#bujo tips
sweetchotimochi · 2 years
tips for managing time (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥
Disclaimer: these tips worked for me and based on my own experiences. It’s okay if this doesn't work for you! 
Lets start with some methods;
Method 1 - Bullet Journaling: This is a great way/method to manage your time! I have used this method for a long time and it really has kept me consistent with how I manage my time. It is, however, annoying to bring your bullet journal everywhere or try to write in it all the time. The problem is about how much effort you put into your “journaling”. We all see online how pretty or aesthetic bullet journaling spreads are and when we look at our own journal we stop using it because it is not pretty enough. That doesn’t matter. Instead, look at how well it can help you manage time. If not, this is totally okay. Try switching to an online platform. 
Method 2 - Google Calendar/Calendar app: Another tried and true method. This helps in organizing your day. Great way to manage your time, especially because you can edit your tasks and time-block your day. It is also really good because calendars can be implemented in your computer, phone, and other devices so you can check out your tasks on the go. They also have components for tasks, reminders, events and more. I really recommend this for a lot of people because it is a game-changer, especially for people who need something easy to use for managing time. I guess the only problem for me is that I feel guilty, sometimes, if I see an empty part of my day which makes me feel unproductive. That’s totally okay! You don’t have to be busy all the time, take some time off for yourself. Nobody is productive 24/7. 
Method 3 - Notion: This is all the rage nowadays, so I checked it out for myself. It is a really great way to implement aesthetics and different parts of a journal. Unlike a calendar app, you can make lists, add other parts, add calendars and many other things. Its also accessible on many sites. Unfortunately, after making everything look very aesthetic, I didn’t use this platform as much except for keeping track of my anime and books. I do also use this to keep track of my classes and planning on-the-go, but it may work for you, so try it out! 
Method 4 - Diary with template/Planner: This is a great idea for people who want to use something on the go, but also easy to use and still have room for creativity. Daily, Weekly, and Monthly planners are all great ways to manage your time. The only problem is the template itself for me. Let’s say you might not be doing anything one day or slack off. Personally, seeing that one blank spot makes me feel guilty and then I can’t keep up. If you feel like you might feel like this, that's totally okay! Try managing time at your own pace, or use another method. 
There are plenty of other methods out there, but these are the ones I tried. I believe everyone should use something to help manage their time, because I have yet to meet someone who remembers everything they have to do in their head. Here are some quick-fire tips:
Try writing your tasks for every day the day before: Write out your tasks the day before. It helps you plan for the future and gives you a clearer head for the next day.
Use a reward system for completing tasks: Let's say you complete something big, make a reward system for that specific task! For example, if you complete a really hard chapter and do well on the quiz, that task deserves some reward! 
Keep some time for yourself each day: Even I have a hard time doing this, but keep some allocated time each day for yourself. Relax, watch some tv, do something fun and wholesome. You deserve it.
Divide up your tasks if they are really big: This is such a repeated method, however it is super effective. Let's say you are trying to study for a couple of chapters in a subject. Try dividing them up along the week into smaller tasks. It makes the whole thing as a whole less daunting. 
Try color-blocking your tasks: I use color-coding to divide my tasks on google calendar. For example, things for school/work are in green, and chores are in white. I think, at a glance, it really helps you think about how the day will go. 
This was a long one, I hope you’re still here. Again, these methods may not work for you, and that's okay. TLDR; Explore your methods and figure out what works best for you.
