#but he was right that quackity can lore !!!!!!!!!!!!
royalarchivist · 8 days
Phil briefly talks about QSMP, the admin situation, Quackity, the new team, and the harassment both Quackity and the admins have been receiving.
Please listen to the clip and read the transcript in its entirety. Keep in mind that things can easily be taken out of context (even this clip, though I did try to include everything he said).
If you'd like to see the full unedited conversation, Phil started talking about last week's interactions with YD and Bad ~1h 57m into today's VOD, which led into this conversation about QSMP.
[ Complete Transcript ↓ ]
Phil: Yeah, she's great. Another- another reason why QSMP is just like... fuckin' incredible. That was like, not even ever going to happen without QSMP. Like, obviously it's had its problems, it's go– it's had its problems. Those problems are being rectified. All the people that were wrong'uns have been fired [Laughs] And Quackity's put a new team together. So like, I'm so happy that I'm like– that Q is doing everything he can right now to make it like, right.
But I am still just sad that Chayanne and Tallulah are just asleep, that is just making me real sad. So I've been like, logging on whenever I can to just like, hang out and stuff and just, you know, be around. But I am- I am just sad boy now. [Laughs] I've like– throwing all those penguins into the- the Spawn area was like, my limit. And the like, laughing with YD and Bad kind of cheered me up a bit.
But yeah, I'm sure most of you can agree. It's like, once- once you've been making content on a server a certain way, it's- it's been like, 6 - 8 months of like, the same like type of content I've been making on that server. It's been very lore-heavy, it's been very Egg hanging out with the Eggs and just chilling. Like, not even like doing anything crazy. We would just hang out. But yeah, I'm sure everyone's in the same boat. Like, we all just like, miss that, you know?
So... just gotta wait around. Just gotta wait. Wait for things to get better. Trust in Big Q.
But yeah, moments- moments like the other day, Chat, where me, Bad, and YD were just hanging out just like kind of... you know, it just kind of like... What's the word I'm looking for? Like, drills home how important the QSMP is and can be for connecting people. Not just now, but in the future. And like, that- I feel like that is something that's definitely worth protecting, or something that's worth like, seeing happen in the future with other people. Not even thinking about like, if I'm gonna be interacting with anyone like, thinking about like other people interacting with other people in the future. It's fucking- It's so cool.
Like, imagine seeing like, brand new streamers that you might've not have heard of interacting with people that you know right now. Not necessarily me or people that I know, but like– like, the connections that we've all made.
Dude, Me and Kristin went to fuckin' Switzer-France to hang out with these people! [Laughs] Cellbit and Lore traveled from fucking Brazil to Switzer-France to hang out! The- these connections are like, mental. Just never would have happened without the server, and that's definitely something worth protecting. And like, ensuring it is done the correct way in the future.
That means a lot to us Chat, it does– [Briefly responds to Chat] It means a lot to us and like, obviously the admins being well-taken care of is like, at the fore-front.
And Quackity speaks very highly of this new team. He's like- he's chatted to us like, in calls and stuff. He's been keeping us up to date on everything that's been going on behind the scenes, everything that he can tell us anyways. And like, he is very happy with this new team. He pretty much said that they are like, very passionate about the project, and we can like, trust that he trusts them to do a very good job. So...
Yeah, I'm excited but like, we just have to kind of like, wait. Like, there's a lot being changed around, there's a lot of plans. But the good thing to know is that the people that caused harm have been removed. And now the people that are like, in charge are like, very passionate about the project and just want to see everyone happy and succeed and be taken care of. But these things take time. So we just have to hang about, we have to wait.
[Responding to someone asking about what happened with QSMP and the Admin situation] I'm not going to go into too much detail, you can find out exactly what has gone on, and it's not as simple as black and white. It's- there's a lot of gray areas in there, and it's like very complicated, so you can go look it up yourself, but ultimately, all you need to know is that the initial admin team, the like, head people at the top that Quackity put in charge like ages ago when the server first started were making decisions that were like, not good for the health and also the well-being of the actors, and like, admins and like, the staff. So like, some staff were fine, other staff had a shit fucking time, and it was unfair and terrible and went unnoticed for a while, and then it all came out and Quackity's been like, fixing it since.
Most recently, he stepped down from the team because of like, how serious shit was getting. Like, people online have been fucking awful. And it's very dangerous at the minute for like the ex- like, members of the team, and also him. It's like- it's terrible.
So it's very heated, very– it's– again— and it's not as simple as just like "This- this is– this is right, this is wrong." It's like- it's very- there's a lot of muddled areas, and it's not as easy as just saying "This is exactly what happened." I'm summarizing. I'm literally just summarizing. But all you need to know right now, the latest update is that the team that are in charge are very passionate about the projects and are like, much, much better and will take care of the new people and the admins and all the actors and stuff a lot better than the last fucking team because the initial problem was that Quackity kind of like, took a bit more of a step back and he wasn't like, overseeing every single thing that was going on behind the scenes, but now he's had to- he's had to take a step back, he's been forced to take a step back, but he's left it in the hands of a team that he truly trusts this time. Like, he's actually fully-vetted.
So HOPEFULLY– again: there's more things that need to be done behind the scenes, and I'm not an official spokesperson, I'm just a person playing on the fucking server that my friend has made, and I'm very happy to support him, and I trust that he will do and continue to do the right thing.
But yeah. Not as simple as just [Snaps fingers] "This is this." It's like– there's so much fucking like, middle ground and shit that's gone on. And that's all I'm gonna say on it! 'Cuz otherwise it's just gonna go on and on and on, and people are gonna be like, "What do you know?" and be like "I don't know shit!" And the stuff that I do know, I probably can't talk about right now. There's like, certain things that like, can't be said, for legal reasons and stuff.
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witheredtoashes · 6 months
birds and their wings
Okay, okay, everyone.
Here's my piece, aka predictions, for the Phil and his wings lore.
He's not getting them back. Or at least, he'll be the last one.
Because he wants them.
As far as I know, phil is the only one to be actively asking the federation, admins, and Cucurucho for the restoration of his wings. Not only that, I think while it's a very common headcanon or belief that Jaiden, baghera, and quackity have wings and are avians, and this is accepted by the creators themselves, they've never wanted wings. They've never asked for them. Correct me if I'm wrong, since I don't watch them often, but the other avians on qsmp are birdlike and like to be considered birds, but.. it's not ingrained. And I say these things in comparison to Phil.
Day one, barely into the stream when he was on the train, Phil talked about his wings and them being clipped. IMMEDIATELY addressed why he couldn't fly, because flying is utterly ingrained into his movements, his thinking, and everything he does. If he's not flying, there has to be a reason.
Fast forward, Phil's getting more into lore. All of his lore is about the eggs and the federation, or his wings. Being a bird. It's starting to show in everything he does, and it's purposeful.
He's perching more, when he's idle. He's always perched high in his hardcore world or even in qsmp, wanting to get the best viewpoint to see what's around him, what dangers there are, and get a look of the land. But, he's perching in places where he doesn't need to do all that.
In forever's office. On the wall, which he knows is safe and knows the surroundings of. Whenever he's idle, he will parkour and climb to the highest spot he can reach every single time, out of boredom. But it's an instinct, and it's one he's PURPOSELY tying into being a bird.
Another reason- he's more birdlike than all the other avians. It shows in his movements, his words, even his morals. He thinks like a bird. It shows in every part of his character, not just design.
Phil treasures nature and natural things over everything. He likes large open spaces. He perched and builds on the wall, and then he COVERS it in grass and transforms it into a place bustling with life and nature. Natural, wild, a place where animals can thrive and live, like a forest. Somewhere where a bird would flourish.
