#but all he wanted to say was 'dean was into cas and not garth - chill guys'
kerryweaverlesbian · 11 months
Wrt my tags on that last poll I reblogged, now I'm thinking about Dean, post-Garth hook up, going around to all his friends/frenemies for advice of how to make Garth fall in love with him (bc he wants to be the Cool Guy who lets the other guy down gently) and he brings Garth along (to prove that he's chill about their hook up and is fine and normal actually). And Garth ends up having love affairs with all of them. Garth-Jody-Donna threesome where he helps them work out their feelings for each other. Garth-Victor where Dean has to drag Garth out of there immediately bc Victor is showing signs of becoming obsessed in the same way Dean is. ALMOST NEARLY SO CLOSE TO Garth-Cas but Dean manages to intervene. Garth-Pamela. I'm just listing names at this point. It happens.
Garth always cooks eggs for them the day after, whistling, which is what clues Dean in to a lot of them, so they have a lot of Dean saying HOW AND WHO and Garth shrugs easily, 'you can't keep the beast in it's cage 😊'
Garth eventually calls him out on it and is like 'Dean our time together was very special. I'm sorry if me being a stone cold stud is hurting your feelings :(' and Dean's lile 'no, no don't apologise, it's just....when people start to walk away I have to cling on tighter or I'll never see them again. If I could get you to fall for me then I could make you stick around.' And Garth's like 'what about all those fine folks we road tripped around who showed up for you when you dropped in with a problem? Seems like you've got more friends than you think.'
Next morning Dean sleeps in from being emotionally drained and gets a knock on the door - Garth comes in with a breakfast tray just for him as friends, and they share it ❤
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mlobsters · 2 months
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supernatural s15e1 back and to the future (w. andrew dabb)
find it a little weird that they're using the bob seger famous final scene song for the season premiere big recap thing, they used this song in an episode - for kevin's funeral pyre in 9x10. maybe they've reused a song like that (poignant moment within an ep and then a recap, they reuse recap songs certainly) before and i just didn't notice, did this time because that song is in my main playlist from when i watched that s9 episode. typing all that up, what a pointless thing to care about. not sure i vibe with the clips and music selection but they're really hit or miss for me in general. music thematically, yes. anything else, ehh
also been thinking like. i don't see why s13-14 (and 15 remains to be seen, obviously) are said to be so much worse than say, s7-12 (though 11 had bright spots for me not seen since way, way back - or hey, better than *gasp* s1-5 at times because it occasionally focused on good feelings in a way that was just not happening before.) and i'm sure i'm in the minority yet again but i just haven't particularly liked the main plots for most of the seasons. and while i had some big issues with s6, it didn't go campy-ridiculous for me until the leviathans. and again, for me, pretty much everything since has gone that direction. some not campy, but all pretty ridiculous. i tolerate, not delight :S but i'm here for the characters and relationships, so i keep on keeping on.
anyway. dark and jittery longer than i deem necessary battle in the graveyard which somehow became not a death sentence in between the season break
DEAN Great. So we go outside, we get ripped apart. We stay in here, w-what, starve to death?! CAS Well, I wouldn't starve. DEAN Well, good for you.
LOL good one, cas
CAS He's an abomination! BELPHEGOR You're an abomination with that stupid, dumb trench coat.
ooh burn. and so true
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BELPHEGOR I mean, the last time I was on Earth, I mean, I was human. Ah, it was a while ago. I mean, but, you know, we were all worshipping this giant rock that looked like a huge penis, and... Anyway, folks back then, you know? Had a lot of humps. I mean, a lot. Look at 'em now. I mean, look at you. I mean, you're, uh, you know, gorgeous. DEAN What? Okay. When are you gonna get out of that body? BELPHEGOR Eh, when I find another one. I mean, I would've jumped at the cemetery, but all those meat suits were a little too, uh, you know, wormy. Difficult to blend, if you will
giving me leonardo dicaprio accent/cadence there with the wormy bit. weird. also mentioned dicaprio way back when he was in that nougat scene in 13x01. anyway, i mean this is something. can't resist the whole new character for the same actor thing. but seems like a more fun role for calvert
music they've got playing while sam and cas search the houses is pretty unique. i like it. this really muffled deep fast percussion. miracle. and jay gruska?? okay, i see you!! look at you, sir!!! finally coming up with a win
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the killer clown makeup, good!
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the blood mary wig and makeup, HORRENDOUS. reminds me of the knockoff ringu girl in 7x18. called it party city costume and makeup 🤪
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spn s7e18 party on, garth
handy that the spell that needs a human heart, there's an abundance of freshly dead people around. i don't have the energy to even ponder what this demon's agenda is
BELPHEGOR What? Oh. No. I-I mean, uh... – I'm a fan. DEAN Excuse me? BELPHEGOR Yeah, I-I didn't want to say it in front of the other guys, but when you were in Hell, with Alastair, I, uh... I got a chance to watch you work. And, I mean, the things you did to those people, I mean, it wasn't torture. It was, um... It was art. DEAN Yeah, but that was a long time ago. BELPHEGOR Depends how you look at it.
dean surprisingly chill about this conversation. far more chill than i am. maybe he's been doing some work
so every door in hell opened, including the cage. ok. so is that how they finally address adam?
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stupid god weapon which i assumed was lethal no matter what, well. festering at least.
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and some sort of hallucination flashback vision who knows what i don't know what with evil!sam and dean begging sammy. great, visions 3.0?
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lol, seen the gag reel gif from this scene where misha calls him dean instead of sam
it's fun that they're doing new spellwork magic stuff with a character, but. clearly it's gonna be some big Thing, what with how useful and powerful it is
not remembering why dean's being snippy with cas. i guess because he doesn't want to talk about jack dying? they've pretty well glossed over it
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little more fester-y. needed some gooey bits to dab off with the gauze
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DEAN Okay. Hey, do you remember when we were little? What I would do to distract you whenever I'd rip off a Band-Aid or something like that? SAM Yeah. You'd tell some stupid joke. DEAN Yeah. Knock, knock. Come on. Knock, knock. SAM Who's... DEAN Still got it.
cute cute. i don't care if it's pandering i will take any and all pre-series anecdotes
SAM Yeah. So, when Chuck… God… said "This is the End," I guess this is what he meant. DEAN Yeah, well. Screw him. He's been playing us this entire time. Just when we thought we had a choice. You know, whenever we thought we had free will. We were just rats in a maze. Sure, we could go left. Sure, we could go right. But we were still in the damn maze. Just makes you think, if all of it… you know, everything that we've done… What did it even mean? SAM It meant a lot. We still saved people. DEAN Yeah, but what for? You know? Just so he could throw another End of the World at us and then sit back and chug popcorn? SAM Maybe. Yeah, maybe. But… now he's gone. DEAN You think? SAM That's what he does. He gets bored and… and… and… and pulls the ripcord. I mean, that's what he did with Apocalypse World and… and probably with all of them. He moves on, starts another story. But you know what? Good. 'Cause if he bailed, it's just us. For the first time. It's just us. DEAN And about three billion ghosts. SAM Yeah, well, what's one more Apocalypse, right? But, seriously, if we win… When we win this, God's gone. Hm. There's no one to screw with us. There's no more maze. It's just us. And we're free. DEAN So you and me versus every soul in Hell? I like those odds. SAM Yeah, me too. DEAN Well, you know what that means. We got work to do.
also will always accept sam and dean vs the world
i'm not totally understanding this jumping to the conclusion that chuck is gone-gone. what with his repeated stated desire last episode that they're his favorite show. would presume he's just orchestrating his big farewell season arc
jay, it was too much to ask for good music throughout, i know. the music backing sam and dean's conversation at the end made me roll my eyes lol
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hauntedpearl · 3 years
DJ Qualls said -
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interrogatethecat · 2 years
Excellent Language Skills
word count: 1.4k
happy one year Liv!! for your prompt raccoon, I hope it makes you smile :) the rest is under the cut or on ao3.
They bought the lake house on a whim.
They were helping Garth out with a case, and it took them to a lakeside road. It was a quiet little place, lined with trees on either side. Thinner on the side of the lake, which sat peacefully beyond the houses. Dean parked the Impala down a few houses from the one the shifter was hiding out in.
He got out of the car and the first thing he noticed was the little for sale sign at the edge of the driveway. Dean didn’t look much farther than that; they had work to do.
A dead shifter later, he and Cas were standing back in front of the house for sale. Dean took it in. House was maybe too big a word— cottage was more fitting. Light yellow paneling lined its outside, with a white wraparound porch. The door was a faded blue, probably once painted to match the lake. Perhaps it was a little worn— the garden out front was overgrown, and even from back here, Dean could tell the gutters needed to be cleaned and the door repainted. It wouldn’t hurt to clean up the sides of the house either— but something about the house was nice. Homey.
Next to him, he could tell Cas was looking it over, too.
“Hey, Cas,” he’d said, “How do you feel about a house?”
And so, here they are, three months later. They’ve moved out of the bunker to give Sam and Eileen space and the lake house is officially theirs.
It’s a hell of a fixer upper. Cas takes care of the garden happily. Less happily, Dean cleans the gutters, the house, and repaints the door. He even rips up and replaces part of the porch that was starting to rot. It’s a labor of love, though, so he doesn’t complain too much.
Not to mention, Cas pays him in kisses, so that’s pretty good motivation, too.
The one thing about this house that Dean hates is the family of raccoons that have made themselves at home in the attic. He does complain about those liberally.
They scamper around over his head while he’s brushing his teeth, taking a shower, having sex with Cas, and boy does that kill the mood. They’re furry, menacing cockblockers, and Dean wants them out of his house.
This morning, they’re scurrying around while Dean is trying to have his coffee, which is unacceptable. It’s too early for this.
“We’ve gotta call an exterminator,” he mutters into his mug.
Cas frowns from where he’s squinting at the crossword. “That sounds violent,” he says. “I don’t believe we need to exterminate them. Just relocate them.”
“Yeah, and how are we gonna do that?” Dean will face down God himself, but raccoons? No way. Raccoons have tiny little paws and rabies, he’s far happier staying away from that. Raccoons are where he draws the line.
“I’ll have a word with them,” Cas says, and sets down the paper. He stands up with no other explanation and leaves the kitchen.
It takes Dean another minute to process what the hell just happened, and then he’s abandoning his coffee and hurdling himself after Cas. This is going to be another case of Cas trying to talk to animals, isn’t it. Like the time he tried to question that cat while they were on a hunt. Only this time it’s not a cat; it’s a goddamn raccoon.
There’s only one room with a trapdoor that leads to the attic, which is the closet of the guest room.
Dean trips over himself as he races up the stairs.
“Don’t even think about it, Cas,” he warns, “They’re sneaky little bastards, you can’t just talk to them. I swear to god, dude, if you get rabies—“ He screeches to a halt as he takes in the scene before him.
There are one— no, two, three, four, five— five raccoons crawling around on Cas. Two of them are cradled in his arms like a baby, another on his shoulder, one on his head, and the last is climbing up his leg. None of them are biting or scratching at him. Actually, they all look really chill. And Cas just looks up at Dean like this is completely normal.
“What,” Dean says, “the fuck.”
“They didn’t realize they were being so disruptive,” Cas says. “They apologize and don't mind finding a home outside of the attic.”
Dean has seen a lot of weird things in his life. He’s done a lot of weird things in his life. This is by far the weirdest.
“Uh,” he says articulately.
“I offered them under the porch,” Cas tells him.
Dean doesn’t process that, he’s too busy trying to figure out what he’s looking at.
“Cas, since when did you become a Disney Princess?” he finally manages to ask.
“I’m not a Disney Princess.” Cas turns his attention to the raccoon trying to squirm out of his arms as he talks, adjusting his hold. “I just have excellent language skills.”
“‘Excellent language skills’ means Spanish. Or Mandarin.” Dean stares incredulously. “I don’t think it means trash panda.”
One of the raccoons hisses at him almost spitefully.
“Please don’t hurt their feelings,” Cas says.
“Hurt their what?”
“Bernice is sensitive.”
“They have names? You named them already?” Dean demands, but no sooner has he said it that it hits him that of course Cas has, his husband is absolutely that person. Sometimes, Cas reminds him of those little kids who name the birds that have nested in the tree in their front yard. Probably because Cas refers to the birds in their yard with names. Raccoons, though? That’s a whole new level. He’s lucky Dean loves him, or this would be divorce material.
“Please tell me you named one of them Rocket,” Dean says, doubling in his efforts to ignore the fact that there are raccoons in his house crawling over Cas.
“They already had names, they told me. Why would you name a raccoon Rocket?” Cas squints in his adorably Cas-like way. “Is that a reference to something?”
Alright. That settles it. These raccoons are getting out of their house, Cas is bathing in disinfectant after Dean makes sure the furry monsters haven’t scratched him, and then they’re going to have brunch while watching Marvel.
“So Bernice said she would leave?” Dean prompts.
“Agatha,” Cas corrects.
“Agatha. Right. Do they need to pack suitcases or can they go?”
Cas turns to the beast on his shoulder, staring intensely at it like they’re doing some kind of Vulcan mind meld. It chitters rapidly. Cas nods in understanding before addressing Dean again.
“They can leave if you want,” he says.
“Good. You’re up, Snow White.” Dean waves his hand in the vague direction of the stairs. “Show ‘em the door.”
Cas does his mind meld thing again, the raccoon on his shoulder replies with another short vocalization, and then the raccoons are scurrying down Cas’ body onto the floor and Dean is so out of here. He nearly trips over himself stumbling backwards to get out of their way.
The raccoons, for the most part, ignore him. Except for fucking Bernice, who hisses again at him and bears its teeth in what Dean assumes is the raccoon version of giving him the finger. Maturely, he flips it off right back.
He watches them file down the stairs. The wait at the bottom by the front door for Cas, who opens the door. The moment that happens, they’re scurrying out and disappearing from Dean’s line of sight. He lets out a breath, relaxing.
Cas watches them go, clearly satisfied, before turning around to look up the stairs. His eyes crinkle with an amused smile. “Planes. Raccoons. What else are you afraid of?”
“Shut up,” Dean grumbles, tromping down the stairs. “They have grabby little hands and rabies. And if humans were meant to fly, we would have wings. There’s no reason for anyone to lock themselves in a metal death trap to hurl through the sk—“
He gets cut off with a sweet kiss. It’s chaste, but more than enough to push the raccoons out of his mind.
The next time Dean thinks about the raccoons, they’re curled up on the couch. His head is in Cas’ lap and Cas runs fingers through his hair and massages his scalp while they watch Guardians of the Galaxy.
“Hey,” he says. “Did Agatha ever tell you where they were going?”
“Under the porch,” Cas says calmly, fingers never stopping their motions.
Dean shoots upright. “What?”
tag list: @blue-eyed-cutiepatootie @glowstickcas @angelscas @floral-cas @castielsbeeslippers @dune-echo @gayhuckleberryinatrenchcoat @fellshish @bestiarum @top13zepptraxx @linaraiscorner @theedorksinlove @destiel-is-canon-i-guess
let me know if you want to be added or removed!
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adhdeancas · 3 years
Dean and Cas were gifted an array of items for their wedding, which Dean’s not sure says more about him and Cas or their friends. Either way, he’s up at the ass-crack of dawn (he woke up early and he couldn’t go back to sleep, he was too- jesus he’s sappy- he was too freaking happy) and he’s sitting in the living room of their hotel room, looking at all this crap. 
Claire, Kevin, and Kaia got them an array of pot, pipes, and bongs, with a note to Chill The Fuck Out Sometimes that had made him double over laughing. 
Charlie got them butt plugs with Mr. and Mr. on them and little wedding tassels (he was really gonna kill her for that. but they would definitely use them). 
Sam got him a bright pink waffle-maker, with a note about that waffle-maker he’d gotten him when he married Becky. Bitch.
Jo and Benny had gone in (a bizarre pairing, but apparently they’d met up in the shop and decided to go for a group gift) on Taylor Swift’s complete discography on vinyl. Apparently Jo was going to go for old 50s love songs, but Benny (the son of a bitch) had told her about Dean’s constant humming of Taylor Swift in purgatory, so, she changed pace.
Bobby promised to teach Dean how to fix up their old farmhouse (with no farm) when he got back from the honeymoon, since Dean had never had a home to learn to fix before. 
Garth made them both make their next two appointments for dental cleaning before he would give them his gift- a set of shining nonstick pots and pans that Dean almost cried at. It was one of the only genuine classic wedding gift they got.
Michael sent (Adam wouldn’t let him come to the actual wedding out of spite) an enochian carved knife set that Cas assured him was the most beautiful of love poems. Dean was pretty sure on instinct alone that there was a fuck you in there somewhere.
Crowley got Cas a karaoke machine, with the note “you won’t like him after two weeks with this” and he got Dean a compass that pointed toward him (just in case). 
Rowena wouldn’t tell them what she’d gotten them, just given each a wink and a hug and told them they’d thank her later. Considering how many, uh, trips to the bathroom they made throughout the night, Dean had a guess it was some kind of magical blue pill. 
Cas clears his throat from the doorway, and Dean looks up from his position on the floor. “I thought you might’ve snuck out,” Cas jokes softly. Dean snorted and held out a hand. Cas took it and joined him on the floor. 
“I did. Had to get away from your snoring,” Dean lies easily, resting his head on Cas’s shoulder. He knows Cas rolls his eyes from the way his chest huffs. 
“I don’t snore.”
“Yeah, you do.”
“You snore.”
“I know I do.” he sounds more petulant than he feels.
Cas shrugs Dean off his shoulder and looks at him. “Why are you up so early?”
Dean looks down, a blush lighting up the tips of his ears. “Couldn’t sleep. Uh, just... a lot.”
“All good?” he asks, concern blooming in his eyes. Dean leans forward to kiss him, wanting to wipe all the worry away. It’s just like Cas to be concerned instead of angry when your husband wakes up the first morning of your marriage and says he couldn’t sleep. Husband. 
“All good. Seriously, I was just... I’m...” he looks around the room at the gifts, all the family they have who cared enough to contribute to this new life they’re building, and it overwhelms him again. “I’m really lucky.”
“We are.” Cas corrects softly. Dean grins at him and nods. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
8x10: Torn and Frayed
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True love is reunited
Our poor angel Alfie Samandriel continues to get tortured by Crowley’s minions. 
Dean finds Sam chilling in a motel in Kermit, Texas. They instantly jump into rehashing what happened with Martin and Benny. Sam’s just pissed that Dean would use Amelia’s possible death to pull him away from the case. (Note to Sam: Amelia can’t be threatened with death because she never existed outside of your mind.) Anyway, Sam wants Dean to be done with Benny. 
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Meanwhile, Cas flaps in to help a mother with a crying baby. I love this scene --definitely top tier Cas for me. 
For Angel Science:
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He’s gone just as soon as he arrives. Naomi calls him back to Heaven to track down Samandriel. He’ll need help.
For It’s Just Creepy Science:
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Dean spills his beer all over at the sight of Cas.
Cas jumps right into asking for help in locating Samandriel. Dean’s on board when he mentions that Crowley has the angel. Also, for some reason, Dean doesn’t want Cas to see his porn --the shit that he practically brags about to all the other random people in his life. Weird. Anyway, Samandriel is near Hastings, Nebraska. Angel screams cause a ripple effect of strange happenings. 
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Cas eventually gets around to inquiring about Sam, lol, but Dean brushes off the question. They’ll work the case alone. 