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celestiachan · 2 years
bullet journalling tips for beginners
-start out as small and cheap as possible. get one of those 50¢ marble composition notebooks and write with any pen/pencil you have just lying around. if you really wanna colour it in, use crayons, coloured pencils, and markers you already have. if you find that you like it, then you can get a better notebook and pens (if you want)
-you will see a lot of cheap packs of double sided brush pens. do not buy these. they suck, no matter how good the reviews are. there's a reason why so many people recommend crayola supertips. (it's the amount of colours + the quality for such a low price)
-do not buy any crayola knock offs. you'll find yourself crying and sniffling and sobbing because your cra-z-art marker ran out of ink after the first time it touched paper and roseart markers have large bullet tips instead of broadline tips. why would you even buy a knockoff when crayola is so cheap
-if you don't have any drawing pens, use a ballpoint pen. make sure it's a ballpoint and not a gel or rollerball pen because ballpoint pens have oil-based ink, which is waterproof, and chances are the markers you use to colour stuff in have water-based ink and the last thing you want is one of your yellow markers turning that ugly shade of green
-prismacolour drawing pens leak like a baby's eyes after you tell them that they aren't allowed to eat dirt. use any other brand of drawing pen if you absolutely must use one
-also you don't have to use a black pen. use a glitter gel pen or a mechanical pencil. anything is fine as long as it doesn't muddy the colours you're using
-never ever use sharpies in your bujo. if it's a sharpie gel pen or creative marker or something like that then it's fine but if it's a permanent marker then the next 10 pages will be unusable. actually just don't use any permanent markers in your journal it'll bleed like it's just been stabbed
-alwaya draw your designs in pencil before going over them in pen. if you dive in penfirst you'll make a mistake and won't be able to erase it
-your designs don't have to be perfect. you're a beginner. even if you're already an artist, bullet journals don't have to look extravagant and beautiful with everything written in calligraphy. it's your bullet journal. you don't even have to add designs. do what you want with it
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the---hermit · 2 years
I was just wondering how you organise your bullet journal?
I hope that I am interpreting your question in the way you intended (if not just tell me and I'll give you the answer you were looking for). I should start by saying that I use a bullet journal because it gives me the option of creating exactly the spreads I need when I need them. But of course there's some I always have.
I don't really use a lot of yearly set ups to be honest, I usually have a yearly overview, but it's mostly to have a reference of the months and which day is which. I very rarely annotate long term appointments (also cause I don't tend to have a lot at this point in my life). Other yearly spreads, or more general if you will, are my need/want/waiting on spread. In this one I annotate things I need to buy, things I'd like, and things I might order online. I don't really buy a lot of stuff online but when I do I always inevitably forget when it's supposed to be delivered and this way I have a place to write that down. I also have a spread every few months to write down when I work and how many hours of work I do (and whether I have been payed or not, cause again I always forget important stuff). I have been wanting to keep a yearly period tracker on my bujo, but I have yet to make it an habit, but the spread is there. I have a couple of spreads where I write down post ideas for this blog, as well as whether I have written/post a certain book review yet. Finally the last more general spread I have at the moment is one to write down when was the last time I updated the files stored in my usb unit.
Then we get to monthly spreads, which tend to be more or less simlar, depending on the moment of my life I am in these might change by including or not having certain elements. At the moment I have a cover page, a big calendar page that helps me envision the month ahead, and my habit tracker and gratitude log. Then I always have at least a two page spread for university, in these past months they have been used to organize my to-do lists for working on my thesis, and sometimes I have a more general brain dump spread, but that's not something I always do.
The last thing are my weekly spreads. In the past few months I have tried to experiment with new layouts (I have a post of some ideas, but I plan on doing a part two!) I decide the weekly layout depending on a lot of stuff, but some things I always include are: a full section for Sundays, the rare times in which I do not for the sake of aesthetics I always damn myself; a big to do list for the week (I then during th week assign each task to a day); a small space to write down notes; and a small space to write down stuff for the following week. Something I have recently found out is that I really like to have my daily events and to-do lists separated in a clear way, so I always make sure I do that.
I also create specific spreads for uni, so if you are interested in those just ask and I'll talk about them a bit more (I had been thinking of doing a post, but lately I have been super busy). I really hope that this was helpful, if you have any more questions my inbox is always open! have a lovely day!!
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mangotalkies · 11 months
I saw your post about planning in a bujo and I was wondering if you have any tips? The idea makes sense, but I have no idea where to start or how to do it. (how to plan long term projects, that is)
hey there,
i use a slight variation of the alastair method to plan my projects. i think it's the most effective when it comes to making sense of all the moving parts.
here's what my process is like, somewhat -
being clear about the project's tangible outputs
what are the final deliverables?
how would i consider the project successful by the end of it? get clarity on what is the best outcome.