Not only this, it's in his hardcore world. Which we KNOW is canon. Everything he builds is connected to nature and wildlife, or at least large open spaces he can soar around. Endlantis? The sea and life taking over the barren end, and it's BRIMMING with plants and animals and growth. The ocean monument? Come on, self explanatory. Nethervoid? It's a void, barren of life, but he has pockets of life and animals within it. It's wide open, letting him soar through and admire it and fly without fear. The spawn islands? Literally pockets of floating life. The wall around his spawn? A artificial stone structure, cold and unforgiving, being taken over again by nature, weathered away, and covered in vines, trees, and moss. Life is everywhere.
Now, qsmp.
Jaiden shows Phil his wings, right? She says she just "busts them out", like she's had them, fully functional the entire time.
One of Phil's first questions is "can you fly yet?" Because that's the first thing he'd do if his wings were whole. Hearing Jaiden is too shy, he groans like he's disappointed before saying it's alright. He asks if she's always had wings. He says he's glad she's got her wings and that SHE CAN FLY AGAIN. After complaining of his own fucked up wings, and how he can no longer fly.
Phil adds more lore to his wings, and connects back to them again. He says that with the damage and the amount of feathers clipped, he has to wear the heavy backpack to balance himself, because he's so used to their weight. Now that it's off, he can't walk or move properly without that weight being fixed. It's such a natural part of him that he adjusted to, he can't live without them.
When Jaiden spoke of caging the birds she's found, Phil paused, and he got that hesitant joking along but please don't be serious voice he often uses, saying "You let them out of the cages though, right?"
He's concerned of the detriments of being caged, and how birds need to be free and fly. Exactly what he can't do. He calls the island a cage.
Now, all this MIGHT be because of the cage for a cage punishment, right? But I don't think it is. I think this instinct was already there, and that lore built onto it and got him to show it more.
He's mindful not of being trapped in a cage again, but the harm of being trapped and confined and not able to fly. We all saw how he went a little insane in that birdcage, right? Dreaming of hardcore, thinking he was in there for weeks, and how it left him shattered and unable to trust himself and his reality without outside assurance. Aka, the pheonix. He didn't call cucurucho out for fucking with him, he questioned whether.. it really was real, and maybe thats why he couldnt lasso it. He relaxed when cucurucho said it saw the bird in the picture, and still hung onto that moment and HOUR LATER, saying it was still fucking with him.
And in the birdcage. He saw all his fellow birds, imprisoned, and the next time we see him? They're all free. They're flying around in the little space they can, while he's grounded.
Outside of that, he croons over every bird and keeps it safe. But when it comes to running out of cages, he lets the birds fly freely again in the SAME stream he found them, instead of making new cages. He looks after them. He knows the importance of freedom, and that's why he's an anarchist, that's why he hated the elections and the federation, that's why he plans and avoids shit not only to keep his little fledglings, his eggs, safe, but to also save himself from being forced to make a decision via blackmail or threats. That's why he didn't enter the election in the first place. He's spiteful and treasures his freedom over everything.
What I'm saying is, his instincts, choices, and nature is tied to being a bird, and being part bird is tied to every part of him. Moreso than the other avians.
So what does this mean for him getting back his wings?
Well, he wont.
It's power over him, now that the eggs are gone. Not a threat, because those make him spiteful and prone to lashing out- uncontrollable.
It's a promise of what he could have, given he behaves. If he listens to the federation.
The minute he has his wings, he's free, there's no more power. He's too buffed as a player to have them taken away again, he's too interconnected with everyone, and everyone will rush to his aid if he says he needs help. They'll never be able to harm his wings, and now, he's too anxious and cautious to fall into a trap. He doesn't trust the federation in the first place, immediately assuming their goal is to kidnap people, and he DEFINITELY doesn't trust messages from the eggs/about the eggs because of the birdhouse. We see this with fit, because when fit tells Phil he got a message from his eggs, Phil IMMEDIATELY asks him if he's sure it was real. Light and cautious, he won't step on the trap again, and he won't let anyone else either.
So, they keep his wings away from him. Taunt him with them, with the idea of getting them, in order to keep them in line. Why do I know this?
Well, they've already started.
Again, Jaiden has her wings. Early on, she goes to Phil's house with them, and he sees them and REALIZES the federation is restoring wings, or at least allowing people to use them. Getting his wings back becomes a possibility, while they use Jaiden to parade that fact around.
Quickly after this, Phil starts to ask the federation to restore his wings. Immediately when he sees them come to his house (coincidentally, some time after Jaiden comes and with Jaiden there.) he asks for his wings. They laugh at him.
Phil gets a quest from cucurucho, the being he constantly curses out and hates on, and he TAKES THE QUEST. Because he sees he can get a reward- something that isn't set in stone or written down. Something he can bargain.
So he does the quest, and then when cucurucho comes to reward him, he starts to bargain.
"is it my wings back? JK you wouldn't do that"
"def worth it for the god apple. still no wings though, y'know. Still no healed wings.."
"Yes, yes I did, thank you."
"Maybe repair my wings? Maybe repair my wings a little?" AND HE TURNS HIS BACK TOWARDS CUCURUCHO AND SH OWS HIM HIS CLIPPED WINGS,, "I can take off my backpack- oh, no, he's gone."
He turns his back to someone he knows has a gun, considers his enemy, and doesn't trust in the slightest. HE TURNS HIS BACK. In order to extend his wings and show them to cucurucho, show it the clipped ends, the most important part of him, as if to gain sympathy or further plead his case as "this is something that is broken, please fix it." To set things to right.
Cucurucho laughs, and leaves. No wings.
This leads me to believe that the federation will continue to ask tasks of Phil, because he is strong and smart and will get them done, and he will use it as a leverage tool of "hey, I'm helping you, why don't you help me?" And continuously ask them to restore his wings.
But they know that. And they'll say no. He'll do more and more.
Eventually, hell realize they're not going to give them to him. He's smart. Hell catch on. So what do the federation do to give him hope?
They give others their wings. They show him that there's a chance, because OTHERS are getting their wings, so why not him? He must not have done enough, it has to be a possibility. He can still work, and he can get them. He just has to do more.
Hell continue to work, because he sees it as a possibility. Subtly, they'll play him to be their strongest pawn.
And when he doesn't get his wings, even after all his work, I think he'll start to resent those with their wings. Jealousy turning into a little bit of hate, a little bit of bitterness at something so important to him being treated so lightly, not as priceless as he would see them. Not as treasured or appreciated. Hell be taunted with their freedom and how little value they give to it.
Everything recently has been trying to divide the islanders. Taking away their uniting goal, protecting the eggs. The create nerf scuffles. People working with cucurucho, their enemy, and foolish ratting everyone out. There's tension, and secrets are being kept, unlike before. But who's been allied with everyone, and who everyone trusts, despite it all?
Philza, with his honesty, plain to see goals, and lack of a motive or physical thing he cherishes over his friendships. There's nothing to use against him.
Until now. His wings. A way to create tension in Phil's life, a way to make him bitter, a way to control him.
By offering him his freedom, they'll be pressing him into a cage even smaller than before.
A cage made of glass, impossible for him to see.
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shikai-the-storyteller · 11 months
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A summary of the Guapoduo lore today because my heart is in tatters
Roier and Quackity are doing a bit and fighting each other at the Oxxo. Roier says "Help!" in chat. Cellbit sees it and gets worried, asking where he is.
