#but decided not to
paintdlady · 4 months
Every time I see a gif of little Percy Jackson flossing, I can’t help but think: “this kid is going to make a misery goddess choke on her own poison.”
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stargazeraldroth · 6 months
Red Flags (An [Unfinished] Errorink Oneshot)
Summary: Error asks Ink on a date to an unspecified AU. Ink accepts, despite his friends trying to discourage him from doing so. The date seems to be going relatively well until some concerning things start happening during their conversation. If only red weren't such a beautiful, attractive color.
Warnings: Human Centipede. That's it, that's the warning. And Error's text might be difficult for some people to read.
The date was going better than Ink had thought it would. Or, rather, it was going better than what Dream and the others were so paranoid over. Honestly, they could be so protective sometimes. Ink knew they meant well, but it could be a bit overwhelming at times. He's just grateful they didn't need to be convinced to not follow him to the restaurant.
That is, of course, assuming they just never told him about that. And were currently stationed somewhere he couldn't see, observing everything from a distance. It would be so embarrassing if they barged in and interrupted the date with their worries over Error being a "red flag".
Granted, if that did happen, the one saving grace Ink would have is that the restaurant was entirely empty except for him, Error, and the AU's Grillby. It was some kind of precaution, Dream said, to ensure that there were minimal casualties if something went wrong. Ink preferred to think of it as them being considerate of Error's dislike of social spaces. He had to admit, he was surprised the glitch suggested a dinner date instead of something like stargazing in Outertale. Not that he minded, of course! He was simply shocked Error was willing to step out of his comfort zone so soon.
"YoU'vE eAtEn FiSh BeFoRe, RiGhT?" Error asked, jarring Ink from his thoughts. "AsIdE fRoM sUsHi, I mEaN."
"R-Right!" Ink stammered, blushing at his hesitation. "There's so much that can be done with it! Uh… what's your favorite kind?"
"DoN't KnOw. I'vE nEvEr ReAlLy EaTeN aNyThInG oThEr ThAn ChOcOlAtE." He shrugged. "YoU wAtCh CaRtOoNs, DoN't YoU? AnY fAvOrItEs?"
"I wouldn't say I have favorites, really… I think they all have their unique charms. But some personal picks would be anything by Studio Ghibli- you know, like 'Spirited Away' and 'My Neighbor Totoro'? The Powerpuff Girls was pretty good too, I think. My favorite was always Blossom. Do you… watch anything other than Undernovela?"
"YeAh, I'vE wAtChEd SoMe MoViEs. ThE hOrRoR fRaNcHiSe IsN't ToO bAd, SuRpRiSiNgLy. AnOmAlIeS cAn MaKe GoOd CoNtEnT."
"… You know how I feel about you referring to the AUs as that."
"RiGhT, rIgHt. My BaD."
"So… any horror films in particular that you like? The Conjuring's popular, isn't it?"
"YeAh. BuT I'm InTo OlDeR fIlMs… SoMe PeOpLe SaY iT's A bAd MoViE, bUt I tHiNk It'S gReAt!"
"And what movie are we talking about?"
"HuMaN CeNtIpEdE."
Ink nearly spat out his drink, setting the glass down immediately. Error seemed a bit surprised by his reaction, his eyes going a bit wide and his smile wavering. Ink managed to swallow the liquid without choking on it, but still let out a few coughs after the fact. After a moment or so, he was finally able to get himself in check, and gave an awkward smile.
"'Human Centipede'…? As in, that 'Human Centipede'?" He asked.
"Is ThErE aNoThEr SeRiEs CaLlEd ThAt?" Error asked in return. "AnD I kNoW wHaT yOu'Re ThInKiNg, AnD tHe AnSwEr'S nO. I dOn'T lIkE iT fOr ThE gOrE oR bOdY hOrRoR, I lIkE iT fOr ThE pLoT!"
"Uh… I've never… watched the movie…" Ink admitted nervously. "I've only heard things about it… but! Uh, first time for everything…? What's it about?"
"DePeNdS oN wHiCh OnE yOu'Re TaLkInG aBoUt." There was more than the one!? "BuT sInCe YoU'vE nEvEr WaTcHeD iT, I'lL gO wItH tHe FiRsT oNe. ThE sEcOnD iS mY pErSoNaL fAvOrItE, bUt ThE tHiRd OnE mIgHt Be A bIt… InTeNsE fOr A nEw WaTcHeR."