Sam’s busy watching dung beetle documentaries. Amelia shows up to explain herself. (Also, she’s not really there and that’s why they can finish each other’s sentences --Sam, you’re talking to yourself.) Amelia wants to know why Sam’s regressing back. Sam thought she was in trouble --but he’ll leave now that he knows she’s okay. Then they kiss. 
Samandriel is having no luck convincing the demon to let him go.
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The demon hits something deep in Alfie’s insides, and he starts chanting. A man hears the chant and watches a bush catch fire (and get a little singed in the process.) 
Dean and Cas head to the hospital to interview the poor guy. He recites the chant he heard. It’s Enochian, and means “Obey.”
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Cas can’t fathom the amount of pain Alfie must be in to set a bush on fire. Dean suggests they head out and search for the demons that have him.
Sam’s mopey after having mistake sex with Amelia.
Shirtless Sammy Alert:
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They have to figure their shit out, so Amelia suggests they think about things and meet/don’t meet two days from then. 
Meanwhile, Dean and Cas are having no luck on the Alfie hunt and Dean just wants to go on a date with Cas. Unfortunately, Cas can see demons outside their latest abandoned factory. There’s angel warding --and Dean and the demon knife just won’t be enough. Cas suggests getting Sam. Dean is vehemently against it. 
Instead, they head to Garth’s boat. Kevin is busy. Cas states the unfortunate truth: “You look horrible.” 
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They want another demon bomb. Kevin starts listing impossible-to-get ingredients, making it clear to Dean that his quest is pointless. Cas asks for the list, because he’s BAMF.
Crowley checks out the recent development with Alfie, and realizes they’ve found the angels’ OS. 
Back at the ranch, Kevin continues to toil over translation while Dean plays the role of extremely annoying impatient bro in the background. Kevin puts on a pair of noise canceling headphones which is...relatable. Benny calls and apologizes for the death of Martin in the previous episode. He needs a little support, and Dean promises to be there as soon as he wraps up his current case. (Last episode was Dean/Benny vs Sam/Amelia and this episode it’s Dean/Cas vs Sam/Amelia and I’m gonna chew my own arm off.)
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Dean learns that Kevin sent his mom away. “I can’t enjoy a world I need to save, Dean,” Kevin says tiredly. DAMN if that line doesn’t hit. He bends back to his task.
Meanwhile, Cas flaps in next to Sam who was moping on a park bench, and then returns to Kevin’s lair with Sam in tow. Cas bitchily sorts through the ingredients for their spell while Sam and Dean henpeck at each other, until he loses his cool and orders the Winchesters to “stow their crap” and get his job done. YAAAS here for this!
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In directing tics that I can’t unsee news, Robert Singer zooms dramatically in on each Winchester. WILL they solve their crap? Or will they continue to be at odds? Stay tuned for this recycled plot non-twist! 
Having adequately stowed their crap, they pull up outside the warehouse in the dead of night. Cas instructs the Winchesters to destroy the angel warding sigils so he can rescue Samandriel. He hands Sam an angel blade (!!!) and tells him that it will also kill demons (!!!). I confess, I do love re-encountering these foundational bits of lore in these recaps. 
Meanwhile, Crowley continues to hack into Samandriel and stumbles across word of tablets. The Winchesters take out the last sigil just in time, because Crowley appears to have stumbled across something juicy. Cas flaps into the building, albeit a little woozy. He blames it on the sigils.
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They hurry to open the door and rescue Samandriel. Or they try, at least. As Dean and Sam pound away on the door, Cas raises his hands to his ears as his experience of the moment is intercut with memories of Naomi hovering over him with a needle. Castiel sinks to the floor, cowering against an invisible foe. 
For PROTECT Science:
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Cas continues to experience horrible flashbacks of his own heavenly torture while Dean and Sam hurl themselves at the door. When they finally break it down, Crowley’s gone and safe with him is his new Samandriel-sourced secret: there’s an angel tablet. As Cas removes the needles from Samandriel, he remembers:
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Cas pulls the halo device off of Samandriel and flaps away while Dean dispatches the last demon. Outside, Samandriel begs for help. He can’t go back to Heaven - he inadvertently revealed secrets to Crowley. “Heaven, Naomi,” Samandriel begins his list of secrets. When Cas asks who Naomi is, Samandriel gasps. “They’re controlling us, Castiel.”
Cas is suddenly back in Heaven’s office space. Naomi looms over him, ordering him to kill Samandriel. On Earth, Cas stabs him. Back in Heaven, Cas reels over what he just did. He tried to save Samandriel so he could atone for his past actions. Naomi interrupts - Samandriel was broken and a traitor and deserved what he got for revealing the existence of an angel tablet to Crowley. 
We return to the BREAKING MY HEART TIMEZONE, where Cas is just. cradling. Samandriel. 
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Dean and Sam run up. Almost robotically, Cas parrots Naomi’s lines to the Winchesters. He explains that Samandriel turned on him and was killed in self-defense. He now needs to flap off to Heaven with Samandriel’s body. Dean peers suspiciously at him - if not for his sudden cool demeanor then certainly for the trickle of blood spilling from Castiel’s eye. Cas fucks off, sadly, for places heavenward.
Later, Dean and Sam convene in a room warded against angels. They start to talk through what might be up with Cas, before Dean pulls away. Doesn’t Sam need to get back to his girl? 
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Dean opines that maybe at least one Winchester deserves to have a happy ending. I CHEW GLASS VERY LOUDLY AND WITH GREAT VIGOR. Sam decides there’s still too much to do in the supernatural sphere. He’s going to stick around. Now that Sam’s decided to walk away from his temporary love interest, Dean calls Benny and LITERALLY DOES THE SAME. He tells Benny that he can’t come see him, and they also can’t talk again. 
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Later, Dean watches TV moodily, alone. Amelia checks in on the empty motel room, alone. And then we learn that Dean wasn’t QUITE alone. Sam settles next to his sad brother with sad beers and chili, and the bad decisions bus trundles ever onward.
Sadtown is the Next Quote on the Bad Decisions Bus:
That depends. It depends on you. On whether or not you're done with him
It seems this is gonna involve talking to people
Hey, what do you say, this doesn't pan out, we head back to that beer-and-bacon happy hour about a mile back?
I've given you every torture instrument known to man – short of a Neil Diamond album
I can't enjoy a world I need to save
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apocalypseornaw · 3 years
Always be Yours- 11
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Word Count: 7,214
Story Summary: Follows Dean and the reader throughout season 9 into season 10
Chapter Summary: When Garth turns up as a John Doe it brings you and both boys back together to investigate a seemingly harmless pack
Warnings: cursing, blood, fights, death
“Baby..wake up Y/N” you groaned at the feeling of Dean gently shaking your arm. You glanced at the time before saying “Dean check out isn’t until eleven. What’s wrong?” He saw the way your eyes flicked towards his arm and shook his head “Nothing like that. I think I found Garth” that woke you up. You were on your feet and grabbing your bag to get dressed before he could even finish talking.
Garth had been hit by a car and admitted to a hospital. The problem was that no one had laid eyes on him in so long none of you even knew what he’d been up to. Dean’s plan was to give him a shot of adrenaline to wake him up and question as to why he had left Kevin high and dry when the kid had been put into his care.
You stood on one side of the bed watching while Dean uncapped the shot but the door opening made you call his name. You both turned and you smiled slightly to see it was Sam coming in. Dean cut his eyes at you “Did you call him?” “No, she didn’t call me” Sam answered. You could feel the tension rolling off them both so you spoke first “Guessing you saw his john doe on the police wire?” Sam nodded and walked to the side of the bed so you moved to the foot of the bed putting yourself literally between the brothers.
“Where you coming from?” Dean asked him and you glanced up at the fact that they were actually talking. “New Mexico” “Well, that’s a haul, especially considering we got this pretty much covered..so if you want to” Sam ignored Dean and looked at you “Have you spoken to him yet?” You shook your head “No, he’s been out since we got here” Sam touched the handcuffs holding Garth to the bed then questioned what he was being charged with “Killing a cow” Dean replied with a shrug. “Why?” Sam questioned so you pointed towards the syringe in Dean’s hand “Well the plan was to see if we could find out” then looked glanced towards Dean “Want me to lock the door?” he nodded so you walked over flicking the lock to the side.
“Woah are you trying to jump start him or kill him?” Sam questioned when he saw the size of the shot. “I want answers! He walked out on Kevin. He walked out on us. So if you got a better idea” Dean explained so you looked between them “Whatever you two are doing, do it before a nurse tries coming in” Sam looked at you then back to Garth before drawing back and slapping him across the face. Garth shot straight up screaming so you moved to his side quickly in an attempt to quiet him “Garth! Chill, it’s us!” he gasped a few more times looking around before his eyes focused “Y/N?..Sam?..Dean?” “Welcome back man” you greeted with a small smile.
“Is this a hospital? Am I in heaven?” he was still a little panicky so you grabbed his shoulder “Breathe Garth. You’re in Wisconsin” “You were hit by a car” Sam added before Dean asked if he remembered anything. “Vaguely” he answered, then realized he was cuffed “What’s with the hardware?” Dean scoffed “You tell us and while you’re at it, why don’t you give us the lowdown on why you went awol for the past six months?” Sam went about getting the cuffs off Garth while Dean questioned him.
Garth looked at you so you explained “We found you because you offed a cow” “Offed a what? I..I was on a hunt” He stammered so you nodded trying to encourage more information out of him “For what Garth?”  before he could answer you saw when he turned green around the gills “Oh no. get back” you quickly moved to the side to allow him a straight shot to the bathroom.
“Good thing I didn’t give him the adrenaline” Dean admitted
Dean sat on the side of the bed so you sat next to him and Sam sat across from both of you in a chair while the three of you sat in silence filled only by the sound of Garth vomiting. You hated this, the tension between them. “Anything on Gadreel?” Dean asked. You glanced up at Sam as he replied “Actually uh yeah. Turns out he left some grace in me before he bolted” you bit your lip with a shake of your head when Dean said “You know how wrong that sounds right?” 
Sam shook his head and explained “Wouldn’t worry about it. Cas took care of it” Dean scoffed so you and Sam both looked his way “What?” Sam questioned and Dean shrugged “I’m gone for two weeks and you’re like an episode of teen mom” Garth had another bad wave hit him and you grimaced slightly at the sound. “Just breathe Garth!” you called out and Dean added “Work it out!” 
You glanced back towards Sam and saw when he noticed the mark on Dean’s arm. “What happened to your arm?” Dean turned to look at you so you tilted your head as a way to say you weren’t going into that explanation so he pulled up the sleeve far enough that Sam could see the entire mark “It’s a gift from Cain” “Like the wrestler?” Sam questioned and you huffed out a breath “I wish” Dean caught your look before saying “No the uh the old testament dude. He got all biblical on me and gave me his mark” 
You could hear the toilet flushing again but by then Sam was questioning “What does that even mean? How did that happen?” “Crowley fucked Dean over yet again” you blurted out and shrugged when they both looked at you “Well Dean, I love you but it’s the truth. He put you in that position to get the mark to use you as a blunt weapon against Abaddon”
“You two worked a job with Crowley?” Sam asked and Dean replied “The devil you know” you realized no sound had come out of the bathroom in a while so you nudged Dean’s side before calling Garth’s name.
Garth had in fact went out the bathroom window. It wasn’t until all of you found his discarded hospital gown that the thought occurred to all of you that no one had tested Garth. Dean noticed security cameras so he offered to check the feed and suggested you go with Sam to speak to farmer Brown who’s cow had been killed. “I’ll call you if we find out anything” you told him after he’d left a quick kiss on your lips. “I will too”
You watched Dean walk back into the hospital then followed Sam across to the car he was driving. “So did I hear you tell Dean you loved him?” you nodded as you slid into the passenger seat. Sam pulled out onto the road before asking “How did that happen?” you let a humorless laugh slip “Oh the father of murder actually told us we were in love with each other” “What?” he asked and you ran a hand across your face “Just drive, I’ll explain”
Farmer Brown had lost multiple chickens the week before the cow. All of them killed in the same manner, the organs ripped out. You thanked him for the help then nodded to Sam when he chunked you the keys and said he’d call Dean while you drove.
“Back to the hospital?” you asked and he nodded. By the time you were pulling into the parking lot Sam had Dean on speaker as he explained that the cow had been eviscerated. “Why was Garth there?” Dean asked so you spoke up “Hunting what did it?” “Why would he run?” Sam asked and Dean scoffed “I don’t know. I didn’t get anything so you wanna just drop Y/N off back at me because I know asking her to head back to the bunker with you isn’t going to do any good at this point”
You walked around the corner of an ambulance about the same time Dean did and grabbed the phone out of his hand then slid it into your back pocket while Sam grabbed the photo out of his hand. “Really?” you asked glancing at the photos in Sam’s hands. “That’s a make, model and license plate honey” Dean shrugged “Me and Sam can’t hunt together. It’s for his own good. I’d ask you to go too especially now but I know that’s a lost cause” you shook your head but remained silent as Sam said “I hear you and as soon as we get to the bottom of this I’m gone but until then, no more games”
“Well whose car did he get into?” You asked, meeting Dean’s eyes. “Belongs to a girl named Bess Meyers, she lives in the next town over” You nodded “Sam I’m riding with Dean to make sure there’s no more games. Dean let’s go” Luckily neither of them chose to argue with you. Dean simply reached out for your hand so you begrudgingly let him take it, a little put off by him trying to lie to Sam and still wanting you to leave him despite the conversation after what happened at Cain’s.
Dean parked right outside the address so you climbed out of baby and looked back where Sam was climbing out of his car “Got a silver clip?” he nodded so you pulled your gun from your lower back and glanced over at Dean “You two in first?”
The boys kicked the door in so you followed close behind them and heard Garth holler “WOAH WOAH. I can explain” you walked in and saw Garth with both hands up but the boys hadn’t lowered their guns so you kept yours up as well. “This is just a simple misunderstanding” Garth tried. “Who were you talking to?” Dean asked, stalking towards Garth. It felt wrong to be treating a friend like an enemy but when everything was pointing that direction. “What?” Garth asked so you added “Were you talking to the girl?” “What girl?” Dean picked up a bra off the table in front of him and held it up. “What the..” Garth tried to act confused but Dean shook his head and motioned for you and Sam to spread out.
“Guys..Y/N..everyone needs to take a chill pill and put their guns down” you checked one room while Dean and Sam checked others but kept glancing over your shoulder to not lose track of either of them. “Clear” you called out, stepping back into the main room with Garth who smiled “See? Let’s all be grown ups and have an adult conversation”
The closet door near Sam burst open and a blonde werewolf popped out and made a grab for Sam. You dropped your gun then grabbed the silver blade from your side on instinct and sliced her forearm then spun it around for a killing blow but Garth slid between the two of you “Y/N! Please don’t hurt her” you could feel Sam and Dean both at your back with their guns drawn.
“She’s a werewolf Garth” Dean reasoned causing her to growl at him which made you consider throwing the knife until Garth said “So am I”
You stood between Sam and Dean watching while Garth bandaged the wound on Bess’ arm. “What are they doing here Garth?” She asked as if the three of you couldn’t hear her. “They’re friends I promise” “They’re hunters” She stated, both of them looking up at the three of you. You crossed your arms defensively as Garth said “All right. We’ve all gotten off on the wrong foot here. So let’s do things right. Boys, Y/N.. this is Bess...My beloved” you looked from Sam to Dean then turned your attention back to Garth who pointed at Dean first “That’s Dean. Now, he could start a fight in an empty house but deep down inside he’s just a big ol teddy bear” you let out an amused sound which caused Dean to shoot you a look. 
You shrugged with a wink before Garth pointed towards you “That’s Y/N. She’s protective over those she cares about. She puts on a tough front but she’s a doll deep down and you couldn’t find a better friend” you smiled at his words then he pointed to Sam “And Sam here can be a bit insecure at times but for good reason..bless his heart”
“That all’s real sweet but can we circle around to the werewolf?” Dean asked so Garth nodded “All right guys look, months ago I was outside Portland, Maine hunting this big bad wolf. I took him down but he bit me in the process” “And you couldn’t call one of us?” Dean questioned to which Garth replied “And tell you what? That I messed up?..No I knew the deal. There’s no cure so I accepted my fate. Ate my favorite dish of egg fu yung, watched the world’s greatest movie rocky three, and then was ready to eat a bullet when Bess here found me” You could tell whatever had happened that her feelings for Garth seemed to be genuine.
“And how’d she do that?” you asked and Bess answered “Smelled him, how else?” “Yeah, she talked the gun out of my mouth and as they say the rest is history. We’ve been married four months now” “You’re married?” Sam asked and Dean added “To a werewolf?”
Bess looked up “Yes and my pack has taken him in as one of our own” you were at a loss and neither Sam or Dean was in better shape, “It’s not what you think”Garth quickly added before continuing “We don’t hurt people” “No you just go all wolverine on cattle” Dean offered and you bumped his hand with your own trying to get him to dial it back just slightly. He had reason to be skeptical but your view was to try to talk first at least. 
Turns out Bess was in fact a born werewolf. She wasn’t bitten. “Can the three of us talk to you for a second? Alone?” Dean asked at that discovery. Garth suggested Bess go find some ointment for her arm and as soon as she was out of the room Dean questioned “What the hell”
Gath looked at you befores saying “Look I know you boys normally shoot first, ask questions later but I checked everything out. This pack is clean. Everything’s kosher” “Minus the part where your wife attacked Sam then growled at Dean” You threw out and Garth shrugged “You three came busting in here like a house on fire! Guns waving, their jawlines, yours and Sam’s hair. It’s all very intimidating. What’d you expect?”
He looked back at Dean “No one wants any trouble. You got my word on that” Dean shook his head “Oh no, that ship has sailed. We’re gonna need a hell of a lot more than your word” Garth nodded “Ok, tell you what? You want proof? Come pray with us” Dean looked at Sam then at you so Garth added “Bring Y/N too. I’m sensing you two aren’t quite just friends any more?”
You knew Dean would try to say no because the idea of you in a wolf pack would freak him out so you shrugged “Why not?”
Sam headed to the sheriff’s station while you and Dean headed to the address Garth had given you. Dean reached out to touch your back as the two of you walked up the steps. You glanced over at him and gave him a small smile “Breathe baby. We’ll be ok” he nodded but didn’t look very convinced.
You stopped when you heard singing and cut your eyes at him. He smirked “What? A pack doesn’t bother you but singing does?” you smiled “Not exactly the music I’m used to hearing”
You stood next to Dean while he knocked. An older woman answered the door and smiled “You must be Dean and Y/N. I’m Joy, Garth’s mother in law..uh step mother in law which I always thought sounded so silly” She opened the screen door then motioned the two of you inside “Please, come in. We’re just finishing up” You started to cross the threshold but Dean stopped you with a hand on your arm “Why don’t you just tell Garth we’re here?”
Joy looked between the two of you then smiled “Dean you have my word that you and Y/N are safe under my room. I only ask the same in return. After all I’m not the ones carrying a good amount of silver” you cut your eyes at Dean who slid his arm around your waist so you could both step inside together.
You stood to the side next to Dean watching the group of werewolves singing hymns in the living room of the house. There were people of every age and even some kids. Bess met your eyes and smiled as she sang. You didn’t want to appear glued to Dean’s side but it was a little surreal at the least.