Roier doesn't respond, so Cellbit gets even more worried. He starts checking the map to see where Roier is despite the fact he's in a dungeon with Forever
Eventually, Cellbit warps over to the Oxxo to check on Roier (he's fine). They have some banter, and Cellbit says he wants to talk to Melissa / the psychologist about something. Roier asks why he wants to talk to Melissa instead of him, and Cellbit says it's just because he wants to get something off his chest.
Quackity says he knows a doctor and relogs as Doctor Simi. They go to Roier's psychology office and ask Roier to wait outside so Cellbit can have a private conversation with Doctor Simi (Quackity).
(Roier secretly stays outside on the roof and listens to the conversation)
Cellbit confesses that he and Abueloier (Roier's "Abuelo" who visited the Island for the wedding) got into a fight because Abueloier was trying to stop / ruin their marriage. In the first incident, Cellbit was triggered by a cellphone and jail cell (which reminded him of his past) and he says he "accidentally" stabbed Abueloier 7 times. He says Abueloier pulled a chainsaw on him next, which triggered him more because Cucurucho attacked and tortured him with a chainsaw, and he stabbed Abueloier again and then buried his body
Doctor Simi (Quackity) tells Cellbit to lie to Roier, but when Roier comes back inside, Cellbit tells him the truth. Roier says he already knew, but he's disappointed and sad and doesn't want to talk to Cellbit.
Roier says he seriously needs to consider whether he still wants to marry Cellbit, and runs off.
As Cellbit is about to warp away, Doctor Simi (Quackity) attacks and kills Roier. Cellbit cancels the warp and runs to protect Roier, but Quackity is able to get around him and hit Roier one more time (killing him) then logs out.
Cellbit sets up a spawn trap and tries to kill Quackity when he logs back in, furious that he tried to kill his fiance.
Eventually the three of them all meet up again, and Quackity tries to help smooth things over (and even resorts to flat out lying and saying it's a cultural difference). Roier says he needs to find his Abuelo's body.
Cellbit tells him it’s fine if he doesn’t want to talk or if he needs time to think and asks Roier to remember one thing, and then he hands him an Amaranth (a flower that means eternal love -- the same flower he left in a chest for Roier when the Federation infiltration plan went wrong)
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They part ways, and Richarlyson hunts down Roier to talk to him. Richarlyson: He loves you very much, he was just scared that Abueloier would try to ruin the wedding. Roier: My Abuelo didn’t ruin our wedding. Cellbit did. There is no justification Richarlyson, imagine that someone came and tries to kill your dad. Richarlyson: But he’s sorry Roier: Yes, it’s fine, and I already forgave him, but right now I don’t want to see him, and I’m not going to marry him. First I want to know where my grandfather is. Richarlyson: But if you spend a lot of time away from him, he’ll be sad Roier: And I’m sad too
Ultimately, Roier says he still likes Cellbit, but he's sad and he wants to be alone.
Roier warps to Cellbit's castle to drop off Richarlyson, and barely says anything to him. Right as Roier is warping away, Cellbit says "I love you." Roier doesn't hear him.
Richarlyson chases down Roier to tell him Cellbit said he loves him. Cellbit chases after Richarlyson and tells Roier he doesn't want to pressure him. Cellbit: I just wanted to talk... I don't want you to feel pressured, I understand if you don't want to come back. [...] Even if you change your mind, I want you to know that the time I spent with you was very important to me, you were the only person who trusted in me. You were there when no one else was. Roier: Thank you. Thank you. Me... Me too Cellbit, but right now I'm sad, and angry.
Cellbit says goodbye in the usual way, calling Roier guapito and Roier responds saying “Goodbye Cellbit,” not calling him gatinho.
[Roier's POV] Roier wonders if he'll ever be happy again, and that Roier cubito being happy isn't canon. Roier: First the tacos, then Bobby… and now gatinho… what’s next? [...] Roier: Today they betrayed me again, they stabbed me in the back once more. Today, I’d put on my old clothes (Spider-man outfit) because I felt good… but not anymore.
[Cellbit's POV] Cellbit asks Dapper if he thinks he can revive Abueloier with a Death Totem. Bad doesn’t like the idea and is trying to discourage them, but Cellbit says it’s the only thing that can fix his marriage
Cellbit says he’s willing to sell his soul, to do anything to get Roier back, saying "There are no rules when you consider love" and "I WANT TO BE GAY MARRIED WITH MY HUSBAND"
Dapper says he may need someone related to Abueloier, so Cellbit says he’ll hold off the occultism until Roier comes back online.
Cellbit says he’s willing to sell his soul in order to get Abueloier back and make Roier happy. He says he will make this marriage happen – then elaborates and says, "but only if Roier wants to," he wouldn’t do it without Roier’s consent.
That's about it for now! We'll have to wait and see what happens next.
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pixiecaps · 3 months
Luzu in Regards to the QSMP
Sub Message: Hi Luzu, regarding your possible departure from the server it’s understandable and respected although it pains me. But it would be great to have a mini event of Arin's Lore as a farewell.
Luzu: It’s that I tried to do that but it coincided with Purgatory just then and it couldn't be done. And kind of like it doesn’t... you know? Uh. I think it coincided with two things. The first is that we had Minecraft Extremo when I wanted to do this goodbye event. Uh. Minecraft Extremo started right then so I had to do Minecraft Extremo for that week and bit. And just right after came Purgatory. So there was no time, and now I feel like it doesn't make sense, you know? Because it's been so long that people wouldn’t care, you know? So, uh, I reached a point where I could not enter the server apart from the time schedules, which are horrible. That is to say, for me. For me, the schedules that coincide with the people. This Quackity is well aware of. Uh, but it got to a point where the problem is that I couldn't roleplay anymore outside of what was going on with Arin. Because there was x things that I can do being the AI that's taken over my character's body, uh, then I can't participate in a lot of these crowded events with everyone on the server. Because it wouldn’t make sense that Arin is collecting wood or is doing things that are foreign.. to that.. to that to that story, you know, to the lore that he has. So, um, I think it's been a little too long now and I can't just log on and say hello, you know?
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svtskneecaps · 11 months
dude i fucking love how this server has communication as its premise and built into its fucking core. i fucking love that. bc it's one thing to be like 'this server is about multilingual communication and cultural exchange!!' bc that could present in any NUMBER of ways but like. with the federation and the eggs and a common shared goal they all decided WE ARE A TEAM. and like, ok,
when baghera was sus of jaiden because of the thing when pomme died and jaiden had been the reason baghera left her side for the only time that day, i wasn't even worried. i wasn't worried bc i was like "we just wait. because i know they will TALK TO EACH OTHER." and I WAS RIGHT. TWO DAYS LATER IT WAS ALL CLEARED UP AND BAGHERA WAS HELPING HER OUT WITH CUCURUCHO
and the ordo theoritas is functionally a secret organization. it would be SO EASY to gatekeep the lore, on grounds of "the federation is always watching and anyone could be a spy" and yet the ordo theoritas says that, like bad SAYS THAT, says OUT LOUD, "anyone could be a traitor" and then turns around and goes "hey person i've had a few days' worth of conversations with, here's a detailed rundown of everything we've learned about the island's mysteries, and the secret location of the ordo base". SOFIA was supposed to be secret from everyone, and for a little bit she was. but now like, the ordo theoritas is showing her to everyone. it would be SO EASY to hide things and to gatekeep things but they just. don't do it. here's the supercomputer!!!! don't forget to grab her waystone so you can come back anytime!!!