By The Creators. What the hell happens in the third movie?
"AnYwAy, ThE sImPlE vErSiOn Is A GeRmAn DoCtOr KiDnApS tHrEe PeOpLe AnD sEwS tHeM tOgEthEr To TrY aNd CrEaTe OnE sYsTeM, sO hE cOnNeCtS tHeM aSs-To-MoUtH-"
Why did he agree to come on this date in the first place!? Sure, Error was fairly attractive and all, but he's… well… Error! Why would he have ever expected him to have normal interests when one of his hobbies was collecting people's souls!? He had stopped listening to whatever it was Error was saying, only catching an occasional word or two. He reached to his side and grabbed his phone, hoping to send his friends a quick text and ask them for some advice. Hopefully, Error would be so entranced by the sound of his own voice that he wouldn't notice Ink's distraction.
Just as he was about to hit the button to send his text message, sharp fingers appeared over his phone screen. The device was torn out of his hands and tossed in the air, skewered by blue threads. Ink watched, mouth agape as the pieces of circuitry and the case fell onto the table. His eyes reluctantly shifted to the person sitting across from him, locking with narrowed red sockets.
Red could be such a beautiful color.
"Is ThErE a ReAsOn YoU'rE oN yOuR pHoNe?" Error questioned, evidently displeased. "I wAs ExPeCtInG yOu To LiStEn To Me."
"I was… uh… um…" Ink stammered, struggling to think of an excuse. He couldn't just tell Error he was going to ask his friends to get him out of their date! He'd lose his mind! "I was… looking up the other movies! You said there's a third one, right?"
"… YeS. BuT yOu CaN't WaTcH tHeM oUt Of OrDeR! EaCh OnE sTaRtS wItH tHe EnDiNg Of ThE lAsT oNe, YoU'd SpOiL yOuRsElF!"
"Right… um, so the first movie… how does it end? Does it have a happy ending?"
"I wAs JuSt GeTtInG tO tHaT bEfOrE I hAd To SaVe YoU fRoM yOuR oWn CuRiOsItY. I hOpE yOu'Re PaYiNg AtTeNtIoN, InK. I'm QuIzZiNg YoU oN tHiS."
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messedupessy · 2 years
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FUCK YEAH ARSON (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ❤
I know I know, let papyrus say fuck day was 2 days ago on the 16th, but better late than never and I just really badly wanted to draw something for it, so have this messy thing haha xD
It’s messy but I had allot of fun with it, drew it in like one go and it was just really nice haha!
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lucyflawless · 3 days
no weed tonight for 420 guys. have to make do with beer. light one up for me 🙏
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marsixm · 10 months
had someone threaten to call the cops on me for something i didnt do and proved i didnt do. gotta love retail
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deathfavor · 1 year
@acandlelitdeath​ said: He's having tea in his garden again, seemingly talking to no one. There's a shift in the air, and a pull at the front of Kalluto's kimono from his hiding place by an invisible force. Just a gentle tug, guiding him closer to the gazebo he currently sat under. 'I know you are there child, come join me.' The shadows say.
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   Instinctively, the assassin’s muscles tense at a sudden pull to the fabric of his kimono, eyes darting to see. But there is no one to grab, nothing to stop, nothing at all he can do. ( He might be able to do many things even trained men couldn’t do, but he can’t very well grasp the wind or shadows.  )  His feet dig into the ground, a protest to the gentle tug that wants to pry him from his spot around the tree like oysters being cut off the rocks. 
   It only pauses when he hears the shadows speak, sharp gaze turning downwards to the shadows. So it WAS as he suspected. His gaze lifts to look towards Embrace who seemed to be...talking to himself, and then back down to the shadows. (Which begged the question if Embrace could SEE through them or not. He hadn’t thought much about that till now.  )
   Finally the youngest spider relents to shuffle away from the ancient tree trunk and slowly walk towards the gazebo. He almost contemplated asking when he should stop - but Embrace had said join. So after a brief delay on the steps, Kalluto crosses to sit in a vacant seat in the gazebo where it seems nothing is prepared. It feels assumptive and intrusive to sit elsewhere.
   “  ...I didn’t- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean- I just...saw you.  “  Kalluto struggles through a blended explanation and apology. He hadn’t been close enough to overhear, nor had he made an effort. But he had observed, curiosity distantly intriguing him.