2. segregating the project into phases
this depends on the deliverables, but these are phases that can be done exclusively in a simultaneous fashion, or in tandem.
analyze the most common statuses of these tasks. the alastair method uses backlog, working on, waiting for, and completed. this could differ according to person and project (can also be as basic as not started, in progress and completed, the way notion does it).
here’s an example - i have to create a portfolio website where i can showcase my design work. so here’s what my phases would look like, along with their status stages -
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3. point 1 and 2 are more about tracking the project. when the project is more complex or time bound, i make subtasks for the phases and add it to my weekly tracker.
here the tracker would be for days of the week, like the regular bujo. i assign days to the subtasks (or phases of the project if you don’t need subtasks) on a rolling basis.
once all the subtasks of a phase get completed, i then update the project tracker.
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some tips that helped me -
when it comes to personal projects, there’s a lot of experimentation you need to do to figure out what works. but don’t stop. how you plan things will evolve as you work on more things, consider it a hand-in-hand process.
a cliche but true - keep it as simple as possible. the primary purpose of the planner is to enable clarity, not look a certain way. i mean, you can make it pretty if it comforts you and works best for you, but that shouldn’t take precedence over efficiency - nothing is prettier than authenticity in your spreads, be it the handwriting, your scribbled thoughts, the things you scratch out, the clarity will stand out.
if you’re planning for personal projects, try being flexible on the timelines. it can be difficult to stick to them, not because of procrastination, but because you should allow yourself to experiment and explore with how you would typically work on projects.
whenever you’re listing tasks, keep it as actionable as possible. use verbs at the beginning of each item so that it’s easier to comprehend - send email, review post, write part 1, read chapter 2 and so on.
some links that might be helpful -
https://alastairjohnston.com/tag/bullet-journal/ - alastair johnston’s blog where he explains multiple spreads
https://www.productiveflourishing.com/free-planners/ - some free planners and blog articles that you could incorporate in your system
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IqjzXpBsqg - more on the rolling weekly and daily logs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9sb-WZ-8eY - other spreads you can use for the alastair method
hope this helps!
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honest-studyblr · 2 years
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planning my journal ahead of time for my fall term at school bc i KNOW i won’t have time to make it pretty when the year starts lmao
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zzzzzestforlife · 1 month
✏️ what no one tells you about how to journal 📒
i was sick of all the "how to journal" content out there recycling the same advice that sounds great but doesn't always work in the reality of daily life. you're welcome 😏 (also low-key a shitpost, but there are nuggets of wisdom in here, i promise 😇)
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✍️ what to journal about ✍️
sure, you could journal about self development and treat your diary like your therapist, OR you could write about:
the pettiest grudge you're still holding onto from elementary school 😤
all the gossip about other people's lives that you have Strong Opinions™️ about, but you're a good person, so what goes in the journal, stays in the journal 🤫
all the witty comebacks you never say to people's faces because you're a sensible, non-confrontational person, but also you didn't think of it until later 🙃
the possibilities are endless, let your imagination run wild, and/or feel free to contact the blogger for more 🤭
🚫 when NOT to journal 🚫
this is just as, if not more, important as when to journal.
nothing to say — forget morning pages, i can barely string together a coherent greeting before lunch. also, a whole night's sleep is like a total memory wipe, so i have nothing to write about 🤷‍♀️ and don't listen to whoever says to just write "i have nothing to write about" because if you start enough entries with that, you're gonna begin to feel there's no point BUT THERE IS!! just not right now. and that's okay ☺️
too often — personally, i think it's important not to make journaling your one source of clarity 🔮 continue to think things through in your mind, confide in people you trust, and have moments (in nature, perhaps) that simply can't be transcribed to words 🌼
not feeling it — if you're too tired OR feel fulfilled and clear-headed enough about your day, don't make journaling a chore you have to do no matter what. if that means you don't journal everyday, then so be it 🌝
so when do you journal? in general, when doing so would add something to your day ☀️ whether that's peace, humor, gratitude, or something else.
🎁 materials 🎁
now for the fun part: let's go to the stationery store! 🛒
✒️ GET A PEN THAT WRITES SMOOTHLY! you are literally lowering the physical resistance that's keeping you from journaling, trust me it works. also pencils suck.