bad learns something. "i need to tell forever/cellbit/baghera". forever figures out a new way to protect the eggs, and he gets it to everyone within days. cucurucho tries to have a secret conversation and the entire server knows about it almost instantly and there are three people buried in the walls reading the subtitles and giving each other meaningful glances
i love it. i love it. miscommunication plotlines drive me up the fucking wall and the fact that i wasn't even SCARED when jaiden and baghera could easily have angled into an angsty tangled web of that and instead just MET WITH EACH OTHER AND EXPLAINED EVERYTHING AND CLEARED THE AIR ALMOST IMMEDIATELY was so fucking breathtaking. and this is a multilingual server. this is a MULTILINGUAL SERVER. i love it. i love it so much i want to cry. it's a server for communication and people Communicate, it would have been SO EASY to slip into monolingual factions and stick to the familiar but they DIDN'T. they DIDN'T. WE GET TO HAVE A THEORY TABLE WITH SO MANY LANGUAGES SITTING AROUND IT. we get to have conspiracy walls in every language!!!! idk sometimes i forget how fucking CRAZY all this is, like the scale of what they've accomplished
so yea thank you to quackity and the qsmp admins for this, and thank you to the streamers for hearing 'this is about connections' and taking it ENTIRELY to heart, and also thank you to whoever the fuck decided to give quackity's school class the job to look after a fucking egg to learn about parenting. bc holy shit. holy shit.
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fairytsuk1 · 5 months
alex kept his car neat and in good condition, he was certainly wealthy enough to be able to replace it should the time ever come but he preferred to keep his things as long as possible. Especially when it had so many memories attached to it.
“this is your car?! It’s so nice!”
It was the car he picked you up in for your first date, he recalled you wearing the prettiest sundress that, when the wind picked up just right, nearly showed the lace of your panties. He’d swallowed and nodded, the nerves of seeing a pretty girl smiling at him and the way he was beginning to fill out in his boxers was making him light headed.
“yeah, you like it? I just got these little, these fucking car things so it smells really good.”
You nod and lean forward to inspect the hanging heart that emanated, is it called “Ambrosia?” You’re racking your brain for the definition while Alex clears his throat and looks at everything that isn’t the way your tits fill out the dress perfectly.
“Isn’t ambrosia a sex thing?”
“...What?! No, no! The–the lady said it was just a nice smell I don’t even think–”
You burst into laughter, the poor girl probably felt so rejected after Alex was clearly clueless to what she was implying by giving him this car scent. It was embarrassing for him, but it started the date with a lightness that made the whole thing seem like water off a duck’s back.
He asked you to be his girlfriend two weeks later, and in that very passenger seat; you rewarded him with the sugariest kiss he’d ever gotten. Even your lipstick stuck to his cheek, he almost didn’t wipe it off because who would?
“I just think, like, for Las Nevadas you should…”
Getting fast food late at night was a simple pleasure that he didn’t always give himself, but after a day of wandering and driving, the Wendy’s fries seemed too irresistible to not buy them. Plus, you’d given him puppy dog eyes, so maybe there were other forces at work.
“Sorry, I was looking for ketchup! Anyways, you should give him a happy ending! Maybe.”
“Hah, that’s never happening. It just doesn’t fit! A happy ending for character Quackity? Maybe when the world ends.”
He realized he might have loved you when you shrugged and said, “maybe I just want to see Alex and Quackity happy.”
Maybe it was stupid to change your lore for your girlfriend, but he at least gave it some consideration. For you, anything. It was no surprise that eventually, you two would fuck like rabbits in his car. It was only natural, you looked amazing in your black dress you wore for dinner and every time Alex shifted in his seat… his gold chain made you want to ride him till he fainted. Having it dangle in your face as he fucked into you seemed nice too, safe to say, you two were pent up.
His hand lay firm on your thigh, tips of fingers just going under the hem of your black dress because he knew it teased you just enough to imagine him moving higher, he knew that you knew how much he liked it when you begged. Then, he’s pulling into the driveway and taking his hand away to put you two in park.
“I’ll let you say it,” he gives you a goofy smile but his eyelids are low and his legs are suspiciously spread on the wheel, “do you wanna go inside?”
You don’t even verbally reply, just immediately taking him into a gasping kiss as the tension boils over and bleeds into the passion that courses through your veins. He nearly whimpers, and his hands immediately go to your thighs that he pulls over onto his own lap, “wait, gotta, ngh, the seat.”
“Don’t wanna wait, want you now,” you plop yourself down and immediately grind your clothed clit on his bulge, lips kissing every inch of bare skin you could find.
He adjusts the seat so he can lean back, and pants with the way you needily grind yourself down into his lap, “you’re so needy, can barely adjust my seat and you’re already, fuck, you’re already grinding on me like I’m some kind of pillow.”
Alex is so wordy, it eggs you on and you almost think you could cum like this until strong hands are gripping your hips and bringing you to a standstill.
“What did I say? I wanna hear you say it,” his forehead touches yours as you squirm in his grip, “tell me what you want.”
Nearly salivating, you feel yourself grow smaller as his voice hits you hard with the ruggedness and pure dominance dripping from every word.
“I want, want you to fuck me! I’m so wet for you, I’m a mess! I wanna cum all over your cock, I wanna…wanna feel you inside of me and want you to,” you lift your dress up and his eyes are nearly popping out of his head, “I didn’t even wear them for you. ‘Cuz I knew, I knew you’d wanna do it here. I know you think about it.”
You were right, and it made his cock even harder that he immediately took a hand off you to work on unzipping his dress pants. It was sweet, in all your neediness you took a hand down to help him out, both of you working together to free him from the confines of his underwear and pants.
“God, you’re so fucking beautiful. You smell so good, and I wanna, just wait. Need to prep you, make you feel good for a bit.” Thick fingers rounded your thigh and came to brush a finger through your folds, gathering the wetness that he was sure you were nearly dripping onto him to feel how badly you wanted him. Stuttering, you spit on your hand to work his cock and feel the precum drip down to his balls and make a mess on his seats.
“Alex,” you panted in his ear when he curled his fingers inside you to feel the way your gummy walls fluttered around him, carving his name inside of you with his fingers and soon his cock, “love it. Love your fingers, love you…”
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pops my head through your door hey just checking to make sure you're keeping a healthy boundary between character and content creator and also your own feelings
right now, qbad is going through a character arc of feeling ignored and unappreciated and not valued and i am seeing a Lot of people worrying that this reflects ccbad's experiences and that ccbad is having an unpleasant time on the server because he hasn't had a main character moment yet. i know a lot of us have Past Server Trauma about how cubito care is handled so here are a couple points of reassurance.
the admins are so good. you guys the admins are so good. no one on this server can shut up for two seconds about how amazing the admins are and how on top of making sure everyone has something that fits their own playstyles they are. the admins have made errors here and there but they have been super on top of correcting them quickly and appropriately and they clearly care a lot about their server members
quackity was literally at the Red Banquet. quackity knows what badboyhalo can do when badboyhalo wants to do a big lore moment. that was probably a factor in bad being invited to the server in the first place
long story short, qbad is angsting and the angst is fun. absolutely hype up bad more! bad deserves so much hype! but there's not much indication yet that we need to fret about ccbad not being taken care of
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kadextra · 6 months
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about current lore, so it’s time to ramble my thoughts/theories/analysis whatever you wanna call it >:D
(long post get ready)
Alright, let’s talk about q!Cellbit… there is a lot happening with him rn. It’s been so crazy keeping up with all the enigmas lately
(these next thoughts about the character will all be centered on the idea that this is indeed him doing the worker murders, and he’s not being framed.)