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chainmail-butch · 4 months
One time I ate probably way too many mushrooms and I could feel my trip going bad. So, I turned to my roommate and I said something along the lines of,
"I feel amazing but I feel like this sensation has a price and I'm about to pay it."
To which he responded, "What are you, catholic?" And that knocked me so firmly out of my mental state that the rest of the trip was hands down the best time I ever did mushrooms.
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beaft · 6 months
a small child came into the café today and asked to buy a chocolate truffle. he tapped a credit card on the reader and it did not go through, mainly because it was not a credit card but in fact a junior cinema pass. i gently explained he couldn't use that to buy things in shops and he looked so gutted that i was like "...but just this once you can have it for free, don't tell my boss though" he said thank you and walked out with his truffle and as he went i heard him chuckling to himself and saying "yes..... yes!!!!!" like the sickos comic
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dovesick · 4 months
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endless night
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buboplague · 11 days
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a journey of pain, growth and persistence
(prints available here)
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stitchthesewords · 7 months
its rude to reblog things from people you arent mutuals with fyi. :/
💀 my brother in christopher
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feluka · 1 year
cat laziness is so contagious. you'll see your cat flopped on its back in your bed a completely comfy cozy baby and you'll be like. you're right. you make a compelling argument.
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elizabro · 2 months
aaron bushnell knew exactly what he was doing. he states his intentions with total lucidity and sense of purpose. he knows what he's about to do is extreme--he says so. he speaks calmly, but he's clearly terrified. he takes a deep breath after pouring the accelerant over himself. he has to psyche himself up to light the flame. he struggles with the lighter. he says "free palestine" normally once before he starts to scream it. even through his agony he manages to say it one last time before he stops being able to speak at all. this is a man with total conviction. he wanted to help people, in any way possible. this action was a moral one, and any news outlet painting this as simply a mental health issue is a disservice to his memory. he knew what he was doing when he burned himself in uniform. he knew that there was a chance that sacrificing his own life could go on to save many others. this was the ultimate act of selflessness, and it should be treated as such. may he rest in peace.
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its-your-mind · 6 months
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it’s been three whole entire years
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fleshadept · 2 months
looking at (vetted) gofundmes for people trying to escape palestine and i don't know how many of you actually click on the gofundme links you reblog but i would like to point out, for what it's worth, just how amazing it is that so many have raised so much money. it may overall feel like a drop in the ocean but the fact that several gofundmes have raised tens of thousands of dollars is amazing. it is so expensive to leave gaza right now, and people still need money after they escape. but regardless of what propaganda the US, UK, canada, and other western nations are trying to pump out, people across the world are doing what they can to help these people survive. many of them are still very far from their goals (like this one and this one and this one) and some of them are very close to high goals (like this one), and some of them have reached almost double their original goal.
and that's not even addressing direct aid or organizations that take continuous donations for distribution of food, menstrual products, etc. the PCRF has raised $16,000,000 of their target goal of $20,000,000 to fund current aid and long-term relief efforts in gaza. ANERA's febuary 13th update discusses the material ways they helped palestinians today:
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(ANERA donate link)
my point is, it often feels like the world is turning a blind eye to palestine. but i would like to point out that there is an important difference between "the world" and "western political leaders and media narratives". a breathtaking amount of real people, the people who make up the world, are trying to help. in the face of israel attempting to commit genocide, the world is saying No. These people deserve to live. and literally sending millions of dollars internationally, through the internet connection that israel has desperately been trying to destroy.
it may not feel like it matters in the grand scheme of things. but to the people who get fresh clothes, or a hot meal, or blankets, or the kids who get new toys, or to the people who are able to bring their families to safety, it matters to them. go make someone's day better. i've linked so many options with ways to do that.
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lastoneout · 9 months
People don't like to admit it bcs cringe or w/e but Homestuck really did revolutionize the webcomic as a storytelling medium and I am endlessly frustrated that before webcomic artists could really stretch our legs fucking webtoonz swooped in, set a new, more restrictive standard, and then monetized and monopolized the ever living fuck out of the concept of The Webcomic until it drove away anyone who couldn't be a professional quality manga artist for free, and now the only webcomics that actually feel like spiritual successors to Homestuck are so obscure they're basically cult classics that you have to beg people to read.
Like it's just so wild to be in high school and see Homestuck be like "we're using like fifteen different artistic mediums to tell this story bcs we can" and be really fucking inspired by that, only to grow up and see basically every webcomic ever have to conform to One Single Standard or fucking perish.
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