bits hanging down like whiskers; she even had a bell around her neck, cute!!
“Chat,” Adrien said absently.
“What? You want me to call you Chat?” his new work-buddy said.
“Well, you can’t ask for my real name, right?” he said, grinning at her winningly. “So, yeah. Chat Noir.”
The girl let out a short laugh. “All right, then, kitty. Chat it is.” She turned to continue her loop around the room.
Adrien hurried to catch up. “And what can I call you, m’lady?” he purred, enjoying getting into character.
Another laugh. “’My lady’ sounds fine to me,” she said, smiling at a guest who was helping himself to her tray.
“Aww, but I can call anyone that,” ‘Chat’ pouted. “I need something uniquely… you!”
“How about Ladybug then?” the girl said, tapping her spotted earrings playfully.
Chat felt his grin grow. “Perfect, Bugaboo!”
Ladybug levelled a glare at him. “No. Not Bugaboo.”
“Bugsy? Buginette?”
“Ugh, worse and worse,” she moaned. “Just stick with ‘my lady.’”
“As you wish, my lady,” Chat said happily. This night was looking better and better! He turned to give her a bow, and nearly upended his tray. Ladybug rolled her eyes at him and tapped him playfully on the shoulder.
“Concentrate, alley cat!”
Now that he had a new name, Adrien was able to lose himself fully in the persona of the waiter known as Chat Noir. He bowed and flirted with the guests (and with Ladybug!), all of whom seemed to laugh easier and more whole-heartedly than they ever had with Adrien Agreste.
By the time he and Ladybug had finished a couple of loops around the room, their trays were empty several times over, and Adrien was having the time of his life. He and Ladybug had made a game of it, handing out jokes and puns as much as drinks and hors d'oeuvres. He followed his partner back into the kitchen, still laughing at his last bad joke.
Ladybug smirked at him, grabbed his tray and handed him a bottle of water. Adrien took it gladly. He’d gotten warmer than ever in there, but he’d hardly noticed.
Ah, the freedom of not being his father’s child!
“You’ve never worked a day in your life, have you?”
Adrien choked on his drink, coughing as he looked up at Ladybug. She was raising an eyebrow at him.
“Of-of course I have!” he sputtered, offended. “I work all the time!!”
“Not this kind of work.”
Adrien looked away. A few moments of tense silence stretched out between them.
“I wanted to get away for a while,” he finally admitted.
“And you never thought of the repercussions if you—or I—were caught??” Ladybug pressed, now looking angry. “If they found out I mistook a guest for a server, I’d lose my job!”
“That won’t happen,” Adrien said sullenly.
“Oh, won’t it??”
“I won’t let it!” he snapped.
She scoffed. “You really think you can influence Chloe Bourgeois?”
“Yes,” Adrien smirked. That was one of the few things he was sure of.
Ladybug paled a bit. “Just—just who are you?” she asked quietly. He gave her a dry stare and tapped his mask.
No names at a masquerade.
“It’s almost midnight,” she said softly. Adrien drew in a breath. Midnight was when Chloe had planned for everyone to reveal themselves and have a good laugh at the antics of the night. But both she and Lila had been overtly obvious in their identities throughout the night already. There was no need for him to pretend to be surprised.
In fact, the only person Adrien really wanted to know the identity of… was the girl in front of him.
“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours,” he offered.
Ladybug blinked at him, then shook her head and backed away. “You just want to get me fired,” she whispered.
“No, I don’t!” Adrien assured her, stepping forward to catch her before she could flee completely, “I promise! I’ve never had so much fun!”
She gave him a disbelieving look. “I made you serve hors d'oeuvres all night!”
Adrien smirked. “And I could’ve gotten away I’d really wanted to,” he pointed out. He stepped forward again and caught her hand. “Please, my lady,” he said softly, kissing her knuckles. “A name.”
In the ballroom, the clock struck midnight.
Ladybug opened her mouth to answer him—
—and Nathalie pushed her way into the kitchen.
“There you are, Adrien!” she said, sounding exasperated. “Miss Bourgeois has been quite upset at your extended absence!”
“I… I….”