His emotional state is unrestrained, and returning to past ways of violent behavior from the days of war and prison. he’s not repressing his feelings anymore, no more holding back. I could go on about these emotions and what they mean for him, but instead I’m gonna talk about the strategic reason I think q!Cellbit would want to kill the workers to begin with. I strongly believe that even if he’s in madness, no way is he mindless. his intelligence is sharp like the point of a dagger, and aimed straight at the federation. this is a plot of revenge on the “little bear” after all. “his toys will keep falling until he pays for everything.”
This is a guy that’s always careful about not leaving traces in all the investigative work he does, but here q!Cellbit is choosing to leave the bodies around the main spawn area where everyone can see, complete with encrypted messages next to them meant for Cucurucho to read (intercepted by q!Bagi) that so obviously leads right back to him. an intentional move, he stated in one of the messages that it’s a show and he wants people to watch- wants Cucurucho to watch, and hopes for the hunt to continue. though I think by being so obvious, he ultimately intends to get caught. ofc it’s not turning out the way he wants because q!Bagi is getting there first, but he is still set on a self-destructive path that I can only see ending up with him going down in a fight… but only after damaging the federation to a degree they can hopefully not recover from. which we know is his goal, he said as much in his last conversation with q!Bad.
Back then, q!Cellbit talked about how he realized that since q!Bad kidnapped Ron, it caused the federation to get into a lot of problems, he saw how going after the workers could cause some big damage. in the federation’s reports it’s shown how they had to put vital resources that would’ve gone to finding the eggs & pacifying the chaotic islanders into their own internal affairs, because all the workers were freaking out over the kidnapping. it was bad enough to make them need to hire psychological professionals to give therapy, send out people to search for Ron, and assign guards to the A-ranks so they could move safely around the island.
All the employees were already in constant fear over the past several weeks that they’d be the next one to disappear… and now here comes q!Cellbit turning the fears into a living nightmare.
Fast forward to today with workers being targeted left and right. as for why it’s only B-ranks? maybe because the A-ranks are too hard to catch alone right now (Bad also had trouble) but B’s are still a high level and can cause some major chaos as seen by Ron. and they just keep on dropping.
q!Cellbit’s building on this snowball of terror that q!Bad set off, all to crash into the federation and send it into even more disarray. it’s working. which gets even more chaotic when you factor in how he’s not even the only one doing something like this right now. q!Etoiles is unintentionally adding to it by breaking into federation facilities on behalf of the resistance and mercilessly taking out more workers. plus how the federation doesn’t even know q!Quackity has A-rank Fred locked in a jail. (or maybe the higher-ups know. tbh I still don’t know how qQ did this and still think the situation is sus. I have the theory that the federation let it happen as fred’s punishment for getting close to an islander)
Agent 18 told q!Foolish that all the employees are scared out of their minds right now with the danger of kidnapping + getting assassinated by the killer. they are staying shut inside the office cubicles and are too afraid to go outside alone. Agent 18 literally stepped out for 5 minutes, heard a small noise and it was enough to send them running back to hide
it’s clear that the federation workforce is now in shambles, and honestly I wonder how many might be getting disillusioned with the federation’s ability to protect them…. because yeah they are very weak right now. which is why I believe the federation has been introducing all this new tech to cut the losses: Minimes to give the workers an army as protection (failed because it was stolen by the islanders) and Cucuruchito placed at spawn, one of the main islander meeting points, and where it just so happens the worker murders are
Cucurchito is intended to passively gather intel for the federation, which I think they’re in dire need of because I am seriously doubting in the federation’s ability to know anything about what’s happening in these current events. they are in a rough state, just as confused as we are about where the eggs disappeared to, the islanders are all going crazy. they don’t know what the dark matter is and also somehow lost the president in the nether, there’s an obvious egg who’s supposed to be dead running around which they aren’t doing anything about. they got distracted from Ron’s case, don’t know Fred is missing, who the culprits behind both that and who is doing the worker murders are. employee morale is below negative.
but everything is a-okay because they have this little creature now!!! he’s the perfect solution :3
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okay that’s the end of my rambles :D
I love the lore and as always, hope for future events to be unexpected and surprise me!! it’s really nice to have theories confirmed, though I also enjoy getting proven wrong ^^ excited to see what happens next, it be chaos on these quesadilla island streets
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rainbowchaox · 5 months
Look Look this is my opinion
Philza is blunt and yes isn’t always in lore mode maybe he full on was like explaining Tallulah pov out of canon.
But sunny as a character can react negatively to that and that would be valid. Sometimes the best rp comes out from things you didn’t expect to be lore.
Both Philza and Sunny are right. Philza can mean nothing but that can be easily be everything for Sunny. And that’s completely natural. In fact I’m personally glad that adults and the new eggs (and the egg beef going on) is a thing. You don’t need slime or Quackity wanting to kill eggs for delicious angst. You can have adults fail kids emotionally and them not meaning too. And kids can easily react more to something an adult thinks it’s nothing. It’s a gray situation.
And both Philza And Sunny can act and feel how they like. It’s called good roleplay those are my thoughts lol.
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errorryx · 1 year
I've been falling off the quackity sexyman train despite having made a propaganda post for him, but it's 4am and i'm kind of obsessed with the idea of him winning now. i was fully ready to call it here and maybe i will be again tomorrow but right now. quackity covered in blood, quackity increasingly desperate as everyone he knows falls around him, quackity alone in the world against a bunch of strangers who have all murdered his friends, that kind of melodramatic imagery as well as the 4am insanity that lets me actually think about dream smp lore again in the way it deserves—i don't know, guys, i actually think it would kick the most ass ever if he managed to win.
one of the things that draws me to cquackity the most is his rage. he's always so confident in the righteousness of his anger, in the inherent justice of his cause, and god knows he gets into fights. especially fights he knows he can't win. he gets so caught up in his convictions, and his trauma is so, so clear in everything he does. you can see this in his fierce anger against perceived injustices, in his constant need to prove himself, in his desperation, in his short-sightedness being his own downfall, again and again and again. but he gets back up! he gets back up every fucking time! even at the end, he gets up and he rebuilds because he literally cannot do it any other way. he can make himself into something abhorrent, but he can't give up and die.
i won't campaign against joe hills, who has also thoroughly earned my respect, but i will keep campaigning for quackity, the last member of the dream smp left standing. the only one, in the end, to hold his fucking ground and fight to the bitter end. and he will fight, because there's never been another choice for him.
dear god, i want him to win. i want him to win for every one of his fallen friends, enemies and allies that should have been stronger than him, but fell while he slipped through the cracks into another slim margin of victory. i want him to win for himself, because no matter how awful he is, he's a goddamn masterpiece in his own right. i want him to win for me, because i am fucking insane about him.
and win or lose, i think i am going to write a goddamn fic.
anyway, dsmp people, vote for quackity. he's the final girl we deserve.
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rinline · 3 months
Ok 3:00 am Theory time
In the QSMP trailer towards the end we hear Charlie and Quackity talking to each other on the train to the island. I don’t know if this was purposeful or accidental but Charlie and Quackity are not on the same train. Charlie is on the Left Train while Quackity is on the Right Train. If it was purposeful maybe that conversation that you hear was from before they got on the train? If not then maybe Charlie, as a slime can split himself in different part and a small bit was with Quackity idk.
Moving on we then hear Wilbur talking to someone where he says “ I just don’t get it. Why are they putting us in different trains?”
At first I thought he was talking about how they separated the guests into two different trains to the island instead of one. But I had a thought that maybe they separated the group he was traveling with.