The pastor you were guessing dismissed the group so you and Dean moved for everyone to walk out past you as Garth stood from where he’d been playing piano and walked over “Hi you two. What’d I tell you? It’s all good right?” you glanced around the group still dispersing as Dean asked “Everyone’s a wolf?” “Yeah” Garth replied and Dean scoffed “Yeah, not all good”
Garth smiled “Come on Dean. You’ve just got to meet them. Y/N a little help?” you reached out for Dean’s hand moving to leave both of your gun hands free. You leaned closer to giver yourself the illusion of privacy despite knowing everyone in the room had enhanced hearing “Breathe baby” his fingers tightened slightly in yours but he nodded “Ok Garth. Introduce us”
He introduced the two of you to Bess’ cousins on Joy’s side Russ and Joba. They both nodded with a smile. Then he nodded towards the pastor “That’s reverend Jim, Bess’ dad. Leader of the pack and a good man” Jim walked over when he saw the two of you “Dean and Y/N isn’t it?”
You smiled and nodded “Welcome” he greeted extending a hand to Dean “Jim Meyers  people usually call me reverend Jim” you shook Dean’s hand you were holding so he quickly shook Jim’s hand with his free one then dropped it just as quickly “Got it”
Anyone could see the tension in Dean even if you hadn’t been in a room full of people who could damn near smell it. “I understand your apprehension Dean. Hunters and our kind don’t have the best history” “But I think you’ll find we’re not much different from you” Joy added and Dean shook his head “Oh sister I highly doubt it” You shook your head trying to maintain a more friendlier decorum to offset Dean’s. Jim looked towards you then said “Why don’t we break bread and see?” “Why would we do that?” Dean asked so you spoke up “Because Garth is our friend and we were invited” Dean turned to stare at you for a moment and when you didn’t flinch away he rolled his eyes “Fine”
You sat across from Dean glancing at the steak that had been sat in front of you. It was done to your liking but what had your attention was the raw hearts on everyone else’s plate besides yours and Deans. “Everyone eat up but save room for pie” Joy said with a smile so reverend Jim added “Sister Joy’s pies are famous throughout the badger state” Garth smiled “Dean loves pie” and you had to cough into your hand to not laugh at how betrayed Dean looked. You were just as unnerved as he was but really didn’t want to shoot any of Garth’s in laws without reason anyways. Everyone dug in but Dean looked at you then asked “Don’t you guys say some sort of a grace or something?”  “We’re more spiritual than we are religious. We believe much like the american indians did, that nature and man are one” Dean nodded “Yeah, that really worked out well for them” 
You squeezed his knee under the table before cutting a small piece off the steak. You seriously doubted there was anything wrong with it considering Garth had cooked it. You saw Dean glance at Bess’ cousin and realized he was looking at the necklace around his neck, a silver bullet. “So why are a bunch of werewolves wearing silver bullets around their necks?” he asked and you grimaced just a bit. You loved him, you really did but at times he was extremely blunt.
Garth coughed “We don’t use the W word. We prefer the term lycanthrope” “Excuse the slip” you offered glancing at Bess who smiled and pointed to her necklace “Many of our kind see themselves as indestructible. This is a constant reminder of how precious our lives truly are” “It doesn’t burn?” you asked and Garth explained “It does a bit but that’s kind of the point. It reminds us of our fragility” Reverend Jim spoke next “My daughter Bess was born a lycanthrope. It was one of the proudest days of my life which soon turned tragic when a hunter killed my wife” you felt Dean tense at your side and reach for your leg when Jim continued “Believe me when I tell you I wanted to make someone pay then I looked at Bess and realized the road to revenge is a dark and lonely one which you never get off. And that hole in the pit of your stomach? You never fill it, ever” Dean’s grip tightened on your leg just slightly before he said “Yeah, no I get it”
Jim looked between the two of you “So I chose to look forward not backwards and the minute I did the powers that be brought this beautiful, compassionate, amazing woman into my life and she helped me raise a little baby girl as if Bess was her own” Bess smiled “I can’t take all the credit Daddy had a hand in it too” “Daddy?” you asked and she smiled again “My father, bless his soul was the previous reverend of our church. The third generation in our family to serve” “So you’re fourth generation lycan?” you asked feeling Dean’s grip move from your leg to your hip and knew your knife was also close to his hand.
“Yes” Joy answered proudly. 
You were standing with Garth and Bess when Dean kissed your cheek “I’ll be right back” you shot him a questioning look and he added “Just stay with Garth and Bess, please”
You let a few minutes pass but felt like something was off so you followed Dean into the kitchen and saw Russ and Joba standing in front of Dean. You cleared your throat and all three looked at you “Dean, Garth wanted to talk”   Joba turned to look at you and god you’d seen that look so many times. Not only from a supernatural being but from plain men as well. You were a woman, shorter than them and no where on the same strength. You were supposed to cower but you didn’t blink “Unless there’s an issue?” “No ma’am” Russ replied before the two of them walked out and you in fact heard Garth walk in behind you “Everything good?”
“No Garth, it’s not.I know you drank the kool aid but this..all of this there’s no way it’s what it seems”Dean replied pulling you closer to him. “Look, I know this all looks nuts but I found it. Love and a family. Who cares where that comes from?” “I do” Dean answered and you knew his tension had only risen when Joba had confronted you. The urge to protect you making the distrust he’d already felt worsen even more.
“I get it. When I first got here I couldn’t let go either, waiting for the other shoe to drop, but when it didn’t I had to accept the truth” Dean scoffed “Well I got another truth for ya. We were all in the dark when you went awol. I didn’t know whether you were dead or worse. You should’ve reached out. Even if not to me and Sam, Y/N would’ve picked up” “Was I supposed to tell her I’m a werewolf? I was embarrassed. I thought it was best for everyone that I stay away but that didn’t mean I didn’t think about and miss both of you, Sam and Kevin” you felt a twinge of pain at Kevin’s name and one look at Dean’s face made that pain worse to see the guilt in his eyes.
Garth’s face fell when he saw the look you and Dean passed so you slowly met his eyes “Kevin’s gone” “What?” he asked and Dean replied “Gone for good” “What happened?” Garth pushed. It hurt your heart when Dean’s hand moved from holding yours to just rest at your hip “When he needed me I wasn’t there. That’s what” you shook your head and made a mental note to try to talk to him about it all again later when you weren’t neck deep in werewolves. He hadn’t let Kevin down anymore than you had. Hell Gadreel wasn’t even truly to blame, it was all Metatron.
The two of you decided to meet up with Sam to discuss what had been found out on both ends.
“So they gave you two lunch, offered pie..Why are we still here?” Sam asked. “Yeah, you’re right. Garth’s good if you want to hit the road you can” Dean offered and you glanced back at him as Sam said “This isn’t the first set of friendly monsters we’ve met” you didn’t want to start an argument either way but Russ and Joba had given you a bad feeling. Before you could say anything though Sam’s phone started ringing. “Agent Perry” he answered then after a beat said “Sheriff how can I help you?” you and Dean shared a look then Sam made a come on motion “Really? Ok” 
You slid into baby’s backseat leaving the passenger seat for Sam while he repeated the directions the sheriff had given him. Supposedly there’d been another animal mutilation.
Dean slowly pulled the car to a stop when he saw the sheriff standing at the side of the road “Y/N you good?” you smiled at him in the mirror “aces” he nodded then climbed out the car waiting until you and Sam were on either side of him before walking towards the sheriff.
The sheriff greeted Sam “Well you wanted weird agent. You tell me what tore up that deer, nothing that runs in these parts” You glanced over at the boys as the three of you walked past the sheriff to examine the deer. Dean crouched down next to it and touched the side of the corpse “This is fresh blood” “So whatever did it is close” you added at a whisper. “It’s still warm Y/N” Dean confirmed and you looked between him and Sam “Then that means it died after we got the call..”
The three of you spun around to face the sheriff but he already had his gun drawn “Couldn’t just accept that all was good and move on could you? You have no idea what you’ve walked into, do you?”  You felt Dean’s hand slid under your shirt where a silver blade was as the sheriff’s teeth and eyes changed “Doesn’t matter you won’t be walking out” he taunted. You stepped far enough to the side that Dean could throw the knife and it landed directly in the sheriff’s heart.
“Well that was anticlimactic” you drawled as Dean pulled your knife free then wiped it on the sheriff’s shirt and held it hilt first out to you. “Thanks,” you replied, putting it back in place. Sam leaned over the body “Hey, look at this” he snatched a necklace off and you saw it was a silver bullet just like Garth and his pack was wearing.”Dean, that’s the favorite accessory of the good reverend” “And his flock” he added with a scowl.
Sam looked back down at the bullet and you stepped closer to see there was a word on the side right before he read “Ragnarok?” “Yeah, that’s uh Thor, Loki, Odin stuff right?” Dean questioned and you nodded “Norse mythology, end of days” “But why’s it etched into a bullet?” Sam added but Dean shrugged “Who cares? We got all the answers we need” “I don’t know Dean. I think we need more” Sam disagreed and you weren’t sure who you agreed with. 
Dean motioned to the sheriff’s body “Sheriff Andy Taylor wasn’t good enough?” “Enough to kill Garth?” you asked and Sam nodded “She’s right. We need to do this right” Dean sighed “Ok. You two clean this up, grab Garth and lock him up until we figure out what’s what. I’m gonna go check out that church” “I’ll go with you” you offered but he shook his head “Sweetheart please just this once go with Sam. I’ll be fine but I need you in the less amount of danger” you wanted to argue, insist you were going with him but he sounded so damn defeated “Ok. This once” you sighed and he leaned in to place a gentle kiss on your lips “I love you” then looked past you to Sam “Watch her back Sammy” “Always” Sam replied with a nod.
Sam didn’t really say anything besides run of the mill talk while the two of you cleaned up from the sheriff. It wasn’t until he was parking outside of Garth’s place that he glanced at you “I see what you mean about the protective thing” you nodded slowly “I don’t know what that mark’s going to do to him Sam and it scares me” he patted your arm comfortingly and offered a smile “We’ll handle it”
You followed Sam through the empty hallway but stopped his arm right before he touched Garth’s door. He shot you a questioning look so you mouthed “It’s open” he nodded and pulled his gun so you did the same.
“Garth?” you called out as the two of you stepped into the living room. The place was trashed, looked like you’d missed a fight. You moved together checking each room and you shook your head when the last room proved empty and just as trashed “Call Dean” he was already pulling out his phone as the two of you slipped your guns back into place.
You could hear Dean ask “You two find the lovebirds?” Sam shook his head “No Garth, No Bess and the place is a wreck” “What? They were taken? Well that fans-friggin-tastic” “Tell us you got something?” you asked stepping closer to the phone so he could hear you. “Well this ragnarok, end of days crap. Star of the story is a wolf named Fenris who kills the god Odin before the world ends” “And that helps us how?” Sam asked so you shrugged. “There are cults that consider Fenris a wolf deity and worship him. They call themselves the maw of Fenris” 
“A Cult of werewolves?” you questioned and Sam added “What do they want?” “Well Ragnarok is not just a bible story to these nutjobs. It’s an action plan..human extinction total and complete werewolf domination” you swallowed hard then asked “So this is the ground zero for their movement?” “Freakin Wisconsin..well time for Reverend Jim to go down” Sam nodded then said “Yeah, need any help?” “No I got it. You two just find Garth” “All right” Sam hung up then looked back at you before the two of you headed back out of Garth’s apartment.
You stepped into the hall and you saw Joba a second before feeling a hard hit on the back of your head then the world went black.
You groaned as you slowly started to wake up. God your head felt like you’d had a block dropped onto it. “They’re awake” Joba announced so you lifted your head slowly rolling it over to look at Sam who was tied to the same tractor as you then you spotted Garth and Bess across the barn.
Joy walked across the barn towards the two of you with a gun in her hand and a smile on her face “Well don’t you two look good enough to eat?” You glared at her while Sam asked “Why are you doing this? I mean us I can understand” you nodded towards Garth and Bess before adding “They’re your family, your pack” She smiled and nodded to Russ and Joba who walked out the barn.
She began to load the gun in her hand as she spoke “Last winter, my little brother Charlie was killed by a hunter” you counted the bullets she was loading. They were silver and there was one for you, Sam, Garth and Bess. “My husband counseled patience,restraint just as when he took over our beloved church. He preached a new direction lycanthropes and man would co-exist. Peace was more important than dominance”   Keep talking was the only thought in your mind. You and Sam were both working to free your hands and you had no doubt Dean would come just if he got here before this bitch shot any of you.
“I tried so hard to make his way work..to be a preacher’s wife but then Charlie was murdered. And I couldn’t help remembering my daddy’s sermons and by golly turns out he was right. As long as there is a man there can be no peace because man destroys” she turned back towards you and Sam so you stopped moving. She crouched down closer to Sam as she said “And I for one am sick of it” “Well honey normally I’d agree with you about the whole man destroys thing but I’m in a fairly new relationship that’s going good and these two fellas you’ve got tied up here has always been good friends to me so I think your panties are just in a wad” you grumbled turning her attention towards you and off Sam and Garth. 
She let out a harsh laugh “You are something Y/N” “So I’ve been told” you replied with a smile. “Yeah Y/N, why co-exist when you can rule?” Sam scoffed turning his head to look at you as if the two of you were having a private conversation. “Bingo” Joy confirmed with a smile then shrugged “But my husband doesn’t see it that way. See he was bitten, not born into it like I was. He still holds onto his humanity..which is why I am so pleased it will be his claws that start Ragnarok not mine”
You knew the confusion was clear on yours and Sam’s faces so she clarified “The three of you coming here was a blessing from Fenris above. You two cornered Garth here” she pointed across the barn towards Garth “And then when Bess came running in to see what the fuss was about you killed her” “No!” Garth screamed and you doubled your efforts on your restraints. Bess was innocent werewolf or not you weren’t about to watch her be killed. You saw Sam trying to get free as well. Joy ignored Garth and stood over Bess “Silver to the heart”
You heard a growling and your eyes widened to see Garth transforming. “You’re gonna frame the murders on us” Sam questioned and Joy shrugged again “My husband turned his cheek once. I don’t think he can do it again” She walked towards Bess and Garth screamed “STAY AWAY FROM HER” “Killing you gives me no joy but Ragnarok is bigger than all of us” “You’re sick” you spoke at the same time Bess said it.
Joy stood back to aim at Bess but Sam managed to kick the gun out of her hand and Joy turned towards the two of you “You’re dying for me to get my claws dirty aren’t you” then she looked your way “I’ll rip her apart in front of you” You saw movement out the corner of the barn and let out a breath when you saw it was Dean, gun in hand.  Before you could let out a warning Joba dove from the upper part of the barn down onto Dean. “DEAN!”
They struggled and you felt your heart stop until Dean stood up shoving Joba’s body to the side. He was ok. “Wearing Russ’ coat to hide your scent, smart” Joy admitted and Dean leveled her with a glare “Oh, I’m full of surprises” “As am I” Joy smiled and they both dove for their dropped guns.
You flinched when the shots fired and you saw Joy’s body hit the ground. “Dean!” you screamed because you couldn’t see him. You were struggling against your restraints feeling them dig into your arms but not caring until he ran over to your side “I’m ok. I’m ok” he untied you first and you practically dove into his arms burying your face in his neck. The two of you only spared yourselves a second to check on each other before you moved to unchain Bess and he went about freeing Sam and Garth.
The next morning you stood back watching Sam and Garth hug with a small smile. Dean was leaned against the doorway so you were leaning against him. In the last few hours he hadn't left your side. Sam turned after hugging Garth then nodded to the two of you before walking out.
Garth walked over towards you and Dean so Dean looked towards Reverend Jim “How’s he doing?” “He’s taking it pretty hard. Feels like he should have seen the signs earlier” You tilted your head slightly because well yeah maybe? Dean scoffed “Yeah well maybe you were right. He seems like a good man..considering” Garth nodded then said “Yeah and you were right. Everything around here wasn’t copacetic. I screwed up again. First Kevin, now this”
Dean shook his head “Hey, Kevin? That’s on me” you cut your eyes at him then said “You’re not the only one who failed to protect Kevin or are you forgetting I was there too?” Garth looked between the two of you then offered “Guess there’s enough blame to go around” Dean nodded then touched your arm before turning towards the door.
Garth stopped the two of you before you could make it outside “Yeah?” “I know this might sound a little crazy but maybe I could come back and hunt? I mean with my werewolf mojo we’d have an advantage” “Yeah, look Garth..” Dean started but Garth cut him off “I want to make this right. I never should’ve left you guys, especially Kevin. Kevin was my friend. Friends don’t do that”
Dean looked at you then brushed his fingertips against your arm before saying “Garth you said it,who cares where happiness comes from? Look we’re all a little weird, we’re all a little wacky..some more than others but if it works, it works” Garth smiled at that so you added “You’ve got something here Garth, even if they’re werewolves, lycanthropes whatever don’t let that go”
Dean looked at you before he said “Or you’d never forgive yourself” then looked back to Garth “Beside somebody has to live to tell this damn story someday and who better than you” “Now shut up and hug us before Dean changes his mind” you teased. Garth hugged both of you tight then stood back and looked between you “You two are good together, you really are” “Thanks Garth” you smiled then raised your voice a little to say “Bye Bess. You have my number if you need it” she smiled and waved.
You patted Garth on the shoulder before following Dean out of the door.
Dean pulled up to drop Sam off back at his car. Sam glanced back at you before telling Dean “I’ll send that postcard” and climbed out.
“Dean” you spoke softly and that was all it took. He climbed out the driver’s door so you followed close behind. You watched them talk for a moment before walking over to them. They both turned to look at you so you raised your hand “Can I talk?” Dean motioned to say go ahead so you took a breath “You’re both stubborn assholes. Dean don’t look at me like that, it's true. This life we live is shitty at best but when the two of you are on the same page it’s a little less shitty. I’m in love with Dean and Sam, I love you because you’re my best friend. I can’t do this any longer. I can’t keep being the go between. If you two can’t work this out I’ll take myself out of the equation for a while. I could stay with Garth and Bess or bounce between Bobby’s cabins again. I don’t mean to lay down ultimatums but I guess I just did”
Once your piece was spoken you walked back over and climbed back into baby’s backseat watching them. They each nodded and passed a few more words before they walked over to the impala. You knew them both well enough to see their little tells that whatever was said once you were out of ear shot caused some tension but at least they were both willing to be in the same car. You looked at Dean in the mirror silently questioning if he was ok. He gave a sharp nod so you leaned back against the seat. If you could get both of them back in one place maybe things would start to move back towards whatever the three of you could call normal? You knew what was broken between the two of them couldn’t be fixed overnight but you refused to let them give up on themselves or each other. There was too much going on with the angels and Abaddon for the three of you to not be together on it.
Tags: @facadeformyrealblog @akshi8278
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StackedNatural Day 48: 8x06, 15x04
StackedNatural Masterpost: [x]
November 7, 2021
8x06: Southern Comfort
Written by: Adam Glass
Directed by: Tim Andrew
Original air date: November 7, 2012
Plot Synopsis:
Sam and Dean team up with Garth, who has taken over Bobby's job, as they hunt down a Specter that's possessing innocent people who have a grudge against someone.
Garth is the new Bobby, murders over old wrongs, more Amelia flashbacks, Dean tries to kill Sam, Garth’s chill nature saves the day.
My Thoughts:
Garth my beloved! Garth is the most emotionally intelligent character in this entire show, not to mention the fact that he’s the best (only?) example of non-toxic masculinity. I’m a bit obsessed with how when he was introduced it was because they wanted to make fun of a guy who wasn’t a manly man and by the end of the series he and Cas are the only good dads and he’s got the life that Dean unironically wants for himself. Also, Garth is a better hunter because he hunts solo and he isn’t dead yet, and he has the lore knowledge to take over for Bobby.
Paralleling Amelia and Benny is so funny. How are we supposed to think of Benny if not as Dean’s dirty little secret Purgatory hookup? WHY ELSE WOULD THEY NAME THIS EPISODE SOUTHERN COMFORT?