All he could think of was the fact that Ladybug had slipped away from him and was now disappearing through another pair of doors in the kitchen. He’d never see her again. Didn’t know her name, or how to contact her.
His heart broke.
“Well, Adrien?” Nathalie called. He looked over to see her raising an eyebrow at him. She opened the door to the ballroom; full of lights, and glitter, and hundreds of people chatting inanely.
Adrien shot off after Ladybug.
“Cover for me, won’t you, Nathalie?!” he called over his shoulder.
“ADRIEN?!?!” came Nathalie’s astonished cry.
He ignored her, focusing on finding the one person who had made this night his best night ever. He burst through the same doors she had gone through to find another kitchen, this one with several bakers in it.
Before he could even open his mouth, the bakers grinned at each other and pointed towards a set of doors on the other side of the room.
“Better hurry, kid,” the big one called. “She’s a quick one.”
Adrien yelled out his thanks as he raced on in the direction they’d pointed him. The doors led to a hallway. Adrien paused.
Left or right? Left or right???
To his right, the door leading to a stairway was swinging slightly, as if someone had just come through it. Adrien grinned, taking off in that direction. He’d just gotten inside when he realized he’d have no way of knowing which floor she’d gone to….
No, I won’t give up! He thought, looking around desperately for any sort of clue—
“Your service was exceptionally slow tonight, Marinette,” he heard a voice below him say. “But I’ll let it go this one time. I’ve never seen you look so happy! Did you get his number? Or at least his name??”
“No, sir,” a soft voice answered.
“What a pity. You deserve to be happy, Marinette.”
He heard a door below him close, and practically flew down the stairs.
That was her. It had to be! She’d been slow tonight because she’d been having fun! With him! And if she’d really been as happy as he was…!
Adrien rounded the next flight of stairs and stopped short.
There she was. Still in the stairwell, at the very bottom of the stairs. His Ladybug.
And her mask was off.
She was wiping away a few tears, and she whirled around to face him. Her eyes widened.
He reached up and wrenched his mask off as he made his way down the stairs.
“Adrien,” he said, striding towards her determinedly. “Adrien Agreste.”
She gasped in horror, covering her face with her hands. “Oh, no, no, no!” she whispered, backing up until she was pressed against a wall. “Your father’s going to kill me!!”
“Nobody’s going to kill you,” he assured her, unable to stop smiling now that he had her in his sights. He stopped a few feet away. “Marinette, wasn’t it?”
She gulped, her face reflecting the fear that she must still have. Oh, what he wouldn’t give to magically wipe it all away! For the first time in his life, he could finally understand how the prince could fall in love with Cinderella after one night at the ball.
Of course, instead of falling for the girl with the fancy dress, he himself had been turned into a servant in this fairy tale! He smiled, hoping to make her feel more at ease.
“Do I truly frighten you, my lady?” he asked, adopting his Chat persona one more time. He took her hand and lightly kissed her knuckles, just as he’d done a dozen times during this magical night. “If so, just say the word, and this cat will scurry back to the alley from whence he came, never to be heard from again.”
Please, please, don’t turn me away.
Please, my lady.
“Yes,” she said softly. Adrien felt his heart break a second time.
But then….
“Yes, my name is Marinette,” she continued, her voice slowly getting stronger. “And you are a stupid, stupid cat if you thought I would spend all night with someone I never cared to hear from again—!!”
Adrien couldn’t help it. He swept her up into his arms, bending down to give her a kiss that took his breath away.
It was thrilling… and terrifying. On one hand, he was kissing her! His Ladybug! But, on the other hand, he was kissing her! And she was frozen in shock—and, oh crap, I didn’t think that through—what if she hates me—what if she changes her mind and runs away and I never, ever see her again—!!
Then, she was kissing him back; wrapping her arms around his neck and threading her fingers through his hair while her head tilted, granting him more access. He took it gleefully.
“Oh, and Marinette—OH, SWEET MERCY! AS YOU WERE, MY GIRL!!”
Adrien and Marinette barely had time to break apart in surprise before whoever had interrupted them went right back out the way they came. Still clutching him, Marinette started giggling.