Foolish and BBH have both stated that they have memories of the DSMP. Whether that was a past life or memories from that time have been removed we don’t know.
Taking this info we can hypothesize that maybe Quackity and Wilbur were traveling together to this island and Wilbur, in the previously stated convo, was talking about why they separated two people who were traveling together?
Cool. Now who is Wilbur talking to?
Well as both him and Philza were on the same train the probability of Philza being the second person makes sense. Especially if we go with the thought that DSMP is something that actually happened in the past.
Now onto recent lore as of posting this.
In the crime as to why the Islanders are arrested by the federation Philza is marked as having “Trespassing and Illegal dimension crossing”
From what I’ve seen only three other people have this crime Foolish, BBH, and Fitmc. Now we know why Fit has that crime. He was not on the original guest list, someone got him a a ticket so he can go in as a spy to report back info from the inside.
Going off this info does this mean that Foolish, BBH, and Philza were not originally on the guest list? Did Phil come to the island to do something or did he come to make sure Wilbur was ok? Why do Foolish and BBH, who are both immortals if I may note, also have that crime?
Idk it’s 3:00am, I’m going to bed.
-Crimes are on QSMPinfo twitter
-BBH and foolish convos of dsmp are on their wikis
-Who was on what train is also on the wiki
Here’s the trailer
If I missed anything or made a mistake plz let me know and In the end this is just a crazy theory
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malichev · 4 months
Attention: This publication has sensitive topics, talking a little about the current situation of CC Forever and my position in relation to future posts. If you don't feel comfortable, please skip it.
------------------------------ I confess that, because I wasn't on Twitter VERY much, I wasn't up to date, but I started seeing posts here and decided that I needed to update myself a little on the situation. Apparently, tweets were unearthed, with comments and interactions'' from Forever with a minor, for those who don't know, in Brazil, under 18 you are a minor. At the time he must have been 19 or 20 years old. Despite understanding that people change over the years, technically, he committed a serious crime for which, it appears he never received a type of punishment, it appears that it was kept in the closet'' and has now been unearthed. So, it's a delicate topic, so I understand those who no longer want updates on it. Now, for those who were waiting for a statement, he opened a live to talk about the subject, but people were disappointed, especially the way he dealt with the topic, he said that they distorted his tweets, so he deleted them (in fact more than 900 tweets disappeared), and then said that he will sue the people who made a thread on Twitter with his posts. Honestly, I decided to go after these supposed tweets, and to be honest, the things I read were a bit…bizarre? I understand why people are not comfortable, I don't know how the case will go, but apparently the ´´victim´´ exists, he made strange tweets and she was indeed a minor. So I think Forever saying they distorted his tweets wasn´t the best argument. Overall, I didn't find it a really satisfactory statement. And honestly, some of their fanatics, because it's not a fan thing, it's a fanatic thing, are making the situation worse by trying to erase the problem, wanting to use other CCs' mistakes to defend Forever, they just forget that if the other CCs have already recanted, or even ``paid for their mistakes''. They are not going to save Forever by using other people as a shield, especially since the Forever case happened years ago, BUT it has now been discovered even by the Brazilians themselves, and it is something that is STILL open, there has not been any kind of resolution and, the worst part, is that it can still be considered a serious crime depending on the justice system, because apparently there will be a legal fight.He said he hired lawyers.
What will this result in and how will it affect his presence in the QSMP?
Let's find out, I just ask that you be patient with Quackity, the team and even the others CC´s, many of them probably don't know anything because they are on vacation, and even if they don't want to get involved that's their right since, because currently, they are not actually involved in the problem. I honestly don't even know how the information will reach them, especially those who were closest to Forever. I believe that, just as the community is in shock, not wanting to believe, whoever is his closest friend will also be in denial. In conclusion: Because I was also uncomfortable, I'm going to avoid talking about qForever and Forever as much as possible in future posts, unless there's no way out, after all, the sad thing is that he made a memorable character in Lore, and it seemed like he was going to have more about him. Now I don't know what happens. Anyway, I hope you take care of yourselves, don't stress, and if you want to take some time off social media, I recommend it.
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jackinthebox80085 · 6 months
C!Wilbur and C!Quackity’s dynamic is so. Interesting to me.
I’m going to go chronologically, and break it down in the way that I view and imagine the lore.
The Elections
When Quackity first joins the server, Wilbur is at the top of his game. He had just won his country's independence, people were singing his praises, and as the cherry on top, he was rigging his own election. He was winning, unopposable.
Then Quackity comes in, and suddenly Wilbur is faced with someone with equal passion, brains, cunning, and fire, and Wilbur feels threatened.
And from Quackity’s view, he has met this charming, slimy, bastard with a silver tongue. Quackity is incredulous that Wilbur could be so smug as to try to rig his own election. It isn’t fair, and it isn’t right. So Quackity does something about it.
And this leads to the spark of their rivalry, the most physical kind. Opponents of an election. Wilbur’s place on top is now threatened by this young, scrappy malcontent, and Quackity has just found out how underhanded the supposed leader is, the man people sing praises to.
But here’s the thing, Wilbur sees himself as above Quackity, and Quackity does too. Because Wilbur has everything, a country, friends, the world behind him. And because now Quackity is someone with a good chance at taking that all away, Wilbur feels threatened.
Because of this, Wilbur talks down to Quackity, mocks him, tries to break his spirit, tells him that there is no way he wins the elections, and most importantly, his words ring true. Quackity doesn’t have support, his vice sleeps through half of the debates, and Wilbur can twist his words and make him a joke and a fool in the eyes of the people. Quackity can’t win a game that Wilbur made.
So what does Quackity do? He changes the game. He brings in Schlatt, and suddenly Wilbur has his back against the wall, as he realizes that it’s not good enough to just get over 50% of the voters, if Quackity and Schlatt pool their votes. Wilbur is losing control, all because some scrappy young misfit came in and ruined what he had created.
Wilbur can’t understand how this pathetic man managed to outsmart him, because he truly doesn’t think Quackity could equal him.
Then–and this is most important–Quackity wins.
Quackity, to him, has beaten the smug, underhanded bastard Wilbur, by playing his game better than he did. And Wilbur is devastated. He has just lost everything, and Quackity took it away from him.
But here’s where things change.
Because Schlatt is now in the picture. And he’s a bigger fish than Wilbur could ever fry. He’s more dangerous than Dream, at this point, because where Dream is crazy, Schlatt’s psychotic. Dream has motives, reasons to do things, whereas Schlatt operates on anger, malice, and spur of the moment decisions. He is too unpredictable, and this comes to a head when he exiles Wilbur and his little brother from their own damn country, forcing them down into the underbelly of the city, in a cave system that runs so tangled and deep, the walls grow hot as they near the Nether.
And Wilbur seethes. In his eyes, Quackity got Schlatt on top through an unfair strategy, giving him the power to hurt Wilbur. Wilbur knows that he couldn’t have done it without Schlatt, without pulling the rug from under Wilbur’s feet, and Wilbur still views him as pathetic. Because Wilbur lost unfairly. Quackity would have never won if Wilbur had prepared.
Their positions have almost entirely flipped, for a short while, now Quackity is on the top of the world, or at least, second to Schlatt. And for this, Wilbur holds a twisted fascination in the man, becoming obsessed with taking him down.
So what does Wilbur do? He rebels, he starts a resistance, and he begins scheming to take Schlatt and Quackity down. Because here, Schlatt is the biggest problem. And his sanity begins to slip just a bit, he begins to lose his footing, but he doesn’t care. So what if he hears small voices in the crackling of a fire, eyes watching him from the cracks in the walls. So what if there are buttons on the walls? Better to destroy all evidence of a rebellion than to be caught.
