#but as described above herobrine and alex have been taken
shortystack75 · 2 years
I’m gonna brain vomit my thoughts about minecraft gods anyone who doesnt wanna read that can keep scrolling
So I’m gonna separate them into 3 categories, explain, and give some examples before m a y b e talking about specific ones because my brain is melting rn
1. Broadly Minecraft. These are deities that exist, once existed, or possibly exist in every Minecraft server because it is minecraft.
The only ones that really fit into this category are Herobrine, Steve, and Alex. While talking about people at least, I’m also personally including The Void and The Deep as deities. 
For me, I imagine Herobrine to be something akin to a mix of Hades and Persephone in how his followers acted/worship, they use epithets and are afraid to speak his name, he is mysterious and they think him inevitable. 
Steve and Alex were once mortal, but ascended to godhood after their death. Enough people worshiped and became devout, built temples and left offerings, for their loyalty to seep into Alex and Steve’s spirits, making them probably the first made-not-born gods
The Void and The Deep are both less worshiped, but it wasn’t always this way. The towering and advanced cities of the end have since regressed and been nearly abandoned by their inhabitants after the dragon took power, and the cities of the deep dark were built to worship The Deep, praying for sanctuary from the world above as much as safety from The Deeps own creatures.
2. Cross-Server Gods. These are deities that probably started on an smp or other role play server but have been more widely connected or mentioned.
I’m obviously not going to be mentioning or talking about all of them, so the ones I’ll be talking about are Kristen/Mumza, Saint Pearl, and The Watchers
Of these examples, the only one I believe to be born/always exist in a godly way is Kristen, otherwise known as Mumza, and as a god is often referred to as Lady Death. Widely known and worshipped as a death god, she has connotations of being feared because of her alignment of death, but also seems to be mentioned to being a safe embrace for an afterlife. This last fact may be recognized because of partially mortal/divine beings having contact with both her and the mortal plane.
Saint Pearl, or Pearlescentmoon’s character from Empires smp season 1 that died and then returned as a deity in the Afterlife server and more, is similar to Alex and Steve in that she ascended after death. Her first worshipper was a friend of hers in her life, and after she died he seemingly kickstarted a religion that raised her to godhood. She is seen to keep much of her personality in her godhood, being friendly and up for playful sparring. 
The Watchers, despite being probably the most wide-spread cross-server deities, are also one of the most inconsistent. They have been shown to be both above and below other gods, as their original interpretation was to represent the audience of the Evolution smp. In my interpretation, each watcher varies in power, some above some below, and are some type of ‘artificial’ gods. Instead of being created from the faith of their followers, they are a group of mortal-turned-gods that are typically hand-picked by themselves.
3. Single Server Deities. These are deities that exist primarily on their home server. Some of them have been described as demigods or less powerful than others. 
There are obviously countless of these as there are countless Minecraft servers, so I’m only really gonna talk about DreamXD, Aeor + Exor, and Noxite.
DreamXD is a powerful god worshipped across his server, and is known to appear before his followers or those breaking the rules he sets. While I havn’t spoken much on the designs the communities have adopted for many of these, I will note how both DreamXD and Watchers are often depicted by fans with attributes taken from biblical angels.
Aeor and Exor are twin gods from the Empires smp. They are mentioned to be from what was likely a pantheon of other gods before the rest went dormant, and are notably one of the few non-humanoid deities here. This is likely because most gods are depicted by players, while these are mostly interacted with through lore and storytelling.
Now, you may be confused on why Noxite is in this category when MCC is canon to many different servers. This is because Noxite themself isnt spoken of in context to other smps, just MCC itself. MCC seems to have a pantheon of gods, as well as a champion, with Noxite as the head of said pantheon. When participants are praising or cursing in their realm, it is always either to Noxite, or their chosen champion.
Anyway guys my brain is fuzzy and full of bees have a good day
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splintergirl13 · 3 years
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The king of the aether wanted revenge on the moral who dare take his monster away from him. So the god ordered his subjects to carry forth 'justice'.
When the aether guards attacked, the mortal's family was stolen from him.
All that remained from the battle was his beloved's tattered green cloak, and his sister's armor and dual swords; torn off of the two as they struggled to protect him.
Now, the mortal is on a mission to save his family. 
And he's willing to do anything to get them back.
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