I love when Sam has to interrogate milfs, and also love that the Amelia scene after they had sex comes right after so at first it looks like Sam hooked up with the milf. Also, he was kind of into her, or else visiting her wouldn’t have triggered an Amelia memory specifically of sex. Insane show for insane people.
The funniest thing to ever happen on this show is Dean smugly saying “we won” as he burns the bones of a confederate soldier.
Notable Lines:
“Bobby was gone. You two were MIA. It was a weird time. Somebody had to step in and take up the slack.”
“What's up with all the, uh, hillbilly hankies? These people know the Civil War's over, right?”
“Bobby belonged to all of us, Dean – not just you and Sam. Now, I'm just taking what he showed me and trying to do something with it. That's all!”
“It just seems like you and Dean are talking but nobody's listening to each other.”
“Benny has been more of a brother to me this past year than you've ever been! That's right. Cas let me down. You let me down. The only person that hasn't let me down is Benny.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 7.7
IMdB Rating: 8.0
15x04: Atomic Monsters
Written by: Davy Perez
Directed by: Jensen Ackles
Original air date: November 7, 2019
Plot Synopsis:
Sam and Dean investigate the mysterious death of a girl and the disappearance of another.
Sam’s nightmares, killed and kidnapped cheerleaders, parental protection, Chuck visits Becky, God’s shitty ending to his story.
My Thoughts:
It is so funny to watch an episode that is objectively very good but spending the entire time being SO mad about what it sets up and fails to follow through on. Like WHAT is going on here? Did Dabb and Singer even read this script before it went to production? What on earth did Davy say to get them to film those Chuck scenes?
Truly Davy Perez has our backs in this script so hard. He says actually the fans are not cringey, they’re creative and intelligent. Actually the leviathans were a stupid looking monster. Actually, the ending of this 15 year show should have been so much better. God, and by extension the writers, is a pathetic ex-boyfriend with nothing to offer.
The problem with season 15 is that it is so good right up until those last two episodes, and then it veers so hard off the road after Despair that it might as well be a different show entirely. I am SUCH a strong Chuck-won-truther and this episode is one of the strongest pieces of evidence for it.
I think Jackles did a great job directing this episode too, aside from the weird jumpy zoom in and outs that I have to imagine were partially the fault of the editors. The whole opening scene is really great, especially the bold lighting and extended fight sequences. I have to respect the man saying “I’m directing this scene and I am going to make myself look so hot that it will be unbearable”. And then the Jack parallels with Billy - he literally dies on his knees in the same position Jack was in during the season 14 finale.
Notable Lines:
“It’s feeling a little… thin? Low stakes? It’s fun to hear the boys’ voices, but a story is only as good as its villain, and these villains are just not feeling very… dangerous? Not to mention, there’s no classic rock. No one even mentions Cas. The climax is a little stale. Boys tied up again while we get the villain’s monologue, which, frankly, isn’t one of your best.”
“You don’t have children, do you? Because if you did, you would know, that to see your child in pain rips your heart out. And you’d know that you’d do anything. You’d die for them.” “Or kill for them.”
“It’s awful! Horrible. It’s hopeless. You can’t do this to the fans. What you did to Dean? What you did to Sam?”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 9.3
IMdB Rating: 8.5
In Conclusion: Stacked says that Benny was an important part of Dean’s life and we need to acknowledge that.
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heysanrio · 3 years
every time I sit back and think about it, it just makes me sad that just to subvert obvious homoerotic writing, they ruined a century and a half of characterization and storytelling, and resulted in a beloved character dying in a way that meant he had made no progression from his starting point in the show.
dean started the show as his father's soldier, and died as one too, never escaping the hunter life he clearly didnt want but was conditioned into. hes very clearly very repressed and has the emotional capacity of a fucking rock and uses his witty humour as deflection, and a lot of queer folk found themselves relating to him, and the writers played into it -his interest to both genders (HELLO HIS SIREN WAS A GUY), only to dwindle it down to 'oh he chills in heaven with his piece of shit dad and a femme-coded car he definitely fucked' . nd dont even get me STARTED on after cas died...like, even if you dont see them as a romantic pair, you know theyre best friends. theyve been working together for ten years. theyve died for each other more than I can count. cas dragged him out of fucking hell, for fucks sake.. and dean just...gets over it? like yeah hes kinda sad or whatever but hes eating pie with sammy 👍 everything is awesome, everything is cool when hes part of a team, I guess. and eventhough jack is basically god now or whatever, he also makes no attempt to even try to get cas out of Mega Super Turbo Gay Hell and then dies with a rusty nail and sam by his side - like how it could have ended around 13 years prior. there is no development. the plot is just a flat circle.
and then castiel. CASTIEL???? this man gave up his everything for dean, man. like he did everything for the winchesters. he literally told dean he loved him as he was bleeding out and then the writers were like...'say you love all of them in the room but make heavy, lingering eye contact w jensen kk?' and cas cared for sam in their own little quirky way. like when sam got possessed or whatever the fuck and he talked like a church pastor and put his hair into a low ponytail so he looked like mf bill from IT. and the mixtapes dean made for cas? and cas co-parenting the next god with dean and sam. like they were all so close and loved each other in their own stunted way. and they just left him. dean just threw himself onto what could kill himself fast enough and sam just got Old with his stock market wife and their cringe milkman of a son who probably did...something sometime ?
and the show, even with all its gods and monsters and weird little non-sensical side plots, was really about family. family dont end in blood WAS LITERALLY ONE OF THE MOST ICONIC LINES IN THE SHOW. and in the end it didnt matter. charlie didnt matter. garth didnt matter. jack didnt matter. kevin didnt matter. crowley didnt matter. claire didnt matter. jody didnt matter. rowena didnt matter. donna didnt matter. fuck, even gabriel didnt matter. EILEEN DIDNT MATTER. literally anyone else they knew just Did Not Matter to the showrunners. every other single person they had saved, or in some way formed a familiar bond just Did Not Matter, because it started with Sam and Dean, so it will end with them. no growth, just the two of them starting where they began.
the truest tragedy was the writers hubris, cos this shit was heartbreaking, man.
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idreamofplaid · 4 years
Square Filled: Sleeping Under the Stars
Characters: Sam x Stacey; Dean, Cas, and Jack mentioned
Rating: Mature
Summary: Sam has something important to say, and he’s found a special place to say it.
Word Count: 2193
A/N: I’m very thankful for my friends these days. One of those wonderful people is @princessmisery666 . This is for you Stacey. Thanks for being your sweet, kind, extraordinary self. I hope you like it.
Created for @spnfluffbingo
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It’s hard to say when I fell in love with you. There’s so many moments it could have happened. It might have been the first time I kissed you. I definitely felt something then. My life shifted when I saw the way you looked at me after I broke that kiss, and nothing’s been the same since. 
Most of the time, I’m still a little bit shocked by it. No, shock isn’t quite the right word. Disbelief is probably better. You had every reason to run as fast and far as you could from me, but you didn’t. You’ve seen me beaten, bruised, and bleeding. You should be scared, but you’re not. You just wash my cuts, bandage me up, and let me hold you until the world seems like a good place again. 
You’re kind and beautiful, not just the surface kind of beautiful, the kind that goes all the way to your heart. I don’t know exactly when I fell in love with you, but that’s why I love you. You’re my Stacey. 
I’ve seen how thoughtful you are. You always remember to get the little cookie shaped cereal for Dean that he claims to eat just because Jack likes it, but you know he loves it too. And when it comes to Jack, you’re patient and nurturing with him. I know he tells you things he doesn’t tell Cas, Dean, or me.
It’s the little things like that. Maybe the most amazing thing about you is how brave you are. I’m not easy to love. I come with a lot of trauma attached. Some of that is better now that you’re in my life. I used to wake up crying sometimes. That’s something I haven’t told you yet, but I will. Eventually, you’ll know about everything in my life that haunts me, everything that thrills me, and everything that makes me feel hope again.
One day, after I’ve told you everything and you still want me, I’m going to ask you to marry me. I have to be sure you know exactly what you’ll be getting. There’s something in me, a calm kind of certainty, that knows you’ll still be here even after you know my every fault and weakness. That’s just who you are. I love you, Stacey, and that’s why tonight had to be special. I need to show you that I know it’s you; it’s going to be you I spend the rest of my life with.
I spent several days scouting the vicinity around the bunker looking for the perfect spot. It had to match what I had in my mind. Most of my life, I haven’t done too much dreaming or thought about making something memorable. Most of what happened to me, I just want to forget. This place is exactly what I wanted for your surprise. 
It’s secluded with plenty of trees to make it intimate, but not so many that we can’t see the stars when we climb into the big sleeping bag I laid out under the night sky for us. I want to make love to you beneath those stars then hold you in my arms after and listen to you breathe. Tonight there’s a world here just for us with the trees, the stars, and the soft wind that’s blowing.
I park the car far enough away that you can’t see what I’ve done as soon as we drive up. We walk down a little path through the oaks and sycamores holding hands. When we are almost there, I stop and turn to you. Your eyes are even prettier now than they were the first time I kissed you. The moon is nearly full overhead, and its light is shining in your eyes. I reach out to hold your face in my hand, and brush my thumb over your cheek. I whisper “I love you” and lean in to touch my lips to yours, softly for now. There’ll be more kisses later. 
I pull away slowly and watch you smile at me. Thank you for being in my life. It’s so easy to smile back at you and trust that everything is going to be okay when we’re together. “Close your eyes.”
You just do it and don’t even question why. I feel my heart go all soft in my chest, and then it starts to beat just a little faster. I’m excited about tonight and a little nervous too. It’s always been so easy to talk to you, but I’ve never said anything as important as what I’m going to tell you tonight. You’re the only woman for me, and it’s past time that I make sure you know that. 
I lead you down the path through the woods to the clearing where your surprise is waiting. My heart is speeding up, anticipating your reaction. “Keep your eyes closed.”
I could hear the smile in your voice when you answered me. “They’re closed. Where are you taking me?”
Your face is radiating joy. It is pure, genuine, and simple. You are completely in this moment with me, trusting that whatever it is; it will be a wonderful thing. Knowing that, my heart swells a little and is filled with satisfaction and contentment. You trust me completely. 
In the middle of the tiny clearing, I’ve set up a card table and some folding chairs I found in one of the bunker storage rooms. They are pretty unremarkable and would be downright plain if I hadn’t gone to one of those party stores and bought a white tablecloth and some blue paper plates for the cake. I ordered it from the grocery store bakery in town with as many frosting flowers in your favorite color as I could get. 
I position you in front of the table and tell you, “Wait for a second” to give me time to take the lighter from my pocket and light the candles on the table. There’s plenty of moonlight tonight, but the candles add atmosphere. When I’m satisfied with how everything looks, I say, “Open your eyes.” 
Your mouth falls open, and your eyes scan the table. You take a step forward and reach out so your fingers can graze the bottle of wine I have chilling in a bucket there. “Sam, what is all this? It isn’t my birthday.”
I step around you and pull out your chair. “It’s for you. Just because.”
You take a seat in the chair I offered you, and I’m quick to sit down across from you. I want to see your face again. I’ll never be able to give you enough moments like this, but I’ll try to give you the happiness you should always have. You’re excited now; I can tell because you almost bounce when you grab the bottle of wine. “Let’s have some.” You extend the bottle toward me. “Will you open it?”
I pop the cork and pour you a glass. The plates might be paper, but the glasses are real. When my glass is filled too, you look at me hopefully like I would say no to anything you want. “Can we make a toast?”
You’re doing it to me again; I’m totally wrapped up in you, watching your every move and every expression. After Jess, I never thought I’d feel anything like this again, and it’s more. It’s even better. “Sam?” 
I give my head a shake. “Yeah. Yeah, of course we can.” I hold my glass up, and you raise yours next to it. There’s so many things I could say, but for now I keep it simple. “To more nights like this.” We touch our glasses together, and they clink. You lift yours to your lips and take a sip. Now, you’re distracting me.
I think about how soft your lips are when I kiss them and how they feel on my skin. The thought of it is enough to arouse me, and I feel myself stir in my jeans. I swallow my wine and put my glass down. I’ve got to reign myself back in and focus. There are some things I want to tell you before my body takes over. 
I reach across the table and take your hand. Your eyes are beautiful; the way you look at me is beautiful. I look down at your hand. It’s so small in mine, but your hand is strong; and your touch is healing. That’s what tonight is about. It’s about how I fell in love with you and me telling you how that happened. I want you to know what you mean to me, what you’ll always mean to me. 
When I first start to talk, I’m still looking at your hand. “You probably don’t remember or know what today is, but I do.” I raise my eyes to look at you, and I can see you’re running through your memory trying to find what it is I’m talking about. 
You finally shake your head. “I don’t, Sam.” 
Your eyes are questioning me, waiting for me to explain. “It’s an anniversary.” I can still remember that night so clearly. It might have been my last one. If that shifter’s knife had gone into my chest, it probably would have been the end of me. All I could think about was protecting you. I couldn’t let him get to you. You were still new to hunting then. “Today was the first time you stitched me up after a hunt. That shapeshifter in Tucson put a pretty nasty gash in my shoulder. Dean was helping Garth with that ghoul case in Boise, but you said you’d seen him do it enough times that you could close me up.”
Your eyes get a far away look, and I can tell you’re going back there in your mind. “You remember that?”
“I remember all of it, mostly I remember thinking about how incredible you are and how lucky I was to have you taking care of me. You did what had to be done, but you were gentle about it.” I stop talking for a minute and look back down at our hands joined together. 
“What is it, Sam?” You tighten your fingers around mine just the slightest bit, and it reassures me just like you wanted. 
“I don’t know how to say everything I felt that night. This is going to sound weird, but those stitches didn’t hurt as much as all the ones I’d had before. It was different because it was you and because I had hope. You gave me hope. I wasn’t thinking about being doomed to die at the hands of some monster or a pissed off angel without ever getting the chance to do so many of the things I wanted to do before I gave up on them.”
I brushed my thumb across the back of your hand once to feel the soft smoothness of your skin, to ground myself, to remind me this is all real. “All those wants and dreams were alive in me again. You brought them back. I wanted them with you, and I knew that you could handle being with me. You could deal with all the ugliness that comes with hunting. You’re strong, and you’re brave.” The words aren’t coming out right, but I can feel everything that’s inside me bubbling up, ready to spill out. “ You’re beautiful.”
I take a deep breath. This is the most important part. “I knew that night that I was forever in love with you. I want you in my life always, Stacey. I need you. There will never be anyone else for me.” 
Your voice is gentle when you speak, and your eyes are even softer. “Sam, can we have the cake for breakfast?” I nod silently, wanting the same thing you do. You lead me over to the sleeping bag and take your clothes off.  My breath catches when I see you standing naked in the moonlight. I pull you to me and kiss you, taking my time to taste every bit of your sweetness. My hand slips below your waist to feel the curve of your hips, and you whisper against my lips, “Take your clothes off for me, Sam.”
I do, and we kiss again before we get into the sleeping bag. You give yourself to me completely, and you’re everything I could want. I carry your name inside me. It’s the word that comes to my mind most easily. I don’t have to think about it; it’s just there. It falls from my lips just as easily when you touch me, when you give me exactly what I need. “Stace.”
Several minutes later, I’m holding you close and trying to catch my breath. I close my eyes and bury my nose into your hair. The scratches you left on my back are stinging a little. You left your mark on me, and that’s just the way I want it. Your voice breaks through my thoughts. “Sam, I love you forever too.” I nuzzle my face deeper into your hair. We hold each other and sleep beneath the stars.
Everything Forever: @gambitwinchester @princessmisery666 @onethirstyunicorn @peridottea91 @logical-princey @emilyshurley @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @fangirlxwritesx67 @waywardbaby @atc74 @ledzeppelinsbonzo @shaniquacynthia @mariekoukie6661 @tumbler-tidbits @67-chevy-baby @fandom-princess-forevermore @terrarium-jpeg @emoryhemsworth @crashdevlin @heycasbutt @jules-1999 @mrsdeannafuckingwinchester @cosicas-cuquis @sammyimpala-67​ @queenoftheunderdark​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @mrs-meghan-winchester​ @timelordy-fangirl2​ @sweetness47​ @hobby27​ @awesomesusiebstuff​ @kickingitwithkirk​ @gh0stgurl​ @becs-bunker​ @sandlee44​ @supernaturalgrandma​ @lonewolf471​ @sea040561​ @dawnie1988​ @maddiepants​ @volleyballer519​ @outcastedangel​ @wendibird​ @kdfrqqg​ @lizette50​ @daisymoder72​ @sorenmarie87​ @oldfreakything​ @triiitoo​
Sam/Jared: @girl-next-door-writes​ @stunudo​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @sammit-janet​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ @idabbleincrazy​ @evansrogerskitten​ @focusonspn​ @i-joined-social-media-finally​ @wingledsam @autumninavonlea​ @spnxbsessed​ @durinsbride​ @deansyahtzee​ @fantasy-shadows​ @team-free-will-you-idjiot​ @waywardnerd67​ @neii3n​ @fullmooner​ @supernatural-took-me-over​ @julesthequirky​
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nickelkeep · 4 years
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Find a Little Fire
Pairing: Dean/Cas, other background pairings Rating: Teen+ Word Count: 6.3K Warnings: John Winchester. Written For: nickel’s storytime, and part 3 of the Runaway Series On Ao3
Dean never realized how slow two weeks could actually move. Granted, the say was that time is a construct, not a set thing. He could measure it in different ways, just like they did in that one song from that one musical. All Dean knew was that the time, until Cas would be cleared from bed rest, was too damn long.
And it wasn't as though they didn't talk. Dean made a point of exchanging numbers, so they texted, they spoke on the phone. Dean may have also made his way to the homestead a couple times after getting off of his shift, under the pretense of giving Cas a house call.
No one ever believed him.
Dean sat back at his desk, kicking his feet up as he watched the monitors mounted above his desk. Only room two and room five were occupied, and both patients were resting. Dean let his eyes drift shut slowly in anticipation of climbing home and getting into his bed.
"Is Dr. Vaugier in?" Dean's feet slipped off of the desk, thanks to the sudden voice in the relative quiet of the nurse's station. A deep, hearty chuckle sent chills down his back, and he looked up to a wolfish grin. "I'm sorry. That shouldn't be as funny as it was."
"Hiya, Cas." Dean smiled, for once not caring who saw his excitement at his... something?... being at his place of employment. "What brings you in today?"
"I'd like to say that I'm here to visit you, which I am, but I do need to see Madison. It's been two weeks, and although I was would be clear after two weeks, Gabe has decided that I still can't do anything without the doc clearing it." Cas leaned forward on the pony wall and smirked. "Plus, there's something I want to ask you after I see her."
Dean raised an eyebrow out of curiosity. "You can ask now."
"And kill the suspense? Wouldn't dream of it." Cas winked, albeit poorly, and stood back up straighter. "She hasn't gone home yet, has she? I know it's getting close to shift change."
"Nope. If I'm still here, that means she's probably still here." Dean picked up the phone and called the lunchroom, assuming that was where Maddie was still hiding. The phone rang, and the doctor picked up on the third ring. "What's up, Dean? I haven't heard anything about someone coming in."
"Walk-in, specifically asking for you, Doctor Vaugier. I can go set them up in room six if you'd like." Dean cracked a smile.
"Let me finish chugging this coffee, and I'll be right there." The phone disconnected, and Dean stared at it in feigned shock and disgust.
Cas waved his hand in front of Dean's face. "Uh, you alright there?"
