Hello everyone!
New Chapter is up!
Link is in my bio
Fic Snippet below and fanart to come!
(Cover picture is currently just a place holder until I can commission a real one)
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Part of her still couldn't believe how caring and considerate Yang had been. The Alpha had filled the tub up with so much bubble bath that there was nearly more bubbles than there was water. Blake couldn't remember the last time she had the luxury of a bath let alone a bubble bath. When Yang had told her the reason behind the exorbitant amount of bubbles, Blake's heart had melted.
'Yang bit her bottom lip and blushed 
"I umm...I just thought you would be more comfortable this way?"
Blake cocked her head to the side, slightly confused. Yang swallowed thickly, her throat bobbing,
"Just umm...so...so you could…" Yang awkwardly brought her hands up to her own chest, making choppy circular movements "could...c-cover umm...yourself?" Seconds later Yangs eyes widened, panicked "not that I think you need to! Cuz you're" Yang's hands shot out in front of her as the Alpha raised them up and down in the air, indicating towards Blake's body "you're...you're just.." Yang cleared her throat and coughed. Her cheeks were starting to turn bright red as her blush deepened "I just...I want to help you, if…if you'll let me...but I also want you to be comfortable Blake. Comfortable and safe. That's all I want"'
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