Then Schlatt does something.
It doesn’t matter what, but it is the straw that breaks the camel’s back, and Quackity finally concedes to himself that Schlatt’s regime has gone too far.
Because while he put up with it, he noticed how unnecessarily cruel Schaltt was being, how unfair he was, and he found himself resentful of being Schlatt’s lackey, his lapdog. His second place. And he hears whispers. About Wilbur, the former president’s quiet rebellion.
And he runs.
He finds Wilbur and Pogtopia, and offers his help. And of course Wilbur is suspicious, and hostile, and sickeningly condescending to Quackity, demanding Quackity’s reason for trying to help, and asking if he’s finally realized the mistake he made by not teaming with Wilbur, in the smuggest, most sickly sweet voice Quackity has ever heard.
But here’s the thing–Quackity is hurting. And he just tells Wilbur that he needs to get rid of Schlatt, and won’t elaborate.
Because admitting defeat would mean admitting that he never won.
And Wilbur sees Quackity, his shining rival, now cast down exactly as WIlbur had been, by the same man, (ignoring the fact that Quackity willingly brought himself down because he saw the unjustness in Schlatt’s regime, whereas Wilbur was forcibly exiled) and he gets an idea (the cause of 99% of C!Wilbur’s problems).
He brings Quackity into Pogtopia, lets him help, because it shows how he’s the better person. He will cast aside his rivalry in order to help Quackity, and he has no problem saying it directly to his face. And Quackity realizes the underlying message. Wilbur, his rival, has crafted the opportunity to sell Quackity out as a traitor, therefore permanently bringing him onto the side of Pogtopia lest Wilbur tell Schlatt.
Wilbur found a way to gain power over Quackity, putting them back on the same plane again, each one able to sell the other out.
But it is here, where something also changes. Because in the dark caves of Pogtoipa, Quackity notices Wilbur’s change. The once charming, bright, charismatic leader is now a twitchy, manic, unsettling husk of himself, his royal blue coat and tricorne exchanged for a tattered trench coat and beanie. And Quackity finds a silent part of himself mourning the loss.
And Wilbur begins thinking almost the exact same thing. Quackity, his once fiery rival’s smile has dulled to a resigned grimace at everything. But Wilbur doesn’t get sad, he gets angry. Angry at Schlatt, angry at Quackity for letting himself get there, angry at the world for putting them in those godforsaken caves. And this anger poisons his mind even more, chips away at his sanity even though he doesn't even understand why.
So here, their rivalry quiets, because they have to trust each other. They are allies, in a sense, and the dark caves get lonely at night. And they don’t talk, instead seeking solace in silent presence. An extra healing potion brewed and left out in easy reach. Niki’s birthday.
November 16th
Then, the fight happens, and it happens fast. Quackity loses track of Wilbur, but he doesn’t care as the scene of Schlatt keeling over keeps playing in his head, as he fights to protect his precious lives.
And Wilbur watches the fight, and I could go into the details of why he blows up L’Manburg, but I won't, here. But he blows up L’manburg, and the last thing he sees are Quackity’s eyes, wide with shock before he is stepping into a train station where he will wait for–to him–13 ½ years.
And Quackity watches Wilbur blow himself up, and his heart practically tears itself apart with conflicting feelings. He is happy that his rival is dead, that the lying, underhanded, bastard is in pieces now. But a strange void rips itself into his heart.
Because now, there is no one to challenge him. No one for his anger to focus on, no one to thwart his moves and banter with.
The Butcher Army and the Fiances
Now, Quackity has no rival. So he makes one. He goes after Technoblade, looking for some release to his anger, his conflicted feelings that keep him up at night that he doesn’t understand. Quackity is no longer the vice president, no longer part of Pogtoipa, just a side liner in a country he originally opposed. And he feels like he has no place. So he starts the butcher army, and what does he get? A pickaxe to the face and a blind eye.
So, Quackity turns to something else. Maybe, if he finds love, the weird, spacey feeling in his heart will close up again. And yes, he does find some fiances who he loves with every inch of his heart, and he feels like he might have a place, he builds an entire country for them to live in, transports each grain of sand to create a desert–until they leave him. Forget him.
And Quackity grows bitter.
Las Nevadas and Wilbur’s Revival
And now, here’s where it gets interesting, and possibly a little mushy.
Because this whole time, Quackity hasn’t had a place. Not an equal place. Not in the election, he was the new guy who didn’t fit in. Not with Schlatt, where he was simply the lackey behind the monster of the regime. Not with his fiances, he was always an outsider, the third wheel in his own relationship. Not even in Las Nevadas, where he stays in his office, where people see him, but not him.
Come to think about it, the only time where he was evenly matched, where he truly had a place, was being Wilbur’s rival. Someone who he could keep up with, someone who could keep up with him, and someone who always made a place for him, to argue with.
Then Wilbur is revived. And when he sees everything that Quackity has done, he is in shock, because now his rival, the man he used to view as pathetic, has done what Wilbur couldn’t do–he built a country that stood. Quackity is no longer the passionate, good hearted, yet pathetic man Wilbur once saw him as. For the first time, Wilbur sees Quackity as his equal.
And when Quackity sees Wilbur, his glory gone from years in limbo, his coat tattered and a five o’ clock shadow gracing his face, he feels powerful. He has beaten Wilbur, the man has been reduced to a shadow of his former self, no matter how desperately he tries to deny it. And he feels like Wilbur has been brought back down to Quackity’s level, screwed over by life in the same way.
Yet, when they talk, they remain on equal ground, throwing insults and banter back and forth just like the old days. They match each other head on. Each of them are fascinated with what the other has become. One man fallen from grace, one man risen to every challenge.
So when Wilbur starts the burger van, Quackity smiles as their rivalry is lit once more.
Because this is their place. The one place where each of them are truly equal, one cannot get one over the other for more than a day.
Rivals, yet they walk side by side.
Someone tell me I did NOT just write almost 2k words about C!Tntduo omg congrats if you got to the end, these are my insane ramblings, in their first draft, not proofread.
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tubborucho · 3 months
Something I think people are missing when they talk about the whole Day 12 thing with Tubbo and Bad is that Tubbo is just like that sometimes, especially with people he’s close to. Depending on how you look at it that's not necessarily better or worse, but I think it’s an important factor because so much of the recent BBH Purgatory discussion is about how he’s singled out and that’s something Tubbo would do to anyone. He’ll get a minor irritation stuck in his head just as hard as a major problem and then refuse to let it go. The amount of ranting he does isn’t always an accurate measure of how important it is to him and “I’m still on this” (or any variation) is practically his catchphrase. I’m not trying to downplay in-character analysis, it’s a trait of both streamer and character, but it’s something you might not realize if you don’t watch Tubbo very often.
Yeah, this is also a part of it. Tubbo is very passionate about things, and sometimes those things are minor grudges that he gets stuck on for no good reason just because it’s fun for him to get annoyed at them and rant. But this is more of a cc! part of things than in character one (tho all of Tubbo’s characters also have this trait more or less).
For me, I really think it’s because Tubbo is very frustrated with the Day 12 itself, and out of everything that went wrong Bad dying is the only concrete moment he can single out. Because Quackity dying doesn’t really count in lore because he wasn’t there really (which is such bullshit btw, this is my Day 12 Roman Empire, Quackity’s death SHOULDN’T have influenced the percentage) and anyone else wasn’t there either to do the quests, for objective irl reason, so q!Tubbo also can’t really be mad at them and also who would he be mad with out of everyone on the team absent? All of them? Choose a specific person?