"Madison has coffee, and isn't sharing." Dean frowned when Cas' face twisted, clearly holding back laughter. "Yuck it up, furball. Let's go. Room six." Cas' resolve broke, and he burst into laughter.
Together, they walked down to the examination room. Once inside, Cas slid off his shirt and hopped onto the bed. "Do you think she's going to ask me to shift?"
"It's always a possibility." Dean swallowed, quickly taking the conversation to hide the fact he was staring at the Were. "So, how are you feeling, honestly? And I just don't mean physically."
"Are you asking about..." Cas' finger wiggled back and forth between the two of them. "Whatever this is?"
"Yeah–" Dean started to comment as Maddie wrapped on the door. It swung open, and all five-foot-seven of the doctor came striding in.
"Castiel! It's good to see you, I hope." She stole a glance at Dean before crossing over to Cas. "To what do I owe the honor?"
"I look good, I feel good, I know my strength is back, and I'm restless. Gabriel won't let me do anything around the homestead unless you clear me." Maddie started to speak up, and Cas held up his hand. "And he specifically said it had to be a doctor clearing me. Otherwise, he'd figure that I was using Dean."
"Would he not have accepted it from Bess?" Madison shook her head. "Or is he just sick of Dean coming by the homestead all the time?"
"Hey!" Dean cut in. "I resent that remark."
Maddie tried her best to put on a severe face and stared at Cas. "I think he means resemble, right Cas?"
"Absolutely." Cas nodded enthusiastically.
"Traitors. Both of you." Dean shook his head and handed the doc a stethoscope. "Do I need to go step outside?"
"Why, so you can just text Cas from out there? Don't think I don't know what you're doing on your phone at night, Dean." Maddie shook her head and laughed. "I need Cas here to stay calm, so I can read his vitals right. While I know you think that you and your texts are funny, I'm not sure he thinks they are."
Dean scoffed. "I think I'm adorable."
"Keep telling yourself that, Dean." Cas took in a deep breath as Maddie instructed him to do. "You may just believe it." He exhaled slowly, winking - yet again - as he caught Dean staring.
"I don't know how, with all the texting and talking you two do, you haven't scared the other off yet. Granted, it is the first thing in the morning." Maddie's nose scrunched up in amusement as she finished checking Cas' lungs. "Hold this one for as long as you can."
Dean watched in wonder as Cas inhaled deeply and sat calmly for almost a minute. As Cas breathed out slowly, Dean found Cas staring at him, and the pair locked eyes. Dean still couldn't get over how blue Cas' eyes were, and the color had become prominent in his dreams over the past two weeks.
"Alright, Cas. I just need to check your temperature, but as long as you're honest and not having problems shifting or walking, I'm fine with feeding you to the wolves," Maddie smirked. "Pun entirely intended."
"Thank goodness. Can I get it in writing? Or do you mind calling him?" Cas' eyes had turned hopeful. "I need to do something other than just mope in my room."
Maddie nodded. "I have his number. I'll go call him real quick." She pointed at Dean. "No funny business."
"Right. What am I going to do?" Dean rolled his eyes as Maddie left. He turned to Cas. "Ready to actually do things?"
"You have no idea." Cas slid his shirt back on, and Dean fought to keep himself from frowning. "So, I do remember having a conversation with you about two weeks ago."
"I may vaguely remember that conversation." Dean fought against smiling. "Perhaps you could remind me."
"Of course." Cas pushed himself off the examination table and stepped into Dean's personal space. "You had mentioned wanting to get to know me, and I mentioned wanting to discover Sioux Falls." Cas pulled playfully on Dean's badge. "I know we can't do much today, you're about to get off work, so I know you're tired, but I thought - maybe - you could show me a good place to get some breakfast?"
Dean suddenly found himself famished. "I know just the place, Cas." A cough caused Dean to jump, and he turned to shoot daggers at the person who walked in. "Hello, Garth."
"So, this is why Madison sent me in." Garth laughed. "She's on the phone with your brother, Cas. But you're good to go."
"Thank you, Dr. Fitzgerald."
"And Dean, Bess is ready for you to pass off your report." Garth turned and walked out of the exam room.
Dean waited until Garth left and ran his hand down his face. "So. You drive here, Cas?"
Cas' mind was set. He was going to have a great day. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. He got Madison to clear him, personally calling Gabe herself. Dean was excited to see him, and they were going on their first date. Well, Cas hoped that Dean would consider it a date. Breakfast after a long shift wasn't necessarily the most romantic of venues.
Dean had taken his phone and plugged in the address for a place called Andrea's Diner into his GPS. As Dean had handed the phone back to Cas, Cas watched as Dean's eyes moved, traveling down to his lips, and briefly pausing there before moving back to look Cas in the eyes.
Cas had wanted nothing more than to kiss Dean while still in the exam room. However, he refrained, knowing that Dean needed some sort of decorum to keep intact, especially after Garth had walked in on them, practically pressed together.
He let out a sigh as he pulled into the parking lot of the diner. It looked like it was straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting, the chromed exterior, and the blood-red neon sign flashing Andrea's out front. Cas stepped out of the car and walked up to the door. Entering the diner, he was hit with the scents of fresh baked goods, deep-fried treats, and even some things that would probably be on a special menu for creatures like him.
Cas walked up to the hostess stand and asked for a booth before being led to one tucked back in a corner. He made mention to the hostess that he was waiting for someone, and she promised to keep an eye out. As he leaned back in his seat, finding the section of the menu that catered to Weres, Cas found himself surprised when he heard people - not a person - slide onto the bench across from him.
"Well, if it ain't Castiel." A warm Cajun drawl caused him to put his menu down.
"Benny, Sam." Cas offered his hand across the table, taking their hands and shaking them. "It's nice to see you both in more pleasant circumstances."
"I was just at the homestead with Maddie like two days ago." Sam shot Cas a look that he couldn't quite discern. "That wasn't pleasant?"
"Lay off him, brotha." Benny gently shoved Sam. "Clearly he's up and about which means he's gone and got himself off of bed rest. That's gotta be better than just laying around all day."
"Thank you, Benny." Cas relaxed a little. "That's what I meant. I went to the hospital this morning to get Madison to clear me. Gabe insisted."
Sam shook his head. "Had nothing to do with Dean being there also?"
"Well, that was clearly an added benefit." Cas tilted his head in confusion. "Am I not supposed to go and say hello?"
"No, of course you can." Sam sputtered slightly before pushing forward. "What I mean is that you know. I, uh. He and I live together."
"I'm aware." Cas had to hold back a chuckle as Benny smacked his forehead. "I also know that Madison has come to stay with you a couple times this past week."
"Woohoo, this is gettin' spicy." Benny turned in his seat and looked at Sam. "You seriously gonna have this talk with our wolf pal here, considering he's got your number?"
Sam glared at Benny before looking at Cas again. "I'm assuming that Dean told you."
"As you're clearly aware, we've been talking." Cas closed the menu and rested his elbows on top of it, before resting his chin on his knuckles. "What's your concern, Sam?"
"Dean. I mean, I guess that part is obvious, but it's about how Dean's been acting." Sam ran his hand through his hair. "Have you done any research into witch bonding?"
"I understand that in order for a witch to cast a spell on a living, breathing, being, they must create a bond with said being. The bond passes magic through. In Dean's case, and I'm assuming yours, it's healing magic." Cas raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "I know there are concerns about the two of us being bonded more permanently because of how much magic he used to heal me."
"That's only part of it. Are you aware of the equivalent exchange aspect?" Sam questions.
Cas sat up straighter in his seat. "And what do you know about Werewolves, Sam? I understand you're an EMT, and you're able to treat us on the fly, but what do you honestly know about us, besides our anatomy? Has Madison told you anything yet?"
Benny shook his head. "Careful where you tread, Sam."
"Look, I'm just worried about my brother. I haven't seen him this... content, in years." Sam pointed at Cas, and Cas noted how Sam avoided his question. "I hope it's just because you two are getting to know each other, and not because of him accidentally bonding himself–"
"Cher!" A female voice interrupted, and Cas quickly looked to his side. A gorgeous woman with long black hair had come up to the table. Unlike the rest of the staff, she was dressed in a billowy white top tucked into black pants. Cas stole a glance at Benny, whose face had set into a wide grin. "I didn't see you or Sam walk in! Why aren't you back at the family table?"
"Andrea, this is Cas." Benny pointed to Cas. "Cas, this is my wife, Andrea. She's been puttin' up with my ass for almost 200 years now."
"Longer, Cher. We knew each other before we were married." She smiled sweetly, then looked carefully at Cas. "Oh, my sweet loup-garou. Are you the Were that was attacked?"
Cas frowned. "Does everyone know who I am?"
"'Fraid so, brotha. While we have a variety of creatures in this town, the highest population is of Weres. So I imagine that everyone knows about a new pack comin' in, and how y'all came in."
"Plus, your pack has already started to get around town and explore. Considering you've been stuck up on the farm and couldn't really get around? It's not going to take long to figure you out." Sam shrugged.
"Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable." Andrea rested her hand on Cas' arm. "What can I get you?"
"I'm waiting for Dean, but thank you." Cas frowned.
Andrea tapped his chin with her pen. "Turn that around for me, Cher." She pointed at Sam and Benny. "Get your asses back to the family table and leave this poor boy alone."
Cas watched as Sam and Benny looked properly chastised with Andrea merely telling them to leave him alone. He waited until she was out of earshot before speaking again. "You guys don't actually have to go."
"Oh no, we do." Benny nodded fervently. "Andrea is my partner in every sense of the word, except here. Here she's queen, and her word goes."
"Is that so?" Out of the corner of his eye, Cas saw Dean approaching the table. Dean held his finger up to his lips, and Cas continued speaking. "So does that make this her castle?"
"Don't let Benny fool you." Dean boomed his voice behind his brother and friend, and Cas laughed as the two of them jumped in their seats. "Anywhere Andrea is, is her castle."
"Jesus, Cher. Tryin' to scare me back to life?" Benny grasped at his chest as Sam shot his brother a death glare. "I ain't survivin' today, Sam."
Sam slid out of the seat and pulled at Benny's arm. "We should get back before Andrea comes out and finds us anyway." He shot a pleading look at Cas. "Enjoy your breakfast, guys."
No sooner than Benny had slid out of the seat and stepped away, Dean took his place. "Sorry about that, I was doing the shift swap with Bess, and we had one of the young harpies come in with a broken wing. I helped get her into a room and settled before leaving."
"It's all good, Dean." Cas forced a smile and offered his hand across the table. He relaxed slightly when Dean took it and squeezed. "I'm glad that you're vital to this community."
Silence hung in the air between them for a few moments, and Dean spoke up. "Cas, what's up?"
"What do you mean, what's up?" Cas shifted in his seat and forced himself to meet Dean's eyes.
"Something's bothering you." Dean laced his fingers into Cas' to keep him from escaping. "I mean, I can see the way that your smile doesn't meet your eye, but something just feels off. You're putting off an energy of disappointment."
"You're getting that, how?"
A blush filled Dean's cheeks. "Uh, I feel it. Off of you."
Cas' heart sunk. He told himself he was going to have a great day, but instead, he had jinxed himself. "So, the bond is still there." He hung his head and ran his finger along a not-so-interesting line of fake marbling.
"It appears so. Does that bother you, Cas?" Dean ran his thumb along Cas' knuckles, gently petting him.
"It does. What if this thing we're feeling isn't real? What if it really is just the bond working?" Cas frowned, "I don't want you to feel trapped with me."
Dean's eyes widened, and Cas felt himself wanting to move closer, wanting to comfort Dean. "Dude, Dean shook his head. "Didn't we legit have this talk, but from my perspective?" Dean waited for Cas to nod. "I'm the one who bonded us. You're the one who's been reassuring me that you do, in fact, want this. You suggested that we take this slow and that we get to know each other."
"I know." Cas gently squeezed Dean's hand.
"Do you not want to get to know me anymore? Are you already over it? I get that I'm pretty lame." Dean smiled, and while Cas could feel it hurting Dean, he could feel the honesty.
"I never said that, Dean. I just–"
"Then we keep moving slow. One foot in front of the other." Dean laughed out loud, and Cas found relief washing over Dean before it flooded him. "I get that this? It's not a common way for two people to meet each other, or get to know each other, but I want to try."
"I agree, Dean. I want to get to know you." Cas let himself relax again and hoped that it washed over Dean the way that Dean's relief washed over him. "And you promise you'll tell me if things aren't working?"
"Cross my heart and hope to die." Dean held up his fingers in the scout's salute.
"Hey, no dying in my diner. It scares away the customers." Andrea returned to the table, order pad in hand, and only privy to that last sentence of the conversation. "What can I get you two?"
Dean was surprised how long he had stayed with Cas at the diner. He had figured they would grab a quick bite and a drink, but Dean found himself not wanting to leave Cas' side. A part of that, he knew, had to be because of the bond.
The bond. There was something so strangely profound about it. It felt like more than an ordinary healing bond that he made with patients. Dean was nearly sure that it was because of the amount of magic he poured into healing Cas, into removing as much silver as he could. Yet the bond now had grown and changed and flourished. And it was apparently scaring Cas.
While at breakfast, he could feel Cas' emotions. It didn't take much for Dean to figure out that Sammy had said something to Cas, which made Cas doubt himself. Feeling and seeing the worry in the werewolf's eyes was unnerving to Dean. Not in that he could feel them, but the fact that Cas had those feelings at all. It had been Cas who want to try and pursue this bond thing between them.
It left Dean to wonder. If Cas doubted it, why was he, the white witch that accidentally forced the bond, now wanting to push it?
Led Zeppelin blared from his car speakers as Dean forced him to stay awake. He sang along to Black Dog while he worked on keeping his focus sharp, and only let up once he was home. Dean pulled Baby into her parking spot before turning down the music. As he climbed the stairs to his apartment, Dean felt a small sliver of hope shoot through him. Considering what he was thinking about, Dean briefly wondered if the emotion was Cas'.
Dean stopped in front of his apartment, hesitating for all of a moment before unlocking it and walking inside. Sam and Madison were curled up together on the couch. They look peaceful and content, and Dean silently cursed Sam for filling Cas with anxiety.
Quietly, Dean closed the door and watched the pair for another moment. He smiled as he realized that in all honesty, what they were finding was something he wanted.
Madison stirred slightly, opening her eyes and smiling at Dean. He waved and whispered, 'Sorry,' knowing that she would hear it before heading back to his bedroom. He closed his own door, crossing to the bed and collapsing on it, not bothering to change out of his outfit.
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and blindly swatted at his nightstand, looking for his charger. He plugged his phone in and stared at it for a moment before pulling up his texts. Dean quickly scrolled through, finding his conversation with Cas over the past two weeks and smiled.
They had shared a lot about each other, either trying to force the bond to break or nurture it. Cas had told Dean about life with the pack, being on the run. About how his position as Den Protector left him with little time to do things like watching tv or movies. Dean talked about being raised on the road, although not why he was raised that way, and about his love of all things pop culture.
They had talked about music, about books, about siblings. And Dean realized, not once did he feel obligated to do that because of some bond he had with Cas. He may have at first, but as the weeks went on, he wanted to know Cas. Dean wanted to talk to Cas, to have Cas in his life as a friend, maybe even more.
Dean swiped back down and started typing out a message.
[10:30 AM From Dean]: Cas, I know when we left the diner, we had gotten back to a neutral point. We both have this fear that maybe the bond is doing something, maybe it's not. I don't know. But I need to say something I should have said before we parted earlier. [10:30 AM From Dean]: I'd rather have you, bond or not. I want to get to know you. And not just because of this metaphysical bullshit that happens to be my life.
Dean smiled as a sense of calm came over him. He laid his phone on the nightstand, hoping that if Cas responded back, he'd understand the delay in response. Dean rolled over, pulling a pillow to his chest, before dozing off.
A few hours later, Dean woke up to pounding on his door. "DEAN! DEAN! WAKE YOUR ASS UP!" Dean smelled the air and determining there was no smoke, lazily reached for his phone. Three PM. Less than five hours of sleep. He quietly cursed Sam's name for the second time that day and unlocked his phone to check his messages.
Text Messages: 3 Missed Calls: 6 Voicemails: 4
Dean ran his hand down his face and stared at his notifications in confusion. Who the fuck had been so desperate to call him. He pulled down the shutter to see the notifications and, since they were at the top, opened the texts first. All three were from Cas.
[11:00AM From Cas]: You're probably asleep by now, but I wanted to make sure I got my feelings straight. [11:04AM From Cas]: I agree that there was a small step backward. While I never wanted to stop getting to know you, I doubted the feelings between us. But as we walked back to our respective cars, there is one thing I realized. Bond or not, the happiness I feel when I spend time with you, the excitement I experience when you text me or call me? Those are real, Dean. And I want to keep getting to know you. [11:06AM From Cas]: Good things do happen, Dean, and I'm excited to find out what those things are. With you.
Dean's heart started beating a tattoo as his smile broadened across his face. The bond he made may have brought them together, but they were both on the same page, wanting to learn about each other before committing to anything.
"DEAN!" Sam banged on the door again, startling Dean. "WAKE YOUR ASS UP AND CHECK YOUR PHONE."
"What do you think I'm doing?" Dean mumbled to himself, as he protected the texts from Cas. He pulled down the notifications shutter and pressed on the missed calls. Bobby. Bobby. Unknown Number. Bobby.
Dean looked up at the door and realized that something was wrong. So very, very wrong. "Sam? It's unlocked."
The door opened, and Sam peeked in. "Uh, it's just me. I sent Maddie home. Neither of you are going into work tonight." He pushed the door open further and crossed into Dean's room. "Charlie and Ash both agreed to take the shifts later." He pointed at Dean's phone. "How many?"
"Six missed calls total." Dean turned his phone at Sam. "I haven't listened to the voicemails yet."
"Can you play them on speaker?" Sam sat next to Dean on the bed, causing Dean's anxiety to build.
"Do you know who the unknown number is, Sam?"
Sam nodded.
Dean pressed for his voicemails to open. The robotic voice came through the speakerphone. He closed his eyes as she repeated the information that he had four new voice messages. The first one started, and Dean relaxed slightly as Bobby's voice played.
"Dean, You're probably sleeping. Your brother better not be. I need you two awake ASAP.
"That's not so bad, right?" Dean clicked to play the next voicemail.
DEAN! I don't know why I'm yelling at this damn robot, but I need you to call me now. I'm going to keep calling between you and Sam, but you need to be awake, and you need to hear this from me before you find out on your own."
"I will say he was nicer to me on my voicemails." Sam shrugged.
Dean rolled his eyes and moved to the next message. As soon as Dean recognized the voice, the temperature in his room dropped below freezing, and he started shivering.
"Hello, Dean. You know it's not really nice to keep your phone number from your old man. I just wanted to let you know I'm going to be in your neck of the woods on some business. You're probably going to want to stay away from any of your freak friends. I got the proper permits to go after them, and there's no stopping me. I'll see you soon, boy".
Dean's stomach dropped, and he looked at Sam. "The proper permits?" Sam nodded and pointed at the phone.
"Dean, I finally got a hold of Sam. He still hasn't gotten a call, but I know you did. John's in town. He's been hired to go after a pack of Weres who were supposedly responsible for killing five people and injuring another out in Pontiac. He's coming after Cas' pack. I don't know who he bribed or what connections he has, but the permit is legit. I'm reaching out to an old friend out there who can prove they were Wendigo kills and get the permit revoked."
