#buon san valentino
jotunvali02 · 16 days
Love Story [] Gerita Animatic
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coralcatsea · 1 year
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umi-no-onnanoko · 2 months
Happy Valentine day
Felice giorno di San Valentino a chi ama, a chi ha amato, a chi ama, a chi amerà.
Buon San Valentino ai sognatori, a chi cerca l'amore romantico, ai romantici, ai cinici, a chi ancora ci crede e a chi ha perso la speranza, ai solari, agli ombrosi, a chi ama senza essere corrisposto, a chi è solo e a chi è in coppia, a chi ha sempre saputo amare e a chi sta imparando a farlo, buon san Valentino a chi si ama e a chi non ci riesce ancora, a chi ha la propria persona accanto e a chi no, buon San Valentino alle mamme, ai papà, ai nonni e ai figli,alle famiglie ,buon San Valentino a chi la persona amata l'ha in cielo e a chi lotta per salvarla. Un San Valentino felice a chi ama i propri amici, i propri animali, a chi non si ama più, a chi odia l'amore, buon San Valentino a chi crede e a chi è ateo, buon San Valentino ai gay, alle lesbiche, ai trans, ai non binari, ai fluidi, ai pansessuali, buon San Valentino alle drag e a chi ha intrapreso il suo percorso, a chi ancora non sa quale sia, ai poeti, agli scrittori, ai cantanti e ai musicisti, buon San Valentino ai normodotati e a chi non vede,non parla, non sente, non cammina, ma ama con tutto il cuore. Che sia un buon San Valentino a chi lotta contro una malattia fisica o contro una mentale cercando di ritrovare l'amore per sé stessi e per la vita.
💘 Buon San Valentino a tutti. 💘
Happy Valentine's Day to those who love, to those who have loved, to those who love, to those who will love.
Happy Valentine's Day to dreamers, to those looking for romantic love, to romantics, to cynics, to those who still believe in it and to those who have lost hope, to those who are sunny, to those who are shady, to those who love without being reciprocated, to those who are alone and to to those who are in a couple, to those who have always known how to love and to those who are learning to do so, happy Valentine's Day to those who love each other and to those who can't yet, to those who have their own person next to them and to those who don't, happy Valentine's Day to mothers, to dad, grandparents and children, families, happy Valentine's Day to those who have their loved one in heaven and to those who fight to save them. A happy Valentine's Day to those who love their friends, their animals, to those who no longer love each other, to those who hate love, happy Valentine's Day to those who believe and to those who are atheists, happy Valentine's Day to gays, lesbians, trans, non-binary, fluid, pansexual, happy Valentine's Day to drag people and to those who have embarked on their journey, to those who still don't know what it is, to poets, writers, singers and musicians, happy Valentine's Day to able-bodied people and to those who do not see, do not speak, do not hear, do not walk, but love with all their heart. May it be a good Valentine's Day to those who fight against a physical or mental illness trying to rediscover love for themselves and for life.
-umi-no-onnanoko (@umi-no-onnanoko )
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i-hold-horrors-hand · 2 months
Buon San Valentino
The Papas celebrate Valentine’s Day with their loves.
Chapter 5: (Young) Nihil and Imperator
(also readable on AO3)
Nihil was nervous. Imperator could tell.
Despite his protests to the contrary—and protest he did, quite unconvincingly—Nihil was very obviously nervous. His voice was ever-so-slightly higher than usual, he was fidgeting a bit, and he kept stealing not remotely subtle glances at her instead of focusing on the movie like everyone else.
The man was nervous, and Imperator could tell.
Still, she turned her attention back to the film, deciding to enjoy the rest of it before Nihil did...whatever it was that he had planned.
After the movie ended, as the credits rolled, everyone in the movie theatre got up out of their seats and started to leave. Well, everyone except Nihil.
"Nihil, what's wrong?" Imperator asked, unsure if she should be concerned or not.
Nihil looked up at her, momentarily pausing his frantic rummaging through his pants' pockets. His face, without his usual papal skull paint, was flushed red and slightly dripping with sweat. Nervous sweat.
Imperator raised an eyebrow. "You weren't..." She made a gesture with her hand. "...were you?" She hoped not. He'd already been kicked out of a movie theatre for that before. Or so she'd heard.
"No! No!" Nihil replied, hurriedly. "I wasn't!" He added, under his breath, "That's what I have you for."
Imperator crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at her lover's crude joke. For a moment, she considered leaving the movie theatre and going home without him, but instead decided to be patient with him and wait.
After a quick pat down of his fur coat, Nihil breathed an audible sigh of relief, having finally found whatever he'd thought he'd lost. Reaching into one of the pockets, he pulled out a small black velvet box, opening it up and holding it out to her with a shaky hand.
Imperator looked into the small box, its contents shining brightly even in the darkness of the now empty movie theatre.
Inside was a blood red, heart-shaped ruby on a gold chain. It was simultaneously simple and beautiful.
"Oh, Nihil..." she breathed, expression immediately softening and impatience instantly dissipating . "Is this for me?"