“We should get back,” she said. “I have to start cleanup, and you….” She trailed off, looking up at him.
“I have to check in at some point,” Adrien admitted reluctantly. “But there’s no reason why I can’t hang out for at least a little bit… and maybe help you some more?” he added, trying not to sound too hopeful.
Marinette winked at him. “I’m sure we can find a job for an old alley cat.”
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nescaveckwriter · 3 months
Awww, my bugsies 🐞... Please subscribe to my Patreon 🥰... For more exclusive content as well....❤️ I'm excited too share some other stories and more on here, 🐞🩷 I will truly appreciate it so very much 🥰🐞🩷 your subscription can make this girl's dream come true 🐞🩷🤩
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miraculousladyb · 6 years
Ladrien June - Days 2 & 3: Babysitting and Kwami Swap
This will be my last Ladrien June post for a few days - life unfortunately is getting in the way. However, I will continue to post more fanfic next week!
Here’s Days 2 & 3: Babysitting and Kwami Swap
Adrien groaned as the gravel of the alleyway dug into his elbows, a furious gust of wind barrowing over his head, his golden locks rippling like sun-drenched waves. He and Ladybug had been fighting Hawkmoth’s latest victim and she was proving to be one of the most difficult yet, with Chat Noir and Ladybug already down a Cataclysm and Lucky Charm between them. Having been dumped by her boyfriend, Lodestone’s powers caused everyone to be sent hurtling away from anyone they loved by an invisible, magnetic-like force. This had proved an issue for the superhero pair, whose close friendship had sent them flying to two separate ends of the city. Adrien’s transformation dropped shortly afterwards, fortunately, he’d landed in a secluded alley way which meant his secret identity wasn’t compromised. Unfortunately, Plagg had shot out of his ring and promptly flown away from him like a balloon losing helium. Without Plagg, he was effectively useless.
Adrien punched the ground in frustration, the small stones digging into his hand. The stench of several-day-old trash lingered in the air from the various rubbish bags littering the alley way. As Adrien desperately tried to think of a way to find his tiny kwami in the French capital, he heard a small moan a few feet away. Curious, Adrien slowly crawled over to the source of the sound. He carefully lifted an empty coffee take-out cup to reveal a miniature, red creature that looked similar to Plagg, but ever smaller.
“Chat Noir?” it spoke in a high-pitched voice, its wide eyes reverting from panic to hope in an instant.
“Are you Ladybug’s kwami? Did you two get separated like me and Plagg?” Adrien asked, gently picking up the kwami in his hands and cupping her close to his chest.
“I am, my name is Tikki,” the red creature replied, before sighing heavily. “Yes, Ladybug and I got separated by Lodestone’s force, I was afraid it might have happened to you and Plagg too.”
Adrien’s eyes widened, his brow furrowed in worry. “Tikki, how are we going to find Plagg?”
“We can’t, not while Lodestone is still out there; we need to capture her akuma,” Tikki replied calmly. “Plagg and I are two halves of a whole, meaning unlike other kwamis, we can use each other’s Miraculous to transform.”
Adrien tried to hold back the grin that was creeping across his lips. “Are you saying I get to be Ladybug for the day?”
Tikki giggled. “Just say the words, Adrien!”
“Tikki, Spots On!”
Adrien had transformed into Chat Noir hundreds, if not thousands, of times. Yet, transforming with Tikki felt like an entirely new experience. A mask identical to his superhero crush’s swept across his eyes. His suit included Ladybug’s signature symbol in the middle of his chest. The rest of his chest was black, which carried down to his forearms. The sections down to his hands were red with black spots, his yoyo resting on his left wrist like a watch. His thighs matched his forearms in pattern and finally his lower legs were fully black to complete his suit. His ring was still black but the symbol inside held Tikki’s Ladybug.
Adrien managed to hold back his internal fan-girl and quickly swung across the city to find Lodestone. The adrenaline pumped through his veins as he flew through the air, his hair flapping wildly. Spotting his target, he landed on the Champs-Elysees, surprised to find he could feel the ground beneath his toes; unlike his usual suit, it hadn’t come with boots.