The call ended, and Dean immediately started to dial Cas' number. "Sam, can you call Bobby, tell him we're on the way?" Sam nodded and pulled out his phone, stepping out of the room to give Dean privacy. Cas picked up on the third ring, and Dean let out a sigh of relief.
"Dean, shouldn't you still be sleeping? It's only–"
"Cas, there is no time to explain. Your pack is in trouble." Dean interrupted, his words quickly exploding out of him. "A shady as fuck hunter was either able to bribe someone or exploit someone and got a permit to hunt Werewolves. I know this jackass doesn't normally go through the legal routes, but he knows he's wanted in Sioux Falls, and the permits give him immunity."
"Wait, what?" Dean could clearly picture Cas' head tilt, and it pained him that he wasn't there. "Immunity from what?"
"He's allowed in the town, and he can legally hunt you guys until he deems the pack destroyed. He's not going to come after you guys, he's going to try and kill all four packs. Or at least take as many of the Weres in town out as he can." Dean stood up and started pacing his room. "This guy is dangerous and unstable, and knows how to negate magic."
The silence between them was deafening. Dean wasn't sure if Cas had muted him and was shouting out directions, or if the call had disconnected. He started to speak when Cas' voice came quietly over the phone.
"It sounds like you know a lot about this guy. That he's caused issues in the past." Another pause. "Who is he, Dean?"
"He's my father, Cas. Mine and Sam's." Dean shut his eyes and squeezed, ready for Cas to yell or scream at him. After a moment of silence, Dean spoke up again. "Cas? Say something, man."
"It sounds like we have an advantage," Cas responded calmly. Dean held his breath, waiting for Cas to start yelling at him. "What do we need to know or do?"
"He uh... He's..." Dean stopped and knew he was going to regret his next words. "Why aren't you yelling at me?"
"Why should I be yelling at you?" Cas' confusion was evident in his voice.
Dean pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at it, making sure he had called the right number despite knowing he was on the phone with Cas. "Because it's my father?"
"Dean, we've known each other all of two weeks. That's not a lot of time to tell me your full life story." Cas breathed out a rough chuckle. "I will start yelling at you if you don't tell me what we need to do. You're shaken. I can sense it. If you're scared, then I know I need to take this seriously."
"Thank you, Cas. I'm making a pit stop by Bobby's, and then I'm going to come to you at the homestead. In the meanwhile, I know that Gabriel had people work on fixing the bunker under the silo. Get all of your pack there and lock it down." Dean swallowed roughly, fighting down a million feelings threatening to unload. "John Winchester is a bull-headed asshole. He won't stop to think of other ways to get to you guys, he'll just try to brute force his way after you all."
"And when you get here? What's your plan?"
"I don't know yet, Cas. But the more time we waste on the phone, the more time he has to sneak up on you. Go." Dean paused, hesitant to hang up the phone. "Be safe. Please."
"Same could be said for you, Dean. I'll see you soon."
Cas stared at the phone in his hand. Dean's father was not only a hunter, but the hunter coming after his pack, and possibly even the hunter who had filled him with silver buckshot. And Dean thought that Cas would hate him for it.
Shaking his head, Cas pocketed his phone and ran to Gabe's room before banging on the door. "Gabe, we have a problem!"
"Hold on, Cassie!" A couple of moments later, Gabe opened the door in a robe. "What's so bad that you can't take care of it?"
"There's a hunter coming for us. He went through the legal channels to get a permit." Cas watched as Gabe went through the seven stages of grief in less than ten seconds. "Dean and Sam are working on getting him out of town, but Dean believes he's going to go after all the packs."
Gabe looked over his shoulder. "Meg, we gotta move. Now." He turned back to Cas and frowned.
"Find Anna, have her round up the kids, there's a–"
"A bunker under the silo, I know. Dean told me." Cas licked his lips and let out a worried sigh before leaning into Gabe to whisper in confidence. "The hunter is their father, Gabe. Dean warned me that he can negate magic, and he's not usually known for going through the proper channels."
"So the wards on the perimeter?" Gabe frowned.
"Will barely slow him down. I don't know anything about his skill at negating magic, but considering both his sons are witches? It's probably really fucking high." Cas frowned. "Gabe, go get dressed, we need to make sure you and Meg stay safe and get you in the bunker now."
Cas turned and bolted back down the hallway banging on doors. "Pack meeting in the foyer! Now!" He stopped in front of Anna's door and shoved it open. Anna was grabbing a bag and filling it. "I know, Cas. Pack bond. What am I doing?"
"So, you know what's going on, but not what you're supposed to do?"
"I started to panic!" Anna threw her hands up in frustration. "Just tell me what I need to do."
"Go round up the kids, get them in the bunker. I also need you to make sure that Gabe doesn't do anything bull-headed." Cas dragged his hand down his face. "Inias is one of the ones converting that old storage building into apartments, right? He's living in there?"
"Yeah. His room is the second one in on the left."
Cas kissed his sister on the cheek and ran out again. He sped out past the rest of the pack gathering in the foyer, hoping that Gabe would tell them what was going on. In the worst-case, he knew Anna would.
The building that the pack was working on converting sat next to the barn. Cas found himself stripping out of his clothes and shifting to cut the time it would take to get there in half. He skidded to a stop in front of the door and scratched at it, pushing through the pack bond for Inais to come let him in.
"Castiel? Why are you in wolf form?" Inais had opened the door and was squatting down next to Cas instantly. He placed his hand on Cas' head, taking a moment to listen to Cas as he explained everything he knew. "I'll gather everyone here, Castiel, but your Aunt Amara? She's going to need you to convince her to come."
Cas whimpered and paced in front of Inias. "Can you at least tell me where she is?"
"She found a glade, but she won't tell anyone where it's at. She said at her age, she's allowed a private place. I'm sure if you know," Inais tapped the side of his nose. "You can find her."
"Fuck." Cas howled in frustration and started back towards the main house. He was relieved to find the pack quickly evacuating, but frustrated to see Gabe leading it. He shifted back to human form and walked up to his brother. "You're supposed to be in the silo."
"Under the silo, Cassie, under it." Gabe gently touched the shoulder of one of the younger wolves, keeping them moving. "I'll go now since you're here. I already sent Meg ahead."
Watching as the last of the pack exited the house and made their way to the silo, Cas shifted back into form and ran towards the woods that lined the one side of the farm. If there were any glades to be found, they would be there. He sprinted through the trees, realizing how much he had missed being able to just run. He knew it was an inappropriate time to have that thought, but the wind through his fur, the moss and dirt under his paws, the scent…
He smelled his Aunt. Cas made a sharp turn and followed the scent to an opening in the trees. In the center, his Aunt Amara was in human form, sitting in the Lotus position with her eyes closed.
"Aunt Amara, we need to go." Cas walked up to her and bumped against her arm with his snout. "Please. There's a hunter on his way."
"I'm well aware, Castiel. His aura taints these woods." She opened her eyes and gently scratched behind Cas' ear. "He's trying to destroy the magic that we are using to ward our home, but I won't let him do it."
"He knows how to negate magic, Aunt Amara. If he gets too close to you..." Cas sat on his haunches next to her and whimpered. "From what I've been told, he won't care what you are, he'll shoot first and ask questions later."
"Your Dean told you this, didn't he?" Amara rested her forehead against Cas' and pet his side. "I'm not surprised. He's afraid of what he does not understand. Including his own sons."
A branch snapped nearby, and both Cas and Amara's attention locked to it. Cas sniffed the air and found himself unnerved not by what he smelled, but by what he couldn't smell. "Please, Aunt Amara. There's no time. We can stay safe if we leave now."
"You've always been such a good member of the pack, Castiel. You knew when to obey and when to question. You always did everything to keep those you love safe." Amara sighed. "Very well, let's get to the safe house."
The sound of a long rifle racking froze them both in their place.
"I don't think either of you are going anywhere."
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cerealla · 3 years
I typically do Twin Peaks takes, but since Supernatural has been parasitically living off a major artery of mine since November 5th, I’ve decided to vent and list (some of) the things I wanted from the show but never got because reasons, musings, and headcanons. Some of these would require major rewrites to the overall show. I don’t take that as a net loss. Some of these takes may have been addressed at some point, but there are so many episodes and I haven’t even see all them, so bear with me. Possible edits and add-ons may occur:
The Roadhouse never gets burned down. The culture and community of the hunters gets a larger focus. Where do they all get their supplies for summoning spells, healing, protection spells, etc? I guess a normal grocery store or new age store, but how cool would it be if there some sort of underground hunters’ farmers’ market?
Hunters that practice magic regularly and for reasons other than hunting.
More hunters like the doctor in season 6 that specialize in medicine, maybe supernatural ailments too. There are cures for getting turned into vampires and werewolves (under certain circumstances). Could there be other cures for different monsters?
More psychic mediums like Missouri. Or just more Missouri. 
It’s implied that physics are naturally gifted, but what if normal people could also develop those skills? What if one of the brothers dips their toes in conducting seances and divination?
Hunters like Frank, who are more tech-based. Exploring divides in hunters that like traditional methods vs modern ones.
Maybe a more nuanced look at hunting? It’s interesting how pretty much every hunter we’ve met got into it because of some tragedy in life, which is fine, but I’m curious how many do it because that’s just the world they know. They’re not exactly in it for heroics or revenge, but simply because they’re familiar with this supernatural world and interact with it as such?
We learn Meg’s real name and what the hell was up with her relation to Azazel. And the guy that was apparently his son and her brother. Were they literally Azazel’s kids, or were they just very loyal to him to garner those titles?
More time with Ellen and Jo before they end up dying (or just don’t die at all... That could be nice).
You know that season 6 episode where Balthazar stops the Titanic from sinking, and it starts a domino affect alternate timeline where Ellen never died and married Bobby? That, but no alternate timeline. It’s just part of the show. Because it would be cute and they’d make a great Ma and Pop duo.
Ellen wasn’t surprised when she met Sam and Dean, so she must have known about them when she met John years ago. Was she aware of the life they lived? Did she ever have any concern, especially after her husband died and she forbid Jo from ever hunting?
How many hunters met the Winchesters and witnessed the absolutely screwed up situation going on and either shook their heads or thought there was absolutely nothing wrong?
More Pamela.
Rufus doesn’t die.
Lisa and Ben STAY.
Garth and Kevin Dream Team.
Garth, Kevin, AND Charlie.
Claire gets a bigger role and sticks around for more seasons.
Ben decides he wants to hunt, but Dean disapproves, so he and Claire team up.
Anna stays. Not as a love interest to Dean, but a foil to Cas. His pushy and rude big sister that wants him to Chill TF Out. 
Jo x Charlie. I will not elaborate.
No angel-on-angel romance. I swear to god. The writers revoked that right when they had them keep calling each other brother and sister.
Tessa doesn’t die.
Reapers aren’t angels.
Tessa is the one reaper the brothers ever meet and interact with, so I like to think that, because of their important place in the Grand Plan, Death trusts her with the task of reaping them.
Tessa appreciates this, but really, Really wishes he picked someone else.
Turns out Death assigned her this task specifically because of her sardonic attitude towards the brothers. 
Rufus was Jewish, so are there any Jewish-specific spells and incantations that could be used on demons and ghosts?
Speaking of which, Dean uses some Yiddish and Hebrew phrases, stuff that’s fairly unlikely for a gentile to know (he says “dayenu” at one point), and he’s an aggressively non-religious character at that (also Sam doesn’t make any Jewish references, as far as I know). This could be accredited to a ton of things: John dumped him at a Jewish friend’s house when he was kid, Bobby picked it up from Rufus and Dean got it from Bobby, a past girlfriend was Jewish, etc.
Or, some of these characters still die, but they get more screen time and better plots.
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Headcannons for Carry On
So ‘Carry On’ only showed part of the story. The part circling around Sam and Dean’s immediate concerns. So here’s my headcannons for the rest of it!
This might take a bit so I’m putting a cut line!
When Jack became God he decided to first put all the other worlds to order. After all The Empty, Heaven, Hell (the best situated one in all honesty right now), and Purgatory had been completely turned on their heads. Jack can’t do this by himself though, so he figured he could go get Cas to help him. There is just one major concern with the Empty though. Jack’s explosion made literally every being in existence of the Empty awake again.
Now The Shadow is furious and is meeting Jack upon his entrance making it very clear Jack and Amara need to fix this shit and NOW. So Jack agrees to pull out a few of the more ‘noisy’ ones and put the rest to sleep. The first one he has to take though is Cas. Not just because Jack wants him, but because The Shadow just wants him the frick out of their space.
After Jack explains that he needs help putting the world into balance again, Cas has a few ideas of people hanging around The Empty that can help.
The easiest one to take care of was Purgatory. After all it is mostly the same but the Leviathan like Dick Roman and of course Eve herself and the Alpha’s are getting a little uppity. So we bring back Benny the Vampire, who was chilling in the Empty after his death in Purgatory, and make him King of Purgatory. If Eve and the Leviathan’‘s or Alpha’s have a problem with it, well he’s got the backing of God himself so yeah.
Hell is the next easiest. Rowena is running shit like a champ. To be fair, Cas just wanted to have Meg and Crowley removed from The Empty so the actual excuse is for them to be advisors to Rowena. And Ruby too since Cas did promise her. The only problem is they all three hate each other. Rowena keeps them settled though. You really don’t want to get on the Queen’s bad side. Crowley is 100% okay with this arrangement as he realized he really didn’t like being King anyway.
Maybe Rowena also dug out Bela’s soul to help too since she’s probably a demon by now.
Heaven is more challenging. Jack intends to revamp Heaven before taking off and being more of a ‘hands off’ style. However Heaven still needs an overseer. This is where Cas comes in. Cas will be the leader of Heaven, but he isn’t going to do it alone. He is taking Gabriel, Gadreel, and Balthazar with him. They will be his ‘advisors’ going forward and help Cas make Heaven a fair place. Plus Jack restores the Angel’s wings and makes a few more angels so that Heaven won’t collapse on everyone. And Naomi is still around too so she can help. Jack also reversed the rules of who can and can’t go to heaven. With the reapers working full time again, Jessica taking over as the new Death on top of it, all the forgotten about souls are being taken to where they belong.
The thing was, Jack expected Earth to be fine. Things were back in balance. The demons obeyed Rowena and no longer did demon deals to lure people to Hell. Angels were no longer running around on the surface of the planet. It was just humans and monsters. Hunters were the peace keepers and the balances. Jack expected Sam and Dean to take care of things, to lead the hunters. HOWEVER that plan blows up pretty damn quick with Dean dying in a random hunt.
-Dean and Cas
Dean goes to Heaven, because of course he does. Dean is a good man with good intentions. After he is greeted in Heaven by Bobby, his father figure, and starts driving around in the materialized Baby to get his bearings, he goes out and finds Cas.
Now Dean and Cas talk and finally get all their emotions out. They live together in Heaven. They have a nice house where Jack comes and visits them on Thursday evenings for dinner. Cas is sometimes off running Heaven and working with the angels so when that happens Dean goes off for a drive or hangs out at Harvelle’s Road House.
Dean and Cas get to see all their friends who are in Heaven. Harvelle’s is a popular spot after all. Ellen, Jo, Ash, Bobby, Rufus, the woman from Omaha who Bobby finally named, Adam, John, Marry, Jim Murphy, Caleb, Victor, Andy, Jessica, human Meg, Karen Signer, Pamela, Millie, Gwen, Deanna, Charlie, Kevin, Arthur, Mick, Lily and her daughter, Adam, and hell everyone else I missed because I know there is quite a few out there; they all hang out at the Road House.
Dean misses Sam yes, and he is in a way waiting for his little brother. But he has a family, he’s mostly happy and at peace with that. Cas and Dean are living the lives they didn’t necessary want but deserved. Lives where they are loved and surrounded by their family. Dean still takes Baby out every day, and drives to that bridge where he just knows Sam will be when Sam arrives.
-Sam and Eileen
Sam is devastated at first over Dean’s death. He fully intends to be killed by that werewolf in Texas. However he runs into Eileen on the case. Both of them lost a lot in the recent events and they help each other.
One of the first things Sam does after getting back from that hunt, mostly by Eileen’s demand, is give Dean a proper Hunter’s Wake for Dean. His remains are burned already but it gives all the hunters, friends, and family who wanted to have a chance to say goodbye to him do so. It’s probably the biggest hunters wake anyone can remember. After all Dean was not only fully integrated in the hunter world, more than most thought due to never once being out of it, but Dean is a legend, just like Sam. Of course hunters from all over had to come pay their respects to the hero who saved every human being in existence MULTIPLE times.
Sam still hunts, but only when necessary. He is mostly retired, helps Alt. Bobby by keeping all the hunters informed and on the same page. He, Alt. Bobby, and Garth are the three main points of contacts for hunters, to give them aliases, cover stories, and information. Garth is also their main lieason between monsters and hunters because not all ‘monsters’ need to be killed. Some can be reasoned with.
Sam and Eileen have a son they named Dean. Dean is very close to Sam and Cas Fitzgerald and the kids play together a lot with Becky Rosen’s kids. Sam gets particularly frustrated when Dean goes over to Aunt Jody’s house. Not because of anything that Donna or Jody do. Not even for anything Patience or Alex do. Nope, it is all Aunt Claire and Aunt Kaia. Kaia only because she can’t control her wife Claire. Claire was close to Dean and Cas. She misses both of them completely and then Sam tries to waltz by with a boy named Dean and was expecting her NOT to be giving him weapons behind Sam’s back?
Alt. Charlie, Steavy, and Jules are all retired as well and Uncle Donny is adamant that Dean Jr. will not be as culturally ignorant as his name sake. Oh no, he’s going to teach Dean Jr. all about the classics. And Sam, Sam gets the life he wanted. He gets a more quiet whit picket fence but also he can be happy. He misses Dean a lot, and he honestly has no idea what has happened to the afterlife but he trusts Jack. They raised Jack after all. He knows Jack will put things right.
Eileen dies first, that was why she wasn’t by Sam’s side. She actually was surprised to see how much different Heaven was when she got there. Of course Dean was one of the first people to greet her. Dean liked her a lot and knew she was good for Sam.
Dean also knows that now that Eileen is here, Sam is probably not far behind. They say soul mates die soon after each other and he and Cas almost proved that themselves. So it’s little surprise to anyone when Sam makes his emergence into Heaven not to long later.
Sam and Dean reunite first of course. Dean takes him around Heaven, showing Sam all the people that Sam hasn’t seen in decades, people like Donny and others they have lost along the way in the last few years as well. The last place of course is to reunite Sam with Eileen and Jessica.
Everyone settles down in Heaven. Dean gets his dream of him, Sam, and Cas sitting on a beach drinking a beer. They live in peace, happy to be reunited again.
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tobythewise · 5 years
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Y’all are fantastic! I was sent 31 different prompts and wrote over 38k words for these. It was so fun and the reactions were great! Here’s the official Masterpost for them all. You can also search 1k celebration on my page :)
Dirty Dancing- Jace/Simon (Rated E)
“Oh god,” Jace whimpers as he looks right into his own face. The surface under his hands being a mirror. Jace sucks in a sharp breath as Simon’s hands find his ass. Jace clears his throat. “How do you wanna do this?” Simon smirks over Jace’s shoulder, the quirk of his lips undeniably sexy. “You know I love you, right?” When Jace nods, Simon adds, “I have every intention of fucking you like I don’t.”
Jeans and Flannels- Destiel (Rated M)
“I’m wearing jeans and a flannel, Cas. I didn’t realize that was a thing for you. Besides, it’s not like I meant to turn you on.” Castiel rolls his eyes, pointing an accusing finger at Dean. “It was not the flannel. It’s what you’re wearing under your jeans and you may not have meant to do it but it has happened nonetheless.”