Meanwhile Bad was there and he died after doing something Tubbo told him not to (note: this is neutral, I am not discussing right now the moment itself and how justified Bad going in was). So it’s a concrete thing that he can blame on the percentage loss without it being meta or ‘why are you mad at me and not the others who did the same’. And it was really hard emotionally day for him, the combination of cc!Tubbo (well, q!Tubbo too but for the sake of the point we will count it as more of a cc! trait) being very competitive and q!Tubbo genuinely believing that Soulfire is cursed and that they absolutely must win this day to tie (I am pretty sure he believed it was the last day that counts? But I might be wrong) or (later) to win the Purgatory and save all the Eggs (which was his one and only goal truly, he was really clear about not straying from it even when it felt that a lot of characters forgot what it’s all for). So he singled Bad out and concentrated on it as the sole reason they lost Day 12, seething.
Now, for cc!Tubbo it’s mostly a bit, even if he acts genuinely ’not over this’, he is just having fun. And q!Tubbo may still have this grudge, but overall it does not outweigh his newfound comradery with Bad and respect for him. But q!Tubbo is also very much a Negative Nancy, he LOVES to just rant about stuff that ‘annoys’ him and get on his friends nerves. Like he find a thing and just keeps pushing it (ex: Bagi’s ‘incest’ tendencies, everything concerning Fitpac, Phil’s age and a lot of other stuff, Foolish and ‘you made it awkward now’, etc) and Day 12 is his thing for Bad along with cursing/inappropriate jokes.
Do I think it’s fair to q!Bad? When /srs – no; when /lh – yes, because it’s funny. Do I think it can count as an example of how people keep blaming Bad for everything about Purgatory? Yes. Do I think it’s actually the same as with other characters? Not at all.
All the other prominent negative after-Purgatory characterizations of Bad are concentrated on him being a bloodthirsty monster that terrorized everyone (only partially true and definitely not unique to his character). Meanwhile Tubbo never really talked about Bad being a ‘monster’ in Purgatory (afterwards) in any negative light as far as I remember, it was always very neutral. Or at least not blaming him for it. His grudge is a completely my teammate did a dumb thing so I will forever remind him it. Which tho still unfair is not hypocritical when what other characters do.
Obviously this is just my take on the situation, everyone can perceive it a bit differently, especially because I am writing this as a Tubbo main, so my view on things is skewed towards him.
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millzieraa · 3 months
Can you do like a one where quackity takes care of you when your drunk buutttt before you became drunk yall have a big fight, then you left to go to the bar alone and you get like really drunk and he finds you and takes care of you
I'm sorry if half of this doesn't make sense, and if it's too long😭😭😭😭
𓇢𓆸 Drunk in love 𓇢𓆸
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Summary: after a big fight with Alex, you drink to numb the heartbreak you feel. But after getting too drunk, you call Alex. And of course, he comes to your rescue.
Note: ITS THE WEEKEND SO IMA POST YAYA!! also thank you guys for the support, it’s always appreciated! Also I’m watching the Florida project bc they put it back on Netflix 😋
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“Fuck.” You slur as you dial his number. You and Alex had a big fight about an hour and a half ago, and it ended in you storming out y’all’s shared apartment with tears rolling down your face. You just felt like he never had time for you, and of course you knew he was busy and stuff but it’d be nice to always feel loved by your boyfriend…
On the other hand, he felt as though you were being selfish. He had to work, he had things to do? He spends enough time with you. He felt as though you were just being needy. But once he heard the door slam followed by silence, he knew he fucked up.
His hands run down his face as he sits on the end of y’all’s shared bed. He picks up his phone, his finger hovering over the “call” button on your contact but he decides against it. Putting his phone down. He waited another hour and finally…
*RING* *RIN-* he picked up in the middle of the second ring, like he was waiting near his phone..“y/n! Are you okay, where are you?” Alex’s worried voice rings out in your ear. “A-Alex- I need you to-I need you to c-come get meee~” Alex can tell by your voice that your drunk, and someone like you being alone, drunk, and vulnerable at this time at night was not good.
“Baby-where are you?” Alex says, the jingling of keys are heard in the background as you drunkly stutter out where you are. Not even 10 minutes later, you see his car park right next to you. As Alex gets out the drivers seat, you walk towards him- well more like stumble towards him.
“Amor, come on let’s get you home now” Alex says grabbing your arm to steady you and leading you to the passenger seat. He drives home as you lay your head on the window, your mind racing with thoughts. Once you get home Alex helps you out of the clothes you’re wearing now, and into some clean ones. He washes your face and helps you into bed.
Once you’re in bed he snuggles up next to you. “I’m sorry.” He says softly into your hair, pressing kisses to your head. “Hm..?” You whisper, as you look up at your beloved. “I’m sorry- fuck, Ive been a shit boyfriend. And you don’t deserve that, I’ll try to be- no I will be a better boyfriend to you.” He says kissing your forehead.
“I promise.” He says, his black eyes staring into yours. “Thank-thank you Lex” you say, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. He smiles as you nuzzle closer to him, pressing into his bare chest with a soft smile.
He loves you more than anything in the world. While you were gone he just stared at the ceiling, feeling like an absolute dick. He recalled all the times he streamed instead of spending time with you. All the times he worked on lore instead of coming to bed. All the times he neglected you and your needs
As he felt your breathing on his chest, he felt so much love for you. He sighed, pressing kisses to your hair. Alex pulls your sleeping body closer to his, as he feels his eyes get heavy.
He would be better. For you. He would always do it for you. Always.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧
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anonymous-dentist · 6 months
STOP. FREEZE. U DONT KNOW SPANISH???? im mind blown. HOW do u know so much q!roier lore, how do u just know q!roier so well???? HOW??? GENUINELY?? like in my opinion u have the best characterisation of him that ive seen including hispanic q!roier fans, so u can imagine how shocked i am to be informed that u dont speak spanish,,
also some questions, do u watch his streams even without understanding much? and have u learned anything in spanish from him? sorry for asking so much hjdfhjsdfsd its just its always amazing to me to see ppl who dont speak spanish be interested on us, even though im constantly consuming q!roier content in english i always assume the creator is bilingual and not just. monolingual ghfdcjsjfsdcjmkvs
I think I’ve watched 95% of all of Roier’s qsmp streams, I’m just missing a few that I watched Cellbit’s pov of, and then the first week of qsmp streams. He was my first Hispanic pov, and I chose right because he’s the guy that stayed! :D
I have learned some very useful phrases in Spanish by watching his streams! Like, “No mames”, and “culero”. But also I’ve picked up on a lot of Spanish that I legitimately don’t know how to write because I only know what it sounds like! Like when he’s like “I don’t know” or “Look at this!” or “It’s a joke!”, stuff like that
I’ve been teaching myself Spanish via duolingo since November because I’d been watching Quackity’s Karmaland series for like six months at that point and I decided I should start learning what he was actually saying, and I. Have only had duolingo. Lol. Which sucks because they keep shuffling lessons around and randomly setting me back three weeks during a lesson shuffle and I don’t even know how to count to ten yet, but that’s fine because I know what a goddamn bolígrafo is
I’m genuinely monolingual, and so it’s sometimes very hard trying to write q!Roier and talk about him and stuff lol because I really don’t know like anything he says ever. But I kinda just vibe check and chill tbh, he really isn’t that complicated if you listen closely enough
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