“Oh my gosh,” he suddenly heard beside him. “Are you another Ladybug?” a teenage girl asked excitedly, her Smartphone out ready to film him.
“Uh, sure,” Adrien said, uncertainly. “I am Ladbug!”
“Are you Ladybug’s boyfriend?” the girl asked.
“Uh, sure,” Adrien said again. “Sorry but I gotta go, Paris won’t save itself!”
As Adrien, or ‘Ladbug’ was about to reach Lodestone, his yoyo began to ring. Keeping the item attached to his wrist, he flipped it open and his eyes lit up with glee.
“My Lady?” he said, excitedly. “You look purr-fect!”
The caller rolled her eyes. “Even when you’re not the cat you’re making the puns. Nice outfit by the way!”
“Why thank you, you look beautiful as always,” he said with a wink. She rolled her eyes again but smirked, her black mask creasing around her eyes. Similar to Adrien’s usual superhero attire, Ladybug had black cat ears resting on her midnight hair and a bell around her neck. Her outfit was similar to her usual spandex suit, except it was all black with a cute tail attached and green paws around her waistline. Her baton rested on her hip and her outfit was completed with a pair of high-heeled boots.
“Enough flirting, Bugsy,” she said with a wink. “Let’s go capture that Akuma!”
It took a while, given that they couldn’t get close to each other, but eventually they managed to defeat Lodestone. Adrien didn’t want to admit that the fan-girl in him had been screaming with joy at getting to yell “Lucky Charm!” and “Miraculous Ladybug!”
Their transformations were about to run out, so the superheroes had to split up before they could discuss their kwami swap. Adrien managed to find a secluded alleyway just as his suit fell away.
“You did great, Adrien!” Tikki said, proudly as she emerged from his ring. Adrien rubbed the back of his neck bashfully, the setting sun complementing the blush on his cheeks.
“Thanks, Tikki, it was fun to switch it up a bit! We really need to get you back to Ladybug and find Plagg though.”
Tikki smiled wistfully. “Don’t worry, Plagg will be fine with my Ladybug. It’s late; we can sort things out tomorrow.”
Having been swept away by Gorilla, Adrien was soon back at his house. Immediately after walking through the door he was informed by Nathalie that his father had left moments previously to go on a business trip, meaning he would be eating alone tonight.
The giant grandfather clock ticked monotonously as Adrien silently ate his dinner, Nathalie typing furiously away on her laptop at the other end of the overly long table, the click of the keys almost in time with the ticking of the clock. Tikki stayed hidden in Adrien’s overshirt pocket, but watched the blonde with sad wonder as he resignedly finished his meal.
“Is your father away often?” Tikki asked gently once the pair were alone in his bedroom. Adrien sighed, running a hand through his blonde locks.
“Either away, in a meeting or just busy with work. We barely see each other anymore.” 
Tikki floated close to Adrien’s face, so their eyes were level, “That must be hard on you.” 
Adrien scoffed, shooting a sad smile at the kwami. “I’m pretty much used to it now to be honest. I wish things were different, but you’ve just got to focus on the positives; I’ve got Plagg, Ladybug and all my school friends. I’m lucky to have all of them.”
Tikki smiled softly. “I’m sure they all care about you very much, I know my Ladybug does.”
Adrien let out an embarrassed chuckle as his eyes focused on the floor. “I know. I have no doubt you know how I feel about her too.” 
A wistful expression graced Tikki’s tiny features. “It will all work out, Adrien, I promise.”
Adrien smiled softly at the cute kwami. “So what do you eat Tikki? Are you also a fan of smelly cheese like Plagg?”
The boy laughed as Tikki pulled a face of disgust. “Ugh, no. I’m a sweets kind of a girl, cookies are my preference!” 
Adrien smiled, patting the kwami gently on the head. “Then cookies you shall get!”
After asking his personal chef for a batch of freshly baked cookies and a large glass of milk, Adrien and Tikki got comfy on Adrien’s expensive, white sofa and watched a film. The cookies were on the table in front of them, Adrien passing Tikki one whenever she finished her last.
