#but her and hera together terrorize the shit out of the titans
0lympian-c0uncil · 2 years
Hera: Did you bring Demeter?
Hestia: She is busy fighting Atlas and Hyperion.
Hera: Shit! Now what will we do!? We don't have our main fighter!
Hestia: Don't worry I got the next best thing! *Gestures to Hades*
Hera: Hades... HADES!? You got us Hades!?
Hestia: Well... There weren't a lot of options...
Hades: Wow! Rude.
Hera: No offense, of course! Is there anyone else?
Hestia: *motions to Zeus and Poseidon, who are throwing rocks at each other and missing horribly*
Hera,*looks to the army of titans down the mountain*: ... Hestia?
Hestia: Yeah?
Hera: ... Send Poseidon down first, he'll make a good punching bag until Dem comes back.
Poseidon: Hey! WAIT-
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