#but also make shran jealous
trekkie-in-space · 6 years
Alright then, shran and archer for those questions :)
I feel like you send me this just to please me. You should have send a ship you actually wanted to see. But thanks, I won’t miss the occasion.
who is more likely to hurt the other?
Shran, emotionnally and physically, he does not do it on purpose, more on accident. When I say physically, I mean he can be more abrupt not that he will hurt Archer on purpose at any time.
who is emotionally stronger?
A hard one.
Romantically -> Shran
Any other emotion -> Archer
who is physically stronger?
Shran, it’s canon, I can do a thing about it and don’t want to anyway.
who is more likely to break a bone?
Archer because he’s more fragile since he’s human.
Shran because he go into more fights.
who knows best what to say to upset the other?
Archer, he use weaks points and Shran react quick, he doesn’t need much to be angry.
who is most likely to apologise first after an argument?
Shran, because in Andorian culture the clan (all the mate united) must stay united as much as possible all the time. It can be a matter of survival so it’s very rooted in Andorian, mind and culture. He’s also more likely the one to make compromise for the sake of unity.
who treats who’s wounds more often?
Shran would treat any wound with a profund attention. Archer would send him to Phlox.
who is in constant need of comfort?
Archer beause he’s insecure af, but Shran is not far away anyway
who gets more jealous?
Archer, he can be jealous of anything, he also absolutely don’t like the fact that Andorian have generally more than one mate since they do not function on a binary reproduction system. It’s natural for Shran to have, need and love more than one person, Archer freak out about it all the time.
who’s most likely to walk out on the other?
I have no idea how to translate this sentence,I have no idea of what it’s supposed to mean. so um..
who will propose?
Shran, but in a total Andorian way, since Archer doesn’t know how Andorian propose he have no idea that Shran actually proposed him.
He will learn about it months after in a conversation when someone ask them why they don’t get married and Shran will just say “but we are engaged”
or just ask Archer “So it’s been a year, what date you prefers for the wedding ?”
Archer is just “??!????!? What ???!????!??”
who has the most difficult parents?
Shran, he have four, it’s twice the job for Archer. when he meet them, except for one, they are not easy at all, pure Andorian fabric and they ask trick, almost impossible, questions
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public?
Archer. Shran will be tactile in an other way, a hand in Archer’s back or on his shoulder at time, he will grab his arm to bring him somewhere, but it’s Archer who reach for his hand ALL THE TIME.
who comes up for the other all the time?
Again ????? I don’t know what it mean.
who hogs the blankets?
Archer do that all the time, he love hugging the blankets and feel likes the blankets hug him, Shran don’t care, Andorian are rarely cold anyway
who gets more sad?
Shran, because in his relationship with Archer he lack and miss a lot of things, like, more than one mate.
who is better at cheering the other up?
Archer, he do his best to know many way to cheer up Shran when he’s down.
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
None, they don’t slap each other. (I don’t think I understant this question either, whatever)
who is more streetwise?
Archer, since Starfleet is still blurred on many subject, he have to deal most of the things he encounter with his own moral and code, it’s pretty wild.
who is more wise?
It’s Shran, he is older, he gone throught more things, he had a starship so he can help Archer on plenty of things especially on ‘captain’ advice or dealing with crew or others alien. He is also the best to built a strong and stable relationship and always comes up with advices and good sense.
who’s the shyest?
Shran, most because it’s weird for him to be on an interspecies relationship, he deal with it less better than Archer. he’s also shy in public but won’t hide his relationship or deny it, he will defend it and won’t be shy about it, just a little reserved.
Archer at first because he is an oblivious gay. He took his love for Shran for a strong friendship (but felt weird about the strang strong feeling he had toward him) and when he started to actually acknowledge his friendship love as romantic love, he also had to deal with the fact he was, oh damn, gay (or bi, or pan whatever) he needed time to get used to it and had been shy for a moment until he fully accept himself and the fact he was in love with a blue bug
who boasts about the other more?
Both, in their way.
who sits on who’s lap?
Shran and he takes as much place as he can, if he sit beside Archer he will put his legs on him
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