🔐 get a journal with a band, lock, clasp, button, etc. — just because it's fun, but it has the added benefit of securing your intellectual property(?)
have a separate journal for writing thoughts vs. schedules vs. todos vs. collections (TBR lists, recipes, etc.) — beats having to make and maintain a whole index to keep it all organized in just one (1) notebook 😵‍💫
🌸 stickers — are a pretty substitute for correction pens 😻 (in theory, but i have yet to use all the washi tape i bought 😅)
or just journal digitally, idgaf, do what works for you, okay? 😇
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i-wanna-getbetter · 7 months
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19th September 2023
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mich-is-blogging · 6 months
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Today I finished all my tasks, I went to a coffee shop with my mum and paint a bit.
This friday is my third exam and I am so nervous.
ps: im searching for mutuals
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bleumingdays · 3 months
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2023 july - december : mood log
i started using circle stickers to track my mood and have been consistent! i'm doing it again this year but on a traveler's notebook standard size.
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lalesnotes · 1 year
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December 12, 2022
Revising for the test that I have this afternoon ✌🏻 Wish me luck 🤎 Same for you if you have exams this week!
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stardustystudies · 8 months
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my city-pop themed bullet journal spread(s) for september!!
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sweetchotimochi · 2 years
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i finally got a waterbottle after a long (and tiring search, and its pretty good! fits kinda wonky in my backpack, though but it is basically perfect! i kinda mushed up 2 weeks in this spread since it’s summer and everything is slow and fast at the same time.. (╥︣﹏᷅╥) i loved the dino w the bubble tea tho! hes so cute.. and im doing pretty fine rn in my physics so thats great. i also found out some awesome bubble tea shops around my area, so i rlly hope i find the time to go there. hope you have a great week!
july 2nd, 2022 🍀
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simplestudentplanning · 5 months
How To Start A Bullet Journal
Bullet Journal: "A customizable and forgiving organization system. It can be your to-do list, sketchbook, notebook, and diary, but most likely, it will be all of the above. It will teach you to do more with less." (Ryder Carroll, creator of the Bullet Journal)
Notebook (typically it's a dot-grid notebook, but you can use any type of notebook)
Set Up Key Pages
Index Page: similar to a table of contents
Key Page: create a key or legend to represent different tasks, events, and notes.
Personally, I don't use these pages because I usually have a bookmark to keep track of important pages, and I already know which symbols/colours to differentiate my tasks/events.
Create a Future Log
Purpose: To see the next several months (or the whole year) at a glance
What To Put: At least 3-6 months of the year's worth of events, birthdays, holidays, deadlines, etc.
Monthly Spread
Purpose: To see the month at a glance
What To Put: A calendar, goals, and any other elements that are relevant to your planning.
Weekly/Daily Logs
Purpose: To see your week/day at a glance.
What To Put: Tasks, events, and notes for each day/week.
You can use a combination of both!
Design and Decorate
Purpose: To personalize your bullet journal so that feels more like you, and it'll be more enjoyable for you to use it.
Reflect and Adjust
Purpose: To see what's working and what's not in your journal system.
Purpose: To get into the habit of bullet journaling. It'll help you be more mindful and organized with your life.
Purpose: To find what works for you. Don't use other people's designs and ideas if it doesn't work for you. Bullet journals are supposed to be systems that will help you organize.
The bullet journal is a flexible system, and you can adapt it to suit your preferences and needs. Explore different styles and find out what works best for you.
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luthoreads · 2 years
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i thought that going to a cafe by myself to read would be a little too much for my anxiety but at the end i really enjoyed it, i might do it more often now.
don't get me wrong is nice to have someone to go with but learning to enjoy things on your own is really important to get to know yourself better and i feel it also helps with your confidence, it makes me less self conscious and just makes me observe more and take in the things around me, it's really liberating plus no one expects you to keep them entertained which is always very exhausting for me.
do you prefer to go out on your own or with someone else?
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acaemia · 2 years
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back on campus 🍂
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study-acad3mia · 1 year
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Getting a whiteboard was the best decision of my academic life! It just helps so much in terms of saving paper when doing calculations on the side, or practicing reactions like I was doing the other night.
Also, you'll never catch me studying without having at least 3 different types of drinks. It's the neurodivergent in me 😅😅
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