#but i dont think he'd portray himself as he actually is yknow
grayskiesandink · 3 months
Gonna do obscure n random hcs-
Dream has a soft spot for twins. He sees twins an gets nostalgic n sad/ most people portray ink as evil-soulless guy thats lying but i think he'd mostly be happy and having fun with life/I personally cannot see ink or classic as anything BUT aroace. I physically cannot. / when people touch error they lose their lineart and it feels soo weird. Kinda like when a hand falls asleep. / most afterdeath kids dont have the death touch, but a few like greape, anubis, or ancolie do/ nightmare isnt the nightmare dream grew up with. Hes literally a different person- a sorta parasite that took over passives body through the apples/ to go along with that last one nm and fresh resent each other. Fresh has fun with it, but nightmare hates his entire being and sees him a threat./ error is soo silly. Literally just having fun with himself until someone comes along n messes it up by having opinions or existing.
first I will say I love these headcanons/opinions these are great !!!! spinning these around in my brain. now for if they match up with my own B) all interpretations are valid interpretations Dream and twins: I've actually been thinking about something similar lately!! In my mind, its almost a trigger for him? If he sees two identical twins it Will make him think about his past, if not just make him feel..... sad. feel as if he's missing something. Ink isn't evil?: I 100% AGREE. you. you understand him. he's just a silly guy living his life. i personally like putting him in situations that reveal his morality (which, to others in the multiverse, appears grey. in short, he's a character who has the morality of a creator. there's more to it. but, hes interesting! he's interesting). I like exploring all angles of him and his views and morality and character and bwghkrgbirhwbg but really hes just a guy. just a guy having a good time yknow. or trying. AroAce Ink & Sans Classic: I pretty much fully agree with this, just with the change that I can't see them as being anything but on the aroace spectrum. I see Sans as biromantic asexual, bi aroace, or aroace. Ink is the one who I often just see as aroace, and really more often just see him as just that. Error's touch causing loss of lineart: I haven't ever thought of this before but I LOVE IT SM. will be thinking of this.... I also like the idea of physical touch not just hurting Error but affecting whoever touched them.
AfterDeath kids and Death's Touch: I actually don't know a lot about AfterDeath ship kids! So, I haven't really thought much about them. I do think that any kids of reaper and geno would have something weird around death though, maybe not death touch but something similar. Nightmare isn't Nightmare?: I actually really don't like Nightmare and passive not being the same person. Personally, I feel like there is a way you could rewrite Dreamtale to make it work better, but it would have to be a significant rewrite (which people do and I love it when they do). It just feels like... something often gets lost with Nightmare's story when he isn't the same person, at least in some way. I personally like the idea that Nightmare himself doesn't see himself as passive. He sees himself as having killed that part of him, or something like that. Or, I can see Nightmare having dissociated away from that part of himself. Or, I can see Nightmare being like "yeah I'm nightmare I'm the nightmare you knew, Dream. this is what you've done, this is what you've made". In any case, they are the same person in at least some way to me. Nightmare and Fresh resent each other: This is really cool with the idea of both Nightmare and Fresh being parasites. It's not a headcanon I have, since I don't see Nightmare that way. I think Nightmare is just kinda mildly annoyed by Fresh- Fresh thinks Nightmare is fun to mess with. Nm rarely ever destorys aus (because he needs aus to feed on) so Fresh doesn't see him as a threat. Error is silly: YES. well. ok. sometimes. Error takes his job seriously..... sometimes..... like cq has said Error is contradictory he doesn't make sense he's not supposed to make sense. I think sometimes Error's silly with it sometimes he's not. overall he is just a silly guy though !!
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