Like I Don’t- Destiel (Rated E)
“You know I love you, right?” Dean says, his voice deep yet unwavering, completely steady while Castiel shudders and writhes, coming apart at his seams. “I have every intention of fucking you like I don’t.”
Playing Pretend- Dean/Benny (Rated E)
Dean’s walking through the abandoned alley, his spine straightening when he hears footsteps sound behind him. Dean picks up his pace, his belly warming with anticipation. Between one blink and another, Dean’s face presses into the cement building, a warm presence against his back. Hot breath tickles against his ear as a deep, husky voice whispers in his ear, “pretend you don’t like it.”
Enough- Magnus/Alec (Rated E)
"I had a nightmare about you, and I wanted to make sure you were alright."
Focus- Magnus/Alec (Rated E)
"Quiet or someone will hear you." and "Not until you beg."
‘We What?’- Raphael/Jace/Simon (Rated G)
“Don’t worry,” Raphael says, trying to give Jace a teasing smile that doesn’t quite meet his eyes. “I’m sure he’ll pick you.” “No way,” Jace argues straight away. “If he’s gonna pick one of us it’s gonna be you. You’re way nicer than me. I’m a huge asshole.” “You’re really not. Maybe at first but once someone gets to know you they’ll realize what a softie you secretly are.” “Oh my god, Raph! You can’t just go saying shit like that! I have a reputation to uphold!”
Raphael’s Dork- Raphael/Simon (Rated G)
“Despite what you think, I am completely capable of taking care of myself.” AND “You know, I didn’t ask for any of this. But do you know why I put up with it all? It’s because I love you."
Going Up- Magnus/Alec (Rated G)
The one where they get stuck in an elevator together and flirting ensues.
Medicine and Love Confessions- Destiel (Rated G)
Castiel takes care of his best friend, Dean, while he's sick. Love confessions ensue.
Letting It Slip- Destiel (Rated E)
Dean accidentally lets slip he's interested in calling Cas Daddy in bed and Castiel LOVES it wholeheartedly.
Angelic Captain America- Magnus/Alec (Rated T)
Magus takes care of Alec after he's injected with a serum during a hunt. Alec wakes up, having to learn to deal with the after-effects, which he learns, isn't all bad.
Don’t Cross A Lightwood-Bane- Gen (Rated G)
Max is kidnapped by Camille, who just wants some revenge on Magnus.
Marry Me- Derek/Stiles (Rated G)
Stiles saves Derek. Again. And it makes the alpha realize he doesn't wanna live another day without Stiles always by his side.
In More Than Name- Destiel (Rated E)
Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak are arranged to be married in order to bring together Heaven and Hell. But they both wish for this marriage to be more than a political treaty. When they get to their hotel room, they realize, maybe they truly are a 'match made in Heaven' when they see each other's soulmate marks.
Convincing Sammy- Destiel (Rated G)
Dean uses his best friend in order to convince his little brother he's NOT sad and lonely. But having Cas pressed up against him in a booth has his body responding in the most embarrassing way. Hopefully Cas doesn't notice...
Noone to Fight (But Someone to Love)- Simon/Jace (Rated E)
Simon comes home to find his pregnant mate nesting. Jace complains about having too much energy and nothing to do with it. Simon makes a sexy suggestion.
Spite Date- Destiel (Rated T)
Dean agrees to a blind date set up by Sam. It does not start as expected.
Arrangements- Magnus/Alec (Rated E)
Alec and Magnus' arrangement started about a year ago. They lived across the hall from each other, becoming quick friends. Their dating lives sucked so one drunken night, they decided to scratch each other’s itches. Whenever one of them needed some stress relief, the other would provide, no strings attached. Only, a few months in, Alec knew he was falling for Magnus. He desperately wants those strings and every time they sleep together is a struggle not to confess those feelings.
Drama Teachers are Dramatic- Magnus/Alec (Rated G)
Alec agrees to chaperone the high school prom with his drama teacher boyfriend. ‘Drama’ ensues. 
Mine and Only Mine- Destiel (Rated E)
Dean gets jealous when a stranger at the bar touches Cas. Dean marks Cas as his in the parking lot. Cas loves every second of it.
Let Me Take Care of You- Magnus/Alec (Rated E)
Alec gets himself a Sugar Daddy and through their arrangement, he finds out more about himself and slowly falls in love.
Relaxation- Sam/Gabriel/Rowena (Rated E)
“Are you alright, Darling?” Rowena asks, reaching forward and running her thumb over Gabriel’s cheek. Gabriel feels his walls coming down. He can be the prankster, the clown, the easygoing silly guy, but with these two, he doesn’t feel the need to put on that mask. “I’m alright. I’m just glad I’m home. It’s been a crazy week.” Sam kisses the back of his neck and his body shivers. “We know,” Sam whispers, his hot breath fanning over his ear. He can’t stop himself from squirming in Sam’s lap, groaning when he feels the hot press of Sam’s dick below him. “Since it’s Friday, we thought we’d help you decompress and take care of you.”
Be More Specific- Magnus/Alec (Rated E)
Alec doesn’t know what ‘Netflix n chill’ really means until Magnus spells it out for him. 
Nothing But the Truth- Jace/Simon (Rated G)
Jace is hit with a truth spell. Simon finds this hilarious until suddenly, it's less funny and more heartfelt.
Church is Alec’s Spirit Animal- Magnus/Alec (Rated G)
Alec follows a certain cat blog on Instagram. It makes him happy, okay?! Izzy finds out and messages said account. The rest is history.
In the Mirror- Magnus/Alec (Rated E)
"I want you to dominate me."
Working Together- Derek/Stiles (Rated G)
Stiles and Derek are trapped in a room together until they can figure out how to work together. Stiles uses this as an opportunity to air out the elephant in the room and finally get to the bottom of what's going on between them.
Truth or Dare- Dean/Benny/Cas (Rated E)
The one where Cas, Benny, and Dean finally get together during a tipsy game of Truth or Dare.
Black Widow’s Got Nothing on Magnus Bane- Magnus/Alec (Rated T)
Magnus is kidnapped. Magnus is also a BAMF. 
Kickstarting Labor- Destiel (Rated M)
Benny and Garth try to think of ideas to help a cranky Dean jump start his labor.
98 notes · View notes
14x09 watching notes
jingle bells, bobo smells,  It is no fun, for us to wait All christmas in hiatus
Berens... please...... I beg you........... don't kill the sweet precious moonchild that is Garth. Please. The joke is "how are you still alive!?" and it would be a disrespect to Bobby's memory, and he represents a stable post-hunting endgame that was a beacon in season 9. In this essay I will
They used Dean's dead-voice "we're the guys that scare them" speech about hunting monsters in 13x05 to open. I wonder if Yockey wrote that thinking it might be the logical open to 13x23 and instead they used "this is boring, got any music?" also from one of his episodes.
[i guess! meme]
The recap left us hanging about if Jack was alive or not for the Kaia recap which turns out to be rude even though I know that he's fine ("fine") now because I am so emotionally affected by this dumb lump of nougat that not seeing an instant "he's okay haha tricked you!" legit raised my stress levels a notch.
Maybe because it's 4am and I was demolishing a slab of toast before the December chill in my room got it first, but I don't think there was any particular art or storytelling to the recap worth mentioning or musing on, and this came across almost more like the recap AFTER the break because getting back to plot stuff like seeing Mikey things again... The 13x05 lines make me wary on Dean's emotional behalf but obviously these are for very different reasons so the only real thing that might come up is that Cas is hiding his deal from Dean and Dean sounded so dead in the feels because Cas was dead. Obviously the real stress right now is what's up with Dean re: obvious nerve-wracking things like the djinn bouncing off his head or his swooshy vision, things we've been collecting up to ask more pointed questions about when Michael's in the room.
Americans: "that's downtown Vancouver!/an actual American city!/the ACTUAL American city in the caption!" me: "hurrrr skyline"
How much budget for Christmas music
I hate this episode already
Okay the blood and screaming is improving things.
Listen, werewolves always have so much fun these days. We had the knock knock one in 13x09, the Kardashian ones in 13x23, and now we have wereSanta here, who just spotted the mistletoe. D'aaaw.
These halo-shaped lights in this apartment Michael picked sure are gonna come in handy if the director knows what they're doing.
GARF. Please say you're here undercover.
OH SHIT. Michael KNOWS. Being in Dean's head does that to you. All his peeps get embedded in your brain. Please tell me some 2 way vessel/angel nonsense happens and you can't bring yourself to harm him.
She adores Mr Fizzles. Garth spends hours with them hanging out together.
I don't believe him though. I mean. He's just telling Michael what he wants to hear, right?
Having a little girl is such a way to die, though. I mean. Can we just... not do that?
Let Garth Go Home For Christmas
Those halos sure aren't landing over Michael's head no matter how many of them there are
Jack: eating gross cereal made of cookies at midnight in the dark
Me: I love and support you and have done the same
Dadstiel is the best
Sam being the "it will rot your teeth" dad is also the best. I love the Dad Heirarchy being established here. Sam is still Dad no.1 and the one who lays down the rules and gets disobeyed about midnight cereal, full on domestic dad-ing. Cas is the dad who hears you munching from across the entire Bunker and sighs and gets out of Dean's bed where they've been watching movies together (I extrapolate from missing data) and comes to investigate but ends up in the Secret Midnight Cookie Cereal Pact instead.
If Garth dies he may bequeath Mr Fizzles to Sam to help parent Jack, who is now keeping secrets about midnight cereal consumption and needs an expert lie-detector to help him parent.
Okay, so, in season 9 after Dean took the Mark of Cain he was up all night eating cornflakes and not sleeping. The corn was symbolic to Cain. Jack goes through all he did and has cookie cereal which is just his sweet tooth. But he had foreign grace implanted in him, and also is tapping a lil bit of his soul to be alive, meaning he's in a weird power situation and we don't know what's up with him at all. TFW are very much like "upright and not coughing blood is good enough for us", especially when with magic involved it's not like they might have an actual science explanation ever come their way.
Jack sitting in the dark is obviously symbolic of hiding things, his cookie cereal is disapproved of and a guilty secret from Sam in the first place, he's consuming something - willingly - that's bad for him and will rot him right after the sweet sweet probably not Gabriel grace he ingested 2 episodes ago, and added all up makes a secret - and he and Cas of course share Cas's deal secret so it's not like Cas can go stomping around complaining to the other dads what he found Jack doing without Jack being like yeah well guess what CAS did.
It's sure a fun way to parallel the beginning of Dean's dark dark arc and Jack's sugary sweet dark arc.
Dean: kid if you are going to sit in the kitchen at weird hours and eat cereal, at least self-flagellate a little *slams the box of cornflakes down in front of him.*
Jack also is wearing a lot of red lately.
Though his new jacket is santa-coloured not like... Mark of Cain doom blood death coloured like demon!Dean's infamous red shirt.
He's currently wearing Cas-coloured shoes and sitting in Dean's spot from 9x13 aka the iconic cornflakes scene in question.
"If you can't sleep, that's understandable, given recent events." "You mean dying and coming back to life."
Cas has been around the humans too long. He talks in euphemisms and gets called out by his too-literal son.
The tables turn.
Oh Jack... so full of worries about Heaven and if his mom is safe, and making Cas confront that nothing is perfect, even Heaven, and have to say it out loud because he can't lie to Jack and sugarcoat this.
Reminds me of 13x06 where he had to tell Jack that yeah sorry not all angels are perfect either. Sweet lil foetus!Jack sure picked the correct angel to be his guardian.
Naomi is "complicated"
Cas. Hon. *hands him a blanket and a bowl of cereal*
OH MY GOD Jack calling him out on why can't Sam and Dean know about the deal.
Having Jack around is so much a breath of fresh air that Cas is starting to regret ever kidnapping him in 12x19.
"They CAN I just don't WANT them to know" CAS. You've been forced to Verbalise A Thing Using The Correct Language. I am giving you an entire gold star. TWO GOLD STARS. I'm drawing a smilie face on them.
Jack is upset that Cas made the deal for him: "they don't need that burden. you don't need that burden" "of course I do. You did that, for ME" - the ole season 2 Dean thing, where it took until 2x08 to know for sure what John did and it basically killed Dean 3 times over and he was a Mess. Not knowing but not having all the answers and being worried/suspicious about what's up with the neat circumstances of being alive again is hooorrible. And this is calling out the whole Winchester cycle of sacrifice (conveniently now with us knowing that John will be dropping by for an episode to really hammer the point home) by addressing how Jack now has to carry the burden of knowing that Cas did that for him.
Cas is like, "Yeah don't worry I haven't been happy in all of Creation." Jack looks earnestly at him. "I'm sorry."
Cas diverts to eating the gross cereal, which he apparently also secretly indulges in, or else, as Mittens pointed out to me, Dean does too and either way Cas is being gross and adorable and hanging out with his kid and this is horrible I hate it oh god it's more sickly sweet than the cereal they're eating.
Garth hiding in the kitchen to panic and phone mom to get him from the party.
And he's just learned to say "balls" appropriately too.
Sam immediately gets The Guilts because he's  being leaderly and losing Garth would be his first major blow as a leader oh god oh god no oh Sammy oh GARTH I can't handle this.
Berens sure is invested in the leader!Sam stuff and telling this story long before anyone else was and had his minion Glynn tease us with Maggie earlier in the season D:
I'm calling mom to get me from the party
"It's Ketch" Sam raises his eyebrows like "I forgot he was in this season"
Does that mean Ketch skyped Cas first
that's hilarious all by itself
He has tea because of course he does
Oh my god he's skyping with Jack. Are they buds? HAS HE ADOPTED JACK?
Honestly of all the characters in the entire show he's probably resisted longest so far when it comes to adopting Jack if they ever met even briefly in Apocalypse World.
This is how you can tell he's the worst :P Rowena "I will never love again" MacLeod took all of 20 seconds to adopt Jack.
He's been in England for like a week and his accent is 100x more hammy. "ExPRopriATE"
He's rolling his Rs. I mean. Is that even in our accent? Not in mine.
Jack watching attentively while he tells his story with no judgement forthcoming, just pure interest in what Ketch says... good thing Ketch is too self-centred on his tale of derring-do or he might find Jack's sweet interest flattering and begin wondering if he has it in himself to be fatherly.
I'm suddenly legitimately interested in the unstoppable force of Jack's adoptability vs the immovable object of Ketch's ego.
He posted it. Around Christmas. Look I'm friends with a postie and she's hucking around a bag as big as herself.
Maybe he put a ribbon on it.
From BUDAPEST. Paying extra really is gonna speed THAT up
"Where is our weapon?" "It's been sitting in Guam for a week. I don't understand. Why is it in Guam?"
TFW all react with snark, side-eyes or despair at Ketch, and 2.0 doesn't even get a reaction because I don't think Jack understands how dumbass Ketch is because he's too smol to have fought the mail :P
"We appreciate the effort" "DO WE?"
Cas is staring into the void, meanwhile. Internally, "Well at least I can be sure I'm not going to worry about allowing myself to be happy any time THIS month"
Oh, sweet! The laptop is set up right next to Britain on the map table :')
Hey if they have to brave the post office to get the egg, they can find out Harper is still stalking Jack :D
Cas can't even work out which direction to start rolling his eyes, gives up and walks off. Dean gestures the screen, look what you made him do! You asshole!
"Only thing that can take him down now is the full Ichabod" "?" *gestures decapitation* "oh."
Poor Garth. Werewolves really are the worst. I can see why you were so upset about being turned.
Remember when Sam described him as an "ichabod crane alike" or something, I think in 9x12 when asking at the hospital about him? Maybe? I swear to god that might be a less subtle hint Garth is going to die than Charlie's "merry christmas"
Garth honey nooo
I'm pretty sure we saw Michael mind-controlling the werewolf in the cold open which means we're in for SOME sort of drama next
Oh good Cas is back, I guess he went to scream outside.
"Oh it would have made it if it wasn't closed for the holidays" Sam is being so withering I hope Ketch can feel it from Budapest.
Garth you are going to get in so much trouble and I'm so scared for you and your family at Christmas
At least in this scene Dean n Cas are playing footsie under the table if nothing else.
With Michael holed up in a towerblock for Christmas I am so worried that I should have watched Die Hard before getting here.
D'aw Dean teams himself up with Cas without even hesitating.
Holy shit they used a season 1 clip of the Impala driving past a field of cows.
"Hi we shot this for 1x06 it's practically an easter egg now"
God, it's the promo scene and we're 16 minutes in.
Not over Cas being like "you're happy" because he can't be happy but he's seeing Dean being, you know, cheerful. It's worrying because it's so close to endgame... if they kill Michael, Dean can be happy. And if Dean can be happy...
bye bye Cas
It's so easy with Dean looking away for Cas's silence to be "lol never" instead of "I ought to tell you the string that is attached"
*quietly climbs into the garbage pile as I think about how neither can be happy while the other is as a literal plot mechanism*
Them leaving the door open seems so significant I thought we were going to see Bad!Kaia comically hiding behind it
Awwwwww Jack wants to break into his first building with lock picks!!
I can't believe they're doing this in broad daylight.
I can't believe there was a Gish item to go to a post office after hours dressed as Santa's elves and that's what Jack is doing with that coat
"Who taught you to pick a lock?" "I did. And the internet"
Sam's "that's my boy" face.
"I wanted to stay useful"
that was your cue to tell Jack he's useful regardless
On the other hand he got the door opened and smiled up at Sam so I guess he gets the validation that way instead.
"HAPPY Holidays" Jack is SO PLEASED the box is saying something nice.
BOOM you have witnessed, once again, Sam being knocked out.
Wow, no. His skull is getting thicker, he manages to cling on long enough to watch his boy being abducted.
Awww Michael came to oversee it. HAPPY HOLIDAYS, Michael!
Sam is way too concussed to deal with this. Or drive.
Michael has a really similar coat to what he had in the AU but for a fancy rich lady instead of a badass hot cowboy which really begs the question of why he dressed SO SO OTT for Dean, even given his fashionista tastes for the other 2 vessels we've seen.
I am sad we don't have the other Michael vessel just because he's off making out with Constantine on Legends of Tomorrow (meta textuality of THAT to be unpacked by fandom at length :P), but she's an absolutely uncanny female double for him with the coat and the ominous camera angles and her general scary vibe.
"You're going to kill me anyway" *MOOSE CHARGE*
I stan one concussed boy
No fancy weapons for you guys, use your heads.
Not Sam's head, he's just taken his 3rd hit in a minute.
Garth gets caught snitching though I suspect Michael knew he was listening in and sent Dean to get attacked by Bad!Kaia anyways.
There's chess being played here.
Er, and you're the pawns.
I think Dean is the other player and everyone ELSE is a pawn in Michael's reckoning.
"WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Kaia, they just shouted like 20 minutes of the plot so far at each other, you know as much as we do at this point.
I love Kaia's fighting stance but oh my GOD Dean walking up to the spear and having it put against his heart. He knows it's a power move but it's also a gentle one, and he's waved enough guns in her face and our Kaia's face... This is one of those moves you use both on frightened animals and also to show you are a good unarmed nice guy and it's an attempt to re-negotiate after all he's done to Kaias over time >.>
"if you're not going to give it to me, kill me" Dean says, at the end of his big emotional appeal to Family And Saving People as his divine guiding forces in the universe by which he sets his moral compass and acts as the best version of himself in the defence of.
Cas behind him like "I hope this works because I love this dumbass and if you ACTUALLY kill him I'm contractually obligated to murder you so like, pls don't escalate this"
"How do I know if you're telling the truth" well he's not so jot that down.