"Of course it is!" Nihil jumped up out of his seat, a grin now spreading across his face. "For my best girl."
Imperator held a hand over her heart as Nihil stepped behind her, gently pulling the golden chain of the necklace around her neck, and fastened the clasp at the back. The ruby heart hung just above her cleavage, framed nicely by her breasts.
Nihil pressed a kiss to the nape of her neck, earning a shiver. "Happy Valentine's Day, beautiful," he whispered in her ear.
Feeling as though she were floating in honey, Imperator turned around and pressed her lips to Nihil's, burying her hands in his thick black hair as she deepened the kiss.
After either a moment or an eternity—she couldn't be entirely sure which—Imperator finally pulled away, cupping Nihil's cheeks in her hands.
"I love you."
Her heart swelled as Nihil smiled and kissed her back.
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1shadowhole · 1 year
Anyway, Happy Gerita Day everyone
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cuoredolce67 · 2 months
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ollina-2912 · 1 year
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Buon San Valentino ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Oggi tutte le mie coppiette hanno passato la giornata a modo loro.
Renato e Daniele sono a un ballo
Rachele e Viola sono a casa a rilassarsi
Valeria e Gabriele si stanno struggendo l'una per l'altro.
Mentre la piccola streghetta Desirée ha un bigliettino per la sua cotta.
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no raghi, niente fiori oggi a lavoro. solo un perugina da un amico. 
p.s. era uscita una frase di merda
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Il mistero (o dovrei dire il dubbio, il pettegolezzo) avvolge la tua vita fin dal concepimento.
Tuo padre doveva sposare la sorella di tua madre, ma poco prima del matrimonio, cambiò idea, folgorato da tua madre. Che, si dice, fosse già incinta, solo perché tu nascesti dopo nove mesi esatti. E poi: incinta di lui o di un altro? Una fanciulla religiosissima, dall'apparente purezza paragonabile a quella della Santa Vergine, incinta prima del matrimonio? Forse che anche nella sua vita ci fu l'intervento dello Spirito Santo? E forse che tuo padre, con quel repentino cambio d'idea, volle salvarla dal disonore? Gli esperti dicono che raramente un primogenito nasce dopo nove mesi esatti.
Tuo padre, nelle sue memorie, affermò di non avere nessuna dimestichezza né figurazione delle cose di sesso prima del matrimonio. Come interpretare una simile precisazione? Come un tentativo di preservare la propria onorabilità? E quindi, si potrebbe malignare: excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta. Oppure come un tentativo, non riuscito, dal momento che i pettegolezzi in proposito sono ugualmente proliferati, di salvaguardare l'onorabilità di tua madre?
Ma io penso: a che scopo confessare qualcosa di così intimo se non perché fosse semplicemente vero, e per celebrare l'amore per tua madre, dal quale nascesti tu? Quell'amore che può insegnare quasi istantaneamente, anche a due ragazzi totalmente inesperti, a dare attraverso di esso, la vita.
A proposito: un grazie ai tuoi genitori per averti fatto, soprattutto a tua madre che ha sopportato tre giorni d'inferno prima di metterti al mondo (sì, anche di questo ci ha informati tuo padre, evidentemente e giustamente partecipe dei dolori dell'amata sposa e consapevole dell'importanza storica della vostra famiglia).
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f0rgetf0rgetting · 13 days
gerita thngy this is so stupid im going home
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jotunvali02 · 16 days
All Of The Girls You Loved Before [Hetalia Gerita Animatic]
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cowboy-robooty · 8 months
another day another divine vision. let me tell you about italys entitlement to love pipeline. so see italy loves to sleep around he loves da ladies da one night stands and most certainly aint about that commitment bullshit. it isnt out of malice or anything its just he cant really see the appeal hes like bruhhhh that is SO not worf it :/ blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... and like holy rome was when he was 7 okay that doesnt really count since when italy was 7 he also used to believe girls couldnt fart a lot of things were different at that time. but see i think italy is able to fall in love with germany despite his commitment issues because he also has a raging sense of entitlement. italy is the opposite and exactly the same as romano. romano is possessive as shit because hes the unloved brother that got nothing so when he gets something he hoards it to himself while italy is entitled as shit because hes the ultra loved by everyone child and always wins out in the end so he feels like he deserves everything at the end of the day. he isnt a bad guy but hes a bit of a spoiled brat to his core because of this since he can easily feel entitled to things after a while. and see italys love for germany hinges upon that entitlement being activated.