“Is this Lilo & Stitch? Ma- my ladybug likes this film too,” Tikki said before taking another bite of her cookie.
Adrien nodded. “This film used to make me so happy as a kid. I always wanted a Stitch. I guess Plagg is like my Stitch,” Adrien said with a chuckle. 
The pair watched the film quietly, and as the credits began to play Adrien turned to see the red kwami snoozing cutely on the blanket he’d draped over them. Smiling gently, he scooped her up and placed her in a small alcove above his bed, where Plagg’s little bed hid. He climbed into his own bed, reaching to switch off his bedside lamp and snuggle into the sheets.
“Good night, Tikki,” Adrien whispered.
The next day, Tikki seemed entirely unfazed about finding Ladybug, which baffled Adrien but given that he had to go to school first he agreed. 
At the end of the school day Adrien opened his bag to see two luminous green eyes staring back at him, holding a cookie in his paw.
“This isn’t Camembert!” 
Ah, it was good to have Plagg back.
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mydiazboys · 2 years
Gabrielle was happily gurgling away in her pram, her legs kicking forcefully as she watched the sky disappear from overheard. And then her head was turning, as she heard her father’s voice. A squeal escaped her, when she saw her big brother being lifted up, a glimpse of her father’s head.
“Hey, what are you guys doing here?” Eddie asked, holding Christopher up on his hip with the biggest grin on his face.
“We decided to come by, see some friendly faces, right, Chris?” Leah said, and the child was nodding his head.
“And we brought cookies!”
“Cookies?” Eddie asked, his brows raised as he looked over at Leah.
“After breakfast, and seeing you off this morning, Chris and I got the best idea to make cookies,” Leah explained, gently rocking the pram. “And, Gabby has been so active this morning.”
“She smiled at me,” Christopher declared, nodding his head.
“Hey, I don’t remember signing your forms for returning to duty,” Bobby teased, as he walked up and was quickly embracing the blonde.
“One day, Bobby, I promise,” she grinned, squeezing him extra tight before he was leaning down and cooing at the baby. Who was cooing right back at him.
“Only if you bring this one on shift,” he teased, his finger brushing against Gabby’s cheek.
Christopher was quick to rush off upstairs, even with his crutches. Eddie scooped his gurgling daughter into his arms, and Leah retrieved a tin of cookies from below the pram. See, her and Eddie had gone over their finances when they realised it just wasn’t going to work out if they only had one vehicle between them. Not if Leah would be doing the school run with Christopher come September, as well as all of Gabrielle’s doctors appointments and god-forbid, any hospital trips. So they had pooled together some money and gotten her a car. And she was loving the freedom it now gave her, as she was able to visit Buck whenever with both of the kids. And also make these surprise visits to the station.
“You know you didn’t have to do this,” Eddie murmured to her, as they watched Christopher talking to Chimney, Hen and Bobby, Gabrielle nestled against Hen’s chest.
“No, I didn’t,” she agreed, tilting her head back to look up at him. “But I miss this place,” she admitted, looking around the rec area with a small sigh. She did love being a mother, she wouldn’t change that for anything. But she had worked so hard to get her career.
“We miss having you around,” he mumbled, nodding his head. There was an empty void where Bugsy and Ladybug used to be. “You could come back,” he suggested, looking at where their daughter was with Hen. “We could arrange childcare, you could pull less shifts, or I could.”
“I’m not ready yet,” she said softly, shaking her head.
“But one day, you will be,” he pointed out, his arm wrapping around her shoulder and she hummed out in reply. “And when that day comes, we will tackle it together. But don’t be afraid to tell me.”
“I don’t think I could be afraid to tell you anything,” she admitted. “You watched me birth a baby,” she snorted, and he was elbowing her playfully.
“It was our baby and it was magical.”
“Whatever you say, Diaz,” she rolled her eyes playfully. “Didn’t feel all that magical to me.”
“Yeah, I could have done without all the cursing,” he agreed, laughing out when she was elbowing him now. “I didn’t even know you knew Spanish.”
“I’m full of surprises,” she teased, wiggling her brows at him playfully and now it was his turn to snort out, pulling her against his chest in an attempt to silence her.
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