Cas like "can you please stop talking, Dean, I am not agreeing with any of your policies here" because not only did he drag Jack into it, he made a promise that Jack's completely unable to uphold since he, you know, doesn't have the power to get Kaia home any more.
Poor Bad!Kaia though. Spent her life running from monsters too. She and our Kaia have the same trama, but she's so hardened by it :(
"If you don't bring this back to me I will find you and kill you"
Yikes, magic weapons are having a bad run in these parts, I think Dean's pretty much a gonner :P
I love that the Wayward Sisters music plays around Kaia but it makes me so so so so sad
"So, what, is he playing us?" he's playing YOU Dean. Your move!
"Don't you go in there alone." "I know, drive fast"
Aka concussed bab is gonna go in there alone if you don't hurry.
I have literally no comprehension about the driving times involved in this episode because I don't know US geography like that, but it's Berens not Dabb but he's mentioned specific locations so he better have looked these all up on google maps because this is one heck of a fact checkable episode with 4 distinct known and named locations and you all driving to and fro.
I love Michael's new apartment. It has a dark Heaven aesthetic vibe which is perf.
Jack's here and he's immediately deposited under the halo lights.
I can not WAIT for a Jack vs Michael scene.
*chin hands*
"Why didn't you kill me?" *eyebrow raise*
Poor nougat is being made to feel useless again :( This is Michael grinding his heel into Jack while he has him on the floor, kneeling in supplication under those halo lights.
Michael is into villain monologuing. A terrible, terrible habit.
"Death from above," Michael says, the first time he's had halos over his head.
His concept of soul ownership intrigues me because he would get all the humans who died in an attack on this city in his original world. In this he's turning them into monsters but with his grace, so they belong to him. That means that somehow or other he's probably overriding not just their nature to be controllable by him, which overrides in turn Eve's control over all monsters. She totes isn't dead BTW she's just in Purgatory. I'm like 100% sure of it :P Anyway I do wonder if Michael's control over the monsters extends so far as accidentally granting them passage to Heaven by claiming them and overriding Eve's control. Who knows. The thought wandered by and really tickled me.
Because it's a long game with the real value in people for beings of this level just being in their value as collectibles after death, and season 5 was all about our Michael getting all the souls by killing all the humans and storing them away in Heaven and that was his Paradise he was fighting for. And if he's converting entire cities to monsterhood in order to gain control over the territory in a quiet no mess way, then his control and command of them is passed on through the bite thanks to whatever he did to them. At the very least he's managed to make himself into their new Alpha.
I mean unless this is a phase one and he's sacrificing getting the souls of these lot in exchange for a lot more souls down the line.
LOL Michael pulls "I'm your only kin" and Jack's like, uh, REAL Michael is in the cage, POSER.
I love how Jack's got the such simplistic child language of "I hate you" which comes out so honestly and fiercely. Jack's 1 layer personality is reaaally deep even if it is mostly 1 layer. A very very thick slab of nougat. Full of goodness. It's EXCELLENT character writing to balance a character like this. He has a good understanding of the world by now, evidenced by very clearly being able to distinguish AU!Michael from his living kin of our Michael in the cage, and yet at the same time his emotional range is still 100% whatever he feels about a thing and so for Michael it's hate. Because when kids get upset they can yell "I hate you I hate you!" in a tantrum, and Jack's personality is that but moderated and adult and reasonable, and that... What a good approach to writing a character. Om nom nom.
This vessel is definitely way more expressive than the previous two Michaels, which is something I've noticed in a looot of the vessel gender swaps, which really makes me go sociological on why gesturing and fiddling and so on is so much a part of presence for a female character on screen, while male characters are allowed to stand still and just kind of radiate presence. I mean, she HAS presence, but she's been moving her hands a lot and it's the main detail which makes her not match up as neatly. Jensen threw his whole personality into not moving Michael's arms, to follow on from Christian's portrayal.
I think Raphael's second vessel was menacingly still. That actress did a great job. That slow head turn after they hurl an angel blade at her in 6x22... Nice.
Lisa Berry strikes a nice balance at huge presence and only necessary gestures, and Julian Richings was always fiddling with junk food as Death despite his cosmic presence.
Meg was all in the voice and eyebrows, both actresses.
Why am I musing on this? Because it's 7am and I'm having a wave of immense sleepiness and I think I need tea to keep on watching but it's cold so I'd rather stay bundled in blankets >.>
... I have now turned on the heating and got tea and done some stretches to try and ward off the cold-blooded lizard stupor I was sliding into. Brrr. We get Christmas break on episodes because it's so hard to watch in the cold.
"Our relation is more a matter of scale, power." Ooohohohooo but you just said you weren't killing Jack because he was powerless.
I mean I'm crowing at Michael for maybe revealing a flaw in his monologue to me but at the same time that's terrifying for what he plans for Jack because that presumably involves powering back up but under HIS control. Nephew theft.
I say smugly having posted Jack being kidnapped by Michael in Andrea's Diner for his power/money last week so that I can just ride this one out with a "in before this plotline" raised eyebrow.
I mean I was using a hybrid season 8/14 set up with Naomi still being Michael's flunky but the important thing is that he was trapped in an office in a towerblock which may or may not now be exactly this one since I have eyes on it and Michael was gonna do whatever it took to get Jack's share of the company until Cas marched in and saved the boy.
Yeah my diner AU has corporate drama, deal with it.
NOW we're getting to the epic speeches. The time that makes mountains. Epic. And Michael is like hey you and me are the only ones left... And as your power returns and grows, we'll only become more alike. Cut to Jack being HORRIFIED by the concept of becoming anything like his AUncle and losing his human compassion and turning into this evil being that cheerfully talks about how not only to level cities but to improve on the concept.
Finally, we hit the epic tragedy level of Jack's story he's been hiding from in other genres from disney to rom coms to cute twee Christmas movies and even a detour into 1800s consumptive child drama to avoid it. But Hamlet's procrastination has to be challenged occasionally, and so they're face to face and Michael is taunting Jack with how he might be cute as a nougaty 2 year old but oh dear the terrible 2s are nothing to the terrible 2 billionties.  
I think this room even has Heaven's furniture, as a riff on it. What's one world to another? One Heaven from another, as Michael says. Find a head office, treat it like a place of power and intimidation and it becomes one.
All Jack says is "Sam, Dean and Castiel. They'll come for me." Because he doesn't know much but in his 2 years he HAS learned who fights for him and considers him family, and who he will really set his morality by.
Of course if Cas ever allows himself to be happy, then ALL of Jack's family has an expiration date and no one can follow him through those eons to stop him straying.
Also: now eternity has a sense of horror to it. The reminder that immortality is awful and this is what it does to ancient eldritch beings. And as a result, that finite humanity may be better when it doesn't come at the cost of erosion of self.
To thine own self be true, to quote a terribly mis-used part of Hamlet and yeah yeah I studied it I know Polonius said that and it's meant to be a ridiculed line. But it's still emotionally relevant >.>
Jack's fierce sense of self and family is his only weapon here. Michael can't cast doubt on that. Maybe fear for the future, but in the immediate presence, Jack has a ROCK.
That red coat also makes him very distinctively the only real colour in the room.
Michael is wearing dark blue for the red vs blue coding, but it's dark enough to not stand out in the decor.
TFW are all wearing brown and tan.
I'm actually quite fond of this stupid jock werewolf.
Awkward silences with jingle bells in the background... why are they making werewolves inherently comical in Dabb era, I don't know. But I LOVE it.
RIP the sexy werewolf.
Dumb jock werewolf has already run off, which MAY be a reminder to panic about all the monsters in position, or he might get stopped on the way by TFW in a strategic position...
RIP other sexy werewolf.
Both, sadly, as hot as they were, die with amusing riffs of jingle bells to accompany their decapitations. No dignity in death for these fuckers.
Sam may or may not be doing a Red Meat by taking them on alone but he sure is in a better position with only a mild concussion leftover from the earlier attack rather than, you know, a barely-treated gut shot.
Man I hope Cas healed up the residual damage of that before the end of season 11.
Sam is indeed alone as he promised not to be while 100% intending to rush right in, which means that dumb jock werewolf did indeed run off into the city, which means that with 10 minutes left a whoops we let Kansas City turn into monsters cliffhanger might be a lark.
Merry Christmas everyone but Kansas City.
I mean Sam doesn't need to rush on the Jack rescue, Michael literally has eons of AUncle-nephew bonding planned.
The fact Alex has visible chicken pox scars on his forehead amuses me so much. While Jack fast-track grew in 12x23 he randomly inflicted the pox on himself as part of the childhood experience. Like, oh, I better get all my immunity from mom so when my 3 dads collectively fail to get me vaccinated at least I've got that. *boop* chicken pox scars appear.
S'gonna be Garth on the other side of that door
Oh no Sam, it's a trap, he's gonna eat you. Oh no oh no you can't cut Garth's head off. He's a Beloved Sweetie Pie.
If this ends with watching Mr Fizzles get a hunter funeral I am sending Bobo a mountain of coal for Christmas.
Love that universal trope of the werewolf ducking away for an embarrassing uncontrolled transformation that looks somewhere between puking and period cramps. Moonsickness.
Michael is the moon controlling it in this case.
Cosmic bodies.
Don't touch him, Jack!!
Transformations with glowy eyes suck :<
This is just CRUEL to make Garth be like "I'm sorryyyyy" as he charges at Sam.
LOL THIS IS A CRYPT SCENE. He's in Garth's head!
"You don't have to do this!" "You can fight this, Garth!"
Me, staring at my mess of red string connecting crypt scenes: How did I get to Garth wolfing out while shouting apologies at Sam and Sam begging him to stop when this all started with Dean n Cas fighting over a lump of rock 6 seasons ago
Oh thank god they ended it with Sam vulcan neck pinching Garth to sleep after Jack took a rolling tackle at him and Garth ends up still controlled and shoved in the back of the car for later problems.
We'll file this under the failures section between bros and move on though I won't deny Berens had me in a cold sweat that I was going to have to throw years of work out because Sam would grab Mr Fizzles out of Garth's pocket and soothe him back to himself :P
Mr Fizzles x Garth as the Destiel parallel of the year
"Thanks for waiting for us," Dean says, angrily gesturing the alive and rescued Jack while uselessly holding the spear.
It's okay baby there's 7 minutes left and Cas still doesn't have fake blood all over him.
I think Mikey might come back around to gloat. He strikes me as the supervillain type to do that.
They figure out the last few chess moves that Michael made while sitting on the trunk that Garth is locked in. Rough.
In the background, Cas strides over to the brooding Jack.
"I wouldn't bet against us."
In Which Dean Nearly Decapitates His Brother
Rousing family speech about no odds or element of surprise or fear from Michael, and they go dramatically walking off towards the elevator with blaring Christmas music.
I hate this
Everyone has a weapon except Jack, who just has a series of incomprehensible troubled looks every time anything happens.
The Boy Is Concerned. But is it about what's going on around him, or inner turmoil disrupting his nougaty centre?
He looks placid again during the dramatic walk, while everyone else has their hero faces, he's surrounded by his dads so he can just be like :3 and enjoy the adventure.
Michael is bored and pacing because they took too long having broments downstairs and walking slowly towards the elevator and he wants to do this great dramatic turn when they arrive but the elevator is craaaaaaawling up the building.
Fine, what if I'm not by the window but sitting down with my back to them.
Is Michael NERVOUS?
Big talk about being a zillion years old and then getting impatient.
What did Michael just see? Because he lit up his eyes and got a lot more confident...
"There... he... is" he smirks.
Me when Cas
Cas doesn't usually nearly get a killing blow on me, though. Nice move, bud.
I know he just tried to stab you but I'm allowed to yell that. Also stabbing archangels doesn't tend to work on them but whatever :P
Come on Dean, GET HIM. He hurt the bae! And Sam and Jack now! But nowhere near as dramatically!
Ironically if Michael had just had any patience he wouldn't have fallen for being baited into coming to see Cas snooping around his front desk.
Ow, Dean not doing so well after all.
Is that Sam or Jack inching a hand towards the spear. If Sam stabs Michael then it's a thanks in return for stabbing Lucifer. If Jack does... Badass, kid needs a big kill.
On the other hand, we're so near cliffhanger time territory that.. well.
Nope, Sam just did the slide a weapon back to Dean thing and Dean got in a hit on Michael in their duel.
Same arm he got stabbed on.
"trust me, that's gonna leave a scar"
Jack I hope you are paying attention to Dad no.3's use of one-liners because he is a master.
When he isn't, like, "you're the shortbus, shortbus."
UHOH Michael is standing with aaaaaall the haloes reflected behind him in the window and Dean is having Suspicious Killing Hesitation
aaaand there's the whooshy vision wow what a surprise
I mean I knew it was coming as soon as Dean stumbled in like ??? I'm not Michael???
But in the short term, argh.
It has a moose head, Jo's shooting game from the Roadhouse, and the old jukebox from 4x01's diner where Sam and Ruby hung out.
Aside from anything else this is a horrible ploy by Michael to get the spear.
I am so intrigued.
But yeah, checkmate, Dean Winchester. Snapped your magic spear and melted to magic egg. What next?
Oh good and now he has the halos behind his head :< :< :< :<
Wanek I am so angry. You get coal too.
LOL Michael giving them a lesson on maaaaaaaybe asking important questions about things instead of just leaving them as soon as a character appears to be functioning on the surface, I type with this paused with Jack in the corner of my screen as a fortuitous example
Michael gloating about breaking Dean is the worst Christmas cliffhanger.  I hate you Bobo.
You aren't seriously going to end the season on a snap and make us make Michael is Thanos jokes all hiatus? I mean he already fucked up one planet, decimating it in the name of a better world. Please. Don't do this, Bobo.
He did it.
Reminds me of the end of 3x10 as well, with demon!Dean lurking under Dean, waiting until before the credits to snap his fingers from within Dean's subconscious to remind us he was lurking and waiting.
Aw man this sucks.
Now Jack has to murder Dean after all.
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nellie-elizabeth · 5 years
Supernatural: The Spear (14x09)
I mean, I'm not surprised, but it still hurts!
It bothers me that nobody put together that Dean was vulnerable to Michael. It makes sense that Dean would push through and not share his weird shaky-vision stuff with his family, but Sam puts together that Michael's grace made Garth vulnerable to possession, so why wouldn't he then make the logical leap to Dean's vulnerability? I think this could have been fixed if Sam didn't figure out the Garth thing until maybe right before they enact their plan on Michael. It would be a domino effect, where Sam would put the pieces together but not fast enough to stop the inevitable. Instead, this feels like a huge oversight for Sam not to figure it out.
Also... did we really go to a mid-season hiatus on a Thanos snap? That had to be an intentional reference, right? Kind of annoying.
I liked seeing Dark!Kaia again, but every time she comes up as a plot point it just reminds me that Wayward Sisters didn't get picked up. I bet whatever they had planned for her would have been way cooler than what we're getting here.
So much good stuff here. I love that we have our four boys teaming up to take on Michael, and that we're seeing so many good character moments and fun interactions along the way. Let's start with the bad guy stuff, though:
Michael in a female vessel was properly intimidating, and I love the way that played out. Garth as a secret agent was a pretty cool idea, although part of me wonders how that conversation came about, and I wish we could have seen Sam reach out to Garth to ask him for this huge favor. But setting that aside, I really liked all the scenes with Garth and Michael. Garth is a funny, light-hearted guy, but his terror about his situation really shone through. Supernatural has an annoying habit of bringing back old favorites just to kill them off, but luckily this time Garth made it through to live another day. But we now know that Michael can pop in and out of any vessel that contains his grace, so Garth might have some rough times ahead. I hope we get to see that play out.
Ketch gets a brief cameo as he informs our heroes that he has sent a valuable tool to defeat Michael through the mail. I love how his smugness transformed into chagrin when he realized that he'd deprived them of a much-needed weapon. Ketch likes to be seen as ultra-competent, but here he has failed in a frankly hilarious way, leading to Jack and Sam having to break into a post office on Christmas Eve to retrieve their magic weapon.
I love Jack so very much, and I love that even in an episode that isn't focused solely on him, we still see so many hints of how he has grown, and how he feels about his three dads. The scene with Michael, where the archangel is trying to relate with Jack and talk about their future, is so fascinating to me, because we're seeing Jack play out some character beats that we've already seen with Cas. Both are incredibly long-lived beings who have chosen to become family with these two remarkable humans. Michael thinks he might be able to wiggle in between Jack and these new bonds, but Jack isn't likely to be swayed by his evil alternate-universe uncle, not after what he experienced with Lucifer. Oh, also, I adore that we got a Michael-in-the-cage shout-out. Does that mean our OG Michael might be making a re-appearance? Now that would be fascinating.
Cas and Jack have a nice little father-son bonding moment over sugary cereal, which I thought was adorable. There's been a great deal of Jack and Dean relationship focus this season, which I love, but it's important to go back to Jack's initial bonds, too, and that means more focus on Cas and Sam. I love that Sam and Jack got to go on a little adventure just the two of them. Sam was so proud of Jack for picking a lock, and then so frantic with worry when Jack was taken.
Of course, Sam and Jack being paired off means we got time with just Dean and Cas which is a dream come true. We have the very depressing moment when Dean, fired up about the chance to kill Michael, says that they got a big win with no strings attached when they got Jack back. Cas obviously doesn't tell Dean the truth, but it's just so heartbreaking to watch Cas' face in that moment. Later, Dean says he won't truly be happy until he's killed Michael, and he says that his experience with Michael gave him new perspective on the horrors that Sam and Cas both went through when possessed by Lucifer. This "truly happy" line obviously echos the Empty's promise to Cas, and I'm getting really nervous about how they're going to break our hearts with this later on. I feel like Cas and Dean made a really good team in this episode. We saw how seamlessly they can work together, and how comfortable they are in each other's company.
There are lots of delightful little moments where we see how much these people care for each other. My favorite is when Dean and Cas are having trouble getting a hold of Sam, and they're both really worried about him. Sam finally calls, delivering the bad news that Michael has Jack. They race to go meet Sam, but Cas' final words are warning him not to go in there alone. Sam seems to agree, but of course he barges in anyway, desperate to get Jack out of there. Dean is obviously pissed off about this, but Sam said he had no choice, where Jack was concerned. There was a good economy of language in these moments, showing exactly how scared Cas and Dean were about Sam and Jack, without making a big point out of it.
And that ending. Like I said, this is surprising to absolutely nobody. Of course Michael has a way to get back in and control Dean once more. I loved his explanation - Dean was too squirmy when Michael was possessing him before. Dean couldn't gain control, but he was so desperate to get back to his family that he was annoying the archangel. So... Michael left. He wanted to get to a situation where Dean would realize that he was truly trapped, that there was no real escape for him. Now, instead of fighting every step of the way, Michael says that Dean is truly gone.
This is exactly what I predicted would happen, and I'm still super pleased with the result. I've been looking forward to seeing Michael!Dean more ever since we got those first few glimpses of him. There was so much we didn't get to experience before, namely, Cas and Sam playing off of possessed Dean, trying to get through to him. Now we get to see that, and we get to see Jensen play around with this evil character some more. I also like the way the moment was shot, where Dean is hesitating, confused, and then we just see his back as Sam, Cas, and Jack watch him break Kaia's spear. He turns around, and the struggle is already over - Dean is gone, and nobody had a chance to even try to intervene. That's pretty chilling!
I know that Jeffrey Dean Morgan will be returning for the 300th... I'm keeping my mouth shut on that one until I see how it plays out, though. Could be awesome, could be irritating. I can't wait to find out!
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