because germany is fully devoted to italy hes fucking obsessed with him he will and does do anything for him if italy asks him twice (sometimes thrice). germany will let italy ruin his life every single fucking day and still comes back crawling for more. hell be like italy this is the last fucking straw do NOT EVER fuck up my car again and the italy will destroy it literally the next day and germany will be mad for 30 seconds before sighing and going "well its okay. but im serious this time dont do it EVER aga-" **repeat for the next one million years**. and italy is very aware of this and honestly germanys undying loyalty and shit is why theyre able to stay together. because germany will always accept italy into his arms whenever italy comes running to him even if he also is sticking grenades into his back pockets and wiping his hands on germany's shirt while doing this he will always be like "... come here italy". and i think italy really realizes that germanys always going to take care of him wether hes on the losing side or not and even if hes with germany on the losing side everybody on the winning side likes italy already so theyre not going to really punish him fr so its overall better to lose with germany than win with everyone else since the winning side is going to make him actually do shit. Italys always with germany but if germany actually gave italy consequences depending on how severe these are he would actually leave germany rather than deal with them if he found it too much of a hassle to deal with. And this is how i believe their relationship is like for a very very very long time like for basically the entirity of the anime so far even like italy saw germany about to die and did not even grant him his last wish of smiling for him because he was like errrm! sorry dude but im looking out for me!
but i think this is able to morph into love because over time italy unconciously starts feeling entitled to germany. germany is so loyal and always there for him so hard that italy starts to feel entitled to this treatment because no matter what he does no matter how scum gong or batshit he can be germany will always see him as a perfect angel who could never have ill will (and only kills him out of incompetence) and welcomes him with open arms. italy starts to feel like germany is SUPPOSED to be with him. that it isnt right if germany isnt because italy is entitled to him already obviously and this is why italy starts developing jealousy and is like wtf germany is supposed to like ME most! Its unconcious and he doesnt really think about it too hard but his entitlement slowly grows over time and although it makes him be like GERMANY YOU CANT LIKE RUSSIA MORE THAN ME!!!! it still leaves him being selfish where he leaves germany to die by pictonians lol. the entitlement is able to morph into love though because it becomes so strong that italy one day realizes that hell feel so much intense discomfort if germany isnt by his side. he feels like germany is supposed to be with him hes supposed to like italy best and always pamper and spoil him and be obsessed only with italy and let only italy do special things nobody else can do. and it keeps growing until he realizes what he feels is love. because he realizes that there isnt anything he can think of thats worth more than his relationship with germany. he feels so entitled to germanys life that hes willing to give his own life up to keep their lives intertwined forever. hes willing to give up his freedom in exchange for germanys loyalty since now he cant see himself enjoying his life without it. its become such a common pleasure that its impossible to go on unless he has it. even if not being able to screw as he pleased will make him deeply unhappy, not having germany by his side would make him infinitely more unhappy. he might hate doing shit for people, but he would hate germany being hurt and alone 1000x more than how much he hates getting his ass up and doing him a favor. and THATS how italy realizes that he is so very totally in gays with germany chan forever since hes willing to do anything to keep him in his life and lucky for him he doesnt have to do anything except make their loyalty mutual. hashtag itager babywin!
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Buon San Valentino
The Papas celebrate Valentine's Day with their loves.
Chapter 2: Secondo and Denise
(Also readable on AO3)
    Secondo smiled to himself as he pulled Denise's chair out for her. He was quite proud of himself—it was Valentine's Day, and he had secured a reservation at one of the most classy and expensive restaurants in the city, for him and his most beloved Sister of Sin. He'd also bought her a new dress—short, red, and silky—and she looked absolutely sinful in it. He was already fighting to keep his focus on his hunger for the food they'd be eating instead of his hunger for her.
Satan below, he was a lucky man. And he intended to show his gratitude for his luck by treating his lover like the queen she was. Starting with a dinner date that would fill her belly and make her ache for him to fill a different part of her.
    Secondo pushed Denise's chair in and kissed her cheek, leaning in to whisper, "Buon San Valentino, Mio Cuoare."
Denise nuzzled his cheek and replied with, "Buon San Valentino, Mio Amore."
Secondo wouldn't admit it (out loud, anyway), but hearing such words from his lover always made his heart soar. He was grateful that he'd remembered to wear his sunglasses today, hesistant to publicly show the way his eyes became slightly wet just from her lovely voice.
He took his seat across from Denise, and reached across the table for her hand, planting a firm-but-gentle kiss to her soft, cedar-brown knuckles.
"Order whatever you like, Mio Cuoare. You may have whatever your stomach and heart desire. My gift to you."
"I love the way you open your heart for me," Denise smiled at him, stroking a thumb over his gloved hand. "And your wallet."
Secondo let out a short huff of a laugh, and gave Denise's knuckled another kiss before letting go.
"They are always open for you, Mio Cuoare." She had no idea just how open. She would soon, later today. After dinner, and during dessert. He had more than just a few delicious baci chocolates to surprise her with. He also had a ring—a glimmering emerald set in a shining gold band—in his suit pocket.
What better day to propose to her than today, of all days?
    He glanced at Denise as she perused the menu, totally unaware of what he had in store for her. Totally unaware that she would soon officially be his Prime Mover.
Voglio passare il resto della mia vita con te, he thought, before looking down at his own menu, smiling to himself once again.
He was a lucky man, and after today, he would be even luckier.
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miikoissant · 5 months
Tbh I'd marry them if they propose me with a tomato ring
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naivesilver · 1 year
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Pokémon Legends Arceus + I Cugini Di Campagna
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Buon San Valentino Toroblr 💘
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